LCOV - differential code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/bin/psql - tab-complete.c (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit UNC LBC UIC UBC GBC GIC GNC CBC EUB ECB DUB DCB
Current: Differential Code Coverage HEAD vs 15 Lines: 60.2 % 2344 1410 50 261 375 248 264 705 47 394 404 736 18 19
Current Date: 2023-04-08 17:13:01 Functions: 97.1 % 34 33 1 33 1 33
Baseline: 15 Line coverage date bins:
Baseline Date: 2023-04-08 15:09:40 [..60] days: 20.0 % 5 1 4 1
Legend: Lines: hit not hit (60,120] days: 42.9 % 35 15 16 3 1 15 1
(120,180] days: 44.1 % 34 15 19 15
(180,240] days: 67.7 % 62 42 7 4 5 4 10 12 9 11 8 9
(240..) days: 60.6 % 2208 1337 4 254 370 243 254 693 7 383 394 689
Function coverage date bins:
(240..) days: 50.0 % 66 33 1 33 1 31

 Age         Owner                  TLA  Line data    Source code
                                  1                 : /*
                                  2                 :  * psql - the PostgreSQL interactive terminal
                                  3                 :  *
                                  4                 :  * Copyright (c) 2000-2023, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
                                  5                 :  *
                                  6                 :  * src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c
                                  7                 :  */
                                  8                 : 
                                  9                 : /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 10                 :  * This file implements a somewhat more sophisticated readline "TAB
                                 11                 :  * completion" in psql. It is not intended to be AI, to replace
                                 12                 :  * learning SQL, or to relieve you from thinking about what you're
                                 13                 :  * doing. Also it does not always give you all the syntactically legal
                                 14                 :  * completions, only those that are the most common or the ones that
                                 15                 :  * the programmer felt most like implementing.
                                 16                 :  *
                                 17                 :  * CAVEAT: Tab completion causes queries to be sent to the backend.
                                 18                 :  * The number of tuples returned gets limited, in most default
                                 19                 :  * installations to 1000, but if you still don't like this prospect,
                                 20                 :  * you can turn off tab completion in your ~/.inputrc (or else
                                 21                 :  * ${INPUTRC}) file so:
                                 22                 :  *
                                 23                 :  *   $if psql
                                 24                 :  *   set disable-completion on
                                 25                 :  *   $endif
                                 26                 :  *
                                 27                 :  * See `man 3 readline' or `info readline' for the full details.
                                 28                 :  *
                                 29                 :  * BUGS:
                                 30                 :  * - Quotes, parentheses, and other funny characters are not handled
                                 31                 :  *   all that gracefully.
                                 32                 :  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 33                 :  */
                                 34                 : 
                                 35                 : #include "postgres_fe.h"
                                 36                 : 
                                 37                 : #include "input.h"
                                 38                 : #include "tab-complete.h"
                                 39                 : 
                                 40                 : /* If we don't have this, we might as well forget about the whole thing: */
                                 41                 : #ifdef USE_READLINE
                                 42                 : 
                                 43                 : #include <ctype.h>
                                 44                 : #include <sys/stat.h>
                                 45                 : 
                                 46                 : #include "catalog/pg_am_d.h"
                                 47                 : #include "catalog/pg_class_d.h"
                                 48                 : #include "common.h"
                                 49                 : #include "common/keywords.h"
                                 50                 : #include "libpq-fe.h"
                                 51                 : #include "mb/pg_wchar.h"
                                 52                 : #include "pqexpbuffer.h"
                                 53                 : #include "settings.h"
                                 54                 : #include "stringutils.h"
                                 55                 : 
                                 56                 : /*
                                 57                 :  * Ancient versions of libedit provide filename_completion_function()
                                 58                 :  * instead of rl_filename_completion_function().  Likewise for
                                 59                 :  * [rl_]completion_matches().
                                 60                 :  */
                                 61                 : #ifndef HAVE_RL_FILENAME_COMPLETION_FUNCTION
                                 62                 : #define rl_filename_completion_function filename_completion_function
                                 63                 : #endif
                                 64                 : 
                                 65                 : #ifndef HAVE_RL_COMPLETION_MATCHES
                                 66                 : #define rl_completion_matches completion_matches
                                 67                 : #endif
                                 68                 : 
                                 69                 : /*
                                 70                 :  * Currently we assume that rl_filename_dequoting_function exists if
                                 71                 :  * rl_filename_quoting_function does.  If that proves not to be the case,
                                 72                 :  * we'd need to test for the former, or possibly both, in configure.
                                 73                 :  */
                                 74                 : #ifdef HAVE_RL_FILENAME_QUOTING_FUNCTION
                                 75                 : #define USE_FILENAME_QUOTING_FUNCTIONS 1
                                 76                 : #endif
                                 77                 : 
                                 78                 : /* word break characters */
                                 79                 : #define WORD_BREAKS     "\t\n@$><=;|&{() "
                                 80                 : 
                                 81                 : /*
                                 82                 :  * Since readline doesn't let us pass any state through to the tab completion
                                 83                 :  * callback, we have to use this global variable to let get_previous_words()
                                 84                 :  * get at the previous lines of the current command.  Ick.
                                 85                 :  */
                                 86                 : PQExpBuffer tab_completion_query_buf = NULL;
                                 87                 : 
                                 88                 : /*
                                 89                 :  * In some situations, the query to find out what names are available to
                                 90                 :  * complete with must vary depending on server version.  We handle this by
                                 91                 :  * storing a list of queries, each tagged with the minimum server version
                                 92                 :  * it will work for.  Each list must be stored in descending server version
                                 93                 :  * order, so that the first satisfactory query is the one to use.
                                 94                 :  *
                                 95                 :  * When the query string is otherwise constant, an array of VersionedQuery
                                 96                 :  * suffices.  Terminate the array with an entry having min_server_version = 0.
                                 97                 :  * That entry's query string can be a query that works in all supported older
                                 98                 :  * server versions, or NULL to give up and do no completion.
                                 99                 :  */
                                100                 : typedef struct VersionedQuery
                                101                 : {
                                102                 :     int         min_server_version;
                                103                 :     const char *query;
                                104                 : } VersionedQuery;
                                105                 : 
                                106                 : /*
                                107                 :  * This struct is used to define "schema queries", which are custom-built
                                108                 :  * to obtain possibly-schema-qualified names of database objects.  There is
                                109                 :  * enough similarity in the structure that we don't want to repeat it each
                                110                 :  * time.  So we put the components of each query into this struct and
                                111                 :  * assemble them with the common boilerplate in _complete_from_query().
                                112                 :  *
                                113                 :  * We also use this struct to define queries that use completion_ref_object,
                                114                 :  * which is some object related to the one(s) we want to get the names of
                                115                 :  * (for example, the table we want the indexes of).  In that usage the
                                116                 :  * objects we're completing might not have a schema of their own, but the
                                117                 :  * reference object almost always does (passed in completion_ref_schema).
                                118                 :  *
                                119                 :  * As with VersionedQuery, we can use an array of these if the query details
                                120                 :  * must vary across versions.
                                121                 :  */
                                122                 : typedef struct SchemaQuery
                                123                 : {
                                124                 :     /*
                                125                 :      * If not zero, minimum server version this struct applies to.  If not
                                126                 :      * zero, there should be a following struct with a smaller minimum server
                                127                 :      * version; use catname == NULL in the last entry if we should do nothing.
                                128                 :      */
                                129                 :     int         min_server_version;
                                130                 : 
                                131                 :     /*
                                132                 :      * Name of catalog or catalogs to be queried, with alias(es), eg.
                                133                 :      * "pg_catalog.pg_class c".  Note that "pg_namespace n" and/or
                                134                 :      * "pg_namespace nr" will be added automatically when needed.
                                135                 :      */
                                136                 :     const char *catname;
                                137                 : 
                                138                 :     /*
                                139                 :      * Selection condition --- only rows meeting this condition are candidates
                                140                 :      * to display.  If catname mentions multiple tables, include the necessary
                                141                 :      * join condition here.  For example, this might look like "c.relkind = "
                                142                 :      * CppAsString2(RELKIND_RELATION).  Write NULL (not an empty string) if
                                143                 :      * not needed.
                                144                 :      */
                                145                 :     const char *selcondition;
                                146                 : 
                                147                 :     /*
                                148                 :      * Visibility condition --- which rows are visible without schema
                                149                 :      * qualification?  For example, "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)".
                                150                 :      * NULL if not needed.
                                151                 :      */
                                152                 :     const char *viscondition;
                                153                 : 
                                154                 :     /*
                                155                 :      * Namespace --- name of field to join to pg_namespace.oid when there is
                                156                 :      * schema qualification.  For example, "c.relnamespace".  NULL if we don't
                                157                 :      * want to join to pg_namespace (then any schema part in the input word
                                158                 :      * will be ignored).
                                159                 :      */
                                160                 :     const char *namespace;
                                161                 : 
                                162                 :     /*
                                163                 :      * Result --- the base object name to return.  For example, "c.relname".
                                164                 :      */
                                165                 :     const char *result;
                                166                 : 
                                167                 :     /*
                                168                 :      * In some cases, it's difficult to keep the query from returning the same
                                169                 :      * object multiple times.  Specify use_distinct to filter out duplicates.
                                170                 :      */
                                171                 :     bool        use_distinct;
                                172                 : 
                                173                 :     /*
                                174                 :      * Additional literal strings (usually keywords) to be offered along with
                                175                 :      * the query results.  Provide a NULL-terminated array of constant
                                176                 :      * strings, or NULL if none.
                                177                 :      */
                                178                 :     const char *const *keywords;
                                179                 : 
                                180                 :     /*
                                181                 :      * If this query uses completion_ref_object/completion_ref_schema,
                                182                 :      * populate the remaining fields, else leave them NULL.  When using this
                                183                 :      * capability, catname must include the catalog that defines the
                                184                 :      * completion_ref_object, and selcondition must include the join condition
                                185                 :      * that connects it to the result's catalog.
                                186                 :      *
                                187                 :      * refname is the field that should be equated to completion_ref_object,
                                188                 :      * for example "cr.relname".
                                189                 :      */
                                190                 :     const char *refname;
                                191                 : 
                                192                 :     /*
                                193                 :      * Visibility condition to use when completion_ref_schema is not set.  For
                                194                 :      * example, "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(cr.oid)".  NULL if not needed.
                                195                 :      */
                                196                 :     const char *refviscondition;
                                197                 : 
                                198                 :     /*
                                199                 :      * Name of field to join to pg_namespace.oid when completion_ref_schema is
                                200                 :      * set.  For example, "cr.relnamespace".  NULL if we don't want to
                                201                 :      * consider completion_ref_schema.
                                202                 :      */
                                203                 :     const char *refnamespace;
                                204                 : } SchemaQuery;
                                205                 : 
                                206                 : 
                                207                 : /* Store maximum number of records we want from database queries
                                208                 :  * (implemented via SELECT ... LIMIT xx).
                                209                 :  */
                                210                 : static int  completion_max_records;
                                211                 : 
                                212                 : /*
                                213                 :  * Communication variables set by psql_completion (mostly in COMPLETE_WITH_FOO
                                214                 :  * macros) and then used by the completion callback functions.  Ugly but there
                                215                 :  * is no better way.
                                216                 :  */
                                217                 : static char completion_last_char;   /* last char of input word */
                                218                 : static const char *completion_charp;    /* to pass a string */
                                219                 : static const char *const *completion_charpp;    /* to pass a list of strings */
                                220                 : static const VersionedQuery *completion_vquery; /* to pass a VersionedQuery */
                                221                 : static const SchemaQuery *completion_squery;    /* to pass a SchemaQuery */
                                222                 : static char *completion_ref_object; /* name of reference object */
                                223                 : static char *completion_ref_schema; /* schema name of reference object */
                                224                 : static bool completion_case_sensitive;  /* completion is case sensitive */
                                225                 : static bool completion_verbatim;    /* completion is verbatim */
                                226                 : static bool completion_force_quote; /* true to force-quote filenames */
                                227                 : 
                                228                 : /*
                                229                 :  * A few macros to ease typing. You can use these to complete the given
                                230                 :  * string with
                                231                 :  * 1) The result from a query you pass it. (Perhaps one of those below?)
                                232                 :  *    We support both simple and versioned queries.
                                233                 :  * 2) The result from a schema query you pass it.
                                234                 :  *    We support both simple and versioned schema queries.
                                235                 :  * 3) The items from a null-pointer-terminated list (with or without
                                236                 :  *    case-sensitive comparison); if the list is constant you can build it
                                237                 :  *    with COMPLETE_WITH() or COMPLETE_WITH_CS().  The QUERY_LIST and
                                238                 :  *    QUERY_PLUS forms combine such literal lists with a query result.
                                239                 :  * 4) The list of attributes of the given table (possibly schema-qualified).
                                240                 :  * 5) The list of arguments to the given function (possibly schema-qualified).
                                241                 :  *
                                242                 :  * The query is generally expected to return raw SQL identifiers; matching
                                243                 :  * to what the user typed is done in a quoting-aware fashion.  If what is
                                244                 :  * returned is not SQL identifiers, use one of the VERBATIM forms, in which
                                245                 :  * case the query results are matched to the user's text without double-quote
                                246                 :  * processing (so if quoting is needed, you must provide it in the query
                                247                 :  * results).
                                248                 :  */
                                249                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(query) \
                                250                 :     COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_LIST(query, NULL)
                                251                 : 
                                252                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_LIST(query, list) \
                                253                 : do { \
                                254                 :     completion_charp = query; \
                                255                 :     completion_charpp = list; \
                                256                 :     completion_verbatim = false; \
                                257                 :     matches = rl_completion_matches(text, complete_from_query); \
                                258                 : } while (0)
                                259                 : 
                                260                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(query, ...) \
                                261                 : do { \
                                262                 :     static const char *const list[] = { __VA_ARGS__, NULL }; \
                                263                 :     COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_LIST(query, list); \
                                264                 : } while (0)
                                265                 : 
                                266                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_VERBATIM(query) \
                                267                 :     COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_VERBATIM_LIST(query, NULL)
                                268                 : 
                                269                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_VERBATIM_LIST(query, list) \
                                270                 : do { \
                                271                 :     completion_charp = query; \
                                272                 :     completion_charpp = list; \
                                273                 :     completion_verbatim = true; \
                                274                 :     matches = rl_completion_matches(text, complete_from_query); \
                                275                 : } while (0)
                                276                 : 
                                277                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_VERBATIM_PLUS(query, ...) \
                                278                 : do { \
                                279                 :     static const char *const list[] = { __VA_ARGS__, NULL }; \
                                280                 :     COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_VERBATIM_LIST(query, list); \
                                281                 : } while (0)
                                282                 : 
                                283                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_QUERY(query) \
                                284                 :     COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_QUERY_LIST(query, NULL)
                                285                 : 
                                286                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_QUERY_LIST(query, list) \
                                287                 : do { \
                                288                 :     completion_vquery = query; \
                                289                 :     completion_charpp = list; \
                                290                 :     completion_verbatim = false; \
                                291                 :     matches = rl_completion_matches(text, complete_from_versioned_query); \
                                292                 : } while (0)
                                293                 : 
                                294                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_QUERY_PLUS(query, ...) \
                                295                 : do { \
                                296                 :     static const char *const list[] = { __VA_ARGS__, NULL }; \
                                297                 :     COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_QUERY_LIST(query, list); \
                                298                 : } while (0)
                                299                 : 
                                300                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(query) \
                                301                 :     COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_LIST(query, NULL)
                                302                 : 
                                303                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_LIST(query, list) \
                                304                 : do { \
                                305                 :     completion_squery = &(query); \
                                306                 :     completion_charpp = list; \
                                307                 :     completion_verbatim = false; \
                                308                 :     matches = rl_completion_matches(text, complete_from_schema_query); \
                                309                 : } while (0)
                                310                 : 
                                311                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(query, ...) \
                                312                 : do { \
                                313                 :     static const char *const list[] = { __VA_ARGS__, NULL }; \
                                314                 :     COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_LIST(query, list); \
                                315                 : } while (0)
                                316                 : 
                                317                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_VERBATIM(query) \
                                318                 : do { \
                                319                 :     completion_squery = &(query); \
                                320                 :     completion_charpp = NULL; \
                                321                 :     completion_verbatim = true; \
                                322                 :     matches = rl_completion_matches(text, complete_from_schema_query); \
                                323                 : } while (0)
                                324                 : 
                                325                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_SCHEMA_QUERY(query) \
                                326                 :     COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_SCHEMA_QUERY_LIST(query, NULL)
                                327                 : 
                                328                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_SCHEMA_QUERY_LIST(query, list) \
                                329                 : do { \
                                330                 :     completion_squery = query; \
                                331                 :     completion_charpp = list; \
                                332                 :     completion_verbatim = false; \
                                333                 :     matches = rl_completion_matches(text, complete_from_versioned_schema_query); \
                                334                 : } while (0)
                                335                 : 
                                336                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(query, ...) \
                                337                 : do { \
                                338                 :     static const char *const list[] = { __VA_ARGS__, NULL }; \
                                339                 :     COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_SCHEMA_QUERY_LIST(query, list); \
                                340                 : } while (0)
                                341                 : 
                                342                 : /*
                                343                 :  * Caution: COMPLETE_WITH_CONST is not for general-purpose use; you probably
                                344                 :  * want COMPLETE_WITH() with one element, instead.
                                345                 :  */
                                346                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_CONST(cs, con) \
                                347                 : do { \
                                348                 :     completion_case_sensitive = (cs); \
                                349                 :     completion_charp = (con); \
                                350                 :     matches = rl_completion_matches(text, complete_from_const); \
                                351                 : } while (0)
                                352                 : 
                                353                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_LIST_INT(cs, list) \
                                354                 : do { \
                                355                 :     completion_case_sensitive = (cs); \
                                356                 :     completion_charpp = (list); \
                                357                 :     matches = rl_completion_matches(text, complete_from_list); \
                                358                 : } while (0)
                                359                 : 
                                360                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_LIST(list) COMPLETE_WITH_LIST_INT(false, list)
                                361                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_LIST_CS(list) COMPLETE_WITH_LIST_INT(true, list)
                                362                 : 
                                363                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH(...) \
                                364                 : do { \
                                365                 :     static const char *const list[] = { __VA_ARGS__, NULL }; \
                                366                 :     COMPLETE_WITH_LIST(list); \
                                367                 : } while (0)
                                368                 : 
                                369                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_CS(...) \
                                370                 : do { \
                                371                 :     static const char *const list[] = { __VA_ARGS__, NULL }; \
                                372                 :     COMPLETE_WITH_LIST_CS(list); \
                                373                 : } while (0)
                                374                 : 
                                375                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR(relation) \
                                376                 :     COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR_LIST(relation, NULL)
                                377                 : 
                                378                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR_LIST(relation, list) \
                                379                 : do { \
                                380                 :     set_completion_reference(relation); \
                                381                 :     completion_squery = &(Query_for_list_of_attributes); \
                                382                 :     completion_charpp = list; \
                                383                 :     completion_verbatim = false; \
                                384                 :     matches = rl_completion_matches(text, complete_from_schema_query); \
                                385                 : } while (0)
                                386                 : 
                                387                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR_PLUS(relation, ...) \
                                388                 : do { \
                                389                 :     static const char *const list[] = { __VA_ARGS__, NULL }; \
                                390                 :     COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR_LIST(relation, list); \
                                391                 : } while (0)
                                392                 : 
                                393                 : /*
                                394                 :  * libedit will typically include the literal's leading single quote in
                                395                 :  * "text", while readline will not.  Adapt our offered strings to fit.
                                396                 :  * But include a quote if there's not one just before "text", to get the
                                397                 :  * user off to the right start.
                                398                 :  */
                                399                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_ENUM_VALUE(type) \
                                400                 : do { \
                                401                 :     set_completion_reference(type); \
                                402                 :     if (text[0] == '\'' || \
                                403                 :         start == 0 || rl_line_buffer[start - 1] != '\'') \
                                404                 :         completion_squery = &(Query_for_list_of_enum_values_quoted); \
                                405                 :     else \
                                406                 :         completion_squery = &(Query_for_list_of_enum_values_unquoted); \
                                407                 :     completion_charpp = NULL; \
                                408                 :     completion_verbatim = true; \
                                409                 :     matches = rl_completion_matches(text, complete_from_schema_query); \
                                410                 : } while (0)
                                411                 : 
                                412                 : /*
                                413                 :  * Timezone completion is mostly like enum label completion, but we work
                                414                 :  * a little harder since this is a more common use-case.
                                415                 :  */
                                416                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_TIMEZONE_NAME() \
                                417                 : do { \
                                418                 :     static const char *const list[] = { "DEFAULT", NULL }; \
                                419                 :     if (text[0] == '\'') \
                                420                 :         completion_charp = Query_for_list_of_timezone_names_quoted_in; \
                                421                 :     else if (start == 0 || rl_line_buffer[start - 1] != '\'') \
                                422                 :         completion_charp = Query_for_list_of_timezone_names_quoted_out; \
                                423                 :     else \
                                424                 :         completion_charp = Query_for_list_of_timezone_names_unquoted; \
                                425                 :     completion_charpp = list;                             \
                                426                 :     completion_verbatim = true; \
                                427                 :     matches = rl_completion_matches(text, complete_from_query); \
                                428                 : } while (0)
                                429                 : 
                                430                 : #define COMPLETE_WITH_FUNCTION_ARG(function) \
                                431                 : do { \
                                432                 :     set_completion_reference(function); \
                                433                 :     completion_squery = &(Query_for_list_of_arguments); \
                                434                 :     completion_charpp = NULL; \
                                435                 :     completion_verbatim = true; \
                                436                 :     matches = rl_completion_matches(text, complete_from_schema_query); \
                                437                 : } while (0)
                                438                 : 
                                439                 : /*
                                440                 :  * Assembly instructions for schema queries
                                441                 :  *
                                442                 :  * Note that toast tables are not included in those queries to avoid
                                443                 :  * unnecessary bloat in the completions generated.
                                444                 :  */
                                445                 : 
                                446                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_constraint_of_table = {
                                447                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_constraint con, pg_catalog.pg_class c1",
                                448                 :     .selcondition = "con.conrelid=c1.oid",
                                449                 :     .result = "con.conname",
                                450                 :     .refname = "c1.relname",
                                451                 :     .refviscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c1.oid)",
                                452                 :     .refnamespace = "c1.relnamespace",
                                453                 : };
                                454                 : 
                                455                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_constraint_of_table_not_validated = {
                                456                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_constraint con, pg_catalog.pg_class c1",
                                457                 :     .selcondition = "con.conrelid=c1.oid and not con.convalidated",
                                458                 :     .result = "con.conname",
                                459                 :     .refname = "c1.relname",
                                460                 :     .refviscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c1.oid)",
                                461                 :     .refnamespace = "c1.relnamespace",
                                462                 : };
                                463                 : 
                                464                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_constraint_of_type = {
                                465                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_constraint con, pg_catalog.pg_type t",
                                466                 :     .selcondition = "con.contypid=t.oid",
                                467                 :     .result = "con.conname",
                                468                 :     .refname = "t.typname",
                                469                 :     .refviscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_type_is_visible(t.oid)",
                                470                 :     .refnamespace = "t.typnamespace",
                                471                 : };
                                472                 : 
                                473                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_index_of_table = {
                                474                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c1, pg_catalog.pg_class c2, pg_catalog.pg_index i",
                                475                 :     .selcondition = "c1.oid=i.indrelid and i.indexrelid=c2.oid",
                                476                 :     .result = "c2.relname",
                                477                 :     .refname = "c1.relname",
                                478                 :     .refviscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c1.oid)",
                                479                 :     .refnamespace = "c1.relnamespace",
                                480                 : };
                                481                 : 
                                482                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_unique_index_of_table = {
                                483                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c1, pg_catalog.pg_class c2, pg_catalog.pg_index i",
                                484                 :     .selcondition = "c1.oid=i.indrelid and i.indexrelid=c2.oid and i.indisunique",
                                485                 :     .result = "c2.relname",
                                486                 :     .refname = "c1.relname",
                                487                 :     .refviscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c1.oid)",
                                488                 :     .refnamespace = "c1.relnamespace",
                                489                 : };
                                490                 : 
                                491                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_aggregates[] = {
                                492                 :     {
                                493                 :         .min_server_version = 110000,
                                494                 :         .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_proc p",
                                495                 :         .selcondition = "p.prokind = 'a'",
                                496                 :         .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_function_is_visible(p.oid)",
                                497                 :         .namespace = "p.pronamespace",
                                498                 :         .result = "p.proname",
                                499                 :     },
                                500                 :     {
                                501                 :         .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_proc p",
                                502                 :         .selcondition = "p.proisagg",
                                503                 :         .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_function_is_visible(p.oid)",
                                504                 :         .namespace = "p.pronamespace",
                                505                 :         .result = "p.proname",
                                506                 :     }
                                507                 : };
                                508                 : 
                                509                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_arguments = {
                                510                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_proc p",
                                511                 :     .result = "pg_catalog.oidvectortypes(p.proargtypes)||')'",
                                512                 :     .refname = "p.proname",
                                513                 :     .refviscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_function_is_visible(p.oid)",
                                514                 :     .refnamespace = "p.pronamespace",
                                515                 : };
                                516                 : 
                                517                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_attributes = {
                                518                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_attribute a, pg_catalog.pg_class c",
                                519                 :     .selcondition = "c.oid = a.attrelid and a.attnum > 0 and not a.attisdropped",
                                520                 :     .result = "a.attname",
                                521                 :     .refname = "c.relname",
                                522                 :     .refviscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                523                 :     .refnamespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                524                 : };
                                525                 : 
                                526                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_attribute_numbers = {
                                527                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_attribute a, pg_catalog.pg_class c",
                                528                 :     .selcondition = "c.oid = a.attrelid and a.attnum > 0 and not a.attisdropped",
                                529                 :     .result = "a.attnum::pg_catalog.text",
                                530                 :     .refname = "c.relname",
                                531                 :     .refviscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                532                 :     .refnamespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                533                 : };
                                534                 : 
                                535                 : static const char *const Keywords_for_list_of_datatypes[] = {
                                536                 :     "bigint",
                                537                 :     "boolean",
                                538                 :     "character",
                                539                 :     "double precision",
                                540                 :     "integer",
                                541                 :     "real",
                                542                 :     "smallint",
                                543                 : 
                                544                 :     /*
                                545                 :      * Note: currently there's no value in offering the following multiword
                                546                 :      * type names, because tab completion cannot succeed for them: we can't
                                547                 :      * disambiguate until somewhere in the second word, at which point we
                                548                 :      * won't have the first word as context.  ("double precision" does work,
                                549                 :      * as long as no other type name begins with "double".)  Leave them out to
                                550                 :      * encourage users to use the PG-specific aliases, which we can complete.
                                551                 :      */
                                552                 : #ifdef NOT_USED
                                553                 :     "bit varying",
                                554                 :     "character varying",
                                555                 :     "time with time zone",
                                556                 :     "time without time zone",
                                557                 :     "timestamp with time zone",
                                558                 :     "timestamp without time zone",
                                559                 : #endif
                                560                 :     NULL
                                561                 : };
                                562                 : 
                                563                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_datatypes = {
                                564                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_type t",
                                565                 :     /* selcondition --- ignore table rowtypes and array types */
                                566                 :     .selcondition = "(t.typrelid = 0 "
                                567                 :     " OR (SELECT c.relkind = " CppAsString2(RELKIND_COMPOSITE_TYPE)
                                568                 :     "     FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c WHERE c.oid = t.typrelid)) "
                                569                 :     "AND t.typname !~ '^_'",
                                570                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_type_is_visible(t.oid)",
                                571                 :     .namespace = "t.typnamespace",
                                572                 :     .result = "t.typname",
                                573                 :     .keywords = Keywords_for_list_of_datatypes,
                                574                 : };
                                575                 : 
                                576                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_composite_datatypes = {
                                577                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_type t",
                                578                 :     /* selcondition --- only get composite types */
                                579                 :     .selcondition = "(SELECT c.relkind = " CppAsString2(RELKIND_COMPOSITE_TYPE)
                                580                 :     " FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c WHERE c.oid = t.typrelid) "
                                581                 :     "AND t.typname !~ '^_'",
                                582                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_type_is_visible(t.oid)",
                                583                 :     .namespace = "t.typnamespace",
                                584                 :     .result = "t.typname",
                                585                 : };
                                586                 : 
                                587                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_domains = {
                                588                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_type t",
                                589                 :     .selcondition = "t.typtype = 'd'",
                                590                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_type_is_visible(t.oid)",
                                591                 :     .namespace = "t.typnamespace",
                                592                 :     .result = "t.typname",
                                593                 : };
                                594                 : 
                                595                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_enum_values_quoted = {
                                596                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_enum e, pg_catalog.pg_type t",
                                597                 :     .selcondition = "t.oid = e.enumtypid",
                                598                 :     .result = "pg_catalog.quote_literal(enumlabel)",
                                599                 :     .refname = "t.typname",
                                600                 :     .refviscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_type_is_visible(t.oid)",
                                601                 :     .refnamespace = "t.typnamespace",
                                602                 : };
                                603                 : 
                                604                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_enum_values_unquoted = {
                                605                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_enum e, pg_catalog.pg_type t",
                                606                 :     .selcondition = "t.oid = e.enumtypid",
                                607                 :     .result = "e.enumlabel",
                                608                 :     .refname = "t.typname",
                                609                 :     .refviscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_type_is_visible(t.oid)",
                                610                 :     .refnamespace = "t.typnamespace",
                                611                 : };
                                612                 : 
                                613                 : /* Note: this intentionally accepts aggregates as well as plain functions */
                                614                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_functions[] = {
                                615                 :     {
                                616                 :         .min_server_version = 110000,
                                617                 :         .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_proc p",
                                618                 :         .selcondition = "p.prokind != 'p'",
                                619                 :         .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_function_is_visible(p.oid)",
                                620                 :         .namespace = "p.pronamespace",
                                621                 :         .result = "p.proname",
                                622                 :     },
                                623                 :     {
                                624                 :         .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_proc p",
                                625                 :         .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_function_is_visible(p.oid)",
                                626                 :         .namespace = "p.pronamespace",
                                627                 :         .result = "p.proname",
                                628                 :     }
                                629                 : };
                                630                 : 
                                631                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_procedures[] = {
                                632                 :     {
                                633                 :         .min_server_version = 110000,
                                634                 :         .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_proc p",
                                635                 :         .selcondition = "p.prokind = 'p'",
                                636                 :         .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_function_is_visible(p.oid)",
                                637                 :         .namespace = "p.pronamespace",
                                638                 :         .result = "p.proname",
                                639                 :     },
                                640                 :     {
                                641                 :         /* not supported in older versions */
                                642                 :         .catname = NULL,
                                643                 :     }
                                644                 : };
                                645                 : 
                                646                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_routines = {
                                647                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_proc p",
                                648                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_function_is_visible(p.oid)",
                                649                 :     .namespace = "p.pronamespace",
                                650                 :     .result = "p.proname",
                                651                 : };
                                652                 : 
                                653                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_sequences = {
                                654                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c",
                                655                 :     .selcondition = "c.relkind IN (" CppAsString2(RELKIND_SEQUENCE) ")",
                                656                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                657                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                658                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                659                 : };
                                660                 : 
                                661                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_foreign_tables = {
                                662                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c",
                                663                 :     .selcondition = "c.relkind IN (" CppAsString2(RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE) ")",
                                664                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                665                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                666                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                667                 : };
                                668                 : 
                                669                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_tables = {
                                670                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c",
                                671                 :     .selcondition =
                                672                 :     "c.relkind IN (" CppAsString2(RELKIND_RELATION) ", "
                                673                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE) ")",
                                674                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                675                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                676                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                677                 : };
                                678                 : 
                                679                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_partitioned_tables = {
                                680                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c",
                                681                 :     .selcondition = "c.relkind IN (" CppAsString2(RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE) ")",
                                682                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                683                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                684                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                685                 : };
                                686                 : 
                                687                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_tables_for_constraint = {
                                688                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_constraint con",
                                689                 :     .selcondition = "c.oid=con.conrelid and c.relkind IN ("
                                690                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_RELATION) ", "
                                691                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE) ")",
                                692                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                693                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                694                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                695                 :     .use_distinct = true,
                                696                 :     .refname = "con.conname",
                                697                 : };
                                698                 : 
                                699                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_tables_for_policy = {
                                700                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_policy p",
                                701                 :     .selcondition = "c.oid=p.polrelid",
                                702                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                703                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                704                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                705                 :     .use_distinct = true,
                                706                 :     .refname = "p.polname",
                                707                 : };
                                708                 : 
                                709                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_tables_for_rule = {
                                710                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_rewrite r",
                                711                 :     .selcondition = "c.oid=r.ev_class",
                                712                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                713                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                714                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                715                 :     .use_distinct = true,
                                716                 :     .refname = "r.rulename",
                                717                 : };
                                718                 : 
                                719                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_tables_for_trigger = {
                                720                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_trigger t",
                                721                 :     .selcondition = "c.oid=t.tgrelid",
                                722                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                723                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                724                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                725                 :     .use_distinct = true,
                                726                 :     .refname = "t.tgname",
                                727                 : };
                                728                 : 
                                729                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_ts_configurations = {
                                730                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_ts_config c",
                                731                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_ts_config_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                732                 :     .namespace = "c.cfgnamespace",
                                733                 :     .result = "c.cfgname",
                                734                 : };
                                735                 : 
                                736                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_ts_dictionaries = {
                                737                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_ts_dict d",
                                738                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_ts_dict_is_visible(d.oid)",
                                739                 :     .namespace = "d.dictnamespace",
                                740                 :     .result = "d.dictname",
                                741                 : };
                                742                 : 
                                743                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_ts_parsers = {
                                744                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_ts_parser p",
                                745                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_ts_parser_is_visible(p.oid)",
                                746                 :     .namespace = "p.prsnamespace",
                                747                 :     .result = "p.prsname",
                                748                 : };
                                749                 : 
                                750                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_ts_templates = {
                                751                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_ts_template t",
                                752                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_ts_template_is_visible(t.oid)",
                                753                 :     .namespace = "t.tmplnamespace",
                                754                 :     .result = "t.tmplname",
                                755                 : };
                                756                 : 
                                757                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_views = {
                                758                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c",
                                759                 :     .selcondition = "c.relkind IN (" CppAsString2(RELKIND_VIEW) ")",
                                760                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                761                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                762                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                763                 : };
                                764                 : 
                                765                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_matviews = {
                                766                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c",
                                767                 :     .selcondition = "c.relkind IN (" CppAsString2(RELKIND_MATVIEW) ")",
                                768                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                769                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                770                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                771                 : };
                                772                 : 
                                773                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_indexes = {
                                774                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c",
                                775                 :     .selcondition =
                                776                 :     "c.relkind IN (" CppAsString2(RELKIND_INDEX) ", "
                                777                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_PARTITIONED_INDEX) ")",
                                778                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                779                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                780                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                781                 : };
                                782                 : 
                                783                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_partitioned_indexes = {
                                784                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c",
                                785                 :     .selcondition = "c.relkind = " CppAsString2(RELKIND_PARTITIONED_INDEX),
                                786                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                787                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                788                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                789                 : };
                                790                 : 
                                791                 : 
                                792                 : /* All relations */
                                793                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_relations = {
                                794                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c",
                                795                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                796                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                797                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                798                 : };
                                799                 : 
                                800                 : /* partitioned relations */
                                801                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_partitioned_relations = {
                                802                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c",
                                803                 :     .selcondition = "c.relkind IN (" CppAsString2(RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
                                804                 :     ", " CppAsString2(RELKIND_PARTITIONED_INDEX) ")",
                                805                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                806                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                807                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                808                 : };
                                809                 : 
                                810                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_operator_families = {
                                811                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_opfamily c",
                                812                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_opfamily_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                813                 :     .namespace = "c.opfnamespace",
                                814                 :     .result = "c.opfname",
                                815                 : };
                                816                 : 
                                817                 : /* Relations supporting INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE */
                                818                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_updatables = {
                                819                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c",
                                820                 :     .selcondition =
                                821                 :     "c.relkind IN (" CppAsString2(RELKIND_RELATION) ", "
                                822                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE) ", "
                                823                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_VIEW) ", "
                                824                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE) ")",
                                825                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                826                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                827                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                828                 : };
                                829                 : 
                                830                 : /* Relations supporting MERGE */
                                831                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_mergetargets = {
                                832                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c",
                                833                 :     .selcondition =
                                834                 :     "c.relkind IN (" CppAsString2(RELKIND_RELATION) ", "
                                835                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE) ") ",
                                836                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                837                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                838                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                839                 : };
                                840                 : 
                                841                 : /* Relations supporting SELECT */
                                842                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_selectables = {
                                843                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c",
                                844                 :     .selcondition =
                                845                 :     "c.relkind IN (" CppAsString2(RELKIND_RELATION) ", "
                                846                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_SEQUENCE) ", "
                                847                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_VIEW) ", "
                                848                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_MATVIEW) ", "
                                849                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE) ", "
                                850                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE) ")",
                                851                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                852                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                853                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                854                 : };
                                855                 : 
                                856                 : /* Relations supporting TRUNCATE */
                                857                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_truncatables = {
                                858                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c",
                                859                 :     .selcondition =
                                860                 :     "c.relkind IN (" CppAsString2(RELKIND_RELATION) ", "
                                861                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE) ", "
                                862                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE) ")",
                                863                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                864                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                865                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                866                 : };
                                867                 : 
                                868                 : /* Relations supporting GRANT are currently same as those supporting SELECT */
                                869                 : #define Query_for_list_of_grantables Query_for_list_of_selectables
                                870                 : 
                                871                 : /* Relations supporting ANALYZE */
                                872                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_analyzables = {
                                873                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c",
                                874                 :     .selcondition =
                                875                 :     "c.relkind IN (" CppAsString2(RELKIND_RELATION) ", "
                                876                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE) ", "
                                877                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_MATVIEW) ", "
                                878                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE) ")",
                                879                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                880                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                881                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                882                 : };
                                883                 : 
                                884                 : /* Relations supporting index creation */
                                885                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_indexables = {
                                886                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c",
                                887                 :     .selcondition =
                                888                 :     "c.relkind IN (" CppAsString2(RELKIND_RELATION) ", "
                                889                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE) ", "
                                890                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_MATVIEW) ")",
                                891                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                892                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                893                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                894                 : };
                                895                 : 
                                896                 : /*
                                897                 :  * Relations supporting VACUUM are currently same as those supporting
                                898                 :  * indexing.
                                899                 :  */
                                900                 : #define Query_for_list_of_vacuumables Query_for_list_of_indexables
                                901                 : 
                                902                 : /* Relations supporting CLUSTER */
                                903                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_clusterables = {
                                904                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c",
                                905                 :     .selcondition =
                                906                 :     "c.relkind IN (" CppAsString2(RELKIND_RELATION) ", "
                                907                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE) ", "
                                908                 :     CppAsString2(RELKIND_MATVIEW) ")",
                                909                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                910                 :     .namespace = "c.relnamespace",
                                911                 :     .result = "c.relname",
                                912                 : };
                                913                 : 
                                914                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_constraints_with_schema = {
                                915                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_constraint c",
                                916                 :     .selcondition = "c.conrelid <> 0",
                                917                 :     .namespace = "c.connamespace",
                                918                 :     .result = "c.conname",
                                919                 : };
                                920                 : 
                                921                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_statistics = {
                                922                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_statistic_ext s",
                                923                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_statistics_obj_is_visible(s.oid)",
                                924                 :     .namespace = "s.stxnamespace",
                                925                 :     .result = "s.stxname",
                                926                 : };
                                927                 : 
                                928                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_collations = {
                                929                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_collation c",
                                930                 :     .selcondition = "c.collencoding IN (-1, pg_catalog.pg_char_to_encoding(pg_catalog.getdatabaseencoding()))",
                                931                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_collation_is_visible(c.oid)",
                                932                 :     .namespace = "c.collnamespace",
                                933                 :     .result = "c.collname",
                                934                 : };
                                935                 : 
                                936                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_partition_of_table = {
                                937                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_class c1, pg_catalog.pg_class c2, pg_catalog.pg_inherits i",
                                938                 :     .selcondition = "c1.oid=i.inhparent and i.inhrelid=c2.oid and c2.relispartition",
                                939                 :     .viscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c2.oid)",
                                940                 :     .namespace = "c2.relnamespace",
                                941                 :     .result = "c2.relname",
                                942                 :     .refname = "c1.relname",
                                943                 :     .refviscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c1.oid)",
                                944                 :     .refnamespace = "c1.relnamespace",
                                945                 : };
                                946                 : 
                                947                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_rule_of_table = {
                                948                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_rewrite r, pg_catalog.pg_class c1",
                                949                 :     .selcondition = "r.ev_class=c1.oid",
                                950                 :     .result = "r.rulename",
                                951                 :     .refname = "c1.relname",
                                952                 :     .refviscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c1.oid)",
                                953                 :     .refnamespace = "c1.relnamespace",
                                954                 : };
                                955                 : 
                                956                 : static const SchemaQuery Query_for_trigger_of_table = {
                                957                 :     .catname = "pg_catalog.pg_trigger t, pg_catalog.pg_class c1",
                                958                 :     .selcondition = "t.tgrelid=c1.oid and not t.tgisinternal",
                                959                 :     .result = "t.tgname",
                                960                 :     .refname = "c1.relname",
                                961                 :     .refviscondition = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c1.oid)",
                                962                 :     .refnamespace = "c1.relnamespace",
                                963                 : };
                                964                 : 
                                965                 : 
                                966                 : /*
                                967                 :  * Queries to get lists of names of various kinds of things, possibly
                                968                 :  * restricted to names matching a partially entered name.  Don't use
                                969                 :  * this method where the user might wish to enter a schema-qualified
                                970                 :  * name; make a SchemaQuery instead.
                                971                 :  *
                                972                 :  * In these queries, there must be a restriction clause of the form
                                973                 :  *      output LIKE '%s'
                                974                 :  * where "output" is the same string that the query returns.  The %s
                                975                 :  * will be replaced by a LIKE pattern to match the already-typed text.
                                976                 :  *
                                977                 :  * There can be a second '%s', which will be replaced by a suitably-escaped
                                978                 :  * version of the string provided in completion_ref_object.  If there is a
                                979                 :  * third '%s', it will be replaced by a suitably-escaped version of the string
                                980                 :  * provided in completion_ref_schema.  NOTE: using completion_ref_object
                                981                 :  * that way is usually the wrong thing, and using completion_ref_schema
                                982                 :  * that way is always the wrong thing.  Make a SchemaQuery instead.
                                983                 :  */
                                984                 : 
                                985                 : #define Query_for_list_of_template_databases \
                                986                 : "SELECT d.datname "\
                                987                 : "  FROM pg_catalog.pg_database d "\
                                988                 : " WHERE d.datname LIKE '%s' "\
                                989                 : "   AND (d.datistemplate OR pg_catalog.pg_has_role(d.datdba, 'USAGE'))"
                                990                 : 
                                991                 : #define Query_for_list_of_databases \
                                992                 : "SELECT datname FROM pg_catalog.pg_database "\
                                993                 : " WHERE datname LIKE '%s'"
                                994                 : 
                                995                 : #define Query_for_list_of_tablespaces \
                                996                 : "SELECT spcname FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace "\
                                997                 : " WHERE spcname LIKE '%s'"
                                998                 : 
                                999                 : #define Query_for_list_of_encodings \
                               1000                 : " SELECT DISTINCT pg_catalog.pg_encoding_to_char(conforencoding) "\
                               1001                 : "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_conversion "\
                               1002                 : "  WHERE pg_catalog.pg_encoding_to_char(conforencoding) LIKE pg_catalog.upper('%s')"
                               1003                 : 
                               1004                 : #define Query_for_list_of_languages \
                               1005                 : "SELECT lanname "\
                               1006                 : "  FROM pg_catalog.pg_language "\
                               1007                 : " WHERE lanname != 'internal' "\
                               1008                 : "   AND lanname LIKE '%s'"
                               1009                 : 
                               1010                 : #define Query_for_list_of_schemas \
                               1011                 : "SELECT nspname FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace "\
                               1012                 : " WHERE nspname LIKE '%s'"
                               1013                 : 
                               1014                 : /* Use COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_VERBATIM with these queries for GUC names: */
                               1015                 : #define Query_for_list_of_alter_system_set_vars \
                               1016                 : "SELECT pg_catalog.lower(name) FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings "\
                               1017                 : " WHERE context != 'internal' "\
                               1018                 : "   AND pg_catalog.lower(name) LIKE pg_catalog.lower('%s')"
                               1019                 : 
                               1020                 : #define Query_for_list_of_set_vars \
                               1021                 : "SELECT pg_catalog.lower(name) FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings "\
                               1022                 : " WHERE context IN ('user', 'superuser') "\
                               1023                 : "   AND pg_catalog.lower(name) LIKE pg_catalog.lower('%s')"
                               1024                 : 
                               1025                 : #define Query_for_list_of_show_vars \
                               1026                 : "SELECT pg_catalog.lower(name) FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings "\
                               1027                 : " WHERE pg_catalog.lower(name) LIKE pg_catalog.lower('%s')"
                               1028                 : 
                               1029                 : #define Query_for_list_of_roles \
                               1030                 : " SELECT rolname "\
                               1031                 : "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_roles "\
                               1032                 : "  WHERE rolname LIKE '%s'"
                               1033                 : 
                               1034                 : /* add these to Query_for_list_of_roles in GRANT contexts */
                               1035                 : #define Keywords_for_list_of_grant_roles \
                               1036                 : "PUBLIC", "CURRENT_ROLE", "CURRENT_USER", "SESSION_USER"
                               1037                 : 
                               1038                 : #define Query_for_all_table_constraints \
                               1039                 : "SELECT conname "\
                               1040                 : "  FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c "\
                               1041                 : " WHERE c.conrelid <> 0 "\
                               1042                 : "       and conname LIKE '%s'"
                               1043                 : 
                               1044                 : #define Query_for_list_of_fdws \
                               1045                 : " SELECT fdwname "\
                               1046                 : "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_foreign_data_wrapper "\
                               1047                 : "  WHERE fdwname LIKE '%s'"
                               1048                 : 
                               1049                 : #define Query_for_list_of_servers \
                               1050                 : " SELECT srvname "\
                               1051                 : "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_foreign_server "\
                               1052                 : "  WHERE srvname LIKE '%s'"
                               1053                 : 
                               1054                 : #define Query_for_list_of_user_mappings \
                               1055                 : " SELECT usename "\
                               1056                 : "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_user_mappings "\
                               1057                 : "  WHERE usename LIKE '%s'"
                               1058                 : 
                               1059                 : #define Query_for_list_of_access_methods \
                               1060                 : " SELECT amname "\
                               1061                 : "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_am "\
                               1062                 : "  WHERE amname LIKE '%s'"
                               1063                 : 
                               1064                 : #define Query_for_list_of_index_access_methods \
                               1065                 : " SELECT amname "\
                               1066                 : "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_am "\
                               1067                 : "  WHERE amname LIKE '%s' AND "\
                               1068                 : "   amtype=" CppAsString2(AMTYPE_INDEX)
                               1069                 : 
                               1070                 : #define Query_for_list_of_table_access_methods \
                               1071                 : " SELECT amname "\
                               1072                 : "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_am "\
                               1073                 : "  WHERE amname LIKE '%s' AND "\
                               1074                 : "   amtype=" CppAsString2(AMTYPE_TABLE)
                               1075                 : 
                               1076                 : #define Query_for_list_of_extensions \
                               1077                 : " SELECT extname "\
                               1078                 : "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension "\
                               1079                 : "  WHERE extname LIKE '%s'"
                               1080                 : 
                               1081                 : #define Query_for_list_of_available_extensions \
                               1082                 : " SELECT name "\
                               1083                 : "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_available_extensions "\
                               1084                 : "  WHERE name LIKE '%s' AND installed_version IS NULL"
                               1085                 : 
                               1086                 : #define Query_for_list_of_available_extension_versions \
                               1087                 : " SELECT version "\
                               1088                 : "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_available_extension_versions "\
                               1089                 : "  WHERE version LIKE '%s' AND name='%s'"
                               1090                 : 
                               1091                 : #define Query_for_list_of_prepared_statements \
                               1092                 : " SELECT name "\
                               1093                 : "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_prepared_statements "\
                               1094                 : "  WHERE name LIKE '%s'"
                               1095                 : 
                               1096                 : #define Query_for_list_of_event_triggers \
                               1097                 : " SELECT evtname "\
                               1098                 : "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_event_trigger "\
                               1099                 : "  WHERE evtname LIKE '%s'"
                               1100                 : 
                               1101                 : #define Query_for_list_of_tablesample_methods \
                               1102                 : " SELECT proname "\
                               1103                 : "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc "\
                               1104                 : "  WHERE prorettype = 'pg_catalog.tsm_handler'::pg_catalog.regtype AND "\
                               1105                 : "        proargtypes[0] = 'pg_catalog.internal'::pg_catalog.regtype AND "\
                               1106                 : "        proname LIKE '%s'"
                               1107                 : 
                               1108                 : #define Query_for_list_of_policies \
                               1109                 : " SELECT polname "\
                               1110                 : "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_policy "\
                               1111                 : "  WHERE polname LIKE '%s'"
                               1112                 : 
                               1113                 : #define Query_for_values_of_enum_GUC \
                               1114                 : " SELECT val FROM ( "\
                               1115                 : "   SELECT name, pg_catalog.unnest(enumvals) AS val "\
                               1116                 : "     FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings "\
                               1117                 : "    ) ss "\
                               1118                 : "  WHERE val LIKE '%s'"\
                               1119                 : "        and pg_catalog.lower(name)=pg_catalog.lower('%s')"
                               1120                 : 
                               1121                 : #define Query_for_list_of_channels \
                               1122                 : " SELECT channel "\
                               1123                 : "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_listening_channels() AS channel "\
                               1124                 : "  WHERE channel LIKE '%s'"
                               1125                 : 
                               1126                 : #define Query_for_list_of_cursors \
                               1127                 : " SELECT name "\
                               1128                 : "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_cursors "\
                               1129                 : "  WHERE name LIKE '%s'"
                               1130                 : 
                               1131                 : #define Query_for_list_of_timezone_names_unquoted \
                               1132                 : " SELECT name "\
                               1133                 : "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_timezone_names() "\
                               1134                 : "  WHERE pg_catalog.lower(name) LIKE pg_catalog.lower('%s')"
                               1135                 : 
                               1136                 : #define Query_for_list_of_timezone_names_quoted_out \
                               1137                 : "SELECT pg_catalog.quote_literal(name) AS name "\
                               1138                 : "  FROM pg_catalog.pg_timezone_names() "\
                               1139                 : " WHERE pg_catalog.lower(name) LIKE pg_catalog.lower('%s')"
                               1140                 : 
                               1141                 : #define Query_for_list_of_timezone_names_quoted_in \
                               1142                 : "SELECT pg_catalog.quote_literal(name) AS name "\
                               1143                 : "  FROM pg_catalog.pg_timezone_names() "\
                               1144                 : " WHERE pg_catalog.quote_literal(pg_catalog.lower(name)) LIKE pg_catalog.lower('%s')"
                               1145                 : 
                               1146                 : /* Privilege options shared between GRANT and REVOKE */
                               1147                 : #define Privilege_options_of_grant_and_revoke \
                               1148                 : "SELECT", "INSERT", "UPDATE", "DELETE", "TRUNCATE", "REFERENCES", "TRIGGER", \
                               1149                 : "CREATE", "CONNECT", "TEMPORARY", "EXECUTE", "USAGE", "SET", "ALTER SYSTEM", \
                               1150                 : "MAINTAIN", "ALL"
                               1151                 : 
                               1152                 : /* ALTER PROCEDURE options */
                               1153                 : #define Alter_procedure_options \
                               1154                 : "DEPENDS ON EXTENSION", "EXTERNAL SECURITY", "NO DEPENDS ON EXTENSION", \
                               1155                 : "OWNER TO", "RENAME TO", "RESET", "SECURITY", "SET"
                               1156                 : 
                               1157                 : /* ALTER ROUTINE options */
                               1158                 : #define Alter_routine_options \
                               1159                 : Alter_procedure_options, "COST", "IMMUTABLE", "LEAKPROOF", "NOT LEAKPROOF", \
                               1160                 : "PARALLEL", "ROWS", "STABLE", "VOLATILE"
                               1161                 : 
                               1162                 : /* ALTER FUNCTION options */
                               1163                 : #define Alter_function_options \
                               1164                 : Alter_routine_options, "CALLED ON NULL INPUT", "RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT", \
                               1165                 : "STRICT", "SUPPORT"
                               1166                 : 
                               1167                 : /*
                               1168                 :  * These object types were introduced later than our support cutoff of
                               1169                 :  * server version 9.2.  We use the VersionedQuery infrastructure so that
                               1170                 :  * we don't send certain-to-fail queries to older servers.
