LCOV - differential code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/include/access - tableam.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit UIC UBC GBC GIC GNC CBC EUB ECB DUB DCB
Current: Differential Code Coverage HEAD vs 15 Lines: 94.9 % 158 150 7 1 2 119 6 23 4 121 1 6
Current Date: 2023-04-08 17:13:01 Functions: 100.0 % 49 49 47 2 47 2
Baseline: 15 Line coverage date bins:
Baseline Date: 2023-04-08 15:09:40 (60,120] days: 100.0 % 2 2 2
Legend: Lines: hit not hit (240..) days: 94.9 % 156 148 7 1 2 119 4 23 4 120
Function coverage date bins:
(240..) days: 51.0 % 96 49 47 2 47

 Age         Owner                  TLA  Line data    Source code
                                  1                 : /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  2                 :  *
                                  3                 :  * tableam.h
                                  4                 :  *    POSTGRES table access method definitions.
                                  5                 :  *
                                  6                 :  *
                                  7                 :  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2023, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
                                  8                 :  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
                                  9                 :  *
                                 10                 :  * src/include/access/tableam.h
                                 11                 :  *
                                 12                 :  * NOTES
                                 13                 :  *      See tableam.sgml for higher level documentation.
                                 14                 :  *
                                 15                 :  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 16                 :  */
                                 17                 : #ifndef TABLEAM_H
                                 18                 : #define TABLEAM_H
                                 19                 : 
                                 20                 : #include "access/relscan.h"
                                 21                 : #include "access/sdir.h"
                                 22                 : #include "access/xact.h"
                                 23                 : #include "executor/tuptable.h"
                                 24                 : #include "utils/rel.h"
                                 25                 : #include "utils/snapshot.h"
                                 26                 : 
                                 27                 : 
                                 28                 : #define DEFAULT_TABLE_ACCESS_METHOD "heap"
                                 29                 : 
                                 30                 : /* GUCs */
                                 31                 : extern PGDLLIMPORT char *default_table_access_method;
                                 32                 : extern PGDLLIMPORT bool synchronize_seqscans;
                                 33                 : 
                                 34                 : 
                                 35                 : struct BulkInsertStateData;
                                 36                 : struct IndexInfo;
                                 37                 : struct SampleScanState;
                                 38                 : struct TBMIterateResult;
                                 39                 : struct VacuumParams;
                                 40                 : struct ValidateIndexState;
                                 41                 : 
                                 42                 : /*
                                 43                 :  * Bitmask values for the flags argument to the scan_begin callback.
                                 44                 :  */
                                 45                 : typedef enum ScanOptions
                                 46                 : {
                                 47                 :     /* one of SO_TYPE_* may be specified */
                                 48                 :     SO_TYPE_SEQSCAN = 1 << 0,
                                 49                 :     SO_TYPE_BITMAPSCAN = 1 << 1,
                                 50                 :     SO_TYPE_SAMPLESCAN = 1 << 2,
                                 51                 :     SO_TYPE_TIDSCAN = 1 << 3,
                                 52                 :     SO_TYPE_TIDRANGESCAN = 1 << 4,
                                 53                 :     SO_TYPE_ANALYZE = 1 << 5,
                                 54                 : 
                                 55                 :     /* several of SO_ALLOW_* may be specified */
                                 56                 :     /* allow or disallow use of access strategy */
                                 57                 :     SO_ALLOW_STRAT = 1 << 6,
                                 58                 :     /* report location to syncscan logic? */
                                 59                 :     SO_ALLOW_SYNC = 1 << 7,
                                 60                 :     /* verify visibility page-at-a-time? */
                                 61                 :     SO_ALLOW_PAGEMODE = 1 << 8,
                                 62                 : 
                                 63                 :     /* unregister snapshot at scan end? */
                                 64                 :     SO_TEMP_SNAPSHOT = 1 << 9
                                 65                 : } ScanOptions;
                                 66                 : 
                                 67                 : /*
                                 68                 :  * Result codes for table_{update,delete,lock_tuple}, and for visibility
                                 69                 :  * routines inside table AMs.
                                 70                 :  */
                                 71                 : typedef enum TM_Result
                                 72                 : {
                                 73                 :     /*
                                 74                 :      * Signals that the action succeeded (i.e. update/delete performed, lock
                                 75                 :      * was acquired)
                                 76                 :      */
                                 77                 :     TM_Ok,
                                 78                 : 
                                 79                 :     /* The affected tuple wasn't visible to the relevant snapshot */
                                 80                 :     TM_Invisible,
                                 81                 : 
                                 82                 :     /* The affected tuple was already modified by the calling backend */
                                 83                 :     TM_SelfModified,
                                 84                 : 
                                 85                 :     /*
                                 86                 :      * The affected tuple was updated by another transaction. This includes
                                 87                 :      * the case where tuple was moved to another partition.
                                 88                 :      */
                                 89                 :     TM_Updated,
                                 90                 : 
                                 91                 :     /* The affected tuple was deleted by another transaction */
                                 92                 :     TM_Deleted,
                                 93                 : 
                                 94                 :     /*
                                 95                 :      * The affected tuple is currently being modified by another session. This
                                 96                 :      * will only be returned if table_(update/delete/lock_tuple) are
                                 97                 :      * instructed not to wait.
                                 98                 :      */
                                 99                 :     TM_BeingModified,
                                100                 : 
                                101                 :     /* lock couldn't be acquired, action skipped. Only used by lock_tuple */
                                102                 :     TM_WouldBlock
                                103                 : } TM_Result;
                                104                 : 
                                105                 : /*
                                106                 :  * Result codes for table_update(..., update_indexes*..).
                                107                 :  * Used to determine which indexes to update.
                                108                 :  */
                                109                 : typedef enum TU_UpdateIndexes
                                110                 : {
                                111                 :     /* No indexed columns were updated (incl. TID addressing of tuple) */
                                112                 :     TU_None,
                                113                 : 
                                114                 :     /* A non-summarizing indexed column was updated, or the TID has changed */
                                115                 :     TU_All,
                                116                 : 
                                117                 :     /* Only summarized columns were updated, TID is unchanged */
                                118                 :     TU_Summarizing
                                119                 : } TU_UpdateIndexes;
                                120                 : 
                                121                 : /*
                                122                 :  * When table_tuple_update, table_tuple_delete, or table_tuple_lock fail
                                123                 :  * because the target tuple is already outdated, they fill in this struct to
                                124                 :  * provide information to the caller about what happened.
                                125                 :  *
                                126                 :  * ctid is the target's ctid link: it is the same as the target's TID if the
                                127                 :  * target was deleted, or the location of the replacement tuple if the target
                                128                 :  * was updated.
                                129                 :  *
                                130                 :  * xmax is the outdating transaction's XID.  If the caller wants to visit the
                                131                 :  * replacement tuple, it must check that this matches before believing the
                                132                 :  * replacement is really a match.
                                133                 :  *
                                134                 :  * cmax is the outdating command's CID, but only when the failure code is
                                135                 :  * TM_SelfModified (i.e., something in the current transaction outdated the
                                136                 :  * tuple); otherwise cmax is zero.  (We make this restriction because
                                137                 :  * HeapTupleHeaderGetCmax doesn't work for tuples outdated in other
                                138                 :  * transactions.)
                                139                 :  */
                                140                 : typedef struct TM_FailureData
                                141                 : {
                                142                 :     ItemPointerData ctid;
                                143                 :     TransactionId xmax;
                                144                 :     CommandId   cmax;
                                145                 :     bool        traversed;
                                146                 : } TM_FailureData;
                                147                 : 
                                148                 : /*
                                149                 :  * State used when calling table_index_delete_tuples().
                                150                 :  *
                                151                 :  * Represents the status of table tuples, referenced by table TID and taken by
                                152                 :  * index AM from index tuples.  State consists of high level parameters of the
                                153                 :  * deletion operation, plus two mutable palloc()'d arrays for information
                                154                 :  * about the status of individual table tuples.  These are conceptually one
                                155                 :  * single array.  Using two arrays keeps the TM_IndexDelete struct small,
                                156                 :  * which makes sorting the first array (the deltids array) fast.
                                157                 :  *
                                158                 :  * Some index AM callers perform simple index tuple deletion (by specifying
                                159                 :  * bottomup = false), and include only known-dead deltids.  These known-dead
                                160                 :  * entries are all marked knowndeletable = true directly (typically these are
                                161                 :  * TIDs from LP_DEAD-marked index tuples), but that isn't strictly required.
                                162                 :  *
                                163                 :  * Callers that specify bottomup = true are "bottom-up index deletion"
                                164                 :  * callers.  The considerations for the tableam are more subtle with these
                                165                 :  * callers because they ask the tableam to perform highly speculative work,
                                166                 :  * and might only expect the tableam to check a small fraction of all entries.
                                167                 :  * Caller is not allowed to specify knowndeletable = true for any entry
                                168                 :  * because everything is highly speculative.  Bottom-up caller provides
                                169                 :  * context and hints to tableam -- see comments below for details on how index
                                170                 :  * AMs and tableams should coordinate during bottom-up index deletion.
                                171                 :  *
                                172                 :  * Simple index deletion callers may ask the tableam to perform speculative
                                173                 :  * work, too.  This is a little like bottom-up deletion, but not too much.
                                174                 :  * The tableam will only perform speculative work when it's practically free
                                175                 :  * to do so in passing for simple deletion caller (while always performing
                                176                 :  * whatever work is needed to enable knowndeletable/LP_DEAD index tuples to
                                177                 :  * be deleted within index AM).  This is the real reason why it's possible for
                                178                 :  * simple index deletion caller to specify knowndeletable = false up front
                                179                 :  * (this means "check if it's possible for me to delete corresponding index
                                180                 :  * tuple when it's cheap to do so in passing").  The index AM should only
                                181                 :  * include "extra" entries for index tuples whose TIDs point to a table block
                                182                 :  * that tableam is expected to have to visit anyway (in the event of a block
                                183                 :  * orientated tableam).  The tableam isn't strictly obligated to check these
                                184                 :  * "extra" TIDs, but a block-based AM should always manage to do so in
                                185                 :  * practice.
                                186                 :  *
                                187                 :  * The final contents of the deltids/status arrays are interesting to callers
                                188                 :  * that ask tableam to perform speculative work (i.e. when _any_ items have
                                189                 :  * knowndeletable set to false up front).  These index AM callers will
                                190                 :  * naturally need to consult final state to determine which index tuples are
                                191                 :  * in fact deletable.
                                192                 :  *
                                193                 :  * The index AM can keep track of which index tuple relates to which deltid by
                                194                 :  * setting idxoffnum (and/or relying on each entry being uniquely identifiable
                                195                 :  * using tid), which is important when the final contents of the array will
                                196                 :  * need to be interpreted -- the array can shrink from initial size after
                                197                 :  * tableam processing and/or have entries in a new order (tableam may sort
                                198                 :  * deltids array for its own reasons).  Bottom-up callers may find that final
                                199                 :  * ndeltids is 0 on return from call to tableam, in which case no index tuple
                                200                 :  * deletions are possible.  Simple deletion callers can rely on any entries
                                201                 :  * they know to be deletable appearing in the final array as deletable.
                                202                 :  */
                                203                 : typedef struct TM_IndexDelete
                                204                 : {
                                205                 :     ItemPointerData tid;        /* table TID from index tuple */
                                206                 :     int16       id;             /* Offset into TM_IndexStatus array */
                                207                 : } TM_IndexDelete;
                                208                 : 
                                209                 : typedef struct TM_IndexStatus
                                210                 : {
                                211                 :     OffsetNumber idxoffnum;     /* Index am page offset number */
                                212                 :     bool        knowndeletable; /* Currently known to be deletable? */
                                213                 : 
                                214                 :     /* Bottom-up index deletion specific fields follow */
                                215                 :     bool        promising;      /* Promising (duplicate) index tuple? */
                                216                 :     int16       freespace;      /* Space freed in index if deleted */
                                217                 : } TM_IndexStatus;
                                218                 : 
                                219                 : /*
                                220                 :  * Index AM/tableam coordination is central to the design of bottom-up index
                                221                 :  * deletion.  The index AM provides hints about where to look to the tableam
                                222                 :  * by marking some entries as "promising".  Index AM does this with duplicate
                                223                 :  * index tuples that are strongly suspected to be old versions left behind by
                                224                 :  * UPDATEs that did not logically modify indexed values.  Index AM may find it
                                225                 :  * helpful to only mark entries as promising when they're thought to have been
                                226                 :  * affected by such an UPDATE in the recent past.
                                227                 :  *
                                228                 :  * Bottom-up index deletion casts a wide net at first, usually by including
                                229                 :  * all TIDs on a target index page.  It is up to the tableam to worry about
                                230                 :  * the cost of checking transaction status information.  The tableam is in
                                231                 :  * control, but needs careful guidance from the index AM.  Index AM requests
                                232                 :  * that bottomupfreespace target be met, while tableam measures progress
                                233                 :  * towards that goal by tallying the per-entry freespace value for known
                                234                 :  * deletable entries. (All !bottomup callers can just set these space related
                                235                 :  * fields to zero.)
                                236                 :  */
                                237                 : typedef struct TM_IndexDeleteOp
                                238                 : {
                                239                 :     Relation    irel;           /* Target index relation */
                                240                 :     BlockNumber iblknum;        /* Index block number (for error reports) */
                                241                 :     bool        bottomup;       /* Bottom-up (not simple) deletion? */
                                242                 :     int         bottomupfreespace;  /* Bottom-up space target */
                                243                 : 
                                244                 :     /* Mutable per-TID information follows (index AM initializes entries) */
                                245                 :     int         ndeltids;       /* Current # of deltids/status elements */
                                246                 :     TM_IndexDelete *deltids;
                                247                 :     TM_IndexStatus *status;
                                248                 : } TM_IndexDeleteOp;
                                249                 : 
                                250                 : /* "options" flag bits for table_tuple_insert */
                                251                 : /* TABLE_INSERT_SKIP_WAL was 0x0001; RelationNeedsWAL() now governs */
                                252                 : #define TABLE_INSERT_SKIP_FSM       0x0002
                                253                 : #define TABLE_INSERT_FROZEN         0x0004
                                254                 : #define TABLE_INSERT_NO_LOGICAL     0x0008
                                255                 : 
                                256                 : /* flag bits for table_tuple_lock */
                                257                 : /* Follow tuples whose update is in progress if lock modes don't conflict  */
                                258                 : #define TUPLE_LOCK_FLAG_LOCK_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS (1 << 0)
                                259                 : /* Follow update chain and lock latest version of tuple */
                                260                 : #define TUPLE_LOCK_FLAG_FIND_LAST_VERSION       (1 << 1)
                                261                 : 
                                262                 : 
                                263                 : /* Typedef for callback function for table_index_build_scan */
                                264                 : typedef void (*IndexBuildCallback) (Relation index,
                                265                 :                                     ItemPointer tid,
                                266                 :                                     Datum *values,
                                267                 :                                     bool *isnull,
                                268                 :                                     bool tupleIsAlive,
                                269                 :                                     void *state);
                                270                 : 
                                271                 : /*
                                272                 :  * API struct for a table AM.  Note this must be allocated in a
                                273                 :  * server-lifetime manner, typically as a static const struct, which then gets
                                274                 :  * returned by FormData_pg_am.amhandler.
