LCOV - differential code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/backend/postmaster - postmaster.c (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit UNC LBC UIC UBC GBC GIC GNC CBC EUB ECB DUB DCB
Current: Differential Code Coverage HEAD vs 15 Lines: 75.4 % 1490 1124 14 58 248 46 68 707 143 206 216 756 36 104
Current Date: 2023-04-08 15:15:32 Functions: 87.9 % 58 51 7 39 12 7 48 3
Baseline: 15
Baseline Date: 2023-04-08 15:09:40
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

           TLA  Line data    Source code
       1                 : /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
       2                 :  *
       3                 :  * postmaster.c
       4                 :  *    This program acts as a clearing house for requests to the
       5                 :  *    POSTGRES system.  Frontend programs send a startup message
       6                 :  *    to the Postmaster and the postmaster uses the info in the
       7                 :  *    message to setup a backend process.
       8                 :  *
       9                 :  *    The postmaster also manages system-wide operations such as
      10                 :  *    startup and shutdown. The postmaster itself doesn't do those
      11                 :  *    operations, mind you --- it just forks off a subprocess to do them
      12                 :  *    at the right times.  It also takes care of resetting the system
      13                 :  *    if a backend crashes.
      14                 :  *
      15                 :  *    The postmaster process creates the shared memory and semaphore
      16                 :  *    pools during startup, but as a rule does not touch them itself.
      17                 :  *    In particular, it is not a member of the PGPROC array of backends
      18                 :  *    and so it cannot participate in lock-manager operations.  Keeping
      19                 :  *    the postmaster away from shared memory operations makes it simpler
      20                 :  *    and more reliable.  The postmaster is almost always able to recover
      21                 :  *    from crashes of individual backends by resetting shared memory;
      22                 :  *    if it did much with shared memory then it would be prone to crashing
      23                 :  *    along with the backends.
      24                 :  *
      25                 :  *    When a request message is received, we now fork() immediately.
      26                 :  *    The child process performs authentication of the request, and
      27                 :  *    then becomes a backend if successful.  This allows the auth code
      28                 :  *    to be written in a simple single-threaded style (as opposed to the
      29                 :  *    crufty "poor man's multitasking" code that used to be needed).
      30                 :  *    More importantly, it ensures that blockages in non-multithreaded
      31                 :  *    libraries like SSL or PAM cannot cause denial of service to other
      32                 :  *    clients.
      33                 :  *
      34                 :  *
      35                 :  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2023, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
      36                 :  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
      37                 :  *
      38                 :  *
      39                 :  * IDENTIFICATION
      40                 :  *    src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c
      41                 :  *
      42                 :  * NOTES
      43                 :  *
      44                 :  * Initialization:
      45                 :  *      The Postmaster sets up shared memory data structures
      46                 :  *      for the backends.
      47                 :  *
      48                 :  * Synchronization:
      49                 :  *      The Postmaster shares memory with the backends but should avoid
      50                 :  *      touching shared memory, so as not to become stuck if a crashing
      51                 :  *      backend screws up locks or shared memory.  Likewise, the Postmaster
      52                 :  *      should never block on messages from frontend clients.
      53                 :  *
      54                 :  * Garbage Collection:
      55                 :  *      The Postmaster cleans up after backends if they have an emergency
      56                 :  *      exit and/or core dump.
      57                 :  *
      58                 :  * Error Reporting:
      59                 :  *      Use write_stderr() only for reporting "interactive" errors
      60                 :  *      (essentially, bogus arguments on the command line).  Once the
      61                 :  *      postmaster is launched, use ereport().
      62                 :  *
      63                 :  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
      64                 :  */
      65                 : 
      66                 : #include "postgres.h"
      67                 : 
      68                 : #include <unistd.h>
      69                 : #include <signal.h>
      70                 : #include <time.h>
      71                 : #include <sys/wait.h>
      72                 : #include <ctype.h>
      73                 : #include <sys/stat.h>
      74                 : #include <sys/socket.h>
      75                 : #include <fcntl.h>
      76                 : #include <sys/param.h>
      77                 : #include <netdb.h>
      78                 : #include <limits.h>
      79                 : 
      80                 : #ifdef USE_BONJOUR
      81                 : #include <dns_sd.h>
      82                 : #endif
      83                 : 
      84                 : #ifdef USE_SYSTEMD
      85                 : #include <systemd/sd-daemon.h>
      86                 : #endif
      87                 : 
      88                 : #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_IS_THREADED_NP
      89                 : #include <pthread.h>
      90                 : #endif
      91                 : 
      92                 : #include "access/transam.h"
      93                 : #include "access/xlog.h"
      94                 : #include "access/xlogrecovery.h"
      95                 : #include "catalog/pg_control.h"
      96                 : #include "common/file_perm.h"
      97                 : #include "common/ip.h"
      98                 : #include "common/pg_prng.h"
      99                 : #include "common/string.h"
     100                 : #include "lib/ilist.h"
     101                 : #include "libpq/auth.h"
     102                 : #include "libpq/libpq.h"
     103                 : #include "libpq/pqformat.h"
     104                 : #include "libpq/pqsignal.h"
     105                 : #include "nodes/queryjumble.h"
     106                 : #include "pg_getopt.h"
     107                 : #include "pgstat.h"
     108                 : #include "port/pg_bswap.h"
     109                 : #include "postmaster/autovacuum.h"
     110                 : #include "postmaster/auxprocess.h"
     111                 : #include "postmaster/bgworker_internals.h"
     112                 : #include "postmaster/fork_process.h"
     113                 : #include "postmaster/interrupt.h"
     114                 : #include "postmaster/pgarch.h"
     115                 : #include "postmaster/postmaster.h"
     116                 : #include "postmaster/syslogger.h"
     117                 : #include "replication/logicallauncher.h"
     118                 : #include "replication/walsender.h"
     119                 : #include "storage/fd.h"
     120                 : #include "storage/ipc.h"
     121                 : #include "storage/pg_shmem.h"
     122                 : #include "storage/pmsignal.h"
     123                 : #include "storage/proc.h"
     124                 : #include "tcop/tcopprot.h"
     125                 : #include "utils/builtins.h"
     126                 : #include "utils/datetime.h"
     127                 : #include "utils/memutils.h"
     128                 : #include "utils/pidfile.h"
     129                 : #include "utils/ps_status.h"
     130                 : #include "utils/timeout.h"
     131                 : #include "utils/timestamp.h"
     132                 : #include "utils/varlena.h"
     133                 : 
     134                 : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
     135                 : #include "storage/spin.h"
     136                 : #endif
     137                 : 
     138                 : 
     139                 : /*
     140                 :  * Possible types of a backend. Beyond being the possible bkend_type values in
     141                 :  * struct bkend, these are OR-able request flag bits for SignalSomeChildren()
     142                 :  * and CountChildren().
     143                 :  */
     144                 : #define BACKEND_TYPE_NORMAL     0x0001  /* normal backend */
     145                 : #define BACKEND_TYPE_AUTOVAC    0x0002  /* autovacuum worker process */
     146                 : #define BACKEND_TYPE_WALSND     0x0004  /* walsender process */
     147                 : #define BACKEND_TYPE_BGWORKER   0x0008  /* bgworker process */
     148                 : #define BACKEND_TYPE_ALL        0x000F  /* OR of all the above */
     149                 : 
     150                 : /*
     151                 :  * List of active backends (or child processes anyway; we don't actually
     152                 :  * know whether a given child has become a backend or is still in the
     153                 :  * authorization phase).  This is used mainly to keep track of how many
     154                 :  * children we have and send them appropriate signals when necessary.