                               1171                 :  */
                               1172                 : 
                               1173                 : static const VersionedQuery Query_for_list_of_publications[] = {
                               1174                 :     {100000,
                               1175                 :         " SELECT pubname "
                               1176                 :         "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_publication "
                               1177                 :         "  WHERE pubname LIKE '%s'"
                               1178                 :     },
                               1179                 :     {0, NULL}
                               1180                 : };
                               1181                 : 
                               1182                 : static const VersionedQuery Query_for_list_of_subscriptions[] = {
                               1183                 :     {100000,
                               1184                 :         " SELECT s.subname "
                               1185                 :         "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_subscription s, pg_catalog.pg_database d "
                               1186                 :         "  WHERE s.subname LIKE '%s' "
                               1187                 :         "    AND d.datname = pg_catalog.current_database() "
                               1188                 :         "    AND s.subdbid = d.oid"
                               1189                 :     },
                               1190                 :     {0, NULL}
                               1191                 : };
                               1192                 : 
                               1193                 : /*
                               1194                 :  * This is a list of all "things" in Pgsql, which can show up after CREATE or
                               1195                 :  * DROP; and there is also a query to get a list of them.
                               1196                 :  */
                               1197                 : 
                               1198                 : typedef struct
                               1199                 : {
                               1200                 :     const char *name;
                               1201                 :     /* Provide at most one of these three types of query: */
                               1202                 :     const char *query;          /* simple query, or NULL */
                               1203                 :     const VersionedQuery *vquery;   /* versioned query, or NULL */
                               1204                 :     const SchemaQuery *squery;  /* schema query, or NULL */
                               1205                 :     const char *const *keywords;    /* keywords to be offered as well */
                               1206                 :     const bits32 flags;         /* visibility flags, see below */
                               1207                 : } pgsql_thing_t;
                               1208                 : 
                               1209                 : #define THING_NO_CREATE     (1 << 0)  /* should not show up after CREATE */
                               1210                 : #define THING_NO_DROP       (1 << 1)  /* should not show up after DROP */
                               1211                 : #define THING_NO_ALTER      (1 << 2)  /* should not show up after ALTER */
                               1212                 : #define THING_NO_SHOW       (THING_NO_CREATE | THING_NO_DROP | THING_NO_ALTER)
                               1213                 : 
                               1214                 : /* When we have DROP USER etc, also offer MAPPING FOR */
                               1215                 : static const char *const Keywords_for_user_thing[] = {
                               1216                 :     "MAPPING FOR",
                               1217                 :     NULL
                               1218                 : };
                               1219                 : 
                               1220                 : static const pgsql_thing_t words_after_create[] = {
                               1221                 :     {"ACCESS METHOD", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, THING_NO_ALTER},
                               1222                 :     {"AGGREGATE", NULL, NULL, Query_for_list_of_aggregates},
                               1223                 :     {"CAST", NULL, NULL, NULL}, /* Casts have complex structures for names, so
                               1224                 :                                  * skip it */
                               1225                 :     {"COLLATION", NULL, NULL, &Query_for_list_of_collations},
                               1226                 : 
                               1227                 :     /*
                               1228                 :      * CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER is not supported here because it is designed
                               1229                 :      * to be used only by pg_dump.
                               1230                 :      */
                               1231                 :     {"CONFIGURATION", NULL, NULL, &Query_for_list_of_ts_configurations, NULL, THING_NO_SHOW},
                               1232                 :     {"CONVERSION", "SELECT conname FROM pg_catalog.pg_conversion WHERE conname LIKE '%s'"},
                               1233                 :     {"DATABASE", Query_for_list_of_databases},
                               1234                 :     {"DEFAULT PRIVILEGES", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, THING_NO_CREATE | THING_NO_DROP},
                               1235                 :     {"DICTIONARY", NULL, NULL, &Query_for_list_of_ts_dictionaries, NULL, THING_NO_SHOW},
                               1236                 :     {"DOMAIN", NULL, NULL, &Query_for_list_of_domains},
                               1237                 :     {"EVENT TRIGGER", NULL, NULL, NULL},
                               1238                 :     {"EXTENSION", Query_for_list_of_extensions},
                               1239                 :     {"FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER", NULL, NULL, NULL},
                               1240                 :     {"FOREIGN TABLE", NULL, NULL, NULL},
                               1241                 :     {"FUNCTION", NULL, NULL, Query_for_list_of_functions},
                               1242                 :     {"GROUP", Query_for_list_of_roles},
                               1243                 :     {"INDEX", NULL, NULL, &Query_for_list_of_indexes},
                               1244                 :     {"LANGUAGE", Query_for_list_of_languages},
                               1245                 :     {"LARGE OBJECT", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, THING_NO_CREATE | THING_NO_DROP},
                               1246                 :     {"MATERIALIZED VIEW", NULL, NULL, &Query_for_list_of_matviews},
                               1247                 :     {"OPERATOR", NULL, NULL, NULL}, /* Querying for this is probably not such
                               1248                 :                                      * a good idea. */
                               1249                 :     {"OR REPLACE", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, THING_NO_DROP | THING_NO_ALTER},
                               1250                 :     {"OWNED", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, THING_NO_CREATE | THING_NO_ALTER},  /* for DROP OWNED BY ... */
                               1251                 :     {"PARSER", NULL, NULL, &Query_for_list_of_ts_parsers, NULL, THING_NO_SHOW},
                               1252                 :     {"POLICY", NULL, NULL, NULL},
                               1253                 :     {"PROCEDURE", NULL, NULL, Query_for_list_of_procedures},
                               1254                 :     {"PUBLICATION", NULL, Query_for_list_of_publications},
                               1255                 :     {"ROLE", Query_for_list_of_roles},
                               1256                 :     {"ROUTINE", NULL, NULL, &Query_for_list_of_routines, NULL, THING_NO_CREATE},
                               1257                 :     {"RULE", "SELECT rulename FROM pg_catalog.pg_rules WHERE rulename LIKE '%s'"},
                               1258                 :     {"SCHEMA", Query_for_list_of_schemas},
                               1259                 :     {"SEQUENCE", NULL, NULL, &Query_for_list_of_sequences},
                               1260                 :     {"SERVER", Query_for_list_of_servers},
                               1261                 :     {"STATISTICS", NULL, NULL, &Query_for_list_of_statistics},
                               1262                 :     {"SUBSCRIPTION", NULL, Query_for_list_of_subscriptions},
                               1263                 :     {"SYSTEM", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, THING_NO_CREATE | THING_NO_DROP},
                               1264                 :     {"TABLE", NULL, NULL, &Query_for_list_of_tables},
                               1265                 :     {"TABLESPACE", Query_for_list_of_tablespaces},
                               1266                 :     {"TEMP", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, THING_NO_DROP | THING_NO_ALTER}, /* for CREATE TEMP TABLE
                               1267                 :                                                                          * ... */
                               1268                 :     {"TEMPLATE", NULL, NULL, &Query_for_list_of_ts_templates, NULL, THING_NO_SHOW},
                               1269                 :     {"TEMPORARY", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, THING_NO_DROP | THING_NO_ALTER},    /* for CREATE TEMPORARY
                               1270                 :                                                                              * TABLE ... */
                               1271                 :     {"TEXT SEARCH", NULL, NULL, NULL},
                               1272                 :     {"TRANSFORM", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, THING_NO_ALTER},
                               1273                 :     {"TRIGGER", "SELECT tgname FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger WHERE tgname LIKE '%s' AND NOT tgisinternal"},
                               1274                 :     {"TYPE", NULL, NULL, &Query_for_list_of_datatypes},
                               1275                 :     {"UNIQUE", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, THING_NO_DROP | THING_NO_ALTER}, /* for CREATE UNIQUE
                               1276                 :                                                                          * INDEX ... */
                               1277                 :     {"UNLOGGED", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, THING_NO_DROP | THING_NO_ALTER}, /* for CREATE UNLOGGED
                               1278                 :                                                                              * TABLE ... */
                               1279                 :     {"USER", Query_for_list_of_roles, NULL, NULL, Keywords_for_user_thing},
                               1280                 :     {"USER MAPPING FOR", NULL, NULL, NULL},
                               1281                 :     {"VIEW", NULL, NULL, &Query_for_list_of_views},
                               1282                 :     {NULL}                      /* end of list */
                               1283                 : };
                               1284                 : 
                               1285                 : /* Storage parameters for CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE */
                               1286                 : static const char *const table_storage_parameters[] = {
                               1287                 :     "autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor",
                               1288                 :     "autovacuum_analyze_threshold",
                               1289                 :     "autovacuum_enabled",
                               1290                 :     "autovacuum_freeze_max_age",
                               1291                 :     "autovacuum_freeze_min_age",
                               1292                 :     "autovacuum_freeze_table_age",
                               1293                 :     "autovacuum_multixact_freeze_max_age",
                               1294                 :     "autovacuum_multixact_freeze_min_age",
                               1295                 :     "autovacuum_multixact_freeze_table_age",
                               1296                 :     "autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay",
                               1297                 :     "autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit",
                               1298                 :     "autovacuum_vacuum_insert_scale_factor",
                               1299                 :     "autovacuum_vacuum_insert_threshold",
                               1300                 :     "autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor",
                               1301                 :     "autovacuum_vacuum_threshold",
                               1302                 :     "fillfactor",
                               1303                 :     "log_autovacuum_min_duration",
                               1304                 :     "parallel_workers",
                               1305                 :     "toast.autovacuum_enabled",
                               1306                 :     "toast.autovacuum_freeze_max_age",
                               1307                 :     "toast.autovacuum_freeze_min_age",
                               1308                 :     "toast.autovacuum_freeze_table_age",
                               1309                 :     "toast.autovacuum_multixact_freeze_max_age",
                               1310                 :     "toast.autovacuum_multixact_freeze_min_age",
                               1311                 :     "toast.autovacuum_multixact_freeze_table_age",
                               1312                 :     "toast.autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay",
                               1313                 :     "toast.autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit",
                               1314                 :     "toast.autovacuum_vacuum_insert_scale_factor",
                               1315                 :     "toast.autovacuum_vacuum_insert_threshold",
                               1316                 :     "toast.autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor",
                               1317                 :     "toast.autovacuum_vacuum_threshold",
                               1318                 :     "toast.log_autovacuum_min_duration",
                               1319                 :     "toast.vacuum_index_cleanup",
                               1320                 :     "toast.vacuum_truncate",
                               1321                 :     "toast_tuple_target",
                               1322                 :     "user_catalog_table",
                               1323                 :     "vacuum_index_cleanup",
                               1324                 :     "vacuum_truncate",
                               1325                 :     NULL
                               1326                 : };
                               1327                 : 
                               1328                 : 
                               1329                 : /* Forward declaration of functions */
                               1330                 : static char **psql_completion(const char *text, int start, int end);
                               1331                 : static char *create_command_generator(const char *text, int state);
                               1332                 : static char *drop_command_generator(const char *text, int state);
                               1333                 : static char *alter_command_generator(const char *text, int state);
                               1334                 : static char *complete_from_query(const char *text, int state);
                               1335                 : static char *complete_from_versioned_query(const char *text, int state);
                               1336                 : static char *complete_from_schema_query(const char *text, int state);
                               1337                 : static char *complete_from_versioned_schema_query(const char *text, int state);
                               1338                 : static char *_complete_from_query(const char *simple_query,
                               1339                 :                                   const SchemaQuery *schema_query,
                               1340                 :                                   const char *const *keywords,
                               1341                 :                                   bool verbatim,
                               1342                 :                                   const char *text, int state);
                               1343                 : static void set_completion_reference(const char *word);
                               1344                 : static void set_completion_reference_verbatim(const char *word);
                               1345                 : static char *complete_from_list(const char *text, int state);
                               1346                 : static char *complete_from_const(const char *text, int state);
                               1347                 : static void append_variable_names(char ***varnames, int *nvars,
                               1348                 :                                   int *maxvars, const char *varname,
                               1349                 :                                   const char *prefix, const char *suffix);
                               1350                 : static char **complete_from_variables(const char *text,
                               1351                 :                                       const char *prefix, const char *suffix, bool need_value);
                               1352                 : static char *complete_from_files(const char *text, int state);
                               1353                 : 
                               1354                 : static char *pg_strdup_keyword_case(const char *s, const char *ref);
                               1355                 : static char *escape_string(const char *text);
                               1356                 : static char *make_like_pattern(const char *word);
                               1357                 : static void parse_identifier(const char *ident,
                               1358                 :                              char **schemaname, char **objectname,
                               1359                 :                              bool *schemaquoted, bool *objectquoted);
                               1360                 : static char *requote_identifier(const char *schemaname, const char *objectname,
                               1361                 :                                 bool quote_schema, bool quote_object);
                               1362                 : static bool identifier_needs_quotes(const char *ident);
                               1363                 : static PGresult *exec_query(const char *query);
                               1364                 : 
                               1365                 : static char **get_previous_words(int point, char **buffer, int *nwords);
                               1366                 : 
                               1367                 : static char *get_guctype(const char *varname);
                               1368                 : 
                               1369                 : #ifdef USE_FILENAME_QUOTING_FUNCTIONS
                               1370                 : static char *quote_file_name(char *fname, int match_type, char *quote_pointer);
                               1371                 : static char *dequote_file_name(char *fname, int quote_char);
                               1372                 : #endif
                               1373                 : 
                               1374                 : 
                               1375                 : /*
                               1376                 :  * Initialize the readline library for our purposes.
                               1377                 :  */
                               1378                 : void
 7101 tgl                      1379 GIC           2 : initialize_readline(void)
                               1380                 : {
 6797 bruce                    1381               2 :     rl_readline_name = (char *) pset.progname;
 3292 rhaas                    1382               2 :     rl_attempted_completion_function = psql_completion;
                               1383                 : 
                               1384                 : #ifdef USE_FILENAME_QUOTING_FUNCTIONS
 1172 tgl                      1385               2 :     rl_filename_quoting_function = quote_file_name;
                               1386               2 :     rl_filename_dequoting_function = dequote_file_name;
                               1387                 : #endif
                               1388                 : 
 4799 itagaki.takahiro         1389               2 :     rl_basic_word_break_characters = WORD_BREAKS;
                               1390                 : 
                               1391                 :     /*
                               1392                 :      * Ideally we'd include '"' in rl_completer_quote_characters too, which
                               1393                 :      * should allow us to complete quoted identifiers that include spaces.
                               1394                 :      * However, the library support for rl_completer_quote_characters is
                               1395                 :      * presently too inconsistent to want to mess with that.  (Note in
                               1396                 :      * particular that libedit has this variable but completely ignores it.)
                               1397                 :      */
 1172 tgl                      1398               2 :     rl_completer_quote_characters = "'";
                               1399                 : 
 1172 tgl                      1400 ECB             :     /*
                               1401                 :      * Set rl_filename_quote_characters to "all possible characters",
                               1402                 :      * otherwise Readline will skip filename quoting if it thinks a filename
                               1403                 :      * doesn't need quoting.  Readline actually interprets this as bytes, so
                               1404                 :      * there are no encoding considerations here.
                               1405                 :      */
                               1406                 : #ifdef HAVE_RL_FILENAME_QUOTE_CHARACTERS
                               1407                 :     {
 1172 tgl                      1408 GIC           2 :         unsigned char *fqc = (unsigned char *) pg_malloc(256);
                               1409                 : 
 1172 tgl                      1410 CBC         512 :         for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++)
 1172 tgl                      1411 GIC         510 :             fqc[i] = (unsigned char) (i + 1);
                               1412               2 :         fqc[255] = '\0';
                               1413               2 :         rl_filename_quote_characters = (const char *) fqc;
                               1414                 :     }
                               1415                 : #endif
                               1416                 : 
 7101                          1417               2 :     completion_max_records = 1000;
                               1418                 : 
 7101 tgl                      1419 ECB             :     /*
                               1420                 :      * There is a variable rl_completion_query_items for this but apparently
                               1421                 :      * it's not defined everywhere.
                               1422                 :      */
 7101 tgl                      1423 GIC           2 : }
                               1424                 : 
                               1425                 : /*
                               1426                 :  * Check if 'word' matches any of the '|'-separated strings in 'pattern',
                               1427                 :  * using case-insensitive or case-sensitive comparisons.
                               1428                 :  *
 2668 tgl                      1429 ECB             :  * If pattern is NULL, it's a wild card that matches any word.
                               1430                 :  * If pattern begins with '!', the result is negated, ie we check that 'word'
                               1431                 :  * does *not* match any alternative appearing in the rest of 'pattern'.
 1661                          1432                 :  * Any alternative can contain '*' which is a wild card, i.e., it can match
                               1433                 :  * any substring; however, we allow at most one '*' per alternative.
 2668                          1434                 :  *
                               1435                 :  * For readability, callers should use the macros MatchAny and MatchAnyExcept
                               1436                 :  * to invoke those two special cases for 'pattern'.  (But '|' and '*' must
                               1437                 :  * just be written directly in patterns.)
                               1438                 :  */
                               1439                 : #define MatchAny  NULL
                               1440                 : #define MatchAnyExcept(pattern)  ("!" pattern)
                               1441                 : 
                               1442                 : static bool
 1661 tgl                      1443 GIC        8924 : word_matches(const char *pattern,
 1661 tgl                      1444 ECB             :              const char *word,
                               1445                 :              bool case_sensitive)
                               1446                 : {
                               1447                 :     size_t      wordlen;
                               1448                 : 
                               1449                 : #define cimatch(s1, s2, n) \
                               1450                 :     (case_sensitive ? strncmp(s1, s2, n) == 0 : pg_strncasecmp(s1, s2, n) == 0)
                               1451                 : 
                               1452                 :     /* NULL pattern matches anything. */
 2668 tgl                      1453 GIC        8924 :     if (pattern == NULL)
                               1454             160 :         return true;
                               1455                 : 
                               1456                 :     /* Handle negated patterns from the MatchAnyExcept macro. */
                               1457            8764 :     if (*pattern == '!')
 1661 tgl                      1458 UIC           0 :         return !word_matches(pattern + 1, word, case_sensitive);
                               1459                 : 
                               1460                 :     /* Else consider each alternative in the pattern. */
 2668 tgl                      1461 GIC        8764 :     wordlen = strlen(word);
                               1462                 :     for (;;)
                               1463             764 :     {
 1661 tgl                      1464 CBC        9528 :         const char *star = NULL;
                               1465                 :         const char *c;
                               1466                 : 
                               1467                 :         /* Find end of current alternative, and locate any wild card. */
 2668 tgl                      1468 GIC        9528 :         c = pattern;
                               1469           64171 :         while (*c != '\0' && *c != '|')
                               1470                 :         {
 1661                          1471           54643 :             if (*c == '*')
                               1472             397 :                 star = c;
 2668                          1473           54643 :             c++;
 1661 tgl                      1474 ECB             :         }
                               1475                 :         /* Was there a wild card? */
 1661 tgl                      1476 GIC        9528 :         if (star)
                               1477                 :         {
 2651 tgl                      1478 ECB             :             /* Yes, wildcard match? */
 1661 tgl                      1479 GBC         397 :             size_t      beforelen = star - pattern,
 1661 tgl                      1480 GIC         397 :                         afterlen = c - star - 1;
                               1481                 : 
 1661 tgl                      1482 CBC         786 :             if (wordlen >= (beforelen + afterlen) &&
 1661 tgl                      1483 GIC         401 :                 cimatch(word, pattern, beforelen) &&
 1661 tgl                      1484 CBC           6 :                 cimatch(word + wordlen - afterlen, star + 1, afterlen))
 2651                          1485               6 :                 return true;
                               1486                 :         }
                               1487                 :         else
                               1488                 :         {
 2651 tgl                      1489 ECB             :             /* No, plain match? */
 1661 tgl                      1490 CBC       11593 :             if (wordlen == (c - pattern) &&
 1661 tgl                      1491 GIC        2462 :                 cimatch(word, pattern, wordlen))
 2651 tgl                      1492 CBC        1277 :                 return true;
 2651 tgl                      1493 ECB             :         }
 2668                          1494                 :         /* Out of alternatives? */
 2668 tgl                      1495 GIC        8245 :         if (*c == '\0')
                               1496            7481 :             break;
 2668 tgl                      1497 ECB             :         /* Nope, try next alternative. */
 2668 tgl                      1498 GIC         764 :         pattern = c + 1;
                               1499                 :     }
 2668 tgl                      1500 ECB             : 
 2668 tgl                      1501 CBC        7481 :     return false;
                               1502                 : }
 2668 tgl                      1503 ECB             : 
 2651                          1504                 : /*
 1661                          1505                 :  * Implementation of TailMatches and TailMatchesCS macros: do the last N words
                               1506                 :  * in previous_words match the variadic arguments?
                               1507                 :  *
                               1508                 :  * The array indexing might look backwards, but remember that
                               1509                 :  * previous_words[0] contains the *last* word on the line, not the first.
                               1510                 :  */
 2651                          1511                 : static bool
 1661 tgl                      1512 CBC        6537 : TailMatchesImpl(bool case_sensitive,
 1661 tgl                      1513 ECB             :                 int previous_words_count, char **previous_words,
                               1514                 :                 int narg,...)
                               1515                 : {
                               1516                 :     va_list     args;
                               1517                 : 
 1661 tgl                      1518 GIC        6537 :     if (previous_words_count < narg)
 1661 tgl                      1519 CBC        4437 :         return false;
                               1520                 : 
 1661 tgl                      1521 GIC        2100 :     va_start(args, narg);
 1661 tgl                      1522 ECB             : 
 1661 tgl                      1523 GIC        2183 :     for (int argno = 0; argno < narg; argno++)
                               1524                 :     {
                               1525            2150 :         const char *arg = va_arg(args, const char *);
                               1526                 : 
                               1527            2150 :         if (!word_matches(arg, previous_words[narg - argno - 1],
                               1528                 :                           case_sensitive))
                               1529                 :         {
                               1530            2067 :             va_end(args);
                               1531            2067 :             return false;
                               1532                 :         }
 1661 tgl                      1533 ECB             :     }
                               1534                 : 
 1661 tgl                      1535 GIC          33 :     va_end(args);
                               1536                 : 
                               1537              33 :     return true;
                               1538                 : }
 2651 tgl                      1539 ECB             : 
                               1540                 : /*
                               1541                 :  * Implementation of Matches and MatchesCS macros: do all of the words
 1661                          1542                 :  * in previous_words match the variadic arguments?
                               1543                 :  */
 2651                          1544                 : static bool
 1661 tgl                      1545 GIC       21442 : MatchesImpl(bool case_sensitive,
 1661 tgl                      1546 ECB             :             int previous_words_count, char **previous_words,
                               1547                 :             int narg,...)
 2651                          1548                 : {
                               1549                 :     va_list     args;
                               1550                 : 
 1661 tgl                      1551 CBC       21442 :     if (previous_words_count != narg)
                               1552           18095 :         return false;
                               1553                 : 
 1661 tgl                      1554 GIC        3347 :     va_start(args, narg);
                               1555                 : 
 1661 tgl                      1556 CBC        4469 :     for (int argno = 0; argno < narg; argno++)
                               1557                 :     {
                               1558            4441 :         const char *arg = va_arg(args, const char *);
                               1559                 : 
 1661 tgl                      1560 GIC        4441 :         if (!word_matches(arg, previous_words[narg - argno - 1],
                               1561                 :                           case_sensitive))
                               1562                 :         {
                               1563            3319 :             va_end(args);
                               1564            3319 :             return false;
                               1565                 :         }
 1661 tgl                      1566 ECB             :     }
                               1567                 : 
 1661 tgl                      1568 GIC          28 :     va_end(args);
                               1569                 : 
                               1570              28 :     return true;
                               1571                 : }
 1661 tgl                      1572 ECB             : 
                               1573                 : /*
                               1574                 :  * Implementation of HeadMatches and HeadMatchesCS macros: do the first N
                               1575                 :  * words in previous_words match the variadic arguments?
                               1576                 :  */
                               1577                 : static bool
 1661 tgl                      1578 GIC        3294 : HeadMatchesImpl(bool case_sensitive,
 1661 tgl                      1579 ECB             :                 int previous_words_count, char **previous_words,
                               1580                 :                 int narg,...)
                               1581                 : {
                               1582                 :     va_list     args;
                               1583                 : 
 1661 tgl                      1584 CBC        3294 :     if (previous_words_count < narg)
                               1585            1197 :         return false;
                               1586                 : 
 1661 tgl                      1587 GIC        2097 :     va_start(args, narg);
                               1588                 : 
 1661 tgl                      1589 CBC        2335 :     for (int argno = 0; argno < narg; argno++)
                               1590                 :     {
                               1591            2333 :         const char *arg = va_arg(args, const char *);
                               1592                 : 
 1661 tgl                      1593 GIC        2333 :         if (!word_matches(arg, previous_words[previous_words_count - argno - 1],
                               1594                 :                           case_sensitive))
                               1595                 :         {
                               1596            2095 :             va_end(args);
                               1597            2095 :             return false;
                               1598                 :         }
 1661 tgl                      1599 ECB             :     }
                               1600                 : 
 1661 tgl                      1601 GIC           2 :     va_end(args);
                               1602                 : 
                               1603               2 :     return true;
                               1604                 : }
 2651 tgl                      1605 ECB             : 
 2668                          1606                 : /*
                               1607                 :  * Check if the final character of 's' is 'c'.
                               1608                 :  */
                               1609                 : static bool
 2668 tgl                      1610 CBC           2 : ends_with(const char *s, char c)
                               1611                 : {
                               1612               2 :     size_t      length = strlen(s);
                               1613                 : 
                               1614               2 :     return (length > 0 && s[length - 1] == c);
                               1615                 : }
                               1616                 : 
 4564 tgl                      1617 ECB             : /*
                               1618                 :  * The completion function.
                               1619                 :  *
                               1620                 :  * According to readline spec this gets passed the text entered so far and its
                               1621                 :  * start and end positions in the readline buffer. The return value is some
                               1622                 :  * partially obscure list format that can be generated by readline's
                               1623                 :  * rl_completion_matches() function, so we don't have to worry about it.
                               1624                 :  */
                               1625                 : static char **
 3292 rhaas                    1626 GIC          66 : psql_completion(const char *text, int start, int end)
                               1627                 : {
                               1628                 :     /* This is the variable we'll return. */
 8397 bruce                    1629              66 :     char      **matches = NULL;
                               1630                 : 
 2667 tgl                      1631 ECB             :     /* Workspace for parsed words. */
                               1632                 :     char       *words_buffer;
                               1633                 : 
                               1634                 :     /* This array will contain pointers to parsed words. */
                               1635                 :     char      **previous_words;
                               1636                 : 
                               1637                 :     /* The number of words found on the input line. */
                               1638                 :     int         previous_words_count;
                               1639                 : 
                               1640                 :     /*
                               1641                 :      * For compactness, we use these macros to reference previous_words[].
                               1642                 :      * Caution: do not access a previous_words[] entry without having checked
                               1643                 :      * previous_words_count to be sure it's valid.  In most cases below, that
                               1644                 :      * check is implicit in a TailMatches() or similar macro, but in some
                               1645                 :      * places we have to check it explicitly.
                               1646                 :      */
 4189                          1647                 : #define prev_wd   (previous_words[0])
                               1648                 : #define prev2_wd  (previous_words[1])
                               1649                 : #define prev3_wd  (previous_words[2])
                               1650                 : #define prev4_wd  (previous_words[3])
                               1651                 : #define prev5_wd  (previous_words[4])
                               1652                 : #define prev6_wd  (previous_words[5])
                               1653                 : #define prev7_wd  (previous_words[6])
                               1654                 : #define prev8_wd  (previous_words[7])
                               1655                 : #define prev9_wd  (previous_words[8])
                               1656                 : 
                               1657                 :     /* Match the last N words before point, case-insensitively. */
                               1658                 : #define TailMatches(...) \
                               1659                 :     TailMatchesImpl(false, previous_words_count, previous_words, \
                               1660                 :                     VA_ARGS_NARGS(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)
                               1661                 : 
                               1662                 :     /* Match the last N words before point, case-sensitively. */
                               1663                 : #define TailMatchesCS(...) \
                               1664                 :     TailMatchesImpl(true, previous_words_count, previous_words, \
                               1665                 :                     VA_ARGS_NARGS(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)
                               1666                 : 
                               1667                 :     /* Match N words representing all of the line, case-insensitively. */
                               1668                 : #define Matches(...) \
                               1669                 :     MatchesImpl(false, previous_words_count, previous_words, \
                               1670                 :                 VA_ARGS_NARGS(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)
                               1671                 : 
                               1672                 :     /* Match N words representing all of the line, case-sensitively. */
                               1673                 : #define MatchesCS(...) \
                               1674                 :     MatchesImpl(true, previous_words_count, previous_words, \
                               1675                 :                 VA_ARGS_NARGS(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)
                               1676                 : 
                               1677                 :     /* Match the first N words on the line, case-insensitively. */
                               1678                 : #define HeadMatches(...) \
                               1679                 :     HeadMatchesImpl(false, previous_words_count, previous_words, \
                               1680                 :                     VA_ARGS_NARGS(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)
                               1681                 : 
                               1682                 :     /* Match the first N words on the line, case-sensitively. */
                               1683                 : #define HeadMatchesCS(...) \
                               1684                 :     HeadMatchesImpl(true, previous_words_count, previous_words, \
                               1685                 :                     VA_ARGS_NARGS(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)
                               1686                 : 
                               1687                 :     /* Known command-starting keywords. */
                               1688                 :     static const char *const sql_commands[] = {
                               1689                 :         "ABORT", "ALTER", "ANALYZE", "BEGIN", "CALL", "CHECKPOINT", "CLOSE", "CLUSTER",
                               1690                 :         "COMMENT", "COMMIT", "COPY", "CREATE", "DEALLOCATE", "DECLARE",
                               1691                 :         "DELETE FROM", "DISCARD", "DO", "DROP", "END", "EXECUTE", "EXPLAIN",
                               1692                 :         "FETCH", "GRANT", "IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA", "INSERT INTO", "LISTEN", "LOAD", "LOCK",
                               1693                 :         "MERGE INTO", "MOVE", "NOTIFY", "PREPARE",
                               1694                 :         "REASSIGN", "REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW", "REINDEX", "RELEASE",
                               1695                 :         "RESET", "REVOKE", "ROLLBACK",
                               1696                 :         "SAVEPOINT", "SECURITY LABEL", "SELECT", "SET", "SHOW", "START",
                               1697                 :         "TABLE", "TRUNCATE", "UNLISTEN", "UPDATE", "VACUUM", "VALUES", "WITH",
                               1698                 :         NULL
                               1699                 :     };
                               1700                 : 
                               1701                 :     /* psql's backslash commands. */
                               1702                 :     static const char *const backslash_commands[] = {
                               1703                 :         "\\a",
                               1704                 :         "\\bind",
                               1705                 :         "\\connect", "\\conninfo", "\\C", "\\cd", "\\copy",
                               1706                 :         "\\copyright", "\\crosstabview",
                               1707                 :         "\\d", "\\da", "\\dA", "\\dAc", "\\dAf", "\\dAo", "\\dAp",
                               1708                 :         "\\db", "\\dc", "\\dconfig", "\\dC", "\\dd", "\\ddp", "\\dD",
                               1709                 :         "\\des", "\\det", "\\deu", "\\dew", "\\dE", "\\df",
                               1710                 :         "\\dF", "\\dFd", "\\dFp", "\\dFt", "\\dg", "\\di", "\\dl", "\\dL",
                               1711                 :         "\\dm", "\\dn", "\\do", "\\dO", "\\dp", "\\dP", "\\dPi", "\\dPt",
                               1712                 :         "\\drds", "\\dRs", "\\dRp", "\\ds",
                               1713                 :         "\\dt", "\\dT", "\\dv", "\\du", "\\dx", "\\dX", "\\dy",
                               1714                 :         "\\echo", "\\edit", "\\ef", "\\elif", "\\else", "\\encoding",
                               1715                 :         "\\endif", "\\errverbose", "\\ev",
                               1716                 :         "\\f",
                               1717                 :         "\\g", "\\gdesc", "\\getenv", "\\gexec", "\\gset", "\\gx",
                               1718                 :         "\\help", "\\html",
                               1719                 :         "\\if", "\\include", "\\include_relative", "\\ir",
                               1720                 :         "\\list", "\\lo_import", "\\lo_export", "\\lo_list", "\\lo_unlink",
                               1721                 :         "\\out",
                               1722                 :         "\\password", "\\print", "\\prompt", "\\pset",
                               1723                 :         "\\qecho", "\\quit",
                               1724                 :         "\\reset",
                               1725                 :         "\\s", "\\set", "\\setenv", "\\sf", "\\sv",
                               1726                 :         "\\t", "\\T", "\\timing",
                               1727                 :         "\\unset",
                               1728                 :         "\\x",
                               1729                 :         "\\warn", "\\watch", "\\write",
                               1730                 :         "\\z",
                               1731                 :         "\\!", "\\?",
                               1732                 :         NULL
                               1733                 :     };
                               1734                 : 
                               1735                 :     /*
                               1736                 :      * Temporary workaround for a bug in recent (2019) libedit: it incorrectly
                               1737                 :      * de-escapes the input "text", causing us to fail to recognize backslash
                               1738                 :      * commands.  So get the string to look at from rl_line_buffer instead.
                               1739                 :      */
 1192 tgl                      1740 GIC          66 :     char       *text_copy = pnstrdup(rl_line_buffer + start, end - start);
                               1741              66 :     text = text_copy;
                               1742                 : 
                               1743                 :     /* Remember last char of the given input word. */
 1172                          1744              66 :     completion_last_char = (end > start) ? text[end - start - 1] : '\0';
                               1745                 : 
                               1746                 :     /* We usually want the append character to be a space. */
 8397 bruce                    1747              66 :     rl_completion_append_character = ' ';
                               1748                 : 
                               1749                 :     /* Clear a few things. */
                               1750              66 :     completion_charp = NULL;
                               1751              66 :     completion_charpp = NULL;
  434 tgl                      1752              66 :     completion_vquery = NULL;
                               1753              66 :     completion_squery = NULL;
                               1754              66 :     completion_ref_object = NULL;
                               1755              66 :     completion_ref_schema = NULL;
                               1756                 : 
                               1757                 :     /*
                               1758                 :      * Scan the input line to extract the words before our current position.
                               1759                 :      * According to those we'll make some smart decisions on what the user is
                               1760                 :      * probably intending to type.