                                275                 :  *
                                276                 :  * In most cases it's not appropriate to call the callbacks directly, use the
                                277                 :  * table_* wrapper functions instead.
                                278                 :  *
                                279                 :  * GetTableAmRoutine() asserts that required callbacks are filled in, remember
                                280                 :  * to update when adding a callback.
                                281                 :  */
                                282                 : typedef struct TableAmRoutine
                                283                 : {
                                284                 :     /* this must be set to T_TableAmRoutine */
                                285                 :     NodeTag     type;
                                286                 : 
                                287                 : 
                                288                 :     /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                289                 :      * Slot related callbacks.
                                290                 :      * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                291                 :      */
                                292                 : 
                                293                 :     /*
                                294                 :      * Return slot implementation suitable for storing a tuple of this AM.
                                295                 :      */
                                296                 :     const TupleTableSlotOps *(*slot_callbacks) (Relation rel);
                                297                 : 
                                298                 : 
                                299                 :     /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                300                 :      * Table scan callbacks.
                                301                 :      * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                302                 :      */
                                303                 : 
                                304                 :     /*
                                305                 :      * Start a scan of `rel`.  The callback has to return a TableScanDesc,
                                306                 :      * which will typically be embedded in a larger, AM specific, struct.
                                307                 :      *
                                308                 :      * If nkeys != 0, the results need to be filtered by those scan keys.
                                309                 :      *
                                310                 :      * pscan, if not NULL, will have already been initialized with
                                311                 :      * parallelscan_initialize(), and has to be for the same relation. Will
                                312                 :      * only be set coming from table_beginscan_parallel().
                                313                 :      *
                                314                 :      * `flags` is a bitmask indicating the type of scan (ScanOptions's
                                315                 :      * SO_TYPE_*, currently only one may be specified), options controlling
                                316                 :      * the scan's behaviour (ScanOptions's SO_ALLOW_*, several may be
                                317                 :      * specified, an AM may ignore unsupported ones) and whether the snapshot
                                318                 :      * needs to be deallocated at scan_end (ScanOptions's SO_TEMP_SNAPSHOT).
                                319                 :      */
                                320                 :     TableScanDesc (*scan_begin) (Relation rel,
                                321                 :                                  Snapshot snapshot,
                                322                 :                                  int nkeys, struct ScanKeyData *key,
                                323                 :                                  ParallelTableScanDesc pscan,
                                324                 :                                  uint32 flags);
                                325                 : 
                                326                 :     /*
                                327                 :      * Release resources and deallocate scan. If TableScanDesc.temp_snap,
                                328                 :      * TableScanDesc.rs_snapshot needs to be unregistered.
                                329                 :      */
                                330                 :     void        (*scan_end) (TableScanDesc scan);
                                331                 : 
                                332                 :     /*
                                333                 :      * Restart relation scan.  If set_params is set to true, allow_{strat,
                                334                 :      * sync, pagemode} (see scan_begin) changes should be taken into account.
                                335                 :      */
                                336                 :     void        (*scan_rescan) (TableScanDesc scan, struct ScanKeyData *key,
                                337                 :                                 bool set_params, bool allow_strat,
                                338                 :                                 bool allow_sync, bool allow_pagemode);
                                339                 : 
                                340                 :     /*
                                341                 :      * Return next tuple from `scan`, store in slot.
                                342                 :      */
                                343                 :     bool        (*scan_getnextslot) (TableScanDesc scan,
                                344                 :                                      ScanDirection direction,
                                345                 :                                      TupleTableSlot *slot);
                                346                 : 
                                347                 :     /*-----------
                                348                 :      * Optional functions to provide scanning for ranges of ItemPointers.
                                349                 :      * Implementations must either provide both of these functions, or neither
                                350                 :      * of them.
                                351                 :      *
                                352                 :      * Implementations of scan_set_tidrange must themselves handle
                                353                 :      * ItemPointers of any value. i.e, they must handle each of the following:
                                354                 :      *
                                355                 :      * 1) mintid or maxtid is beyond the end of the table; and
                                356                 :      * 2) mintid is above maxtid; and
                                357                 :      * 3) item offset for mintid or maxtid is beyond the maximum offset
                                358                 :      * allowed by the AM.
                                359                 :      *
                                360                 :      * Implementations can assume that scan_set_tidrange is always called
                                361                 :      * before can_getnextslot_tidrange or after scan_rescan and before any
                                362                 :      * further calls to scan_getnextslot_tidrange.
                                363                 :      */
                                364                 :     void        (*scan_set_tidrange) (TableScanDesc scan,
                                365                 :                                       ItemPointer mintid,
                                366                 :                                       ItemPointer maxtid);
                                367                 : 
                                368                 :     /*
                                369                 :      * Return next tuple from `scan` that's in the range of TIDs defined by
                                370                 :      * scan_set_tidrange.
                                371                 :      */
                                372                 :     bool        (*scan_getnextslot_tidrange) (TableScanDesc scan,
                                373                 :                                               ScanDirection direction,
                                374                 :                                               TupleTableSlot *slot);
                                375                 : 
                                376                 :     /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                377                 :      * Parallel table scan related functions.
                                378                 :      * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                379                 :      */
                                380                 : 
                                381                 :     /*
                                382                 :      * Estimate the size of shared memory needed for a parallel scan of this
                                383                 :      * relation. The snapshot does not need to be accounted for.
                                384                 :      */
                                385                 :     Size        (*parallelscan_estimate) (Relation rel);
                                386                 : 
                                387                 :     /*
                                388                 :      * Initialize ParallelTableScanDesc for a parallel scan of this relation.
                                389                 :      * `pscan` will be sized according to parallelscan_estimate() for the same
                                390                 :      * relation.
                                391                 :      */
                                392                 :     Size        (*parallelscan_initialize) (Relation rel,
                                393                 :                                             ParallelTableScanDesc pscan);
                                394                 : 
                                395                 :     /*
                                396                 :      * Reinitialize `pscan` for a new scan. `rel` will be the same relation as
                                397                 :      * when `pscan` was initialized by parallelscan_initialize.
                                398                 :      */
                                399                 :     void        (*parallelscan_reinitialize) (Relation rel,
                                400                 :                                               ParallelTableScanDesc pscan);
                                401                 : 
                                402                 : 
                                403                 :     /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                404                 :      * Index Scan Callbacks
                                405                 :      * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                406                 :      */
                                407                 : 
                                408                 :     /*
                                409                 :      * Prepare to fetch tuples from the relation, as needed when fetching
                                410                 :      * tuples for an index scan.  The callback has to return an
                                411                 :      * IndexFetchTableData, which the AM will typically embed in a larger
                                412                 :      * structure with additional information.
                                413                 :      *
                                414                 :      * Tuples for an index scan can then be fetched via index_fetch_tuple.
                                415                 :      */
                                416                 :     struct IndexFetchTableData *(*index_fetch_begin) (Relation rel);
                                417                 : 
                                418                 :     /*
                                419                 :      * Reset index fetch. Typically this will release cross index fetch
                                420                 :      * resources held in IndexFetchTableData.
                                421                 :      */
                                422                 :     void        (*index_fetch_reset) (struct IndexFetchTableData *data);
                                423                 : 
                                424                 :     /*
                                425                 :      * Release resources and deallocate index fetch.
                                426                 :      */
                                427                 :     void        (*index_fetch_end) (struct IndexFetchTableData *data);
                                428                 : 
                                429                 :     /*
                                430                 :      * Fetch tuple at `tid` into `slot`, after doing a visibility test
                                431                 :      * according to `snapshot`. If a tuple was found and passed the visibility
                                432                 :      * test, return true, false otherwise.
                                433                 :      *
                                434                 :      * Note that AMs that do not necessarily update indexes when indexed
                                435                 :      * columns do not change, need to return the current/correct version of
                                436                 :      * the tuple that is visible to the snapshot, even if the tid points to an
                                437                 :      * older version of the tuple.
                                438                 :      *
                                439                 :      * *call_again is false on the first call to index_fetch_tuple for a tid.
                                440                 :      * If there potentially is another tuple matching the tid, *call_again
                                441                 :      * needs to be set to true by index_fetch_tuple, signaling to the caller
                                442                 :      * that index_fetch_tuple should be called again for the same tid.
                                443                 :      *
                                444                 :      * *all_dead, if all_dead is not NULL, should be set to true by
                                445                 :      * index_fetch_tuple iff it is guaranteed that no backend needs to see
                                446                 :      * that tuple. Index AMs can use that to avoid returning that tid in
                                447                 :      * future searches.
                                448                 :      */
                                449                 :     bool        (*index_fetch_tuple) (struct IndexFetchTableData *scan,
                                450                 :                                       ItemPointer tid,
                                451                 :                                       Snapshot snapshot,
                                452                 :                                       TupleTableSlot *slot,
                                453                 :                                       bool *call_again, bool *all_dead);
                                454                 : 
                                455                 : 
                                456                 :     /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                457                 :      * Callbacks for non-modifying operations on individual tuples
                                458                 :      * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                459                 :      */
                                460                 : 
                                461                 :     /*
                                462                 :      * Fetch tuple at `tid` into `slot`, after doing a visibility test
                                463                 :      * according to `snapshot`. If a tuple was found and passed the visibility
                                464                 :      * test, returns true, false otherwise.
                                465                 :      */
                                466                 :     bool        (*tuple_fetch_row_version) (Relation rel,
                                467                 :                                             ItemPointer tid,
                                468                 :                                             Snapshot snapshot,
                                469                 :                                             TupleTableSlot *slot);
                                470                 : 
                                471                 :     /*
                                472                 :      * Is tid valid for a scan of this relation.
                                473                 :      */
                                474                 :     bool        (*tuple_tid_valid) (TableScanDesc scan,
                                475                 :                                     ItemPointer tid);
                                476                 : 
                                477                 :     /*
                                478                 :      * Return the latest version of the tuple at `tid`, by updating `tid` to
                                479                 :      * point at the newest version.
                                480                 :      */
                                481                 :     void        (*tuple_get_latest_tid) (TableScanDesc scan,
                                482                 :                                          ItemPointer tid);
                                483                 : 
                                484                 :     /*
                                485                 :      * Does the tuple in `slot` satisfy `snapshot`?  The slot needs to be of
                                486                 :      * the appropriate type for the AM.
                                487                 :      */
                                488                 :     bool        (*tuple_satisfies_snapshot) (Relation rel,
                                489                 :                                              TupleTableSlot *slot,
                                490                 :                                              Snapshot snapshot);
                                491                 : 
                                492                 :     /* see table_index_delete_tuples() */
                                493                 :     TransactionId (*index_delete_tuples) (Relation rel,
                                494                 :                                           TM_IndexDeleteOp *delstate);
                                495                 : 
                                496                 : 
                                497                 :     /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                498                 :      * Manipulations of physical tuples.
                                499                 :      * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                500                 :      */
                                501                 : 
                                502                 :     /* see table_tuple_insert() for reference about parameters */
                                503                 :     void        (*tuple_insert) (Relation rel, TupleTableSlot *slot,
                                504                 :                                  CommandId cid, int options,
                                505                 :                                  struct BulkInsertStateData *bistate);
                                506                 : 
                                507                 :     /* see table_tuple_insert_speculative() for reference about parameters */
                                508                 :     void        (*tuple_insert_speculative) (Relation rel,
                                509                 :                                              TupleTableSlot *slot,
                                510                 :                                              CommandId cid,
                                511                 :                                              int options,
                                512                 :                                              struct BulkInsertStateData *bistate,
                                513                 :                                              uint32 specToken);
                                514                 : 
                                515                 :     /* see table_tuple_complete_speculative() for reference about parameters */
                                516                 :     void        (*tuple_complete_speculative) (Relation rel,
                                517                 :                                                TupleTableSlot *slot,
                                518                 :                                                uint32 specToken,
                                519                 :                                                bool succeeded);
                                520                 : 
                                521                 :     /* see table_multi_insert() for reference about parameters */
                                522                 :     void        (*multi_insert) (Relation rel, TupleTableSlot **slots, int nslots,
                                523                 :                                  CommandId cid, int options, struct BulkInsertStateData *bistate);
                                524                 : 
                                525                 :     /* see table_tuple_delete() for reference about parameters */
                                526                 :     TM_Result   (*tuple_delete) (Relation rel,
                                527                 :                                  ItemPointer tid,
                                528                 :                                  CommandId cid,
                                529                 :                                  Snapshot snapshot,
                                530                 :                                  Snapshot crosscheck,
                                531                 :                                  bool wait,
                                532                 :                                  TM_FailureData *tmfd,
                                533                 :                                  bool changingPart);
                                534                 : 
                                535                 :     /* see table_tuple_update() for reference about parameters */
                                536                 :     TM_Result   (*tuple_update) (Relation rel,
                                537                 :                                  ItemPointer otid,
                                538                 :                                  TupleTableSlot *slot,
                                539                 :                                  CommandId cid,
                                540                 :                                  Snapshot snapshot,
                                541                 :                                  Snapshot crosscheck,
                                542                 :                                  bool wait,
                                543                 :                                  TM_FailureData *tmfd,
                                544                 :                                  LockTupleMode *lockmode,
                                545                 :                                  TU_UpdateIndexes *update_indexes);
                                546                 : 
                                547                 :     /* see table_tuple_lock() for reference about parameters */
                                548                 :     TM_Result   (*tuple_lock) (Relation rel,
                                549                 :                                ItemPointer tid,
                                550                 :                                Snapshot snapshot,
                                551                 :                                TupleTableSlot *slot,
                                552                 :                                CommandId cid,
                                553                 :                                LockTupleMode mode,
                                554                 :                                LockWaitPolicy wait_policy,
                                555                 :                                uint8 flags,
                                556                 :                                TM_FailureData *tmfd);
                                557                 : 
                                558                 :     /*
                                559                 :      * Perform operations necessary to complete insertions made via
                                560                 :      * tuple_insert and multi_insert with a BulkInsertState specified. In-tree
                                561                 :      * access methods ceased to use this.
