LCOV - differential code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/include/storage - bufpage.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit GIC GNC ECB DCB
Current: Differential Code Coverage HEAD vs 15 Lines: 100.0 % 66 66 2 64 46 20
Current Date: 2023-04-08 15:15:32 Functions: 100.0 % 24 24 1 23 21 3
Baseline: 15
Baseline Date: 2023-04-08 15:09:40
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

           TLA  Line data    Source code
       1                 : /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
       2                 :  *
       3                 :  * bufpage.h
       4                 :  *    Standard POSTGRES buffer page definitions.
       5                 :  *
       6                 :  *
       7                 :  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2023, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
       8                 :  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
       9                 :  *
      10                 :  * src/include/storage/bufpage.h
      11                 :  *
      12                 :  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
      13                 :  */
      14                 : #ifndef BUFPAGE_H
      15                 : #define BUFPAGE_H
      16                 : 
      17                 : #include "access/xlogdefs.h"
      18                 : #include "storage/block.h"
      19                 : #include "storage/item.h"
      20                 : #include "storage/off.h"
      21                 : 
      22                 : /*
      23                 :  * A postgres disk page is an abstraction layered on top of a postgres
      24                 :  * disk block (which is simply a unit of i/o, see block.h).
      25                 :  *
      26                 :  * specifically, while a disk block can be unformatted, a postgres
      27                 :  * disk page is always a slotted page of the form:
      28                 :  *
      29                 :  * +----------------+---------------------------------+
      30                 :  * | PageHeaderData | linp1 linp2 linp3 ...           |
      31                 :  * +-----------+----+---------------------------------+
      32                 :  * | ... linpN |                                      |
      33                 :  * +-----------+--------------------------------------+
      34                 :  * |           ^ pd_lower                             |
      35                 :  * |                                                  |
      36                 :  * |             v pd_upper                           |
      37                 :  * +-------------+------------------------------------+
      38                 :  * |             | tupleN ...                         |
      39                 :  * +-------------+------------------+-----------------+
      40                 :  * |       ... tuple3 tuple2 tuple1 | "special space" |
      41                 :  * +--------------------------------+-----------------+
      42                 :  *                                  ^ pd_special
      43                 :  *
      44                 :  * a page is full when nothing can be added between pd_lower and
      45                 :  * pd_upper.
      46                 :  *
      47                 :  * all blocks written out by an access method must be disk pages.
      48                 :  *
      49                 :  * EXCEPTIONS:
      50                 :  *
      51                 :  * obviously, a page is not formatted before it is initialized by
      52                 :  * a call to PageInit.
      53                 :  *
      54                 :  * NOTES:
      55                 :  *
      56                 :  * linp1..N form an ItemId (line pointer) array.  ItemPointers point
      57                 :  * to a physical block number and a logical offset (line pointer
      58                 :  * number) within that block/page.  Note that OffsetNumbers
      59                 :  * conventionally start at 1, not 0.
      60                 :  *
      61                 :  * tuple1..N are added "backwards" on the page.  Since an ItemPointer
      62                 :  * offset is used to access an ItemId entry rather than an actual
      63                 :  * byte-offset position, tuples can be physically shuffled on a page
      64                 :  * whenever the need arises.  This indirection also keeps crash recovery
      65                 :  * relatively simple, because the low-level details of page space
      66                 :  * management can be controlled by standard buffer page code during
      67                 :  * logging, and during recovery.
      68                 :  *
      69                 :  * AM-generic per-page information is kept in PageHeaderData.
      70                 :  *
      71                 :  * AM-specific per-page data (if any) is kept in the area marked "special
      72                 :  * space"; each AM has an "opaque" structure defined somewhere that is
      73                 :  * stored as the page trailer.  an access method should always
      74                 :  * initialize its pages with PageInit and then set its own opaque
      75                 :  * fields.
      76                 :  */
      77                 : 
      78                 : typedef Pointer Page;
      79                 : 
      80                 : 
      81                 : /*
      82                 :  * location (byte offset) within a page.
      83                 :  *
      84                 :  * note that this is actually limited to 2^15 because we have limited
      85                 :  * ItemIdData.lp_off and ItemIdData.lp_len to 15 bits (see itemid.h).