                               1761                 :      */
 2667 tgl                      1762 CBC          66 :     previous_words = get_previous_words(start,
 2667 tgl                      1763 ECB             :                                         &words_buffer,
                               1764                 :                                         &previous_words_count);
                               1765                 : 
 2668                          1766                 :     /* If current word is a backslash command, offer completions for that */
 8397 bruce                    1767 GIC          66 :     if (text[0] == '\\')
 4085 peter_e                  1768               1 :         COMPLETE_WITH_LIST_CS(backslash_commands);
 8397 bruce                    1769 ECB             : 
                               1770                 :     /* If current word is a variable interpolation, handle that case */
 4440 rhaas                    1771 GIC          65 :     else if (text[0] == ':' && text[1] != ':')
 4440 rhaas                    1772 ECB             :     {
 4440 rhaas                    1773 CBC           1 :         if (text[1] == '\'')
 3162 fujii                    1774 LBC           0 :             matches = complete_from_variables(text, ":'", "'", true);
 4440 rhaas                    1775 CBC           1 :         else if (text[1] == '"')
 3162 fujii                    1776 LBC           0 :             matches = complete_from_variables(text, ":\"", "\"", true);
 4440 rhaas                    1777 ECB             :         else
 3162 fujii                    1778 GIC           1 :             matches = complete_from_variables(text, ":", "", true);
                               1779                 :     }
                               1780                 : 
                               1781                 :     /* If no previous word, suggest one of the basic sql commands */
 2668 tgl                      1782              64 :     else if (previous_words_count == 0)
 8397 bruce                    1783               2 :         COMPLETE_WITH_LIST(sql_commands);
 8535 bruce                    1784 ECB             : 
                               1785                 : /* CREATE */
                               1786                 :     /* complete with something you can create */
 1661 tgl                      1787 GIC          62 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE"))
 1213                          1788               1 :         matches = rl_completion_matches(text, create_command_generator);
 8535 bruce                    1789 ECB             : 
 1257 michael                  1790                 :     /* complete with something you can create or replace */
 1304 fujii                    1791 GIC          61 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE"))
 1304 fujii                    1792 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FUNCTION", "PROCEDURE", "LANGUAGE", "RULE", "VIEW",
  872 michael                  1793 ECB             :                       "AGGREGATE", "TRANSFORM", "TRIGGER");
                               1794                 : 
 4189 tgl                      1795                 : /* DROP, but not DROP embedded in other commands */
 6216 alvherre                 1796 EUB             :     /* complete with something you can drop */
 1661 tgl                      1797 CBC          61 :     else if (Matches("DROP"))
 1213 tgl                      1798 GBC           1 :         matches = rl_completion_matches(text, drop_command_generator);
                               1799                 : 
 8535 bruce                    1800 ECB             : /* ALTER */
                               1801                 : 
                               1802                 :     /* ALTER TABLE */
 1661 tgl                      1803 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE"))
  434 tgl                      1804 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_tables,
  434 tgl                      1805 ECB             :                                         "ALL IN TABLESPACE");
                               1806                 : 
                               1807                 :     /* ALTER something */
 1661 tgl                      1808 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER"))
 1213 tgl                      1809 LBC           0 :         matches = rl_completion_matches(text, alter_command_generator);
 2668 andres                   1810 ECB             :     /* ALTER TABLE,INDEX,MATERIALIZED VIEW ALL IN TABLESPACE xxx */
 1661 tgl                      1811 GIC          60 :     else if (TailMatches("ALL", "IN", "TABLESPACE", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      1812 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SET TABLESPACE", "OWNED BY");
 2668 andres                   1813 ECB             :     /* ALTER TABLE,INDEX,MATERIALIZED VIEW ALL IN TABLESPACE xxx OWNED BY */
 1661 tgl                      1814 GBC          60 :     else if (TailMatches("ALL", "IN", "TABLESPACE", MatchAny, "OWNED", "BY"))
 3136 sfrost                   1815 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_roles);
                               1816                 :     /* ALTER TABLE,INDEX,MATERIALIZED VIEW ALL IN TABLESPACE xxx OWNED BY xxx */
 1661 tgl                      1817 GIC          60 :     else if (TailMatches("ALL", "IN", "TABLESPACE", MatchAny, "OWNED", "BY", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      1818 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SET TABLESPACE");
 1956 peter_e                  1819 ECB             :     /* ALTER AGGREGATE,FUNCTION,PROCEDURE,ROUTINE <name> */
 1661 tgl                      1820 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "AGGREGATE|FUNCTION|PROCEDURE|ROUTINE", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      1821 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(");
                               1822                 :     /* ALTER AGGREGATE <name> (...) */
  781 michael                  1823 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "AGGREGATE", MatchAny, MatchAny))
                               1824                 :     {
 2668 tgl                      1825 LBC           0 :         if (ends_with(prev_wd, ')'))
 1661 tgl                      1826 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("OWNER TO", "RENAME TO", "SET SCHEMA");
                               1827                 :         else
 3930 magnus                   1828 UIC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_FUNCTION_ARG(prev2_wd);
                               1829                 :     }
                               1830                 :     /* ALTER FUNCTION <name> (...) */
   93 dean.a.rasheed           1831 GNC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "FUNCTION", MatchAny, MatchAny))
                               1832                 :     {
   93 dean.a.rasheed           1833 LBC           0 :         if (ends_with(prev_wd, ')'))
   93 dean.a.rasheed           1834 UNC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH(Alter_function_options);
   93 dean.a.rasheed           1835 ECB             :         else
   93 dean.a.rasheed           1836 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_FUNCTION_ARG(prev2_wd);
                               1837                 :     }
                               1838                 :     /* ALTER PROCEDURE <name> (...) */
   93 dean.a.rasheed           1839 GNC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "PROCEDURE", MatchAny, MatchAny))
                               1840                 :     {
   93 dean.a.rasheed           1841 UNC           0 :         if (ends_with(prev_wd, ')'))
                               1842               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH(Alter_procedure_options);
                               1843                 :         else
                               1844               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_FUNCTION_ARG(prev2_wd);
                               1845                 :     }
                               1846                 :     /* ALTER ROUTINE <name> (...) */
   93 dean.a.rasheed           1847 GNC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "ROUTINE", MatchAny, MatchAny))
                               1848                 :     {
  781 michael                  1849 UNC           0 :         if (ends_with(prev_wd, ')'))
   93 dean.a.rasheed           1850               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH(Alter_routine_options);
                               1851                 :         else
  781 michael                  1852               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_FUNCTION_ARG(prev2_wd);
                               1853                 :     }
                               1854                 :     /* ALTER FUNCTION|ROUTINE <name> (...) PARALLEL */
   93 dean.a.rasheed           1855 GNC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "FUNCTION|ROUTINE", MatchAny, MatchAny, "PARALLEL"))
   93 dean.a.rasheed           1856 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("RESTRICTED", "SAFE", "UNSAFE");
                               1857                 :     /* ALTER FUNCTION|PROCEDURE|ROUTINE <name> (...) [EXTERNAL] SECURITY */
   93 dean.a.rasheed           1858 GNC         120 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "FUNCTION|PROCEDURE|ROUTINE", MatchAny, MatchAny, "SECURITY") ||
                               1859              60 :              Matches("ALTER", "FUNCTION|PROCEDURE|ROUTINE", MatchAny, MatchAny, "EXTERNAL", "SECURITY"))
   93 dean.a.rasheed           1860 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("DEFINER", "INVOKER");
                               1861                 :     /* ALTER FUNCTION|PROCEDURE|ROUTINE <name> (...) RESET */
   93 dean.a.rasheed           1862 GNC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "FUNCTION|PROCEDURE|ROUTINE", MatchAny, MatchAny, "RESET"))
   93 dean.a.rasheed           1863 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_VERBATIM_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_set_vars,
                               1864                 :                                           "ALL");
                               1865                 :     /* ALTER FUNCTION|PROCEDURE|ROUTINE <name> (...) SET */
   93 dean.a.rasheed           1866 GNC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "FUNCTION|PROCEDURE|ROUTINE", MatchAny, MatchAny, "SET"))
   93 dean.a.rasheed           1867 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_VERBATIM_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_set_vars,
                               1868                 :                                           "SCHEMA");
  781 michael                  1869 ECB             : 
 2154 peter_e                  1870 EUB             :     /* ALTER PUBLICATION <name> */
 1661 tgl                      1871 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny))
  529 akapila                  1872 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ADD", "DROP", "OWNER TO", "RENAME TO", "SET");
  529 akapila                  1873 EUB             :     /* ALTER PUBLICATION <name> ADD */
  529 akapila                  1874 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny, "ADD"))
  199 alvherre                 1875 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TABLES IN SCHEMA", "TABLE");
  436 alvherre                 1876 GIC         120 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny, "ADD|SET", "TABLE") ||
  436 alvherre                 1877 GBC          60 :              (HeadMatches("ALTER", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny, "ADD|SET", "TABLE") &&
  436 alvherre                 1878 UBC           0 :               ends_with(prev_wd, ',')))
  434 tgl                      1879 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables);
  332 tgl                      1880 EUB             : 
                               1881                 :     /*
                               1882                 :      * "ALTER PUBLICATION <name> SET TABLE <name> WHERE (" - complete with
  411 akapila                  1883 ECB             :      * table attributes
                               1884                 :      *
  411 akapila                  1885 EUB             :      * "ALTER PUBLICATION <name> ADD TABLE <name> WHERE (" - complete with
                               1886                 :      * table attributes
                               1887                 :      */
  411 akapila                  1888 GBC          60 :     else if (HeadMatches("ALTER", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny) && TailMatches("WHERE"))
  411 akapila                  1889 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(");
  411 akapila                  1890 GIC          60 :     else if (HeadMatches("ALTER", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny) && TailMatches("WHERE", "("))
  411 akapila                  1891 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR(prev3_wd);
  411 akapila                  1892 GIC          60 :     else if (HeadMatches("ALTER", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny, "ADD|SET", "TABLE") &&
  411 akapila                  1893 UBC           0 :              !TailMatches("WHERE", "(*)"))
                               1894               0 :         COMPLETE_WITH(",", "WHERE (");
  436 alvherre                 1895 GIC          60 :     else if (HeadMatches("ALTER", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny, "ADD|SET", "TABLE"))
  436 alvherre                 1896 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH(",");
                               1897                 :     /* ALTER PUBLICATION <name> DROP */
  529 akapila                  1898 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny, "DROP"))
  199 alvherre                 1899 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TABLES IN SCHEMA", "TABLE");
                               1900                 :     /* ALTER PUBLICATION <name> SET */
 1661 tgl                      1901 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny, "SET"))
  199 alvherre                 1902 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(", "TABLES IN SCHEMA", "TABLE");
  191 alvherre                 1903 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny, "ADD|DROP|SET", "TABLES", "IN", "SCHEMA"))
  434 tgl                      1904 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_schemas
                               1905                 :                                  " AND nspname NOT LIKE E'pg\\\\_%%'",
                               1906                 :                                  "CURRENT_SCHEMA");
 2154 peter_e                  1907 ECB             :     /* ALTER PUBLICATION <name> SET ( */
 1661 tgl                      1908 GBC          60 :     else if (HeadMatches("ALTER", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny) && TailMatches("SET", "("))
  667 michael                  1909 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("publish", "publish_via_partition_root");
 2154 peter_e                  1910 ECB             :     /* ALTER SUBSCRIPTION <name> */
 1661 tgl                      1911 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "SUBSCRIPTION", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      1912 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CONNECTION", "ENABLE", "DISABLE", "OWNER TO",
                               1913                 :                       "RENAME TO", "REFRESH PUBLICATION", "SET", "SKIP (",
  733 peter                    1914 ECB             :                       "ADD PUBLICATION", "DROP PUBLICATION");
 2154 peter_e                  1915 EUB             :     /* ALTER SUBSCRIPTION <name> REFRESH PUBLICATION */
 1661 tgl                      1916 GIC          60 :     else if (HeadMatches("ALTER", "SUBSCRIPTION", MatchAny) &&
 1661 tgl                      1917 UIC           0 :              TailMatches("REFRESH", "PUBLICATION"))
 1661 tgl                      1918 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("WITH (");
 2154 peter_e                  1919 EUB             :     /* ALTER SUBSCRIPTION <name> REFRESH PUBLICATION WITH ( */
 1661 tgl                      1920 GIC          60 :     else if (HeadMatches("ALTER", "SUBSCRIPTION", MatchAny) &&
 1661 tgl                      1921 UIC           0 :              TailMatches("REFRESH", "PUBLICATION", "WITH", "("))
                               1922               0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("copy_data");
 2154 peter_e                  1923 ECB             :     /* ALTER SUBSCRIPTION <name> SET */
 1661 tgl                      1924 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "SUBSCRIPTION", MatchAny, "SET"))
 1661 tgl                      1925 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(", "PUBLICATION");
 2154 peter_e                  1926 ECB             :     /* ALTER SUBSCRIPTION <name> SET ( */
 1661 tgl                      1927 GBC          60 :     else if (HeadMatches("ALTER", "SUBSCRIPTION", MatchAny) && TailMatches("SET", "("))
    2 akapila                  1928 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("binary", "disable_on_error", "origin",
                               1929                 :                       "password_required", "run_as_owner", "slot_name",
                               1930                 :                       "streaming", "synchronous_commit");
  383 akapila                  1931 ECB             :     /* ALTER SUBSCRIPTION <name> SKIP ( */
  383 akapila                  1932 GBC          60 :     else if (HeadMatches("ALTER", "SUBSCRIPTION", MatchAny) && TailMatches("SKIP", "("))
  383 akapila                  1933 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("lsn");
                               1934                 :     /* ALTER SUBSCRIPTION <name> SET PUBLICATION */
 1661 tgl                      1935 GIC          60 :     else if (HeadMatches("ALTER", "SUBSCRIPTION", MatchAny) && TailMatches("SET", "PUBLICATION"))
                               1936                 :     {
                               1937                 :         /* complete with nothing here as this refers to remote publications */
                               1938                 :     }
                               1939                 :     /* ALTER SUBSCRIPTION <name> ADD|DROP|SET PUBLICATION <name> */
                               1940              60 :     else if (HeadMatches("ALTER", "SUBSCRIPTION", MatchAny) &&
  733 peter                    1941 UIC           0 :              TailMatches("ADD|DROP|SET", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      1942 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("WITH (");
  593 akapila                  1943 EUB             :     /* ALTER SUBSCRIPTION <name> ADD|DROP|SET PUBLICATION <name> WITH ( */
 1661 tgl                      1944 CBC          60 :     else if (HeadMatches("ALTER", "SUBSCRIPTION", MatchAny) &&
  593 akapila                  1945 UBC           0 :              TailMatches("ADD|DROP|SET", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny, "WITH", "("))
 1661 tgl                      1946 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("copy_data", "refresh");
  733 peter                    1947 EUB             : 
 4517 rhaas                    1948                 :     /* ALTER SCHEMA <name> */
 1661 tgl                      1949 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "SCHEMA", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      1950 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("OWNER TO", "RENAME TO");
                               1951                 : 
 4439 peter_e                  1952 ECB             :     /* ALTER COLLATION <name> */
 1661 tgl                      1953 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "COLLATION", MatchAny))
  437 peter                    1954 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("OWNER TO", "REFRESH VERSION", "RENAME TO", "SET SCHEMA");
 4439 peter_e                  1955 ECB             : 
 4517 rhaas                    1956 EUB             :     /* ALTER CONVERSION <name> */
 1661 tgl                      1957 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "CONVERSION", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      1958 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("OWNER TO", "RENAME TO", "SET SCHEMA");
                               1959                 : 
                               1960                 :     /* ALTER DATABASE <name> */
 1661 tgl                      1961 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "DATABASE", MatchAny))
  419 peter                    1962 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("RESET", "SET", "OWNER TO", "REFRESH COLLATION VERSION", "RENAME TO",
 1661 tgl                      1963 EUB             :                       "IS_TEMPLATE", "ALLOW_CONNECTIONS",
                               1964                 :                       "CONNECTION LIMIT");
 6805 bruce                    1965 ECB             : 
 1662 tgl                      1966 EUB             :     /* ALTER DATABASE <name> SET TABLESPACE */
 1661 tgl                      1967 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "DATABASE", MatchAny, "SET", "TABLESPACE"))
 1662 tgl                      1968 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tablespaces);
                               1969                 : 
 3282 rhaas                    1970 ECB             :     /* ALTER EVENT TRIGGER */
 1661 tgl                      1971 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "EVENT", "TRIGGER"))
 3282 rhaas                    1972 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_event_triggers);
                               1973                 : 
 3282 rhaas                    1974 ECB             :     /* ALTER EVENT TRIGGER <name> */
 1661 tgl                      1975 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "EVENT", "TRIGGER", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      1976 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("DISABLE", "ENABLE", "OWNER TO", "RENAME TO");
                               1977                 : 
 3282 rhaas                    1978 ECB             :     /* ALTER EVENT TRIGGER <name> ENABLE */
 1661 tgl                      1979 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "EVENT", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "ENABLE"))
 1661 tgl                      1980 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("REPLICA", "ALWAYS");
 3282 rhaas                    1981 ECB             : 
 4443 tgl                      1982 EUB             :     /* ALTER EXTENSION <name> */
 1661 tgl                      1983 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "EXTENSION", MatchAny))
  280 tgl                      1984 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ADD", "DROP", "UPDATE", "SET SCHEMA");
                               1985                 : 
                               1986                 :     /* ALTER EXTENSION <name> ADD|DROP */
   87 michael                  1987 GNC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "EXTENSION", MatchAny, "ADD|DROP"))
   87 michael                  1988 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ACCESS METHOD", "AGGREGATE", "CAST", "COLLATION",
                               1989                 :                       "CONVERSION", "DOMAIN", "EVENT TRIGGER", "FOREIGN",
                               1990                 :                       "FUNCTION", "MATERIALIZED VIEW", "OPERATOR",
                               1991                 :                       "LANGUAGE", "PROCEDURE", "ROUTINE", "SCHEMA",
                               1992                 :                       "SEQUENCE", "SERVER", "TABLE", "TEXT SEARCH",
                               1993                 :                       "TRANSFORM FOR", "TYPE", "VIEW");
                               1994                 : 
                               1995                 :     /* ALTER EXTENSION <name> ADD|DROP FOREIGN */
   87 michael                  1996 GNC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "EXTENSION", MatchAny, "ADD|DROP", "FOREIGN"))
   87 michael                  1997 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("DATA WRAPPER", "TABLE");
                               1998                 : 
                               1999                 :     /* ALTER EXTENSION <name> ADD|DROP OPERATOR */
   87 michael                  2000 GNC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "EXTENSION", MatchAny, "ADD|DROP", "OPERATOR"))
   87 michael                  2001 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CLASS", "FAMILY");
                               2002                 : 
                               2003                 :     /* ALTER EXTENSION <name> ADD|DROP TEXT SEARCH */
   87 michael                  2004 GNC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "EXTENSION", MatchAny, "ADD|DROP", "TEXT", "SEARCH"))
   87 michael                  2005 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CONFIGURATION", "DICTIONARY", "PARSER", "TEMPLATE");
                               2006                 : 
 2425 tgl                      2007 ECB             :     /* ALTER EXTENSION <name> UPDATE */
 1661 tgl                      2008 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "EXTENSION", MatchAny, "UPDATE"))
  292 tgl                      2009 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
 2425 tgl                      2010 ECB             : 
                               2011                 :     /* ALTER EXTENSION <name> UPDATE TO */
 1661 tgl                      2012 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "EXTENSION", MatchAny, "UPDATE", "TO"))
                               2013                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2014 UIC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev3_wd);
  292 tgl                      2015 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_available_extension_versions);
 2425 tgl                      2016 EUB             :     }
                               2017                 : 
                               2018                 :     /* ALTER FOREIGN */
 1661 tgl                      2019 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "FOREIGN"))
 1661 tgl                      2020 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("DATA WRAPPER", "TABLE");
 4481 rhaas                    2021 EUB             : 
                               2022                 :     /* ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER <name> */
 1661 tgl                      2023 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "FOREIGN", "DATA", "WRAPPER", MatchAny))
  496 michael                  2024 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("HANDLER", "VALIDATOR", "NO",
  496 michael                  2025 EUB             :                       "OPTIONS", "OWNER TO", "RENAME TO");
  496 michael                  2026 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "FOREIGN", "DATA", "WRAPPER", MatchAny, "NO"))
  496 michael                  2027 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("HANDLER", "VALIDATOR");
 5224 peter_e                  2028 ECB             : 
 4481 rhaas                    2029 EUB             :     /* ALTER FOREIGN TABLE <name> */
 1661 tgl                      2030 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "FOREIGN", "TABLE", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2031 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ADD", "ALTER", "DISABLE TRIGGER", "DROP", "ENABLE",
 1661 tgl                      2032 ECB             :                       "INHERIT", "NO INHERIT", "OPTIONS", "OWNER TO",
 1661 tgl                      2033 EUB             :                       "RENAME", "SET", "VALIDATE CONSTRAINT");
                               2034                 : 
                               2035                 :     /* ALTER INDEX */
 1661 tgl                      2036 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX"))
  434 tgl                      2037 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_indexes,
                               2038                 :                                         "ALL IN TABLESPACE");
                               2039                 :     /* ALTER INDEX <name> */
 1661 tgl                      2040 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2041 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ALTER COLUMN", "OWNER TO", "RENAME TO", "SET",
  781 michael                  2042 ECB             :                       "RESET", "ATTACH PARTITION",
  702 tmunro                   2043 EUB             :                       "DEPENDS ON EXTENSION", "NO DEPENDS ON EXTENSION");
 1661 tgl                      2044 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "ATTACH"))
 1661 tgl                      2045 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("PARTITION");
 1661 tgl                      2046 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "ATTACH", "PARTITION"))
  434 tgl                      2047 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_indexes);
                               2048                 :     /* ALTER INDEX <name> ALTER */
 1566 michael                  2049 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "ALTER"))
  702 tmunro                   2050 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("COLUMN");
 1532 michael                  2051 EUB             :     /* ALTER INDEX <name> ALTER COLUMN */
 1532 michael                  2052 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN"))
                               2053                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2054 LBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev3_wd);
  434 tgl                      2055 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_VERBATIM(Query_for_list_of_attribute_numbers);
                               2056                 :     }
                               2057                 :     /* ALTER INDEX <name> ALTER COLUMN <colnum> */
 1661 tgl                      2058 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2059 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SET STATISTICS");
                               2060                 :     /* ALTER INDEX <name> ALTER COLUMN <colnum> SET */
 1566 michael                  2061 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN", MatchAny, "SET"))
 1566 michael                  2062 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("STATISTICS");
 1566 michael                  2063 EUB             :     /* ALTER INDEX <name> ALTER COLUMN <colnum> SET STATISTICS */
 1566 michael                  2064 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN", MatchAny, "SET", "STATISTICS"))
                               2065                 :     {
                               2066                 :         /* Enforce no completion here, as an integer has to be specified */
                               2067                 :     }
                               2068                 :     /* ALTER INDEX <name> SET */
 1661 tgl                      2069              60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "SET"))
 1661 tgl                      2070 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(", "TABLESPACE");
 4799 itagaki.takahiro         2071 ECB             :     /* ALTER INDEX <name> RESET */
 1661 tgl                      2072 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "RESET"))
 1661 tgl                      2073 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(");
                               2074                 :     /* ALTER INDEX <foo> SET|RESET ( */
 1661 tgl                      2075 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "RESET", "("))
 1545 tgl                      2076 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("fillfactor",
                               2077                 :                       "deduplicate_items",    /* BTREE */
                               2078                 :                       "fastupdate", "gin_pending_list_limit",   /* GIN */
 1661 tgl                      2079 ECB             :                       "buffering",    /* GiST */
 1661 tgl                      2080 EUB             :                       "pages_per_range", "autosummarize"    /* BRIN */
                               2081                 :             );
 1661 tgl                      2082 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "SET", "("))
 1545 tgl                      2083 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("fillfactor =",
  697 tgl                      2084 EUB             :                       "deduplicate_items =",  /* BTREE */
                               2085                 :                       "fastupdate =", "gin_pending_list_limit =",   /* GIN */
                               2086                 :                       "buffering =",  /* GiST */
 1661 tgl                      2087 ECB             :                       "pages_per_range =", "autosummarize ="    /* BRIN */
                               2088                 :             );
  702 tmunro                   2089 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "NO", "DEPENDS"))
  702 tmunro                   2090 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON EXTENSION");
  702 tmunro                   2091 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "DEPENDS"))
  702 tmunro                   2092 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON EXTENSION");
                               2093                 : 
 6773 neilc                    2094 ECB             :     /* ALTER LANGUAGE <name> */
 1661 tgl                      2095 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "LANGUAGE", MatchAny))
 1343 michael                  2096 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("OWNER TO", "RENAME TO");
                               2097                 : 
 4867 itagaki.takahiro         2098 ECB             :     /* ALTER LARGE OBJECT <oid> */
 1661 tgl                      2099 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "LARGE", "OBJECT", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2100 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("OWNER TO");
 4867 itagaki.takahiro         2101 ECB             : 
 3689 kgrittn                  2102 EUB             :     /* ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW */
 1661 tgl                      2103 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW"))
  434 tgl                      2104 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_matviews,
  434 tgl                      2105 ECB             :                                         "ALL IN TABLESPACE");
 3689 kgrittn                  2106 EUB             : 
                               2107                 :     /* ALTER USER,ROLE <name> */
 1661 tgl                      2108 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "USER|ROLE", MatchAny) &&
 1661 tgl                      2109 UIC           0 :              !TailMatches("USER", "MAPPING"))
                               2110               0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("BYPASSRLS", "CONNECTION LIMIT", "CREATEDB", "CREATEROLE",
 1661 tgl                      2111 ECB             :                       "ENCRYPTED PASSWORD", "INHERIT", "LOGIN", "NOBYPASSRLS",
 1661 tgl                      2112 EUB             :                       "NOCREATEDB", "NOCREATEROLE", "NOINHERIT",
                               2113                 :                       "NOLOGIN", "NOREPLICATION", "NOSUPERUSER", "PASSWORD",
                               2114                 :                       "RENAME TO", "REPLICATION", "RESET", "SET", "SUPERUSER",
 1661 tgl                      2115 ECB             :                       "VALID UNTIL", "WITH");
 6773 neilc                    2116 EUB             : 
                               2117                 :     /* ALTER USER,ROLE <name> WITH */
 1661 tgl                      2118 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "USER|ROLE", MatchAny, "WITH"))
 4008 peter_e                  2119 ECB             :         /* Similar to the above, but don't complete "WITH" again. */
 1661 tgl                      2120 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("BYPASSRLS", "CONNECTION LIMIT", "CREATEDB", "CREATEROLE",
 1661 tgl                      2121 ECB             :                       "ENCRYPTED PASSWORD", "INHERIT", "LOGIN", "NOBYPASSRLS",
 1661 tgl                      2122 EUB             :                       "NOCREATEDB", "NOCREATEROLE", "NOINHERIT",
                               2123                 :                       "NOLOGIN", "NOREPLICATION", "NOSUPERUSER", "PASSWORD",
 1661 tgl                      2124 ECB             :                       "RENAME TO", "REPLICATION", "RESET", "SET", "SUPERUSER",
 1661 tgl                      2125 EUB             :                       "VALID UNTIL");
                               2126                 : 
 4750 itagaki.takahiro         2127 ECB             :     /* ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES */
 1661 tgl                      2128 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "DEFAULT", "PRIVILEGES"))
 1661 tgl                      2129 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FOR ROLE", "IN SCHEMA");
 4750 itagaki.takahiro         2130 EUB             :     /* ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR */
 1661 tgl                      2131 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "DEFAULT", "PRIVILEGES", "FOR"))
 1661 tgl                      2132 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ROLE");
 2298 sfrost                   2133 ECB             :     /* ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN */
 1661 tgl                      2134 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "DEFAULT", "PRIVILEGES", "IN"))
 1661 tgl                      2135 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SCHEMA");
 2298 sfrost                   2136 ECB             :     /* ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE|USER ... */
 1661 tgl                      2137 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "DEFAULT", "PRIVILEGES", "FOR", "ROLE|USER",
                               2138                 :                      MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2139 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("GRANT", "REVOKE", "IN SCHEMA");
                               2140                 :     /* ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA ... */
 1661 tgl                      2141 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "DEFAULT", "PRIVILEGES", "IN", "SCHEMA",
                               2142                 :                      MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2143 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("GRANT", "REVOKE", "FOR ROLE");
 2298 sfrost                   2144 ECB             :     /* ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA ... FOR */
 1661 tgl                      2145 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "DEFAULT", "PRIVILEGES", "IN", "SCHEMA",
                               2146                 :                      MatchAny, "FOR"))
 1661 tgl                      2147 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ROLE");
 2298 sfrost                   2148 EUB             :     /* ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE|USER ... IN SCHEMA ... */
                               2149                 :     /* ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA ... FOR ROLE|USER ... */
 1661 tgl                      2150 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "DEFAULT", "PRIVILEGES", "FOR", "ROLE|USER",
 1661 tgl                      2151 GBC          60 :                      MatchAny, "IN", "SCHEMA", MatchAny) ||
 1661 tgl                      2152 GIC          60 :              Matches("ALTER", "DEFAULT", "PRIVILEGES", "IN", "SCHEMA",
                               2153                 :                      MatchAny, "FOR", "ROLE|USER", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2154 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("GRANT", "REVOKE");
                               2155                 :     /* ALTER DOMAIN <name> */
 1661 tgl                      2156 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "DOMAIN", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2157 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ADD", "DROP", "OWNER TO", "RENAME", "SET",
 1661 tgl                      2158 EUB             :                       "VALIDATE CONSTRAINT");
                               2159                 :     /* ALTER DOMAIN <sth> DROP */
 1661 tgl                      2160 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "DOMAIN", MatchAny, "DROP"))
 1661 tgl                      2161 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CONSTRAINT", "DEFAULT", "NOT NULL");
                               2162                 :     /* ALTER DOMAIN <sth> DROP|RENAME|VALIDATE CONSTRAINT */
 1661 tgl                      2163 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "DOMAIN", MatchAny, "DROP|RENAME|VALIDATE", "CONSTRAINT"))
 3859 peter_e                  2164 ECB             :     {
  434 tgl                      2165 UBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev3_wd);
  434 tgl                      2166 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_constraint_of_type);
 3859 peter_e                  2167 EUB             :     }
                               2168                 :     /* ALTER DOMAIN <sth> RENAME */
 1661 tgl                      2169 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "DOMAIN", MatchAny, "RENAME"))
 1661 tgl                      2170 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CONSTRAINT", "TO");
 4000 peter_e                  2171 EUB             :     /* ALTER DOMAIN <sth> RENAME CONSTRAINT <sth> */
 1661 tgl                      2172 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "DOMAIN", MatchAny, "RENAME", "CONSTRAINT", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2173 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
 4000 peter_e                  2174 ECB             : 
 6806 bruce                    2175 EUB             :     /* ALTER DOMAIN <sth> SET */
 1661 tgl                      2176 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "DOMAIN", MatchAny, "SET"))
 1661 tgl                      2177 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("DEFAULT", "NOT NULL", "SCHEMA");
 6773 neilc                    2178 ECB             :     /* ALTER SEQUENCE <name> */
 1661 tgl                      2179 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "SEQUENCE", MatchAny))
  496 michael                  2180 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("AS", "INCREMENT", "MINVALUE", "MAXVALUE", "RESTART",
                               2181                 :                       "START", "NO", "CACHE", "CYCLE", "SET", "OWNED BY",
                               2182                 :                       "OWNER TO", "RENAME TO");
  496 michael                  2183 ECB             :     /* ALTER SEQUENCE <name> AS */
  496 michael                  2184 GBC          60 :     else if (TailMatches("ALTER", "SEQUENCE", MatchAny, "AS"))
  496 michael                  2185 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_CS("smallint", "integer", "bigint");
                               2186                 :     /* ALTER SEQUENCE <name> NO */
 1661 tgl                      2187 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "SEQUENCE", MatchAny, "NO"))
 1661 tgl                      2188 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("MINVALUE", "MAXVALUE", "CYCLE");
                               2189                 :     /* ALTER SEQUENCE <name> SET */
  367 peter                    2190 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "SEQUENCE", MatchAny, "SET"))
  367 peter                    2191 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SCHEMA", "LOGGED", "UNLOGGED");
                               2192                 :     /* ALTER SERVER <name> */
 1661 tgl                      2193 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "SERVER", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2194 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("VERSION", "OPTIONS", "OWNER TO", "RENAME TO");
 2495 rhaas                    2195 EUB             :     /* ALTER SERVER <name> VERSION <version> */
 1661 tgl                      2196 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "SERVER", MatchAny, "VERSION", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2197 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("OPTIONS");
                               2198                 :     /* ALTER SYSTEM SET, RESET, RESET ALL */
 1661 tgl                      2199 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "SYSTEM"))
 1661 tgl                      2200 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SET", "RESET");
 1661 tgl                      2201 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "SYSTEM", "SET|RESET"))
  424 tgl                      2202 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_VERBATIM_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_alter_system_set_vars,
  424 tgl                      2203 ECB             :                                           "ALL");
 1661 tgl                      2204 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "SYSTEM", "SET", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2205 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
 5759 neilc                    2206 ECB             :     /* ALTER VIEW <name> */
 1661 tgl                      2207 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "VIEW", MatchAny))
 1235 fujii                    2208 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ALTER COLUMN", "OWNER TO", "RENAME",
 1661 tgl                      2209 ECB             :                       "SET SCHEMA");
 1235 fujii                    2210 EUB             :     /* ALTER VIEW xxx RENAME */
 1235 fujii                    2211 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "VIEW", MatchAny, "RENAME"))
  434 tgl                      2212 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR_PLUS(prev2_wd, "COLUMN", "TO");
 1235 fujii                    2213 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "VIEW", MatchAny, "ALTER|RENAME", "COLUMN"))
  434 tgl                      2214 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR(prev3_wd);
                               2215                 :     /* ALTER VIEW xxx ALTER [ COLUMN ] yyy */
  496 michael                  2216 CBC         120 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "VIEW", MatchAny, "ALTER", MatchAny) ||
  496 michael                  2217 GIC          60 :              Matches("ALTER", "VIEW", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN", MatchAny))
  496 michael                  2218 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SET DEFAULT", "DROP DEFAULT");
                               2219                 :     /* ALTER VIEW xxx RENAME yyy */
 1235 fujii                    2220 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "VIEW", MatchAny, "RENAME", MatchAnyExcept("TO")))
 1235 fujii                    2221 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
 1235 fujii                    2222 EUB             :     /* ALTER VIEW xxx RENAME COLUMN yyy */
 1235 fujii                    2223 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "VIEW", MatchAny, "RENAME", "COLUMN", MatchAnyExcept("TO")))
 1235 fujii                    2224 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
 1235 fujii                    2225 ECB             : 
 3689 kgrittn                  2226                 :     /* ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW <name> */
 1661 tgl                      2227 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW", MatchAny))
 1235 fujii                    2228 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ALTER COLUMN", "CLUSTER ON", "DEPENDS ON EXTENSION",
  781 michael                  2229 EUB             :                       "NO DEPENDS ON EXTENSION", "OWNER TO", "RENAME",
                               2230                 :                       "RESET (", "SET");
 1235 fujii                    2231 ECB             :     /* ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW xxx RENAME */
 1235 fujii                    2232 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW", MatchAny, "RENAME"))
  434 tgl                      2233 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR_PLUS(prev2_wd, "COLUMN", "TO");
 1235 fujii                    2234 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW", MatchAny, "ALTER|RENAME", "COLUMN"))
  434 tgl                      2235 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR(prev3_wd);
 1235 fujii                    2236 EUB             :     /* ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW xxx RENAME yyy */
 1235 fujii                    2237 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW", MatchAny, "RENAME", MatchAnyExcept("TO")))
 1235 fujii                    2238 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
                               2239                 :     /* ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW xxx RENAME COLUMN yyy */
 1235 fujii                    2240 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW", MatchAny, "RENAME", "COLUMN", MatchAnyExcept("TO")))
 1235 fujii                    2241 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
                               2242                 :     /* ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW xxx SET */
 1235 fujii                    2243 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW", MatchAny, "SET"))
  386 michael                  2244 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(", "ACCESS METHOD", "SCHEMA", "TABLESPACE", "WITHOUT CLUSTER");
  386 michael                  2245 EUB             :     /* ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW xxx SET ACCESS METHOD */
  386 michael                  2246 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW", MatchAny, "SET", "ACCESS", "METHOD"))
  386 michael                  2247 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_table_access_methods);
  386 michael                  2248 EUB             : 
                               2249                 :     /* ALTER POLICY <name> */
 1661 tgl                      2250 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "POLICY"))
 2677 rhaas                    2251 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_policies);
 3124 sfrost                   2252 EUB             :     /* ALTER POLICY <name> ON */
 1661 tgl                      2253 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "POLICY", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2254 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
 3124 sfrost                   2255 EUB             :     /* ALTER POLICY <name> ON <table> */
 1661 tgl                      2256 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON"))
                               2257                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2258 UIC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev2_wd);
  434 tgl                      2259 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables_for_policy);
 2677 rhaas                    2260 EUB             :     }
                               2261                 :     /* ALTER POLICY <name> ON <table> - show options */
 1661 tgl                      2262 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2263 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("RENAME TO", "TO", "USING (", "WITH CHECK (");
                               2264                 :     /* ALTER POLICY <name> ON <table> TO <role> */
 1661 tgl                      2265 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "TO"))
  434 tgl                      2266 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_roles,
                               2267                 :                                  Keywords_for_list_of_grant_roles);
 3124 sfrost                   2268 ECB             :     /* ALTER POLICY <name> ON <table> USING ( */
 1661 tgl                      2269 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "USING"))
 1661 tgl                      2270 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(");
 3124 sfrost                   2271 ECB             :     /* ALTER POLICY <name> ON <table> WITH CHECK ( */
 1661 tgl                      2272 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "WITH", "CHECK"))
 1661 tgl                      2273 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(");
 3124 sfrost                   2274 ECB             : 
 3712 tgl                      2275 EUB             :     /* ALTER RULE <name>, add ON */
 1661 tgl                      2276 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "RULE", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2277 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
                               2278                 : 
 3712 tgl                      2279 ECB             :     /* If we have ALTER RULE <name> ON, then add the correct tablename */
 1661 tgl                      2280 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "RULE", MatchAny, "ON"))
                               2281                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2282 LBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev2_wd);
  434 tgl                      2283 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables_for_rule);
                               2284                 :     }
                               2285                 : 
 3712 tgl                      2286 ECB             :     /* ALTER RULE <name> ON <name> */
 1661 tgl                      2287 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "RULE", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2288 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("RENAME TO");
 3712 tgl                      2289 EUB             : 
                               2290                 :     /* ALTER STATISTICS <name> */
 1661 tgl                      2291 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "STATISTICS", MatchAny))
 1307 tomas.vondra             2292 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("OWNER TO", "RENAME TO", "SET SCHEMA", "SET STATISTICS");
                               2293                 :     /* ALTER STATISTICS <name> SET */
  167 michael                  2294 GNC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "STATISTICS", MatchAny, "SET"))
  167 michael                  2295 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SCHEMA", "STATISTICS");
 2158 alvherre                 2296 EUB             : 
                               2297                 :     /* ALTER TRIGGER <name>, add ON */
 1661 tgl                      2298 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TRIGGER", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2299 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
                               2300                 : 
  434 tgl                      2301 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "ON"))
 6773 neilc                    2302 EUB             :     {
  434 tgl                      2303 UIC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev2_wd);
                               2304               0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables_for_trigger);
 6773 neilc                    2305 ECB             :     }
 7450 bruce                    2306 EUB             : 
                               2307                 :     /* ALTER TRIGGER <name> ON <name> */
 1661 tgl                      2308 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny))
  781 michael                  2309 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("RENAME TO", "DEPENDS ON EXTENSION",
  781 michael                  2310 ECB             :                       "NO DEPENDS ON EXTENSION");
 6773 neilc                    2311 EUB             : 
 8053 bruce                    2312 ECB             :     /*
 4427 itagaki.takahiro         2313 EUB             :      * If we detect ALTER TABLE <name>, suggest sub commands
                               2314                 :      */
 1661 tgl                      2315 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2316 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ADD", "ALTER", "CLUSTER ON", "DISABLE", "DROP",
                               2317                 :                       "ENABLE", "INHERIT", "NO", "RENAME", "RESET",
 1661 tgl                      2318 ECB             :                       "OWNER TO", "SET", "VALIDATE CONSTRAINT",
 1661 tgl                      2319 EUB             :                       "REPLICA IDENTITY", "ATTACH PARTITION",
                               2320                 :                       "DETACH PARTITION", "FORCE ROW LEVEL SECURITY",
                               2321                 :                       "OF", "NOT OF");
  587 michael                  2322 ECB             :     /* ALTER TABLE xxx ADD */
  587 michael                  2323 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ADD"))
                               2324                 :     {
  586 michael                  2325 ECB             :         /* make sure to keep this list and the !Matches() below in sync */
  587 michael                  2326 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("COLUMN", "CONSTRAINT", "CHECK", "UNIQUE", "PRIMARY KEY",
                               2327                 :                       "EXCLUDE", "FOREIGN KEY");
                               2328                 :     }
  363 drowley                  2329 ECB             :     /* ALTER TABLE xxx ADD [COLUMN] yyy */
  586 michael                  2330 GBC         120 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ADD", "COLUMN", MatchAny) ||
  586 michael                  2331 GIC          60 :              (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ADD", MatchAny) &&
  586 michael                  2332 LBC           0 :               !Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ADD", "COLUMN|CONSTRAINT|CHECK|UNIQUE|PRIMARY|EXCLUDE|FOREIGN")))
  434 tgl                      2333 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_datatypes);
                               2334                 :     /* ALTER TABLE xxx ADD CONSTRAINT yyy */
  587 michael                  2335 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ADD", "CONSTRAINT", MatchAny))
  587 michael                  2336 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CHECK", "UNIQUE", "PRIMARY KEY", "EXCLUDE", "FOREIGN KEY");
  587 michael                  2337 EUB             :     /* ALTER TABLE xxx ADD [CONSTRAINT yyy] (PRIMARY KEY|UNIQUE) */
  587 michael                  2338 GBC         120 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ADD", "PRIMARY", "KEY") ||
  587 michael                  2339 GIC         120 :              Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ADD", "UNIQUE") ||
                               2340             120 :              Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ADD", "CONSTRAINT", MatchAny, "PRIMARY", "KEY") ||
  587 michael                  2341 CBC          60 :              Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ADD", "CONSTRAINT", MatchAny, "UNIQUE"))
  587 michael                  2342 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(", "USING INDEX");
                               2343                 :     /* ALTER TABLE xxx ADD PRIMARY KEY USING INDEX */
  587 michael                  2344 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ADD", "PRIMARY", "KEY", "USING", "INDEX"))
  587 michael                  2345 EUB             :     {
  434 tgl                      2346 UIC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev6_wd);
                               2347               0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_unique_index_of_table);
  587 michael                  2348 ECB             :     }
  587 michael                  2349 EUB             :     /* ALTER TABLE xxx ADD UNIQUE USING INDEX */
  587 michael                  2350 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ADD", "UNIQUE", "USING", "INDEX"))
  587 michael                  2351 ECB             :     {
  434 tgl                      2352 UBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev5_wd);
  434 tgl                      2353 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_unique_index_of_table);
                               2354                 :     }
  587 michael                  2355 ECB             :     /* ALTER TABLE xxx ADD CONSTRAINT yyy PRIMARY KEY USING INDEX */
  587 michael                  2356 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ADD", "CONSTRAINT", MatchAny,
                               2357                 :                      "PRIMARY", "KEY", "USING", "INDEX"))
                               2358                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2359 LBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev8_wd);
  434 tgl                      2360 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_unique_index_of_table);
  587 michael                  2361 EUB             :     }
                               2362                 :     /* ALTER TABLE xxx ADD CONSTRAINT yyy UNIQUE USING INDEX */
  587 michael                  2363 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ADD", "CONSTRAINT", MatchAny,
                               2364                 :                      "UNIQUE", "USING", "INDEX"))
                               2365                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2366 LBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev7_wd);
  434 tgl                      2367 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_unique_index_of_table);
                               2368                 :     }
                               2369                 :     /* ALTER TABLE xxx ENABLE */
 1661 tgl                      2370 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ENABLE"))
 1661 tgl                      2371 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ALWAYS", "REPLICA", "ROW LEVEL SECURITY", "RULE",
                               2372                 :                       "TRIGGER");
 1661 tgl                      2373 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ENABLE", "REPLICA|ALWAYS"))
 1661 tgl                      2374 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("RULE", "TRIGGER");
 1661 tgl                      2375 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ENABLE", "RULE"))
                               2376                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2377 LBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev3_wd);
  434 tgl                      2378 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_rule_of_table);
                               2379                 :     }
 1661 tgl                      2380 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ENABLE", MatchAny, "RULE"))
                               2381                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2382 UBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev4_wd);
                               2383               0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_rule_of_table);
                               2384                 :     }
 1661 tgl                      2385 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ENABLE", "TRIGGER"))
                               2386                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2387 LBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev3_wd);
  434 tgl                      2388 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_trigger_of_table);
                               2389                 :     }
 1661 tgl                      2390 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ENABLE", MatchAny, "TRIGGER"))
                               2391                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2392 UIC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev4_wd);
                               2393               0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_trigger_of_table);
 3212 heikki.linnakangas       2394 ECB             :     }
 3909 rhaas                    2395 EUB             :     /* ALTER TABLE xxx INHERIT */
 1661 tgl                      2396 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "INHERIT"))
  434 tgl                      2397 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables);
                               2398                 :     /* ALTER TABLE xxx NO */
  897 michael                  2399 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "NO"))
  897 michael                  2400 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FORCE ROW LEVEL SECURITY", "INHERIT");
                               2401                 :     /* ALTER TABLE xxx NO INHERIT */
 1661 tgl                      2402 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "NO", "INHERIT"))
  434 tgl                      2403 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables);
                               2404                 :     /* ALTER TABLE xxx DISABLE */
 1661 tgl                      2405 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "DISABLE"))
 1661 tgl                      2406 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ROW LEVEL SECURITY", "RULE", "TRIGGER");
 1661 tgl                      2407 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "DISABLE", "RULE"))
                               2408                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2409 LBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev3_wd);
                               2410               0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_rule_of_table);
 3212 heikki.linnakangas       2411 EUB             :     }
 1661 tgl                      2412 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "DISABLE", "TRIGGER"))
                               2413                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2414 LBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev3_wd);
  434 tgl                      2415 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_trigger_of_table);
                               2416                 :     }
 5624 bruce                    2417 ECB             : 
 4000 peter_e                  2418                 :     /* ALTER TABLE xxx ALTER */
 1661 tgl                      2419 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER"))
  434 tgl                      2420 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR_PLUS(prev2_wd, "COLUMN", "CONSTRAINT");
 8535 bruce                    2421 EUB             : 
                               2422                 :     /* ALTER TABLE xxx RENAME */
 1661 tgl                      2423 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "RENAME"))
  434 tgl                      2424 GIC          12 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR_PLUS(prev2_wd, "COLUMN", "CONSTRAINT", "TO");
 1661 tgl                      2425 GBC          48 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER|RENAME", "COLUMN"))
  434 tgl                      2426 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR(prev3_wd);
                               2427                 : 
                               2428                 :     /* ALTER TABLE xxx RENAME yyy */
 1661 tgl                      2429 CBC          48 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "RENAME", MatchAnyExcept("CONSTRAINT|TO")))
 1661 tgl                      2430 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
 6773 neilc                    2431 EUB             : 
 4000 peter_e                  2432                 :     /* ALTER TABLE xxx RENAME COLUMN/CONSTRAINT yyy */
 1661 tgl                      2433 GIC          48 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "RENAME", "COLUMN|CONSTRAINT", MatchAnyExcept("TO")))
 1661 tgl                      2434 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
 6265 bruce                    2435 ECB             : 
                               2436                 :     /* If we have ALTER TABLE <sth> DROP, provide COLUMN or CONSTRAINT */
 1661 tgl                      2437 GIC          48 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "DROP"))
 1661 tgl                      2438 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("COLUMN", "CONSTRAINT");
 3859 peter_e                  2439 EUB             :     /* If we have ALTER TABLE <sth> DROP COLUMN, provide list of columns */
 1661 tgl                      2440 GIC          48 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "DROP", "COLUMN"))
  434 tgl                      2441 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR(prev3_wd);
  461 tgl                      2442 ECB             :     /* ALTER TABLE <sth> ALTER|DROP|RENAME CONSTRAINT <constraint> */
  461 tgl                      2443 GIC          48 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER|DROP|RENAME", "CONSTRAINT"))
                               2444                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2445 GBC           3 :         set_completion_reference(prev3_wd);
                               2446               3 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_constraint_of_table);
                               2447                 :     }
                               2448                 :     /* ALTER TABLE <sth> VALIDATE CONSTRAINT <non-validated constraint> */
  461 tgl                      2449 CBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "VALIDATE", "CONSTRAINT"))
  461 tgl                      2450 EUB             :     {
  434 tgl                      2451 UIC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev3_wd);
  434 tgl                      2452 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_constraint_of_table_not_validated);
  461 tgl                      2453 EUB             :     }
 6773 neilc                    2454 ECB             :     /* ALTER TABLE ALTER [COLUMN] <foo> */
 1661 tgl                      2455 GIC          90 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN", MatchAny) ||
 1661 tgl                      2456 GBC          45 :              Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2457 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TYPE", "SET", "RESET", "RESTART", "ADD", "DROP");
                               2458                 :     /* ALTER TABLE ALTER [COLUMN] <foo> ADD */
  159 peter                    2459 GNC          90 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN", MatchAny, "ADD") ||
                               2460              45 :              Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", MatchAny, "ADD"))
  159 peter                    2461 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("GENERATED");
                               2462                 :     /* ALTER TABLE ALTER [COLUMN] <foo> ADD GENERATED */
  159 peter                    2463 GNC          90 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN", MatchAny, "ADD", "GENERATED") ||
                               2464              45 :              Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", MatchAny, "ADD", "GENERATED"))
  159 peter                    2465 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ALWAYS", "BY DEFAULT");
                               2466                 :     /* ALTER TABLE ALTER [COLUMN] <foo> ADD GENERATED */
  159 peter                    2467 GNC          90 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN", MatchAny, "ADD", "GENERATED", "ALWAYS") ||
                               2468              90 :              Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", MatchAny, "ADD", "GENERATED", "ALWAYS") ||
                               2469              90 :              Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN", MatchAny, "ADD", "GENERATED", "BY", "DEFAULT") ||
                               2470              45 :              Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", MatchAny, "ADD", "GENERATED", "BY", "DEFAULT"))
  159 peter                    2471 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("AS IDENTITY");
                               2472                 :     /* ALTER TABLE ALTER [COLUMN] <foo> SET */
 1661 tgl                      2473 CBC          90 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN", MatchAny, "SET") ||
 1661 tgl                      2474 GIC          45 :              Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", MatchAny, "SET"))
  159 peter                    2475 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(", "COMPRESSION", "DEFAULT", "GENERATED", "NOT NULL", "STATISTICS", "STORAGE",
                               2476                 :         /* a subset of ALTER SEQUENCE options */
                               2477                 :                       "INCREMENT", "MINVALUE", "MAXVALUE", "START", "NO", "CACHE", "CYCLE");
 4799 itagaki.takahiro         2478 EUB             :     /* ALTER TABLE ALTER [COLUMN] <foo> SET ( */
 1661 tgl                      2479 GIC          90 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN", MatchAny, "SET", "(") ||
 1661 tgl                      2480 CBC          45 :              Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", MatchAny, "SET", "("))
 1661 tgl                      2481 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("n_distinct", "n_distinct_inherited");
                               2482                 :     /* ALTER TABLE ALTER [COLUMN] <foo> SET COMPRESSION */
  215 michael                  2483 GNC          90 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN", MatchAny, "SET", "COMPRESSION") ||
                               2484              45 :              Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", MatchAny, "SET", "COMPRESSION"))
  215 michael                  2485 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("DEFAULT", "PGLZ", "LZ4");
                               2486                 :     /* ALTER TABLE ALTER [COLUMN] <foo> SET GENERATED */
  159 peter                    2487 GNC          90 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN", MatchAny, "SET", "GENERATED") ||
                               2488              45 :              Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", MatchAny, "SET", "GENERATED"))
  159 peter                    2489 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ALWAYS", "BY DEFAULT");
                               2490                 :     /* ALTER TABLE ALTER [COLUMN] <foo> SET NO */
  159 peter                    2491 GNC          90 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN", MatchAny, "SET", "NO") ||
                               2492              45 :              Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", MatchAny, "SET", "NO"))
  159 peter                    2493 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("MINVALUE", "MAXVALUE", "CYCLE");
 4799 itagaki.takahiro         2494 EUB             :     /* ALTER TABLE ALTER [COLUMN] <foo> SET STORAGE */
 1661 tgl                      2495 GBC          90 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN", MatchAny, "SET", "STORAGE") ||
 1661 tgl                      2496 GIC          45 :              Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", MatchAny, "SET", "STORAGE"))
  150 tgl                      2497 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("DEFAULT", "PLAIN", "EXTERNAL", "EXTENDED", "MAIN");
                               2498                 :     /* ALTER TABLE ALTER [COLUMN] <foo> SET STATISTICS */
 1566 michael                  2499 GBC          90 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN", MatchAny, "SET", "STATISTICS") ||
                               2500              45 :              Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", MatchAny, "SET", "STATISTICS"))
                               2501                 :     {
                               2502                 :         /* Enforce no completion here, as an integer has to be specified */
 1566 michael                  2503 ECB             :     }
 4799 itagaki.takahiro         2504 EUB             :     /* ALTER TABLE ALTER [COLUMN] <foo> DROP */
 1661 tgl                      2505 GIC          90 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN", MatchAny, "DROP") ||
 1661 tgl                      2506 CBC          45 :              Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ALTER", MatchAny, "DROP"))
 1181 peter                    2507 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("DEFAULT", "EXPRESSION", "IDENTITY", "NOT NULL");
 1661 tgl                      2508 GIC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "CLUSTER"))
 1661 tgl                      2509 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
 1661 tgl                      2510 GBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "CLUSTER", "ON"))
                               2511                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2512 LBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev3_wd);
  434 tgl                      2513 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_index_of_table);
 6806 bruce                    2514 ECB             :     }
                               2515                 :     /* If we have ALTER TABLE <sth> SET, provide list of attributes and '(' */
 1661 tgl                      2516 GBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "SET"))
  620 michael                  2517 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(", "ACCESS METHOD", "LOGGED", "SCHEMA",
                               2518                 :                       "TABLESPACE", "UNLOGGED", "WITH", "WITHOUT");
  620 michael                  2519 ECB             : 
                               2520                 :     /*
  619 michael                  2521 EUB             :      * If we have ALTER TABLE <sth> SET ACCESS METHOD provide a list of table
  620                          2522                 :      * AMs.
                               2523                 :      */
  620 michael                  2524 GIC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "SET", "ACCESS", "METHOD"))
  620 michael                  2525 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_table_access_methods);
 2652 tgl                      2526 ECB             : 
 2652 tgl                      2527 EUB             :     /*
                               2528                 :      * If we have ALTER TABLE <sth> SET TABLESPACE provide a list of
                               2529                 :      * tablespaces
 2652 tgl                      2530 ECB             :      */
 1661 tgl                      2531 CBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "SET", "TABLESPACE"))
 6806 bruce                    2532 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tablespaces);
 2652 tgl                      2533 EUB             :     /* If we have ALTER TABLE <sth> SET WITHOUT provide CLUSTER or OIDS */
 1661 tgl                      2534 GIC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "SET", "WITHOUT"))
 1661 tgl                      2535 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CLUSTER", "OIDS");
 4799 itagaki.takahiro         2536 ECB             :     /* ALTER TABLE <foo> RESET */
 1661 tgl                      2537 GBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "RESET"))
 1661 tgl                      2538 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(");
                               2539                 :     /* ALTER TABLE <foo> SET|RESET ( */
 1661 tgl                      2540 CBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "SET|RESET", "("))
 1568 michael                  2541 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_LIST(table_storage_parameters);
 1661 tgl                      2542 GIC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "REPLICA", "IDENTITY", "USING", "INDEX"))
                               2543                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2544 LBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev5_wd);
  434 tgl                      2545 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_index_of_table);
                               2546                 :     }
 1661 tgl                      2547 CBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "REPLICA", "IDENTITY", "USING"))
 1661 tgl                      2548 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("INDEX");
 1661 tgl                      2549 GIC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "REPLICA", "IDENTITY"))
 1661 tgl                      2550 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FULL", "NOTHING", "DEFAULT", "USING");
 1661 tgl                      2551 GIC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "REPLICA"))
 1661 tgl                      2552 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("IDENTITY");
 2153 bruce                    2553 ECB             : 
                               2554                 :     /*
                               2555                 :      * If we have ALTER TABLE <foo> ATTACH PARTITION, provide a list of
 2233 rhaas                    2556                 :      * tables.
                               2557                 :      */
 1661 tgl                      2558 GBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "ATTACH", "PARTITION"))
  434 tgl                      2559 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables);
                               2560                 :     /* Limited completion support for partition bound specification */
 1661 tgl                      2561 GIC          45 :     else if (TailMatches("ATTACH", "PARTITION", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2562 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FOR VALUES", "DEFAULT");
 1661 tgl                      2563 CBC          45 :     else if (TailMatches("FOR", "VALUES"))
 1661 tgl                      2564 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FROM (", "IN (", "WITH (");
                               2565                 : 
 2233 rhaas                    2566 ECB             :     /*
                               2567                 :      * If we have ALTER TABLE <foo> DETACH PARTITION, provide a list of
 2233 rhaas                    2568 EUB             :      * partitions of <foo>.
