LCOV - differential code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/include/tsearch - ts_type.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit GNC ECB DCB
Current: Differential Code Coverage HEAD vs 15 Lines: 100.0 % 12 12 12 11 1
Current Date: 2023-04-08 15:15:32 Functions: 100.0 % 6 6 6 5 1
Baseline: 15
Baseline Date: 2023-04-08 15:09:40
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

           TLA  Line data    Source code
       1                 : /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
       2                 :  *
       3                 :  * ts_type.h
       4                 :  *    Definitions for the tsvector and tsquery types
       5                 :  *
       6                 :  * Copyright (c) 1998-2023, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
       7                 :  *
       8                 :  * src/include/tsearch/ts_type.h
       9                 :  *
      10                 :  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
      11                 :  */
      12                 : #ifndef _PG_TSTYPE_H_
      13                 : #define _PG_TSTYPE_H_
      14                 : 
      15                 : #include "fmgr.h"
      16                 : #include "utils/memutils.h"
      17                 : 
      18                 : 
      19                 : /*
      20                 :  * TSVector type.
      21                 :  *
      22                 :  * Structure of tsvector datatype:
      23                 :  * 1) standard varlena header
      24                 :  * 2) int32     size - number of lexemes (WordEntry array entries)
      25                 :  * 3) Array of WordEntry - one per lexeme; must be sorted according to
      26                 :  *              tsCompareString() (ie, memcmp of lexeme strings).
      27                 :  *              WordEntry->pos gives the number of bytes from end of WordEntry
      28                 :  *              array to start of lexeme's string, which is of length len.
      29                 :  * 4) Per-lexeme data storage:
      30                 :  *    lexeme string (not null-terminated)
      31                 :  *    if haspos is true:
      32                 :  *      padding byte if necessary to make the position data 2-byte aligned
      33                 :  *      uint16          number of positions that follow
      34                 :  *      WordEntryPos[]  positions
      35                 :  *
      36                 :  * The positions for each lexeme must be sorted.
      37                 :  *
      38                 :  * Note, tsvectorsend/recv believe that sizeof(WordEntry) == 4
      39                 :  */
      40                 : 
      41                 : typedef struct
      42                 : {
      43                 :     uint32
      44                 :                 haspos:1,
      45                 :                 len:11,         /* MAX 2Kb */
      46                 :                 pos:20;         /* MAX 1Mb */
      47                 : } WordEntry;
      48                 : 
      49                 : #define MAXSTRLEN ( (1<<11) - 1)
      50                 : #define MAXSTRPOS ( (1<<20) - 1)
      51                 : 
      52                 : extern int  compareWordEntryPos(const void *a, const void *b);
      53                 : 
      54                 : /*
      55                 :  * Equivalent to
      56                 :  * typedef struct {
      57                 :  *      uint16
      58                 :  *          weight:2,
      59                 :  *          pos:14;
      60                 :  * }
      61                 :  */
      62                 : 
      63                 : typedef uint16 WordEntryPos;
      64                 : 
      65                 : typedef struct
      66                 : {
      67                 :     uint16      npos;
      68                 :     WordEntryPos pos[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
      69                 : } WordEntryPosVector;
      70                 : 
      71                 : /* WordEntryPosVector with exactly 1 entry */
      72                 : typedef struct
      73                 : {
      74                 :     uint16      npos;
      75                 :     WordEntryPos pos[1];
      76                 : } WordEntryPosVector1;
      77                 : 
      78                 : 
      79                 : #define WEP_GETWEIGHT(x)    ( (x) >> 14 )
      80                 : #define WEP_GETPOS(x)       ( (x) & 0x3fff )
      81                 : 
      82                 : #define WEP_SETWEIGHT(x,v)  ( (x) = ( (v) << 14 ) | ( (x) & 0x3fff ) )
      83                 : #define WEP_SETPOS(x,v)     ( (x) = ( (x) & 0xc000 ) | ( (v) & 0x3fff ) )
      84                 : 
      85                 : #define MAXENTRYPOS (1<<14)
      86                 : #define MAXNUMPOS   (256)
      87                 : #define LIMITPOS(x) ( ( (x) >= MAXENTRYPOS ) ? (MAXENTRYPOS-1) : (x) )
      88                 : 
      89                 : /* This struct represents a complete tsvector datum */
      90                 : typedef struct
      91                 : {