      86                 :  */
      87                 : typedef uint16 LocationIndex;
      88                 : 
      89                 : 
      90                 : /*
      91                 :  * For historical reasons, the 64-bit LSN value is stored as two 32-bit
      92                 :  * values.
      93                 :  */
      94                 : typedef struct
      95                 : {
      96                 :     uint32      xlogid;         /* high bits */
      97                 :     uint32      xrecoff;        /* low bits */
      98                 : } PageXLogRecPtr;
      99                 : 
     100                 : static inline XLogRecPtr
     101 GNC    34404016 : PageXLogRecPtrGet(PageXLogRecPtr val)
     102                 : {
     103        34404016 :     return (uint64) val.xlogid << 32 | val.xrecoff;
     104                 : }
     105                 : 
     106                 : #define PageXLogRecPtrSet(ptr, lsn) \
     107 ECB             :     ((ptr).xlogid = (uint32) ((lsn) >> 32), (ptr).xrecoff = (uint32) (lsn))
     108                 : 
     109                 : /*
     110                 :  * disk page organization
     111                 :  *
     112                 :  * space management information generic to any page
     113                 :  *
     114                 :  *      pd_lsn      - identifies xlog record for last change to this page.
     115                 :  *      pd_checksum - page checksum, if set.
     116                 :  *      pd_flags    - flag bits.
     117                 :  *      pd_lower    - offset to start of free space.
     118                 :  *      pd_upper    - offset to end of free space.
     119                 :  *      pd_special  - offset to start of special space.
     120                 :  *      pd_pagesize_version - size in bytes and page layout version number.
     121                 :  *      pd_prune_xid - oldest XID among potentially prunable tuples on page.
     122                 :  *
     123                 :  * The LSN is used by the buffer manager to enforce the basic rule of WAL:
     124                 :  * "thou shalt write xlog before data".  A dirty buffer cannot be dumped
     125                 :  * to disk until xlog has been flushed at least as far as the page's LSN.
     126                 :  *
     127                 :  * pd_checksum stores the page checksum, if it has been set for this page;
     128                 :  * zero is a valid value for a checksum. If a checksum is not in use then
     129                 :  * we leave the field unset. This will typically mean the field is zero
     130                 :  * though non-zero values may also be present if databases have been
     131                 :  * pg_upgraded from releases prior to 9.3, when the same byte offset was
     132                 :  * used to store the current timelineid when the page was last updated.
     133                 :  * Note that there is no indication on a page as to whether the checksum
     134                 :  * is valid or not, a deliberate design choice which avoids the problem
     135                 :  * of relying on the page contents to decide whether to verify it. Hence
     136                 :  * there are no flag bits relating to checksums.
     137                 :  *
     138                 :  * pd_prune_xid is a hint field that helps determine whether pruning will be
     139                 :  * useful.  It is currently unused in index pages.
     140                 :  *
     141                 :  * The page version number and page size are packed together into a single
     142                 :  * uint16 field.  This is for historical reasons: before PostgreSQL 7.3,
     143                 :  * there was no concept of a page version number, and doing it this way
     144                 :  * lets us pretend that pre-7.3 databases have page version number zero.
     145                 :  * We constrain page sizes to be multiples of 256, leaving the low eight
     146                 :  * bits available for a version number.
     147                 :  *
     148                 :  * Minimum possible page size is perhaps 64B to fit page header, opaque space
     149                 :  * and a minimal tuple; of course, in reality you want it much bigger, so
     150                 :  * the constraint on pagesize mod 256 is not an important restriction.
     151                 :  * On the high end, we can only support pages up to 32KB because lp_off/lp_len
     152                 :  * are 15 bits.
     153                 :  */
     154                 : 
     155                 : typedef struct PageHeaderData
     156                 : {
     157                 :     /* XXX LSN is member of *any* block, not only page-organized ones */
     158                 :     PageXLogRecPtr pd_lsn;      /* LSN: next byte after last byte of xlog
     159                 :                                  * record for last change to this page */
     160                 :     uint16      pd_checksum;    /* checksum */
     161                 :     uint16      pd_flags;       /* flag bits, see below */
     162                 :     LocationIndex pd_lower;     /* offset to start of free space */
     163                 :     LocationIndex pd_upper;     /* offset to end of free space */
     164                 :     LocationIndex pd_special;   /* offset to start of special space */
     165                 :     uint16      pd_pagesize_version;
     166                 :     TransactionId pd_prune_xid; /* oldest prunable XID, or zero if none */
     167                 :     ItemIdData  pd_linp[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER]; /* line pointer array */
     168                 : } PageHeaderData;
     169                 : 
     170                 : typedef PageHeaderData *PageHeader;
     171                 : 
     172                 : /*
     173                 :  * pd_flags contains the following flag bits.  Undefined bits are initialized
     174                 :  * to zero and may be used in the future.