                               2569                 :      */
 1661 tgl                      2570 CBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "DETACH", "PARTITION"))
 2233 rhaas                    2571 ECB             :     {
  434 tgl                      2572 UBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev3_wd);
  434 tgl                      2573 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_partition_of_table);
 2233 rhaas                    2574 ECB             :     }
  717 alvherre                 2575 CBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "DETACH", "PARTITION", MatchAny))
  717 alvherre                 2576 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CONCURRENTLY", "FINALIZE");
 4799 itagaki.takahiro         2577 ECB             : 
                               2578                 :     /* ALTER TABLE <name> OF */
  211 michael                  2579 GNC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLE", MatchAny, "OF"))
  211 michael                  2580 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_composite_datatypes);
                               2581                 : 
 3136 sfrost                   2582 EUB             :     /* ALTER TABLESPACE <foo> with RENAME TO, OWNER TO, SET, RESET */
 1661 tgl                      2583 GIC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLESPACE", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2584 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("RENAME TO", "OWNER TO", "SET", "RESET");
 4799 itagaki.takahiro         2585 ECB             :     /* ALTER TABLESPACE <foo> SET|RESET */
 1661 tgl                      2586 GBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLESPACE", MatchAny, "SET|RESET"))
 1661 tgl                      2587 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(");
                               2588                 :     /* ALTER TABLESPACE <foo> SET|RESET ( */
 1661 tgl                      2589 GIC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TABLESPACE", MatchAny, "SET|RESET", "("))
 1661 tgl                      2590 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("seq_page_cost", "random_page_cost",
 1119 tmunro                   2591 ECB             :                       "effective_io_concurrency", "maintenance_io_concurrency");
 4799 itagaki.takahiro         2592 EUB             : 
                               2593                 :     /* ALTER TEXT SEARCH */
 1661 tgl                      2594 CBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TEXT", "SEARCH"))
 1661 tgl                      2595 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CONFIGURATION", "DICTIONARY", "PARSER", "TEMPLATE");
 1661 tgl                      2596 GBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TEXT", "SEARCH", "TEMPLATE|PARSER", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2597 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("RENAME TO", "SET SCHEMA");
 1661 tgl                      2598 CBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TEXT", "SEARCH", "DICTIONARY", MatchAny))
 1128 tgl                      2599 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(", "OWNER TO", "RENAME TO", "SET SCHEMA");
 1661 tgl                      2600 GBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TEXT", "SEARCH", "CONFIGURATION", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2601 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ADD MAPPING FOR", "ALTER MAPPING",
 1661 tgl                      2602 ECB             :                       "DROP MAPPING FOR",
                               2603                 :                       "OWNER TO", "RENAME TO", "SET SCHEMA");
 5686 bruce                    2604 EUB             : 
                               2605                 :     /* complete ALTER TYPE <foo> with actions */
 1661 tgl                      2606 CBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TYPE", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2607 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ADD ATTRIBUTE", "ADD VALUE", "ALTER ATTRIBUTE",
 1661 tgl                      2608 EUB             :                       "DROP ATTRIBUTE",
                               2609                 :                       "OWNER TO", "RENAME", "SET SCHEMA", "SET (");
 4427 itagaki.takahiro         2610 ECB             :     /* complete ALTER TYPE <foo> ADD with actions */
 1661 tgl                      2611 CBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TYPE", MatchAny, "ADD"))
 1661 tgl                      2612 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ATTRIBUTE", "VALUE");
                               2613                 :     /* ALTER TYPE <foo> RENAME    */
 1661 tgl                      2614 GIC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TYPE", MatchAny, "RENAME"))
 1661 tgl                      2615 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ATTRIBUTE", "TO", "VALUE");
 2343 rhaas                    2616 ECB             :     /* ALTER TYPE xxx RENAME (ATTRIBUTE|VALUE) yyy */
 1661 tgl                      2617 CBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TYPE", MatchAny, "RENAME", "ATTRIBUTE|VALUE", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2618 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
 2153 bruce                    2619 ECB             : 
 4382 bruce                    2620 EUB             :     /*
 2652 tgl                      2621 ECB             :      * If we have ALTER TYPE <sth> ALTER/DROP/RENAME ATTRIBUTE, provide list
                               2622                 :      * of attributes
 4382 bruce                    2623 EUB             :      */
 1661 tgl                      2624 GBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TYPE", MatchAny, "ALTER|DROP|RENAME", "ATTRIBUTE"))
  434 tgl                      2625 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR(prev3_wd);
                               2626                 :     /* ALTER TYPE ALTER ATTRIBUTE <foo> */
 1661 tgl                      2627 CBC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TYPE", MatchAny, "ALTER", "ATTRIBUTE", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2628 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TYPE");
                               2629                 :     /* complete ALTER TYPE <sth> RENAME VALUE with list of enum values */
  237 michael                  2630 GNC          45 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TYPE", MatchAny, "RENAME", "VALUE"))
                               2631               3 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ENUM_VALUE(prev3_wd);
                               2632                 :     /* ALTER TYPE <foo> SET */
                               2633              42 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TYPE", MatchAny, "SET"))
  237 michael                  2634 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(", "SCHEMA");
                               2635                 :     /* complete ALTER TYPE <foo> SET ( with settable properties */
  237 michael                  2636 GNC          42 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "TYPE", MatchAny, "SET", "("))
  237 michael                  2637 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ANALYZE", "RECEIVE", "SEND", "STORAGE", "SUBSCRIPT",
                               2638                 :                       "TYPMOD_IN", "TYPMOD_OUT");
                               2639                 : 
                               2640                 :     /* complete ALTER GROUP <foo> */
 1661 tgl                      2641 GIC          42 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "GROUP", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2642 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ADD USER", "DROP USER", "RENAME TO");
                               2643                 :     /* complete ALTER GROUP <foo> ADD|DROP with USER */
 1661 tgl                      2644 GIC          42 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "GROUP", MatchAny, "ADD|DROP"))
 1661 tgl                      2645 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("USER");
 2668 tgl                      2646 ECB             :     /* complete ALTER GROUP <foo> ADD|DROP USER with a user name */
 1661 tgl                      2647 GBC          42 :     else if (Matches("ALTER", "GROUP", MatchAny, "ADD|DROP", "USER"))
 6447 tgl                      2648 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_roles);
                               2649                 : 
 1661 tgl                      2650 ECB             : /*
 1661 tgl                      2651 EUB             :  * ANALYZE [ ( option [, ...] ) ] [ table_and_columns [, ...] ]
                               2652                 :  * ANALYZE [ VERBOSE ] [ table_and_columns [, ...] ]
 1661 tgl                      2653 ECB             :  */
 1661 tgl                      2654 GBC          42 :     else if (Matches("ANALYZE"))
  434 tgl                      2655 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_analyzables,
  434 tgl                      2656 ECB             :                                         "VERBOSE");
 1495 michael                  2657 GBC          42 :     else if (HeadMatches("ANALYZE", "(*") &&
 1495 michael                  2658 CBC           2 :              !HeadMatches("ANALYZE", "(*)"))
                               2659                 :     {
 1495 michael                  2660 EUB             :         /*
                               2661                 :          * This fires if we're in an unfinished parenthesized option list.
                               2662                 :          * get_previous_words treats a completed parenthesized option list as
 1495 michael                  2663 ECB             :          * one word, so the above test is correct.
 1495 michael                  2664 EUB             :          */
 1495 michael                  2665 CBC           2 :         if (ends_with(prev_wd, '(') || ends_with(prev_wd, ','))
    2 drowley                  2666 GNC           2 :             COMPLETE_WITH("VERBOSE", "SKIP_LOCKED", "BUFFER_USAGE_LIMIT");
 1417 fujii                    2667 LBC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("VERBOSE|SKIP_LOCKED"))
 1417 fujii                    2668 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("ON", "OFF");
                               2669                 :     }
 1661 tgl                      2670 GIC          40 :     else if (HeadMatches("ANALYZE") && TailMatches("("))
                               2671                 :         /* "ANALYZE (" should be caught above, so assume we want columns */
  434 tgl                      2672 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR(prev2_wd);
 1661 tgl                      2673 GIC          40 :     else if (HeadMatches("ANALYZE"))
  434 tgl                      2674 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_analyzables);
 1661 tgl                      2675 EUB             : 
                               2676                 : /* BEGIN */
 1661 tgl                      2677 CBC          40 :     else if (Matches("BEGIN"))
 1661 tgl                      2678 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("WORK", "TRANSACTION", "ISOLATION LEVEL", "READ", "DEFERRABLE", "NOT DEFERRABLE");
 2411 kgrittn                  2679 ECB             : /* END, ABORT */
 1661 tgl                      2680 GBC          40 :     else if (Matches("END|ABORT"))
 1477 peter                    2681 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("AND", "WORK", "TRANSACTION");
                               2682                 : /* COMMIT */
 1661 tgl                      2683 GIC          40 :     else if (Matches("COMMIT"))
 1477 peter                    2684 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("AND", "WORK", "TRANSACTION", "PREPARED");
                               2685                 : /* RELEASE SAVEPOINT */
 1661 tgl                      2686 CBC          40 :     else if (Matches("RELEASE"))
 1661 tgl                      2687 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SAVEPOINT");
 2652 tgl                      2688 EUB             : /* ROLLBACK */
 1661 tgl                      2689 GBC          40 :     else if (Matches("ROLLBACK"))
 1477 peter                    2690 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("AND", "WORK", "TRANSACTION", "TO SAVEPOINT", "PREPARED");
 1477 peter                    2691 CBC          40 :     else if (Matches("ABORT|END|COMMIT|ROLLBACK", "AND"))
 1477 peter                    2692 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CHAIN");
                               2693                 : /* CALL */
 1661 tgl                      2694 GIC          40 :     else if (Matches("CALL"))
  434 tgl                      2695 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_procedures);
 1661 tgl                      2696 GBC          40 :     else if (Matches("CALL", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2697 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(");
                               2698                 : /* CLOSE */
  815 fujii                    2699 CBC          40 :     else if (Matches("CLOSE"))
  434 tgl                      2700 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_cursors,
                               2701                 :                                  "ALL");
 8535 bruce                    2702 ECB             : /* CLUSTER */
 1661 tgl                      2703 GBC          40 :     else if (Matches("CLUSTER"))
  434 tgl                      2704 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_clusterables,
  434 tgl                      2705 ECB             :                                         "VERBOSE");
  857 michael                  2706 GBC          80 :     else if (Matches("CLUSTER", "VERBOSE") ||
  857 michael                  2707 GIC          40 :              Matches("CLUSTER", "(*)"))
  434 tgl                      2708 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_clusterables);
                               2709                 :     /* If we have CLUSTER <sth>, then add "USING" */
  857 michael                  2710 CBC          40 :     else if (Matches("CLUSTER", MatchAnyExcept("VERBOSE|ON|(|(*)")))
 1661 tgl                      2711 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("USING");
 3884 rhaas                    2712 ECB             :     /* If we have CLUSTER VERBOSE <sth>, then add "USING" */
  857 michael                  2713 GBC          40 :     else if (Matches("CLUSTER", "VERBOSE|(*)", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2714 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("USING");
 2652 tgl                      2715 EUB             :     /* If we have CLUSTER <sth> USING, then add the index as well */
 1661 tgl                      2716 CBC          80 :     else if (Matches("CLUSTER", MatchAny, "USING") ||
  857 michael                  2717 GBC          40 :              Matches("CLUSTER", "VERBOSE|(*)", MatchAny, "USING"))
                               2718                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2719 UIC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev2_wd);
                               2720               0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_index_of_table);
                               2721                 :     }
  857 michael                  2722 CBC          40 :     else if (HeadMatches("CLUSTER", "(*") &&
  857 michael                  2723 UBC           0 :              !HeadMatches("CLUSTER", "(*)"))
                               2724                 :     {
                               2725                 :         /*
                               2726                 :          * This fires if we're in an unfinished parenthesized option list.
  857 michael                  2727 ECB             :          * get_previous_words treats a completed parenthesized option list as
  857 michael                  2728 EUB             :          * one word, so the above test is correct.
                               2729                 :          */
  857 michael                  2730 LBC           0 :         if (ends_with(prev_wd, '(') || ends_with(prev_wd, ','))
  857 michael                  2731 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("VERBOSE");
                               2732                 :     }
 3884 rhaas                    2733 ECB             : 
 8323 peter_e                  2734 EUB             : /* COMMENT */
 1661 tgl                      2735 GIC          40 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT"))
 1661 tgl                      2736 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
 1661 tgl                      2737 GIC          40 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON"))
  520 michael                  2738 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ACCESS METHOD", "AGGREGATE", "CAST", "COLLATION",
                               2739                 :                       "COLUMN", "CONSTRAINT", "CONVERSION", "DATABASE",
  520 michael                  2740 ECB             :                       "DOMAIN", "EXTENSION", "EVENT TRIGGER",
  520 michael                  2741 EUB             :                       "FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER", "FOREIGN TABLE",
                               2742                 :                       "FUNCTION", "INDEX", "LANGUAGE", "LARGE OBJECT",
  520 michael                  2743 ECB             :                       "MATERIALIZED VIEW", "OPERATOR", "POLICY",
  520 michael                  2744 EUB             :                       "PROCEDURE", "PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE", "PUBLICATION", "ROLE",
                               2745                 :                       "ROUTINE", "RULE", "SCHEMA", "SEQUENCE", "SERVER",
  520 michael                  2746 ECB             :                       "STATISTICS", "SUBSCRIPTION", "TABLE",
                               2747                 :                       "TABLESPACE", "TEXT SEARCH", "TRANSFORM FOR",
                               2748                 :                       "TRIGGER", "TYPE", "VIEW");
 1661 tgl                      2749 CBC          40 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "ACCESS", "METHOD"))
 2497 alvherre                 2750 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_access_methods);
 1661 tgl                      2751 GIC          40 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "CONSTRAINT"))
 3859 peter_e                  2752 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_all_table_constraints);
 1661 tgl                      2753 GBC          40 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "CONSTRAINT", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2754 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
 1661 tgl                      2755 GIC          40 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "CONSTRAINT", MatchAny, "ON"))
                               2756                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2757 CBC           1 :         set_completion_reference(prev2_wd);
  434 tgl                      2758 GBC           1 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_tables_for_constraint,
                               2759                 :                                         "DOMAIN");
 3859 peter_e                  2760 ECB             :     }
  520 michael                  2761 GBC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "CONSTRAINT", MatchAny, "ON", "DOMAIN"))
  434 tgl                      2762 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_domains);
 1661 tgl                      2763 CBC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "EVENT", "TRIGGER"))
 3282 rhaas                    2764 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_event_triggers);
  520 michael                  2765 GIC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "FOREIGN"))
  520 michael                  2766 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("DATA WRAPPER", "TABLE");
  520 michael                  2767 GIC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "FOREIGN", "TABLE"))
  434 tgl                      2768 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_foreign_tables);
  520 michael                  2769 GIC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW"))
  434 tgl                      2770 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_matviews);
  520 michael                  2771 GBC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "POLICY"))
  520 michael                  2772 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_policies);
  520 michael                  2773 CBC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "POLICY", MatchAny))
  520 michael                  2774 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
  520 michael                  2775 GIC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON"))
                               2776                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2777 UIC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev2_wd);
                               2778               0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables_for_policy);
                               2779                 :     }
  520 michael                  2780 GIC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "PROCEDURAL", "LANGUAGE"))
  520 michael                  2781 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_languages);
  520 michael                  2782 CBC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "RULE", MatchAny))
  520 michael                  2783 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
  520 michael                  2784 GBC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "RULE", MatchAny, "ON"))
                               2785                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2786 LBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev2_wd);
  434 tgl                      2787 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables_for_rule);
  520 michael                  2788 EUB             :     }
  520 michael                  2789 CBC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "TEXT", "SEARCH"))
  520 michael                  2790 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CONFIGURATION", "DICTIONARY", "PARSER", "TEMPLATE");
  520 michael                  2791 GIC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "TEXT", "SEARCH", "CONFIGURATION"))
  434 tgl                      2792 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_ts_configurations);
  520 michael                  2793 CBC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "TEXT", "SEARCH", "DICTIONARY"))
  434 tgl                      2794 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_ts_dictionaries);
  520 michael                  2795 GIC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "TEXT", "SEARCH", "PARSER"))
  434 tgl                      2796 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_ts_parsers);
  520 michael                  2797 GBC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "TEXT", "SEARCH", "TEMPLATE"))
  434 tgl                      2798 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_ts_templates);
  520 michael                  2799 CBC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "TRANSFORM", "FOR"))
  434 tgl                      2800 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_datatypes);
  520 michael                  2801 GIC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "TRANSFORM", "FOR", MatchAny))
  520 michael                  2802 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("LANGUAGE");
  520 michael                  2803 GBC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "TRANSFORM", "FOR", MatchAny, "LANGUAGE"))
                               2804                 :     {
  434 tgl                      2805 LBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev2_wd);
  520 michael                  2806 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_languages);
  520 michael                  2807 ECB             :     }
  520 michael                  2808 GBC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "TRIGGER", MatchAny))
  520 michael                  2809 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
  520 michael                  2810 CBC          39 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "ON"))
  520 michael                  2811 EUB             :     {
  434 tgl                      2812 LBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev2_wd);
  434 tgl                      2813 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables_for_trigger);
                               2814                 :     }
 1661 tgl                      2815 CBC          78 :     else if (Matches("COMMENT", "ON", MatchAny, MatchAnyExcept("IS")) ||
 1661 tgl                      2816 GBC          78 :              Matches("COMMENT", "ON", MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAnyExcept("IS")) ||
  520 michael                  2817 GIC          78 :              Matches("COMMENT", "ON", MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAnyExcept("IS")) ||
                               2818              39 :              Matches("COMMENT", "ON", MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAnyExcept("IS")))
 1661 tgl                      2819 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("IS");
 8323 peter_e                  2820 EUB             : 
                               2821                 : /* COPY */
 8397 bruce                    2822 ECB             : 
                               2823                 :     /*
 2636 peter_e                  2824 EUB             :      * If we have COPY, offer list of tables or "(" (Also cover the analogous
                               2825                 :      * backslash command).
 8397 bruce                    2826 ECB             :      */
 1661 tgl                      2827 GBC          39 :     else if (Matches("COPY|\\copy"))
  434 tgl                      2828 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_tables, "(");
  992 michael                  2829 ECB             :     /* Complete COPY ( with legal query commands */
 1661 tgl                      2830 GBC          39 :     else if (Matches("COPY|\\copy", "("))
  696 michael                  2831 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SELECT", "TABLE", "VALUES", "INSERT INTO", "UPDATE", "DELETE FROM", "WITH");
  992 michael                  2832 ECB             :     /* Complete COPY <sth> */
  992 michael                  2833 CBC          39 :     else if (Matches("COPY|\\copy", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2834 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FROM", "TO");
  992 michael                  2835 EUB             :     /* Complete COPY <sth> FROM|TO with filename */
  992 michael                  2836 GBC          39 :     else if (Matches("COPY", MatchAny, "FROM|TO"))
                               2837                 :     {
 4058 alvherre                 2838 CBC           4 :         completion_charp = "";
 1172 tgl                      2839 GBC           4 :         completion_force_quote = true;  /* COPY requires quoted filename */
 1213 tgl                      2840 GIC           4 :         matches = rl_completion_matches(text, complete_from_files);
                               2841                 :     }
 1172                          2842              35 :     else if (Matches("\\copy", MatchAny, "FROM|TO"))
                               2843                 :     {
 1172 tgl                      2844 UIC           0 :         completion_charp = "";
                               2845               0 :         completion_force_quote = false;
 1172 tgl                      2846 UBC           0 :         matches = rl_completion_matches(text, complete_from_files);
 1172 tgl                      2847 EUB             :     }
                               2848                 : 
                               2849                 :     /* Complete COPY <sth> TO <sth> */
  992 michael                  2850 GIC          35 :     else if (Matches("COPY|\\copy", MatchAny, "TO", MatchAny))
  992 michael                  2851 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("WITH (");
  992 michael                  2852 EUB             : 
  992 michael                  2853 ECB             :     /* Complete COPY <sth> FROM <sth> */
  992 michael                  2854 GBC          35 :     else if (Matches("COPY|\\copy", MatchAny, "FROM", MatchAny))
  992 michael                  2855 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("WITH (", "WHERE");
                               2856                 : 
                               2857                 :     /* Complete COPY <sth> FROM|TO filename WITH ( */
  992 michael                  2858 GIC          35 :     else if (Matches("COPY|\\copy", MatchAny, "FROM|TO", MatchAny, "WITH", "("))
                               2859               1 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FORMAT", "FREEZE", "DELIMITER", "NULL",
                               2860                 :                       "HEADER", "QUOTE", "ESCAPE", "FORCE_QUOTE",
                               2861                 :                       "FORCE_NOT_NULL", "FORCE_NULL", "ENCODING", "DEFAULT");
                               2862                 : 
                               2863                 :     /* Complete COPY <sth> FROM|TO filename WITH (FORMAT */
                               2864              34 :     else if (Matches("COPY|\\copy", MatchAny, "FROM|TO", MatchAny, "WITH", "(", "FORMAT"))
  992 michael                  2865 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("binary", "csv", "text");
  992 michael                  2866 EUB             : 
  992 michael                  2867 ECB             :     /* Complete COPY <sth> FROM <sth> WITH (<options>) */
  992 michael                  2868 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("COPY|\\copy", MatchAny, "FROM", MatchAny, "WITH", MatchAny))
  992 michael                  2869 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("WHERE");
 8535 bruce                    2870 EUB             : 
 2568 teodor                   2871 ECB             :     /* CREATE ACCESS METHOD */
                               2872                 :     /* Complete "CREATE ACCESS METHOD <name>" */
 1661 tgl                      2873 CBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "ACCESS", "METHOD", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2874 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TYPE");
                               2875                 :     /* Complete "CREATE ACCESS METHOD <name> TYPE" */
 1661 tgl                      2876 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "ACCESS", "METHOD", MatchAny, "TYPE"))
 1406 michael                  2877 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("INDEX", "TABLE");
 2568 teodor                   2878 EUB             :     /* Complete "CREATE ACCESS METHOD <name> TYPE <type>" */
 1661 tgl                      2879 CBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "ACCESS", "METHOD", MatchAny, "TYPE", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2880 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("HANDLER");
 2568 teodor                   2881 ECB             : 
  776 tmunro                   2882 EUB             :     /* CREATE COLLATION */
  776 tmunro                   2883 CBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "COLLATION", MatchAny))
  776 tmunro                   2884 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(", "FROM");
  776 tmunro                   2885 CBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "COLLATION", MatchAny, "FROM"))
  434 tgl                      2886 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_collations);
  776 tmunro                   2887 CBC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("CREATE", "COLLATION", MatchAny, "(*"))
  776 tmunro                   2888 EUB             :     {
  776 tmunro                   2889 LBC           0 :         if (TailMatches("(|*,"))
  776 tmunro                   2890 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("LOCALE =", "LC_COLLATE =", "LC_CTYPE =",
  776 tmunro                   2891 ECB             :                           "PROVIDER =", "DETERMINISTIC =");
  776 tmunro                   2892 UIC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("PROVIDER", "="))
  776 tmunro                   2893 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("libc", "icu");
                               2894               0 :         else if (TailMatches("DETERMINISTIC", "="))
  776 tmunro                   2895 UIC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("true", "false");
  776 tmunro                   2896 ECB             :     }
  776 tmunro                   2897 EUB             : 
 6447 tgl                      2898 ECB             :     /* CREATE DATABASE */
 1661 tgl                      2899 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "DATABASE", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2900 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("OWNER", "TEMPLATE", "ENCODING", "TABLESPACE",
                               2901                 :                       "IS_TEMPLATE", "STRATEGY",
 1661 tgl                      2902 EUB             :                       "ALLOW_CONNECTIONS", "CONNECTION LIMIT",
  388 peter                    2903                 :                       "LC_COLLATE", "LC_CTYPE", "LOCALE", "OID",
                               2904                 :                       "LOCALE_PROVIDER", "ICU_LOCALE");
 6447 tgl                      2905 ECB             : 
 1661 tgl                      2906 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "DATABASE", MatchAny, "TEMPLATE"))
 5686 bruce                    2907 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_template_databases);
  376 rhaas                    2908 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "DATABASE", MatchAny, "STRATEGY"))
  376 rhaas                    2909 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("WAL_LOG", "FILE_COPY");
 5686 bruce                    2910 EUB             : 
  506 michael                  2911 ECB             :     /* CREATE DOMAIN */
  506 michael                  2912 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "DOMAIN", MatchAny))
  506 michael                  2913 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("AS");
  506 michael                  2914 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "DOMAIN", MatchAny, "AS"))
  434 tgl                      2915 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_datatypes);
  506 michael                  2916 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "DOMAIN", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny))
  506 michael                  2917 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("COLLATE", "DEFAULT", "CONSTRAINT",
  506 michael                  2918 EUB             :                       "NOT NULL", "NULL", "CHECK (");
  506 michael                  2919 CBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "DOMAIN", MatchAny, "COLLATE"))
  434 tgl                      2920 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_collations);
  506 michael                  2921 EUB             : 
 4443 tgl                      2922                 :     /* CREATE EXTENSION */
                               2923                 :     /* Complete with available extensions rather than installed ones. */
 1661 tgl                      2924 CBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "EXTENSION"))
 4443 tgl                      2925 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_available_extensions);
 4443 tgl                      2926 ECB             :     /* CREATE EXTENSION <name> */
 1661 tgl                      2927 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "EXTENSION", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2928 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("WITH SCHEMA", "CASCADE", "VERSION");
 2728 rhaas                    2929 EUB             :     /* CREATE EXTENSION <name> VERSION */
 1661 tgl                      2930 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "EXTENSION", MatchAny, "VERSION"))
 2728 rhaas                    2931 ECB             :     {
  434 tgl                      2932 LBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev2_wd);
  292                          2933               0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_available_extension_versions);
 2728 rhaas                    2934 ECB             :     }
 4443 tgl                      2935 EUB             : 
                               2936                 :     /* CREATE FOREIGN */
 1661 tgl                      2937 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "FOREIGN"))
 1661 tgl                      2938 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("DATA WRAPPER", "TABLE");
                               2939                 : 
                               2940                 :     /* CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER */
 1661 tgl                      2941 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "FOREIGN", "DATA", "WRAPPER", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2942 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("HANDLER", "VALIDATOR", "OPTIONS");
 5224 peter_e                  2943 ECB             : 
  449 fujii                    2944 EUB             :     /* CREATE FOREIGN TABLE */
  449 fujii                    2945 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "FOREIGN", "TABLE", MatchAny))
  449 fujii                    2946 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(", "PARTITION OF");
  449 fujii                    2947 EUB             : 
                               2948                 :     /* CREATE INDEX --- is allowed inside CREATE SCHEMA, so use TailMatches */
 8397 bruce                    2949 ECB             :     /* First off we complete CREATE UNIQUE with "INDEX" */
 1661 tgl                      2950 GBC          34 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "UNIQUE"))
 1661 tgl                      2951 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("INDEX");
 2495 rhaas                    2952 ECB             : 
                               2953                 :     /*
                               2954                 :      * If we have CREATE|UNIQUE INDEX, then add "ON", "CONCURRENTLY", and
                               2955                 :      * existing indexes
                               2956                 :      */
 1661 tgl                      2957 GIC          34 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE|UNIQUE", "INDEX"))
  434 tgl                      2958 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_indexes,
                               2959                 :                                         "ON", "CONCURRENTLY");
 1809 tgl                      2960 EUB             : 
 1906 alvherre                 2961                 :     /*
                               2962                 :      * Complete ... INDEX|CONCURRENTLY [<name>] ON with a list of relations
                               2963                 :      * that indexes can be created on
                               2964                 :      */
 1661 tgl                      2965 GIC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("INDEX|CONCURRENTLY", MatchAny, "ON") ||
 1661 tgl                      2966 CBC          34 :              TailMatches("INDEX|CONCURRENTLY", "ON"))
  434 tgl                      2967 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_indexables);
                               2968                 : 
                               2969                 :     /*
 2495 rhaas                    2970 ECB             :      * Complete CREATE|UNIQUE INDEX CONCURRENTLY with "ON" and existing
 2495 rhaas                    2971 EUB             :      * indexes
                               2972                 :      */
 1661 tgl                      2973 GIC          34 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE|UNIQUE", "INDEX", "CONCURRENTLY"))
  434 tgl                      2974 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_indexes,
  434 tgl                      2975 ECB             :                                         "ON");
                               2976                 :     /* Complete CREATE|UNIQUE INDEX [CONCURRENTLY] <sth> with "ON" */
 1661 tgl                      2977 GIC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE|UNIQUE", "INDEX", MatchAny) ||
                               2978              34 :              TailMatches("CREATE|UNIQUE", "INDEX", "CONCURRENTLY", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2979 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
 8397 bruce                    2980 ECB             : 
 8397 bruce                    2981 EUB             :     /*
                               2982                 :      * Complete INDEX <name> ON <table> with a list of table columns (which
                               2983                 :      * should really be in parens)
 8397 bruce                    2984 ECB             :      */
 1661 tgl                      2985 GBC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("INDEX", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny) ||
 1661 tgl                      2986 GIC          34 :              TailMatches("INDEX|CONCURRENTLY", "ON", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      2987 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(", "USING");
 1661 tgl                      2988 GIC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("INDEX", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "(") ||
 1661 tgl                      2989 CBC          34 :              TailMatches("INDEX|CONCURRENTLY", "ON", MatchAny, "("))
  434 tgl                      2990 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR(prev2_wd);
                               2991                 :     /* same if you put in USING */
 1661 tgl                      2992 CBC          34 :     else if (TailMatches("ON", MatchAny, "USING", MatchAny, "("))
  434 tgl                      2993 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR(prev4_wd);
                               2994                 :     /* Complete USING with an index method */
 1661 tgl                      2995 CBC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("INDEX", MatchAny, MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "USING") ||
 1661 tgl                      2996 GBC          68 :              TailMatches("INDEX", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "USING") ||
 1661 tgl                      2997 GIC          34 :              TailMatches("INDEX", "ON", MatchAny, "USING"))
 1406 michael                  2998 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_index_access_methods);
 1661 tgl                      2999 CBC          34 :     else if (TailMatches("ON", MatchAny, "USING", MatchAny) &&
 1661 tgl                      3000 UBC           0 :              !TailMatches("POLICY", MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny) &&
 1661 tgl                      3001 LBC           0 :              !TailMatches("FOR", MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3002 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(");
 8397 bruce                    3003 ECB             : 
                               3004                 :     /* CREATE OR REPLACE */
 1304 fujii                    3005 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "OR"))
 1304 fujii                    3006 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("REPLACE");
                               3007                 : 
 3124 sfrost                   3008 EUB             :     /* CREATE POLICY */
                               3009                 :     /* Complete "CREATE POLICY <name> ON" */
 1661 tgl                      3010 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "POLICY", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3011 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
                               3012                 :     /* Complete "CREATE POLICY <name> ON <table>" */
 1661 tgl                      3013 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON"))
  434 tgl                      3014 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables);
 2316 sfrost                   3015 ECB             :     /* Complete "CREATE POLICY <name> ON <table> AS|FOR|TO|USING|WITH CHECK" */
 1661 tgl                      3016 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3017 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("AS", "FOR", "TO", "USING (", "WITH CHECK (");
                               3018                 :     /* CREATE POLICY <name> ON <table> AS PERMISSIVE|RESTRICTIVE */
 1661 tgl                      3019 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "AS"))
 1661 tgl                      3020 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("PERMISSIVE", "RESTRICTIVE");
                               3021                 : 
 2153 bruce                    3022 ECB             :     /*
 2153 bruce                    3023 EUB             :      * CREATE POLICY <name> ON <table> AS PERMISSIVE|RESTRICTIVE
 2153 bruce                    3024 ECB             :      * FOR|TO|USING|WITH CHECK
 2153 bruce                    3025 EUB             :      */
 1661 tgl                      3026 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3027 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FOR", "TO", "USING", "WITH CHECK");
 2668 tgl                      3028 ECB             :     /* CREATE POLICY <name> ON <table> FOR ALL|SELECT|INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE */
 1661 tgl                      3029 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "FOR"))
 1661 tgl                      3030 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ALL", "SELECT", "INSERT", "UPDATE", "DELETE");
 3124 sfrost                   3031 EUB             :     /* Complete "CREATE POLICY <name> ON <table> FOR INSERT TO|WITH CHECK" */
 1661 tgl                      3032 CBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "FOR", "INSERT"))
 1661 tgl                      3033 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO", "WITH CHECK (");
                               3034                 :     /* Complete "CREATE POLICY <name> ON <table> FOR SELECT|DELETE TO|USING" */
 1661 tgl                      3035 CBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "FOR", "SELECT|DELETE"))
 1661 tgl                      3036 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO", "USING (");
                               3037                 :     /* CREATE POLICY <name> ON <table> FOR ALL|UPDATE TO|USING|WITH CHECK */
 1661 tgl                      3038 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "FOR", "ALL|UPDATE"))
 1661 tgl                      3039 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO", "USING (", "WITH CHECK (");
 3124 sfrost                   3040 ECB             :     /* Complete "CREATE POLICY <name> ON <table> TO <role>" */
 1661 tgl                      3041 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "TO"))
  434 tgl                      3042 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_roles,
  434 tgl                      3043 ECB             :                                  Keywords_for_list_of_grant_roles);
 3124 sfrost                   3044 EUB             :     /* Complete "CREATE POLICY <name> ON <table> USING (" */
 1661 tgl                      3045 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "USING"))
 1661 tgl                      3046 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(");
                               3047                 : 
 2153 bruce                    3048 EUB             :     /*
                               3049                 :      * CREATE POLICY <name> ON <table> AS PERMISSIVE|RESTRICTIVE FOR
                               3050                 :      * ALL|SELECT|INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE
                               3051                 :      */
 1661 tgl                      3052 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny, "FOR"))
 1661 tgl                      3053 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ALL", "SELECT", "INSERT", "UPDATE", "DELETE");
 2153 bruce                    3054 EUB             : 
                               3055                 :     /*
                               3056                 :      * Complete "CREATE POLICY <name> ON <table> AS PERMISSIVE|RESTRICTIVE FOR
 2153 bruce                    3057 ECB             :      * INSERT TO|WITH CHECK"
 2153 bruce                    3058 EUB             :      */
 1661 tgl                      3059 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny, "FOR", "INSERT"))
 1661 tgl                      3060 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO", "WITH CHECK (");
 2153 bruce                    3061 ECB             : 
 2153 bruce                    3062 EUB             :     /*
                               3063                 :      * Complete "CREATE POLICY <name> ON <table> AS PERMISSIVE|RESTRICTIVE FOR
                               3064                 :      * SELECT|DELETE TO|USING"
                               3065                 :      */
 1661 tgl                      3066 CBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny, "FOR", "SELECT|DELETE"))
 1661 tgl                      3067 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO", "USING (");
                               3068                 : 
                               3069                 :     /*
                               3070                 :      * CREATE POLICY <name> ON <table> AS PERMISSIVE|RESTRICTIVE FOR
                               3071                 :      * ALL|UPDATE TO|USING|WITH CHECK
                               3072                 :      */
 1661 tgl                      3073 CBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny, "FOR", "ALL|UPDATE"))
 1661 tgl                      3074 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO", "USING (", "WITH CHECK (");
                               3075                 : 
                               3076                 :     /*
                               3077                 :      * Complete "CREATE POLICY <name> ON <table> AS PERMISSIVE|RESTRICTIVE TO
                               3078                 :      * <role>"
                               3079                 :      */
 1661 tgl                      3080 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny, "TO"))
  434 tgl                      3081 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_roles,
  434 tgl                      3082 ECB             :                                  Keywords_for_list_of_grant_roles);
 2153 bruce                    3083 EUB             : 
                               3084                 :     /*
                               3085                 :      * Complete "CREATE POLICY <name> ON <table> AS PERMISSIVE|RESTRICTIVE
                               3086                 :      * USING ("
                               3087                 :      */
 1661 tgl                      3088 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny, "USING"))
 1661 tgl                      3089 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(");
 2316 sfrost                   3090 EUB             : 
                               3091                 : 
                               3092                 : /* CREATE PUBLICATION */
 1661 tgl                      3093 CBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny))
  199 alvherre                 3094 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FOR TABLE", "FOR ALL TABLES", "FOR TABLES IN SCHEMA", "WITH (");
 1661 tgl                      3095 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny, "FOR"))
  199 alvherre                 3096 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TABLE", "ALL TABLES", "TABLES IN SCHEMA");
  585 fujii                    3097 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny, "FOR", "ALL"))
  191 alvherre                 3098 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TABLES");
  367 tomas.vondra             3099 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny, "FOR", "ALL", "TABLES"))
  191 alvherre                 3100 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("WITH (");
  191 alvherre                 3101 CBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny, "FOR", "TABLES"))
  191 alvherre                 3102 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("IN SCHEMA");
  367 tomas.vondra             3103 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny, "FOR", "TABLE", MatchAny) && !ends_with(prev_wd, ','))
  411 akapila                  3104 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("WHERE (", "WITH (");
  585 fujii                    3105 ECB             :     /* Complete "CREATE PUBLICATION <name> FOR TABLE" with "<table>, ..." */
  585 fujii                    3106 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny, "FOR", "TABLE"))
  434 tgl                      3107 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables);
  529 akapila                  3108 ECB             : 
  411 akapila                  3109 EUB             :     /*
                               3110                 :      * "CREATE PUBLICATION <name> FOR TABLE <name> WHERE (" - complete with
  411 akapila                  3111 ECB             :      * table attributes
                               3112                 :      */
  411 akapila                  3113 CBC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("CREATE", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny) && TailMatches("WHERE"))
  411 akapila                  3114 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(");
  411 akapila                  3115 CBC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("CREATE", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny) && TailMatches("WHERE", "("))
  411 akapila                  3116 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR(prev3_wd);
  411 akapila                  3117 GBC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("CREATE", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny) && TailMatches("WHERE", "(*)"))
  411 akapila                  3118 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH(" WITH (");
                               3119                 : 
                               3120                 :     /*
  199 alvherre                 3121 ECB             :      * Complete "CREATE PUBLICATION <name> FOR TABLES IN SCHEMA <schema>, ..."
  529 akapila                  3122 EUB             :      */
  191 alvherre                 3123 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny, "FOR", "TABLES", "IN", "SCHEMA"))
  434 tgl                      3124 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_schemas
                               3125                 :                                  " AND nspname NOT LIKE E'pg\\\\_%%'",
  434 tgl                      3126 ECB             :                                  "CURRENT_SCHEMA");
  191 alvherre                 3127 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "PUBLICATION", MatchAny, "FOR", "TABLES", "IN", "SCHEMA", MatchAny) && (!ends_with(prev_wd, ',')))
  529 akapila                  3128 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("WITH (");
 2271 peter_e                  3129 ECB             :     /* Complete "CREATE PUBLICATION <name> [...] WITH" */
 1661 tgl                      3130 GBC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("CREATE", "PUBLICATION") && TailMatches("WITH", "("))
  667 michael                  3131 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("publish", "publish_via_partition_root");
 2271 peter_e                  3132 ECB             : 
 8535 bruce                    3133 EUB             : /* CREATE RULE */
                               3134                 :     /* Complete "CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] RULE <sth>" with "AS ON" */
 1304 fujii                    3135 CBC          68 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "RULE", MatchAny) ||
 1304 fujii                    3136 GBC          34 :              Matches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "RULE", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3137 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("AS ON");
                               3138                 :     /* Complete "CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] RULE <sth> AS" with "ON" */
 1304 fujii                    3139 GIC          68 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "RULE", MatchAny, "AS") ||
                               3140              34 :              Matches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "RULE", MatchAny, "AS"))
 1661 tgl                      3141 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
 1213 tgl                      3142 ECB             : 
 1213 tgl                      3143 EUB             :     /*
                               3144                 :      * Complete "CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] RULE <sth> AS ON" with
 1213 tgl                      3145 ECB             :      * SELECT|UPDATE|INSERT|DELETE
 1213 tgl                      3146 EUB             :      */
 1304 fujii                    3147 GIC          68 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "RULE", MatchAny, "AS", "ON") ||
 1304 fujii                    3148 CBC          34 :              Matches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "RULE", MatchAny, "AS", "ON"))
 1661 tgl                      3149 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SELECT", "UPDATE", "INSERT", "DELETE");
                               3150                 :     /* Complete "AS ON SELECT|UPDATE|INSERT|DELETE" with a "TO" */
 1661 tgl                      3151 CBC          34 :     else if (TailMatches("AS", "ON", "SELECT|UPDATE|INSERT|DELETE"))
 1661 tgl                      3152 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
                               3153                 :     /* Complete "AS ON <sth> TO" with a table name */
 1661 tgl                      3154 CBC          34 :     else if (TailMatches("AS", "ON", "SELECT|UPDATE|INSERT|DELETE", "TO"))
  434 tgl                      3155 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables);
                               3156                 : 
 2652 tgl                      3157 ECB             : /* CREATE SEQUENCE --- is allowed inside CREATE SCHEMA, so use TailMatches */
 1661 tgl                      3158 GBC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "SEQUENCE", MatchAny) ||
 1661 tgl                      3159 GIC          34 :              TailMatches("CREATE", "TEMP|TEMPORARY", "SEQUENCE", MatchAny))
  506 michael                  3160 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("AS", "INCREMENT BY", "MINVALUE", "MAXVALUE", "NO",
  506 michael                  3161 ECB             :                       "CACHE", "CYCLE", "OWNED BY", "START WITH");
  506 michael                  3162 GBC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "SEQUENCE", MatchAny, "AS") ||
  506 michael                  3163 GIC          34 :              TailMatches("CREATE", "TEMP|TEMPORARY", "SEQUENCE", MatchAny, "AS"))
  506 michael                  3164 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_CS("smallint", "integer", "bigint");
 1661 tgl                      3165 GIC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "SEQUENCE", MatchAny, "NO") ||
                               3166              34 :              TailMatches("CREATE", "TEMP|TEMPORARY", "SEQUENCE", MatchAny, "NO"))
 1661 tgl                      3167 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("MINVALUE", "MAXVALUE", "CYCLE");
 2805 rhaas                    3168 ECB             : 
 5224 peter_e                  3169 EUB             : /* CREATE SERVER <name> */
 1661 tgl                      3170 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "SERVER", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3171 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TYPE", "VERSION", "FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER");
                               3172                 : 
                               3173                 : /* CREATE STATISTICS <name> */
 1661 tgl                      3174 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "STATISTICS", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3175 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(", "ON");
 1661 tgl                      3176 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "STATISTICS", MatchAny, "("))
 1474 tomas.vondra             3177 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ndistinct", "dependencies", "mcv");
 1593 tomas.vondra             3178 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "STATISTICS", MatchAny, "(*)"))
 1661 tgl                      3179 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
 1661 tgl                      3180 GIC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("CREATE", "STATISTICS", MatchAny) &&
 1661 tgl                      3181 UIC           0 :              TailMatches("FROM"))
  434 tgl                      3182 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables);
 2158 alvherre                 3183 EUB             : 
                               3184                 : /* CREATE TABLE --- is allowed inside CREATE SCHEMA, so use TailMatches */
                               3185                 :     /* Complete "CREATE TEMP/TEMPORARY" with the possible temp objects */
 1661 tgl                      3186 GIC          34 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "TEMP|TEMPORARY"))
 1661 tgl                      3187 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SEQUENCE", "TABLE", "VIEW");
                               3188                 :     /* Complete "CREATE UNLOGGED" with TABLE or MATVIEW */
 1661 tgl                      3189 CBC          34 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "UNLOGGED"))
 1661 tgl                      3190 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TABLE", "MATERIALIZED VIEW");
                               3191                 :     /* Complete PARTITION BY with RANGE ( or LIST ( or ... */
 1661 tgl                      3192 GIC          34 :     else if (TailMatches("PARTITION", "BY"))
 1661 tgl                      3193 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("RANGE (", "LIST (", "HASH (");
                               3194                 :     /* If we have xxx PARTITION OF, provide a list of partitioned tables */
 1661 tgl                      3195 GIC          34 :     else if (TailMatches("PARTITION", "OF"))
  434 tgl                      3196 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_partitioned_tables);
 2233 rhaas                    3197 EUB             :     /* Limited completion support for partition bound specification */
 1661 tgl                      3198 GIC          34 :     else if (TailMatches("PARTITION", "OF", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3199 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FOR VALUES", "DEFAULT");
                               3200                 :     /* Complete CREATE TABLE <name> with '(', OF or PARTITION OF */
 1571 michael                  3201 GIC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "TABLE", MatchAny) ||
                               3202              34 :              TailMatches("CREATE", "TEMP|TEMPORARY|UNLOGGED", "TABLE", MatchAny))
 1571 michael                  3203 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(", "OF", "PARTITION OF");
 1571 michael                  3204 ECB             :     /* Complete CREATE TABLE <name> OF with list of composite types */
 1571 michael                  3205 GBC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "TABLE", MatchAny, "OF") ||
 1571 michael                  3206 GIC          34 :              TailMatches("CREATE", "TEMP|TEMPORARY|UNLOGGED", "TABLE", MatchAny, "OF"))
  434 tgl                      3207 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_composite_datatypes);
                               3208                 :     /* Complete CREATE TABLE name (...) with supported options */
 1571 michael                  3209 CBC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "TABLE", MatchAny, "(*)") ||
 1571 michael                  3210 GBC          34 :              TailMatches("CREATE", "UNLOGGED", "TABLE", MatchAny, "(*)"))
 1406 michael                  3211 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("INHERITS (", "PARTITION BY", "USING", "TABLESPACE", "WITH (");
 1571 michael                  3212 GBC          34 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "TEMP|TEMPORARY", "TABLE", MatchAny, "(*)"))
 1571 michael                  3213 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("INHERITS (", "ON COMMIT", "PARTITION BY",
 1571 michael                  3214 EUB             :                       "TABLESPACE", "WITH (");
 1406 michael                  3215 ECB             :     /* Complete CREATE TABLE (...) USING with table access methods */
 1406 michael                  3216 GBC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "TABLE", MatchAny, "(*)", "USING") ||
 1406 michael                  3217 CBC          34 :              TailMatches("CREATE", "TEMP|TEMPORARY|UNLOGGED", "TABLE", MatchAny, "(*)", "USING"))
 1406 michael                  3218 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_table_access_methods);
 1568 michael                  3219 ECB             :     /* Complete CREATE TABLE (...) WITH with storage parameters */
 1568 michael                  3220 GBC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "TABLE", MatchAny, "(*)", "WITH", "(") ||
 1568 michael                  3221 GIC          34 :              TailMatches("CREATE", "TEMP|TEMPORARY|UNLOGGED", "TABLE", MatchAny, "(*)", "WITH", "("))
 1568 michael                  3222 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_LIST(table_storage_parameters);
 1571 michael                  3223 EUB             :     /* Complete CREATE TABLE ON COMMIT with actions */
 1571 michael                  3224 GIC          34 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "TEMP|TEMPORARY", "TABLE", MatchAny, "(*)", "ON", "COMMIT"))
 1571 michael                  3225 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("DELETE ROWS", "DROP", "PRESERVE ROWS");
                               3226                 : 
                               3227                 : /* CREATE TABLESPACE */
 1661 tgl                      3228 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "TABLESPACE", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3229 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("OWNER", "LOCATION");
 6732 peter_e                  3230 EUB             :     /* Complete CREATE TABLESPACE name OWNER name with "LOCATION" */
 1661 tgl                      3231 CBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "TABLESPACE", MatchAny, "OWNER", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3232 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("LOCATION");
 6732 peter_e                  3233 ECB             : 
 5686 bruce                    3234 EUB             : /* CREATE TEXT SEARCH */
 1661 tgl                      3235 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "TEXT", "SEARCH"))
 1661 tgl                      3236 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CONFIGURATION", "DICTIONARY", "PARSER", "TEMPLATE");
 1128 tgl                      3237 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "TEXT", "SEARCH", "CONFIGURATION|DICTIONARY|PARSER|TEMPLATE", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3238 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(");
 5686 bruce                    3239 ECB             : 
  506 michael                  3240 EUB             : /* CREATE TRANSFORM */
  506 michael                  3241 GIC          68 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "TRANSFORM") ||
                               3242              34 :              Matches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRANSFORM"))
  506 michael                  3243 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FOR");
  506 michael                  3244 GBC          68 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "TRANSFORM", "FOR") ||
  479 tgl                      3245 GIC          34 :              Matches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRANSFORM", "FOR"))
  434 tgl                      3246 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_datatypes);
  506 michael                  3247 GBC          68 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "TRANSFORM", "FOR", MatchAny) ||
  506 michael                  3248 GIC          34 :              Matches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRANSFORM", "FOR", MatchAny))
  506 michael                  3249 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("LANGUAGE");
  506 michael                  3250 GIC          68 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "TRANSFORM", "FOR", MatchAny, "LANGUAGE") ||
  506 michael                  3251 CBC          34 :              Matches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRANSFORM", "FOR", MatchAny, "LANGUAGE"))
  506 michael                  3252 ECB             :     {
  434 tgl                      3253 UBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev2_wd);
  506 michael                  3254 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_languages);
  506 michael                  3255 ECB             :     }
                               3256                 : 
 2271 peter_e                  3257 EUB             : /* CREATE SUBSCRIPTION */
 1661 tgl                      3258 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "SUBSCRIPTION", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3259 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CONNECTION");
 1661 tgl                      3260 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "SUBSCRIPTION", MatchAny, "CONNECTION", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3261 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("PUBLICATION");
 1661 tgl                      3262 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "SUBSCRIPTION", MatchAny, "CONNECTION",
 1661 tgl                      3263 ECB             :                      MatchAny, "PUBLICATION"))
 2228 peter_e                  3264                 :     {
 2228 peter_e                  3265 EUB             :         /* complete with nothing here as this refers to remote publications */
                               3266                 :     }
 1661 tgl                      3267 CBC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("CREATE", "SUBSCRIPTION") && TailMatches("PUBLICATION", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3268 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("WITH (");
                               3269                 :     /* Complete "CREATE SUBSCRIPTION <name> ...  WITH ( <opt>" */
 1661 tgl                      3270 CBC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("CREATE", "SUBSCRIPTION") && TailMatches("WITH", "("))
  667 michael                  3271 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("binary", "connect", "copy_data", "create_slot",
                               3272                 :                       "disable_on_error", "enabled", "origin",
                               3273                 :                       "password_required", "run_as_owner", "slot_name",
                               3274                 :                       "streaming", "synchronous_commit", "two_phase");
 2271 peter_e                  3275 ECB             : 
 2652 tgl                      3276                 : /* CREATE TRIGGER --- is allowed inside CREATE SCHEMA, so use TailMatches */
  872 michael                  3277 EUB             : 
                               3278                 :     /*
  872 michael                  3279 ECB             :      * Complete CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] TRIGGER <name> with BEFORE|AFTER|INSTEAD
                               3280                 :      * OF.