     155                 :  *
     156                 :  * As shown in the above set of backend types, this list includes not only
     157                 :  * "normal" client sessions, but also autovacuum workers, walsenders, and
     158                 :  * background workers.  (Note that at the time of launch, walsenders are
     159                 :  * labeled BACKEND_TYPE_NORMAL; we relabel them to BACKEND_TYPE_WALSND
     160                 :  * upon noticing they've changed their PMChildFlags entry.  Hence that check
     161                 :  * must be done before any operation that needs to distinguish walsenders
     162                 :  * from normal backends.)
     163                 :  *
     164                 :  * Also, "dead_end" children are in it: these are children launched just for
     165                 :  * the purpose of sending a friendly rejection message to a would-be client.
     166                 :  * We must track them because they are attached to shared memory, but we know
     167                 :  * they will never become live backends.  dead_end children are not assigned a
     168                 :  * PMChildSlot.  dead_end children have bkend_type NORMAL.
     169                 :  *
     170                 :  * "Special" children such as the startup, bgwriter and autovacuum launcher
     171                 :  * tasks are not in this list.  They are tracked via StartupPID and other
     172                 :  * pid_t variables below.  (Thus, there can't be more than one of any given
     173                 :  * "special" child process type.  We use BackendList entries for any child
     174                 :  * process there can be more than one of.)
     175                 :  */
     176                 : typedef struct bkend
     177                 : {
     178                 :     pid_t       pid;            /* process id of backend */
     179                 :     int32       cancel_key;     /* cancel key for cancels for this backend */
     180                 :     int         child_slot;     /* PMChildSlot for this backend, if any */
     181                 :     int         bkend_type;     /* child process flavor, see above */
     182                 :     bool        dead_end;       /* is it going to send an error and quit? */
     183                 :     bool        bgworker_notify;    /* gets bgworker start/stop notifications */
     184                 :     dlist_node  elem;           /* list link in BackendList */
     185                 : } Backend;
     186                 : 
     187                 : static dlist_head BackendList = DLIST_STATIC_INIT(BackendList);
     188                 : 
     189                 : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
     190                 : static Backend *ShmemBackendArray;
     191                 : #endif
     192                 : 
     193                 : BackgroundWorker *MyBgworkerEntry = NULL;
     194                 : 
     195                 : 
     196                 : 
     197                 : /* The socket number we are listening for connections on */
     198                 : int         PostPortNumber = DEF_PGPORT;
     199                 : 
     200                 : /* The directory names for Unix socket(s) */
     201                 : char       *Unix_socket_directories;
     202                 : 
     203                 : /* The TCP listen address(es) */
     204                 : char       *ListenAddresses;
     205                 : 
     206                 : /*
     207                 :  * SuperuserReservedConnections is the number of backends reserved for
     208                 :  * superuser use, and ReservedConnections is the number of backends reserved
     209                 :  * for use by roles with privileges of the pg_use_reserved_connections
     210                 :  * predefined role.  These are taken out of the pool of MaxConnections backend
     211                 :  * slots, so the number of backend slots available for roles that are neither
     212                 :  * superuser nor have privileges of pg_use_reserved_connections is
     213                 :  * (MaxConnections - SuperuserReservedConnections - ReservedConnections).
     214                 :  *
     215                 :  * If the number of remaining slots is less than or equal to
     216                 :  * SuperuserReservedConnections, only superusers can make new connections.  If
     217                 :  * the number of remaining slots is greater than SuperuserReservedConnections
     218                 :  * but less than or equal to
     219                 :  * (SuperuserReservedConnections + ReservedConnections), only superusers and
     220                 :  * roles with privileges of pg_use_reserved_connections can make new
     221                 :  * connections.  Note that pre-existing superuser and
     222                 :  * pg_use_reserved_connections connections don't count against the limits.
     223                 :  */
     224                 : int         SuperuserReservedConnections;
     225                 : int         ReservedConnections;
     226                 : 
     227                 : /* The socket(s) we're listening to. */
     228                 : #define MAXLISTEN   64
     229                 : static pgsocket ListenSocket[MAXLISTEN];
     230                 : 
     231                 : /* still more option variables */
     232                 : bool        EnableSSL = false;
     233                 : 
     234                 : int         PreAuthDelay = 0;
     235                 : int         AuthenticationTimeout = 60;
     236                 : 
     237                 : bool        log_hostname;       /* for ps display and logging */
     238                 : bool        Log_connections = false;
     239                 : bool        Db_user_namespace = false;
     240                 : 
     241                 : bool        enable_bonjour = false;
     242                 : char       *bonjour_name;
     243                 : bool        restart_after_crash = true;
     244                 : bool        remove_temp_files_after_crash = true;
     245                 : bool        send_abort_for_crash = false;
     246                 : bool        send_abort_for_kill = false;
     247                 : 
     248                 : /* PIDs of special child processes; 0 when not running */
     249                 : static pid_t StartupPID = 0,
     250                 :             BgWriterPID = 0,
     251                 :             CheckpointerPID = 0,
     252                 :             WalWriterPID = 0,
     253                 :             WalReceiverPID = 0,
     254                 :             AutoVacPID = 0,
     255                 :             PgArchPID = 0,
     256                 :             SysLoggerPID = 0;
     257                 : 
     258                 : /* Startup process's status */
     259                 : typedef enum
     260                 : {
     261                 :     STARTUP_NOT_RUNNING,
     262                 :     STARTUP_RUNNING,
     263                 :     STARTUP_SIGNALED,           /* we sent it a SIGQUIT or SIGKILL */
     264                 :     STARTUP_CRASHED
     265                 : } StartupStatusEnum;
     266                 : 
     267                 : static StartupStatusEnum StartupStatus = STARTUP_NOT_RUNNING;
     268                 : 
     269                 : /* Startup/shutdown state */
     270                 : #define         NoShutdown      0
     271                 : #define         SmartShutdown   1
     272                 : #define         FastShutdown    2
     273                 : #define         ImmediateShutdown   3
     274                 : 
     275                 : static int  Shutdown = NoShutdown;
     276                 : 
     277                 : static bool FatalError = false; /* T if recovering from backend crash */
     278                 : 
     279                 : /*
     280                 :  * We use a simple state machine to control startup, shutdown, and
     281                 :  * crash recovery (which is rather like shutdown followed by startup).
     282                 :  *
     283                 :  * After doing all the postmaster initialization work, we enter PM_STARTUP
     284                 :  * state and the startup process is launched. The startup process begins by
     285                 :  * reading the control file and other preliminary initialization steps.
     286                 :  * In a normal startup, or after crash recovery, the startup process exits
     287                 :  * with exit code 0 and we switch to PM_RUN state.  However, archive recovery
     288                 :  * is handled specially since it takes much longer and we would like to support
     289                 :  * hot standby during archive recovery.
     290                 :  *
     291                 :  * When the startup process is ready to start archive recovery, it signals the
     292                 :  * postmaster, and we switch to PM_RECOVERY state. The background writer and
     293                 :  * checkpointer are launched, while the startup process continues applying WAL.