                                562                 :      *
                                563                 :      * Typically callers of tuple_insert and multi_insert will just pass all
                                564                 :      * the flags that apply to them, and each AM has to decide which of them
                                565                 :      * make sense for it, and then only take actions in finish_bulk_insert for
                                566                 :      * those flags, and ignore others.
                                567                 :      *
                                568                 :      * Optional callback.
                                569                 :      */
                                570                 :     void        (*finish_bulk_insert) (Relation rel, int options);
                                571                 : 
                                572                 : 
                                573                 :     /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                574                 :      * DDL related functionality.
                                575                 :      * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                576                 :      */
                                577                 : 
                                578                 :     /*
                                579                 :      * This callback needs to create new relation storage for `rel`, with
                                580                 :      * appropriate durability behaviour for `persistence`.
                                581                 :      *
                                582                 :      * Note that only the subset of the relcache filled by
                                583                 :      * RelationBuildLocalRelation() can be relied upon and that the relation's
                                584                 :      * catalog entries will either not yet exist (new relation), or will still
                                585                 :      * reference the old relfilelocator.
                                586                 :      *
                                587                 :      * As output *freezeXid, *minmulti must be set to the values appropriate
                                588                 :      * for pg_class.{relfrozenxid, relminmxid}. For AMs that don't need those
                                589                 :      * fields to be filled they can be set to InvalidTransactionId and
                                590                 :      * InvalidMultiXactId, respectively.
                                591                 :      *
                                592                 :      * See also table_relation_set_new_filelocator().
                                593                 :      */
                                594                 :     void        (*relation_set_new_filelocator) (Relation rel,
                                595                 :                                                  const RelFileLocator *newrlocator,
                                596                 :                                                  char persistence,
                                597                 :                                                  TransactionId *freezeXid,
                                598                 :                                                  MultiXactId *minmulti);
                                599                 : 
                                600                 :     /*
                                601                 :      * This callback needs to remove all contents from `rel`'s current
                                602                 :      * relfilelocator. No provisions for transactional behaviour need to be
                                603                 :      * made.  Often this can be implemented by truncating the underlying
                                604                 :      * storage to its minimal size.
                                605                 :      *
                                606                 :      * See also table_relation_nontransactional_truncate().
                                607                 :      */
                                608                 :     void        (*relation_nontransactional_truncate) (Relation rel);
                                609                 : 
                                610                 :     /*
                                611                 :      * See table_relation_copy_data().
                                612                 :      *
                                613                 :      * This can typically be implemented by directly copying the underlying
                                614                 :      * storage, unless it contains references to the tablespace internally.
                                615                 :      */
                                616                 :     void        (*relation_copy_data) (Relation rel,
                                617                 :                                        const RelFileLocator *newrlocator);
                                618                 : 
                                619                 :     /* See table_relation_copy_for_cluster() */
                                620                 :     void        (*relation_copy_for_cluster) (Relation NewTable,
                                621                 :                                               Relation OldTable,
                                622                 :                                               Relation OldIndex,
                                623                 :                                               bool use_sort,
                                624                 :                                               TransactionId OldestXmin,
                                625                 :                                               TransactionId *xid_cutoff,
                                626                 :                                               MultiXactId *multi_cutoff,
                                627                 :                                               double *num_tuples,
                                628                 :                                               double *tups_vacuumed,
                                629                 :                                               double *tups_recently_dead);
                                630                 : 
                                631                 :     /*
                                632                 :      * React to VACUUM command on the relation. The VACUUM can be triggered by
                                633                 :      * a user or by autovacuum. The specific actions performed by the AM will
                                634                 :      * depend heavily on the individual AM.
                                635                 :      *
                                636                 :      * On entry a transaction is already established, and the relation is
                                637                 :      * locked with a ShareUpdateExclusive lock.
                                638                 :      *
                                639                 :      * Note that neither VACUUM FULL (and CLUSTER), nor ANALYZE go through
                                640                 :      * this routine, even if (for ANALYZE) it is part of the same VACUUM
                                641                 :      * command.
                                642                 :      *
                                643                 :      * There probably, in the future, needs to be a separate callback to
                                644                 :      * integrate with autovacuum's scheduling.
                                645                 :      */
                                646                 :     void        (*relation_vacuum) (Relation rel,
                                647                 :                                     struct VacuumParams *params,
                                648                 :                                     BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy);
                                649                 : 
                                650                 :     /*
                                651                 :      * Prepare to analyze block `blockno` of `scan`. The scan has been started
                                652                 :      * with table_beginscan_analyze().  See also
                                653                 :      * table_scan_analyze_next_block().
                                654                 :      *
                                655                 :      * The callback may acquire resources like locks that are held until
                                656                 :      * table_scan_analyze_next_tuple() returns false. It e.g. can make sense
                                657                 :      * to hold a lock until all tuples on a block have been analyzed by
                                658                 :      * scan_analyze_next_tuple.
                                659                 :      *
                                660                 :      * The callback can return false if the block is not suitable for
                                661                 :      * sampling, e.g. because it's a metapage that could never contain tuples.
                                662                 :      *
                                663                 :      * XXX: This obviously is primarily suited for block-based AMs. It's not
                                664                 :      * clear what a good interface for non block based AMs would be, so there
                                665                 :      * isn't one yet.
                                666                 :      */
                                667                 :     bool        (*scan_analyze_next_block) (TableScanDesc scan,
                                668                 :                                             BlockNumber blockno,
                                669                 :                                             BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy);
                                670                 : 
                                671                 :     /*
                                672                 :      * See table_scan_analyze_next_tuple().
                                673                 :      *
                                674                 :      * Not every AM might have a meaningful concept of dead rows, in which
                                675                 :      * case it's OK to not increment *deadrows - but note that that may
                                676                 :      * influence autovacuum scheduling (see comment for relation_vacuum
                                677                 :      * callback).
                                678                 :      */
                                679                 :     bool        (*scan_analyze_next_tuple) (TableScanDesc scan,
                                680                 :                                             TransactionId OldestXmin,
                                681                 :                                             double *liverows,
                                682                 :                                             double *deadrows,
                                683                 :                                             TupleTableSlot *slot);
                                684                 : 
                                685                 :     /* see table_index_build_range_scan for reference about parameters */
                                686                 :     double      (*index_build_range_scan) (Relation table_rel,
                                687                 :                                            Relation index_rel,
                                688                 :                                            struct IndexInfo *index_info,
                                689                 :                                            bool allow_sync,
                                690                 :                                            bool anyvisible,
                                691                 :                                            bool progress,
                                692                 :                                            BlockNumber start_blockno,
                                693                 :                                            BlockNumber numblocks,
                                694                 :                                            IndexBuildCallback callback,
                                695                 :                                            void *callback_state,
                                696                 :                                            TableScanDesc scan);
                                697                 : 
                                698                 :     /* see table_index_validate_scan for reference about parameters */
                                699                 :     void        (*index_validate_scan) (Relation table_rel,
                                700                 :                                         Relation index_rel,
                                701                 :                                         struct IndexInfo *index_info,
                                702                 :                                         Snapshot snapshot,
                                703                 :                                         struct ValidateIndexState *state);
                                704                 : 
                                705                 : 
                                706                 :     /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                707                 :      * Miscellaneous functions.
                                708                 :      * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                709                 :      */
                                710                 : 
                                711                 :     /*
                                712                 :      * See table_relation_size().
                                713                 :      *
                                714                 :      * Note that currently a few callers use the MAIN_FORKNUM size to figure
                                715                 :      * out the range of potentially interesting blocks (brin, analyze). It's
                                716                 :      * probable that we'll need to revise the interface for those at some
                                717                 :      * point.
                                718                 :      */
                                719                 :     uint64      (*relation_size) (Relation rel, ForkNumber forkNumber);
                                720                 : 
                                721                 : 
                                722                 :     /*
                                723                 :      * This callback should return true if the relation requires a TOAST table
                                724                 :      * and false if it does not.  It may wish to examine the relation's tuple
                                725                 :      * descriptor before making a decision, but if it uses some other method
                                726                 :      * of storing large values (or if it does not support them) it can simply
                                727                 :      * return false.
                                728                 :      */
                                729                 :     bool        (*relation_needs_toast_table) (Relation rel);
                                730                 : 
                                731                 :     /*
                                732                 :      * This callback should return the OID of the table AM that implements
                                733                 :      * TOAST tables for this AM.  If the relation_needs_toast_table callback
                                734                 :      * always returns false, this callback is not required.
                                735                 :      */
                                736                 :     Oid         (*relation_toast_am) (Relation rel);
                                737                 : 
                                738                 :     /*
                                739                 :      * This callback is invoked when detoasting a value stored in a toast
                                740                 :      * table implemented by this AM.  See table_relation_fetch_toast_slice()
                                741                 :      * for more details.
                                742                 :      */
                                743                 :     void        (*relation_fetch_toast_slice) (Relation toastrel, Oid valueid,
                                744                 :                                                int32 attrsize,
                                745                 :                                                int32 sliceoffset,
                                746                 :                                                int32 slicelength,
                                747                 :                                                struct varlena *result);
                                748                 : 
                                749                 : 
                                750                 :     /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                751                 :      * Planner related functions.
                                752                 :      * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                753                 :      */
                                754                 : 
                                755                 :     /*
                                756                 :      * See table_relation_estimate_size().
                                757                 :      *
                                758                 :      * While block oriented, it shouldn't be too hard for an AM that doesn't
                                759                 :      * internally use blocks to convert into a usable representation.
                                760                 :      *
                                761                 :      * This differs from the relation_size callback by returning size
                                762                 :      * estimates (both relation size and tuple count) for planning purposes,
                                763                 :      * rather than returning a currently correct estimate.
                                764                 :      */
                                765                 :     void        (*relation_estimate_size) (Relation rel, int32 *attr_widths,
                                766                 :                                            BlockNumber *pages, double *tuples,
                                767                 :                                            double *allvisfrac);
                                768                 : 
                                769                 : 
                                770                 :     /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                771                 :      * Executor related functions.
                                772                 :      * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                773                 :      */
                                774                 : 
                                775                 :     /*
                                776                 :      * Prepare to fetch / check / return tuples from `tbmres->blockno` as part
                                777                 :      * of a bitmap table scan. `scan` was started via table_beginscan_bm().
                                778                 :      * Return false if there are no tuples to be found on the page, true
                                779                 :      * otherwise.
                                780                 :      *
                                781                 :      * This will typically read and pin the target block, and do the necessary
                                782                 :      * work to allow scan_bitmap_next_tuple() to return tuples (e.g. it might
                                783                 :      * make sense to perform tuple visibility checks at this time). For some
                                784                 :      * AMs it will make more sense to do all the work referencing `tbmres`
                                785                 :      * contents here, for others it might be better to defer more work to
                                786                 :      * scan_bitmap_next_tuple.
                                787                 :      *
                                788                 :      * If `tbmres->blockno` is -1, this is a lossy scan and all visible tuples
                                789                 :      * on the page have to be returned, otherwise the tuples at offsets in
                                790                 :      * `tbmres->offsets` need to be returned.
                                791                 :      *
                                792                 :      * XXX: Currently this may only be implemented if the AM uses md.c as its
                                793                 :      * storage manager, and uses ItemPointer->ip_blkid in a manner that maps
                                794                 :      * blockids directly to the underlying storage. nodeBitmapHeapscan.c
                                795                 :      * performs prefetching directly using that interface.  This probably
                                796                 :      * needs to be rectified at a later point.
                                797                 :      *
                                798                 :      * XXX: Currently this may only be implemented if the AM uses the
                                799                 :      * visibilitymap, as nodeBitmapHeapscan.c unconditionally accesses it to
                                800                 :      * perform prefetching.  This probably needs to be rectified at a later
                                801                 :      * point.
                                802                 :      *
                                803                 :      * Optional callback, but either both scan_bitmap_next_block and
                                804                 :      * scan_bitmap_next_tuple need to exist, or neither.
                                805                 :      */
                                806                 :     bool        (*scan_bitmap_next_block) (TableScanDesc scan,
                                807                 :                                            struct TBMIterateResult *tbmres);
                                808                 : 
                                809                 :     /*
                                810                 :      * Fetch the next tuple of a bitmap table scan into `slot` and return true
                                811                 :      * if a visible tuple was found, false otherwise.
                                812                 :      *
                                813                 :      * For some AMs it will make more sense to do all the work referencing
                                814                 :      * `tbmres` contents in scan_bitmap_next_block, for others it might be
                                815                 :      * better to defer more work to this callback.
                                816                 :      *
                                817                 :      * Optional callback, but either both scan_bitmap_next_block and
                                818                 :      * scan_bitmap_next_tuple need to exist, or neither.
                                819                 :      */
                                820                 :     bool        (*scan_bitmap_next_tuple) (TableScanDesc scan,
                                821                 :                                            struct TBMIterateResult *tbmres,
                                822                 :                                            TupleTableSlot *slot);
                                823                 : 
                                824                 :     /*
                                825                 :      * Prepare to fetch tuples from the next block in a sample scan. Return
                                826                 :      * false if the sample scan is finished, true otherwise. `scan` was
                                827                 :      * started via table_beginscan_sampling().
                                828                 :      *
                                829                 :      * Typically this will first determine the target block by calling the
                                830                 :      * TsmRoutine's NextSampleBlock() callback if not NULL, or alternatively
                                831                 :      * perform a sequential scan over all blocks.  The determined block is
                                832                 :      * then typically read and pinned.
                                833                 :      *
                                834                 :      * As the TsmRoutine interface is block based, a block needs to be passed
                                835                 :      * to NextSampleBlock(). If that's not appropriate for an AM, it
                                836                 :      * internally needs to perform mapping between the internal and a block
                                837                 :      * based representation.