      92                 :     int32       vl_len_;        /* varlena header (do not touch directly!) */
      93                 :     int32       size;
      94                 :     WordEntry   entries[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
      95                 :     /* lexemes follow the entries[] array */
      96                 : } TSVectorData;
      97                 : 
      98                 : typedef TSVectorData *TSVector;
      99                 : 
     100                 : #define DATAHDRSIZE (offsetof(TSVectorData, entries))
     101                 : #define CALCDATASIZE(nentries, lenstr) (DATAHDRSIZE + (nentries) * sizeof(WordEntry) + (lenstr) )
     102                 : 
     103                 : /* pointer to start of a tsvector's WordEntry array */
     104                 : #define ARRPTR(x)   ( (x)->entries )
     105                 : 
     106                 : /* pointer to start of a tsvector's lexeme storage */
     107                 : #define STRPTR(x)   ( (char *) &(x)->entries[(x)->size] )
     108                 : 
     109                 : #define _POSVECPTR(x, e)    ((WordEntryPosVector *)(STRPTR(x) + SHORTALIGN((e)->pos + (e)->len)))
     110                 : #define POSDATALEN(x,e) ( ( (e)->haspos ) ? (_POSVECPTR(x,e)->npos) : 0 )
     111                 : #define POSDATAPTR(x,e) (_POSVECPTR(x,e)->pos)
     112                 : 
     113                 : /*
     114                 :  * fmgr interface functions
     115                 :  */
     116                 : 
     117                 : static inline TSVector
     118 GNC      123357 : DatumGetTSVector(Datum X)
     119                 : {
     120          123357 :     return (TSVector) PG_DETOAST_DATUM(X);
     121                 : }
     122                 : 
     123                 : static inline TSVector
     124              15 : DatumGetTSVectorCopy(Datum X)
     125                 : {
     126              15 :     return (TSVector) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_COPY(X);
     127                 : }
     128                 : 
     129                 : static inline Datum
     130            3799 : TSVectorGetDatum(const TSVectorData *X)
     131                 : {
     132            3799 :     return PointerGetDatum(X);
     133                 : }
     134                 : 
     135 ECB             : #define PG_GETARG_TSVECTOR(n)       DatumGetTSVector(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
     136                 : #define PG_GETARG_TSVECTOR_COPY(n)  DatumGetTSVectorCopy(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
     137                 : #define PG_RETURN_TSVECTOR(x)       return TSVectorGetDatum(x)
     138                 : 
     139                 : 
     140                 : /*
     141                 :  * TSQuery
     142                 :  *
     143                 :  *
     144                 :  */
     145                 : 
     146                 : typedef int8 QueryItemType;
     147                 : 
     148                 : /* Valid values for QueryItemType: */
     149                 : #define QI_VAL 1
     150                 : #define QI_OPR 2
     151                 : #define QI_VALSTOP 3            /* This is only used in an intermediate stack
     152                 :                                  * representation in parse_tsquery. It's not a
     153                 :                                  * legal type elsewhere. */
     154                 : 
     155                 : /*
     156                 :  * QueryItem is one node in tsquery - operator or operand.
     157                 :  */
     158                 : typedef struct
     159                 : {
     160                 :     QueryItemType type;         /* operand or kind of operator (ts_tokentype) */
     161                 :     uint8       weight;         /* weights of operand to search. It's a
     162                 :                                  * bitmask of allowed weights. if it =0 then
     163                 :                                  * any weight are allowed. Weights and bit
     164                 :                                  * map: A: 1<<3 B: 1<<2 C: 1<<1 D: 1<<0 */
     165                 :     bool        prefix;         /* true if it's a prefix search */
     166                 :     int32       valcrc;         /* XXX: pg_crc32 would be a more appropriate
     167                 :                                  * data type, but we use comparisons to signed
     168                 :                                  * integers in the code. They would need to be
     169                 :                                  * changed as well. */
     170                 : 
     171                 :     /* pointer to text value of operand, must correlate with WordEntry */
     172                 :     uint32
     173                 :                 length:12,
     174                 :                 distance:20;
     175                 : } QueryOperand;
     176                 : 
     177                 : 
     178                 : /*
     179                 :  * Legal values for QueryOperator.operator.