  872 michael                  3281 EUB             :      */
  872 michael                  3282 CBC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER", MatchAny) ||
                               3283              34 :              TailMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3284 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("BEFORE", "AFTER", "INSTEAD OF");
                               3285                 : 
                               3286                 :     /*
  872 michael                  3287 ECB             :      * Complete CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] TRIGGER <name> BEFORE,AFTER with an
  872 michael                  3288 EUB             :      * event.
                               3289                 :      */
  872 michael                  3290 GIC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "BEFORE|AFTER") ||
  872 michael                  3291 CBC          34 :              TailMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "BEFORE|AFTER"))
 1661 tgl                      3292 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("INSERT", "DELETE", "UPDATE", "TRUNCATE");
  872 michael                  3293 ECB             :     /* Complete CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] TRIGGER <name> INSTEAD OF with an event */
  872 michael                  3294 GBC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "INSTEAD", "OF") ||
  872 michael                  3295 CBC          34 :              TailMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "INSTEAD", "OF"))
 1661 tgl                      3296 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("INSERT", "DELETE", "UPDATE");
  872 michael                  3297 ECB             : 
  872 michael                  3298 EUB             :     /*
                               3299                 :      * Complete CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] TRIGGER <name> BEFORE,AFTER sth with
                               3300                 :      * OR|ON.
                               3301                 :      */
 1661 tgl                      3302 GIC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "BEFORE|AFTER", MatchAny) ||
  872 michael                  3303 CBC          68 :              TailMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "BEFORE|AFTER", MatchAny) ||
  872 michael                  3304 GBC          68 :              TailMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "INSTEAD", "OF", MatchAny) ||
  872 michael                  3305 GIC          34 :              TailMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "INSTEAD", "OF", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3306 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON", "OR");
 4790 bruce                    3307 EUB             : 
                               3308                 :     /*
  872 michael                  3309 ECB             :      * Complete CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] TRIGGER <name> BEFORE,AFTER event ON
  872 michael                  3310 EUB             :      * with a list of tables.  EXECUTE FUNCTION is the recommended grammar
                               3311                 :      * instead of EXECUTE PROCEDURE in version 11 and upwards.
 4790 bruce                    3312 ECB             :      */
  872 michael                  3313 GBC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "BEFORE|AFTER", MatchAny, "ON") ||
  872 michael                  3314 GIC          34 :              TailMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "BEFORE|AFTER", MatchAny, "ON"))
  434 tgl                      3315 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables);
  872 michael                  3316 EUB             : 
                               3317                 :     /*
  872 michael                  3318 ECB             :      * Complete CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] TRIGGER ... INSTEAD OF event ON with a
                               3319                 :      * list of views.
  872 michael                  3320 EUB             :      */
  872 michael                  3321 GIC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "INSTEAD", "OF", MatchAny, "ON") ||
  872 michael                  3322 CBC          34 :              TailMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "INSTEAD", "OF", MatchAny, "ON"))
  434 tgl                      3323 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_views);
  872 michael                  3324 GBC          68 :     else if ((HeadMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER") ||
  872 michael                  3325 GIC          34 :               HeadMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER")) &&
  872 michael                  3326 LBC           0 :              TailMatches("ON", MatchAny))
 1626 michael                  3327 ECB             :     {
 1626 michael                  3328 UBC           0 :         if (pset.sversion >= 110000)
 1626 michael                  3329 LBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("NOT DEFERRABLE", "DEFERRABLE", "INITIALLY",
 1626 michael                  3330 EUB             :                           "REFERENCING", "FOR", "WHEN (", "EXECUTE FUNCTION");
                               3331                 :         else
 1626 michael                  3332 UIC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("NOT DEFERRABLE", "DEFERRABLE", "INITIALLY",
 1626 michael                  3333 ECB             :                           "REFERENCING", "FOR", "WHEN (", "EXECUTE PROCEDURE");
                               3334                 :     }
  872 michael                  3335 GBC          68 :     else if ((HeadMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER") ||
  872 michael                  3336 GIC          34 :               HeadMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER")) &&
 1661 tgl                      3337 LBC           0 :              (TailMatches("DEFERRABLE") || TailMatches("INITIALLY", "IMMEDIATE|DEFERRED")))
 1626 michael                  3338 ECB             :     {
 1626 michael                  3339 UBC           0 :         if (pset.sversion >= 110000)
 1626 michael                  3340 UIC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("REFERENCING", "FOR", "WHEN (", "EXECUTE FUNCTION");
 1626 michael                  3341 ECB             :         else
 1626 michael                  3342 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("REFERENCING", "FOR", "WHEN (", "EXECUTE PROCEDURE");
                               3343                 :     }
  872 michael                  3344 GIC          68 :     else if ((HeadMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER") ||
  872 michael                  3345 CBC          34 :               HeadMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER")) &&
  872 michael                  3346 UBC           0 :              TailMatches("REFERENCING"))
 1661 tgl                      3347 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("OLD TABLE", "NEW TABLE");
  872 michael                  3348 CBC          68 :     else if ((HeadMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER") ||
  872 michael                  3349 GBC          34 :               HeadMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER")) &&
  872 michael                  3350 UIC           0 :              TailMatches("OLD|NEW", "TABLE"))
 1661 tgl                      3351               0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("AS");
  872 michael                  3352 CBC          68 :     else if ((HeadMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER") ||
  872 michael                  3353 GBC          34 :               HeadMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER")) &&
 1661 tgl                      3354 LBC           0 :              (TailMatches("REFERENCING", "OLD", "TABLE", "AS", MatchAny) ||
 1661 tgl                      3355 UBC           0 :               TailMatches("REFERENCING", "OLD", "TABLE", MatchAny)))
                               3356                 :     {
 1626 michael                  3357 UIC           0 :         if (pset.sversion >= 110000)
 1626 michael                  3358 LBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("NEW TABLE", "FOR", "WHEN (", "EXECUTE FUNCTION");
 1626 michael                  3359 ECB             :         else
 1626 michael                  3360 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("NEW TABLE", "FOR", "WHEN (", "EXECUTE PROCEDURE");
 1626 michael                  3361 ECB             :     }
  872 michael                  3362 CBC          68 :     else if ((HeadMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER") ||
  872 michael                  3363 GBC          34 :               HeadMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER")) &&
 1661 tgl                      3364 LBC           0 :              (TailMatches("REFERENCING", "NEW", "TABLE", "AS", MatchAny) ||
                               3365               0 :               TailMatches("REFERENCING", "NEW", "TABLE", MatchAny)))
 1626 michael                  3366 EUB             :     {
 1626 michael                  3367 LBC           0 :         if (pset.sversion >= 110000)
                               3368               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("OLD TABLE", "FOR", "WHEN (", "EXECUTE FUNCTION");
                               3369                 :         else
 1626 michael                  3370 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("OLD TABLE", "FOR", "WHEN (", "EXECUTE PROCEDURE");
 1626 michael                  3371 EUB             :     }
  872 michael                  3372 GIC          68 :     else if ((HeadMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER") ||
                               3373              34 :               HeadMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER")) &&
 1661 tgl                      3374 UIC           0 :              (TailMatches("REFERENCING", "OLD|NEW", "TABLE", "AS", MatchAny, "OLD|NEW", "TABLE", "AS", MatchAny) ||
 1661 tgl                      3375 LBC           0 :               TailMatches("REFERENCING", "OLD|NEW", "TABLE", MatchAny, "OLD|NEW", "TABLE", "AS", MatchAny) ||
 1661 tgl                      3376 UBC           0 :               TailMatches("REFERENCING", "OLD|NEW", "TABLE", "AS", MatchAny, "OLD|NEW", "TABLE", MatchAny) ||
 1661 tgl                      3377 LBC           0 :               TailMatches("REFERENCING", "OLD|NEW", "TABLE", MatchAny, "OLD|NEW", "TABLE", MatchAny)))
 1626 michael                  3378 EUB             :     {
 1626 michael                  3379 LBC           0 :         if (pset.sversion >= 110000)
 1626 michael                  3380 UIC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("FOR", "WHEN (", "EXECUTE FUNCTION");
                               3381                 :         else
                               3382               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("FOR", "WHEN (", "EXECUTE PROCEDURE");
                               3383                 :     }
  872 michael                  3384 CBC          68 :     else if ((HeadMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER") ||
  872 michael                  3385 GBC          34 :               HeadMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER")) &&
  872 michael                  3386 UIC           0 :              TailMatches("FOR"))
 1661 tgl                      3387 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("EACH", "ROW", "STATEMENT");
  872 michael                  3388 GBC          68 :     else if ((HeadMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER") ||
  872 michael                  3389 GIC          34 :               HeadMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER")) &&
  872 michael                  3390 UIC           0 :              TailMatches("FOR", "EACH"))
 1661 tgl                      3391               0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ROW", "STATEMENT");
  872 michael                  3392 GIC          68 :     else if ((HeadMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER") ||
                               3393              34 :               HeadMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER")) &&
 1661 tgl                      3394 UIC           0 :              (TailMatches("FOR", "EACH", "ROW|STATEMENT") ||
                               3395               0 :               TailMatches("FOR", "ROW|STATEMENT")))
                               3396                 :     {
 1626 michael                  3397               0 :         if (pset.sversion >= 110000)
                               3398               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("WHEN (", "EXECUTE FUNCTION");
 1626 michael                  3399 ECB             :         else
 1626 michael                  3400 LBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("WHEN (", "EXECUTE PROCEDURE");
 1626 michael                  3401 EUB             :     }
  872 michael                  3402 GIC          68 :     else if ((HeadMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER") ||
                               3403              34 :               HeadMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER")) &&
  872 michael                  3404 UIC           0 :              TailMatches("WHEN", "(*)"))
                               3405                 :     {
 1626                          3406               0 :         if (pset.sversion >= 110000)
 1626 michael                  3407 LBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("EXECUTE FUNCTION");
 1626 michael                  3408 ECB             :         else
 1626 michael                  3409 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("EXECUTE PROCEDURE");
                               3410                 :     }
  872 michael                  3411 ECB             : 
                               3412                 :     /*
  872 michael                  3413 EUB             :      * Complete CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] TRIGGER ... EXECUTE with
                               3414                 :      * PROCEDURE|FUNCTION.
                               3415                 :      */
  872 michael                  3416 GIC          68 :     else if ((HeadMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER") ||
                               3417              34 :               HeadMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER")) &&
  872 michael                  3418 UIC           0 :              TailMatches("EXECUTE"))
 1626 michael                  3419 ECB             :     {
 1626 michael                  3420 LBC           0 :         if (pset.sversion >= 110000)
                               3421               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("FUNCTION");
 1626 michael                  3422 ECB             :         else
 1626 michael                  3423 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("PROCEDURE");
                               3424                 :     }
  872 michael                  3425 GIC          68 :     else if ((HeadMatches("CREATE", "TRIGGER") ||
                               3426              34 :               HeadMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "TRIGGER")) &&
 1626 michael                  3427 UIC           0 :              TailMatches("EXECUTE", "FUNCTION|PROCEDURE"))
  434 tgl                      3428               0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_functions);
                               3429                 : 
 4008 peter_e                  3430 ECB             : /* CREATE ROLE,USER,GROUP <name> */
 1661 tgl                      3431 CBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "ROLE|GROUP|USER", MatchAny) &&
 1661 tgl                      3432 UBC           0 :              !TailMatches("USER", "MAPPING"))
 1661 tgl                      3433 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ADMIN", "BYPASSRLS", "CONNECTION LIMIT", "CREATEDB",
                               3434                 :                       "CREATEROLE", "ENCRYPTED PASSWORD", "IN", "INHERIT",
                               3435                 :                       "LOGIN", "NOBYPASSRLS",
                               3436                 :                       "NOCREATEDB", "NOCREATEROLE", "NOINHERIT",
                               3437                 :                       "NOLOGIN", "NOREPLICATION", "NOSUPERUSER", "PASSWORD",
 1661 tgl                      3438 ECB             :                       "REPLICATION", "ROLE", "SUPERUSER", "SYSID",
                               3439                 :                       "VALID UNTIL", "WITH");
 6385 bruce                    3440 EUB             : 
 4008 peter_e                  3441 ECB             : /* CREATE ROLE,USER,GROUP <name> WITH */
 1661 tgl                      3442 CBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "ROLE|GROUP|USER", MatchAny, "WITH"))
 4008 peter_e                  3443 EUB             :         /* Similar to the above, but don't complete "WITH" again. */
 1661 tgl                      3444 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ADMIN", "BYPASSRLS", "CONNECTION LIMIT", "CREATEDB",
 1661 tgl                      3445 EUB             :                       "CREATEROLE", "ENCRYPTED PASSWORD", "IN", "INHERIT",
                               3446                 :                       "LOGIN", "NOBYPASSRLS",
                               3447                 :                       "NOCREATEDB", "NOCREATEROLE", "NOINHERIT",
                               3448                 :                       "NOLOGIN", "NOREPLICATION", "NOSUPERUSER", "PASSWORD",
                               3449                 :                       "REPLICATION", "ROLE", "SUPERUSER", "SYSID",
                               3450                 :                       "VALID UNTIL");
                               3451                 : 
 6447 tgl                      3452 ECB             :     /* complete CREATE ROLE,USER,GROUP <name> IN with ROLE,GROUP */
 1661 tgl                      3453 CBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "ROLE|USER|GROUP", MatchAny, "IN"))
 1661 tgl                      3454 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("GROUP", "ROLE");
                               3455                 : 
 1366 tmunro                   3456 EUB             : /* CREATE TYPE */
 1366 tmunro                   3457 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "TYPE", MatchAny))
 1366 tmunro                   3458 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(", "AS");
 1366 tmunro                   3459 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "TYPE", MatchAny, "AS"))
 1366 tmunro                   3460 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ENUM", "RANGE", "(");
 1366 tmunro                   3461 CBC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("CREATE", "TYPE", MatchAny, "AS", "("))
 1366 tmunro                   3462 ECB             :     {
 1366 tmunro                   3463 UBC           0 :         if (TailMatches("(|*,", MatchAny))
  434 tgl                      3464               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_datatypes);
 1366 tmunro                   3465 LBC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("(|*,", MatchAny, MatchAnyExcept("*)")))
                               3466               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("COLLATE", ",", ")");
 1366 tmunro                   3467 EUB             :     }
 1366 tmunro                   3468 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "TYPE", MatchAny, "AS", "ENUM|RANGE"))
 1366 tmunro                   3469 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(");
 1366 tmunro                   3470 CBC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("CREATE", "TYPE", MatchAny, "("))
 1366 tmunro                   3471 EUB             :     {
 1366 tmunro                   3472 UBC           0 :         if (TailMatches("(|*,"))
 1366 tmunro                   3473 UIC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("INPUT", "OUTPUT", "RECEIVE", "SEND",
  676 tgl                      3474 EUB             :                           "TYPMOD_IN", "TYPMOD_OUT", "ANALYZE", "SUBSCRIPT",
 1329 michael                  3475                 :                           "INTERNALLENGTH", "PASSEDBYVALUE", "ALIGNMENT",
                               3476                 :                           "STORAGE", "LIKE", "CATEGORY", "PREFERRED",
 1366 tmunro                   3477                 :                           "DEFAULT", "ELEMENT", "DELIMITER",
                               3478                 :                           "COLLATABLE");
 1366 tmunro                   3479 LBC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("(*|*,", MatchAnyExcept("*=")))
                               3480               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("=");
 1366 tmunro                   3481 UBC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("=", MatchAnyExcept("*)")))
                               3482               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH(",", ")");
                               3483                 :     }
 1366 tmunro                   3484 GBC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("CREATE", "TYPE", MatchAny, "AS", "RANGE", "("))
 1366 tmunro                   3485 EUB             :     {
 1366 tmunro                   3486 UIC           0 :         if (TailMatches("(|*,"))
 1366 tmunro                   3487 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("SUBTYPE", "SUBTYPE_OPCLASS", "COLLATION",
                               3488                 :                           "CANONICAL", "SUBTYPE_DIFF",
  676 tgl                      3489 ECB             :                           "MULTIRANGE_TYPE_NAME");
 1366 tmunro                   3490 LBC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("(*|*,", MatchAnyExcept("*=")))
 1366 tmunro                   3491 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("=");
                               3492               0 :         else if (TailMatches("=", MatchAnyExcept("*)")))
                               3493               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH(",", ")");
 1366 tmunro                   3494 EUB             :     }
                               3495                 : 
 2652 tgl                      3496                 : /* CREATE VIEW --- is allowed inside CREATE SCHEMA, so use TailMatches */
 1304 fujii                    3497                 :     /* Complete CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] VIEW <name> with AS */
 1304 fujii                    3498 GIC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "VIEW", MatchAny) ||
 1304 fujii                    3499 GBC          34 :              TailMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "VIEW", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3500 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("AS");
 1304 fujii                    3501 ECB             :     /* Complete "CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] VIEW <sth> AS with "SELECT" */
 1304 fujii                    3502 CBC          68 :     else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "VIEW", MatchAny, "AS") ||
 1304 fujii                    3503 GBC          34 :              TailMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "VIEW", MatchAny, "AS"))
 1661 tgl                      3504 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SELECT");
 8535 bruce                    3505 ECB             : 
 3689 kgrittn                  3506                 : /* CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW */
 1661 tgl                      3507 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "MATERIALIZED"))
 1661 tgl                      3508 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("VIEW");
 3689 kgrittn                  3509 ECB             :     /* Complete CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW <name> with AS */
 1661 tgl                      3510 CBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3511 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("AS");
 3689 kgrittn                  3512 EUB             :     /* Complete "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW <sth> AS with "SELECT" */
 1661 tgl                      3513 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW", MatchAny, "AS"))
 1661 tgl                      3514 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SELECT");
 3689 kgrittn                  3515 EUB             : 
                               3516                 : /* CREATE EVENT TRIGGER */
 1661 tgl                      3517 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "EVENT"))
 1661 tgl                      3518 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TRIGGER");
 3282 rhaas                    3519 ECB             :     /* Complete CREATE EVENT TRIGGER <name> with ON */
 1661 tgl                      3520 CBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "EVENT", "TRIGGER", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3521 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
                               3522                 :     /* Complete CREATE EVENT TRIGGER <name> ON with event_type */
 1661 tgl                      3523 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "EVENT", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "ON"))
  319 michael                  3524 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ddl_command_start", "ddl_command_end", "sql_drop",
                               3525                 :                       "table_rewrite");
 1595 tgl                      3526 EUB             : 
                               3527                 :     /*
                               3528                 :      * Complete CREATE EVENT TRIGGER <name> ON <event_type>.  EXECUTE FUNCTION
                               3529                 :      * is the recommended grammar instead of EXECUTE PROCEDURE in version 11
                               3530                 :      * and upwards.
                               3531                 :      */
 1626 michael                  3532 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "EVENT", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny))
 1626 michael                  3533 ECB             :     {
 1626 michael                  3534 LBC           0 :         if (pset.sversion >= 110000)
 1626 michael                  3535 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("WHEN TAG IN (", "EXECUTE FUNCTION");
                               3536                 :         else
                               3537               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("WHEN TAG IN (", "EXECUTE PROCEDURE");
 1626 michael                  3538 EUB             :     }
 1626 michael                  3539 GIC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("CREATE", "EVENT", "TRIGGER") &&
 1626 michael                  3540 UBC           0 :              TailMatches("WHEN|AND", MatchAny, "IN", "(*)"))
                               3541                 :     {
 1626 michael                  3542 LBC           0 :         if (pset.sversion >= 110000)
                               3543               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("EXECUTE FUNCTION");
 1626 michael                  3544 EUB             :         else
 1626 michael                  3545 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("EXECUTE PROCEDURE");
                               3546                 :     }
 1626 michael                  3547 GIC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("CREATE", "EVENT", "TRIGGER") &&
 1626 michael                  3548 LBC           0 :              TailMatches("EXECUTE", "FUNCTION|PROCEDURE"))
  434 tgl                      3549 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_functions);
 3282 rhaas                    3550 EUB             : 
                               3551                 : /* DEALLOCATE */
 1661 tgl                      3552 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("DEALLOCATE"))
  434 tgl                      3553 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_prepared_statements,
                               3554                 :                                  "ALL");
                               3555                 : 
                               3556                 : /* DECLARE */
                               3557                 : 
                               3558                 :     /*
  607 michael                  3559 ECB             :      * Complete DECLARE <name> with one of BINARY, ASENSITIVE, INSENSITIVE,
                               3560                 :      * SCROLL, NO SCROLL, and CURSOR.
  815 fujii                    3561 EUB             :      */
 1661 tgl                      3562 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("DECLARE", MatchAny))
  732 peter                    3563 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("BINARY", "ASENSITIVE", "INSENSITIVE", "SCROLL", "NO SCROLL",
                               3564                 :                       "CURSOR");
                               3565                 : 
                               3566                 :     /*
                               3567                 :      * Complete DECLARE ... <option> with other options. The PostgreSQL parser
                               3568                 :      * allows DECLARE options to be specified in any order. But the
                               3569                 :      * tab-completion follows the ordering of them that the SQL standard
  815 fujii                    3570 ECB             :      * provides, like the syntax of DECLARE command in the documentation
  815 fujii                    3571 EUB             :      * indicates.
                               3572                 :      */
  815 fujii                    3573 GIC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("DECLARE") && TailMatches("BINARY"))
  607 michael                  3574 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ASENSITIVE", "INSENSITIVE", "SCROLL", "NO SCROLL", "CURSOR");
  607 michael                  3575 GBC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("DECLARE") && TailMatches("ASENSITIVE|INSENSITIVE"))
  815 fujii                    3576 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SCROLL", "NO SCROLL", "CURSOR");
  815 fujii                    3577 GBC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("DECLARE") && TailMatches("SCROLL"))
  815 fujii                    3578 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CURSOR");
                               3579                 :     /* Complete DECLARE ... [options] NO with SCROLL */
  815 fujii                    3580 GBC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("DECLARE") && TailMatches("NO"))
  815 fujii                    3581 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SCROLL");
  815 fujii                    3582 EUB             : 
                               3583                 :     /*
                               3584                 :      * Complete DECLARE ... CURSOR with one of WITH HOLD, WITHOUT HOLD, and
  815 fujii                    3585 ECB             :      * FOR
  815 fujii                    3586 EUB             :      */
 1661 tgl                      3587 CBC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("DECLARE") && TailMatches("CURSOR"))
 1661 tgl                      3588 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("WITH HOLD", "WITHOUT HOLD", "FOR");
  815 fujii                    3589 EUB             :     /* Complete DECLARE ... CURSOR WITH|WITHOUT with HOLD */
  815 fujii                    3590 GBC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("DECLARE") && TailMatches("CURSOR", "WITH|WITHOUT"))
  815 fujii                    3591 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("HOLD");
                               3592                 :     /* Complete DECLARE ... CURSOR WITH|WITHOUT HOLD with FOR */
  815 fujii                    3593 GIC          34 :     else if (HeadMatches("DECLARE") && TailMatches("CURSOR", "WITH|WITHOUT", "HOLD"))
  815 fujii                    3594 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FOR");
                               3595                 : 
 2652 tgl                      3596 EUB             : /* DELETE --- can be inside EXPLAIN, RULE, etc */
  696 michael                  3597                 :     /* Complete DELETE with "FROM" */
 1661 tgl                      3598 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("DELETE"))
 1661 tgl                      3599 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FROM");
                               3600                 :     /* Complete DELETE FROM with a list of tables */
 1661 tgl                      3601 CBC          34 :     else if (TailMatches("DELETE", "FROM"))
  434 tgl                      3602 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_updatables);
 6576 neilc                    3603 EUB             :     /* Complete DELETE FROM <table> */
 1661 tgl                      3604 GBC          34 :     else if (TailMatches("DELETE", "FROM", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3605 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("USING", "WHERE");
                               3606                 :     /* XXX: implement tab completion for DELETE ... USING */
 8535 bruce                    3607 EUB             : 
 5827 neilc                    3608                 : /* DISCARD */
 1661 tgl                      3609 GBC          34 :     else if (Matches("DISCARD"))
 1661 tgl                      3610 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ALL", "PLANS", "SEQUENCES", "TEMP");
                               3611                 : 
                               3612                 : /* DO */
 1661 tgl                      3613 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("DO"))
 1661 tgl                      3614 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("LANGUAGE");
 4801 itagaki.takahiro         3615 ECB             : 
 2652 tgl                      3616                 : /* DROP */
 2652 tgl                      3617 EUB             :     /* Complete DROP object with CASCADE / RESTRICT */
 1661 tgl                      3618 GIC          34 :     else if (Matches("DROP",
 1661 tgl                      3620 CBC          33 :                      MatchAny) ||
 1661 tgl                      3621 GBC          66 :              Matches("DROP", "ACCESS", "METHOD", MatchAny) ||
 1661 tgl                      3622 GIC          33 :              (Matches("DROP", "AGGREGATE|FUNCTION|PROCEDURE|ROUTINE", MatchAny, MatchAny) &&
 2652                          3623              33 :               ends_with(prev_wd, ')')) ||
 1661 tgl                      3624 CBC          66 :              Matches("DROP", "EVENT", "TRIGGER", MatchAny) ||
 1661 tgl                      3625 GBC          66 :              Matches("DROP", "FOREIGN", "DATA", "WRAPPER", MatchAny) ||
 1661 tgl                      3626 GIC          66 :              Matches("DROP", "FOREIGN", "TABLE", MatchAny) ||
 1661 tgl                      3627 CBC          33 :              Matches("DROP", "TEXT", "SEARCH", "CONFIGURATION|DICTIONARY|PARSER|TEMPLATE", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3628 GBC           1 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CASCADE", "RESTRICT");
                               3629                 : 
 2668 tgl                      3630 ECB             :     /* help completing some of the variants */
 1661 tgl                      3631 GBC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "AGGREGATE|FUNCTION|PROCEDURE|ROUTINE", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3632 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(");
 1661 tgl                      3633 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "AGGREGATE|FUNCTION|PROCEDURE|ROUTINE", MatchAny, "("))
 2668 tgl                      3634 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_FUNCTION_ARG(prev2_wd);
 1661 tgl                      3635 GBC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "FOREIGN"))
 1661 tgl                      3636 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("DATA WRAPPER", "TABLE");
 1244 akapila                  3637 CBC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "DATABASE", MatchAny))
 1244 akapila                  3638 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("WITH (");
 1244 akapila                  3639 GIC          33 :     else if (HeadMatches("DROP", "DATABASE") && (ends_with(prev_wd, '(')))
 1244 akapila                  3640 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FORCE");
 3689 kgrittn                  3641 EUB             : 
                               3642                 :     /* DROP INDEX */
 1661 tgl                      3643 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "INDEX"))
  434 tgl                      3644 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_indexes,
                               3645                 :                                         "CONCURRENTLY");
 1661 tgl                      3646 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "INDEX", "CONCURRENTLY"))
  434 tgl                      3647 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_indexes);
 1661 tgl                      3648 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "INDEX", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3649 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CASCADE", "RESTRICT");
 1661 tgl                      3650 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "INDEX", "CONCURRENTLY", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3651 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CASCADE", "RESTRICT");
 2640 peter_e                  3652 EUB             : 
                               3653                 :     /* DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW */
 1661 tgl                      3654 GBC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "MATERIALIZED"))
 1661 tgl                      3655 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("VIEW");
 1661 tgl                      3656 CBC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW"))
  434 tgl                      3657 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_matviews);
  494 michael                  3658 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW", MatchAny))
  494 michael                  3659 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CASCADE", "RESTRICT");
 3689 kgrittn                  3660 EUB             : 
                               3661                 :     /* DROP OWNED BY */
 1661 tgl                      3662 GBC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "OWNED"))
 1661 tgl                      3663 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("BY");
 1661 tgl                      3664 CBC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "OWNED", "BY"))
 6216 alvherre                 3665 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_roles);
  494 michael                  3666 GBC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "OWNED", "BY", MatchAny))
  494 michael                  3667 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CASCADE", "RESTRICT");
                               3668                 : 
 2215 peter_e                  3669 ECB             :     /* DROP TEXT SEARCH */
 1661 tgl                      3670 GBC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "TEXT", "SEARCH"))
 1661 tgl                      3671 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CONFIGURATION", "DICTIONARY", "PARSER", "TEMPLATE");
                               3672                 : 
                               3673                 :     /* DROP TRIGGER */
 1661 tgl                      3674 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "TRIGGER", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3675 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
 1661 tgl                      3676 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "ON"))
                               3677                 :     {
  434 tgl                      3678 UIC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev2_wd);
  434 tgl                      3679 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables_for_trigger);
 3212 heikki.linnakangas       3680 EUB             :     }
 1661 tgl                      3681 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "TRIGGER", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3682 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CASCADE", "RESTRICT");
                               3683                 : 
                               3684                 :     /* DROP ACCESS METHOD */
 1661 tgl                      3685 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "ACCESS"))
 1661 tgl                      3686 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("METHOD");
 1661 tgl                      3687 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "ACCESS", "METHOD"))
 2497 alvherre                 3688 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_access_methods);
                               3689                 : 
 3282 rhaas                    3690 ECB             :     /* DROP EVENT TRIGGER */
 1661 tgl                      3691 GBC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "EVENT"))
 1661 tgl                      3692 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TRIGGER");
 1661 tgl                      3693 GBC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "EVENT", "TRIGGER"))
 3282 rhaas                    3694 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_event_triggers);
 3282 rhaas                    3695 EUB             : 
                               3696                 :     /* DROP POLICY <name>  */
 1661 tgl                      3697 CBC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "POLICY"))
 2820 alvherre                 3698 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_policies);
                               3699                 :     /* DROP POLICY <name> ON */
 1661 tgl                      3700 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "POLICY", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3701 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
                               3702                 :     /* DROP POLICY <name> ON <table> */
 1661 tgl                      3703 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON"))
 2820 alvherre                 3704 ECB             :     {
  434 tgl                      3705 UBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev2_wd);
  434 tgl                      3706 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables_for_policy);
 2820 alvherre                 3707 ECB             :     }
  494 michael                  3708 GBC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "POLICY", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny))
  494 michael                  3709 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CASCADE", "RESTRICT");
 3124 sfrost                   3710 ECB             : 
 3212 heikki.linnakangas       3711 EUB             :     /* DROP RULE */
 1661 tgl                      3712 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "RULE", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3713 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
 1661 tgl                      3714 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "RULE", MatchAny, "ON"))
 3212 heikki.linnakangas       3715 ECB             :     {
  434 tgl                      3716 UBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev2_wd);
  434 tgl                      3717 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables_for_rule);
 3212 heikki.linnakangas       3718 ECB             :     }
 1661 tgl                      3719 GBC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "RULE", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3720 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CASCADE", "RESTRICT");
 3212 heikki.linnakangas       3721 ECB             : 
  494 michael                  3722 EUB             :     /* DROP TRANSFORM */
  494 michael                  3723 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "TRANSFORM"))
  494 michael                  3724 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FOR");
  494 michael                  3725 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "TRANSFORM", "FOR"))
  434 tgl                      3726 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_datatypes);
  494 michael                  3727 GBC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "TRANSFORM", "FOR", MatchAny))
  494 michael                  3728 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("LANGUAGE");
  494 michael                  3729 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "TRANSFORM", "FOR", MatchAny, "LANGUAGE"))
  494 michael                  3730 ECB             :     {
  434 tgl                      3731 UBC           0 :         set_completion_reference(prev2_wd);
  494 michael                  3732 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_languages);
                               3733                 :     }
  494 michael                  3734 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("DROP", "TRANSFORM", "FOR", MatchAny, "LANGUAGE", MatchAny))
  494 michael                  3735 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CASCADE", "RESTRICT");
                               3736                 : 
 2668 tgl                      3737 ECB             : /* EXECUTE */
 1661 tgl                      3738 CBC          33 :     else if (Matches("EXECUTE"))
 4186 tgl                      3739 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_prepared_statements);
 4186 tgl                      3740 ECB             : 
 1661                          3741                 : /*
                               3742                 :  * EXPLAIN [ ( option [, ...] ) ] statement
                               3743                 :  * EXPLAIN [ ANALYZE ] [ VERBOSE ] statement
                               3744                 :  */
 1661 tgl                      3745 CBC          33 :     else if (Matches("EXPLAIN"))
  696 michael                  3746 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SELECT", "INSERT INTO", "DELETE FROM", "UPDATE", "DECLARE",
                               3747                 :                       "MERGE INTO", "EXECUTE", "ANALYZE", "VERBOSE");
 1661 tgl                      3748 CBC          33 :     else if (HeadMatches("EXPLAIN", "(*") &&
 1661 tgl                      3749 UBC           0 :              !HeadMatches("EXPLAIN", "(*)"))
 1661 tgl                      3750 ECB             :     {
 1661 tgl                      3751 EUB             :         /*
 1661 tgl                      3752 ECB             :          * This fires if we're in an unfinished parenthesized option list.
 1661 tgl                      3753 EUB             :          * get_previous_words treats a completed parenthesized option list as
 1661 tgl                      3754 ECB             :          * one word, so the above test is correct.
 1661 tgl                      3755 EUB             :          */
 1661 tgl                      3756 LBC           0 :         if (ends_with(prev_wd, '(') || ends_with(prev_wd, ','))
   16 tgl                      3757 UNC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("ANALYZE", "VERBOSE", "COSTS", "SETTINGS", "GENERIC_PLAN",
                               3758                 :                           "BUFFERS", "WAL", "TIMING", "SUMMARY", "FORMAT");
                               3759               0 :         else if (TailMatches("ANALYZE|VERBOSE|COSTS|SETTINGS|GENERIC_PLAN|BUFFERS|WAL|TIMING|SUMMARY"))
 1661 tgl                      3760 LBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("ON", "OFF");
 1661 tgl                      3761 UBC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("FORMAT"))
 1661 tgl                      3762 UIC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("TEXT", "XML", "JSON", "YAML");
 1661 tgl                      3763 ECB             :     }
 1661 tgl                      3764 GBC          33 :     else if (Matches("EXPLAIN", "ANALYZE"))
  696 michael                  3765 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SELECT", "INSERT INTO", "DELETE FROM", "UPDATE", "DECLARE",
  199 fujii                    3766 EUB             :                       "MERGE INTO", "EXECUTE", "VERBOSE");
 1661 tgl                      3767 CBC          66 :     else if (Matches("EXPLAIN", "(*)") ||
 1661 tgl                      3768 GBC          66 :              Matches("EXPLAIN", "VERBOSE") ||
 1661 tgl                      3769 GIC          33 :              Matches("EXPLAIN", "ANALYZE", "VERBOSE"))
  592 michael                  3770 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SELECT", "INSERT INTO", "DELETE FROM", "UPDATE", "DECLARE",
  199 fujii                    3771 ECB             :                       "MERGE INTO", "EXECUTE");
 8535 bruce                    3772 EUB             : 
 8535 bruce                    3773 ECB             : /* FETCH && MOVE */
  906 fujii                    3774 EUB             : 
  906 fujii                    3775 ECB             :     /*
  906 fujii                    3776 EUB             :      * Complete FETCH with one of ABSOLUTE, BACKWARD, FORWARD, RELATIVE, ALL,
                               3777                 :      * NEXT, PRIOR, FIRST, LAST, FROM, IN, and a list of cursors
                               3778                 :      */
 1661 tgl                      3779 CBC          33 :     else if (Matches("FETCH|MOVE"))
  434 tgl                      3780 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_cursors,
  434 tgl                      3781 ECB             :                                  "ABSOLUTE",
  434 tgl                      3782 EUB             :                                  "BACKWARD",
  434 tgl                      3783 ECB             :                                  "FORWARD",
  434 tgl                      3784 EUB             :                                  "RELATIVE",
                               3785                 :                                  "ALL",
                               3786                 :                                  "NEXT",
  434 tgl                      3787 ECB             :                                  "PRIOR",
  434 tgl                      3788 EUB             :                                  "FIRST",
                               3789                 :                                  "LAST",
                               3790                 :                                  "FROM",
  434 tgl                      3791 ECB             :                                  "IN");
  906 fujii                    3792 EUB             : 
  815 fujii                    3793 ECB             :     /*
                               3794                 :      * Complete FETCH BACKWARD or FORWARD with one of ALL, FROM, IN, and a
  815 fujii                    3795 EUB             :      * list of cursors
                               3796                 :      */
  906 fujii                    3797 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("FETCH|MOVE", "BACKWARD|FORWARD"))
  434 tgl                      3798 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_cursors,
  434 tgl                      3799 EUB             :                                  "ALL",
                               3800                 :                                  "FROM",
                               3801                 :                                  "IN");
 8397 bruce                    3802 ECB             : 
 8397 bruce                    3803 EUB             :     /*
  906 fujii                    3804 ECB             :      * Complete FETCH <direction> with "FROM" or "IN". These are equivalent,
 6385 bruce                    3805 EUB             :      * but we may as well tab-complete both: perhaps some users prefer one
                               3806                 :      * variant or the other.
                               3807                 :      */
  906 fujii                    3808 CBC          33 :     else if (Matches("FETCH|MOVE", "ABSOLUTE|BACKWARD|FORWARD|RELATIVE",
  906 fujii                    3809 GBC          33 :                      MatchAnyExcept("FROM|IN")) ||
  906 fujii                    3810 CBC          33 :              Matches("FETCH|MOVE", "ALL|NEXT|PRIOR|FIRST|LAST"))
  434 tgl                      3811 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_cursors,
                               3812                 :                                  "FROM",
                               3813                 :                                  "IN");
  815 fujii                    3814 ECB             :     /* Complete FETCH <direction> "FROM" or "IN" with a list of cursors */
  815 fujii                    3815 GBC          33 :     else if (HeadMatches("FETCH|MOVE") &&
  815 fujii                    3816 UIC           0 :              TailMatches("FROM|IN"))
  815 fujii                    3817 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_cursors);
 8535 bruce                    3818 EUB             : 
                               3819                 : /* FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER */
 5224 peter_e                  3820 ECB             :     /* applies in ALTER/DROP FDW and in CREATE SERVER */
 1661 tgl                      3821 GIC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("FOREIGN", "DATA", "WRAPPER") &&
 1661 tgl                      3822 UBC           0 :              !TailMatches("CREATE", MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny))
 5224 peter_e                  3823               0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_fdws);
                               3824                 :     /* applies in CREATE SERVER */
 1661 tgl                      3825 CBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("FOREIGN", "DATA", "WRAPPER", MatchAny) &&
 1661 tgl                      3826 UBC           0 :              HeadMatches("CREATE", "SERVER"))
 1661 tgl                      3827 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("OPTIONS");
                               3828                 : 
 4481 rhaas                    3829 ECB             : /* FOREIGN TABLE */
 1661 tgl                      3830 GBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("FOREIGN", "TABLE") &&
 1661 tgl                      3831 LBC           0 :              !TailMatches("CREATE", MatchAny, MatchAny))
  434 tgl                      3832 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_foreign_tables);
 4481 rhaas                    3833 EUB             : 
 2769 fujii                    3834                 : /* FOREIGN SERVER */
 1661 tgl                      3835 GIC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("FOREIGN", "SERVER"))
 2769 fujii                    3836 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_servers);
 2769 fujii                    3837 EUB             : 
                               3838                 : /*
                               3839                 :  * GRANT and REVOKE are allowed inside CREATE SCHEMA and
 2298 sfrost                   3840 ECB             :  * ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES, so use TailMatches
 2298 sfrost                   3841 EUB             :  */
 4096 peter_e                  3842 ECB             :     /* Complete GRANT/REVOKE with a list of roles and privileges */
  368 tgl                      3843 GBC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("GRANT|REVOKE") ||
  118 michael                  3844 GNC          33 :              TailMatches("REVOKE", "ADMIN|GRANT|INHERIT|SET", "OPTION", "FOR"))
 2154 tgl                      3845 EUB             :     {
 2298 sfrost                   3846 ECB             :         /*
                               3847                 :          * With ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES, restrict completion to grantable
 2153 bruce                    3848 EUB             :          * privileges (can't grant roles)
 2298 sfrost                   3849                 :          */
 1661 tgl                      3850 UIC           0 :         if (HeadMatches("ALTER", "DEFAULT", "PRIVILEGES"))
 1661 tgl                      3851 LBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("SELECT", "INSERT", "UPDATE",
 1661 tgl                      3852 EUB             :                           "DELETE", "TRUNCATE", "REFERENCES", "TRIGGER",
                               3853                 :                           "CREATE", "EXECUTE", "USAGE", "MAINTAIN", "ALL");
  142 michael                  3854 UNC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("GRANT"))
  434 tgl                      3855 LBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_roles,
                               3856                 :                                      Privilege_options_of_grant_and_revoke);
  142 michael                  3857 UNC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("REVOKE"))
                               3858               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_roles,
                               3859                 :                                      Privilege_options_of_grant_and_revoke,
                               3860                 :                                      "GRANT OPTION FOR",
                               3861                 :                                      "ADMIN OPTION FOR",
                               3862                 :                                      "INHERIT OPTION FOR",
                               3863                 :                                      "SET OPTION FOR");
                               3864               0 :         else if (TailMatches("REVOKE", "GRANT", "OPTION", "FOR"))
                               3865               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH(Privilege_options_of_grant_and_revoke);
  118                          3866               0 :         else if (TailMatches("REVOKE", "ADMIN|INHERIT|SET", "OPTION", "FOR"))
  142                          3867               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_roles);
                               3868                 :     }
  368 tgl                      3869 EUB             : 
  368 tgl                      3870 GBC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("GRANT|REVOKE", "ALTER") ||
  368 tgl                      3871 GIC          33 :              TailMatches("REVOKE", "GRANT", "OPTION", "FOR", "ALTER"))
  368 tgl                      3872 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SYSTEM");
  368 tgl                      3873 EUB             : 
  118 michael                  3874 GNC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("REVOKE", "SET"))
  118 michael                  3875 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON PARAMETER", "OPTION FOR");
  118 michael                  3876 GNC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("GRANT", "SET") ||
  368 tgl                      3877 CBC          66 :              TailMatches("REVOKE", "GRANT", "OPTION", "FOR", "SET") ||
                               3878              66 :              TailMatches("GRANT|REVOKE", "ALTER", "SYSTEM") ||
                               3879              33 :              TailMatches("REVOKE", "GRANT", "OPTION", "FOR", "ALTER", "SYSTEM"))
  368 tgl                      3880 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON PARAMETER");
                               3881                 : 
  368 tgl                      3882 GIC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("GRANT|REVOKE", MatchAny, "ON", "PARAMETER") ||
                               3883              66 :              TailMatches("GRANT|REVOKE", MatchAny, MatchAny, "ON", "PARAMETER") ||
                               3884              66 :              TailMatches("REVOKE", "GRANT", "OPTION", "FOR", MatchAny, "ON", "PARAMETER") ||
                               3885              33 :              TailMatches("REVOKE", "GRANT", "OPTION", "FOR", MatchAny, MatchAny, "ON", "PARAMETER"))
  367 tgl                      3886 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_VERBATIM(Query_for_list_of_alter_system_set_vars);
                               3887                 : 
  368 tgl                      3888 GIC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("GRANT", MatchAny, "ON", "PARAMETER", MatchAny) ||
  368 tgl                      3889 CBC          33 :              TailMatches("GRANT", MatchAny, MatchAny, "ON", "PARAMETER", MatchAny))
  368 tgl                      3890 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
                               3891                 : 
  368 tgl                      3892 GIC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("REVOKE", MatchAny, "ON", "PARAMETER", MatchAny) ||
                               3893              66 :              TailMatches("REVOKE", MatchAny, MatchAny, "ON", "PARAMETER", MatchAny) ||
                               3894              66 :              TailMatches("REVOKE", "GRANT", "OPTION", "FOR", MatchAny, "ON", "PARAMETER", MatchAny) ||
                               3895              33 :              TailMatches("REVOKE", "GRANT", "OPTION", "FOR", MatchAny, MatchAny, "ON", "PARAMETER", MatchAny))
  368 tgl                      3896 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FROM");
                               3897                 : 
                               3898                 :     /*
                               3899                 :      * Complete GRANT/REVOKE <privilege> with "ON", GRANT/REVOKE <role> with
                               3900                 :      * TO/FROM
                               3901                 :      */
  368 tgl                      3902 GIC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("GRANT|REVOKE", MatchAny) ||
                               3903              33 :              TailMatches("REVOKE", "GRANT", "OPTION", "FOR", MatchAny))
                               3904                 :     {
                               3906               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
 1661 tgl                      3907 LBC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("GRANT", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      3908 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
                               3909                 :         else
 1661 tgl                      3910 UIC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("FROM");
                               3911                 :     }
                               3912                 : 
                               3913                 :     /*
                               3914                 :      * Complete GRANT/REVOKE <sth> ON with a list of appropriate relations.
                               3915                 :      *
                               3916                 :      * Note: GRANT/REVOKE can get quite complex; tab-completion as implemented
                               3917                 :      * here will only work if the privilege list contains exactly one
 2769 fujii                    3918 ECB             :      * privilege.
 8397 bruce                    3919                 :      */
  368 tgl                      3920 CBC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("GRANT|REVOKE", MatchAny, "ON") ||
  368 tgl                      3921 GBC          33 :              TailMatches("REVOKE", "GRANT", "OPTION", "FOR", MatchAny, "ON"))
                               3922                 :     {
                               3923                 :         /*
                               3924                 :          * With ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES, restrict completion to the kinds of
 2153 bruce                    3925 ECB             :          * objects supported.
 2298 sfrost                   3926 EUB             :          */
 1661 tgl                      3927 UBC           0 :         if (HeadMatches("ALTER", "DEFAULT", "PRIVILEGES"))
 1661 tgl                      3928 UIC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("TABLES", "SEQUENCES", "FUNCTIONS", "PROCEDURES", "ROUTINES", "TYPES", "SCHEMAS");
                               3929                 :         else
  434                          3930               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_grantables,
  434 tgl                      3931 ECB             :                                             "ALL FUNCTIONS IN SCHEMA",
  434 tgl                      3932 EUB             :                                             "ALL PROCEDURES IN SCHEMA",
                               3933                 :                                             "ALL ROUTINES IN SCHEMA",
                               3934                 :                                             "ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA",
  191 alvherre                 3935 ECB             :                                             "ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA",
  434 tgl                      3936 EUB             :                                             "DATABASE",
                               3937                 :                                             "DOMAIN",
                               3938                 :                                             "FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER",
                               3939                 :                                             "FOREIGN SERVER",
  434 tgl                      3940 ECB             :                                             "FUNCTION",
  434 tgl                      3941 EUB             :                                             "LANGUAGE",
                               3942                 :                                             "LARGE OBJECT",
                               3943                 :                                             "PARAMETER",
                               3944                 :                                             "PROCEDURE",
  434 tgl                      3945 ECB             :                                             "ROUTINE",
  434 tgl                      3946 EUB             :                                             "SCHEMA",
                               3947                 :                                             "SEQUENCE",
                               3948                 :                                             "TABLE",
                               3949                 :                                             "TABLESPACE",
                               3950                 :                                             "TYPE");
                               3951                 :     }
  368 tgl                      3952 GIC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("GRANT|REVOKE", MatchAny, "ON", "ALL") ||
  368 tgl                      3953 CBC          33 :              TailMatches("REVOKE", "GRANT", "OPTION", "FOR", MatchAny, "ON", "ALL"))
 1661 tgl                      3954 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FUNCTIONS IN SCHEMA",
                               3955                 :                       "PROCEDURES IN SCHEMA",
                               3956                 :                       "ROUTINES IN SCHEMA",
                               3957                 :                       "SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA",
                               3958                 :                       "TABLES IN SCHEMA");
  368 tgl                      3959 GIC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("GRANT|REVOKE", MatchAny, "ON", "FOREIGN") ||
  368 tgl                      3960 GBC          33 :              TailMatches("REVOKE", "GRANT", "OPTION", "FOR", MatchAny, "ON", "FOREIGN"))
 1661 tgl                      3961 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("DATA WRAPPER", "SERVER");
                               3962                 : 
                               3963                 :     /*
 2668 tgl                      3964 EUB             :      * Complete "GRANT/REVOKE * ON DATABASE/DOMAIN/..." with a list of
 2769 fujii                    3965                 :      * appropriate objects.