     294                 :  * If Hot Standby is enabled, then, after reaching a consistent point in WAL
     295                 :  * redo, startup process signals us again, and we switch to PM_HOT_STANDBY
     296                 :  * state and begin accepting connections to perform read-only queries.  When
     297                 :  * archive recovery is finished, the startup process exits with exit code 0
     298                 :  * and we switch to PM_RUN state.
     299                 :  *
     300                 :  * Normal child backends can only be launched when we are in PM_RUN or
     301                 :  * PM_HOT_STANDBY state.  (connsAllowed can also restrict launching.)
     302                 :  * In other states we handle connection requests by launching "dead_end"
     303                 :  * child processes, which will simply send the client an error message and
     304                 :  * quit.  (We track these in the BackendList so that we can know when they
     305                 :  * are all gone; this is important because they're still connected to shared
     306                 :  * memory, and would interfere with an attempt to destroy the shmem segment,
     307                 :  * possibly leading to SHMALL failure when we try to make a new one.)
     308                 :  * In PM_WAIT_DEAD_END state we are waiting for all the dead_end children
     309                 :  * to drain out of the system, and therefore stop accepting connection
     310                 :  * requests at all until the last existing child has quit (which hopefully
     311                 :  * will not be very long).
     312                 :  *
     313                 :  * Notice that this state variable does not distinguish *why* we entered
     314                 :  * states later than PM_RUN --- Shutdown and FatalError must be consulted
     315                 :  * to find that out.  FatalError is never true in PM_RECOVERY, PM_HOT_STANDBY,
     316                 :  * or PM_RUN states, nor in PM_SHUTDOWN states (because we don't enter those
     317                 :  * states when trying to recover from a crash).  It can be true in PM_STARTUP
     318                 :  * state, because we don't clear it until we've successfully started WAL redo.
     319                 :  */
     320                 : typedef enum
     321                 : {
     322                 :     PM_INIT,                    /* postmaster starting */
     323                 :     PM_STARTUP,                 /* waiting for startup subprocess */
     324                 :     PM_RECOVERY,                /* in archive recovery mode */
     325                 :     PM_HOT_STANDBY,             /* in hot standby mode */
     326                 :     PM_RUN,                     /* normal "database is alive" state */
     327                 :     PM_STOP_BACKENDS,           /* need to stop remaining backends */
     328                 :     PM_WAIT_BACKENDS,           /* waiting for live backends to exit */
     329                 :     PM_SHUTDOWN,                /* waiting for checkpointer to do shutdown
     330                 :                                  * ckpt */
     331                 :     PM_SHUTDOWN_2,              /* waiting for archiver and walsenders to
     332                 :                                  * finish */
     333                 :     PM_WAIT_DEAD_END,           /* waiting for dead_end children to exit */
     334                 :     PM_NO_CHILDREN              /* all important children have exited */
     335                 : } PMState;
     336                 : 
     337                 : static PMState pmState = PM_INIT;
     338                 : 
     339                 : /*
     340                 :  * While performing a "smart shutdown", we restrict new connections but stay
     341                 :  * in PM_RUN or PM_HOT_STANDBY state until all the client backends are gone.
     342                 :  * connsAllowed is a sub-state indicator showing the active restriction.
     343                 :  * It is of no interest unless pmState is PM_RUN or PM_HOT_STANDBY.
     344                 :  */
     345                 : static bool connsAllowed = true;
     346                 : 
     347                 : /* Start time of SIGKILL timeout during immediate shutdown or child crash */
     348                 : /* Zero means timeout is not running */
     349                 : static time_t AbortStartTime = 0;
     350                 : 
     351                 : /* Length of said timeout */
     352                 : #define SIGKILL_CHILDREN_AFTER_SECS     5
     353                 : 
     354                 : static bool ReachedNormalRunning = false;   /* T if we've reached PM_RUN */
     355                 : 
     356                 : bool        ClientAuthInProgress = false;   /* T during new-client
     357                 :                                              * authentication */
     358                 : 
     359                 : bool        redirection_done = false;   /* stderr redirected for syslogger? */
     360                 : 
     361                 : /* received START_AUTOVAC_LAUNCHER signal */
     362                 : static bool start_autovac_launcher = false;
     363                 : 
     364                 : /* the launcher needs to be signaled to communicate some condition */
     365                 : static bool avlauncher_needs_signal = false;
     366                 : 
     367                 : /* received START_WALRECEIVER signal */
     368                 : static bool WalReceiverRequested = false;
     369                 : 
     370                 : /* set when there's a worker that needs to be started up */
     371                 : static bool StartWorkerNeeded = true;
     372                 : static bool HaveCrashedWorker = false;
     373                 : 
     374                 : /* set when signals arrive */
     375                 : static volatile sig_atomic_t pending_pm_pmsignal;
     376                 : static volatile sig_atomic_t pending_pm_child_exit;
     377                 : static volatile sig_atomic_t pending_pm_reload_request;
     378                 : static volatile sig_atomic_t pending_pm_shutdown_request;
     379                 : static volatile sig_atomic_t pending_pm_fast_shutdown_request;
     380                 : static volatile sig_atomic_t pending_pm_immediate_shutdown_request;
     381                 : 
     382                 : /* event multiplexing object */
     383                 : static WaitEventSet *pm_wait_set;
     384                 : 
     385                 : #ifdef USE_SSL
     386                 : /* Set when and if SSL has been initialized properly */
     387                 : static bool LoadedSSL = false;
     388                 : #endif
     389                 : 
     390                 : #ifdef USE_BONJOUR
     391                 : static DNSServiceRef bonjour_sdref = NULL;
     392                 : #endif
     393                 : 
     394                 : /*
     395                 :  * postmaster.c - function prototypes
     396                 :  */
     397                 : static void CloseServerPorts(int status, Datum arg);
     398                 : static void unlink_external_pid_file(int status, Datum arg);
     399                 : static void getInstallationPaths(const char *argv0);
     400                 : static void checkControlFile(void);
     401                 : static Port *ConnCreate(int serverFd);
     402                 : static void ConnFree(Port *port);
     403                 : static void handle_pm_pmsignal_signal(SIGNAL_ARGS);
     404                 : static void handle_pm_child_exit_signal(SIGNAL_ARGS);
     405                 : static void handle_pm_reload_request_signal(SIGNAL_ARGS);
     406                 : static void handle_pm_shutdown_request_signal(SIGNAL_ARGS);
     407                 : static void process_pm_pmsignal(void);
     408                 : static void process_pm_child_exit(void);
     409                 : static void process_pm_reload_request(void);
     410                 : static void process_pm_shutdown_request(void);
     411                 : static void process_startup_packet_die(SIGNAL_ARGS);
     412                 : static void dummy_handler(SIGNAL_ARGS);
     413                 : static void StartupPacketTimeoutHandler(void);
     414                 : static void CleanupBackend(int pid, int exitstatus);
     415                 : static bool CleanupBackgroundWorker(int pid, int exitstatus);
     416                 : static void HandleChildCrash(int pid, int exitstatus, const char *procname);
     417                 : static void LogChildExit(int lev, const char *procname,
     418                 :                          int pid, int exitstatus);
     419                 : static void PostmasterStateMachine(void);
     420                 : static void BackendInitialize(Port *port);
     421                 : static void BackendRun(Port *port) pg_attribute_noreturn();
     422                 : static void ExitPostmaster(int status) pg_attribute_noreturn();
     423                 : static int  ServerLoop(void);
     424                 : static int  BackendStartup(Port *port);
     425                 : static int  ProcessStartupPacket(Port *port, bool ssl_done, bool gss_done);
     426                 : static void SendNegotiateProtocolVersion(List *unrecognized_protocol_options);
     427                 : static void processCancelRequest(Port *port, void *pkt);
     428                 : static void report_fork_failure_to_client(Port *port, int errnum);
     429                 : static CAC_state canAcceptConnections(int backend_type);
     430                 : static bool RandomCancelKey(int32 *cancel_key);
     431                 : static void signal_child(pid_t pid, int signal);
     432                 : static void sigquit_child(pid_t pid);
     433                 : static bool SignalSomeChildren(int signal, int target);
     434                 : static void TerminateChildren(int signal);
     435                 : 
     436                 : #define SignalChildren(sig)            SignalSomeChildren(sig, BACKEND_TYPE_ALL)
     437                 : 
     438                 : static int  CountChildren(int target);
     439                 : static bool assign_backendlist_entry(RegisteredBgWorker *rw);
     440                 : static void maybe_start_bgworkers(void);
     441                 : static bool CreateOptsFile(int argc, char *argv[], char *fullprogname);
     442                 : static pid_t StartChildProcess(AuxProcType type);
     443                 : static void StartAutovacuumWorker(void);
     444                 : static void MaybeStartWalReceiver(void);
     445                 : static void InitPostmasterDeathWatchHandle(void);
     446                 : 
     447                 : /*
     448                 :  * Archiver is allowed to start up at the current postmaster state?