     175                 :  *
     176                 :  * PD_HAS_FREE_LINES is set if there are any LP_UNUSED line pointers before
     177                 :  * pd_lower.  This should be considered a hint rather than the truth, since
     178                 :  * changes to it are not WAL-logged.
     179                 :  *
     180                 :  * PD_PAGE_FULL is set if an UPDATE doesn't find enough free space in the
     181                 :  * page for its new tuple version; this suggests that a prune is needed.
     182                 :  * Again, this is just a hint.
     183                 :  */
     184                 : #define PD_HAS_FREE_LINES   0x0001  /* are there any unused line pointers? */
     185                 : #define PD_PAGE_FULL        0x0002  /* not enough free space for new tuple? */
     186                 : #define PD_ALL_VISIBLE      0x0004  /* all tuples on page are visible to
     187                 :                                      * everyone */
     188                 : 
     189                 : #define PD_VALID_FLAG_BITS  0x0007  /* OR of all valid pd_flags bits */
     190                 : 
     191                 : /*
     192                 :  * Page layout version number 0 is for pre-7.3 Postgres releases.
     193                 :  * Releases 7.3 and 7.4 use 1, denoting a new HeapTupleHeader layout.
     194                 :  * Release 8.0 uses 2; it changed the HeapTupleHeader layout again.
     195                 :  * Release 8.1 uses 3; it redefined HeapTupleHeader infomask bits.
     196                 :  * Release 8.3 uses 4; it changed the HeapTupleHeader layout again, and
     197                 :  *      added the pd_flags field (by stealing some bits from pd_tli),
     198                 :  *      as well as adding the pd_prune_xid field (which enlarges the header).
     199                 :  *
     200                 :  * As of Release 9.3, the checksum version must also be considered when
     201                 :  * handling pages.
     202                 :  */
     203                 : #define PG_PAGE_LAYOUT_VERSION      4
     204                 : #define PG_DATA_CHECKSUM_VERSION    1
     205                 : 
     206                 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
     207                 :  *                      page support functions
     208                 :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
     209                 :  */
     210                 : 
     211                 : /*
     212                 :  * line pointer(s) do not count as part of header
     213                 :  */
     214                 : #define SizeOfPageHeaderData (offsetof(PageHeaderData, pd_linp))
     215                 : 
     216                 : /*
     217                 :  * PageIsEmpty
     218                 :  *      returns true iff no itemid has been allocated on the page
     219                 :  */
     220                 : static inline bool
     221 GNC     1351662 : PageIsEmpty(Page page)
     222                 : {
     223         1351662 :     return ((PageHeader) page)->pd_lower <= SizeOfPageHeaderData;
     224                 : }
     225                 : 
     226                 : /*
     227                 :  * PageIsNew
     228                 :  *      returns true iff page has not been initialized (by PageInit)
     229                 :  */
     230                 : static inline bool
     231        52293981 : PageIsNew(Page page)
     232                 : {
     233        52293981 :     return ((PageHeader) page)->pd_upper == 0;
     234                 : }
     235                 : 
     236 ECB             : /*
     237                 :  * PageGetItemId
     238                 :  *      Returns an item identifier of a page.
     239                 :  */
     240                 : static inline ItemId
     241 GNC  1309694897 : PageGetItemId(Page page, OffsetNumber offsetNumber)
     242                 : {
     243      1309694897 :     return &((PageHeader) page)->pd_linp[offsetNumber - 1];
     244                 : }
     245                 : 
     246                 : /*
     247                 :  * PageGetContents
     248                 :  *      To be used in cases where the page does not contain line pointers.