                                838                 :      *
                                839                 :      * Note that it's not acceptable to hold deadlock prone resources such as
                                840                 :      * lwlocks until scan_sample_next_tuple() has exhausted the tuples on the
                                841                 :      * block - the tuple is likely to be returned to an upper query node, and
                                842                 :      * the next call could be off a long while. Holding buffer pins and such
                                843                 :      * is obviously OK.
                                844                 :      *
                                845                 :      * Currently it is required to implement this interface, as there's no
                                846                 :      * alternative way (contrary e.g. to bitmap scans) to implement sample
                                847                 :      * scans. If infeasible to implement, the AM may raise an error.
                                848                 :      */
                                849                 :     bool        (*scan_sample_next_block) (TableScanDesc scan,
                                850                 :                                            struct SampleScanState *scanstate);
                                851                 : 
                                852                 :     /*
                                853                 :      * This callback, only called after scan_sample_next_block has returned
                                854                 :      * true, should determine the next tuple to be returned from the selected
                                855                 :      * block using the TsmRoutine's NextSampleTuple() callback.
                                856                 :      *
                                857                 :      * The callback needs to perform visibility checks, and only return
                                858                 :      * visible tuples. That obviously can mean calling NextSampleTuple()
                                859                 :      * multiple times.
                                860                 :      *
                                861                 :      * The TsmRoutine interface assumes that there's a maximum offset on a
                                862                 :      * given page, so if that doesn't apply to an AM, it needs to emulate that
                                863                 :      * assumption somehow.
                                864                 :      */
                                865                 :     bool        (*scan_sample_next_tuple) (TableScanDesc scan,
                                866                 :                                            struct SampleScanState *scanstate,
                                867                 :                                            TupleTableSlot *slot);
                                868                 : 
                                869                 : } TableAmRoutine;
                                870                 : 
                                871                 : 
                                872                 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                873                 :  * Slot functions.
                                874                 :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                875                 :  */
                                876                 : 
                                877                 : /*
                                878                 :  * Returns slot callbacks suitable for holding tuples of the appropriate type
                                879                 :  * for the relation.  Works for tables, views, foreign tables and partitioned
                                880                 :  * tables.
                                881                 :  */
                                882                 : extern const TupleTableSlotOps *table_slot_callbacks(Relation relation);
                                883                 : 
                                884                 : /*
                                885                 :  * Returns slot using the callbacks returned by table_slot_callbacks(), and
                                886                 :  * registers it on *reglist.
                                887                 :  */
                                888                 : extern TupleTableSlot *table_slot_create(Relation relation, List **reglist);
                                889                 : 
                                890                 : 
                                891                 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                892                 :  * Table scan functions.
                                893                 :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                894                 :  */
                                895                 : 
                                896                 : /*
                                897                 :  * Start a scan of `rel`. Returned tuples pass a visibility test of
                                898                 :  * `snapshot`, and if nkeys != 0, the results are filtered by those scan keys.
                                899                 :  */
                                900                 : static inline TableScanDesc
 1490 andres                    901 GIC       82697 : table_beginscan(Relation rel, Snapshot snapshot,
                                902                 :                 int nkeys, struct ScanKeyData *key)
                                903                 : {
 1421                           904           82697 :     uint32      flags = SO_TYPE_SEQSCAN |
                                905                 :     SO_ALLOW_STRAT | SO_ALLOW_SYNC | SO_ALLOW_PAGEMODE;
                                906                 : 
                                907           82697 :     return rel->rd_tableam->scan_begin(rel, snapshot, nkeys, key, NULL, flags);
                                908                 : }
                                909                 : 
                                910                 : /*
                                911                 :  * Like table_beginscan(), but for scanning catalog. It'll automatically use a
                                912                 :  * snapshot appropriate for scanning catalog relations.
                                913                 :  */
                                914                 : extern TableScanDesc table_beginscan_catalog(Relation relation, int nkeys,
                                915                 :                                              struct ScanKeyData *key);
                                916                 : 
 1490 andres                    917 ECB             : /*
                                918                 :  * Like table_beginscan(), but table_beginscan_strat() offers an extended API
                                919                 :  * that lets the caller control whether a nondefault buffer access strategy
                                920                 :  * can be used, and whether syncscan can be chosen (possibly resulting in the
                                921                 :  * scan not starting from block zero).  Both of these default to true with
                                922                 :  * plain table_beginscan.
                                923                 :  */
                                924                 : static inline TableScanDesc
 1490 andres                    925 GIC      593084 : table_beginscan_strat(Relation rel, Snapshot snapshot,
                                926                 :                       int nkeys, struct ScanKeyData *key,
                                927                 :                       bool allow_strat, bool allow_sync)
                                928                 : {
 1421                           929          593084 :     uint32      flags = SO_TYPE_SEQSCAN | SO_ALLOW_PAGEMODE;
                                930                 : 
                                931          593084 :     if (allow_strat)
                                932          593084 :         flags |= SO_ALLOW_STRAT;
                                933          593084 :     if (allow_sync)
                                934           64766 :         flags |= SO_ALLOW_SYNC;
                                935                 : 
                                936          593084 :     return rel->rd_tableam->scan_begin(rel, snapshot, nkeys, key, NULL, flags);
                                937                 : }
                                938                 : 
                                939                 : /*
                                940                 :  * table_beginscan_bm is an alternative entry point for setting up a
 1490 andres                    941 ECB             :  * TableScanDesc for a bitmap heap scan.  Although that scan technology is
                                942                 :  * really quite unlike a standard seqscan, there is just enough commonality to
                                943                 :  * make it worth using the same data structure.
                                944                 :  */
                                945                 : static inline TableScanDesc
 1490 andres                    946 GIC       10598 : table_beginscan_bm(Relation rel, Snapshot snapshot,
 1490 andres                    947 ECB             :                    int nkeys, struct ScanKeyData *key)
                                948                 : {
 1421 andres                    949 CBC       10598 :     uint32      flags = SO_TYPE_BITMAPSCAN | SO_ALLOW_PAGEMODE;
 1421 andres                    950 ECB             : 
 1421 andres                    951 GIC       10598 :     return rel->rd_tableam->scan_begin(rel, snapshot, nkeys, key, NULL, flags);
 1490 andres                    952 ECB             : }
                                953                 : 
                                954                 : /*
                                955                 :  * table_beginscan_sampling is an alternative entry point for setting up a
                                956                 :  * TableScanDesc for a TABLESAMPLE scan.  As with bitmap scans, it's worth
                                957                 :  * using the same data structure although the behavior is rather different.
                                958                 :  * In addition to the options offered by table_beginscan_strat, this call
                                959                 :  * also allows control of whether page-mode visibility checking is used.
                                960                 :  */
                                961                 : static inline TableScanDesc
 1490 andres                    962 CBC          73 : table_beginscan_sampling(Relation rel, Snapshot snapshot,
                                963                 :                          int nkeys, struct ScanKeyData *key,
                                964                 :                          bool allow_strat, bool allow_sync,
 1471 andres                    965 ECB             :                          bool allow_pagemode)
                                966                 : {
 1421 andres                    967 CBC          73 :     uint32      flags = SO_TYPE_SAMPLESCAN;
                                968                 : 
 1421 andres                    969 GIC          73 :     if (allow_strat)
                                970              67 :         flags |= SO_ALLOW_STRAT;
                                971              73 :     if (allow_sync)
                                972              33 :         flags |= SO_ALLOW_SYNC;
                                973              73 :     if (allow_pagemode)
                                974              61 :         flags |= SO_ALLOW_PAGEMODE;
                                975                 : 
                                976              73 :     return rel->rd_tableam->scan_begin(rel, snapshot, nkeys, key, NULL, flags);
                                977                 : }
 1490 andres                    978 ECB             : 
                                979                 : /*
                                980                 :  * table_beginscan_tid is an alternative entry point for setting up a
                                981                 :  * TableScanDesc for a Tid scan. As with bitmap scans, it's worth using
                                982                 :  * the same data structure although the behavior is rather different.
 1157 fujii                     983                 :  */
                                984                 : static inline TableScanDesc
 1157 fujii                     985 CBC         326 : table_beginscan_tid(Relation rel, Snapshot snapshot)
 1157 fujii                     986 ECB             : {
 1157 fujii                     987 CBC         326 :     uint32      flags = SO_TYPE_TIDSCAN;
 1157 fujii                     988 ECB             : 
 1157 fujii                     989 CBC         326 :     return rel->rd_tableam->scan_begin(rel, snapshot, 0, NULL, NULL, flags);
 1157 fujii                     990 ECB             : }
                                991                 : 
 1490 andres                    992                 : /*
                                993                 :  * table_beginscan_analyze is an alternative entry point for setting up a
                                994                 :  * TableScanDesc for an ANALYZE scan.  As with bitmap scans, it's worth using
                                995                 :  * the same data structure although the behavior is rather different.
                                996                 :  */
                                997                 : static inline TableScanDesc
 1490 andres                    998 GIC       24256 : table_beginscan_analyze(Relation rel)
                                999                 : {
 1421                          1000           24256 :     uint32      flags = SO_TYPE_ANALYZE;
 1421 andres                   1001 ECB             : 
 1421 andres                   1002 GIC       24256 :     return rel->rd_tableam->scan_begin(rel, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, flags);
 1490 andres                   1003 ECB             : }
                               1004                 : 
                               1005                 : /*
                               1006                 :  * End relation scan.
                               1007                 :  */
                               1008                 : static inline void
 1490 andres                   1009 GIC      836368 : table_endscan(TableScanDesc scan)
                               1010                 : {
                               1011          836368 :     scan->rs_rd->rd_tableam->scan_end(scan);
                               1012          836368 : }
                               1013                 : 
 1490 andres                   1014 ECB             : /*
                               1015                 :  * Restart a relation scan.
                               1016                 :  */
                               1017                 : static inline void
 1490 andres                   1018 CBC      380901 : table_rescan(TableScanDesc scan,
                               1019                 :              struct ScanKeyData *key)
                               1020                 : {
 1490 andres                   1021 GIC      380901 :     scan->rs_rd->rd_tableam->scan_rescan(scan, key, false, false, false, false);
                               1022          380901 : }
                               1023                 : 
                               1024                 : /*
 1490 andres                   1025 ECB             :  * Restart a relation scan after changing params.
                               1026                 :  *
                               1027                 :  * This call allows changing the buffer strategy, syncscan, and pagemode
                               1028                 :  * options before starting a fresh scan.  Note that although the actual use of
                               1029                 :  * syncscan might change (effectively, enabling or disabling reporting), the
                               1030                 :  * previously selected startblock will be kept.
                               1031                 :  */
                               1032                 : static inline void
 1490 andres                   1033 GIC          15 : table_rescan_set_params(TableScanDesc scan, struct ScanKeyData *key,
 1490 andres                   1034 ECB             :                         bool allow_strat, bool allow_sync, bool allow_pagemode)
                               1035                 : {
 1490 andres                   1036 GIC          15 :     scan->rs_rd->rd_tableam->scan_rescan(scan, key, true,
 1490 andres                   1037 ECB             :                                          allow_strat, allow_sync,
                               1038                 :                                          allow_pagemode);
 1490 andres                   1039 GIC          15 : }
                               1040                 : 
                               1041                 : /*
                               1042                 :  * Update snapshot used by the scan.
                               1043                 :  */
                               1044                 : extern void table_scan_update_snapshot(TableScanDesc scan, Snapshot snapshot);
                               1045                 : 
                               1046                 : /*
                               1047                 :  * Return next tuple from `scan`, store in slot.
                               1048                 :  */
 1490 andres                   1049 ECB             : static inline bool
 1490 andres                   1050 GIC    41930207 : table_scan_getnextslot(TableScanDesc sscan, ScanDirection direction, TupleTableSlot *slot)
                               1051                 : {
 1490 andres                   1052 CBC    41930207 :     slot->tts_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(sscan->rs_rd);
                               1053                 : 
                               1054                 :     /* We don't expect actual scans using NoMovementScanDirection */
   67 drowley                  1055 GNC    41930207 :     Assert(direction == ForwardScanDirection ||
                               1056                 :            direction == BackwardScanDirection);
                               1057                 : 
                               1058                 :     /*
  974 akapila                  1059 ECB             :      * We don't expect direct calls to table_scan_getnextslot with valid
                               1060                 :      * CheckXidAlive for catalog or regular tables.  See detailed comments in
                               1061                 :      * xact.c where these variables are declared.
                               1062                 :      */
  974 akapila                  1063 GIC    41930207 :     if (unlikely(TransactionIdIsValid(CheckXidAlive) && !bsysscan))
  974 akapila                  1064 UIC           0 :         elog(ERROR, "unexpected table_scan_getnextslot call during logical decoding");
                               1065                 : 
 1490 andres                   1066 GIC    41930207 :     return sscan->rs_rd->rd_tableam->scan_getnextslot(sscan, direction, slot);
                               1067                 : }
                               1068                 : 
                               1069                 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  771 drowley                  1070 ECB             :  * TID Range scanning related functions.
                               1071                 :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               1072                 :  */
                               1073                 : 
                               1074                 : /*
                               1075                 :  * table_beginscan_tidrange is the entry point for setting up a TableScanDesc
                               1076                 :  * for a TID range scan.
                               1077                 :  */
                               1078                 : static inline TableScanDesc
  771 drowley                  1079 GIC          56 : table_beginscan_tidrange(Relation rel, Snapshot snapshot,
                               1080                 :                          ItemPointer mintid,
                               1081                 :                          ItemPointer maxtid)
                               1082                 : {
  771 drowley                  1083 ECB             :     TableScanDesc sscan;
  771 drowley                  1084 GBC          56 :     uint32      flags = SO_TYPE_TIDRANGESCAN | SO_ALLOW_PAGEMODE;
                               1085                 : 
  771 drowley                  1086 CBC          56 :     sscan = rel->rd_tableam->scan_begin(rel, snapshot, 0, NULL, NULL, flags);
                               1087                 : 
                               1088                 :     /* Set the range of TIDs to scan */
  771 drowley                  1089 GIC          56 :     sscan->rs_rd->rd_tableam->scan_set_tidrange(sscan, mintid, maxtid);
                               1090                 : 
                               1091              56 :     return sscan;
                               1092                 : }
                               1093                 : 
                               1094                 : /*
                               1095                 :  * table_rescan_tidrange resets the scan position and sets the minimum and
                               1096                 :  * maximum TID range to scan for a TableScanDesc created by
                               1097                 :  * table_beginscan_tidrange.