     449                 :  *
     450                 :  * If WAL archiving is enabled always, we are allowed to start archiver
     451                 :  * even during recovery.
     452                 :  */
     453                 : #define PgArchStartupAllowed()  \
     454                 :     (((XLogArchivingActive() && pmState == PM_RUN) ||           \
     455                 :       (XLogArchivingAlways() &&                                   \
     456                 :        (pmState == PM_RECOVERY || pmState == PM_HOT_STANDBY))) && \
     457                 :      PgArchCanRestart())
     458                 : 
     459                 : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
     460                 : 
     461                 : #ifdef WIN32
     462                 : #define WNOHANG 0               /* ignored, so any integer value will do */
     463                 : 
     464                 : static pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid, int *exitstatus, int options);
     465                 : static void WINAPI pgwin32_deadchild_callback(PVOID lpParameter, BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired);
     466                 : 
     467                 : static HANDLE win32ChildQueue;
     468                 : 
     469                 : typedef struct
     470                 : {
     471                 :     HANDLE      waitHandle;
     472                 :     HANDLE      procHandle;
     473                 :     DWORD       procId;
     474                 : } win32_deadchild_waitinfo;
     475                 : #endif                          /* WIN32 */
     476                 : 
     477                 : static pid_t backend_forkexec(Port *port);
     478                 : static pid_t internal_forkexec(int argc, char *argv[], Port *port);
     479                 : 
     480                 : /* Type for a socket that can be inherited to a client process */
     481                 : #ifdef WIN32
     482                 : typedef struct
     483                 : {
     484                 :     SOCKET      origsocket;     /* Original socket value, or PGINVALID_SOCKET
     485                 :                                  * if not a socket */
     486                 :     WSAPROTOCOL_INFO wsainfo;
     487                 : } InheritableSocket;
     488                 : #else
     489                 : typedef int InheritableSocket;
     490                 : #endif
     491                 : 
     492                 : /*
     493                 :  * Structure contains all variables passed to exec:ed backends
     494                 :  */
     495                 : typedef struct
     496                 : {
     497                 :     Port        port;
     498                 :     InheritableSocket portsocket;
     499                 :     char        DataDir[MAXPGPATH];
     500                 :     pgsocket    ListenSocket[MAXLISTEN];
     501                 :     int32       MyCancelKey;
     502                 :     int         MyPMChildSlot;
     503                 : #ifndef WIN32
     504                 :     unsigned long UsedShmemSegID;
     505                 : #else
     506                 :     void       *ShmemProtectiveRegion;
     507                 :     HANDLE      UsedShmemSegID;
     508                 : #endif
     509                 :     void       *UsedShmemSegAddr;
     510                 :     slock_t    *ShmemLock;
     511                 :     VariableCache ShmemVariableCache;
     512                 :     Backend    *ShmemBackendArray;
     513                 : #ifndef HAVE_SPINLOCKS
     514                 :     PGSemaphore *SpinlockSemaArray;
     515                 : #endif
     516                 :     int         NamedLWLockTrancheRequests;
     517                 :     NamedLWLockTranche *NamedLWLockTrancheArray;
     518                 :     LWLockPadded *MainLWLockArray;
     519                 :     slock_t    *ProcStructLock;
     520                 :     PROC_HDR   *ProcGlobal;
     521                 :     PGPROC     *AuxiliaryProcs;
     522                 :     PGPROC     *PreparedXactProcs;
     523                 :     PMSignalData *PMSignalState;
     524                 :     pid_t       PostmasterPid;
     525                 :     TimestampTz PgStartTime;
     526                 :     TimestampTz PgReloadTime;
     527                 :     pg_time_t   first_syslogger_file_time;
     528                 :     bool        redirection_done;
     529                 :     bool        IsBinaryUpgrade;
     530                 :     bool        query_id_enabled;
     531                 :     int         max_safe_fds;
     532                 :     int         MaxBackends;
     533                 : #ifdef WIN32
     534                 :     HANDLE      PostmasterHandle;
     535                 :     HANDLE      initial_signal_pipe;
     536                 :     HANDLE      syslogPipe[2];
     537                 : #else
     538                 :     int         postmaster_alive_fds[2];
     539                 :     int         syslogPipe[2];
     540                 : #endif
     541                 :     char        my_exec_path[MAXPGPATH];
     542                 :     char        pkglib_path[MAXPGPATH];
     543                 : } BackendParameters;
     544                 : 
     545                 : static void read_backend_variables(char *id, Port *port);
     546                 : static void restore_backend_variables(BackendParameters *param, Port *port);
     547                 : 
     548                 : #ifndef WIN32
     549                 : static bool save_backend_variables(BackendParameters *param, Port *port);
     550                 : #else
     551                 : static bool save_backend_variables(BackendParameters *param, Port *port,
     552                 :                                    HANDLE childProcess, pid_t childPid);
     553                 : #endif
     554                 : 
     555                 : static void ShmemBackendArrayAdd(Backend *bn);
     556                 : static void ShmemBackendArrayRemove(Backend *bn);
     557                 : #endif                          /* EXEC_BACKEND */
     558                 : 
     559                 : #define StartupDataBase()       StartChildProcess(StartupProcess)
     560                 : #define StartArchiver()         StartChildProcess(ArchiverProcess)
     561                 : #define StartBackgroundWriter() StartChildProcess(BgWriterProcess)
     562                 : #define StartCheckpointer()     StartChildProcess(CheckpointerProcess)
     563                 : #define StartWalWriter()        StartChildProcess(WalWriterProcess)
     564                 : #define StartWalReceiver()      StartChildProcess(WalReceiverProcess)
     565                 : 
     566                 : /* Macros to check exit status of a child process */
     567                 : #define EXIT_STATUS_0(st)  ((st) == 0)
     568                 : #define EXIT_STATUS_1(st)  (WIFEXITED(st) && WEXITSTATUS(st) == 1)
     569                 : #define EXIT_STATUS_3(st)  (WIFEXITED(st) && WEXITSTATUS(st) == 3)
     570                 : 
     571                 : #ifndef WIN32
     572                 : /*
     573                 :  * File descriptors for pipe used to monitor if postmaster is alive.