     249 ECB             :  *
     250                 :  * Note: prior to 8.3 this was not guaranteed to yield a MAXALIGN'd result.
     251                 :  * Now it is.  Beware of old code that might think the offset to the contents
     252                 :  * is just SizeOfPageHeaderData rather than MAXALIGN(SizeOfPageHeaderData).
     253                 :  */
     254                 : static inline char *
     255 GNC    39091599 : PageGetContents(Page page)
     256                 : {
     257        39091599 :     return (char *) page + MAXALIGN(SizeOfPageHeaderData);
     258                 : }
     259                 : 
     260                 : /* ----------------
     261                 :  *      functions to access page size info
     262                 :  * ----------------
     263                 :  */
     264                 : 
     265                 : /*
     266                 :  * PageGetPageSize
     267                 :  *      Returns the page size of a page.
     268                 :  *
     269                 :  * this can only be called on a formatted page (unlike
     270                 :  * BufferGetPageSize, which can be called on an unformatted page).
     271                 :  * however, it can be called on a page that is not stored in a buffer.
     272                 :  */
     273                 : static inline Size
     274        58574196 : PageGetPageSize(Page page)
     275                 : {
     276        58574196 :     return (Size) (((PageHeader) page)->pd_pagesize_version & (uint16) 0xFF00);
     277                 : }
     278                 : 
     279                 : /*
     280                 :  * PageGetPageLayoutVersion
     281                 :  *      Returns the page layout version of a page.
     282 ECB             :  */
     283                 : static inline uint8
     284 GNC           3 : PageGetPageLayoutVersion(Page page)
     285                 : {
     286               3 :     return (((PageHeader) page)->pd_pagesize_version & 0x00FF);
     287                 : }
     288                 : 
     289                 : /*
     290                 :  * PageSetPageSizeAndVersion
     291                 :  *      Sets the page size and page layout version number of a page.
     292                 :  *
     293                 :  * We could support setting these two values separately, but there's
     294                 :  * no real need for it at the moment.
     295 ECB             :  */
     296                 : static inline void
     297 GNC      603792 : PageSetPageSizeAndVersion(Page page, Size size, uint8 version)
     298                 : {
     299          603792 :     Assert((size & 0xFF00) == size);
     300                 :     Assert((version & 0x00FF) == version);
     301                 : 
     302          603792 :     ((PageHeader) page)->pd_pagesize_version = size | version;
     303          603792 : }
     304                 : 
     305                 : /* ----------------
     306                 :  *      page special data functions
     307                 :  * ----------------
     308                 :  */
     309                 : /*
     310 ECB             :  * PageGetSpecialSize
     311                 :  *      Returns size of special space on a page.
     312                 :  */
     313                 : static inline uint16
     314 GNC    32111566 : PageGetSpecialSize(Page page)
     315                 : {
     316        32111566 :     return (PageGetPageSize(page) - ((PageHeader) page)->pd_special);
     317                 : }
     318 ECB             : 
     319                 : /*
     320                 :  * Using assertions, validate that the page special pointer is OK.
     321                 :  *
     322                 :  * This is intended to catch use of the pointer before page initialization.
     323                 :  */
     324                 : static inline void
     325 GIC   537001033 : PageValidateSpecialPointer(Page page)
     326 ECB             : {
     327 GNC   537001033 :     Assert(page);
     328       537001033 :     Assert(((PageHeader) page)->pd_special <= BLCKSZ);
     329       537001033 :     Assert(((PageHeader) page)->pd_special >= SizeOfPageHeaderData);
     330 GIC   537001033 : }
     331                 : 
     332                 : /*
     333                 :  * PageGetSpecialPointer
     334                 :  *      Returns pointer to special space on a page.
     335 ECB             :  */
     336                 : static inline char *
     337 GNC   537001033 : PageGetSpecialPointer(Page page)
     338                 : {
     339       537001033 :     PageValidateSpecialPointer(page);
     340       537001033 :     return (char *) page + ((PageHeader) page)->pd_special;
     341                 : }
     342                 : 
     343                 : /*
     344                 :  * PageGetItem
     345                 :  *      Retrieves an item on the given page.
     346                 :  *
     347                 :  * Note:
     348 ECB             :  *      This does not change the status of any of the resources passed.
     349                 :  *      The semantics may change in the future.