                               1098                 :  */
  771 drowley                  1099 ECB             : static inline void
  771 drowley                  1100 GIC          33 : table_rescan_tidrange(TableScanDesc sscan, ItemPointer mintid,
                               1101                 :                       ItemPointer maxtid)
                               1102                 : {
                               1103                 :     /* Ensure table_beginscan_tidrange() was used. */
  771 drowley                  1104 CBC          33 :     Assert((sscan->rs_flags & SO_TYPE_TIDRANGESCAN) != 0);
                               1105                 : 
                               1106              33 :     sscan->rs_rd->rd_tableam->scan_rescan(sscan, NULL, false, false, false, false);
  771 drowley                  1107 GIC          33 :     sscan->rs_rd->rd_tableam->scan_set_tidrange(sscan, mintid, maxtid);
                               1108              33 : }
  771 drowley                  1109 ECB             : 
                               1110                 : /*
                               1111                 :  * Fetch the next tuple from `sscan` for a TID range scan created by
                               1112                 :  * table_beginscan_tidrange().  Stores the tuple in `slot` and returns true,
                               1113                 :  * or returns false if no more tuples exist in the range.
                               1114                 :  */
                               1115                 : static inline bool
  771 drowley                  1116 GIC        2970 : table_scan_getnextslot_tidrange(TableScanDesc sscan, ScanDirection direction,
                               1117                 :                                 TupleTableSlot *slot)
                               1118                 : {
                               1119                 :     /* Ensure table_beginscan_tidrange() was used. */
  771 drowley                  1120 CBC        2970 :     Assert((sscan->rs_flags & SO_TYPE_TIDRANGESCAN) != 0);
                               1121                 : 
                               1122                 :     /* We don't expect actual scans using NoMovementScanDirection */
   67 drowley                  1123 GNC        2970 :     Assert(direction == ForwardScanDirection ||
                               1124                 :            direction == BackwardScanDirection);
                               1125                 : 
  771 drowley                  1126 GIC        2970 :     return sscan->rs_rd->rd_tableam->scan_getnextslot_tidrange(sscan,
                               1127                 :                                                                direction,
  771 drowley                  1128 ECB             :                                                                slot);
                               1129                 : }
                               1130                 : 
 1490 andres                   1131                 : 
                               1132                 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               1133                 :  * Parallel table scan related functions.
                               1134                 :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               1135                 :  */
                               1136                 : 
                               1137                 : /*
                               1138                 :  * Estimate the size of shared memory needed for a parallel scan of this
                               1139                 :  * relation.
                               1140                 :  */
                               1141                 : extern Size table_parallelscan_estimate(Relation rel, Snapshot snapshot);
                               1142                 : 
                               1143                 : /*
                               1144                 :  * Initialize ParallelTableScanDesc for a parallel scan of this
                               1145                 :  * relation. `pscan` needs to be sized according to parallelscan_estimate()
                               1146                 :  * for the same relation.  Call this just once in the leader process; then,
                               1147                 :  * individual workers attach via table_beginscan_parallel.
                               1148                 :  */
                               1149                 : extern void table_parallelscan_initialize(Relation rel,
 1418 tgl                      1150                 :                                           ParallelTableScanDesc pscan,
                               1151                 :                                           Snapshot snapshot);
                               1152                 : 
                               1153                 : /*
                               1154                 :  * Begin a parallel scan. `pscan` needs to have been initialized with
                               1155                 :  * table_parallelscan_initialize(), for the same relation. The initialization
                               1156                 :  * does not need to have happened in this backend.
                               1157                 :  *
                               1158                 :  * Caller must hold a suitable lock on the relation.
                               1159                 :  */
                               1160                 : extern TableScanDesc table_beginscan_parallel(Relation relation,
                               1161                 :                                               ParallelTableScanDesc pscan);
                               1162                 : 
                               1163                 : /*
                               1164                 :  * Restart a parallel scan.  Call this in the leader process.  Caller is
                               1165                 :  * responsible for making sure that all workers have finished the scan
                               1166                 :  * beforehand.
                               1167                 :  */
                               1168                 : static inline void
 1490 andres                   1169 GIC         114 : table_parallelscan_reinitialize(Relation rel, ParallelTableScanDesc pscan)
                               1170                 : {
                               1171             114 :     rel->rd_tableam->parallelscan_reinitialize(rel, pscan);
                               1172             114 : }
                               1173                 : 
                               1174                 : 
                               1175                 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               1176                 :  *  Index scan related functions.
                               1177                 :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               1178                 :  */
                               1179                 : 
                               1180                 : /*
                               1181                 :  * Prepare to fetch tuples from the relation, as needed when fetching tuples
                               1182                 :  * for an index scan.
                               1183                 :  *
                               1184                 :  * Tuples for an index scan can then be fetched via table_index_fetch_tuple().
                               1185                 :  */
                               1186                 : static inline IndexFetchTableData *
                               1187        14713594 : table_index_fetch_begin(Relation rel)
                               1188                 : {
                               1189        14713594 :     return rel->rd_tableam->index_fetch_begin(rel);
                               1190                 : }
                               1191                 : 
                               1192                 : /*
 1490 andres                   1193 ECB             :  * Reset index fetch. Typically this will release cross index fetch resources
                               1194                 :  * held in IndexFetchTableData.
                               1195                 :  */
                               1196                 : static inline void
 1490 andres                   1197 GIC    14329376 : table_index_fetch_reset(struct IndexFetchTableData *scan)
                               1198                 : {
                               1199        14329376 :     scan->rel->rd_tableam->index_fetch_reset(scan);
                               1200        14329376 : }
                               1201                 : 
                               1202                 : /*
                               1203                 :  * Release resources and deallocate index fetch.
                               1204                 :  */
                               1205                 : static inline void
                               1206        14712913 : table_index_fetch_end(struct IndexFetchTableData *scan)
                               1207                 : {
                               1208        14712913 :     scan->rel->rd_tableam->index_fetch_end(scan);
                               1209        14712913 : }
                               1210                 : 
 1490 andres                   1211 ECB             : /*
                               1212                 :  * Fetches, as part of an index scan, tuple at `tid` into `slot`, after doing
 1476                          1213                 :  * a visibility test according to `snapshot`. If a tuple was found and passed
                               1214                 :  * the visibility test, returns true, false otherwise. Note that *tid may be
                               1215                 :  * modified when we return true (see later remarks on multiple row versions
                               1216                 :  * reachable via a single index entry).
                               1217                 :  *
                               1218                 :  * *call_again needs to be false on the first call to table_index_fetch_tuple() for
                               1219                 :  * a tid. If there potentially is another tuple matching the tid, *call_again
                               1220                 :  * will be set to true, signaling that table_index_fetch_tuple() should be called
 1490                          1221                 :  * again for the same tid.
                               1222                 :  *
 1476                          1223                 :  * *all_dead, if all_dead is not NULL, will be set to true by
                               1224                 :  * table_index_fetch_tuple() iff it is guaranteed that no backend needs to see
                               1225                 :  * that tuple. Index AMs can use that to avoid returning that tid in future
                               1226                 :  * searches.
                               1227                 :  *
                               1228                 :  * The difference between this function and table_tuple_fetch_row_version()
                               1229                 :  * is that this function returns the currently visible version of a row if
  999 michael                  1230                 :  * the AM supports storing multiple row versions reachable via a single index
                               1231                 :  * entry (like heap's HOT). Whereas table_tuple_fetch_row_version() only
                               1232                 :  * evaluates the tuple exactly at `tid`. Outside of index entry ->table tuple
                               1233                 :  * lookups, table_tuple_fetch_row_version() is what's usually needed.
                               1234                 :  */
                               1235                 : static inline bool
 1490 andres                   1236 GIC    21148791 : table_index_fetch_tuple(struct IndexFetchTableData *scan,
                               1237                 :                         ItemPointer tid,
                               1238                 :                         Snapshot snapshot,
                               1239                 :                         TupleTableSlot *slot,
                               1240                 :                         bool *call_again, bool *all_dead)
                               1241                 : {
                               1242                 :     /*
                               1243                 :      * We don't expect direct calls to table_index_fetch_tuple with valid
                               1244                 :      * CheckXidAlive for catalog or regular tables.  See detailed comments in
                               1245                 :      * xact.c where these variables are declared.
                               1246                 :      */
  974 akapila                  1247        21148791 :     if (unlikely(TransactionIdIsValid(CheckXidAlive) && !bsysscan))
  974 akapila                  1248 UIC           0 :         elog(ERROR, "unexpected table_index_fetch_tuple call during logical decoding");
                               1249                 : 
 1490 andres                   1250 GIC    21148791 :     return scan->rel->rd_tableam->index_fetch_tuple(scan, tid, snapshot,
                               1251                 :                                                     slot, call_again,
                               1252                 :                                                     all_dead);
                               1253                 : }
                               1254                 : 
                               1255                 : /*
                               1256                 :  * This is a convenience wrapper around table_index_fetch_tuple() which
                               1257                 :  * returns whether there are table tuple items corresponding to an index
                               1258                 :  * entry.  This likely is only useful to verify if there's a conflict in a
                               1259                 :  * unique index.
 1476 andres                   1260 ECB             :  */
                               1261                 : extern bool table_index_fetch_tuple_check(Relation rel,
                               1262                 :                                           ItemPointer tid,
                               1263                 :                                           Snapshot snapshot,
                               1264                 :                                           bool *all_dead);
                               1265                 : 
                               1266                 : 
                               1267                 : /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               1268                 :  * Functions for non-modifying operations on individual tuples
                               1269                 :  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               1270                 :  */
 1495                          1271                 : 
 1476 andres                   1272 EUB             : 
                               1273                 : /*
 1462 andres                   1274 ECB             :  * Fetch tuple at `tid` into `slot`, after doing a visibility test according to
                               1275                 :  * `snapshot`. If a tuple was found and passed the visibility test, returns
                               1276                 :  * true, false otherwise.
                               1277                 :  *
                               1278                 :  * See table_index_fetch_tuple's comment about what the difference between
                               1279                 :  * these functions is. It is correct to use this function outside of index
                               1280                 :  * entry->table tuple lookups.
                               1281                 :  */
                               1282                 : static inline bool
 1417 andres                   1283 GIC      195976 : table_tuple_fetch_row_version(Relation rel,
                               1284                 :                               ItemPointer tid,
                               1285                 :                               Snapshot snapshot,
                               1286                 :                               TupleTableSlot *slot)
                               1287                 : {
                               1288                 :     /*
                               1289                 :      * We don't expect direct calls to table_tuple_fetch_row_version with
                               1290                 :      * valid CheckXidAlive for catalog or regular tables.  See detailed
                               1291                 :      * comments in xact.c where these variables are declared.
                               1292                 :      */
  974 akapila                  1293          195976 :     if (unlikely(TransactionIdIsValid(CheckXidAlive) && !bsysscan))
  974 akapila                  1294 UIC           0 :         elog(ERROR, "unexpected table_tuple_fetch_row_version call during logical decoding");
                               1295                 : 
 1476 andres                   1296 GIC      195976 :     return rel->rd_tableam->tuple_fetch_row_version(rel, tid, snapshot, slot);
                               1297                 : }
                               1298                 : 
                               1299                 : /*
                               1300                 :  * Verify that `tid` is a potentially valid tuple identifier. That doesn't
                               1301                 :  * mean that the pointed to row needs to exist or be visible, but that
                               1302                 :  * attempting to fetch the row (e.g. with table_tuple_get_latest_tid() or
                               1303                 :  * table_tuple_fetch_row_version()) should not error out if called with that
                               1304                 :  * tid.
                               1305                 :  *
                               1306                 :  * `scan` needs to have been started via table_beginscan().
 1476 andres                   1307 ECB             :  */
                               1308                 : static inline bool
 1423 andres                   1309 GIC         139 : table_tuple_tid_valid(TableScanDesc scan, ItemPointer tid)
                               1310                 : {
                               1311             139 :     return scan->rs_rd->rd_tableam->tuple_tid_valid(scan, tid);
                               1312                 : }
                               1313                 : 
                               1314                 : /*
                               1315                 :  * Return the latest version of the tuple at `tid`, by updating `tid` to
                               1316                 :  * point at the newest version.
 1423 andres                   1317 ECB             :  */
 1417 andres                   1318 EUB             : extern void table_tuple_get_latest_tid(TableScanDesc scan, ItemPointer tid);
                               1319                 : 
 1495 andres                   1320 ECB             : /*
                               1321                 :  * Return true iff tuple in slot satisfies the snapshot.
                               1322                 :  *
                               1323                 :  * This assumes the slot's tuple is valid, and of the appropriate type for the
                               1324                 :  * AM.
                               1325                 :  *
                               1326                 :  * Some AMs might modify the data underlying the tuple as a side-effect. If so
                               1327                 :  * they ought to mark the relevant buffer dirty.
                               1328                 :  */
                               1329                 : static inline bool
 1471 andres                   1330 GIC       91614 : table_tuple_satisfies_snapshot(Relation rel, TupleTableSlot *slot,
                               1331                 :                                Snapshot snapshot)
                               1332                 : {
 1490 andres                   1333 CBC       91614 :     return rel->rd_tableam->tuple_satisfies_snapshot(rel, slot, snapshot);
                               1334                 : }
 1490 andres                   1335 ECB             : 
                               1336                 : /*
                               1337                 :  * Determine which index tuples are safe to delete based on their table TID.
                               1338                 :  *
                               1339                 :  * Determines which entries from index AM caller's TM_IndexDeleteOp state
                               1340                 :  * point to vacuumable table tuples.  Entries that are found by tableam to be
                               1341                 :  * vacuumable are naturally safe for index AM to delete, and so get directly
                               1342                 :  * marked as deletable.  See comments above TM_IndexDelete and comments above
                               1343                 :  * TM_IndexDeleteOp for full details.
                               1344                 :  *
                               1345                 :  * Returns a snapshotConflictHorizon transaction ID that caller places in
                               1346                 :  * its index deletion WAL record.  This might be used during subsequent REDO
                               1347                 :  * of the WAL record when in Hot Standby mode -- a recovery conflict for the
                               1348                 :  * index deletion operation might be required on the standby.