                               3966                 :      *
 2668 tgl                      3967                 :      * Complete "GRANT/REVOKE * ON *" with "TO/FROM".
 2769 fujii                    3968                 :      */
  368 tgl                      3969 GIC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("GRANT|REVOKE", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny) ||
                               3970              33 :              TailMatches("REVOKE", "GRANT", "OPTION", "FOR", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny))
                               3971                 :     {
 1661 tgl                      3972 UIC           0 :         if (TailMatches("DATABASE"))
 7318 bruce                    3973               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_databases);
 1661 tgl                      3974 UBC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("DOMAIN"))
  434                          3975               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_domains);
 1661                          3976               0 :         else if (TailMatches("FUNCTION"))
  434                          3977               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_functions);
 1661 tgl                      3978 UIC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("LANGUAGE"))
 7318 bruce                    3979               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_languages);
 1661 tgl                      3980 LBC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("PROCEDURE"))
  434                          3981               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_procedures);
 1661 tgl                      3982 UBC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("ROUTINE"))
  434 tgl                      3983 UIC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_routines);
 1661 tgl                      3984 LBC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("SCHEMA"))
 7318 bruce                    3985 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_schemas);
 1661 tgl                      3986 LBC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("SEQUENCE"))
  434                          3987               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_sequences);
 1661                          3988               0 :         else if (TailMatches("TABLE"))
  434                          3989               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_grantables);
 1661 tgl                      3990 UBC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("TABLESPACE"))
 6806 bruce                    3991 UIC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tablespaces);
 1661 tgl                      3992 LBC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("TYPE"))
  434                          3993               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_datatypes);
 1661                          3994               0 :         else if (TailMatches("GRANT", MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny))
                               3995               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
 6535 neilc                    3996 EUB             :         else
 1661 tgl                      3997 UIC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("FROM");
 7318 bruce                    3998 ECB             :     }
 8397                          3999                 : 
 2668 tgl                      4000 EUB             :     /*
                               4001                 :      * Complete "GRANT/REVOKE ... TO/FROM" with username, PUBLIC,
  718 michael                  4002 ECB             :      * CURRENT_ROLE, CURRENT_USER, or SESSION_USER.
 2668 tgl                      4003                 :      */
 1661 tgl                      4004 CBC          66 :     else if ((HeadMatches("GRANT") && TailMatches("TO")) ||
                               4005              33 :              (HeadMatches("REVOKE") && TailMatches("FROM")))
  434 tgl                      4006 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_roles,
                               4007                 :                                  Keywords_for_list_of_grant_roles);
                               4008                 : 
                               4009                 :     /*
                               4010                 :      * Offer grant options after that.
                               4011                 :      */
  368 tgl                      4012 CBC          33 :     else if (HeadMatches("GRANT") && TailMatches("TO", MatchAny))
  142 michael                  4013 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("WITH ADMIN",
                               4014                 :                       "WITH INHERIT",
                               4015                 :                       "WITH SET",
                               4016                 :                       "WITH GRANT OPTION",
  368 tgl                      4017 EUB             :                       "GRANTED BY");
  368 tgl                      4018 GBC          33 :     else if (HeadMatches("GRANT") && TailMatches("TO", MatchAny, "WITH"))
  142 michael                  4019 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ADMIN",
                               4020                 :                       "INHERIT",
                               4021                 :                       "SET",
  368 tgl                      4022 EUB             :                       "GRANT OPTION");
  142 michael                  4023 GNC          33 :     else if (HeadMatches("GRANT") &&
  118 michael                  4024 UNC           0 :              (TailMatches("TO", MatchAny, "WITH", "ADMIN|INHERIT|SET")))
  142                          4025               0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("OPTION", "TRUE", "FALSE");
  368 tgl                      4026 GIC          33 :     else if (HeadMatches("GRANT") && TailMatches("TO", MatchAny, "WITH", MatchAny, "OPTION"))
  368 tgl                      4027 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("GRANTED BY");
  368 tgl                      4028 GIC          33 :     else if (HeadMatches("GRANT") && TailMatches("TO", MatchAny, "WITH", MatchAny, "OPTION", "GRANTED", "BY"))
  368 tgl                      4029 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_roles,
                               4030                 :                                  Keywords_for_list_of_grant_roles);
                               4031                 :     /* Complete "ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES ... GRANT/REVOKE ... TO/FROM */
 1661 tgl                      4032 GIC          33 :     else if (HeadMatches("ALTER", "DEFAULT", "PRIVILEGES") && TailMatches("TO|FROM"))
  434 tgl                      4033 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_roles,
                               4034                 :                                  Keywords_for_list_of_grant_roles);
                               4035                 :     /* Complete "GRANT/REVOKE ... ON * *" with TO/FROM */
 1661 tgl                      4036 GIC          33 :     else if (HeadMatches("GRANT") && TailMatches("ON", MatchAny, MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      4037 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
 1661 tgl                      4038 CBC          33 :     else if (HeadMatches("REVOKE") && TailMatches("ON", MatchAny, MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      4039 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FROM");
                               4040                 : 
                               4041                 :     /* Complete "GRANT/REVOKE * ON ALL * IN SCHEMA *" with TO/FROM */
  368 tgl                      4042 GIC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("GRANT|REVOKE", MatchAny, "ON", "ALL", MatchAny, "IN", "SCHEMA", MatchAny) ||
                               4043              33 :              TailMatches("REVOKE", "GRANT", "OPTION", "FOR", MatchAny, "ON", "ALL", MatchAny, "IN", "SCHEMA", MatchAny))
 4799 itagaki.takahiro         4044 EUB             :     {
 1661 tgl                      4045 UBC           0 :         if (TailMatches("GRANT", MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      4046 UIC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
 4799 itagaki.takahiro         4047 EUB             :         else
 1661 tgl                      4048 UIC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("FROM");
                               4049                 :     }
                               4050                 : 
                               4051                 :     /* Complete "GRANT/REVOKE * ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER *" with TO/FROM */
  368 tgl                      4052 GIC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("GRANT|REVOKE", MatchAny, "ON", "FOREIGN", "DATA", "WRAPPER", MatchAny) ||
                               4053              33 :              TailMatches("REVOKE", "GRANT", "OPTION", "FOR", MatchAny, "ON", "FOREIGN", "DATA", "WRAPPER", MatchAny))
                               4054                 :     {
 1661 tgl                      4055 UIC           0 :         if (TailMatches("GRANT", MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny))
                               4056               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
                               4057                 :         else
                               4058               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("FROM");
                               4059                 :     }
                               4060                 : 
                               4061                 :     /* Complete "GRANT/REVOKE * ON FOREIGN SERVER *" with TO/FROM */
  368 tgl                      4062 GIC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("GRANT|REVOKE", MatchAny, "ON", "FOREIGN", "SERVER", MatchAny) ||
                               4063              33 :              TailMatches("REVOKE", "GRANT", "OPTION", "FOR", MatchAny, "ON", "FOREIGN", "SERVER", MatchAny))
                               4064                 :     {
 1661 tgl                      4065 UIC           0 :         if (TailMatches("GRANT", MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny))
                               4066               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
                               4067                 :         else
                               4068               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("FROM");
 4799 itagaki.takahiro         4069 ECB             :     }
 6535 neilc                    4070                 : 
 6535 neilc                    4071 EUB             : /* GROUP BY */
 1661 tgl                      4072 GIC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("FROM", MatchAny, "GROUP"))
 1661 tgl                      4073 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("BY");
                               4074                 : 
                               4075                 : /* IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA */
 1661 tgl                      4076 CBC          33 :     else if (Matches("IMPORT"))
 1661 tgl                      4077 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FOREIGN SCHEMA");
 1661 tgl                      4078 GBC          33 :     else if (Matches("IMPORT", "FOREIGN"))
 1661 tgl                      4079 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SCHEMA");
  934 michael                  4080 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("IMPORT", "FOREIGN", "SCHEMA", MatchAny))
  934 michael                  4081 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("EXCEPT (", "FROM SERVER", "LIMIT TO (");
  934 michael                  4082 GIC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("LIMIT", "TO", "(*)") ||
                               4083              33 :              TailMatches("EXCEPT", "(*)"))
  934 michael                  4084 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FROM SERVER");
  934 michael                  4085 GIC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("FROM", "SERVER", MatchAny))
  934 michael                  4086 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("INTO");
  934 michael                  4087 CBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("FROM", "SERVER", MatchAny, "INTO"))
  934 michael                  4088 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_schemas);
  934 michael                  4089 GBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("FROM", "SERVER", MatchAny, "INTO", MatchAny))
  934 michael                  4090 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("OPTIONS (");
 3195 tgl                      4091 EUB             : 
 2652                          4092                 : /* INSERT --- can be inside EXPLAIN, RULE, etc */
  377 alvherre                 4093                 :     /* Complete NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT */
  377 alvherre                 4094 GBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("NOT", "MATCHED", "THEN", "INSERT"))
  377 alvherre                 4095 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("VALUES", "(");
 8397 bruce                    4096 EUB             :     /* Complete INSERT with "INTO" */
 1661 tgl                      4097 GBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("INSERT"))
 1661 tgl                      4098 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("INTO");
 8397 bruce                    4099 EUB             :     /* Complete INSERT INTO with table names */
 1661 tgl                      4100 GBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("INSERT", "INTO"))
  434 tgl                      4101 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_updatables);
 7558 bruce                    4102 EUB             :     /* Complete "INSERT INTO <table> (" with attribute names */
 1661 tgl                      4103 GBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("INSERT", "INTO", MatchAny, "("))
  434 tgl                      4104 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR(prev2_wd);
 7836 bruce                    4105 EUB             : 
                               4106                 :     /*
 4790                          4107                 :      * Complete INSERT INTO <table> with "(" or "VALUES" or "SELECT" or
 2194 peter_e                  4108                 :      * "TABLE" or "DEFAULT VALUES" or "OVERRIDING"
 7836 bruce                    4109                 :      */
 1661 tgl                      4110 GBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("INSERT", "INTO", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      4111 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(", "DEFAULT VALUES", "SELECT", "TABLE", "VALUES", "OVERRIDING");
 5050 bruce                    4112 EUB             : 
                               4113                 :     /*
                               4114                 :      * Complete INSERT INTO <table> (attribs) with "VALUES" or "SELECT" or
                               4115                 :      * "TABLE" or "OVERRIDING"
                               4116                 :      */
 1661 tgl                      4117 GIC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("INSERT", "INTO", MatchAny, MatchAny) &&
 2668 tgl                      4118 UIC           0 :              ends_with(prev_wd, ')'))
 1661                          4119               0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SELECT", "TABLE", "VALUES", "OVERRIDING");
                               4120                 : 
 2194 peter_e                  4121 ECB             :     /* Complete OVERRIDING */
 1661 tgl                      4122 CBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("OVERRIDING"))
 1661 tgl                      4123 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SYSTEM VALUE", "USER VALUE");
                               4124                 : 
                               4125                 :     /* Complete after OVERRIDING clause */
 1661 tgl                      4126 GIC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("OVERRIDING", MatchAny, "VALUE"))
 1661 tgl                      4127 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SELECT", "TABLE", "VALUES");
                               4128                 : 
 8397 bruce                    4129 ECB             :     /* Insert an open parenthesis after "VALUES" */
 1661 tgl                      4130 GBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("VALUES") && !TailMatches("DEFAULT", "VALUES"))
 1661 tgl                      4131 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(");
                               4132                 : 
                               4133                 : /* LOCK */
                               4134                 :     /* Complete LOCK [TABLE] [ONLY] with a list of tables */
 1661 tgl                      4135 CBC          33 :     else if (Matches("LOCK"))
  434 tgl                      4136 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_tables,
                               4137                 :                                         "TABLE", "ONLY");
 1661 tgl                      4138 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("LOCK", "TABLE"))
  434 tgl                      4139 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_tables,
  434 tgl                      4140 ECB             :                                         "ONLY");
  551 fujii                    4141 GBC          33 :     else if (Matches("LOCK", "TABLE", "ONLY") || Matches("LOCK", "ONLY"))
  434 tgl                      4142 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables);
 7558 bruce                    4143 ECB             :     /* For the following, handle the case of a single table only for now */
 7558 bruce                    4144 EUB             : 
  551 fujii                    4145 ECB             :     /* Complete LOCK [TABLE] [ONLY] <table> with IN or NOWAIT */
  551 fujii                    4146 GBC          66 :     else if (Matches("LOCK", MatchAnyExcept("TABLE|ONLY")) ||
  551 fujii                    4147 GIC          66 :              Matches("LOCK", "TABLE", MatchAnyExcept("ONLY")) ||
                               4148              66 :              Matches("LOCK", "ONLY", MatchAny) ||
  551 fujii                    4149 CBC          33 :              Matches("LOCK", "TABLE", "ONLY", MatchAny))
  551 fujii                    4150 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("IN", "NOWAIT");
                               4151                 : 
                               4152                 :     /* Complete LOCK [TABLE] [ONLY] <table> IN with a lock mode */
  551 fujii                    4153 CBC          33 :     else if (HeadMatches("LOCK") && TailMatches("IN"))
 1661 tgl                      4154 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ACCESS SHARE MODE",
 1661 tgl                      4155 ECB             :                       "ROW SHARE MODE", "ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE",
 1661 tgl                      4156 EUB             :                       "SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE MODE", "SHARE MODE",
                               4157                 :                       "SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE",
                               4158                 :                       "EXCLUSIVE MODE", "ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE");
 8535 bruce                    4159 ECB             : 
  551 fujii                    4160                 :     /*
                               4161                 :      * Complete LOCK [TABLE][ONLY] <table> IN ACCESS|ROW with rest of lock
  551 fujii                    4162 EUB             :      * mode
                               4163                 :      */
  551 fujii                    4164 GIC          33 :     else if (HeadMatches("LOCK") && TailMatches("IN", "ACCESS|ROW"))
 1661 tgl                      4165 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("EXCLUSIVE MODE", "SHARE MODE");
                               4166                 : 
                               4167                 :     /* Complete LOCK [TABLE] [ONLY] <table> IN SHARE with rest of lock mode */
  551 fujii                    4168 GIC          33 :     else if (HeadMatches("LOCK") && TailMatches("IN", "SHARE"))
 1661 tgl                      4169 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("MODE", "ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE",
 1661 tgl                      4170 ECB             :                       "UPDATE EXCLUSIVE MODE");
                               4171                 : 
  199 fujii                    4172 EUB             :     /* Complete LOCK [TABLE] [ONLY] <table> [IN lockmode MODE] with "NOWAIT" */
  199 fujii                    4173 GBC          33 :     else if (HeadMatches("LOCK") && TailMatches("MODE"))
  199 fujii                    4174 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("NOWAIT");
  199 fujii                    4175 EUB             : 
                               4176                 : /* MERGE --- can be inside EXPLAIN */
  377 alvherre                 4177 GIC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("MERGE"))
  377 alvherre                 4178 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("INTO");
  377 alvherre                 4179 CBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("MERGE", "INTO"))
  377 alvherre                 4180 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_mergetargets);
                               4181                 : 
  199 fujii                    4182 EUB             :     /* Complete MERGE INTO <table> [[AS] <alias>] with USING */
  377 alvherre                 4183 GBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("MERGE", "INTO", MatchAny))
  377 alvherre                 4184 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("USING", "AS");
  199 fujii                    4185 GBC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("MERGE", "INTO", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny) ||
  199 fujii                    4186 GIC          33 :              TailMatches("MERGE", "INTO", MatchAny, MatchAnyExcept("USING|AS")))
  377 alvherre                 4187 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("USING");
                               4188                 : 
  199 fujii                    4189 ECB             :     /*
  199 fujii                    4190 EUB             :      * Complete MERGE INTO ... USING with a list of relations supporting
                               4191                 :      * SELECT
                               4192                 :      */
  199 fujii                    4193 CBC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("MERGE", "INTO", MatchAny, "USING") ||
  199 fujii                    4194 GBC          66 :              TailMatches("MERGE", "INTO", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny, "USING") ||
  199 fujii                    4195 CBC          33 :              TailMatches("MERGE", "INTO", MatchAny, MatchAny, "USING"))
  199 fujii                    4196 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_selectables);
  199 fujii                    4197 ECB             : 
  199 fujii                    4198 EUB             :     /*
  199 fujii                    4199 ECB             :      * Complete MERGE INTO <table> [[AS] <alias>] USING <relations> [[AS]
                               4200                 :      * alias] with ON
  199 fujii                    4201 EUB             :      */
  199 fujii                    4202 CBC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("MERGE", "INTO", MatchAny, "USING", MatchAny) ||
  199 fujii                    4203 GBC          66 :              TailMatches("MERGE", "INTO", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny, "USING", MatchAny) ||
  199 fujii                    4204 CBC          33 :              TailMatches("MERGE", "INTO", MatchAny, MatchAny, "USING", MatchAny))
  199 fujii                    4205 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("AS", "ON");
  199 fujii                    4206 CBC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("MERGE", "INTO", MatchAny, "USING", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny) ||
  199 fujii                    4207 GBC          66 :              TailMatches("MERGE", "INTO", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny, "USING", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny) ||
  199 fujii                    4208 GIC          66 :              TailMatches("MERGE", "INTO", MatchAny, MatchAny, "USING", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny) ||
                               4209              66 :              TailMatches("MERGE", "INTO", MatchAny, "USING", MatchAny, MatchAnyExcept("ON|AS")) ||
                               4210              66 :              TailMatches("MERGE", "INTO", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny, "USING", MatchAny, MatchAnyExcept("ON|AS")) ||
  199 fujii                    4211 CBC          33 :              TailMatches("MERGE", "INTO", MatchAny, MatchAny, "USING", MatchAny, MatchAnyExcept("ON|AS")))
  377 alvherre                 4212 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
                               4213                 : 
  199 fujii                    4214 ECB             :     /* Complete MERGE INTO ... ON with target table attributes */
  377 alvherre                 4215 GBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("INTO", MatchAny, "USING", MatchAny, "ON"))
  377 alvherre                 4216 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR(prev4_wd);
  377 alvherre                 4217 CBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("INTO", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny, "USING", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny, "ON"))
  377 alvherre                 4218 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR(prev8_wd);
  377 alvherre                 4219 GIC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("INTO", MatchAny, MatchAny, "USING", MatchAny, MatchAny, "ON"))
  377 alvherre                 4220 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR(prev6_wd);
  199 fujii                    4221 EUB             : 
                               4222                 :     /*
                               4223                 :      * Complete ... USING <relation> [[AS] alias] ON join condition
                               4224                 :      * (consisting of one or three words typically used) with WHEN [NOT]
                               4225                 :      * MATCHED
                               4226                 :      */
  199 fujii                    4227 CBC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("USING", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny) ||
  199 fujii                    4228 GBC          66 :              TailMatches("USING", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny) ||
  199 fujii                    4229 GIC          66 :              TailMatches("USING", MatchAny, MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny) ||
                               4230              66 :              TailMatches("USING", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, MatchAnyExcept("WHEN"), MatchAnyExcept("WHEN")) ||
                               4231              66 :              TailMatches("USING", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, MatchAnyExcept("WHEN"), MatchAnyExcept("WHEN")) ||
                               4232              33 :              TailMatches("USING", MatchAny, MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, MatchAnyExcept("WHEN"), MatchAnyExcept("WHEN")))
  377 alvherre                 4233 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("WHEN MATCHED", "WHEN NOT MATCHED");
  199 fujii                    4234 CBC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("USING", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "WHEN") ||
  199 fujii                    4235 GBC          66 :              TailMatches("USING", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "WHEN") ||
                               4236              66 :              TailMatches("USING", MatchAny, MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, "WHEN") ||
  199 fujii                    4237 GIC          66 :              TailMatches("USING", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny, "WHEN") ||
                               4238              66 :              TailMatches("USING", MatchAny, "AS", MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny, "WHEN") ||
  199 fujii                    4239 CBC          33 :              TailMatches("USING", MatchAny, MatchAny, "ON", MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny, "WHEN"))
  199 fujii                    4240 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("MATCHED", "NOT MATCHED");
                               4241                 : 
                               4242                 :     /* Complete ... WHEN [NOT] MATCHED with THEN/AND */
  199 fujii                    4243 CBC          66 :     else if (TailMatches("WHEN", "MATCHED") ||
  199 fujii                    4244 GBC          33 :              TailMatches("WHEN", "NOT", "MATCHED"))
  377 alvherre                 4245 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("THEN", "AND");
                               4246                 : 
  199 fujii                    4247 ECB             :     /* Complete ... WHEN MATCHED THEN with UPDATE SET/DELETE/DO NOTHING */
  377 alvherre                 4248 GBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("WHEN", "MATCHED", "THEN"))
  199 fujii                    4249 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("UPDATE SET", "DELETE", "DO NOTHING");
                               4250                 : 
                               4251                 :     /* Complete ... WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN with INSERT/DO NOTHING */
  377 alvherre                 4252 CBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("WHEN", "NOT", "MATCHED", "THEN"))
  377 alvherre                 4253 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("INSERT", "DO NOTHING");
                               4254                 : 
 2652 tgl                      4255 ECB             : /* NOTIFY --- can be inside EXPLAIN, RULE, etc */
 1661 tgl                      4256 GBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("NOTIFY"))
  434 tgl                      4257 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_channels);
 6535 neilc                    4258 ECB             : 
 5224 peter_e                  4259 EUB             : /* OPTIONS */
 1661 tgl                      4260 GIC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("OPTIONS"))
 1661 tgl                      4261 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(");
                               4262                 : 
 6216 alvherre                 4263 ECB             : /* OWNER TO  - complete with available roles */
 1661 tgl                      4264 CBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("OWNER", "TO"))
  186 michael                  4265 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_roles,
                               4266                 :                                  "CURRENT_ROLE",
                               4267                 :                                  "CURRENT_USER",
                               4268                 :                                  "SESSION_USER");
 6535 neilc                    4269 ECB             : 
 6535 neilc                    4270 EUB             : /* ORDER BY */
 1661 tgl                      4271 GIC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("FROM", MatchAny, "ORDER"))
 1661 tgl                      4272 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("BY");
 1661 tgl                      4273 CBC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("FROM", MatchAny, "ORDER", "BY"))
  434 tgl                      4274 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR(prev3_wd);
                               4275                 : 
                               4276                 : /* PREPARE xx AS */
 1661 tgl                      4277 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("PREPARE", MatchAny, "AS"))
  696 michael                  4278 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SELECT", "UPDATE", "INSERT INTO", "DELETE FROM");
                               4279                 : 
                               4280                 : /*
                               4281                 :  * PREPARE TRANSACTION is missing on purpose. It's intended for transaction
                               4282                 :  * managers, not for manual use in interactive sessions.
                               4283                 :  */
 4822 heikki.linnakangas       4284 ECB             : 
 6216 alvherre                 4285 EUB             : /* REASSIGN OWNED BY xxx TO yyy */
 1661 tgl                      4286 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("REASSIGN"))
 1661 tgl                      4287 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("OWNED BY");
 1661 tgl                      4288 CBC          33 :     else if (Matches("REASSIGN", "OWNED"))
 1661 tgl                      4289 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("BY");
 1661 tgl                      4290 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("REASSIGN", "OWNED", "BY"))
 6216 alvherre                 4291 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_roles);
 1661 tgl                      4292 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("REASSIGN", "OWNED", "BY", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      4293 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
 1661 tgl                      4294 GBC          33 :     else if (Matches("REASSIGN", "OWNED", "BY", MatchAny, "TO"))
 6216 alvherre                 4295 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_roles);
                               4296                 : 
 3689 kgrittn                  4297 ECB             : /* REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW */
 1661 tgl                      4298 GBC          33 :     else if (Matches("REFRESH"))
 1661 tgl                      4299 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("MATERIALIZED VIEW");
 1661 tgl                      4300 GBC          33 :     else if (Matches("REFRESH", "MATERIALIZED"))
 1661 tgl                      4301 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("VIEW");
 1661 tgl                      4302 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("REFRESH", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW"))
  434 tgl                      4303 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_matviews,
  434 tgl                      4304 EUB             :                                         "CONCURRENTLY");
 1661 tgl                      4305 CBC          33 :     else if (Matches("REFRESH", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW", "CONCURRENTLY"))
  434 tgl                      4306 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_matviews);
 1661 tgl                      4307 GBC          33 :     else if (Matches("REFRESH", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      4308 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("WITH");
 1661 tgl                      4309 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("REFRESH", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW", "CONCURRENTLY", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      4310 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("WITH");
 1661 tgl                      4311 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("REFRESH", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW", MatchAny, "WITH"))
 1661 tgl                      4312 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("NO DATA", "DATA");
 1661 tgl                      4313 CBC          33 :     else if (Matches("REFRESH", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW", "CONCURRENTLY", MatchAny, "WITH"))
 1661 tgl                      4314 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("NO DATA", "DATA");
 1661 tgl                      4315 CBC          33 :     else if (Matches("REFRESH", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW", MatchAny, "WITH", "NO"))
 1661 tgl                      4316 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("DATA");
 1661 tgl                      4317 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("REFRESH", "MATERIALIZED", "VIEW", "CONCURRENTLY", MatchAny, "WITH", "NO"))
 1661 tgl                      4318 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("DATA");
                               4319                 : 
                               4320                 : /* REINDEX */
  971 michael                  4321 GIC          66 :     else if (Matches("REINDEX") ||
  971 michael                  4322 CBC          33 :              Matches("REINDEX", "(*)"))
 1661 tgl                      4323 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TABLE", "INDEX", "SYSTEM", "SCHEMA", "DATABASE");
  971 michael                  4324 CBC          66 :     else if (Matches("REINDEX", "TABLE") ||
  971 michael                  4325 GBC          33 :              Matches("REINDEX", "(*)", "TABLE"))
  434 tgl                      4326 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_indexables,
  434 tgl                      4327 ECB             :                                         "CONCURRENTLY");
  971 michael                  4328 CBC          66 :     else if (Matches("REINDEX", "INDEX") ||
                               4329              33 :              Matches("REINDEX", "(*)", "INDEX"))
  434 tgl                      4330 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_indexes,
  434 tgl                      4331 ECB             :                                         "CONCURRENTLY");
  971 michael                  4332 GBC          66 :     else if (Matches("REINDEX", "SCHEMA") ||
  971 michael                  4333 GIC          33 :              Matches("REINDEX", "(*)", "SCHEMA"))
  434 tgl                      4334 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_schemas,
  434 tgl                      4335 ECB             :                                  "CONCURRENTLY");
  971 michael                  4336 GBC          66 :     else if (Matches("REINDEX", "SYSTEM|DATABASE") ||
  971 michael                  4337 CBC          33 :              Matches("REINDEX", "(*)", "SYSTEM|DATABASE"))
  434 tgl                      4338 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_databases,
  434 tgl                      4339 ECB             :                                  "CONCURRENTLY");
  971 michael                  4340 GBC          66 :     else if (Matches("REINDEX", "TABLE", "CONCURRENTLY") ||
  971 michael                  4341 GIC          33 :              Matches("REINDEX", "(*)", "TABLE", "CONCURRENTLY"))
  434 tgl                      4342 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_indexables);
  971 michael                  4343 GIC          66 :     else if (Matches("REINDEX", "INDEX", "CONCURRENTLY") ||
                               4344              33 :              Matches("REINDEX", "(*)", "INDEX", "CONCURRENTLY"))
  434 tgl                      4345 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_indexes);
  971 michael                  4346 GIC          66 :     else if (Matches("REINDEX", "SCHEMA", "CONCURRENTLY") ||
  971 michael                  4347 CBC          33 :              Matches("REINDEX", "(*)", "SCHEMA", "CONCURRENTLY"))
 1472 peter                    4348 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_schemas);
  971 michael                  4349 CBC          66 :     else if (Matches("REINDEX", "SYSTEM|DATABASE", "CONCURRENTLY") ||
                               4350              33 :              Matches("REINDEX", "(*)", "SYSTEM|DATABASE", "CONCURRENTLY"))
 2652 tgl                      4351 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_databases);
  971 michael                  4352 CBC          33 :     else if (HeadMatches("REINDEX", "(*") &&
  971 michael                  4353 UBC           0 :              !HeadMatches("REINDEX", "(*)"))
  971 michael                  4354 ECB             :     {
                               4355                 :         /*
                               4356                 :          * This fires if we're in an unfinished parenthesized option list.
                               4357                 :          * get_previous_words treats a completed parenthesized option list as
                               4358                 :          * one word, so the above test is correct.
                               4359                 :          */
  971 michael                  4360 UBC           0 :         if (ends_with(prev_wd, '(') || ends_with(prev_wd, ','))
  794 michael                  4361 UIC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("CONCURRENTLY", "TABLESPACE", "VERBOSE");
                               4362               0 :         else if (TailMatches("TABLESPACE"))
  794 michael                  4363 LBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tablespaces);
  971 michael                  4364 ECB             :     }
 8323 peter_e                  4365 EUB             : 
                               4366                 : /* SECURITY LABEL */
 1661 tgl                      4367 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("SECURITY"))
 1661 tgl                      4368 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("LABEL");
 1661 tgl                      4369 GBC          33 :     else if (Matches("SECURITY", "LABEL"))
 1661 tgl                      4370 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON", "FOR");
 1661 tgl                      4371 GIC          33 :     else if (Matches("SECURITY", "LABEL", "FOR", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      4372 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ON");
 1661 tgl                      4373 GBC          66 :     else if (Matches("SECURITY", "LABEL", "ON") ||
 1661 tgl                      4374 GIC          33 :              Matches("SECURITY", "LABEL", "FOR", MatchAny, "ON"))
 1661 tgl                      4375 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TABLE", "COLUMN", "AGGREGATE", "DATABASE", "DOMAIN",
 1661 tgl                      4376 ECB             :                       "EVENT TRIGGER", "FOREIGN TABLE", "FUNCTION",
 1661 tgl                      4377 EUB             :                       "LARGE OBJECT", "MATERIALIZED VIEW", "LANGUAGE",
                               4378                 :                       "PUBLICATION", "PROCEDURE", "ROLE", "ROUTINE", "SCHEMA",
                               4379                 :                       "SEQUENCE", "SUBSCRIPTION", "TABLESPACE", "TYPE", "VIEW");
 1661 tgl                      4380 CBC          33 :     else if (Matches("SECURITY", "LABEL", "ON", MatchAny, MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      4381 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("IS");
                               4382                 : 
                               4383                 : /* SELECT */
 8397 bruce                    4384 ECB             :     /* naah . . . */
 8535 bruce                    4385 EUB             : 
                               4386                 : /* SET, RESET, SHOW */
                               4387                 :     /* Complete with a variable name */
 1661 tgl                      4388 GIC          33 :     else if (TailMatches("SET|RESET") && !TailMatches("UPDATE", MatchAny, "SET"))
  424                          4389               3 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_VERBATIM_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_set_vars,
                               4390                 :                                           "CONSTRAINTS",
  424 tgl                      4391 ECB             :                                           "TRANSACTION",
  424 tgl                      4392 EUB             :                                           "SESSION",
  424 tgl                      4393 ECB             :                                           "ROLE",
  424 tgl                      4394 EUB             :                                           "TABLESPACE",
                               4395                 :                                           "ALL");
 1661 tgl                      4396 GIC          30 :     else if (Matches("SHOW"))
  424 tgl                      4397 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_VERBATIM_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_show_vars,
  424 tgl                      4398 EUB             :                                           "SESSION AUTHORIZATION",
                               4399                 :                                           "ALL");
  432 tgl                      4400 GIC          30 :     else if (Matches("SHOW", "SESSION"))
  432 tgl                      4401 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("AUTHORIZATION");
                               4402                 :     /* Complete "SET TRANSACTION" */
 1661 tgl                      4403 GIC          30 :     else if (Matches("SET", "TRANSACTION"))
 1661 tgl                      4404 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SNAPSHOT", "ISOLATION LEVEL", "READ", "DEFERRABLE", "NOT DEFERRABLE");
 1661 tgl                      4405 GIC          60 :     else if (Matches("BEGIN|START", "TRANSACTION") ||
 1661 tgl                      4406 CBC          60 :              Matches("BEGIN", "WORK") ||
 1661 tgl                      4407 GBC          60 :              Matches("BEGIN") ||
 1661 tgl                      4408 CBC          30 :              Matches("SET", "SESSION", "CHARACTERISTICS", "AS", "TRANSACTION"))
 1661 tgl                      4409 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ISOLATION LEVEL", "READ", "DEFERRABLE", "NOT DEFERRABLE");
 1661 tgl                      4410 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("SET|BEGIN|START", "TRANSACTION|WORK", "NOT") ||
 1661 tgl                      4411 GBC          60 :              Matches("BEGIN", "NOT") ||
 1661 tgl                      4412 CBC          30 :              Matches("SET", "SESSION", "CHARACTERISTICS", "AS", "TRANSACTION", "NOT"))
 1661 tgl                      4413 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("DEFERRABLE");
 1661 tgl                      4414 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("SET|BEGIN|START", "TRANSACTION|WORK", "ISOLATION") ||
 1661 tgl                      4415 GBC          60 :              Matches("BEGIN", "ISOLATION") ||
 1661 tgl                      4416 GIC          30 :              Matches("SET", "SESSION", "CHARACTERISTICS", "AS", "TRANSACTION", "ISOLATION"))
 1661 tgl                      4417 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("LEVEL");
 1661 tgl                      4418 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("SET|BEGIN|START", "TRANSACTION|WORK", "ISOLATION", "LEVEL") ||
 1661 tgl                      4419 GBC          60 :              Matches("BEGIN", "ISOLATION", "LEVEL") ||
 1661 tgl                      4420 CBC          30 :              Matches("SET", "SESSION", "CHARACTERISTICS", "AS", "TRANSACTION", "ISOLATION", "LEVEL"))
 1661 tgl                      4421 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("READ", "REPEATABLE READ", "SERIALIZABLE");
 1661 tgl                      4422 CBC          60 :     else if (Matches("SET|BEGIN|START", "TRANSACTION|WORK", "ISOLATION", "LEVEL", "READ") ||
 1661 tgl                      4423 GBC          60 :              Matches("BEGIN", "ISOLATION", "LEVEL", "READ") ||
 1661 tgl                      4424 GIC          30 :              Matches("SET", "SESSION", "CHARACTERISTICS", "AS", "TRANSACTION", "ISOLATION", "LEVEL", "READ"))
 1661 tgl                      4425 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("UNCOMMITTED", "COMMITTED");
 1661 tgl                      4426 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("SET|BEGIN|START", "TRANSACTION|WORK", "ISOLATION", "LEVEL", "REPEATABLE") ||
 1661 tgl                      4427 CBC          60 :              Matches("BEGIN", "ISOLATION", "LEVEL", "REPEATABLE") ||
 1661 tgl                      4428 GBC          30 :              Matches("SET", "SESSION", "CHARACTERISTICS", "AS", "TRANSACTION", "ISOLATION", "LEVEL", "REPEATABLE"))
 1661 tgl                      4429 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("READ");
 1661 tgl                      4430 GBC          60 :     else if (Matches("SET|BEGIN|START", "TRANSACTION|WORK", "READ") ||
 1661 tgl                      4431 CBC          60 :              Matches("BEGIN", "READ") ||
 1661 tgl                      4432 GBC          30 :              Matches("SET", "SESSION", "CHARACTERISTICS", "AS", "TRANSACTION", "READ"))
 1661 tgl                      4433 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("ONLY", "WRITE");
 3859 peter_e                  4434 EUB             :     /* SET CONSTRAINTS */
 1661 tgl                      4435 CBC          30 :     else if (Matches("SET", "CONSTRAINTS"))
  434 tgl                      4436 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_constraints_with_schema,
  434 tgl                      4437 ECB             :                                         "ALL");
 8323 peter_e                  4438 EUB             :     /* Complete SET CONSTRAINTS <foo> with DEFERRED|IMMEDIATE */
 1661 tgl                      4439 GIC          30 :     else if (Matches("SET", "CONSTRAINTS", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      4440 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("DEFERRED", "IMMEDIATE");
 6447 tgl                      4441 ECB             :     /* Complete SET ROLE */
 1661 tgl                      4442 CBC          30 :     else if (Matches("SET", "ROLE"))
 6447 tgl                      4443 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_roles);
 8006 peter_e                  4444 ECB             :     /* Complete SET SESSION with AUTHORIZATION or CHARACTERISTICS... */
 1661 tgl                      4445 CBC          30 :     else if (Matches("SET", "SESSION"))
 1661 tgl                      4446 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("AUTHORIZATION", "CHARACTERISTICS AS TRANSACTION");
                               4447                 :     /* Complete SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION with username */
 1661 tgl                      4448 CBC          30 :     else if (Matches("SET", "SESSION", "AUTHORIZATION"))
  434 tgl                      4449 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_roles,
  434 tgl                      4450 EUB             :                                  "DEFAULT");
                               4451                 :     /* Complete RESET SESSION with AUTHORIZATION */
 1661 tgl                      4452 CBC          30 :     else if (Matches("RESET", "SESSION"))
 1661 tgl                      4453 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("AUTHORIZATION");
 8397 bruce                    4454 EUB             :     /* Complete SET <var> with "TO" */
 1661 tgl                      4455 GIC          30 :     else if (Matches("SET", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      4456 CBC           2 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TO");
 1809 tgl                      4457 ECB             : 
 1809 tgl                      4458 EUB             :     /*
                               4459                 :      * Complete ALTER DATABASE|FUNCTION|PROCEDURE|ROLE|ROUTINE|USER ... SET
 1809 tgl                      4460 ECB             :      * <name>
                               4461                 :      */
 1661 tgl                      4462 GBC          28 :     else if (HeadMatches("ALTER", "DATABASE|FUNCTION|PROCEDURE|ROLE|ROUTINE|USER") &&
   93 dean.a.rasheed           4463 LBC           0 :              TailMatches("SET", MatchAny) &&
                               4464               0 :              !TailMatches("SCHEMA"))
 1661 tgl                      4465 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FROM CURRENT", "TO");
 1377 tgl                      4466 ECB             : 
                               4467                 :     /*
 1377 tgl                      4468 EUB             :      * Suggest possible variable values in SET variable TO|=, along with the
 1377 tgl                      4469 ECB             :      * preceding ALTER syntaxes.
                               4470                 :      */
 1377 tgl                      4471 GBC          28 :     else if (TailMatches("SET", MatchAny, "TO|=") &&
 1377 tgl                      4472 CBC           4 :              !TailMatches("UPDATE", MatchAny, "SET", MatchAny, "TO|="))
 8397 bruce                    4473 EUB             :     {
                               4474                 :         /* special cased code for individual GUCs */
 1661 tgl                      4475 GIC           4 :         if (TailMatches("DateStyle", "TO|="))
 1661 tgl                      4476 UIC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("ISO", "SQL", "Postgres", "German",
                               4477                 :                           "YMD", "DMY", "MDY",
                               4478                 :                           "US", "European", "NonEuropean",
                               4479                 :                           "DEFAULT");
 1661 tgl                      4480 GBC           4 :         else if (TailMatches("search_path", "TO|="))
  434 tgl                      4481 EUB             :         {
                               4482                 :             /* Here, we want to allow pg_catalog, so use narrower exclusion */
  434 tgl                      4483 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_schemas
                               4484                 :                                      " AND nspname NOT LIKE E'pg\\\\_toast%%'"
                               4485                 :                                      " AND nspname NOT LIKE E'pg\\\\_temp%%'",
                               4486                 :                                      "DEFAULT");
  434 tgl                      4487 ECB             :         }
  385 tgl                      4488 GBC           4 :         else if (TailMatches("TimeZone", "TO|="))
  385 tgl                      4489 CBC           2 :             COMPLETE_WITH_TIMEZONE_NAME();
 8397 bruce                    4490 EUB             :         else
 8397 bruce                    4491 ECB             :         {
 2770 andres                   4492 EUB             :             /* generic, type based, GUC support */
 2770 andres                   4493 CBC           2 :             char       *guctype = get_guctype(prev2_wd);
 2770 andres                   4494 ECB             : 
 1377 tgl                      4495 EUB             :             /*
                               4496                 :              * Note: if we don't recognize the GUC name, it's important to not
                               4497                 :              * offer any completions, as most likely we've misinterpreted the
                               4498                 :              * context and this isn't a GUC-setting command at all.
                               4499                 :              */
 1377 tgl                      4500 CBC           2 :             if (guctype)
 2770 andres                   4501 EUB             :             {
 1377 tgl                      4502 GIC           2 :                 if (strcmp(guctype, "enum") == 0)
                               4503                 :                 {
  424                          4504               2 :                     set_completion_reference_verbatim(prev2_wd);
  434                          4505               2 :                     COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_values_of_enum_GUC,
                               4506                 :                                              "DEFAULT");
                               4507                 :                 }
 1377 tgl                      4508 LBC           0 :                 else if (strcmp(guctype, "bool") == 0)
                               4509               0 :                     COMPLETE_WITH("on", "off", "true", "false", "yes", "no",
                               4510                 :                                   "1", "0", "DEFAULT");
                               4511                 :                 else
 1377 tgl                      4512 UIC           0 :                     COMPLETE_WITH("DEFAULT");
                               4513                 : 
 2770 andres                   4514 GIC           2 :                 free(guctype);
                               4515                 :             }
 8397 bruce                    4516 ECB             :         }
 8397 bruce                    4517 EUB             :     }
                               4518                 :     /* Complete ALTER DATABASE|ROLE|USER ... SET ... TO ... USER SET */
  121 akorotkov                4519 GNC          24 :     else if (HeadMatches("ALTER", "DATABASE|ROLE|USER") &&
  121 akorotkov                4520 UNC           0 :              TailMatches("SET", MatchAny, "TO|=", MatchAny))
                               4521               0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("USER SET");
                               4522                 : 
                               4523                 : /* START TRANSACTION */
 1661 tgl                      4524 CBC          24 :     else if (Matches("START"))
 1661 tgl                      4525 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("TRANSACTION");
                               4526                 : 
 4185 magnus                   4527 ECB             : /* TABLE, but not TABLE embedded in other commands */
 1661 tgl                      4528 GBC          24 :     else if (Matches("TABLE"))
  434 tgl                      4529 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_selectables);
 4185 magnus                   4530 ECB             : 
 2848 rhaas                    4531                 : /* TABLESAMPLE */
 1661 tgl                      4532 CBC          24 :     else if (TailMatches("TABLESAMPLE"))
 2848 rhaas                    4533 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tablesample_methods);
 1661 tgl                      4534 CBC          24 :     else if (TailMatches("TABLESAMPLE", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      4535 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("(");
 2848 rhaas                    4536 ECB             : 
 8323 peter_e                  4537 EUB             : /* TRUNCATE */
 1661 tgl                      4538 CBC          24 :     else if (Matches("TRUNCATE"))
  434 tgl                      4539 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_truncatables,
  434 tgl                      4540 ECB             :                                         "TABLE", "ONLY");
  773 fujii                    4541 GBC          24 :     else if (Matches("TRUNCATE", "TABLE"))
  434 tgl                      4542 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_truncatables,
  434 tgl                      4543 ECB             :                                         "ONLY");
  773 fujii                    4544 CBC          24 :     else if (HeadMatches("TRUNCATE") && TailMatches("ONLY"))
  434 tgl                      4545 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_truncatables);
  773 fujii                    4546 CBC          48 :     else if (Matches("TRUNCATE", MatchAny) ||
                               4547              48 :              Matches("TRUNCATE", "TABLE|ONLY", MatchAny) ||
                               4548              24 :              Matches("TRUNCATE", "TABLE", "ONLY", MatchAny))
  773 fujii                    4549 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("RESTART IDENTITY", "CONTINUE IDENTITY", "CASCADE", "RESTRICT");
  773 fujii                    4550 CBC          24 :     else if (HeadMatches("TRUNCATE") && TailMatches("IDENTITY"))
  773 fujii                    4551 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("CASCADE", "RESTRICT");
 8323 peter_e                  4552 ECB             : 
 8323 peter_e                  4553 EUB             : /* UNLISTEN */
 1661 tgl                      4554 CBC          24 :     else if (Matches("UNLISTEN"))
  434 tgl                      4555 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_channels, "*");
 8323 peter_e                  4556 ECB             : 
 2652 tgl                      4557 EUB             : /* UPDATE --- can be inside EXPLAIN, RULE, etc */
                               4558                 :     /* If prev. word is UPDATE suggest a list of tables */
 1661 tgl                      4559 CBC          24 :     else if (TailMatches("UPDATE"))
  434 tgl                      4560 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_updatables);
                               4561                 :     /* Complete UPDATE <table> with "SET" */
 1661 tgl                      4562 GIC          24 :     else if (TailMatches("UPDATE", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      4563 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SET");
 2652 tgl                      4564 EUB             :     /* Complete UPDATE <table> SET with list of attributes */
 1661 tgl                      4565 GIC          24 :     else if (TailMatches("UPDATE", MatchAny, "SET"))
  434 tgl                      4566 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR(prev2_wd);
 2652 tgl                      4567 EUB             :     /* UPDATE <table> SET <attr> = */
 1366 tmunro                   4568 GIC          24 :     else if (TailMatches("UPDATE", MatchAny, "SET", MatchAnyExcept("*=")))
 1661 tgl                      4569 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("=");
 6535 neilc                    4570 EUB             : 
                               4571                 : /* USER MAPPING */
 1661 tgl                      4572 CBC          24 :     else if (Matches("ALTER|CREATE|DROP", "USER", "MAPPING"))
 1661 tgl                      4573 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("FOR");
 1661 tgl                      4574 GIC          24 :     else if (Matches("CREATE", "USER", "MAPPING", "FOR"))
  434 tgl                      4575 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_roles,
  434 tgl                      4576 ECB             :                                  "CURRENT_ROLE",
  434 tgl                      4577 EUB             :                                  "CURRENT_USER",
                               4578                 :                                  "PUBLIC",
  434 tgl                      4579 ECB             :                                  "USER");
 1661 tgl                      4580 CBC          24 :     else if (Matches("ALTER|DROP", "USER", "MAPPING", "FOR"))
 5224 peter_e                  4581 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_user_mappings);
 1661 tgl                      4582 GIC          24 :     else if (Matches("CREATE|ALTER|DROP", "USER", "MAPPING", "FOR", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      4583 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("SERVER");
 1661 tgl                      4584 GIC          24 :     else if (Matches("CREATE|ALTER", "USER", "MAPPING", "FOR", MatchAny, "SERVER", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      4585 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("OPTIONS");
 5224 peter_e                  4586 ECB             : 
 6535 neilc                    4587 EUB             : /*
 1661 tgl                      4588                 :  * VACUUM [ ( option [, ...] ) ] [ table_and_columns [, ...] ]
                               4589                 :  * VACUUM [ FULL ] [ FREEZE ] [ VERBOSE ] [ ANALYZE ] [ table_and_columns [, ...] ]
                               4590                 :  */
 1661 tgl                      4591 GIC          24 :     else if (Matches("VACUUM"))
  434 tgl                      4592 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_vacuumables,
                               4593                 :                                         "FULL",
                               4594                 :                                         "FREEZE",
  434 tgl                      4595 ECB             :                                         "ANALYZE",
                               4596                 :                                         "VERBOSE");
 1661 tgl                      4597 GIC          24 :     else if (Matches("VACUUM", "FULL"))
  434 tgl                      4598 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_vacuumables,
  434 tgl                      4599 ECB             :                                         "FREEZE",
  434 tgl                      4600 EUB             :                                         "ANALYZE",
                               4601                 :                                         "VERBOSE");
 1661 tgl                      4602 GIC          48 :     else if (Matches("VACUUM", "FREEZE") ||
                               4603              24 :              Matches("VACUUM", "FULL", "FREEZE"))
  434 tgl                      4604 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_vacuumables,
                               4605                 :                                         "VERBOSE",
                               4606                 :                                         "ANALYZE");
 1661 tgl                      4607 GBC          48 :     else if (Matches("VACUUM", "VERBOSE") ||
 1661 tgl                      4608 GIC          48 :              Matches("VACUUM", "FULL|FREEZE", "VERBOSE") ||
                               4609              24 :              Matches("VACUUM", "FULL", "FREEZE", "VERBOSE"))
  434 tgl                      4610 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY_PLUS(Query_for_list_of_vacuumables,
                               4611                 :                                         "ANALYZE");
 1661 tgl                      4612 CBC          24 :     else if (HeadMatches("VACUUM", "(*") &&
 1661 tgl                      4613 LBC           0 :              !HeadMatches("VACUUM", "(*)"))
                               4614                 :     {
                               4615                 :         /*
                               4616                 :          * This fires if we're in an unfinished parenthesized option list.
 1661 tgl                      4617 ECB             :          * get_previous_words treats a completed parenthesized option list as
                               4618                 :          * one word, so the above test is correct.