     350                 :  */
     351                 : static inline Item
     352 GNC  1055024815 : PageGetItem(Page page, ItemId itemId)
     353                 : {
     354      1055024815 :     Assert(page);
     355      1055024815 :     Assert(ItemIdHasStorage(itemId));
     356                 : 
     357      1055024815 :     return (Item) (((char *) page) + ItemIdGetOffset(itemId));
     358                 : }
     359                 : 
     360                 : /*
     361                 :  * PageGetMaxOffsetNumber
     362                 :  *      Returns the maximum offset number used by the given page.
     363                 :  *      Since offset numbers are 1-based, this is also the number
     364                 :  *      of items on the page.
     365 ECB             :  *
     366                 :  *      NOTE: if the page is not initialized (pd_lower == 0), we must
     367                 :  *      return zero to ensure sane behavior.
     368                 :  */
     369                 : static inline OffsetNumber
     370 GNC   379804800 : PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(Page page)
     371                 : {
     372       379804800 :     PageHeader  pageheader = (PageHeader) page;
     373                 : 
     374       379804800 :     if (pageheader->pd_lower <= SizeOfPageHeaderData)
     375          716104 :         return 0;
     376                 :     else
     377       379088696 :         return (pageheader->pd_lower - SizeOfPageHeaderData) / sizeof(ItemIdData);
     378                 : }
     379                 : 
     380                 : /*
     381                 :  * Additional functions for access to page headers.
     382                 :  */
     383                 : static inline XLogRecPtr
     384        33375036 : PageGetLSN(Page page)
     385                 : {
     386        33375036 :     return PageXLogRecPtrGet(((PageHeader) page)->pd_lsn);
     387                 : }
     388                 : static inline void
     389        26414018 : PageSetLSN(Page page, XLogRecPtr lsn)
     390                 : {
     391        26414018 :     PageXLogRecPtrSet(((PageHeader) page)->pd_lsn, lsn);
     392        26414018 : }
     393 ECB             : 
     394                 : static inline bool
     395 GNC    16708626 : PageHasFreeLinePointers(Page page)
     396                 : {
     397        16708626 :     return ((PageHeader) page)->pd_flags & PD_HAS_FREE_LINES;
     398                 : }
     399                 : static inline void
     400           47744 : PageSetHasFreeLinePointers(Page page)
     401                 : {
     402           47744 :     ((PageHeader) page)->pd_flags |= PD_HAS_FREE_LINES;
     403           47744 : }
     404                 : static inline void
     405          108635 : PageClearHasFreeLinePointers(Page page)
     406                 : {
     407          108635 :     ((PageHeader) page)->pd_flags &= ~PD_HAS_FREE_LINES;
     408          108635 : }
     409 ECB             : 
     410                 : static inline bool
     411 GNC     1390944 : PageIsFull(Page page)
     412                 : {
     413         1390944 :     return ((PageHeader) page)->pd_flags & PD_PAGE_FULL;
     414                 : }
     415                 : static inline void
     416          196178 : PageSetFull(Page page)
     417                 : {
     418          196178 :     ((PageHeader) page)->pd_flags |= PD_PAGE_FULL;
     419          196178 : }
     420                 : static inline void
     421          113033 : PageClearFull(Page page)
     422                 : {
     423          113033 :     ((PageHeader) page)->pd_flags &= ~PD_PAGE_FULL;
     424          113033 : }
     425 ECB             : 
     426                 : static inline bool
     427 GNC    49602230 : PageIsAllVisible(Page page)
     428                 : {
     429        49602230 :     return ((PageHeader) page)->pd_flags & PD_ALL_VISIBLE;
     430                 : }
     431                 : static inline void
     432          159423 : PageSetAllVisible(Page page)
     433                 : {
     434          159423 :     ((PageHeader) page)->pd_flags |= PD_ALL_VISIBLE;
     435          159423 : }
     436                 : static inline void
     437           13435 : PageClearAllVisible(Page page)
     438                 : {
     439           13435 :     ((PageHeader) page)->pd_flags &= ~PD_ALL_VISIBLE;
     440           13435 : }
     441 ECB             : 
     442                 : /*
     443                 :  * These two require "access/transam.h", so left as macros.