     574                 :  * First is POSTMASTER_FD_WATCH, second is POSTMASTER_FD_OWN.
     575                 :  */
     576                 : int         postmaster_alive_fds[2] = {-1, -1};
     577                 : #else
     578                 : /* Process handle of postmaster used for the same purpose on Windows */
     579                 : HANDLE      PostmasterHandle;
     580                 : #endif
     581                 : 
     582                 : /*
     583                 :  * Postmaster main entry point
     584                 :  */
     585                 : void
     586 GIC         601 : PostmasterMain(int argc, char *argv[])
     587                 : {
     588                 :     int         opt;
     589                 :     int         status;
     590             601 :     char       *userDoption = NULL;
     591             601 :     bool        listen_addr_saved = false;
     592                 :     int         i;
     593             601 :     char       *output_config_variable = NULL;
     594                 : 
     595             601 :     InitProcessGlobals();
     596                 : 
     597             601 :     PostmasterPid = MyProcPid;
     598 ECB             : 
     599 GIC         601 :     IsPostmasterEnvironment = true;
     600                 : 
     601                 :     /*
     602 ECB             :      * Start our win32 signal implementation
     603                 :      */
     604                 : #ifdef WIN32
     605                 :     pgwin32_signal_initialize();
     606                 : #endif
     607                 : 
     608                 :     /*
     609                 :      * We should not be creating any files or directories before we check the
     610                 :      * data directory (see checkDataDir()), but just in case set the umask to
     611                 :      * the most restrictive (owner-only) permissions.
     612                 :      *
     613                 :      * checkDataDir() will reset the umask based on the data directory
     614                 :      * permissions.
     615                 :      */
     616 GIC         601 :     umask(PG_MODE_MASK_OWNER);
     617                 : 
     618                 :     /*
     619                 :      * By default, palloc() requests in the postmaster will be allocated in
     620                 :      * the PostmasterContext, which is space that can be recycled by backends.
     621                 :      * Allocated data that needs to be available to backends should be
     622                 :      * allocated in TopMemoryContext.
     623                 :      */
     624             601 :     PostmasterContext = AllocSetContextCreate(TopMemoryContext,
     625                 :                                               "Postmaster",
     626                 :                                               ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES);
     627             601 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(PostmasterContext);
     628 ECB             : 
     629                 :     /* Initialize paths to installation files */
     630 GIC         601 :     getInstallationPaths(argv[0]);
     631                 : 
     632                 :     /*
     633                 :      * Set up signal handlers for the postmaster process.
     634                 :      *
     635                 :      * CAUTION: when changing this list, check for side-effects on the signal
     636 ECB             :      * handling setup of child processes.  See tcop/postgres.c,
     637                 :      * bootstrap/bootstrap.c, postmaster/bgwriter.c, postmaster/walwriter.c,
     638                 :      * postmaster/autovacuum.c, postmaster/pgarch.c, postmaster/syslogger.c,
     639                 :      * postmaster/bgworker.c and postmaster/checkpointer.c.
     640                 :      */
     641 CBC         601 :     pqinitmask();
     642 GNC         601 :     sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &BlockSig, NULL);
     643 ECB             : 
     644 GNC         601 :     pqsignal(SIGHUP, handle_pm_reload_request_signal);
     645             601 :     pqsignal(SIGINT, handle_pm_shutdown_request_signal);
     646             601 :     pqsignal(SIGQUIT, handle_pm_shutdown_request_signal);
     647             601 :     pqsignal(SIGTERM, handle_pm_shutdown_request_signal);
     648             601 :     pqsignal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); /* ignored */
     649             601 :     pqsignal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* ignored */
     650             601 :     pqsignal(SIGUSR1, handle_pm_pmsignal_signal);
     651             601 :     pqsignal(SIGUSR2, dummy_handler);   /* unused, reserve for children */
     652             601 :     pqsignal(SIGCHLD, handle_pm_child_exit_signal);
     653                 : 
     654                 :     /* This may configure SIGURG, depending on platform. */
     655             601 :     InitializeLatchSupport();
     656             601 :     InitProcessLocalLatch();
     657                 : 
     658                 :     /*
     659 ECB             :      * No other place in Postgres should touch SIGTTIN/SIGTTOU handling.  We
     660                 :      * ignore those signals in a postmaster environment, so that there is no
     661                 :      * risk of a child process freezing up due to writing to stderr.  But for
     662                 :      * a standalone backend, their default handling is reasonable.  Hence, all
     663                 :      * child processes should just allow the inherited settings to stand.
     664                 :      */
     665                 : #ifdef SIGTTIN
     666 GNC         601 :     pqsignal(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN); /* ignored */
     667                 : #endif
     668 ECB             : #ifdef SIGTTOU
     669 GNC         601 :     pqsignal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); /* ignored */
     670 ECB             : #endif
     671                 : 
     672                 :     /* ignore SIGXFSZ, so that ulimit violations work like disk full */
     673                 : #ifdef SIGXFSZ
     674 GNC         601 :     pqsignal(SIGXFSZ, SIG_IGN); /* ignored */
     675                 : #endif
     676                 : 
     677                 :     /* Begin accepting signals. */
     678             601 :     sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &UnBlockSig, NULL);
     679                 : 
     680 ECB             :     /*
     681                 :      * Options setup
     682                 :      */
     683 GIC         601 :     InitializeGUCOptions();
     684 EUB             : 
     685 GBC         601 :     opterr = 1;
     686 EUB             : 
     687                 :     /*
     688 ECB             :      * Parse command-line options.  CAUTION: keep this in sync with
     689                 :      * tcop/postgres.c (the option sets should not conflict) and with the
     690                 :      * common help() function in main/main.c.
