Age Owner TLA Line data Source code
1 : /*
2 : * server.c
3 : *
4 : * database server functions
5 : *
6 : * Copyright (c) 2010-2023, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
7 : * src/bin/pg_upgrade/server.c
8 : */
9 :
10 : #include "postgres_fe.h"
11 :
12 : #include "common/connect.h"
13 : #include "fe_utils/string_utils.h"
14 : #include "libpq/pqcomm.h"
15 : #include "pg_upgrade.h"
16 :
17 : static PGconn *get_db_conn(ClusterInfo *cluster, const char *db_name);
18 :
19 :
20 : /*
21 : * connectToServer()
22 : *
23 : * Connects to the desired database on the designated server.
24 : * If the connection attempt fails, this function logs an error
25 : * message and calls exit() to kill the program.
26 : */
27 : PGconn *
4481 bruce 28 CBC 93 : connectToServer(ClusterInfo *cluster, const char *db_name)
29 : {
4366 30 93 : PGconn *conn = get_db_conn(cluster, db_name);
31 :
4715 32 93 : if (conn == NULL || PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK)
33 : {
807 tgl 34 UBC 0 : pg_log(PG_REPORT, "%s", PQerrorMessage(conn));
35 :
4715 bruce 36 0 : if (conn)
37 0 : PQfinish(conn);
38 :
2368 peter_e 39 0 : printf(_("Failure, exiting\n"));
4386 40 0 : exit(1);
41 : }
42 :
1868 noah 43 CBC 93 : PQclear(executeQueryOrDie(conn, ALWAYS_SECURE_SEARCH_PATH_SQL));
44 :
4715 bruce 45 93 : return conn;
46 : }
47 :
48 :
49 : /*
50 : * get_db_conn()
51 : *
52 : * get database connection, using named database + standard params for cluster
53 : *
54 : * Caller must check for connection failure!
55 : */
56 : static PGconn *
4366 57 99 : get_db_conn(ClusterInfo *cluster, const char *db_name)
58 : {
59 : PQExpBufferData conn_opts;
60 : PGconn *conn;
61 :
62 : /* Build connection string with proper quoting */
2435 noah 63 99 : initPQExpBuffer(&conn_opts);
64 99 : appendPQExpBufferStr(&conn_opts, "dbname=");
65 99 : appendConnStrVal(&conn_opts, db_name);
66 99 : appendPQExpBufferStr(&conn_opts, " user=");
67 99 : appendConnStrVal(&conn_opts, os_info.user);
68 99 : appendPQExpBuffer(&conn_opts, " port=%d", cluster->port);
3870 tgl 69 99 : if (cluster->sockdir)
70 : {
2435 noah 71 99 : appendPQExpBufferStr(&conn_opts, " host=");
72 99 : appendConnStrVal(&conn_opts, cluster->sockdir);
73 : }
74 :
75 99 : conn = PQconnectdb(;
76 99 : termPQExpBuffer(&conn_opts);
77 99 : return conn;
78 : }
79 :
80 :
81 : /*
82 : * cluster_conn_opts()
83 : *
84 : * Return standard command-line options for connecting to this cluster when
85 : * using psql, pg_dump, etc. Ideally this would match what get_db_conn()
86 : * sets, but the utilities we need aren't very consistent about the treatment
87 : * of database name options, so we leave that out.
88 : *
89 : * Result is valid until the next call to this function.
90 : */
91 : char *
3870 tgl 92 16 : cluster_conn_opts(ClusterInfo *cluster)
93 : {
94 : static PQExpBuffer buf;
95 :
2435 noah 96 16 : if (buf == NULL)
97 1 : buf = createPQExpBuffer();
98 : else
99 15 : resetPQExpBuffer(buf);
100 :
101 16 : if (cluster->sockdir)
102 : {
103 16 : appendPQExpBufferStr(buf, "--host ");
104 16 : appendShellString(buf, cluster->sockdir);
105 16 : appendPQExpBufferChar(buf, ' ');
106 : }
107 16 : appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "--port %d --username ", cluster->port);
108 16 : appendShellString(buf, os_info.user);
109 :
110 16 : return buf->data;
111 : }
112 :
113 :
114 : /*
115 : * executeQueryOrDie()
116 : *
117 : * Formats a query string from the given arguments and executes the
118 : * resulting query. If the query fails, this function logs an error
119 : * message and calls exit() to kill the program.