     444                 :  */
     445                 : #define PageSetPrunable(page, xid) \
     446                 : do { \
     447                 :     Assert(TransactionIdIsNormal(xid)); \
     448                 :     if (!TransactionIdIsValid(((PageHeader) (page))->pd_prune_xid) || \
     449                 :         TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, ((PageHeader) (page))->pd_prune_xid)) \
     450                 :         ((PageHeader) (page))->pd_prune_xid = (xid); \
     451                 : } while (0)
     452                 : #define PageClearPrunable(page) \
     453                 :     (((PageHeader) (page))->pd_prune_xid = InvalidTransactionId)
     454                 : 
     455                 : 
     456                 : /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
     457                 :  *      extern declarations
     458                 :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
     459                 :  */
     460                 : 
     461                 : /* flags for PageAddItemExtended() */
     462                 : #define PAI_OVERWRITE           (1 << 0)
     463                 : #define PAI_IS_HEAP             (1 << 1)
     464                 : 
     465                 : /* flags for PageIsVerifiedExtended() */
     466                 : #define PIV_LOG_WARNING         (1 << 0)
     467                 : #define PIV_REPORT_STAT         (1 << 1)
     468                 : 
     469                 : #define PageAddItem(page, item, size, offsetNumber, overwrite, is_heap) \
     470                 :     PageAddItemExtended(page, item, size, offsetNumber, \
     471                 :                         ((overwrite) ? PAI_OVERWRITE : 0) | \
     472                 :                         ((is_heap) ? PAI_IS_HEAP : 0))
     473                 : 
     474                 : #define PageIsVerified(page, blkno) \
     475                 :     PageIsVerifiedExtended(page, blkno, \
     476                 :                            PIV_LOG_WARNING | PIV_REPORT_STAT)
     477                 : 
     478                 : /*
     479                 :  * Check that BLCKSZ is a multiple of sizeof(size_t).  In
     480                 :  * PageIsVerifiedExtended(), it is much faster to check if a page is
     481                 :  * full of zeroes using the native word size.  Note that this assertion
     482                 :  * is kept within a header to make sure that StaticAssertDecl() works
     483                 :  * across various combinations of platforms and compilers.
     484                 :  */
     485                 : StaticAssertDecl(BLCKSZ == ((BLCKSZ / sizeof(size_t)) * sizeof(size_t)),
     486                 :                  "BLCKSZ has to be a multiple of sizeof(size_t)");
     487                 : 
     488                 : extern void PageInit(Page page, Size pageSize, Size specialSize);
     489                 : extern bool PageIsVerifiedExtended(Page page, BlockNumber blkno, int flags);
     490                 : extern OffsetNumber PageAddItemExtended(Page page, Item item, Size size,
     491                 :                                         OffsetNumber offsetNumber, int flags);
     492                 : extern Page PageGetTempPage(Page page);
     493                 : extern Page PageGetTempPageCopy(Page page);
     494                 : extern Page PageGetTempPageCopySpecial(Page page);
     495                 : extern void PageRestoreTempPage(Page tempPage, Page oldPage);
     496                 : extern void PageRepairFragmentation(Page page);
     497                 : extern void PageTruncateLinePointerArray(Page page);
     498                 : extern Size PageGetFreeSpace(Page page);
     499                 : extern Size PageGetFreeSpaceForMultipleTuples(Page page, int ntups);
     500                 : extern Size PageGetExactFreeSpace(Page page);
     501                 : extern Size PageGetHeapFreeSpace(Page page);
     502                 : extern void PageIndexTupleDelete(Page page, OffsetNumber offnum);
     503                 : extern void PageIndexMultiDelete(Page page, OffsetNumber *itemnos, int nitems);
     504                 : extern void PageIndexTupleDeleteNoCompact(Page page, OffsetNumber offnum);
     505                 : extern bool PageIndexTupleOverwrite(Page page, OffsetNumber offnum,
     506                 :                                     Item newtup, Size newsize);
     507                 : extern char *PageSetChecksumCopy(Page page, BlockNumber blkno);
     508                 : extern void PageSetChecksumInplace(Page page, BlockNumber blkno);
     509                 : 
     510                 : #endif                          /* BUFPAGE_H */

Generated by: LCOV version v1.16-55-g56c0a2a