     691                 :      */
     692 GNC        1998 :     while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "B:bC:c:D:d:EeFf:h:ijk:lN:OPp:r:S:sTt:W:-:")) != -1)
     693 ECB             :     {
     694 CBC        1397 :         switch (opt)
     695 ECB             :         {
     696 UIC           0 :             case 'B':
     697 LBC           0 :                 SetConfigOption("shared_buffers", optarg, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV);
     698 UIC           0 :                 break;
     699                 : 
     700 GIC           6 :             case 'b':
     701                 :                 /* Undocumented flag used for binary upgrades */
     702               6 :                 IsBinaryUpgrade = true;
     703 CBC           6 :                 break;
     704 ECB             : 
     705 GIC           2 :             case 'C':
     706 GBC           2 :                 output_config_variable = strdup(optarg);
     707               2 :                 break;
     708                 : 
     709 GNC         618 :             case 'c':
     710                 :             case '-':
     711                 :                 {
     712                 :                     char       *name,
     713                 :                                *value;
     714                 : 
     715             618 :                     ParseLongOption(optarg, &name, &value);
     716             618 :                     if (!value)
     717                 :                     {
     718 UNC           0 :                         if (opt == '-')
     719               0 :                             ereport(ERROR,
     720                 :                                     (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
     721                 :                                      errmsg("--%s requires a value",
     722                 :                                             optarg)));
     723                 :                         else
     724               0 :                             ereport(ERROR,
     725                 :                                     (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
     726                 :                                      errmsg("-c %s requires a value",
     727                 :                                             optarg)));
     728                 :                     }
     729                 : 
     730 GNC         618 :                     SetConfigOption(name, value, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV);
     731             618 :                     pfree(name);
     732             618 :                     pfree(value);
     733             618 :                     break;
     734                 :                 }
     735                 : 
     736 GIC         601 :             case 'D':
     737             601 :                 userDoption = strdup(optarg);
     738             601 :                 break;
     739 EUB             : 
     740 UIC           0 :             case 'd':
     741               0 :                 set_debug_options(atoi(optarg), PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV);
     742               0 :                 break;
     743                 : 
     744               0 :             case 'E':
     745 LBC           0 :                 SetConfigOption("log_statement", "all", PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV);
     746               0 :                 break;
     747 ECB             : 
     748 LBC           0 :             case 'e':
     749 UIC           0 :                 SetConfigOption("datestyle", "euro", PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV);
     750               0 :                 break;
     751 ECB             : 
     752 CBC          82 :             case 'F':
     753              82 :                 SetConfigOption("fsync", "false", PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV);
     754 GIC          82 :                 break;
     755 EUB             : 
     756 UBC           0 :             case 'f':
     757               0 :                 if (!set_plan_disabling_options(optarg, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV))
     758                 :                 {
     759               0 :                     write_stderr("%s: invalid argument for option -f: \"%s\"\n",
     760 EUB             :                                  progname, optarg);
     761 UBC           0 :                     ExitPostmaster(1);
     762                 :                 }
     763               0 :                 break;
     764 EUB             : 
     765 UBC           0 :             case 'h':
     766 UIC           0 :                 SetConfigOption("listen_addresses", optarg, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV);
     767 LBC           0 :                 break;
     768 ECB             : 
     769 LBC           0 :             case 'i':
     770 UIC           0 :                 SetConfigOption("listen_addresses", "*", PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV);
     771 UBC           0 :                 break;
     772 EUB             : 
     773 UIC           0 :             case 'j':
     774 EUB             :                 /* only used by interactive backend */
     775 UIC           0 :                 break;
     776 EUB             : 
     777 GIC          82 :             case 'k':
     778 GBC          82 :                 SetConfigOption("unix_socket_directories", optarg, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV);
     779 GIC          82 :                 break;
     780 EUB             : 
     781 UBC           0 :             case 'l':
     782               0 :                 SetConfigOption("ssl", "true", PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV);
     783 UIC           0 :                 break;
     784 EUB             : 
     785 UBC           0 :             case 'N':
     786               0 :                 SetConfigOption("max_connections", optarg, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV);
     787 UIC           0 :                 break;
     788 EUB             : 
     789 LBC           0 :             case 'O':
     790 UIC           0 :                 SetConfigOption("allow_system_table_mods", "true", PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV);
     791 UBC           0 :                 break;
     792 EUB             : 
     793 UBC           0 :             case 'P':
     794 UIC           0 :                 SetConfigOption("ignore_system_indexes", "true", PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV);
     795 UBC           0 :                 break;
     796 EUB             : 
     797 GBC           6 :             case 'p':
     798 GIC           6 :                 SetConfigOption("port", optarg, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV);
     799 GBC           6 :                 break;
     800 EUB             : 
     801 UBC           0 :             case 'r':
     802                 :                 /* only used by single-user backend */
     803               0 :                 break;
     804 EUB             : 
     805 UBC           0 :             case 'S':
     806 UIC           0 :                 SetConfigOption("work_mem", optarg, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV);
     807 LBC           0 :                 break;
     808 ECB             : 
     809 LBC           0 :             case 's':
     810 UIC           0 :                 SetConfigOption("log_statement_stats", "true", PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV);
     811 UBC           0 :                 break;
     812                 : 
     813               0 :             case 'T':
     814                 : 
     815 EUB             :                 /*
     816                 :                  * This option used to be defined as sending SIGSTOP after a
     817                 :                  * backend crash, but sending SIGABRT seems more useful.
     818                 :                  */
     819 UNC           0 :                 SetConfigOption("send_abort_for_crash", "true", PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV);
     820 UBC           0 :                 break;
     821                 : 
     822               0 :             case 't':
     823                 :                 {
     824 UIC           0 :                     const char *tmp = get_stats_option_name(optarg);
     825                 : 
     826               0 :                     if (tmp)
     827                 :                     {
     828 UBC           0 :                         SetConfigOption(tmp, "true", PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV);
     829 EUB             :                     }
     830                 :                     else
     831                 :                     {
     832 UIC           0 :                         write_stderr("%s: invalid argument for option -t: \"%s\"\n",
     833 EUB             :                                      progname, optarg);
     834 UIC           0 :                         ExitPostmaster(1);
     835 EUB             :                     }
     836 UIC           0 :                     break;
     837 EUB             :                 }
     838                 : 
     839 UIC           0 :             case 'W':
     840               0 :                 SetConfigOption("post_auth_delay", optarg, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ARGV);
     841 UBC           0 :                 break;
     842                 : 
     843 UIC           0 :             default:
     844               0 :                 write_stderr("Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n",
     845                 :                              progname);
     846               0 :                 ExitPostmaster(1);
     847 ECB             :         }
     848 EUB             :     }
     849                 : 
     850 ECB             :     /*
     851                 :      * Postmaster accepts no non-option switch arguments.
     852                 :      */
     853 GIC         601 :     if (optind < argc)
     854                 :     {
     855 UIC           0 :         write_stderr("%s: invalid argument: \"%s\"\n",
     856               0 :                      progname, argv[optind]);
     857               0 :         write_stderr("Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n",
     858                 :                      progname);
     859               0 :         ExitPostmaster(1);
     860                 :     }
     861                 : 
     862                 :     /*
     863 ECB             :      * Locate the proper configuration files and data directory, and read
     864                 :      * postgresql.conf for the first time.
     865                 :      */
     866 GIC         601 :     if (!SelectConfigFiles(userDoption, progname))
     867 UIC           0 :         ExitPostmaster(2);
     868                 : 
     869 GIC         600 :     if (output_config_variable != NULL)
     870                 :     {
     871                 :         /*
     872 ECB             :          * If this is a runtime-computed GUC, it hasn't yet been initialized,
     873                 :          * and the present value is not useful.  However, this is a convenient
     874                 :          * place to print the value for most GUCs because it is safe to run
     875                 :          * postmaster startup to this point even if the server is already
     876                 :          * running.  For the handful of runtime-computed GUCs that we cannot
     877                 :          * provide meaningful values for yet, we wait until later in
     878                 :          * postmaster startup to print the value.  We won't be able to use -C
     879                 :          * on running servers for those GUCs, but using this option now would
     880                 :          * lead to incorrect results for them.