                               1349                 :  */
                               1350                 : static inline TransactionId
  816 pg                       1351 GIC        8281 : table_index_delete_tuples(Relation rel, TM_IndexDeleteOp *delstate)
                               1352                 : {
                               1353            8281 :     return rel->rd_tableam->index_delete_tuples(rel, delstate);
 1475 andres                   1354 ECB             : }
                               1355                 : 
                               1356                 : 
 1478                          1357                 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               1358                 :  *  Functions for manipulations of physical tuples.
                               1359                 :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               1360                 :  */
                               1361                 : 
                               1362                 : /*
                               1363                 :  * Insert a tuple from a slot into table AM routine.
                               1364                 :  *
                               1365                 :  * The options bitmask allows the caller to specify options that may change the
                               1366                 :  * behaviour of the AM. The AM will ignore options that it does not support.
                               1367                 :  *
                               1368                 :  * If the TABLE_INSERT_SKIP_FSM option is specified, AMs are free to not reuse
                               1369                 :  * free space in the relation. This can save some cycles when we know the
                               1370                 :  * relation is new and doesn't contain useful amounts of free space.
                               1371                 :  * TABLE_INSERT_SKIP_FSM is commonly passed directly to
                               1372                 :  * RelationGetBufferForTuple. See that method for more information.
                               1373                 :  *
                               1374                 :  * TABLE_INSERT_FROZEN should only be specified for inserts into
                               1375                 :  * relation storage created during the current subtransaction and when
                               1376                 :  * there are no prior snapshots or pre-existing portals open.
                               1377                 :  * This causes rows to be frozen, which is an MVCC violation and
                               1378                 :  * requires explicit options chosen by user.
                               1379                 :  *
                               1380                 :  * TABLE_INSERT_NO_LOGICAL force-disables the emitting of logical decoding
                               1381                 :  * information for the tuple. This should solely be used during table rewrites
                               1382                 :  * where RelationIsLogicallyLogged(relation) is not yet accurate for the new
                               1383                 :  * relation.
                               1384                 :  *
                               1385                 :  * Note that most of these options will be applied when inserting into the
                               1386                 :  * heap's TOAST table, too, if the tuple requires any out-of-line data.
                               1387                 :  *
                               1388                 :  * The BulkInsertState object (if any; bistate can be NULL for default
                               1389                 :  * behavior) is also just passed through to RelationGetBufferForTuple. If
                               1390                 :  * `bistate` is provided, table_finish_bulk_insert() needs to be called.
                               1391                 :  *
                               1392                 :  * On return the slot's tts_tid and tts_tableOid are updated to reflect the
                               1393                 :  * insertion. But note that any toasting of fields within the slot is NOT
                               1394                 :  * reflected in the slots contents.
                               1395                 :  */
                               1396                 : static inline void
 1417 andres                   1397 GIC     7135637 : table_tuple_insert(Relation rel, TupleTableSlot *slot, CommandId cid,
                               1398                 :                    int options, struct BulkInsertStateData *bistate)
                               1399                 : {
 1478                          1400         7135637 :     rel->rd_tableam->tuple_insert(rel, slot, cid, options,
                               1401                 :                                   bistate);
                               1402         7135625 : }
                               1403                 : 
                               1404                 : /*
                               1405                 :  * Perform a "speculative insertion". These can be backed out afterwards
                               1406                 :  * without aborting the whole transaction.  Other sessions can wait for the
                               1407                 :  * speculative insertion to be confirmed, turning it into a regular tuple, or
                               1408                 :  * aborted, as if it never existed.  Speculatively inserted tuples behave as
                               1409                 :  * "value locks" of short duration, used to implement INSERT .. ON CONFLICT.
                               1410                 :  *
                               1411                 :  * A transaction having performed a speculative insertion has to either abort,
                               1412                 :  * or finish the speculative insertion with
                               1413                 :  * table_tuple_complete_speculative(succeeded = ...).
                               1414                 :  */
                               1415                 : static inline void
 1417                          1416            2013 : table_tuple_insert_speculative(Relation rel, TupleTableSlot *slot,
                               1417                 :                                CommandId cid, int options,
                               1418                 :                                struct BulkInsertStateData *bistate,
                               1419                 :                                uint32 specToken)
                               1420                 : {
 1478 andres                   1421 CBC        2013 :     rel->rd_tableam->tuple_insert_speculative(rel, slot, cid, options,
                               1422                 :                                               bistate, specToken);
 1478 andres                   1423 GIC        2013 : }
 1478 andres                   1424 ECB             : 
                               1425                 : /*
                               1426                 :  * Complete "speculative insertion" started in the same transaction. If
                               1427                 :  * succeeded is true, the tuple is fully inserted, if false, it's removed.
                               1428                 :  */
                               1429                 : static inline void
 1417 andres                   1430 GIC        2010 : table_tuple_complete_speculative(Relation rel, TupleTableSlot *slot,
                               1431                 :                                  uint32 specToken, bool succeeded)
                               1432                 : {
 1478                          1433            2010 :     rel->rd_tableam->tuple_complete_speculative(rel, slot, specToken,
                               1434                 :                                                 succeeded);
                               1435            2010 : }
                               1436                 : 
                               1437                 : /*
                               1438                 :  * Insert multiple tuples into a table.
                               1439                 :  *
  999 michael                  1440 ECB             :  * This is like table_tuple_insert(), but inserts multiple tuples in one
                               1441                 :  * operation. That's often faster than calling table_tuple_insert() in a loop,
                               1442                 :  * because e.g. the AM can reduce WAL logging and page locking overhead.
                               1443                 :  *
                               1444                 :  * Except for taking `nslots` tuples as input, and an array of TupleTableSlots
 1466 andres                   1445                 :  * in `slots`, the parameters for table_multi_insert() are the same as for
                               1446                 :  * table_tuple_insert().
                               1447                 :  *
                               1448                 :  * Note: this leaks memory into the current memory context. You can create a
                               1449                 :  * temporary context before calling this, if that's a problem.
                               1450                 :  */
                               1451                 : static inline void
 1466 andres                   1452 GIC        1492 : table_multi_insert(Relation rel, TupleTableSlot **slots, int nslots,
                               1453                 :                    CommandId cid, int options, struct BulkInsertStateData *bistate)
 1466 andres                   1454 ECB             : {
 1466 andres                   1455 GIC        1492 :     rel->rd_tableam->multi_insert(rel, slots, nslots,
                               1456                 :                                   cid, options, bistate);
 1466 andres                   1457 CBC        1492 : }
                               1458                 : 
 1478 andres                   1459 ECB             : /*
                               1460                 :  * Delete a tuple.
                               1461                 :  *
                               1462                 :  * NB: do not call this directly unless prepared to deal with
                               1463                 :  * concurrent-update conditions.  Use simple_table_tuple_delete instead.
                               1464                 :  *
                               1465                 :  * Input parameters:
                               1466                 :  *  relation - table to be modified (caller must hold suitable lock)
                               1467                 :  *  tid - TID of tuple to be deleted
                               1468                 :  *  cid - delete command ID (used for visibility test, and stored into
                               1469                 :  *      cmax if successful)
                               1470                 :  *  crosscheck - if not InvalidSnapshot, also check tuple against this
                               1471                 :  *  wait - true if should wait for any conflicting update to commit/abort
                               1472                 :  * Output parameters:
                               1473                 :  *  tmfd - filled in failure cases (see below)
                               1474                 :  *  changingPart - true iff the tuple is being moved to another partition
                               1475                 :  *      table due to an update of the partition key. Otherwise, false.
                               1476                 :  *
                               1477                 :  * Normal, successful return value is TM_Ok, which means we did actually
                               1478                 :  * delete it.  Failure return codes are TM_SelfModified, TM_Updated, and
 1462                          1479                 :  * TM_BeingModified (the last only possible if wait == false).
                               1480                 :  *
 1478                          1481                 :  * In the failure cases, the routine fills *tmfd with the tuple's t_ctid,
                               1482                 :  * t_xmax, and, if possible, and, if possible, t_cmax.  See comments for
                               1483                 :  * struct TM_FailureData for additional info.
                               1484                 :  */
                               1485                 : static inline TM_Result
 1417 andres                   1486 GIC      883906 : table_tuple_delete(Relation rel, ItemPointer tid, CommandId cid,
                               1487                 :                    Snapshot snapshot, Snapshot crosscheck, bool wait,
                               1488                 :                    TM_FailureData *tmfd, bool changingPart)
                               1489                 : {
 1478                          1490          883906 :     return rel->rd_tableam->tuple_delete(rel, tid, cid,
                               1491                 :                                          snapshot, crosscheck,
                               1492                 :                                          wait, tmfd, changingPart);
                               1493                 : }
                               1494                 : 
                               1495                 : /*
                               1496                 :  * Update a tuple.
                               1497                 :  *
                               1498                 :  * NB: do not call this directly unless you are prepared to deal with
                               1499                 :  * concurrent-update conditions.  Use simple_table_tuple_update instead.
                               1500                 :  *
                               1501                 :  * Input parameters:
                               1502                 :  *  relation - table to be modified (caller must hold suitable lock)
                               1503                 :  *  otid - TID of old tuple to be replaced
                               1504                 :  *  slot - newly constructed tuple data to store
                               1505                 :  *  cid - update command ID (used for visibility test, and stored into
                               1506                 :  *      cmax/cmin if successful)
                               1507                 :  *  crosscheck - if not InvalidSnapshot, also check old tuple against this
                               1508                 :  *  wait - true if should wait for any conflicting update to commit/abort
                               1509                 :  * Output parameters:
 1478 andres                   1510 ECB             :  *  tmfd - filled in failure cases (see below)
                               1511                 :  *  lockmode - filled with lock mode acquired on tuple
                               1512                 :  *  update_indexes - in success cases this is set to true if new index entries
                               1513                 :  *      are required for this tuple
    6 akorotkov                1514                 :  *
                               1515                 :  * Normal, successful return value is TM_Ok, which means we did actually
                               1516                 :  * update it.  Failure return codes are TM_SelfModified, TM_Updated, and
                               1517                 :  * TM_BeingModified (the last only possible if wait == false).
                               1518                 :  *
                               1519                 :  * On success, the slot's tts_tid and tts_tableOid are updated to match the new
                               1520                 :  * stored tuple; in particular, slot->tts_tid is set to the TID where the
                               1521                 :  * new tuple was inserted, and its HEAP_ONLY_TUPLE flag is set iff a HOT
                               1522                 :  * update was done.  However, any TOAST changes in the new tuple's
                               1523                 :  * data are not reflected into *newtup.
                               1524                 :  *
                               1525                 :  * In the failure cases, the routine fills *tmfd with the tuple's t_ctid,
                               1526                 :  * t_xmax, and, if possible, t_cmax.  See comments for struct TM_FailureData
                               1527                 :  * for additional info.
                               1528                 :  */
                               1529                 : static inline TM_Result
 1417 andres                   1530 GIC      217778 : table_tuple_update(Relation rel, ItemPointer otid, TupleTableSlot *slot,
                               1531                 :                    CommandId cid, Snapshot snapshot, Snapshot crosscheck,
                               1532                 :                    bool wait, TM_FailureData *tmfd, LockTupleMode *lockmode,
                               1533                 :                    TU_UpdateIndexes *update_indexes)
                               1534                 : {
 1478                          1535          217778 :     return rel->rd_tableam->tuple_update(rel, otid, slot,
                               1536                 :                                          cid, snapshot, crosscheck,
                               1537                 :                                          wait, tmfd,
                               1538                 :                                          lockmode, update_indexes);
                               1539                 : }
                               1540                 : 
                               1541                 : /*
                               1542                 :  * Lock a tuple in the specified mode.
                               1543                 :  *
                               1544                 :  * Input parameters:
                               1545                 :  *  relation: relation containing tuple (caller must hold suitable lock)
                               1546                 :  *  tid: TID of tuple to lock
                               1547                 :  *  snapshot: snapshot to use for visibility determinations
                               1548                 :  *  cid: current command ID (used for visibility test, and stored into
                               1549                 :  *      tuple's cmax if lock is successful)
                               1550                 :  *  mode: lock mode desired
                               1551                 :  *  wait_policy: what to do if tuple lock is not available
                               1552                 :  *  flags:
                               1553                 :  *      If TUPLE_LOCK_FLAG_LOCK_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS, follow the update chain to
 1478 andres                   1554 ECB             :  *      also lock descendant tuples if lock modes don't conflict.
                               1555                 :  *      If TUPLE_LOCK_FLAG_FIND_LAST_VERSION, follow the update chain and lock
                               1556                 :  *      latest version.
                               1557                 :  *
                               1558                 :  * Output parameters:
                               1559                 :  *  *slot: contains the target tuple
                               1560                 :  *  *tmfd: filled in failure cases (see below)
                               1561                 :  *
                               1562                 :  * Function result may be:
                               1563                 :  *  TM_Ok: lock was successfully acquired
                               1564                 :  *  TM_Invisible: lock failed because tuple was never visible to us
                               1565                 :  *  TM_SelfModified: lock failed because tuple updated by self
                               1566                 :  *  TM_Updated: lock failed because tuple updated by other xact
                               1567                 :  *  TM_Deleted: lock failed because tuple deleted by other xact
                               1568                 :  *  TM_WouldBlock: lock couldn't be acquired and wait_policy is skip
                               1569                 :  *
                               1570                 :  * In the failure cases other than TM_Invisible and TM_Deleted, the routine
                               1571                 :  * fills *tmfd with the tuple's t_ctid, t_xmax, and, if possible, t_cmax.  See
                               1572                 :  * comments for struct TM_FailureData for additional info.
                               1573                 :  */
                               1574                 : static inline TM_Result
 1417 andres                   1575 GIC       82371 : table_tuple_lock(Relation rel, ItemPointer tid, Snapshot snapshot,
                               1576                 :                  TupleTableSlot *slot, CommandId cid, LockTupleMode mode,
                               1577                 :                  LockWaitPolicy wait_policy, uint8 flags,
                               1578                 :                  TM_FailureData *tmfd)
                               1579                 : {
 1478                          1580           82371 :     return rel->rd_tableam->tuple_lock(rel, tid, snapshot, slot,
                               1581                 :                                        cid, mode, wait_policy,
                               1582                 :                                        flags, tmfd);
                               1583                 : }
                               1584                 : 
                               1585                 : /*
                               1586                 :  * Perform operations necessary to complete insertions made via
                               1587                 :  * tuple_insert and multi_insert with a BulkInsertState specified.