                               4619                 :          */
 1661 tgl                      4620 UIC           0 :         if (ends_with(prev_wd, '(') || ends_with(prev_wd, ','))
                               4621               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("FULL", "FREEZE", "ANALYZE", "VERBOSE",
                               4622                 :                           "DISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING", "SKIP_LOCKED",
                               4623                 :                           "INDEX_CLEANUP", "PROCESS_MAIN", "PROCESS_TOAST",
                               4624                 :                           "TRUNCATE", "PARALLEL", "SKIP_DATABASE_STATS",
                               4625                 :                           "ONLY_DATABASE_STATS", "BUFFER_USAGE_LIMIT");
 1472 rhaas                    4627 LBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("ON", "OFF");
  660 pg                       4628 UIC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("INDEX_CLEANUP"))
  660 pg                       4629 LBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("AUTO", "ON", "OFF");
 1661 tgl                      4630 ECB             :     }
 1661 tgl                      4631 GIC          24 :     else if (HeadMatches("VACUUM") && TailMatches("("))
                               4632                 :         /* "VACUUM (" should be caught above, so assume we want columns */
  434 tgl                      4633 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR(prev2_wd);
 1661 tgl                      4634 GBC          24 :     else if (HeadMatches("VACUUM"))
  434 tgl                      4635 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_vacuumables);
                               4636                 : 
 5300 tgl                      4637 EUB             : /* WITH [RECURSIVE] */
                               4638                 : 
 3955 bruce                    4639 ECB             :     /*
                               4640                 :      * Only match when WITH is the first word, as WITH may appear in many
                               4641                 :      * other contexts.
                               4642                 :      */
 1661 tgl                      4643 GIC          24 :     else if (Matches("WITH"))
 1661 tgl                      4644 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH("RECURSIVE");
 5300 tgl                      4645 EUB             : 
 7558 bruce                    4646                 : /* WHERE */
                               4647                 :     /* Simple case of the word before the where being the table name */
 1661 tgl                      4648 GIC          24 :     else if (TailMatches(MatchAny, "WHERE"))
  434 tgl                      4649 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_ATTR(prev2_wd);
 7558 bruce                    4650 EUB             : 
                               4651                 : /* ... FROM ... */
                               4652                 : /* TODO: also include SRF ? */
 1661 tgl                      4653 CBC          24 :     else if (TailMatches("FROM") && !Matches("COPY|\\copy", MatchAny, "FROM"))
  434 tgl                      4654 GBC          14 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_selectables);
                               4655                 : 
                               4656                 : /* ... JOIN ... */
 1661 tgl                      4657 CBC          10 :     else if (TailMatches("JOIN"))
  434 tgl                      4658 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_selectables);
 4420 heikki.linnakangas       4659 ECB             : 
 8535 bruce                    4660 EUB             : /* Backslash commands */
                               4661                 : /* TODO:  \dc \dd \dl */
 1661 tgl                      4662 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\?"))
 1661 tgl                      4663 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_CS("commands", "options", "variables");
 1661 tgl                      4664 GBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\connect|\\c"))
                               4665                 :     {
 2929 alvherre                 4666 LBC           0 :         if (!recognized_connection_string(text))
 2929 alvherre                 4667 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_databases);
                               4668                 :     }
 1661 tgl                      4669 CBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\connect|\\c", MatchAny))
 2929 alvherre                 4670 EUB             :     {
 2929 alvherre                 4671 LBC           0 :         if (!recognized_connection_string(prev_wd))
                               4672               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_roles);
 2929 alvherre                 4673 ECB             :     }
 1661 tgl                      4674 GBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\da*"))
  434 tgl                      4675 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_aggregates);
 1127 akorotkov                4676 GBC          20 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dAc*", MatchAny) ||
 1127 akorotkov                4677 GIC          10 :              TailMatchesCS("\\dAf*", MatchAny))
  434 tgl                      4678 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_datatypes);
 1127 akorotkov                4679 CBC          20 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dAo*", MatchAny) ||
 1127 akorotkov                4680 GBC          10 :              TailMatchesCS("\\dAp*", MatchAny))
  434 tgl                      4681 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_operator_families);
 1661 tgl                      4682 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dA*"))
 2497 alvherre                 4683 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_access_methods);
 1661 tgl                      4684 CBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\db*"))
 6806 bruce                    4685 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tablespaces);
  367 tgl                      4686 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dconfig*"))
  367 tgl                      4687 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_VERBATIM(Query_for_list_of_show_vars);
 1661 tgl                      4688 GBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dD*"))
  434 tgl                      4689 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_domains);
 1661 tgl                      4690 CBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\des*"))
 5224 peter_e                  4691 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_servers);
 1661 tgl                      4692 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\deu*"))
 5224 peter_e                  4693 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_user_mappings);
 1661 tgl                      4694 GBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dew*"))
 5224 peter_e                  4695 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_fdws);
 1661 tgl                      4696 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\df*"))
  434 tgl                      4697 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_functions);
  731 tgl                      4698 GBC          10 :     else if (HeadMatchesCS("\\df*"))
  434 tgl                      4699 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_datatypes);
 2651 tgl                      4700 EUB             : 
 1661 tgl                      4701 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dFd*"))
  434 tgl                      4702 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_ts_dictionaries);
 1661 tgl                      4703 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dFp*"))
  434 tgl                      4704 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_ts_parsers);
 1661 tgl                      4705 CBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dFt*"))
  434 tgl                      4706 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_ts_templates);
 2651 tgl                      4707 ECB             :     /* must be at end of \dF alternatives: */
 1661 tgl                      4708 GBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dF*"))
  434 tgl                      4709 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_ts_configurations);
 5116 bruce                    4710 EUB             : 
 1661 tgl                      4711 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\di*"))
  434 tgl                      4712 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_indexes);
 1661 tgl                      4713 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dL*"))
 4462 rhaas                    4714 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_languages);
 1661 tgl                      4715 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dn*"))
 7318 bruce                    4716 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_schemas);
  731 tgl                      4717 EUB             :     /* no support for completing operators, but we can complete types: */
  731 tgl                      4718 GIC          10 :     else if (HeadMatchesCS("\\do*", MatchAny))
  434 tgl                      4719 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_datatypes);
 1661 tgl                      4720 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dp") || TailMatchesCS("\\z"))
  434 tgl                      4721 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_grantables);
 1463 alvherre                 4722 CBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dPi*"))
  434 tgl                      4723 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_partitioned_indexes);
 1463 alvherre                 4724 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dPt*"))
  434 tgl                      4725 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_partitioned_tables);
 1463 alvherre                 4726 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dP*"))
  434 tgl                      4727 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_partitioned_relations);
  186 michael                  4728 GNC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dRp*"))
  186 michael                  4729 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_publications);
  186 michael                  4730 GNC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dRs*"))
  186 michael                  4731 UNC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_subscriptions);
 1661 tgl                      4732 CBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\ds*"))
  434 tgl                      4733 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_sequences);
 1661 tgl                      4734 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dt*"))
  434 tgl                      4735 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_tables);
 1661 tgl                      4736 CBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dT*"))
  434 tgl                      4737 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_datatypes);
 1661 tgl                      4738 CBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\du*") || TailMatchesCS("\\dg*"))
 6447 tgl                      4739 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_roles);
 1661 tgl                      4740 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dv*"))
  434 tgl                      4741 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_views);
 1661 tgl                      4742 GBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dx*"))
 3524 magnus                   4743 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_extensions);
  809 tomas.vondra             4744 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dX*"))
  434 tgl                      4745 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_statistics);
 1661 tgl                      4746 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dm*"))
  434 tgl                      4747 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_matviews);
 1661 tgl                      4748 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dE*"))
  434 tgl                      4749 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_foreign_tables);
 1661 tgl                      4750 GBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dy*"))
 2833 fujii                    4751 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_event_triggers);
                               4752                 : 
                               4753                 :     /* must be at end of \d alternatives: */
 1661 tgl                      4754 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\d*"))
  434 tgl                      4755 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_relations);
 5116 bruce                    4756 EUB             : 
 1661 tgl                      4757 GBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\ef"))
  434 tgl                      4758 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_routines);
 1661 tgl                      4759 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\ev"))
  434 tgl                      4760 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_views);
                               4761                 : 
 1661 tgl                      4762 GBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\encoding"))
  434 tgl                      4763 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_VERBATIM(Query_for_list_of_encodings);
 1661 tgl                      4764 GBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\h|\\help"))
 8397 bruce                    4765 UIC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_LIST(sql_commands);
 1661 tgl                      4766 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\h|\\help", MatchAny))
                               4767                 :     {
 1661 tgl                      4768 UIC           0 :         if (TailMatches("DROP"))
 1213                          4769               0 :             matches = rl_completion_matches(text, drop_command_generator);
 1661                          4770               0 :         else if (TailMatches("ALTER"))
 1213                          4771               0 :             matches = rl_completion_matches(text, alter_command_generator);
 2153 bruce                    4772 ECB             : 
 2153 bruce                    4773 EUB             :         /*
                               4774                 :          * CREATE is recognized by tail match elsewhere, so doesn't need to be
                               4775                 :          * repeated here
                               4776                 :          */
 2215 peter_e                  4777 ECB             :     }
 1661 tgl                      4778 GBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\h|\\help", MatchAny, MatchAny))
                               4779                 :     {
 1661 tgl                      4780 UIC           0 :         if (TailMatches("CREATE|DROP", "ACCESS"))
                               4781               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("METHOD");
 1661 tgl                      4782 LBC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("ALTER", "DEFAULT"))
                               4783               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("PRIVILEGES");
 1661 tgl                      4784 UIC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("CREATE|ALTER|DROP", "EVENT"))
                               4785               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("TRIGGER");
 1661 tgl                      4786 LBC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("CREATE|ALTER|DROP", "FOREIGN"))
 1661 tgl                      4787 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("DATA WRAPPER", "TABLE");
 1661 tgl                      4788 UIC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("ALTER", "LARGE"))
                               4789               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("OBJECT");
                               4790               0 :         else if (TailMatches("CREATE|ALTER|DROP", "MATERIALIZED"))
 1661 tgl                      4791 LBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("VIEW");
 1661 tgl                      4792 UBC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("CREATE|ALTER|DROP", "TEXT"))
 1661 tgl                      4793 LBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("SEARCH");
 1661 tgl                      4794 UIC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("CREATE|ALTER|DROP", "USER"))
 1661 tgl                      4795 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("MAPPING FOR");
 2215 peter_e                  4796 EUB             :     }
 1661 tgl                      4797 GIC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\h|\\help", MatchAny, MatchAny, MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      4798 ECB             :     {
 1661 tgl                      4799 UIC           0 :         if (TailMatches("CREATE|ALTER|DROP", "FOREIGN", "DATA"))
 1661 tgl                      4800 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("WRAPPER");
                               4801               0 :         else if (TailMatches("CREATE|ALTER|DROP", "TEXT", "SEARCH"))
 1661 tgl                      4802 UIC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("CONFIGURATION", "DICTIONARY", "PARSER", "TEMPLATE");
 1661 tgl                      4803 LBC           0 :         else if (TailMatches("CREATE|ALTER|DROP", "USER", "MAPPING"))
 1661 tgl                      4804 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH("FOR");
 2215 peter_e                  4805 ECB             :     }
 1661 tgl                      4806 CBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\l*") && !TailMatchesCS("\\lo*"))
 2425 tgl                      4807 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_databases);
 1661 tgl                      4808 CBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\password"))
 6321 peter_e                  4809 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_roles);
 1661 tgl                      4810 GBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\pset"))
 1595 tgl                      4811 LBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_CS("border", "columns", "csv_fieldsep", "expanded",
 1661 tgl                      4812 EUB             :                          "fieldsep", "fieldsep_zero", "footer", "format",
 1661 tgl                      4813 ECB             :                          "linestyle", "null", "numericlocale",
 1661 tgl                      4814 EUB             :                          "pager", "pager_min_lines",
 1661 tgl                      4815 ECB             :                          "recordsep", "recordsep_zero",
 1661 tgl                      4816 EUB             :                          "tableattr", "title", "tuples_only",
 1661 tgl                      4817 ECB             :                          "unicode_border_linestyle",
 1661 tgl                      4818 EUB             :                          "unicode_column_linestyle",
                               4819                 :                          "unicode_header_linestyle",
                               4820                 :                          "xheader_width");
 1661 tgl                      4821 GBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\pset", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      4822 ECB             :     {
 1661 tgl                      4823 UBC           0 :         if (TailMatchesCS("format"))
 1595 tgl                      4824 LBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_CS("aligned", "asciidoc", "csv", "html", "latex",
 1615 michael                  4825 EUB             :                              "latex-longtable", "troff-ms", "unaligned",
 1615 michael                  4826 ECB             :                              "wrapped");
  258 andrew                   4827 UNC           0 :         else if (TailMatchesCS("xheader_width"))
                               4828               0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_CS("full", "column", "page");
 1661 tgl                      4829 UBC           0 :         else if (TailMatchesCS("linestyle"))
 1661 tgl                      4830 LBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_CS("ascii", "old-ascii", "unicode");
 1661 tgl                      4831 UBC           0 :         else if (TailMatchesCS("pager"))
 1661 tgl                      4832 UIC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_CS("on", "off", "always");
 1661 tgl                      4833 LBC           0 :         else if (TailMatchesCS("unicode_border_linestyle|"
 1661 tgl                      4834 EUB             :                                "unicode_column_linestyle|"
 1661 tgl                      4835 ECB             :                                "unicode_header_linestyle"))
 1661 tgl                      4836 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_CS("single", "double");
 4407 rhaas                    4837 ECB             :     }
 1661 tgl                      4838 GBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\unset"))
 3162 fujii                    4839 UIC           0 :         matches = complete_from_variables(text, "", "", true);
 1661 tgl                      4840 CBC          10 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\set"))
 3162 fujii                    4841 GBC           1 :         matches = complete_from_variables(text, "", "", false);
 1661 tgl                      4842 GIC           9 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\set", MatchAny))
 1661 tgl                      4843 ECB             :     {
  370 peter                    4844 GBC           1 :         if (TailMatchesCS("AUTOCOMMIT|ON_ERROR_STOP|QUIET|SHOW_ALL_RESULTS|"
 1661 tgl                      4845 ECB             :                           "SINGLELINE|SINGLESTEP"))
 1661 tgl                      4846 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_CS("on", "off");
 1661 tgl                      4847 CBC           1 :         else if (TailMatchesCS("COMP_KEYWORD_CASE"))
 1661 tgl                      4848 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_CS("lower", "upper",
                               4849                 :                              "preserve-lower", "preserve-upper");
 1661 tgl                      4850 CBC           1 :         else if (TailMatchesCS("ECHO"))
 1661 tgl                      4851 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_CS("errors", "queries", "all", "none");
 1661 tgl                      4852 CBC           1 :         else if (TailMatchesCS("ECHO_HIDDEN"))
 1661 tgl                      4853 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_CS("noexec", "off", "on");
 1661 tgl                      4854 CBC           1 :         else if (TailMatchesCS("HISTCONTROL"))
 1661 tgl                      4855 UBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_CS("ignorespace", "ignoredups",
 1661 tgl                      4856 ECB             :                              "ignoreboth", "none");
 1661 tgl                      4857 GBC           1 :         else if (TailMatchesCS("ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK"))
 1661 tgl                      4858 LBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_CS("on", "off", "interactive");
 1661 tgl                      4859 GBC           1 :         else if (TailMatchesCS("SHOW_CONTEXT"))
 1661 tgl                      4860 LBC           0 :             COMPLETE_WITH_CS("never", "errors", "always");
 1661 tgl                      4861 GBC           1 :         else if (TailMatchesCS("VERBOSITY"))
 1466 tgl                      4862 CBC           1 :             COMPLETE_WITH_CS("default", "verbose", "terse", "sqlstate");
 4564 tgl                      4863 EUB             :     }
 1661 tgl                      4864 CBC           8 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\sf*"))
  434 tgl                      4865 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_routines);
 1661 tgl                      4866 CBC           8 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\sv*"))
  434 tgl                      4867 UBC           0 :         COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_views);
 1104 bruce                    4868 CBC           8 :     else if (TailMatchesCS("\\cd|\\e|\\edit|\\g|\\gx|\\i|\\include|"
 1661 tgl                      4869 EUB             :                            "\\ir|\\include_relative|\\o|\\out|"
 1661 tgl                      4870 ECB             :                            "\\s|\\w|\\write|\\lo_import"))
 4058 alvherre                 4871 EUB             :     {
 4058 alvherre                 4872 CBC           2 :         completion_charp = "\\";
 1172 tgl                      4873 GBC           2 :         completion_force_quote = false;
 1213 tgl                      4874 CBC           2 :         matches = rl_completion_matches(text, complete_from_files);
 4058 alvherre                 4875 EUB             :     }
 8397 bruce                    4876 ECB             : 
 6355 bruce                    4877 EUB             :     /*
 6355 bruce                    4878 ECB             :      * Finally, we look through the list of "things", such as TABLE, INDEX and
 6355 bruce                    4879 EUB             :      * check if that was the previous word. If so, execute the query to get a
 6355 bruce                    4880 ECB             :      * list of them.
 6355 bruce                    4881 EUB             :      */
 8397 bruce                    4882 ECB             :     else
 8397 bruce                    4883 EUB             :     {
                               4884                 :         const pgsql_thing_t *wac;
                               4885                 : 
  434 tgl                      4886 CBC         248 :         for (wac = words_after_create; wac->name != NULL; wac++)
 7101 tgl                      4887 EUB             :         {
  434 tgl                      4888 GIC         246 :             if (pg_strcasecmp(prev_wd, wac->name) == 0)
 8397 bruce                    4889 ECB             :             {
  434 tgl                      4890 GBC           4 :                 if (wac->query)
  434 tgl                      4891 LBC           0 :                     COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY_LIST(wac->query,
  434 tgl                      4892 EUB             :                                              wac->keywords);
  434 tgl                      4893 GIC           4 :                 else if (wac->vquery)
  434 tgl                      4894 CBC           1 :                     COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_QUERY_LIST(wac->vquery,
  434 tgl                      4895 EUB             :                                                        wac->keywords);
  434 tgl                      4896 CBC           3 :                 else if (wac->squery)
  434 tgl                      4897 GBC           3 :                     COMPLETE_WITH_VERSIONED_SCHEMA_QUERY_LIST(wac->squery,
  434 tgl                      4898 ECB             :                                                               wac->keywords);
 8397 bruce                    4899 GIC           4 :                 break;
 8397 bruce                    4900 EUB             :             }
 7101 tgl                      4901                 :         }
 8397 bruce                    4902                 :     }
                               4903                 : 
                               4904                 :     /*
                               4905                 :      * If we still don't have anything to match we have to fabricate some sort
                               4906                 :      * of default list. If we were to just return NULL, readline automatically
                               4907                 :      * attempts filename completion, and that's usually no good.
                               4908                 :      */
 6355 bruce                    4909 GIC          66 :     if (matches == NULL)
 6355 bruce                    4910 ECB             :     {
 1377 tgl                      4911 GIC           2 :         COMPLETE_WITH_CONST(true, "");
  448 tgl                      4912 EUB             :         /* Also, prevent Readline from appending stuff to the non-match */
 6355 bruce                    4913 GBC           2 :         rl_completion_append_character = '\0';
  448 tgl                      4914 EUB             : #ifdef HAVE_RL_COMPLETION_SUPPRESS_QUOTE
  448 tgl                      4915 GBC           2 :         rl_completion_suppress_quote = 1;
 8479 tgl                      4916 EUB             : #endif
 6355 bruce                    4917                 :     }
                               4918                 : 
                               4919                 :     /* free storage */
 2667 tgl                      4920 GBC          66 :     free(previous_words);
                               4921              66 :     free(words_buffer);
 1192                          4922              66 :     free(text_copy);
  297 peter                    4923 GNC          66 :     free(completion_ref_object);
  434 tgl                      4924 GBC          66 :     completion_ref_object = NULL;
  297 peter                    4925 GNC          66 :     free(completion_ref_schema);
  434 tgl                      4926 GIC          66 :     completion_ref_schema = NULL;
 6355 bruce                    4927 ECB             : 
                               4928                 :     /* Return our Grand List O' Matches */
 6355 bruce                    4929 GBC          66 :     return matches;
 6355 bruce                    4930 EUB             : }
 8535                          4931                 : 
                               4932                 : 
 4564 tgl                      4933                 : /*
                               4934                 :  * GENERATOR FUNCTIONS
                               4935                 :  *
 4564 tgl                      4936 ECB             :  * These functions do all the actual work of completing the input. They get
 4564 tgl                      4937 EUB             :  * passed the text so far and the count how many times they have been called
 4564 tgl                      4938 ECB             :  * so far with the same text.
 4564 tgl                      4939 EUB             :  * If you read the above carefully, you'll see that these don't get called
 4564 tgl                      4940 ECB             :  * directly but through the readline interface.
 4564 tgl                      4941 EUB             :  * The return value is expected to be the full completion of the text, going
                               4942                 :  * through a list each time, or NULL if there are no more matches. The string
                               4943                 :  * will be free()'d by readline, so you must run it through strdup() or
                               4944                 :  * something of that sort.
                               4945                 :  */
                               4946                 : 
                               4947                 : /*
                               4948                 :  * Common routine for create_command_generator and drop_command_generator.
                               4949                 :  * Entries that have 'excluded' flags are not returned.
                               4950                 :  */
 6355 bruce                    4951 ECB             : static char *
 4427 itagaki.takahiro         4952 GIC           4 : create_or_drop_command_generator(const char *text, int state, bits32 excluded)
 6355 bruce                    4953 EUB             : {
 5624                          4954                 :     static int  list_index,
                               4955                 :                 string_length;
                               4956                 :     const char *name;
 6355                          4957                 : 
                               4958                 :     /* If this is the first time for this completion, init some values */
 6355 bruce                    4959 GBC           4 :     if (state == 0)
 6355 bruce                    4960 EUB             :     {
 6355 bruce                    4961 GBC           2 :         list_index = 0;
                               4962               2 :         string_length = strlen(text);
 6355 bruce                    4963 EUB             :     }
                               4964                 : 
                               4965                 :     /* find something that matches */
 6355 bruce                    4966 GBC         102 :     while ((name = words_after_create[list_index++].name))
                               4967                 :     {
 4564 tgl                      4968 CBC         100 :         if ((pg_strncasecmp(name, text, string_length) == 0) &&
 4427 itagaki.takahiro         4969 GBC           2 :             !(words_after_create[list_index - 1].flags & excluded))
 3988 peter_e                  4970 CBC           2 :             return pg_strdup_keyword_case(name, text);
 5686 bruce                    4971 ECB             :     }
 6355                          4972                 :     /* if nothing matches, return NULL */
 6355 bruce                    4973 GIC           2 :     return NULL;
 6355 bruce                    4974 ECB             : }
                               4975                 : 
 4427 itagaki.takahiro         4976 EUB             : /*
 4427 itagaki.takahiro         4977 ECB             :  * This one gives you one from a list of things you can put after CREATE
 4427 itagaki.takahiro         4978 EUB             :  * as defined above.
                               4979                 :  */
 4427 itagaki.takahiro         4980 ECB             : static char *
 4427 itagaki.takahiro         4981 GBC           2 : create_command_generator(const char *text, int state)
 4427 itagaki.takahiro         4982 ECB             : {
 4427 itagaki.takahiro         4983 GBC           2 :     return create_or_drop_command_generator(text, state, THING_NO_CREATE);
 4427 itagaki.takahiro         4984 ECB             : }
 4427 itagaki.takahiro         4985 EUB             : 
                               4986                 : /*
 6216 alvherre                 4987 ECB             :  * This function gives you a list of things you can put after a DROP command.
 6216 alvherre                 4988 EUB             :  */
 6216 alvherre                 4989 ECB             : static char *
 6216 alvherre                 4990 GBC           2 : drop_command_generator(const char *text, int state)
 6216 alvherre                 4991 ECB             : {
 4427 itagaki.takahiro         4992 CBC           2 :     return create_or_drop_command_generator(text, state, THING_NO_DROP);
                               4993                 : }
 8535 bruce                    4994 ECB             : 
 2215 peter_e                  4995 EUB             : /*
 2215 peter_e                  4996 ECB             :  * This function gives you a list of things you can put after an ALTER command.
 2215 peter_e                  4997 EUB             :  */
 2215 peter_e                  4998 ECB             : static char *
 2215 peter_e                  4999 UIC           0 : alter_command_generator(const char *text, int state)
                               5000                 : {
                               5001               0 :     return create_or_drop_command_generator(text, state, THING_NO_ALTER);
 2215 peter_e                  5002 ECB             : }
                               5003                 : 
 1861 tgl                      5004                 : /*
                               5005                 :  * These functions generate lists using server queries.
                               5006                 :  * They are all wrappers for _complete_from_query.
                               5007                 :  */
                               5008                 : 
                               5009                 : static char *
 6355 bruce                    5010 GIC         185 : complete_from_query(const char *text, int state)
                               5011                 : {
                               5012                 :     /* query is assumed to work for any server version */
  434 tgl                      5013             185 :     return _complete_from_query(completion_charp, NULL, completion_charpp,
                               5014                 :                                 completion_verbatim, text, state);
                               5015                 : }
 1861 tgl                      5016 ECB             : 
                               5017                 : static char *
 1861 tgl                      5018 CBC           2 : complete_from_versioned_query(const char *text, int state)
                               5019                 : {
                               5020               2 :     const VersionedQuery *vquery = completion_vquery;
 1861 tgl                      5021 EUB             : 
                               5022                 :     /* Find appropriate array element */
 1861 tgl                      5023 CBC           2 :     while (pset.sversion < vquery->min_server_version)
 1861 tgl                      5024 LBC           0 :         vquery++;
                               5025                 :     /* Fail completion if server is too old */
 1861 tgl                      5026 CBC           2 :     if (vquery->query == NULL)
 1861 tgl                      5027 LBC           0 :         return NULL;
                               5028                 : 
  434 tgl                      5029 CBC           2 :     return _complete_from_query(vquery->query, NULL, completion_charpp,
                               5030                 :                                 completion_verbatim, text, state);
                               5031                 : }
                               5032                 : 
                               5033                 : static char *
 6355 bruce                    5034 GIC          86 : complete_from_schema_query(const char *text, int state)
                               5035                 : {
                               5036                 :     /* query is assumed to work for any server version */
  434 tgl                      5037              86 :     return _complete_from_query(NULL, completion_squery, completion_charpp,
                               5038                 :                                 completion_verbatim, text, state);
 1861 tgl                      5039 ECB             : }
                               5040                 : 
                               5041                 : static char *
 1861 tgl                      5042 GIC           8 : complete_from_versioned_schema_query(const char *text, int state)
 1861 tgl                      5043 ECB             : {
 1861 tgl                      5044 GIC           8 :     const SchemaQuery *squery = completion_squery;
 1861 tgl                      5045 ECB             : 
                               5046                 :     /* Find appropriate array element */
 1861 tgl                      5047 GIC           8 :     while (pset.sversion < squery->min_server_version)
 1861 tgl                      5048 UIC           0 :         squery++;
                               5049                 :     /* Fail completion if server is too old */
 1861 tgl                      5050 CBC           8 :     if (squery->catname == NULL)
 1861 tgl                      5051 LBC           0 :         return NULL;
 1861 tgl                      5052 ECB             : 
  434 tgl                      5053 CBC           8 :     return _complete_from_query(NULL, squery, completion_charpp,
  434 tgl                      5054 ECB             :                                 completion_verbatim, text, state);
 6355 bruce                    5055                 : }
 7318                          5056                 : 
                               5057                 : 
                               5058                 : /*
 1861 tgl                      5059                 :  * This creates a list of matching things, according to a query described by
                               5060                 :  * the initial arguments.  The caller has already done any work needed to
                               5061                 :  * select the appropriate query for the server's version.
                               5062                 :  *
                               5063                 :  * The query can be one of two kinds:
                               5064                 :  *
                               5065                 :  * 1. A simple query, which must contain a restriction clause of the form
                               5066                 :  *      output LIKE '%s'
                               5067                 :  * where "output" is the same string that the query returns.  The %s
                               5068                 :  * will be replaced by a LIKE pattern to match the already-typed text.
                               5069                 :  * There can be a second '%s', which will be replaced by a suitably-escaped
                               5070                 :  * version of the string provided in completion_ref_object.  If there is a
                               5071                 :  * third '%s', it will be replaced by a suitably-escaped version of the string
                               5072                 :  * provided in completion_ref_schema.  Those strings should be set up
                               5073                 :  * by calling set_completion_reference or set_completion_reference_verbatim.
                               5074                 :  * Simple queries should return a single column of matches.  If "verbatim"
                               5075                 :  * is true, the matches are returned as-is; otherwise, they are taken to
                               5076                 :  * be SQL identifiers and quoted if necessary.
                               5077                 :  *
                               5078                 :  * 2. A schema query used for completion of both schema and relation names.
                               5079                 :  * This is represented by a SchemaQuery object; see that typedef for details.
                               5080                 :  *
                               5081                 :  * See top of file for examples of both kinds of query.
                               5082                 :  *
                               5083                 :  * In addition to the query itself, we accept a null-terminated array of
                               5084                 :  * literal keywords, which will be returned if they match the input-so-far
                               5085                 :  * (case insensitively).  (These are in addition to keywords specified
                               5086                 :  * within the schema_query, if any.)
                               5087                 :  *
                               5088                 :  * If "verbatim" is true, then we use the given text as-is to match the
  434                          5089                 :  * query results; otherwise we parse it as a possibly-qualified identifier,
                               5090                 :  * and reconstruct suitable quoting afterward.
                               5091                 :  *
                               5092                 :  * "text" and "state" are supplied by Readline.  "text" is the word we are
                               5093                 :  * trying to complete.  "state" is zero on first call, nonzero later.
                               5094                 :  *
                               5095                 :  * readline will call this repeatedly with the same text and varying
                               5096                 :  * state.  On each call, we are supposed to return a malloc'd string
                               5097                 :  * that is a candidate completion.  Return NULL when done.
 4564                          5098                 :  */
 6355 bruce                    5099                 : static char *
 1861 tgl                      5100 CBC         281 : _complete_from_query(const char *simple_query,
                               5101                 :                      const SchemaQuery *schema_query,
                               5102                 :                      const char *const *keywords,
  434 tgl                      5103 ECB             :                      bool verbatim,
                               5104                 :                      const char *text, int state)
                               5105                 : {
                               5106                 :     static int  list_index,
                               5107                 :                 num_schema_only,
                               5108                 :                 num_query_other,
                               5109                 :                 num_keywords;
                               5110                 :     static PGresult *result = NULL;
                               5111                 :     static bool non_empty_object;
                               5112                 :     static bool schemaquoted;
                               5113                 :     static bool objectquoted;
                               5114                 : 
                               5115                 :     /*
                               5116                 :      * If this is the first time for this completion, we fetch a list of our
                               5117                 :      * "things" from the backend.
                               5118                 :      */
 6355 bruce                    5119 GIC         281 :     if (state == 0)
 6355 bruce                    5120 ECB             :     {
                               5121                 :         PQExpBufferData query_buffer;
  434 tgl                      5122                 :         char       *schemaname;
                               5123                 :         char       *objectname;
                               5124                 :         char       *e_object_like;
                               5125                 :         char       *e_schemaname;
                               5126                 :         char       *e_ref_object;
                               5127                 :         char       *e_ref_schema;
                               5128                 : 
  434 tgl                      5129 EUB             :         /* Reset static state, ensuring no memory leaks */
 6355 bruce                    5130 GIC          44 :         list_index = 0;
  434 tgl                      5131 GBC          44 :         num_schema_only = 0;
  432 tgl                      5132 GIC          44 :         num_query_other = 0;
                               5133              44 :         num_keywords = 0;
  434                          5134              44 :         PQclear(result);
                               5135              44 :         result = NULL;
                               5136                 : 
                               5137                 :         /* Parse text, splitting into schema and object name if needed */
                               5138              44 :         if (verbatim)
                               5139                 :         {
  434 tgl                      5140 CBC           8 :             objectname = pg_strdup(text);
  434 tgl                      5141 GIC           8 :             schemaname = NULL;
                               5142                 :         }
  434 tgl                      5143 ECB             :         else
                               5144                 :         {
  434 tgl                      5145 GIC          36 :             parse_identifier(text,
                               5146                 :                              &schemaname, &objectname,
                               5147                 :                              &schemaquoted, &objectquoted);
 2592 rhaas                    5148 ECB             :         }
                               5149                 : 
  434 tgl                      5150                 :         /* Remember whether the user has typed anything in the object part */
  434 tgl                      5151 GIC          44 :         non_empty_object = (*objectname != '\0');
                               5152                 : 
  434 tgl                      5153 ECB             :         /*
  434 tgl                      5154 EUB             :          * Convert objectname to a LIKE prefix pattern (e.g. 'foo%'), and set
                               5155                 :          * up suitably-escaped copies of all the strings we need.
  434 tgl                      5156 ECB             :          */
  434 tgl                      5157 GBC          44 :         e_object_like = make_like_pattern(objectname);
                               5158                 : 
  434 tgl                      5159 CBC          44 :         if (schemaname)
  434 tgl                      5160 GIC           3 :             e_schemaname = escape_string(schemaname);
                               5161                 :         else
                               5162              41 :             e_schemaname = NULL;
                               5163                 : 
  434 tgl                      5164 CBC          44 :         if (completion_ref_object)
  434 tgl                      5165 GIC          21 :             e_ref_object = escape_string(completion_ref_object);
                               5166                 :         else
  434 tgl                      5167 CBC          23 :             e_ref_object = NULL;
                               5168                 : 
  434 tgl                      5169 GIC          44 :         if (completion_ref_schema)
                               5170               1 :             e_ref_schema = escape_string(completion_ref_schema);
                               5171                 :         else
  434 tgl                      5172 CBC          43 :             e_ref_schema = NULL;
                               5173                 : 
 6355 bruce                    5174              44 :         initPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer);
                               5175                 : 
 1861 tgl                      5176 GIC          44 :         if (schema_query)
 6355 bruce                    5177 ECB             :         {
  434 tgl                      5178 GBC          36 :             Assert(simple_query == NULL);
                               5179                 : 
 6355 bruce                    5180 ECB             :             /*
  434 tgl                      5181 EUB             :              * We issue different queries depending on whether the input is
                               5182                 :              * already qualified or not.  schema_query gives us the pieces to
  434 tgl                      5183 ECB             :              * assemble.
                               5184                 :              */
  434 tgl                      5185 GIC          36 :             if (schemaname == NULL || schema_query->namespace == NULL)
                               5186                 :             {
                               5187                 :                 /* Get unqualified names matching the input-so-far */
                               5188              33 :                 appendPQExpBufferStr(&query_buffer, "SELECT ");
                               5189              33 :                 if (schema_query->use_distinct)
  434 tgl                      5190 UIC           0 :                     appendPQExpBufferStr(&query_buffer, "DISTINCT ");
  434 tgl                      5191 GIC          33 :                 appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer,
                               5192                 :                                   "%s, NULL::pg_catalog.text FROM %s",
                               5193              33 :                                   schema_query->result,
                               5194              33 :                                   schema_query->catname);
                               5195              33 :                 if (schema_query->refnamespace && completion_ref_schema)
                               5196               1 :                     appendPQExpBufferStr(&query_buffer,
                               5197                 :                                          ", pg_catalog.pg_namespace nr");
                               5198              33 :                 appendPQExpBufferStr(&query_buffer, " WHERE ");
                               5199              33 :                 if (schema_query->selcondition)
                               5200              33 :                     appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer, "%s AND ",
                               5201              33 :                                       schema_query->selcondition);
                               5202              33 :                 appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer, "(%s) LIKE '%s'",
                               5203              33 :                                   schema_query->result,
                               5204                 :                                   e_object_like);
                               5205              33 :                 if (schema_query->viscondition)
                               5206              15 :                     appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer, " AND %s",
                               5207              15 :                                       schema_query->viscondition);
                               5208              33 :                 if (schema_query->refname)
                               5209                 :                 {
                               5210              18 :                     Assert(completion_ref_object);
                               5211              18 :                     appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer, " AND %s = '%s'",
                               5212              18 :                                       schema_query->refname, e_ref_object);
                               5213              18 :                     if (schema_query->refnamespace && completion_ref_schema)
                               5214               1 :                         appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer,
                               5215                 :                                           " AND %s = nr.oid AND nr.nspname = '%s'",
                               5216               1 :                                           schema_query->refnamespace,
                               5217                 :                                           e_ref_schema);
                               5218              17 :                     else if (schema_query->refviscondition)
                               5219              17 :                         appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer,
                               5220                 :                                           " AND %s",
                               5221              17 :                                           schema_query->refviscondition);
                               5222                 :                 }
                               5223                 : 
                               5224                 :                 /*
                               5225                 :                  * When fetching relation names, suppress system catalogs
                               5226                 :                  * unless the input-so-far begins with "pg_".  This is a
                               5227                 :                  * compromise between not offering system catalogs for
                               5228                 :                  * completion at all, and having them swamp the result when
                               5229                 :                  * the input is just "p".
  434 tgl                      5230 ECB             :                  */
  434 tgl                      5231 GIC          33 :                 if (strcmp(schema_query->catname,
                               5232              14 :                            "pg_catalog.pg_class c") == 0 &&
                               5233              14 :                     strncmp(objectname, "pg_", 3) != 0)
                               5234                 :                 {
                               5235              14 :                     appendPQExpBufferStr(&query_buffer,
                               5236                 :                                          " AND c.relnamespace <> (SELECT oid FROM"
                               5237                 :                                          " pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = 'pg_catalog')");
                               5238                 :                 }
                               5239                 : 
                               5240                 :                 /*
                               5241                 :                  * If the target object type can be schema-qualified, add in
                               5242                 :                  * schema names matching the input-so-far.
                               5243                 :                  */
                               5244              33 :                 if (schema_query->namespace)
                               5245                 :                 {
                               5246              15 :                     appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer, "\nUNION ALL\n"
                               5247                 :                                       "SELECT NULL::pg_catalog.text, n.nspname "
                               5248                 :                                       "FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n "
  434 tgl                      5249 ECB             :                                       "WHERE n.nspname LIKE '%s'",
                               5250                 :                                       e_object_like);
                               5251                 : 
                               5252                 :                     /*
                               5253                 :                      * Likewise, suppress system schemas unless the
                               5254                 :                      * input-so-far begins with "pg_".
                               5255                 :                      */
  434 tgl                      5256 GIC          15 :                     if (strncmp(objectname, "pg_", 3) != 0)
                               5257              15 :                         appendPQExpBufferStr(&query_buffer,
                               5258                 :                                              " AND n.nspname NOT LIKE E'pg\\\\_%'");
                               5259                 : 
  434 tgl                      5260 ECB             :                     /*
                               5261                 :                      * Since we're matching these schema names to the object
                               5262                 :                      * name, handle their quoting using the object name's
                               5263                 :                      * quoting state.
                               5264                 :                      */
  434 tgl                      5265 CBC          15 :                     schemaquoted = objectquoted;
                               5266                 :                 }
                               5267                 :             }
  434 tgl                      5268 ECB             :             else
                               5269                 :             {
                               5270                 :                 /* Input is qualified, so produce only qualified names */
  434 tgl                      5271 CBC           3 :                 appendPQExpBufferStr(&query_buffer, "SELECT ");
  434 tgl                      5272 GIC           3 :                 if (schema_query->use_distinct)
                               5273               1 :                     appendPQExpBufferStr(&query_buffer, "DISTINCT ");
                               5274               3 :                 appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer, "%s, n.nspname "
  434 tgl                      5275 ECB             :                                   "FROM %s, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n",
  434 tgl                      5276 GIC           3 :                                   schema_query->result,
                               5277               3 :                                   schema_query->catname);
                               5278               3 :                 if (schema_query->refnamespace && completion_ref_schema)
  434 tgl                      5279 UIC           0 :                     appendPQExpBufferStr(&query_buffer,
                               5280                 :                                          ", pg_catalog.pg_namespace nr");
  434 tgl                      5281 CBC           3 :                 appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer, " WHERE %s = n.oid AND ",
  434 tgl                      5282 GIC           3 :                                   schema_query->namespace);
                               5283               3 :                 if (schema_query->selcondition)
                               5284               3 :                     appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer, "%s AND ",
                               5285               3 :                                       schema_query->selcondition);
                               5286               3 :                 appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer, "(%s) LIKE '%s' AND ",
  434 tgl                      5287 CBC           3 :                                   schema_query->result,
                               5288                 :                                   e_object_like);
                               5289               3 :                 appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer, "n.nspname = '%s'",
  434 tgl                      5290 ECB             :                                   e_schemaname);
  434 tgl                      5291 GIC           3 :                 if (schema_query->refname)
  434 tgl                      5292 ECB             :                 {
  434 tgl                      5293 GIC           1 :                     Assert(completion_ref_object);
  434 tgl                      5294 CBC           1 :                     appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer, " AND %s = '%s'",
                               5295               1 :                                       schema_query->refname, e_ref_object);
  434 tgl                      5296 GIC           1 :                     if (schema_query->refnamespace && completion_ref_schema)
  434 tgl                      5297 LBC           0 :                         appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer,
                               5298                 :                                           " AND %s = nr.oid AND nr.nspname = '%s'",
                               5299               0 :                                           schema_query->refnamespace,
  434 tgl                      5300 ECB             :                                           e_ref_schema);
  434 tgl                      5301 GIC           1 :                     else if (schema_query->refviscondition)
  434 tgl                      5302 LBC           0 :                         appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer,
                               5303                 :                                           " AND %s",
                               5304               0 :                                           schema_query->refviscondition);
                               5305                 :                 }
  434 tgl                      5306 ECB             :             }
                               5307                 :         }
 6355 bruce                    5308                 :         else
                               5309                 :         {
 1861 tgl                      5310 GIC           8 :             Assert(simple_query);
                               5311                 :             /* simple_query is an sprintf-style format string */
                               5312               8 :             appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer, simple_query,
                               5313                 :                               e_object_like,
                               5314                 :                               e_ref_object, e_ref_schema);
 6355 bruce                    5315 ECB             :         }
                               5316                 : 
                               5317                 :         /* Limit the number of records in the result */
 6355 bruce                    5318 CBC          44 :         appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer, "\nLIMIT %d",
 6355 bruce                    5319 ECB             :                           completion_max_records);
 6355 bruce                    5320 EUB             : 
  434 tgl                      5321 ECB             :         /* Finally, we can issue the query */
 6355 bruce                    5322 GIC          44 :         result = exec_query(;
 6355 bruce                    5323 ECB             : 
  434 tgl                      5324                 :         /* Clean up */
 6355 bruce                    5325 CBC          44 :         termPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer);
  261 tgl                      5326 GNC          44 :         free(schemaname);
                               5327              44 :         free(objectname);
  434 tgl                      5328 CBC          44 :         free(e_object_like);
  297 peter                    5329 GNC          44 :         free(e_schemaname);
                               5330              44 :         free(e_ref_object);
                               5331              44 :         free(e_ref_schema);
 6355 bruce                    5332 ECB             :     }
                               5333                 : 
                               5334                 :     /* Return the next result, if any, but not if the query failed */
 6355 bruce                    5335 CBC         281 :     if (result && PQresultStatus(result) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
 6355 bruce                    5336 ECB             :     {
  434 tgl                      5337                 :         int         nskip;
 6355 bruce                    5338                 : 
  434 tgl                      5339 CBC         281 :         while (list_index < PQntuples(result))
                               5340                 :         {
                               5341             212 :             const char *item = NULL;
  434 tgl                      5342 GIC         212 :             const char *nsp = NULL;
  434 tgl                      5343 ECB             : 
  434 tgl                      5344 CBC         212 :             if (!PQgetisnull(result, list_index, 0))
  434 tgl                      5345 GIC         211 :                 item = PQgetvalue(result, list_index, 0);
  434 tgl                      5346 CBC         245 :             if (PQnfields(result) > 1 &&
  434 tgl                      5347 GIC          33 :                 !PQgetisnull(result, list_index, 1))
                               5348               4 :                 nsp = PQgetvalue(result, list_index, 1);
                               5349             212 :             list_index++;
                               5350                 : 
                               5351                 :             /* In verbatim mode, we return all the items as-is */
                               5352             212 :             if (verbatim)
                               5353                 :             {
  432                          5354             181 :                 num_query_other++;
 6355 bruce                    5355             181 :                 return pg_strdup(item);
  432 tgl                      5356 ECB             :             }
  434                          5357                 : 
                               5358                 :             /*
                               5359                 :              * In normal mode, a name requiring quoting will be returned only
                               5360                 :              * if the input was empty or quoted.  Otherwise the user might see
                               5361                 :              * completion inserting a quote she didn't type, which is
                               5362                 :              * surprising.  This restriction also dodges some odd behaviors of
                               5363                 :              * some versions of readline/libedit.
                               5364                 :              */
  434 tgl                      5365 GIC          31 :             if (non_empty_object)
                               5366                 :             {
                               5367              26 :                 if (item && !objectquoted && identifier_needs_quotes(item))
  434 tgl                      5368 UIC           0 :                     continue;
  434 tgl                      5369 CBC          26 :                 if (nsp && !schemaquoted && identifier_needs_quotes(nsp))
  434 tgl                      5370 UIC           0 :                     continue;
  434 tgl                      5371 ECB             :             }
                               5372                 : 
                               5373                 :             /* Count schema-only results for hack below */
  434 tgl                      5374 GIC          31 :             if (item == NULL && nsp != NULL)
                               5375               1 :                 num_schema_only++;
                               5376                 :             else
  432                          5377              30 :                 num_query_other++;
                               5378                 : 
  434                          5379              31 :             return requote_identifier(nsp, item, schemaquoted, objectquoted);
                               5380                 :         }
  434 tgl                      5381 ECB             : 
                               5382                 :         /*
                               5383                 :          * When the query result is exhausted, check for hard-wired keywords.
                               5384                 :          * These will only be returned if they match the input-so-far,
                               5385                 :          * ignoring case.
                               5386                 :          */
  434 tgl                      5387 GIC          69 :         nskip = list_index - PQntuples(result);
                               5388              69 :         if (schema_query && schema_query->keywords)
                               5389                 :         {
  434 tgl                      5390 CBC           2 :             const char *const *itemp = schema_query->keywords;
                               5391                 : 
  434 tgl                      5392 GIC           9 :             while (*itemp)
                               5393                 :             {
                               5394               8 :                 const char *item = *itemp++;
                               5395                 : 
  434 tgl                      5396 CBC           8 :                 if (nskip-- > 0)
                               5397               1 :                     continue;
                               5398               7 :                 list_index++;
                               5399               7 :                 if (pg_strncasecmp(text, item, strlen(text)) == 0)
                               5400                 :                 {
  432                          5401               1 :                     num_keywords++;
  424                          5402               1 :                     return pg_strdup_keyword_case(item, text);
  434 tgl                      5403 ECB             :                 }
  434 tgl                      5404 EUB             :             }
                               5405                 :         }
  434 tgl                      5406 CBC          68 :         if (keywords)
  434 tgl                      5407 ECB             :         {
  434 tgl                      5408 CBC          44 :             const char *const *itemp = keywords;
  434 tgl                      5409 ECB             : 
  434 tgl                      5410 CBC         115 :             while (*itemp)
  434 tgl                      5411 ECB             :             {
  434 tgl                      5412 CBC          95 :                 const char *item = *itemp++;
                               5413                 : 
                               5414              95 :                 if (nskip-- > 0)
  434 tgl                      5415 GIC          36 :                     continue;
  434 tgl                      5416 CBC          59 :                 list_index++;
  434 tgl                      5417 GIC          59 :                 if (pg_strncasecmp(text, item, strlen(text)) == 0)
  434 tgl                      5418 ECB             :                 {
  432 tgl                      5419 CBC          24 :                     num_keywords++;
  424                          5420              24 :                     return pg_strdup_keyword_case(item, text);
  434 tgl                      5421 ECB             :                 }
  434 tgl                      5422 EUB             :             }
                               5423                 :         }
 6355 bruce                    5424                 :     }
                               5425                 : 
  434 tgl                      5426 ECB             :     /*
  434 tgl                      5427 EUB             :      * Hack: if we returned only bare schema names, don't let Readline add a
                               5428                 :      * space afterwards.  Otherwise the schema will stop being part of the
                               5429                 :      * completion subject text, which is not what we want.
                               5430                 :      */
  432 tgl                      5431 GIC          44 :     if (num_schema_only > 0 && num_query_other == 0 && num_keywords == 0)
  434                          5432               1 :         rl_completion_append_character = '\0';
                               5433                 : 
                               5434                 :     /* No more matches, so free the result structure and return null */
 6355 bruce                    5435 CBC          44 :     PQclear(result);
 6355 bruce                    5436 GIC          44 :     result = NULL;
 6355 bruce                    5437 CBC          44 :     return NULL;
                               5438                 : }
                               5439                 : 
                               5440                 : 
                               5441                 : /*
                               5442                 :  * Set up completion_ref_object and completion_ref_schema
  434 tgl                      5443 ECB             :  * by parsing the given word.  These variables can then be
                               5444                 :  * used in a query passed to _complete_from_query.