     881                 :          */
     882 GIC           2 :         int         flags = GetConfigOptionFlags(output_config_variable, true);
     883                 : 
     884               2 :         if ((flags & GUC_RUNTIME_COMPUTED) == 0)
     885                 :         {
     886 ECB             :             /*
     887                 :              * "-C guc" was specified, so print GUC's value and exit.  No
     888                 :              * extra permission check is needed because the user is reading
     889                 :              * inside the data dir.
     890                 :              */
     891 CBC           1 :             const char *config_val = GetConfigOption(output_config_variable,
     892                 :                                                      false, false);
     893                 : 
     894               1 :             puts(config_val ? config_val : "");
     895 GIC           1 :             ExitPostmaster(0);
     896                 :         }
     897 ECB             : 
     898                 :         /*
     899                 :          * A runtime-computed GUC will be printed later on.  As we initialize
     900                 :          * a server startup sequence, silence any log messages that may show
     901                 :          * up in the output generated.  FATAL and more severe messages are
     902                 :          * useful to show, even if one would only expect at least PANIC.  LOG
     903                 :          * entries are hidden.
     904 EUB             :          */
     905 GIC           1 :         SetConfigOption("log_min_messages", "FATAL", PGC_SUSET,
     906                 :                         PGC_S_OVERRIDE);
     907                 :     }
     908 EUB             : 
     909                 :     /* Verify that DataDir looks reasonable */
     910 CBC         599 :     checkDataDir();
     911 EUB             : 
     912                 :     /* Check that pg_control exists */
     913 CBC         599 :     checkControlFile();
     914 EUB             : 
     915                 :     /* And switch working directory into it */
     916 GIC         599 :     ChangeToDataDir();
     917                 : 
     918                 :     /*
     919                 :      * Check for invalid combinations of GUC settings.
     920                 :      */
     921 GNC         599 :     if (SuperuserReservedConnections + ReservedConnections >= MaxConnections)
     922                 :     {
     923 UNC           0 :         write_stderr("%s: superuser_reserved_connections (%d) plus reserved_connections (%d) must be less than max_connections (%d)\n",
     924 EUB             :                      progname,
     925                 :                      SuperuserReservedConnections, ReservedConnections,
     926                 :                      MaxConnections);
     927 UIC           0 :         ExitPostmaster(1);
     928                 :     }
     929 GIC         599 :     if (XLogArchiveMode > ARCHIVE_MODE_OFF && wal_level == WAL_LEVEL_MINIMAL)
     930 UIC           0 :         ereport(ERROR,
     931                 :                 (errmsg("WAL archival cannot be enabled when wal_level is \"minimal\"")));
     932 CBC         599 :     if (max_wal_senders > 0 && wal_level == WAL_LEVEL_MINIMAL)
     933 UIC           0 :         ereport(ERROR,
     934                 :                 (errmsg("WAL streaming (max_wal_senders > 0) requires wal_level \"replica\" or \"logical\"")));
     935                 : 
     936                 :     /*
     937                 :      * Other one-time internal sanity checks can go here, if they are fast.
     938                 :      * (Put any slow processing further down, after creation.)
     939                 :      */
     940 GIC         599 :     if (!CheckDateTokenTables())
     941                 :     {
     942 LBC           0 :         write_stderr("%s: invalid datetoken tables, please fix\n", progname);
     943 UIC           0 :         ExitPostmaster(1);
     944                 :     }
     945 ECB             : 
     946                 :     /*
     947                 :      * Now that we are done processing the postmaster arguments, reset
     948                 :      * getopt(3) library so that it will work correctly in subprocesses.
     949                 :      */
     950 CBC         599 :     optind = 1;
     951                 : #ifdef HAVE_INT_OPTRESET
     952                 :     optreset = 1;               /* some systems need this too */
     953                 : #endif
     954                 : 
     955                 :     /* For debugging: display postmaster environment */
     956                 :     {
     957                 :         extern char **environ;
     958                 :         char      **p;
     959                 : 
     960 GIC         599 :         ereport(DEBUG3,
     961                 :                 (errmsg_internal("%s: PostmasterMain: initial environment dump:",
     962                 :                                  progname)));
     963             599 :         ereport(DEBUG3,
     964                 :                 (errmsg_internal("-----------------------------------------")));
     965           58352 :         for (p = environ; *p; ++p)
     966           57753 :             ereport(DEBUG3,
     967                 :                     (errmsg_internal("\t%s", *p)));
     968 CBC         599 :         ereport(DEBUG3,
     969                 :                 (errmsg_internal("-----------------------------------------")));
     970                 :     }
     971                 : 
     972                 :     /*
     973                 :      * Create lockfile for data directory.
     974                 :      *
     975                 :      * We want to do this before we try to grab the input sockets, because the
     976                 :      * data directory interlock is more reliable than the socket-file
     977                 :      * interlock (thanks to whoever decided to put socket files in /tmp :-().
     978                 :      * For the same reason, it's best to grab the TCP socket(s) before the
     979 ECB             :      * Unix socket(s).
     980                 :      *
     981                 :      * Also note that this internally sets up the on_proc_exit function that
     982                 :      * is responsible for removing both data directory and socket lockfiles;
     983                 :      * so it must happen before opening sockets so that at exit, the socket
     984                 :      * lockfiles go away after CloseServerPorts runs.
     985                 :      */
     986 GIC         599 :     CreateDataDirLockFile(true);
     987                 : 
     988                 :     /*
     989                 :      * Read the control file (for error checking and config info).
     990 ECB             :      *
     991                 :      * Since we verify the control file's CRC, this has a useful side effect
     992                 :      * on machines where we need a run-time test for CRC support instructions.
     993                 :      * The postmaster will do the test once at startup, and then its child
     994                 :      * processes will inherit the correct function pointer and not need to
     995                 :      * repeat the test.
     996                 :      */
     997 GIC         598 :     LocalProcessControlFile(false);
     998 ECB             : 
     999                 :     /*
    1000                 :      * Register the apply launcher.  It's probably a good idea to call this
    1001                 :      * before any modules had a chance to take the background worker slots.
    1002                 :      */
    1003 GIC         598 :     ApplyLauncherRegister();
    1004                 : 
    1005                 :     /*
    1006                 :      * process any libraries that should be preloaded at postmaster start
    1007 ECB             :      */
    1008 GIC         598 :     process_shared_preload_libraries();
    1009                 : 
    1010                 :     /*
    1011                 :      * Initialize SSL library, if specified.
    1012 ECB             :      */
    1013                 : #ifdef USE_SSL
    1014 GIC         598 :     if (EnableSSL)
    1015                 :     {
    1016              26 :         (void) secure_initialize(true);
    1017              23 :         LoadedSSL = true;
    1018                 :     }
    1019 ECB             : #endif
    1020                 : 
    1021                 :     /*
    1022                 :      * Now that loadable modules have had their chance to alter any GUCs,
    1023                 :      * calculate MaxBackends.
    1024                 :      */
    1025 CBC         595 :     InitializeMaxBackends();
    1026                 : 
    1027                 :     /*
    1028                 :      * Give preloaded libraries a chance to request additional shared memory.
    1029                 :      */
    1030 GIC         595 :     process_shmem_requests();
    1031                 : 
    1032                 :     /*
    1033                 :      * Now that loadable modules have had their chance to request additional
    1034                 :      * shared memory, determine the value of any runtime-computed GUCs that
    1035                 :      * depend on the amount of shared memory required.