                               1588                 :  */
                               1589                 : static inline void
 1469                          1590            2024 : table_finish_bulk_insert(Relation rel, int options)
                               1591                 : {
                               1592                 :     /* optional callback */
                               1593            2024 :     if (rel->rd_tableam && rel->rd_tableam->finish_bulk_insert)
 1469 andres                   1594 UIC           0 :         rel->rd_tableam->finish_bulk_insert(rel, options);
 1469 andres                   1595 GIC        2024 : }
                               1596                 : 
                               1597                 : 
                               1598                 : /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1474 andres                   1599 ECB             :  * DDL related functionality.
                               1600                 :  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               1601                 :  */
                               1602                 : 
                               1603                 : /*
                               1604                 :  * Create storage for `rel` in `newrlocator`, with persistence set to
                               1605                 :  * `persistence`.
                               1606                 :  *
                               1607                 :  * This is used both during relation creation and various DDL operations to
                               1608                 :  * create new rel storage that can be filled from scratch.  When creating
                               1609                 :  * new storage for an existing relfilelocator, this should be called before the
                               1610                 :  * relcache entry has been updated.
                               1611                 :  *
                               1612                 :  * *freezeXid, *minmulti are set to the xid / multixact horizon for the table
                               1613                 :  * that pg_class.{relfrozenxid, relminmxid} have to be set to.
 1473                          1614                 :  */
                               1615                 : static inline void
  277 rhaas                    1616 GNC       55537 : table_relation_set_new_filelocator(Relation rel,
                               1617                 :                                    const RelFileLocator *newrlocator,
                               1618                 :                                    char persistence,
                               1619                 :                                    TransactionId *freezeXid,
                               1620                 :                                    MultiXactId *minmulti)
                               1621                 : {
                               1622           55537 :     rel->rd_tableam->relation_set_new_filelocator(rel, newrlocator,
                               1623                 :                                                   persistence, freezeXid,
                               1624                 :                                                   minmulti);
 1473 andres                   1625 GIC       55537 : }
                               1626                 : 
                               1627                 : /*
                               1628                 :  * Remove all table contents from `rel`, in a non-transactional manner.
                               1629                 :  * Non-transactional meaning that there's no need to support rollbacks. This
                               1630                 :  * commonly only is used to perform truncations for relation storage created in
                               1631                 :  * the current transaction.
                               1632                 :  */
                               1633                 : static inline void
                               1634             262 : table_relation_nontransactional_truncate(Relation rel)
                               1635                 : {
                               1636             262 :     rel->rd_tableam->relation_nontransactional_truncate(rel);
                               1637             262 : }
                               1638                 : 
                               1639                 : /*
                               1640                 :  * Copy data from `rel` into the new relfilelocator `newrlocator`. The new
                               1641                 :  * relfilelocator may not have storage associated before this function is
                               1642                 :  * called. This is only supposed to be used for low level operations like
                               1643                 :  * changing a relation's tablespace.
                               1644                 :  */
                               1645                 : static inline void
  277 rhaas                    1646 GNC          49 : table_relation_copy_data(Relation rel, const RelFileLocator *newrlocator)
 1473 andres                   1647 ECB             : {
  277 rhaas                    1648 GNC          49 :     rel->rd_tableam->relation_copy_data(rel, newrlocator);
 1473 andres                   1649 GIC          49 : }
 1473 andres                   1650 ECB             : 
                               1651                 : /*
                               1652                 :  * Copy data from `OldTable` into `NewTable`, as part of a CLUSTER or VACUUM
                               1653                 :  * FULL.
                               1654                 :  *
                               1655                 :  * Additional Input parameters:
                               1656                 :  * - use_sort - if true, the table contents are sorted appropriate for
                               1657                 :  *   `OldIndex`; if false and OldIndex is not InvalidOid, the data is copied
                               1658                 :  *   in that index's order; if false and OldIndex is InvalidOid, no sorting is
 1447                          1659                 :  *   performed
                               1660                 :  * - OldIndex - see use_sort
                               1661                 :  * - OldestXmin - computed by vacuum_get_cutoffs(), even when
                               1662                 :  *   not needed for the relation's AM
                               1663                 :  * - *xid_cutoff - ditto
                               1664                 :  * - *multi_cutoff - ditto
                               1665                 :  *
                               1666                 :  * Output parameters:
                               1667                 :  * - *xid_cutoff - rel's new relfrozenxid value, may be invalid
                               1668                 :  * - *multi_cutoff - rel's new relminmxid value, may be invalid
                               1669                 :  * - *tups_vacuumed - stats, for logging, if appropriate for AM
                               1670                 :  * - *tups_recently_dead - stats, for logging, if appropriate for AM
 1473                          1671                 :  */
                               1672                 : static inline void
 1405 michael                  1673 CBC         262 : table_relation_copy_for_cluster(Relation OldTable, Relation NewTable,
 1473 andres                   1674 ECB             :                                 Relation OldIndex,
                               1675                 :                                 bool use_sort,
                               1676                 :                                 TransactionId OldestXmin,
                               1677                 :                                 TransactionId *xid_cutoff,
                               1678                 :                                 MultiXactId *multi_cutoff,
                               1679                 :                                 double *num_tuples,
                               1680                 :                                 double *tups_vacuumed,
                               1681                 :                                 double *tups_recently_dead)
                               1682                 : {
 1405 michael                  1683 GIC         262 :     OldTable->rd_tableam->relation_copy_for_cluster(OldTable, NewTable, OldIndex,
                               1684                 :                                                     use_sort, OldestXmin,
                               1685                 :                                                     xid_cutoff, multi_cutoff,
                               1686                 :                                                     num_tuples, tups_vacuumed,
                               1687                 :                                                     tups_recently_dead);
 1473 andres                   1688             262 : }
                               1689                 : 
                               1690                 : /*
                               1691                 :  * Perform VACUUM on the relation. The VACUUM can be triggered by a user or by
                               1692                 :  * autovacuum. The specific actions performed by the AM will depend heavily on
                               1693                 :  * the individual AM.
                               1694                 :  *
                               1695                 :  * On entry a transaction needs to already been established, and the
                               1696                 :  * table is locked with a ShareUpdateExclusive lock.
                               1697                 :  *
 1471 andres                   1698 ECB             :  * Note that neither VACUUM FULL (and CLUSTER), nor ANALYZE go through this
                               1699                 :  * routine, even if (for ANALYZE) it is part of the same VACUUM command.
                               1700                 :  */
                               1701                 : static inline void
 1471 andres                   1702 GIC       36848 : table_relation_vacuum(Relation rel, struct VacuumParams *params,
                               1703                 :                       BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy)
                               1704                 : {
                               1705           36848 :     rel->rd_tableam->relation_vacuum(rel, params, bstrategy);
                               1706           36848 : }
                               1707                 : 
 1471 andres                   1708 ECB             : /*
                               1709                 :  * Prepare to analyze block `blockno` of `scan`. The scan needs to have been
                               1710                 :  * started with table_beginscan_analyze().  Note that this routine might
                               1711                 :  * acquire resources like locks that are held until
                               1712                 :  * table_scan_analyze_next_tuple() returns false.
                               1713                 :  *
                               1714                 :  * Returns false if block is unsuitable for sampling, true otherwise.
                               1715                 :  */
                               1716                 : static inline bool
 1471 andres                   1717 GIC      147358 : table_scan_analyze_next_block(TableScanDesc scan, BlockNumber blockno,
                               1718                 :                               BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy)
                               1719                 : {
                               1720          147358 :     return scan->rs_rd->rd_tableam->scan_analyze_next_block(scan, blockno,
                               1721                 :                                                             bstrategy);
                               1722                 : }
                               1723                 : 
                               1724                 : /*
                               1725                 :  * Iterate over tuples in the block selected with
                               1726                 :  * table_scan_analyze_next_block() (which needs to have returned true, and
 1471 andres                   1727 ECB             :  * this routine may not have returned false for the same block before). If a
                               1728                 :  * tuple that's suitable for sampling is found, true is returned and a tuple
                               1729                 :  * is stored in `slot`.
                               1730                 :  *
                               1731                 :  * *liverows and *deadrows are incremented according to the encountered
                               1732                 :  * tuples.
                               1733                 :  */
                               1734                 : static inline bool
 1471 andres                   1735 GIC    10303246 : table_scan_analyze_next_tuple(TableScanDesc scan, TransactionId OldestXmin,
                               1736                 :                               double *liverows, double *deadrows,
                               1737                 :                               TupleTableSlot *slot)
                               1738                 : {
                               1739        10303246 :     return scan->rs_rd->rd_tableam->scan_analyze_next_tuple(scan, OldestXmin,
                               1740                 :                                                             liverows, deadrows,
                               1741                 :                                                             slot);
 1471 andres                   1742 ECB             : }
                               1743                 : 
                               1744                 : /*
 1462                          1745                 :  * table_index_build_scan - scan the table to find tuples to be indexed
                               1746                 :  *
                               1747                 :  * This is called back from an access-method-specific index build procedure
                               1748                 :  * after the AM has done whatever setup it needs.  The parent table relation
                               1749                 :  * is scanned to find tuples that should be entered into the index.  Each
                               1750                 :  * such tuple is passed to the AM's callback routine, which does the right
                               1751                 :  * things to add it to the new index.  After we return, the AM's index
                               1752                 :  * build procedure does whatever cleanup it needs.
                               1753                 :  *
                               1754                 :  * The total count of live tuples is returned.  This is for updating pg_class
                               1755                 :  * statistics.  (It's annoying not to be able to do that here, but we want to
                               1756                 :  * merge that update with others; see index_update_stats.)  Note that the
                               1757                 :  * index AM itself must keep track of the number of index tuples; we don't do
                               1758                 :  * so here because the AM might reject some of the tuples for its own reasons,
                               1759                 :  * such as being unable to store NULLs.
 1474                          1760                 :  *
                               1761                 :  * If 'progress', the PROGRESS_SCAN_BLOCKS_TOTAL counter is updated when
                               1762                 :  * starting the scan, and PROGRESS_SCAN_BLOCKS_DONE is updated as we go along.
                               1763                 :  *
                               1764                 :  * A side effect is to set indexInfo->ii_BrokenHotChain to true if we detect
                               1765                 :  * any potentially broken HOT chains.  Currently, we set this if there are any
                               1766                 :  * RECENTLY_DEAD or DELETE_IN_PROGRESS entries in a HOT chain, without trying
                               1767                 :  * very hard to detect whether they're really incompatible with the chain tip.
                               1768                 :  * This only really makes sense for heap AM, it might need to be generalized
                               1769                 :  * for other AMs later.
                               1770                 :  */
                               1771                 : static inline double
 1405 michael                  1772 GIC       65098 : table_index_build_scan(Relation table_rel,
                               1773                 :                        Relation index_rel,
                               1774                 :                        struct IndexInfo *index_info,
                               1775                 :                        bool allow_sync,
                               1776                 :                        bool progress,
                               1777                 :                        IndexBuildCallback callback,
                               1778                 :                        void *callback_state,
                               1779                 :                        TableScanDesc scan)
                               1780                 : {
                               1781           65098 :     return table_rel->rd_tableam->index_build_range_scan(table_rel,
                               1782                 :                                                          index_rel,
                               1783                 :                                                          index_info,
                               1784                 :                                                          allow_sync,
                               1785                 :                                                          false,
                               1786                 :                                                          progress,
                               1787                 :                                                          0,
                               1788                 :                                                          InvalidBlockNumber,
                               1789                 :                                                          callback,
                               1790                 :                                                          callback_state,
                               1791                 :                                                          scan);
                               1792                 : }
                               1793                 : 
                               1794                 : /*
                               1795                 :  * As table_index_build_scan(), except that instead of scanning the complete
                               1796                 :  * table, only the given number of blocks are scanned.  Scan to end-of-rel can
 1036 peter                    1797 ECB             :  * be signaled by passing InvalidBlockNumber as numblocks.  Note that
                               1798                 :  * restricting the range to scan cannot be done when requesting syncscan.
                               1799                 :  *
                               1800                 :  * When "anyvisible" mode is requested, all tuples visible to any transaction
                               1801                 :  * are indexed and counted as live, including those inserted or deleted by
                               1802                 :  * transactions that are still in progress.
                               1803                 :  */
                               1804                 : static inline double
 1405 michael                  1805 GIC        1467 : table_index_build_range_scan(Relation table_rel,
 1474 andres                   1806 ECB             :                              Relation index_rel,
                               1807                 :                              struct IndexInfo *index_info,
                               1808                 :                              bool allow_sync,
                               1809                 :                              bool anyvisible,
                               1810                 :                              bool progress,
                               1811                 :                              BlockNumber start_blockno,
                               1812                 :                              BlockNumber numblocks,
                               1813                 :                              IndexBuildCallback callback,
                               1814                 :                              void *callback_state,
                               1815                 :                              TableScanDesc scan)
                               1816                 : {
 1405 michael                  1817 GIC        1467 :     return table_rel->rd_tableam->index_build_range_scan(table_rel,
                               1818                 :                                                          index_rel,
                               1819                 :                                                          index_info,
                               1820                 :                                                          allow_sync,
                               1821                 :                                                          anyvisible,
                               1822                 :                                                          progress,
                               1823                 :                                                          start_blockno,
                               1824                 :                                                          numblocks,
                               1825                 :                                                          callback,
                               1826                 :                                                          callback_state,
                               1827                 :                                                          scan);
                               1828                 : }
                               1829                 : 
 1474 andres                   1830 ECB             : /*
                               1831                 :  * table_index_validate_scan - second table scan for concurrent index build
                               1832                 :  *
                               1833                 :  * See validate_index() for an explanation.