     180                 :  */
     181                 : #define OP_NOT          1
     182                 : #define OP_AND          2
     183                 : #define OP_OR           3
     184                 : #define OP_PHRASE       4       /* highest code, tsquery_cleanup.c */
     185                 : #define OP_COUNT        4
     186                 : 
     187                 : extern PGDLLIMPORT const int tsearch_op_priority[OP_COUNT];
     188                 : 
     189                 : /* get operation priority by its code */
     190                 : #define OP_PRIORITY(x)  ( tsearch_op_priority[(x) - 1] )
     191                 : /* get QueryOperator priority */
     192                 : #define QO_PRIORITY(x)  OP_PRIORITY(((QueryOperator *) (x))->oper)
     193                 : 
     194                 : typedef struct
     195                 : {
     196                 :     QueryItemType type;
     197                 :     int8        oper;           /* see above */
     198                 :     int16       distance;       /* distance between agrs for OP_PHRASE */
     199                 :     uint32      left;           /* pointer to left operand. Right operand is
     200                 :                                  * item + 1, left operand is placed
     201                 :                                  * item+item->left */
     202                 : } QueryOperator;
     203                 : 
     204                 : /*
     205                 :  * Note: TSQuery is 4-bytes aligned, so make sure there's no fields
     206                 :  * inside QueryItem requiring 8-byte alignment, like int64.
     207                 :  */
     208                 : typedef union
     209                 : {
     210                 :     QueryItemType type;
     211                 :     QueryOperator qoperator;
     212                 :     QueryOperand qoperand;
     213                 : } QueryItem;
     214                 : 
     215                 : /*
     216                 :  * Storage:
     217                 :  *  (len)(size)(array of QueryItem)(operands as '\0'-terminated c-strings)
     218                 :  */
     219                 : 
     220                 : typedef struct
     221                 : {
     222                 :     int32       vl_len_;        /* varlena header (do not touch directly!) */
     223                 :     int32       size;           /* number of QueryItems */
     224                 :     char        data[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];    /* data starts here */
     225                 : } TSQueryData;
     226                 : 
     227                 : typedef TSQueryData *TSQuery;
     228                 : 
     229                 : #define HDRSIZETQ   ( VARHDRSZ + sizeof(int32) )
     230                 : 
     231                 : /* Computes the size of header and all QueryItems. size is the number of
     232                 :  * QueryItems, and lenofoperand is the total length of all operands
     233                 :  */
     234                 : #define COMPUTESIZE(size, lenofoperand) ( HDRSIZETQ + (size) * sizeof(QueryItem) + (lenofoperand) )
     235                 : #define TSQUERY_TOO_BIG(size, lenofoperand) \
     236                 :     ((size) > (MaxAllocSize - HDRSIZETQ - (lenofoperand)) / sizeof(QueryItem))
     237                 : 
     238                 : /* Returns a pointer to the first QueryItem in a TSQuery */
     239                 : #define GETQUERY(x)  ((QueryItem*)( (char*)(x)+HDRSIZETQ ))
     240                 : 
     241                 : /* Returns a pointer to the beginning of operands in a TSQuery */
     242                 : #define GETOPERAND(x)   ( (char*)GETQUERY(x) + ((TSQuery)(x))->size * sizeof(QueryItem) )
     243                 : 
     244                 : /*
     245                 :  * fmgr interface functions
     246                 :  * Note, TSQuery type marked as plain storage, so it can't be toasted
     247                 :  * but PG_DETOAST_DATUM_COPY is used for simplicity
     248                 :  */
     249                 : 
     250                 : static inline TSQuery
     251 GNC      283382 : DatumGetTSQuery(Datum X)
     252                 : {
     253          283382 :     return (TSQuery) DatumGetPointer(X);
     254                 : }
     255                 : 
     256                 : static inline TSQuery
     257             626 : DatumGetTSQueryCopy(Datum X)
     258                 : {
     259             626 :     return (TSQuery) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_COPY(X);
     260                 : }
     261                 : 
     262                 : static inline Datum
     263            1954 : TSQueryGetDatum(const TSQueryData *X)
     264                 : {
     265            1954 :     return PointerGetDatum(X);
     266                 : }
     267                 : 
     268                 : #define PG_GETARG_TSQUERY(n)        DatumGetTSQuery(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
     269                 : #define PG_GETARG_TSQUERY_COPY(n)   DatumGetTSQueryCopy(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
     270                 : #define PG_RETURN_TSQUERY(x)        return TSQueryGetDatum(x)
     271                 : 
     272                 : #endif                          /* _PG_TSTYPE_H_ */

Generated by: LCOV version v1.16-55-g56c0a2a