120 : */
121 : PGresult *
4555 bruce 122 195 : executeQueryOrDie(PGconn *conn, const char *fmt,...)
123 : {
124 : static char query[QUERY_ALLOC];
125 : va_list args;
126 : PGresult *result;
127 : ExecStatusType status;
128 :
4715 129 195 : va_start(args, fmt);
3154 130 195 : vsnprintf(query, sizeof(query), fmt, args);
4715 131 195 : va_end(args);
132 :
271 tgl 133 GNC 195 : pg_log(PG_VERBOSE, "executing: %s", query);
3154 bruce 134 CBC 195 : result = PQexec(conn, query);
4715 135 195 : status = PQresultStatus(result);
136 :
137 195 : if ((status != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) && (status != PGRES_COMMAND_OK))
138 : {
2056 peter_e 139 UBC 0 : pg_log(PG_REPORT, "SQL command failed\n%s\n%s", query,
140 : PQerrorMessage(conn));
4715 bruce 141 0 : PQclear(result);
142 0 : PQfinish(conn);
2368 peter_e 143 0 : printf(_("Failure, exiting\n"));
4386 144 0 : exit(1);
145 : }
146 : else
4715 bruce 147 CBC 195 : return result;
148 : }
149 :
150 :
151 : /*
152 : * get_major_server_version()
153 : *
154 : * gets the version (in unsigned int form) for the given datadir. Assumes
155 : * that datadir is an absolute path to a valid pgdata directory. The version
156 : * is retrieved by reading the PG_VERSION file.
157 : */
158 : uint32
4481 159 4 : get_major_server_version(ClusterInfo *cluster)
160 : {
161 : FILE *version_fd;
162 : char ver_filename[MAXPGPATH];
1980 tgl 163 4 : int v1 = 0,
164 4 : v2 = 0;
165 :
4208 bruce 166 4 : snprintf(ver_filename, sizeof(ver_filename), "%s/PG_VERSION",
167 : cluster->pgdata);
4481 168 4 : if ((version_fd = fopen(ver_filename, "r")) == NULL)
271 tgl 169 UNC 0 : pg_fatal("could not open version file \"%s\": %m", ver_filename);
170 :
4481 bruce 171 CBC 4 : if (fscanf(version_fd, "%63s", cluster->major_version_str) == 0 ||
1980 tgl 172 4 : sscanf(cluster->major_version_str, "%d.%d", &v1, &v2) < 1)
271 tgl 173 UNC 0 : pg_fatal("could not parse version file \"%s\"", ver_filename);
174 :
4415 bruce 175 CBC 4 : fclose(version_fd);
176 :
1980 tgl 177 4 : if (v1 < 10)
178 : {
179 : /* old style, e.g. 9.6.1 */
1980 tgl 180 UBC 0 : return v1 * 10000 + v2 * 100;
181 : }
182 : else
183 : {
184 : /* new style, e.g. 10.1 */
1980 tgl 185 CBC 4 : return v1 * 10000;
186 : }
187 : }
188 :
189 :
190 : static void
4386 peter_e 191 2 : stop_postmaster_atexit(void)
192 : {
4367 bruce 193 2 : stop_postmaster(true);
4386 peter_e 194 2 : }
195 :
196 :
197 : bool
1917 bruce 198 6 : start_postmaster(ClusterInfo *cluster, bool report_and_exit_on_error)
199 : {
200 : char cmd[MAXPGPATH * 4 + 1000];
201 : PGconn *conn;
3877 alvherre 202 6 : bool pg_ctl_return = false;
203 : char socket_string[MAXPGPATH + 200];
204 :
205 : static bool exit_hook_registered = false;
206 :
4386 peter_e 207 6 : if (!exit_hook_registered)
208 : {
209 2 : atexit(stop_postmaster_atexit);
210 2 : exit_hook_registered = true;
211 : }
212 :
1154 michael 213 6 : socket_string[0] = '\0';
214 :
215 : #if !defined(WIN32)
216 : /* prevent TCP/IP connections, restrict socket access */
217 6 : strcat(socket_string,
218 : " -c listen_addresses='' -c unix_socket_permissions=0700");
219 :
220 : /* Have a sockdir? Tell the postmaster. */
221 6 : if (cluster->sockdir)
222 6 : snprintf(socket_string + strlen(socket_string),
223 6 : sizeof(socket_string) - strlen(socket_string),
224 : " -c %s='%s'",
915 bruce 225 6 : (GET_MAJOR_VERSION(cluster->major_version) <= 902) ?