                               1834                 :  */
                               1835                 : static inline void
 1405 michael                  1836 GIC         272 : table_index_validate_scan(Relation table_rel,
                               1837                 :                           Relation index_rel,
                               1838                 :                           struct IndexInfo *index_info,
                               1839                 :                           Snapshot snapshot,
                               1840                 :                           struct ValidateIndexState *state)
                               1841                 : {
 1405 michael                  1842 CBC         272 :     table_rel->rd_tableam->index_validate_scan(table_rel,
                               1843                 :                                                index_rel,
                               1844                 :                                                index_info,
                               1845                 :                                                snapshot,
                               1846                 :                                                state);
 1474 andres                   1847 GIC         272 : }
                               1848                 : 
                               1849                 : 
                               1850                 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               1851                 :  * Miscellaneous functionality
                               1852                 :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               1853                 :  */
                               1854                 : 
                               1855                 : /*
                               1856                 :  * Return the current size of `rel` in bytes. If `forkNumber` is
                               1857                 :  * InvalidForkNumber, return the relation's overall size, otherwise the size
                               1858                 :  * for the indicated fork.
                               1859                 :  *
                               1860                 :  * Note that the overall size might not be the equivalent of the sum of sizes
 1423 andres                   1861 ECB             :  * for the individual forks for some AMs, e.g. because the AMs storage does
                               1862                 :  * not neatly map onto the builtin types of forks.
                               1863                 :  */
                               1864                 : static inline uint64
 1423 andres                   1865 GIC     1614501 : table_relation_size(Relation rel, ForkNumber forkNumber)
                               1866                 : {
 1423 andres                   1867 CBC     1614501 :     return rel->rd_tableam->relation_size(rel, forkNumber);
                               1868                 : }
                               1869                 : 
                               1870                 : /*
                               1871                 :  * table_relation_needs_toast_table - does this relation need a toast table?
 1419 rhaas                    1872 ECB             :  */
                               1873                 : static inline bool
 1419 rhaas                    1874 GIC       30583 : table_relation_needs_toast_table(Relation rel)
                               1875                 : {
                               1876           30583 :     return rel->rd_tableam->relation_needs_toast_table(rel);
                               1877                 : }
                               1878                 : 
                               1879                 : /*
                               1880                 :  * Return the OID of the AM that should be used to implement the TOAST table
                               1881                 :  * for this relation.
                               1882                 :  */
                               1883                 : static inline Oid
 1188                          1884           18026 : table_relation_toast_am(Relation rel)
                               1885                 : {
                               1886           18026 :     return rel->rd_tableam->relation_toast_am(rel);
                               1887                 : }
                               1888                 : 
                               1889                 : /*
 1188 rhaas                    1890 ECB             :  * Fetch all or part of a TOAST value from a TOAST table.
                               1891                 :  *
                               1892                 :  * If this AM is never used to implement a TOAST table, then this callback
                               1893                 :  * is not needed. But, if toasted values are ever stored in a table of this
                               1894                 :  * type, then you will need this callback.
                               1895                 :  *
                               1896                 :  * toastrel is the relation in which the toasted value is stored.
                               1897                 :  *
                               1898                 :  * valueid identifes which toast value is to be fetched. For the heap,
                               1899                 :  * this corresponds to the values stored in the chunk_id column.
                               1900                 :  *
                               1901                 :  * attrsize is the total size of the toast value to be fetched.
                               1902                 :  *
                               1903                 :  * sliceoffset is the offset within the toast value of the first byte that
                               1904                 :  * should be fetched.
                               1905                 :  *
                               1906                 :  * slicelength is the number of bytes from the toast value that should be
                               1907                 :  * fetched.
                               1908                 :  *
                               1909                 :  * result is caller-allocated space into which the fetched bytes should be
                               1910                 :  * stored.
                               1911                 :  */
                               1912                 : static inline void
 1188 rhaas                    1913 GIC       39145 : table_relation_fetch_toast_slice(Relation toastrel, Oid valueid,
                               1914                 :                                  int32 attrsize, int32 sliceoffset,
                               1915                 :                                  int32 slicelength, struct varlena *result)
                               1916                 : {
 1186                          1917           39145 :     toastrel->rd_tableam->relation_fetch_toast_slice(toastrel, valueid,
                               1918                 :                                                      attrsize,
                               1919                 :                                                      sliceoffset, slicelength,
                               1920                 :                                                      result);
 1188                          1921           39145 : }
                               1922                 : 
                               1923                 : 
                               1924                 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               1925                 :  * Planner related functionality
                               1926                 :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               1927                 :  */
                               1928                 : 
                               1929                 : /*
                               1930                 :  * Estimate the current size of the relation, as an AM specific workhorse for
                               1931                 :  * estimate_rel_size(). Look there for an explanation of the parameters.
                               1932                 :  */
                               1933                 : static inline void
 1471 andres                   1934          174586 : table_relation_estimate_size(Relation rel, int32 *attr_widths,
                               1935                 :                              BlockNumber *pages, double *tuples,
                               1936                 :                              double *allvisfrac)
                               1937                 : {
 1471 andres                   1938 CBC      174586 :     rel->rd_tableam->relation_estimate_size(rel, attr_widths, pages, tuples,
                               1939                 :                                             allvisfrac);
 1471 andres                   1940 GIC      174586 : }
                               1941                 : 
 1471 andres                   1942 ECB             : 
                               1943                 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               1944                 :  * Executor related functionality
                               1945                 :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               1946                 :  */
                               1947                 : 
                               1948                 : /*
                               1949                 :  * Prepare to fetch / check / return tuples from `tbmres->blockno` as part of
                               1950                 :  * a bitmap table scan. `scan` needs to have been started via
                               1951                 :  * table_beginscan_bm(). Returns false if there are no tuples to be found on
                               1952                 :  * the page, true otherwise.
                               1953                 :  *
                               1954                 :  * Note, this is an optionally implemented function, therefore should only be
                               1955                 :  * used after verifying the presence (at plan time or such).
                               1956                 :  */
                               1957                 : static inline bool
 1470 andres                   1958 GIC      254448 : table_scan_bitmap_next_block(TableScanDesc scan,
 1470 andres                   1959 ECB             :                              struct TBMIterateResult *tbmres)
                               1960                 : {
                               1961                 :     /*
                               1962                 :      * We don't expect direct calls to table_scan_bitmap_next_block with valid
  974 akapila                  1963                 :      * CheckXidAlive for catalog or regular tables.  See detailed comments in
                               1964                 :      * xact.c where these variables are declared.
                               1965                 :      */
  974 akapila                  1966 GIC      254448 :     if (unlikely(TransactionIdIsValid(CheckXidAlive) && !bsysscan))
  974 akapila                  1967 UIC           0 :         elog(ERROR, "unexpected table_scan_bitmap_next_block call during logical decoding");
                               1968                 : 
 1470 andres                   1969 GIC      254448 :     return scan->rs_rd->rd_tableam->scan_bitmap_next_block(scan,
                               1970                 :                                                            tbmres);
                               1971                 : }
                               1972                 : 
                               1973                 : /*
                               1974                 :  * Fetch the next tuple of a bitmap table scan into `slot` and return true if
                               1975                 :  * a visible tuple was found, false otherwise.
                               1976                 :  * table_scan_bitmap_next_block() needs to previously have selected a
                               1977                 :  * block (i.e. returned true), and no previous
                               1978                 :  * table_scan_bitmap_next_tuple() for the same block may have
                               1979                 :  * returned false.
                               1980                 :  */
                               1981                 : static inline bool
                               1982         4018959 : table_scan_bitmap_next_tuple(TableScanDesc scan,
 1470 andres                   1983 ECB             :                              struct TBMIterateResult *tbmres,
                               1984                 :                              TupleTableSlot *slot)
                               1985                 : {
                               1986                 :     /*
                               1987                 :      * We don't expect direct calls to table_scan_bitmap_next_tuple with valid
                               1988                 :      * CheckXidAlive for catalog or regular tables.  See detailed comments in
                               1989                 :      * xact.c where these variables are declared.
                               1990                 :      */
  974 akapila                  1991 CBC     4018959 :     if (unlikely(TransactionIdIsValid(CheckXidAlive) && !bsysscan))
  974 akapila                  1992 UBC           0 :         elog(ERROR, "unexpected table_scan_bitmap_next_tuple call during logical decoding");
                               1993                 : 
 1470 andres                   1994 CBC     4018959 :     return scan->rs_rd->rd_tableam->scan_bitmap_next_tuple(scan,
                               1995                 :                                                            tbmres,
                               1996                 :                                                            slot);
                               1997                 : }
                               1998                 : 
                               1999                 : /*
                               2000                 :  * Prepare to fetch tuples from the next block in a sample scan. Returns false
                               2001                 :  * if the sample scan is finished, true otherwise. `scan` needs to have been
                               2002                 :  * started via table_beginscan_sampling().
                               2003                 :  *
                               2004                 :  * This will call the TsmRoutine's NextSampleBlock() callback if necessary
                               2005                 :  * (i.e. NextSampleBlock is not NULL), or perform a sequential scan over the
                               2006                 :  * underlying relation.
 1471 andres                   2007 ECB             :  */
                               2008                 : static inline bool
 1471 andres                   2009 GIC        6455 : table_scan_sample_next_block(TableScanDesc scan,
                               2010                 :                              struct SampleScanState *scanstate)
                               2011                 : {
                               2012                 :     /*
                               2013                 :      * We don't expect direct calls to table_scan_sample_next_block with valid
                               2014                 :      * CheckXidAlive for catalog or regular tables.  See detailed comments in
                               2015                 :      * xact.c where these variables are declared.
  974 akapila                  2016 ECB             :      */
  974 akapila                  2017 GBC        6455 :     if (unlikely(TransactionIdIsValid(CheckXidAlive) && !bsysscan))
  974 akapila                  2018 UIC           0 :         elog(ERROR, "unexpected table_scan_sample_next_block call during logical decoding");
 1471 andres                   2019 CBC        6455 :     return scan->rs_rd->rd_tableam->scan_sample_next_block(scan, scanstate);
                               2020                 : }
                               2021                 : 
                               2022                 : /*
                               2023                 :  * Fetch the next sample tuple into `slot` and return true if a visible tuple
                               2024                 :  * was found, false otherwise. table_scan_sample_next_block() needs to
                               2025                 :  * previously have selected a block (i.e. returned true), and no previous
                               2026                 :  * table_scan_sample_next_tuple() for the same block may have returned false.
                               2027                 :  *
                               2028                 :  * This will call the TsmRoutine's NextSampleTuple() callback.
                               2029                 :  */
                               2030                 : static inline bool
 1471 andres                   2031 GIC      126947 : table_scan_sample_next_tuple(TableScanDesc scan,
                               2032                 :                              struct SampleScanState *scanstate,
                               2033                 :                              TupleTableSlot *slot)
 1471 andres                   2034 ECB             : {
                               2035                 :     /*
                               2036                 :      * We don't expect direct calls to table_scan_sample_next_tuple with valid
                               2037                 :      * CheckXidAlive for catalog or regular tables.  See detailed comments in
                               2038                 :      * xact.c where these variables are declared.
                               2039                 :      */
  974 akapila                  2040 GIC      126947 :     if (unlikely(TransactionIdIsValid(CheckXidAlive) && !bsysscan))
  974 akapila                  2041 UIC           0 :         elog(ERROR, "unexpected table_scan_sample_next_tuple call during logical decoding");
 1471 andres                   2042 CBC      126947 :     return scan->rs_rd->rd_tableam->scan_sample_next_tuple(scan, scanstate,
 1471 andres                   2043 EUB             :                                                            slot);
 1471 andres                   2044 ECB             : }
                               2045                 : 
                               2046                 : 
                               2047                 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               2048                 :  * Functions to make modifications a bit simpler.
                               2049                 :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               2050                 :  */
                               2051                 : 
                               2052                 : extern void simple_table_tuple_insert(Relation rel, TupleTableSlot *slot);
                               2053                 : extern void simple_table_tuple_delete(Relation rel, ItemPointer tid,
                               2054                 :                                       Snapshot snapshot);
                               2055                 : extern void simple_table_tuple_update(Relation rel, ItemPointer otid,
 1417                          2056                 :                                       TupleTableSlot *slot, Snapshot snapshot,
                               2057                 :                                       TU_UpdateIndexes *update_indexes);
                               2058                 : 
                               2059                 : 
                               2060                 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               2061                 :  * Helper functions to implement parallel scans for block oriented AMs.
                               2062                 :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               2063                 :  */
                               2064                 : 
 1490                          2065                 : extern Size table_block_parallelscan_estimate(Relation rel);
 1490 andres                   2066 EUB             : extern Size table_block_parallelscan_initialize(Relation rel,
 1418 tgl                      2067 ECB             :                                                 ParallelTableScanDesc pscan);
                               2068                 : extern void table_block_parallelscan_reinitialize(Relation rel,
                               2069                 :                                                   ParallelTableScanDesc pscan);
                               2070                 : extern BlockNumber table_block_parallelscan_nextpage(Relation rel,
                               2071                 :                                                      ParallelBlockTableScanWorker pbscanwork,
                               2072                 :                                                      ParallelBlockTableScanDesc pbscan);
                               2073                 : extern void table_block_parallelscan_startblock_init(Relation rel,
                               2074                 :                                                      ParallelBlockTableScanWorker pbscanwork,
                               2075                 :                                                      ParallelBlockTableScanDesc pbscan);
                               2076                 : 
                               2077                 : 
                               2078                 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               2079                 :  * Helper functions to implement relation sizing for block oriented AMs.
                               2080                 :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               2081                 :  */
                               2082                 : 
                               2083                 : extern uint64 table_block_relation_size(Relation rel, ForkNumber forkNumber);
                               2084                 : extern void table_block_relation_estimate_size(Relation rel,
                               2085                 :                                                int32 *attr_widths,
                               2086                 :                                                BlockNumber *pages,
                               2087                 :                                                double *tuples,
                               2088                 :                                                double *allvisfrac,
                               2089                 :                                                Size overhead_bytes_per_tuple,
                               2090                 :                                                Size usable_bytes_per_page);
                               2091                 : 
                               2092                 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               2093                 :  * Functions in tableamapi.c
                               2094                 :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               2095                 :  */
                               2096                 : 
                               2097                 : extern const TableAmRoutine *GetTableAmRoutine(Oid amhandler);
                               2098                 : extern const TableAmRoutine *GetHeapamTableAmRoutine(void);
                               2099                 : 
                               2100                 : #endif                          /* TABLEAM_H */

Generated by: LCOV version v1.16-55-g56c0a2a