                               5445                 :  */
                               5446                 : static void
  434 tgl                      5447 CBC          19 : set_completion_reference(const char *word)
                               5448                 : {
                               5449                 :     bool        schemaquoted,
  434 tgl                      5450 ECB             :                 objectquoted;
                               5451                 : 
  434 tgl                      5452 CBC          19 :     parse_identifier(word,
  434 tgl                      5453 ECB             :                      &completion_ref_schema, &completion_ref_object,
                               5454                 :                      &schemaquoted, &objectquoted);
  434 tgl                      5455 CBC          19 : }
  434 tgl                      5456 ECB             : 
                               5457                 : /*
                               5458                 :  * Set up completion_ref_object when it should just be
                               5459                 :  * the given word verbatim.
  424                          5460                 :  */
                               5461                 : static void
  424 tgl                      5462 GIC           2 : set_completion_reference_verbatim(const char *word)
                               5463                 : {
  424 tgl                      5464 CBC           2 :     completion_ref_schema = NULL;
  424 tgl                      5465 GIC           2 :     completion_ref_object = pg_strdup(word);
  424 tgl                      5466 CBC           2 : }
  424 tgl                      5467 ECB             : 
                               5468                 : 
 4564                          5469                 : /*
                               5470                 :  * This function returns in order one of a fixed, NULL pointer terminated list
                               5471                 :  * of strings (if matching). This can be used if there are only a fixed number
                               5472                 :  * SQL words that can appear at certain spot.
                               5473                 :  */
 6355 bruce                    5474                 : static char *
 6355 bruce                    5475 GIC          30 : complete_from_list(const char *text, int state)
                               5476                 : {
 6355 bruce                    5477 ECB             :     static int  string_length,
                               5478                 :                 list_index,
                               5479                 :                 matches;
                               5480                 :     static bool casesensitive;
                               5481                 :     const char *item;
                               5482                 : 
                               5483                 :     /* need to have a list */
 3768 andrew                   5484 GIC          30 :     Assert(completion_charpp != NULL);
                               5485                 : 
                               5486                 :     /* Initialization */
 6355 bruce                    5487              30 :     if (state == 0)
                               5488                 :     {
                               5489              12 :         list_index = 0;
 6355 bruce                    5490 CBC          12 :         string_length = strlen(text);
 4085 peter_e                  5491 GIC          12 :         casesensitive = completion_case_sensitive;
 6355 bruce                    5492 CBC          12 :         matches = 0;
 6355 bruce                    5493 EUB             :     }
 6355 bruce                    5494 ECB             : 
 6355 bruce                    5495 GBC         462 :     while ((item = completion_charpp[list_index++]))
                               5496                 :     {
                               5497                 :         /* First pass is case sensitive */
 6355 bruce                    5498 GIC         419 :         if (casesensitive && strncmp(text, item, string_length) == 0)
 6355 bruce                    5499 ECB             :         {
 6355 bruce                    5500 CBC           3 :             matches++;
 6355 bruce                    5501 GIC           3 :             return pg_strdup(item);
 6355 bruce                    5502 ECB             :         }
                               5503                 : 
                               5504                 :         /* Second pass is case insensitive, don't bother counting matches */
 6355 bruce                    5505 GIC         416 :         if (!casesensitive && pg_strncasecmp(text, item, string_length) == 0)
                               5506                 :         {
 4085 peter_e                  5507              14 :             if (completion_case_sensitive)
                               5508               1 :                 return pg_strdup(item);
                               5509                 :             else
                               5510                 : 
                               5511                 :                 /*
 3955 bruce                    5512 ECB             :                  * If case insensitive matching was requested initially,
                               5513                 :                  * adjust the case according to setting.
                               5514                 :                  */
 3988 peter_e                  5515 CBC          13 :                 return pg_strdup_keyword_case(item, text);
                               5516                 :         }
 6355 bruce                    5517 ECB             :     }
                               5518                 : 
                               5519                 :     /*
                               5520                 :      * No matches found. If we're not case insensitive already, lets switch to
                               5521                 :      * being case insensitive and try again
                               5522                 :      */
 6355 bruce                    5523 CBC          13 :     if (casesensitive && matches == 0)
 6355 bruce                    5524 ECB             :     {
 6355 bruce                    5525 GIC           1 :         casesensitive = false;
 6355 bruce                    5526 CBC           1 :         list_index = 0;
                               5527               1 :         state++;
 6297 neilc                    5528 GIC           1 :         return complete_from_list(text, state);
                               5529                 :     }
                               5530                 : 
 6355 bruce                    5531 ECB             :     /* If no more matches, return null. */
 6355 bruce                    5532 GIC          12 :     return NULL;
 6355 bruce                    5533 ECB             : }
                               5534                 : 
 8535                          5535                 : 
                               5536                 : /*
 4564 tgl                      5537                 :  * This function returns one fixed string the first time even if it doesn't
                               5538                 :  * match what's there, and nothing the second time.  The string
 1377                          5539                 :  * to be used must be in completion_charp.
                               5540                 :  *
                               5541                 :  * If the given string is "", this has the effect of preventing readline
                               5542                 :  * from doing any completion.  (Without this, readline tries to do filename
                               5543                 :  * completion which is seldom the right thing.)
                               5544                 :  *
                               5545                 :  * If the given string is not empty, readline will replace whatever the
                               5546                 :  * user typed with that string.  This behavior might be useful if it's
                               5547                 :  * completely certain that we know what must appear at a certain spot,
                               5548                 :  * so that it's okay to overwrite misspellings.  In practice, given the
                               5549                 :  * relatively lame parsing technology used in this file, the level of
                               5550                 :  * certainty is seldom that high, so that you probably don't want to
                               5551                 :  * use this.  Use complete_from_list with a one-element list instead;
                               5552                 :  * that won't try to auto-correct "misspellings".
                               5553                 :  */
                               5554                 : static char *
 6355 bruce                    5555 GIC           4 : complete_from_const(const char *text, int state)
 6355 bruce                    5556 ECB             : {
 3768 andrew                   5557 CBC           4 :     Assert(completion_charp != NULL);
 6355 bruce                    5558 GIC           4 :     if (state == 0)
                               5559                 :     {
 4085 peter_e                  5560 CBC           2 :         if (completion_case_sensitive)
                               5561               2 :             return pg_strdup(completion_charp);
 4085 peter_e                  5562 ECB             :         else
                               5563                 : 
                               5564                 :             /*
                               5565                 :              * If case insensitive matching was requested initially, adjust
                               5566                 :              * the case according to setting.
                               5567                 :              */
 3988 peter_e                  5568 UIC           0 :             return pg_strdup_keyword_case(completion_charp, text);
                               5569                 :     }
                               5570                 :     else
 6355 bruce                    5571 GIC           2 :         return NULL;
 6355 bruce                    5572 ECB             : }
                               5573                 : 
                               5574                 : 
                               5575                 : /*
                               5576                 :  * This function appends the variable name with prefix and suffix to
 3162 fujii                    5577                 :  * the variable names array.
                               5578                 :  */
                               5579                 : static void
 3162 fujii                    5580 CBC          75 : append_variable_names(char ***varnames, int *nvars,
                               5581                 :                       int *maxvars, const char *varname,
                               5582                 :                       const char *prefix, const char *suffix)
                               5583                 : {
 3162 fujii                    5584 GIC          75 :     if (*nvars >= *maxvars)
                               5585                 :     {
 3162 fujii                    5586 UIC           0 :         *maxvars *= 2;
 3064 tgl                      5587 LBC           0 :         *varnames = (char **) pg_realloc(*varnames,
 3064 tgl                      5588 UIC           0 :                                          ((*maxvars) + 1) * sizeof(char *));
 3162 fujii                    5589 ECB             :     }
                               5590                 : 
 3162 fujii                    5591 CBC          75 :     (*varnames)[(*nvars)++] = psprintf("%s%s%s", prefix, varname, suffix);
 3162 fujii                    5592 GIC          75 : }
                               5593                 : 
                               5594                 : 
                               5595                 : /*
                               5596                 :  * This function supports completion with the name of a psql variable.
                               5597                 :  * The variable names can be prefixed and suffixed with additional text
                               5598                 :  * to support quoting usages. If need_value is true, only variables
                               5599                 :  * that are currently set are included; otherwise, special variables
 2257 tgl                      5600 ECB             :  * (those that have hooks) are included even if currently unset.
                               5601                 :  */
                               5602                 : static char **
 3162 fujii                    5603 GIC           2 : complete_from_variables(const char *text, const char *prefix, const char *suffix,
                               5604                 :                         bool need_value)
                               5605                 : {
                               5606                 :     char      **matches;
                               5607                 :     char      **varnames;
 4564 tgl                      5608               2 :     int         nvars = 0;
 4564 tgl                      5609 CBC           2 :     int         maxvars = 100;
                               5610                 :     int         i;
                               5611                 :     struct _variable *ptr;
 4564 tgl                      5612 ECB             : 
 4086 peter_e                  5613 GIC           2 :     varnames = (char **) pg_malloc((maxvars + 1) * sizeof(char *));
 4564 tgl                      5614 ECB             : 
 4564 tgl                      5615 CBC          78 :     for (ptr = pset.vars->next; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
 4564 tgl                      5616 ECB             :     {
 3162 fujii                    5617 CBC          76 :         if (need_value && !(ptr->value))
 3162 fujii                    5618 GIC           1 :             continue;
                               5619              75 :         append_variable_names(&varnames, &nvars, &maxvars, ptr->name,
 3162 fujii                    5620 ECB             :                               prefix, suffix);
                               5621                 :     }
                               5622                 : 
 4564 tgl                      5623 CBC           2 :     varnames[nvars] = NULL;
 3955 bruce                    5624 GIC           2 :     COMPLETE_WITH_LIST_CS((const char *const *) varnames);
 4564 tgl                      5625 ECB             : 
 4564 tgl                      5626 CBC          77 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++)
 4086 peter_e                  5627 GIC          75 :         free(varnames[i]);
 4564 tgl                      5628               2 :     free(varnames);
                               5629                 : 
 4564 tgl                      5630 CBC           2 :     return matches;
                               5631                 : }
 4564 tgl                      5632 ECB             : 
 8535 bruce                    5633                 : 
                               5634                 : /*
                               5635                 :  * This function wraps rl_filename_completion_function() to strip quotes from
                               5636                 :  * the input before searching for matches and to quote any matches for which
                               5637                 :  * the consuming command will require it.
                               5638                 :  *
                               5639                 :  * Caller must set completion_charp to a zero- or one-character string
 1172 tgl                      5640                 :  * containing the escape character.  This is necessary since \copy has no
                               5641                 :  * escape character, but every other backslash command recognizes "\" as an
                               5642                 :  * escape character.
                               5643                 :  *
                               5644                 :  * Caller must also set completion_force_quote to indicate whether to force
                               5645                 :  * quotes around the result.  (The SQL COPY command requires that.)
                               5646                 :  */
                               5647                 : static char *
 4058 alvherre                 5648 CBC          16 : complete_from_files(const char *text, int state)
                               5649                 : {
 1172 tgl                      5650 ECB             : #ifdef USE_FILENAME_QUOTING_FUNCTIONS
                               5651                 : 
                               5652                 :     /*
                               5653                 :      * If we're using a version of Readline that supports filename quoting
                               5654                 :      * hooks, rely on those, and invoke rl_filename_completion_function()
                               5655                 :      * without messing with its arguments.  Readline does stuff internally
                               5656                 :      * that does not work well at all if we try to handle dequoting here.
                               5657                 :      * Instead, Readline will call quote_file_name() and dequote_file_name()
                               5658                 :      * (see below) at appropriate times.
                               5659                 :      *
                               5660                 :      * ... or at least, mostly it will.  There are some paths involving
                               5661                 :      * unmatched file names in which Readline never calls quote_file_name(),
                               5662                 :      * and if left to its own devices it will incorrectly append a quote
                               5663                 :      * anyway.  Set rl_completion_suppress_quote to prevent that.  If we do
                               5664                 :      * get to quote_file_name(), we'll clear this again.  (Yes, this seems
                               5665                 :      * like it's working around Readline bugs.)
                               5666                 :      */
                               5667                 : #ifdef HAVE_RL_COMPLETION_SUPPRESS_QUOTE
 1172 tgl                      5668 GIC          16 :     rl_completion_suppress_quote = 1;
                               5669                 : #endif
                               5670                 : 
                               5671                 :     /* If user typed a quote, force quoting (never remove user's quote) */
                               5672              16 :     if (*text == '\'')
 1172 tgl                      5673 UIC           0 :         completion_force_quote = true;
                               5674                 : 
 1172 tgl                      5675 GIC          16 :     return rl_filename_completion_function(text, state);
                               5676                 : #else
                               5677                 : 
                               5678                 :     /*
                               5679                 :      * Otherwise, we have to do the best we can.
 1172 tgl                      5680 ECB             :      */
                               5681                 :     static const char *unquoted_text;
 4058 alvherre                 5682                 :     char       *unquoted_match;
                               5683                 :     char       *ret = NULL;
                               5684                 : 
 1172 tgl                      5685                 :     /* If user typed a quote, force quoting (never remove user's quote) */
                               5686                 :     if (*text == '\'')
                               5687                 :         completion_force_quote = true;
                               5688                 : 
                               5689                 :     if (state == 0)
                               5690                 :     {
                               5691                 :         /* Initialization: stash the unquoted input. */
                               5692                 :         unquoted_text = strtokx(text, "", NULL, "'", *completion_charp,
 4058 alvherre                 5693 EUB             :                                 false, true, pset.encoding);
                               5694                 :         /* expect a NULL return for the empty string only */
                               5695                 :         if (!unquoted_text)
 4058 alvherre                 5696 ECB             :         {
                               5697                 :             Assert(*text == '\0');
                               5698                 :             unquoted_text = text;
                               5699                 :         }
                               5700                 :     }
                               5701                 : 
                               5702                 :     unquoted_match = rl_filename_completion_function(unquoted_text, state);
                               5703                 :     if (unquoted_match)
                               5704                 :     {
 1172 tgl                      5705                 :         struct stat statbuf;
                               5706                 :         bool        is_dir = (stat(unquoted_match, &statbuf) == 0 &&
                               5707                 :                               S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) != 0);
                               5708                 : 
                               5709                 :         /* Re-quote the result, if needed. */
                               5710                 :         ret = quote_if_needed(unquoted_match, " \t\r\n\"`",
 1172 tgl                      5711 EUB             :                               '\'', *completion_charp,
                               5712                 :                               completion_force_quote,
                               5713                 :                               pset.encoding);
                               5714                 :         if (ret)
                               5715                 :             free(unquoted_match);
 4058 alvherre                 5716 ECB             :         else
                               5717                 :             ret = unquoted_match;
                               5718                 : 
                               5719                 :         /*
                               5720                 :          * If it's a directory, replace trailing quote with a slash; this is
                               5721                 :          * usually more convenient.  (If we didn't quote, leave this to
                               5722                 :          * libedit.)
                               5723                 :          */
                               5724                 :         if (*ret == '\'' && is_dir)
                               5725                 :         {
                               5726                 :             char       *retend = ret + strlen(ret) - 1;
                               5727                 : 
 1172 tgl                      5728                 :             Assert(*retend == '\'');
                               5729                 :             *retend = '/';
                               5730                 :             /* Prevent libedit from adding a space, too */
                               5731                 :             rl_completion_append_character = '\0';
                               5732                 :         }
 4058 alvherre                 5733                 :     }
                               5734                 : 
                               5735                 :     return ret;
                               5736                 : #endif                          /* USE_FILENAME_QUOTING_FUNCTIONS */
                               5737                 : }
                               5738                 : 
                               5739                 : 
 8535 bruce                    5740                 : /* HELPER FUNCTIONS */
                               5741                 : 
                               5742                 : 
 4085 peter_e                  5743                 : /*
 3988                          5744                 :  * Make a pg_strdup copy of s and convert the case according to
                               5745                 :  * COMP_KEYWORD_CASE setting, using ref as the text that was already entered.
                               5746                 :  */
                               5747                 : static char *
 3988 peter_e                  5748 CBC          40 : pg_strdup_keyword_case(const char *s, const char *ref)
 4085 peter_e                  5749 ECB             : {
                               5750                 :     char       *ret,
 3955 bruce                    5751                 :                *p;
 4085 peter_e                  5752 CBC          40 :     unsigned char first = ref[0];
 3988 peter_e                  5753 ECB             : 
 3988 peter_e                  5754 GIC          40 :     ret = pg_strdup(s);
 3988 peter_e                  5755 ECB             : 
 3021 tgl                      5756 GIC          40 :     if (pset.comp_case == PSQL_COMP_CASE_LOWER ||
                               5757              34 :         ((pset.comp_case == PSQL_COMP_CASE_PRESERVE_LOWER ||
 2118                          5758              34 :           pset.comp_case == PSQL_COMP_CASE_PRESERVE_UPPER) && islower(first)) ||
 3021                          5759              26 :         (pset.comp_case == PSQL_COMP_CASE_PRESERVE_LOWER && !isalpha(first)))
                               5760                 :     {
 3988 peter_e                  5761             122 :         for (p = ret; *p; p++)
                               5762             108 :             *p = pg_tolower((unsigned char) *p);
                               5763                 :     }
                               5764                 :     else
                               5765                 :     {
                               5766             241 :         for (p = ret; *p; p++)
                               5767             215 :             *p = pg_toupper((unsigned char) *p);
                               5768                 :     }
                               5769                 : 
                               5770              40 :     return ret;
                               5771                 : }
                               5772                 : 
 4085 peter_e                  5773 ECB             : 
                               5774                 : /*
                               5775                 :  * escape_string - Escape argument for use as string literal.
                               5776                 :  *
                               5777                 :  * The returned value has to be freed.
                               5778                 :  */
                               5779                 : static char *
 2770 andres                   5780 GIC          71 : escape_string(const char *text)
                               5781                 : {
                               5782                 :     size_t      text_length;
                               5783                 :     char       *result;
                               5784                 : 
                               5785              71 :     text_length = strlen(text);
                               5786                 : 
                               5787              71 :     result = pg_malloc(text_length * 2 + 1);
                               5788              71 :     PQescapeStringConn(pset.db, result, text, text_length, NULL);
                               5789                 : 
                               5790              71 :     return result;
                               5791                 : }
                               5792                 : 
 2770 andres                   5793 ECB             : 
                               5794                 : /*
                               5795                 :  * make_like_pattern - Convert argument to a LIKE prefix pattern.
                               5796                 :  *
  434 tgl                      5797                 :  * We escape _ and % in the given text by backslashing, append a % to
  434 tgl                      5798 EUB             :  * represent "any subsequent characters", and then pass the string through
                               5799                 :  * escape_string() so it's ready to insert in a query.  The result needs
  434 tgl                      5800 ECB             :  * to be freed.
                               5801                 :  */
                               5802                 : static char *
  434 tgl                      5803 GIC          44 : make_like_pattern(const char *word)
                               5804                 : {
                               5805                 :     char       *result;
                               5806              44 :     char       *buffer = pg_malloc(strlen(word) * 2 + 2);
                               5807              44 :     char       *bptr = buffer;
                               5808                 : 
                               5809             180 :     while (*word)
                               5810                 :     {
                               5811             136 :         if (*word == '_' || *word == '%')
                               5812               2 :             *bptr++ = '\\';
                               5813             136 :         if (IS_HIGHBIT_SET(*word))
                               5814                 :         {
                               5815                 :             /*
                               5816                 :              * Transfer multibyte characters without further processing, to
                               5817                 :              * avoid getting confused in unsafe client encodings.
                               5818                 :              */
  434 tgl                      5819 UIC           0 :             int         chlen = PQmblenBounded(word, pset.encoding);
                               5820                 : 
                               5821               0 :             while (chlen-- > 0)
                               5822               0 :                 *bptr++ = *word++;
                               5823                 :         }
                               5824                 :         else
  434 tgl                      5825 GIC         136 :             *bptr++ = *word++;
                               5826                 :     }
                               5827              44 :     *bptr++ = '%';
                               5828              44 :     *bptr = '\0';
                               5829                 : 
                               5830              44 :     result = escape_string(buffer);
                               5831              44 :     free(buffer);
                               5832              44 :     return result;
                               5833                 : }
                               5834                 : 
                               5835                 : 
                               5836                 : /*
                               5837                 :  * parse_identifier - Parse a possibly-schema-qualified SQL identifier.
                               5838                 :  *
                               5839                 :  * This involves splitting off the schema name if present, de-quoting,
                               5840                 :  * and downcasing any unquoted text.  We are a bit laxer than the backend
                               5841                 :  * in that we allow just portions of a name to be quoted --- that's because
                               5842                 :  * psql metacommands have traditionally behaved that way.
                               5843                 :  *
                               5844                 :  * Outputs are a malloc'd schema name (NULL if none), malloc'd object name,
                               5845                 :  * and booleans telling whether any part of the schema and object name was
                               5846                 :  * double-quoted.
                               5847                 :  */
                               5848                 : static void
                               5849              55 : parse_identifier(const char *ident,
                               5850                 :                  char **schemaname, char **objectname,
                               5851                 :                  bool *schemaquoted, bool *objectquoted)
                               5852                 : {
                               5853              55 :     size_t      buflen = strlen(ident) + 1;
                               5854              55 :     bool        enc_is_single_byte = (pg_encoding_max_length(pset.encoding) == 1);
                               5855                 :     char       *sname;
                               5856                 :     char       *oname;
                               5857                 :     char       *optr;
                               5858                 :     bool        inquotes;
                               5859                 : 
                               5860                 :     /* Initialize, making a certainly-large-enough output buffer */
                               5861              55 :     sname = NULL;
                               5862              55 :     oname = pg_malloc(buflen);
                               5863              55 :     *schemaquoted = *objectquoted = false;
                               5864                 :     /* Scan */
                               5865              55 :     optr = oname;
                               5866              55 :     inquotes = false;
                               5867             268 :     while (*ident)
                               5868                 :     {
                               5869             213 :         unsigned char ch = (unsigned char) *ident++;
                               5870                 : 
                               5871             213 :         if (ch == '"')
                               5872                 :         {
  434 tgl                      5873 CBC           7 :             if (inquotes && *ident == '"')
                               5874                 :             {
                               5875                 :                 /* two quote marks within a quoted identifier = emit quote */
  434 tgl                      5876 UIC           0 :                 *optr++ = '"';
  434 tgl                      5877 LBC           0 :                 ident++;
                               5878                 :             }
  434 tgl                      5879 ECB             :             else
                               5880                 :             {
  434 tgl                      5881 CBC           7 :                 inquotes = !inquotes;
                               5882               7 :                 *objectquoted = true;
  434 tgl                      5883 ECB             :             }
                               5884                 :         }
  434 tgl                      5885 GIC         206 :         else if (ch == '.' && !inquotes)
  434 tgl                      5886 ECB             :         {
                               5887                 :             /* Found a schema name, transfer it to sname / *schemaquoted */
  434 tgl                      5888 GIC           4 :             *optr = '\0';
                               5889               4 :             free(sname);        /* drop any catalog name */
                               5890               4 :             sname = oname;
  434 tgl                      5891 CBC           4 :             oname = pg_malloc(buflen);
                               5892               4 :             optr = oname;
  434 tgl                      5893 GIC           4 :             *schemaquoted = *objectquoted;
                               5894               4 :             *objectquoted = false;
  434 tgl                      5895 ECB             :         }
  434 tgl                      5896 GIC         202 :         else if (!enc_is_single_byte && IS_HIGHBIT_SET(ch))
  434 tgl                      5897 UIC           0 :         {
                               5898                 :             /*
                               5899                 :              * Transfer multibyte characters without further processing.  They
                               5900                 :              * wouldn't be affected by our downcasing rule anyway, and this
                               5901                 :              * avoids possibly doing the wrong thing in unsafe client
                               5902                 :              * encodings.
                               5903                 :              */
                               5904               0 :             int         chlen = PQmblenBounded(ident - 1, pset.encoding);
  434 tgl                      5905 ECB             : 
  434 tgl                      5906 UIC           0 :             *optr++ = (char) ch;
                               5907               0 :             while (--chlen > 0)
                               5908               0 :                 *optr++ = *ident++;
                               5909                 :         }
  434 tgl                      5910 ECB             :         else
                               5911                 :         {
  434 tgl                      5912 CBC         202 :             if (!inquotes)
  434 tgl                      5913 ECB             :             {
                               5914                 :                 /*
                               5915                 :                  * This downcasing transformation should match the backend's
                               5916                 :                  * downcase_identifier() as best we can.  We do not know the
                               5917                 :                  * backend's locale, though, so it's necessarily approximate.
                               5918                 :                  * We assume that psql is operating in the same locale and
                               5919                 :                  * encoding as the backend.
                               5920                 :                  */
  434 tgl                      5921 GIC         178 :                 if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')
                               5922              28 :                     ch += 'a' - 'A';
                               5923             150 :                 else if (enc_is_single_byte && IS_HIGHBIT_SET(ch) && isupper(ch))
  434 tgl                      5924 UIC           0 :                     ch = tolower(ch);
                               5925                 :             }
  434 tgl                      5926 GIC         202 :             *optr++ = (char) ch;
                               5927                 :         }
  434 tgl                      5928 ECB             :     }
                               5929                 : 
  434 tgl                      5930 GIC          55 :     *optr = '\0';
  434 tgl                      5931 CBC          55 :     *schemaname = sname;
                               5932              55 :     *objectname = oname;
  434 tgl                      5933 GIC          55 : }
  434 tgl                      5934 ECB             : 
                               5935                 : 
                               5936                 : /*
                               5937                 :  * requote_identifier - Reconstruct a possibly-schema-qualified SQL identifier.
                               5938                 :  *
                               5939                 :  * Build a malloc'd string containing the identifier, with quoting applied
                               5940                 :  * as necessary.  This is more or less the inverse of parse_identifier;
                               5941                 :  * in particular, if an input component was quoted, we'll quote the output
                               5942                 :  * even when that isn't strictly required.
                               5943                 :  *
  434 tgl                      5944 EUB             :  * Unlike parse_identifier, we handle the case where a schema and no
                               5945                 :  * object name is provided, producing just "schema.".
                               5946                 :  */
                               5947                 : static char *
  434 tgl                      5948 GIC          31 : requote_identifier(const char *schemaname, const char *objectname,
                               5949                 :                    bool quote_schema, bool quote_object)
  434 tgl                      5950 ECB             : {
                               5951                 :     char       *result;
  434 tgl                      5952 CBC          31 :     size_t      buflen = 1;     /* count the trailing \0 */
  434 tgl                      5953 ECB             :     char       *ptr;
                               5954                 : 
                               5955                 :     /*
                               5956                 :      * We could use PQescapeIdentifier for some of this, but not all, and it
                               5957                 :      * adds more notational cruft than it seems worth.
                               5958                 :      */
  434 tgl                      5959 GIC          31 :     if (schemaname)
                               5960                 :     {
                               5961               4 :         buflen += strlen(schemaname) + 1;   /* +1 for the dot */
                               5962               4 :         if (!quote_schema)
                               5963               4 :             quote_schema = identifier_needs_quotes(schemaname);
                               5964               4 :         if (quote_schema)
                               5965                 :         {
  434 tgl                      5966 UIC           0 :             buflen += 2;        /* account for quote marks */
                               5967               0 :             for (const char *p = schemaname; *p; p++)
                               5968                 :             {
                               5969               0 :                 if (*p == '"')
                               5970               0 :                     buflen++;
                               5971                 :             }
                               5972                 :         }
                               5973                 :     }
  434 tgl                      5974 CBC          31 :     if (objectname)
                               5975                 :     {
  434 tgl                      5976 GIC          30 :         buflen += strlen(objectname);
                               5977              30 :         if (!quote_object)
  434 tgl                      5978 CBC          22 :             quote_object = identifier_needs_quotes(objectname);
                               5979              30 :         if (quote_object)
                               5980                 :         {
  434 tgl                      5981 GIC           8 :             buflen += 2;        /* account for quote marks */
                               5982              73 :             for (const char *p = objectname; *p; p++)
                               5983                 :             {
                               5984              65 :                 if (*p == '"')
  434 tgl                      5985 UIC           0 :                     buflen++;
  434 tgl                      5986 ECB             :             }
                               5987                 :         }
                               5988                 :     }
  434 tgl                      5989 GIC          31 :     result = pg_malloc(buflen);
  434 tgl                      5990 CBC          31 :     ptr = result;
                               5991              31 :     if (schemaname)
  434 tgl                      5992 ECB             :     {
  434 tgl                      5993 GIC           4 :         if (quote_schema)
  434 tgl                      5994 LBC           0 :             *ptr++ = '"';
  434 tgl                      5995 GIC          28 :         for (const char *p = schemaname; *p; p++)
  434 tgl                      5996 ECB             :         {
  434 tgl                      5997 GIC          24 :             *ptr++ = *p;
  434 tgl                      5998 CBC          24 :             if (*p == '"')
  434 tgl                      5999 UIC           0 :                 *ptr++ = '"';
                               6000                 :         }
  434 tgl                      6001 GBC           4 :         if (quote_schema)
  434 tgl                      6002 UBC           0 :             *ptr++ = '"';
  434 tgl                      6003 GIC           4 :         *ptr++ = '.';
                               6004                 :     }
                               6005              31 :     if (objectname)
  434 tgl                      6006 ECB             :     {
  434 tgl                      6007 CBC          30 :         if (quote_object)
  434 tgl                      6008 GIC           8 :             *ptr++ = '"';
                               6009             264 :         for (const char *p = objectname; *p; p++)
  434 tgl                      6010 ECB             :         {
  434 tgl                      6011 GIC         234 :             *ptr++ = *p;
                               6012             234 :             if (*p == '"')
  434 tgl                      6013 LBC           0 :                 *ptr++ = '"';
  434 tgl                      6014 ECB             :         }
  434 tgl                      6015 CBC          30 :         if (quote_object)
                               6016               8 :             *ptr++ = '"';
  434 tgl                      6017 ECB             :     }
  434 tgl                      6018 CBC          31 :     *ptr = '\0';
                               6019              31 :     return result;
                               6020                 : }
  434 tgl                      6021 ECB             : 
  434 tgl                      6022 EUB             : 
                               6023                 : /*
                               6024                 :  * Detect whether an identifier must be double-quoted.
                               6025                 :  *
                               6026                 :  * Note we'll quote anything that's not ASCII; the backend's quote_ident()
                               6027                 :  * does the same.  Perhaps this could be relaxed in future.
                               6028                 :  */
                               6029                 : static bool
  434 tgl                      6030 GIC          46 : identifier_needs_quotes(const char *ident)
  434 tgl                      6031 EUB             : {
                               6032                 :     int         kwnum;
                               6033                 : 
                               6034                 :     /* Check syntax. */
  434 tgl                      6035 GIC          46 :     if (!((ident[0] >= 'a' && ident[0] <= 'z') || ident[0] == '_'))
  434 tgl                      6036 UIC           0 :         return true;
  434 tgl                      6037 CBC          46 :     if (strspn(ident, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_") != strlen(ident))
  434 tgl                      6038 UIC           0 :         return true;
                               6039                 : 
                               6040                 :     /*
                               6041                 :      * Check for keyword.  We quote keywords except for unreserved ones.
                               6042                 :      *
                               6043                 :      * It is possible that our keyword list doesn't quite agree with the
                               6044                 :      * server's, but this should be close enough for tab-completion purposes.
                               6045                 :      *
  434 tgl                      6046 ECB             :      * Note: ScanKeywordLookup() does case-insensitive comparison, but that's
                               6047                 :      * fine, since we already know we have all-lower-case.
                               6048                 :      */
  434 tgl                      6049 GBC          46 :     kwnum = ScanKeywordLookup(ident, &ScanKeywords);
                               6050                 : 
  434 tgl                      6051 CBC          46 :     if (kwnum >= 0 && ScanKeywordCategories[kwnum] != UNRESERVED_KEYWORD)
  434 tgl                      6052 UIC           0 :         return true;
                               6053                 : 
  434 tgl                      6054 GIC          46 :     return false;
  434 tgl                      6055 ECB             : }
                               6056                 : 
                               6057                 : 
                               6058                 : /*
                               6059                 :  * Execute a query, returning NULL if there was any error.
                               6060                 :  * This should be the preferred way of talking to the database in this file.
                               6061                 :  */
                               6062                 : static PGresult *
 6355 bruce                    6063 GIC          46 : exec_query(const char *query)
                               6064                 : {
                               6065                 :     PGresult   *result;
                               6066                 : 
                               6067              46 :     if (query == NULL || !pset.db || PQstatus(pset.db) != CONNECTION_OK)
 6355 bruce                    6068 UIC           0 :         return NULL;
                               6069                 : 
 6355 bruce                    6070 GIC          46 :     result = PQexec(pset.db, query);
                               6071                 : 
 5349 tgl                      6072              46 :     if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
 6355 bruce                    6073 ECB             :     {
                               6074                 :         /*
                               6075                 :          * Printing an error while the user is typing would be quite annoying,
                               6076                 :          * so we don't.  This does complicate debugging of this code; but you
  434 tgl                      6077                 :          * can look in the server log instead.
                               6078                 :          */
                               6079                 : #ifdef NOT_USED
                               6080                 :         pg_log_error("tab completion query failed: %s\nQuery was:\n%s",
                               6081                 :                      PQerrorMessage(pset.db), query);
                               6082                 : #endif
 6355 bruce                    6083 UIC           0 :         PQclear(result);
 6355 bruce                    6084 LBC           0 :         result = NULL;
                               6085                 :     }
 8397 bruce                    6086 ECB             : 
 6355 bruce                    6087 CBC          46 :     return result;
 6355 bruce                    6088 ECB             : }
 8535                          6089                 : 
                               6090                 : 
 6535 neilc                    6091 EUB             : /*
 2667 tgl                      6092                 :  * Parse all the word(s) before point.
                               6093                 :  *
                               6094                 :  * Returns a malloc'd array of character pointers that point into the malloc'd
                               6095                 :  * data array returned to *buffer; caller must free() both of these when done.
                               6096                 :  * *nwords receives the number of words found, ie, the valid length of the
                               6097                 :  * return array.
                               6098                 :  *
 2667 tgl                      6099 ECB             :  * Words are returned right to left, that is, previous_words[0] gets the last
                               6100                 :  * word before point, previous_words[1] the next-to-last, etc.
 6535 neilc                    6101                 :  */
 2667 tgl                      6102                 : static char **
 2667 tgl                      6103 CBC          66 : get_previous_words(int point, char **buffer, int *nwords)
 6355 bruce                    6104 ECB             : {
                               6105                 :     char      **previous_words;
 2667 tgl                      6106                 :     char       *buf;
 2666                          6107                 :     char       *outptr;
 2668 tgl                      6108 GIC          66 :     int         words_found = 0;
 4189 tgl                      6109 ECB             :     int         i;
 4799 itagaki.takahiro         6110 EUB             : 
                               6111                 :     /*
                               6112                 :      * If we have anything in tab_completion_query_buf, paste it together with
                               6113                 :      * rl_line_buffer to construct the full query.  Otherwise we can just use
 2666 tgl                      6114 ECB             :      * rl_line_buffer as the input string.
 2667                          6115                 :      */
 2666 tgl                      6116 CBC          66 :     if (tab_completion_query_buf && tab_completion_query_buf->len > 0)
                               6117                 :     {
                               6118               3 :         i = tab_completion_query_buf->len;
 2666 tgl                      6119 GBC           3 :         buf = pg_malloc(point + i + 2);
 2666 tgl                      6120 CBC           3 :         memcpy(buf, tab_completion_query_buf->data, i);
 2667 tgl                      6121 GIC           3 :         buf[i++] = '\n';
 2666 tgl                      6122 CBC           3 :         memcpy(buf + i, rl_line_buffer, point);
                               6123               3 :         i += point;
 2666 tgl                      6124 GBC           3 :         buf[i] = '\0';
                               6125                 :         /* Readjust point to reference appropriate offset in buf */
 2666 tgl                      6126 CBC           3 :         point = i;
 2667 tgl                      6127 EUB             :     }
 2666 tgl                      6128 ECB             :     else
 2666 tgl                      6129 GIC          63 :         buf = rl_line_buffer;
 2667 tgl                      6130 ECB             : 
                               6131                 :     /*
 2666                          6132                 :      * Allocate an array of string pointers and a buffer to hold the strings
                               6133                 :      * themselves.  The worst case is that the line contains only
                               6134                 :      * non-whitespace WORD_BREAKS characters, making each one a separate word.
                               6135                 :      * This is usually much more space than we need, but it's cheaper than
                               6136                 :      * doing a separate malloc() for each word.
 2667                          6137                 :      */
 2666 tgl                      6138 GBC          66 :     previous_words = (char **) pg_malloc(point * sizeof(char *));
 2666 tgl                      6139 GIC          66 :     *buffer = outptr = (char *) pg_malloc(point * 2);
 2667 tgl                      6140 ECB             : 
                               6141                 :     /*
                               6142                 :      * First we look for a non-word char before the current point.  (This is
                               6143                 :      * probably useless, if readline is on the same page as we are about what
                               6144                 :      * is a word, but if so it's cheap.)
                               6145                 :      */
 4799 itagaki.takahiro         6146 GIC          72 :     for (i = point - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                               6147                 :     {
                               6148              69 :         if (strchr(WORD_BREAKS, buf[i]))
                               6149              63 :             break;
                               6150                 :     }
                               6151              66 :     point = i;
                               6152                 : 
                               6153                 :     /*
                               6154                 :      * Now parse words, working backwards, until we hit start of line.  The
 2667 tgl                      6155 ECB             :      * backwards scan has some interesting but intentional properties
                               6156                 :      * concerning parenthesis handling.
                               6157                 :      */
 2667 tgl                      6158 GIC         253 :     while (point >= 0)
                               6159                 :     {
 4189 tgl                      6160 ECB             :         int         start,
 4189 tgl                      6161 EUB             :                     end;
 2667 tgl                      6162 CBC         187 :         bool        inquotes = false;
 2667 tgl                      6163 GBC         187 :         int         parentheses = 0;
                               6164                 : 
                               6165                 :         /* now find the first non-space which then constitutes the end */
 4189 tgl                      6166 GIC         187 :         end = -1;
 4799 itagaki.takahiro         6167             380 :         for (i = point; i >= 0; i--)
                               6168                 :         {
 4189 tgl                      6169             380 :             if (!isspace((unsigned char) buf[i]))
                               6170                 :             {
 6355 bruce                    6171             187 :                 end = i;
                               6172             187 :                 break;
                               6173                 :             }
 4189 tgl                      6174 ECB             :         }
                               6175                 :         /* if no end found, we're done */
 2667 tgl                      6176 CBC         187 :         if (end < 0)
 2667 tgl                      6177 UBC           0 :             break;
                               6178                 : 
 6355 bruce                    6179 ECB             :         /*
                               6180                 :          * Otherwise we now look for the start.  The start is either the last
                               6181                 :          * character before any word-break character going backwards from the
                               6182                 :          * end, or it's simply character 0.  We also handle open quotes and
                               6183                 :          * parentheses.
                               6184                 :          */
 2667 tgl                      6185 GIC         938 :         for (start = end; start > 0; start--)
                               6186                 :         {
                               6187             875 :             if (buf[start] == '"')
 2667 tgl                      6188 CBC           2 :                 inquotes = !inquotes;
 2667 tgl                      6189 GIC         875 :             if (!inquotes)
                               6190                 :             {
                               6191             870 :                 if (buf[start] == ')')
 2667 tgl                      6192 LBC           0 :                     parentheses++;
 2667 tgl                      6193 GBC         870 :                 else if (buf[start] == '(')
                               6194                 :                 {
 2667 tgl                      6195 CBC           3 :                     if (--parentheses <= 0)
 4799 itagaki.takahiro         6196 GIC           3 :                         break;
 4799 itagaki.takahiro         6197 ECB             :                 }
 2667 tgl                      6198 GIC         867 :                 else if (parentheses == 0 &&
                               6199             867 :                          strchr(WORD_BREAKS, buf[start - 1]))
                               6200             121 :                     break;
                               6201                 :             }
                               6202                 :         }
                               6203                 : 
                               6204                 :         /* Return the word located at start to end inclusive */
 2666                          6205             187 :         previous_words[words_found++] = outptr;
                               6206             187 :         i = end - start + 1;
                               6207             187 :         memcpy(outptr, &buf[start], i);
 2666 tgl                      6208 GBC         187 :         outptr += i;
                               6209             187 :         *outptr++ = '\0';
                               6210                 : 
                               6211                 :         /* Continue searching */
 2667 tgl                      6212 CBC         187 :         point = start - 1;
                               6213                 :     }
                               6214                 : 
                               6215                 :     /* Release parsing input workspace, if we made one above */
 2666 tgl                      6216 GIC          66 :     if (buf != rl_line_buffer)
                               6217               3 :         free(buf);
                               6218                 : 
 2667                          6219              66 :     *nwords = words_found;
                               6220              66 :     return previous_words;
                               6221                 : }
                               6222                 : 
                               6223                 : /*
                               6224                 :  * Look up the type for the GUC variable with the passed name.
                               6225                 :  *
                               6226                 :  * Returns NULL if the variable is unknown. Otherwise the returned string,
                               6227                 :  * containing the type, has to be freed.
 2770 andres                   6228 ECB             :  */
                               6229                 : static char *
 2770 andres                   6230 GIC           2 : get_guctype(const char *varname)
                               6231                 : {
                               6232                 :     PQExpBufferData query_buffer;
 2770 andres                   6233 ECB             :     char       *e_varname;
                               6234                 :     PGresult   *result;
 2770 andres                   6235 GIC           2 :     char       *guctype = NULL;
                               6236                 : 
                               6237               2 :     e_varname = escape_string(varname);
                               6238                 : 
                               6239               2 :     initPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer);
                               6240               2 :     appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer,
 2770 andres                   6241 ECB             :                       "SELECT vartype FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings "
                               6242                 :                       "WHERE pg_catalog.lower(name) = pg_catalog.lower('%s')",
                               6243                 :                       e_varname);
                               6244                 : 
 2770 andres                   6245 CBC           2 :     result = exec_query(;
                               6246               2 :     termPQExpBuffer(&query_buffer);
                               6247               2 :     free(e_varname);
 2770 andres                   6248 ECB             : 
 2770 andres                   6249 CBC           2 :     if (PQresultStatus(result) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK && PQntuples(result) > 0)
 2770 andres                   6250 GIC           2 :         guctype = pg_strdup(PQgetvalue(result, 0, 0));
 2770 andres                   6251 ECB             : 
 2770 andres                   6252 GIC           2 :     PQclear(result);
                               6253                 : 
 2770 andres                   6254 CBC           2 :     return guctype;
                               6255                 : }
                               6256                 : 
                               6257                 : #ifdef USE_FILENAME_QUOTING_FUNCTIONS
                               6258                 : 
                               6259                 : /*
                               6260                 :  * Quote a filename according to SQL rules, returning a malloc'd string.
                               6261                 :  * completion_charp must point to escape character or '\0', and
                               6262                 :  * completion_force_quote must be set correctly, as per comments for
 1172 tgl                      6263 ECB             :  * complete_from_files().
 8482 peter_e                  6264                 :  */
                               6265                 : static char *
 1172 tgl                      6266 GIC           5 : quote_file_name(char *fname, int match_type, char *quote_pointer)
                               6267                 : {
                               6268                 :     char       *s;
                               6269                 :     struct stat statbuf;
                               6270                 : 
 1172 tgl                      6271 ECB             :     /* Quote if needed. */
 1172 tgl                      6272 GIC           5 :     s = quote_if_needed(fname, " \t\r\n\"`",
 1172 tgl                      6273 CBC           5 :                         '\'', *completion_charp,
 1172 tgl                      6274 ECB             :                         completion_force_quote,
                               6275                 :                         pset.encoding);
 1172 tgl                      6276 CBC           5 :     if (!s)
 1172 tgl                      6277 GIC           2 :         s = pg_strdup(fname);
                               6278                 : 
                               6279                 :     /*
                               6280                 :      * However, some of the time we have to strip the trailing quote from what
                               6281                 :      * we send back.  Never strip the trailing quote if the user already typed
                               6282                 :      * one; otherwise, suppress the trailing quote if we have multiple/no
 1172 tgl                      6283 ECB             :      * matches (because we don't want to add a quote if the input is seemingly
                               6284                 :      * unfinished), or if the input was already quoted (because Readline will
                               6285                 :      * do arguably-buggy things otherwise), or if the file does not exist, or
                               6286                 :      * if it's a directory.
                               6287                 :      */
 1172 tgl                      6288 CBC           5 :     if (*s == '\'' &&
 1172 tgl                      6289 GIC           3 :         completion_last_char != '\'' &&
                               6290               1 :         (match_type != SINGLE_MATCH ||
 1172 tgl                      6291 CBC           2 :          (quote_pointer && *quote_pointer == '\'') ||
                               6292               1 :          stat(fname, &statbuf) != 0 ||
 1172 tgl                      6293 GIC           1 :          S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)))
 1172 tgl                      6294 ECB             :     {
 1172 tgl                      6295 GIC           2 :         char       *send = s + strlen(s) - 1;
 1172 tgl                      6296 ECB             : 
 1172 tgl                      6297 CBC           2 :         Assert(*send == '\'');
 1172 tgl                      6298 GIC           2 :         *send = '\0';
                               6299                 :     }
                               6300                 : 
 1172 tgl                      6301 ECB             :     /*
 1172 tgl                      6302 EUB             :      * And now we can let Readline do its thing with possibly adding a quote
                               6303                 :      * on its own accord.  (This covers some additional cases beyond those
                               6304                 :      * dealt with above.)
                               6305                 :      */
                               6306                 : #ifdef HAVE_RL_COMPLETION_SUPPRESS_QUOTE
 1172 tgl                      6307 GIC           5 :     rl_completion_suppress_quote = 0;
                               6308                 : #endif
                               6309                 : 
 1172 tgl                      6310 ECB             :     /*
                               6311                 :      * If user typed a leading quote character other than single quote (i.e.,
                               6312                 :      * double quote), zap it, so that we replace it with the correct single
                               6313                 :      * quote.
                               6314                 :      */
 1172 tgl                      6315 GIC           5 :     if (quote_pointer && *quote_pointer != '\'')
 1172 tgl                      6316 CBC           4 :         *quote_pointer = '\0';
 6355 bruce                    6317 EUB             : 
 6355 bruce                    6318 CBC           5 :     return s;
                               6319                 : }
 6355 bruce                    6320 ECB             : 
 1172 tgl                      6321                 : /*
                               6322                 :  * Dequote a filename, if it's quoted.
                               6323                 :  * completion_charp must point to escape character or '\0', as per
                               6324                 :  * comments for complete_from_files().
                               6325                 :  */
                               6326                 : static char *
 1172 tgl                      6327 GIC          12 : dequote_file_name(char *fname, int quote_char)
                               6328                 : {
                               6329                 :     char       *unquoted_fname;
 1172 tgl                      6330 ECB             : 
                               6331                 :     /*
                               6332                 :      * If quote_char is set, it's not included in "fname".  We have to add it
                               6333                 :      * or strtokx will not interpret the string correctly (notably, it won't
                               6334                 :      * recognize escapes).
                               6335                 :      */
 1172 tgl                      6336 GIC          12 :     if (quote_char == '\'')
 1172 tgl                      6337 ECB             :     {
 1172 tgl                      6338 GIC           6 :         char       *workspace = (char *) pg_malloc(strlen(fname) + 2);
                               6339                 : 
                               6340               6 :         workspace[0] = quote_char;
 1172 tgl                      6341 CBC           6 :         strcpy(workspace + 1, fname);
                               6342               6 :         unquoted_fname = strtokx(workspace, "", NULL, "'", *completion_charp,
                               6343                 :                                  false, true, pset.encoding);
                               6344               6 :         free(workspace);
 1172 tgl                      6345 ECB             :     }
                               6346                 :     else
 1172 tgl                      6347 GIC           6 :         unquoted_fname = strtokx(fname, "", NULL, "'", *completion_charp,
                               6348                 :                                  false, true, pset.encoding);
                               6349                 : 
                               6350                 :     /* expect a NULL return for the empty string only */
                               6351              12 :     if (!unquoted_fname)
                               6352                 :     {
 1172 tgl                      6353 UIC           0 :         Assert(*fname == '\0');
                               6354               0 :         unquoted_fname = fname;
 1172 tgl                      6355 ECB             :     }
                               6356                 : 
                               6357                 :     /* readline expects a malloc'd result that it is to free */
 1172 tgl                      6358 GIC          12 :     return pg_strdup(unquoted_fname);
                               6359                 : }
 1172 tgl                      6360 ECB             : 
                               6361                 : #endif                          /* USE_FILENAME_QUOTING_FUNCTIONS */
 7833 bruce                    6362                 : 
                               6363                 : #endif                          /* USE_READLINE */

Generated by: LCOV version v1.16-55-g56c0a2a