226 : "unix_socket_directory" : "unix_socket_directories",
227 : cluster->sockdir);
228 : #endif
229 :
230 : /*
231 : * Use -b to disable autovacuum.
232 : *
233 : * Turn off durability requirements to improve object creation speed, and
234 : * we only modify the new cluster, so only use it there. If there is a
235 : * crash, the new cluster has to be recreated anyway. fsync=off is a big
236 : * win on ext4.
237 : *
238 : * Force vacuum_defer_cleanup_age to 0 on the new cluster, so that
239 : * vacuumdb --freeze actually freezes the tuples.
240 : */
1154 michael 241 6 : snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
242 : "\"%s/pg_ctl\" -w -l \"%s/%s\" -D \"%s\" -o \"-p %d -b%s %s%s\" start",
243 : cluster->bindir,
244 : log_opts.logdir,
427 245 6 : SERVER_LOG_FILE, cluster->pgconfig, cluster->port,
246 : (cluster == &new_cluster) ?
247 : " -c synchronous_commit=off -c fsync=off -c full_page_writes=off -c vacuum_defer_cleanup_age=0" : "",
1154 248 6 : cluster->pgopts ? cluster->pgopts : "", socket_string);
249 :
250 : /*
251 : * Don't throw an error right away, let connecting throw the error because
252 : * it might supply a reason for the failure.
253 : */
3877 alvherre 254 6 : pg_ctl_return = exec_prog(SERVER_START_LOG_FILE,
255 : /* pass both file names if they differ */
256 : (strcmp(SERVER_LOG_FILE,
257 : SERVER_START_LOG_FILE) != 0) ?
259 : report_and_exit_on_error, false,
260 : "%s", cmd);
261 :
262 : /* Did it fail and we are just testing if the server could be started? */
1917 bruce 263 6 : if (!pg_ctl_return && !report_and_exit_on_error)
3727 bruce 264 UBC 0 : return false;
265 :
266 : /*
267 : * We set this here to make sure atexit() shuts down the server, but only
268 : * if we started the server successfully. We do it before checking for
269 : * connectivity in case the server started but there is a connectivity
270 : * failure. If pg_ctl did not return success, we will exit below.
271 : *
272 : * Pre-9.1 servers do not have PQping(), so we could be leaving the server
273 : * running if authentication was misconfigured, so someday we might went
274 : * to be more aggressive about doing server shutdowns even if pg_ctl
275 : * fails, but now (2013-08-14) it seems prudent to be cautious. We don't
276 : * want to shutdown a server that might have been accidentally started
277 : * during the upgrade.
278 : */
3523 bruce 279 CBC 6 : if (pg_ctl_return)
280 6 : os_info.running_cluster = cluster;
281 :
282 : /*
283 : * pg_ctl -w might have failed because the server couldn't be started, or
284 : * there might have been a connection problem in _checking_ if the server
285 : * has started. Therefore, even if pg_ctl failed, we continue and test
286 : * for connectivity in case we get a connection reason for the failure.
287 : */
4366 288 12 : if ((conn = get_db_conn(cluster, "template1")) == NULL ||
289 6 : PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK)
290 : {
807 tgl 291 UBC 0 : pg_log(PG_REPORT, "\n%s", PQerrorMessage(conn));
4322 bruce 292 0 : if (conn)
4366 293 0 : PQfinish(conn);
2095 alvherre 294 0 : if (cluster == &old_cluster)
295 0 : pg_fatal("could not connect to source postmaster started with the command:\n"
296 : "%s",
297 : cmd);
298 : else
299 0 : pg_fatal("could not connect to target postmaster started with the command:\n"
300 : "%s",
301 : cmd);
302 : }
4366 bruce 303 CBC 6 : PQfinish(conn);
304 :
305 : /*
306 : * If pg_ctl failed, and the connection didn't fail, and
307 : * report_and_exit_on_error is enabled, fail now. This could happen if
308 : * the server was already running.
309 : */
3877 alvherre 310 6 : if (!pg_ctl_return)
311 : {
1920 bruce 312 UBC 0 : if (cluster == &old_cluster)
271 tgl 313 UNC 0 : pg_fatal("pg_ctl failed to start the source server, or connection failed");
314 : else
315 0 : pg_fatal("pg_ctl failed to start the target server, or connection failed");
316 : }
317 :
3727 bruce 318 CBC 6 : return true;
319 : }
320 :
321 :
322 : void
1917 323 8 : stop_postmaster(bool in_atexit)
324 : {
325 : ClusterInfo *cluster;
326 :
4481 327 8 : if (os_info.running_cluster == &old_cluster)
4199 328 2 : cluster = &old_cluster;
4481 329 6 : else if (os_info.running_cluster == &new_cluster)
4199 330 4 : cluster = &new_cluster;
331 : else
3955 332 2 : return; /* no cluster running */
333 :
1917 334 12 : exec_prog(SERVER_STOP_LOG_FILE, NULL, !in_atexit, !in_atexit,
335 : "\"%s/pg_ctl\" -w -D \"%s\" -o \"%s\" %s stop",
336 : cluster->bindir, cluster->pgconfig,
3877 alvherre 337 6 : cluster->pgopts ? cluster->pgopts : "",
1917 bruce 338 6 : in_atexit ? "-m fast" : "-m smart");
339 :
4481 340 6 : os_info.running_cluster = NULL;
341 : }
342 :
343 :
344 : /*
345 : * check_pghost_envvar()
346 : *
347 : * Tests that PGHOST does not point to a non-local server
348 : */
349 : void
4346 350 3 : check_pghost_envvar(void)
351 : {
352 : PQconninfoOption *option;
353 : PQconninfoOption *start;
354 :
355 : /* Get valid libpq env vars from the PQconndefaults function */
356 :
4385 peter_e 357 3 : start = PQconndefaults();
358 :
3414 bruce 359 3 : if (!start)
271 tgl 360 UNC 0 : pg_fatal("out of memory");
361 :
4385 peter_e 362 CBC 120 : for (option = start; option->keyword != NULL; option++)
363 : {
4346 bruce 364 117 : if (option->envvar && (strcmp(option->envvar, "PGHOST") == 0 ||
4322 365 90 : strcmp(option->envvar, "PGHOSTADDR") == 0))
366 : {
4346 367 6 : const char *value = getenv(option->envvar);
368 :
369 6 : if (value && strlen(value) > 0 &&
370 : /* check for 'local' host values */
371 3 : (strcmp(value, "localhost") != 0 && strcmp(value, "") != 0 &&
403 michael 372 3 : strcmp(value, "::1") != 0 && !is_unixsock_path(value)))
271 tgl 373 UNC 0 : pg_fatal("libpq environment variable %s has a non-local server value: %s",
374 : option->envvar, value);
375 : }
376 : }
377 :
378 : /* Free the memory that libpq allocated on our behalf */
4715 bruce 379 CBC 3 : PQconninfoFree(start);
380 3 : }