    1036                 :      */
    1037             595 :     InitializeShmemGUCs();
    1038 ECB             : 
    1039                 :     /*
    1040                 :      * Now that modules have been loaded, we can process any custom resource
    1041                 :      * managers specified in the wal_consistency_checking GUC.
    1042                 :      */
    1043 CBC         595 :     InitializeWalConsistencyChecking();
    1044 ECB             : 
    1045                 :     /*
    1046                 :      * If -C was specified with a runtime-computed GUC, we held off printing
    1047                 :      * the value earlier, as the GUC was not yet initialized.  We handle -C
    1048                 :      * for most GUCs before we lock the data directory so that the option may
    1049                 :      * be used on a running server.  However, a handful of GUCs are runtime-
    1050                 :      * computed and do not have meaningful values until after locking the data
    1051                 :      * directory, and we cannot safely calculate their values earlier on a
    1052                 :      * running server.  At this point, such GUCs should be properly
    1053                 :      * initialized, and we haven't yet set up shared memory, so this is a good
    1054                 :      * time to handle the -C option for these special GUCs.
    1055                 :      */
    1056 GIC         595 :     if (output_config_variable != NULL)
    1057                 :     {
    1058               1 :         const char *config_val = GetConfigOption(output_config_variable,
    1059                 :                                                  false, false);
    1060 ECB             : 
    1061 GIC           1 :         puts(config_val ? config_val : "");
    1062               1 :         ExitPostmaster(0);
    1063                 :     }
    1064                 : 
    1065 ECB             :     /*
    1066                 :      * Set up shared memory and semaphores.
    1067                 :      *
    1068                 :      * Note: if using SysV shmem and/or semas, each postmaster startup will
    1069                 :      * normally choose the same IPC keys.  This helps ensure that we will
    1070                 :      * clean up dead IPC objects if the postmaster crashes and is restarted.
    1071                 :      */
    1072 GNC         594 :     CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores();
    1073                 : 
    1074                 :     /*
    1075 ECB             :      * Estimate number of openable files.  This must happen after setting up
    1076                 :      * semaphores, because on some platforms semaphores count as open files.
    1077                 :      */
    1078 GIC         593 :     set_max_safe_fds();
    1079                 : 
    1080                 :     /*
    1081                 :      * Set reference point for stack-depth checking.
    1082                 :      */
    1083             593 :     (void) set_stack_base();
    1084                 : 
    1085                 :     /*
    1086                 :      * Initialize pipe (or process handle on Windows) that allows children to
    1087                 :      * wake up from sleep on postmaster death.
    1088                 :      */
    1089             593 :     InitPostmasterDeathWatchHandle();
    1090                 : 
    1091                 : #ifdef WIN32
    1092                 : 
    1093                 :     /*
    1094                 :      * Initialize I/O completion port used to deliver list of dead children.
    1095                 :      */
    1096                 :     win32ChildQueue = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, 1);
    1097                 :     if (win32ChildQueue == NULL)
    1098                 :         ereport(FATAL,
    1099                 :                 (errmsg("could not create I/O completion port for child queue")));
    1100                 : #endif
    1101                 : 
    1102                 : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
    1103                 :     /* Write out nondefault GUC settings for child processes to use */
    1104                 :     write_nondefault_variables(PGC_POSTMASTER);
    1105                 : 
    1106                 :     /*
    1107                 :      * Clean out the temp directory used to transmit parameters to child
    1108                 :      * processes (see internal_forkexec, below).  We must do this before
    1109                 :      * launching any child processes, else we have a race condition: we could
    1110                 :      * remove a parameter file before the child can read it.  It should be
    1111                 :      * safe to do so now, because we verified earlier that there are no
    1112                 :      * conflicting Postgres processes in this data directory.
    1113                 :      */
    1114                 :     RemovePgTempFilesInDir(PG_TEMP_FILES_DIR, true, false);
    1115                 : #endif
    1116                 : 
    1117                 :     /*
    1118                 :      * Forcibly remove the files signaling a standby promotion request.
    1119                 :      * Otherwise, the existence of those files triggers a promotion too early,
    1120 ECB             :      * whether a user wants that or not.
    1121                 :      *
    1122                 :      * This removal of files is usually unnecessary because they can exist
    1123                 :      * only during a few moments during a standby promotion. However there is
    1124                 :      * a race condition: if pg_ctl promote is executed and creates the files
    1125                 :      * during a promotion, the files can stay around even after the server is
    1126                 :      * brought up to be the primary.  Then, if a new standby starts by using
    1127 EUB             :      * the backup taken from the new primary, the files can exist at server
    1128                 :      * startup and must be removed in order to avoid an unexpected promotion.
    1129                 :      *
    1130                 :      * Note that promotion signal files need to be removed before the startup
    1131                 :      * process is invoked. Because, after that, they can be used by
    1132                 :      * postmaster's SIGUSR1 signal handler.
    1133                 :      */
    1134 GIC         593 :     RemovePromoteSignalFiles();
    1135 ECB             : 
    1136                 :     /* Do the same for logrotate signal file */
    1137 GIC         593 :     RemoveLogrotateSignalFiles();
    1138                 : 
    1139                 :     /* Remove any outdated file holding the current log filenames. */
    1140             593 :     if (unlink(LOG_METAINFO_DATAFILE) < 0 && errno != ENOENT)
    1141 UIC           0 :         ereport(LOG,
    1142                 :                 (errcode_for_file_access(),
    1143                 :                  errmsg("could not remove file \"%s\": %m",
    1144                 :                         LOG_METAINFO_DATAFILE)));
    1145                 : 
    1146                 :     /*
    1147                 :      * If enabled, start up syslogger collection subprocess
    1148 ECB             :      */
    1149 GBC         593 :     SysLoggerPID = SysLogger_Start();
    1150                 : 
    1151                 :     /*
    1152                 :      * Reset whereToSendOutput from DestDebug (its starting state) to
    1153                 :      * DestNone. This stops ereport from sending log messages to stderr unless
    1154 ECB             :      * Log_destination permits.  We don't do this until the postmaster is
    1155                 :      * fully launched, since startup failures may as well be reported to
    1156                 :      * stderr.
    1157                 :      *
    1158                 :      * If we are in fact disabling logging to stderr, first emit a log message
    1159                 :      * saying so, to provide a breadcrumb trail for users who may not remember
    1160                 :      * that their logging is configured to go somewhere else.
    1161                 :      */
    1162 GIC         593 :     if (!(Log_destination & LOG_DESTINATION_STDERR))
    1163 UIC           0 :         ereport(LOG,
    1164                 :                 (errmsg("ending log output to stderr"),
    1165                 :                  errhint("Future log output will go to log destination \"%s\".",
    1166                 :                          Log_destination_string)));
    1167                 : 
    1168 GIC         593 :     whereToSendOutput = DestNone;
    1169                 : 
    1170 ECB             :     /*
    1171                 :      * Report server startup in log.  While we could emit this much earlier,
    1172                 :      * it seems best to do so after starting the log collector, if we intend
    1173                 :      * to use one.
    1174                 :      */
    1175 CBC         593 :     ereport(LOG,
    1176                 :             (errmsg("starting %s", PG_VERSION_STR)));
    1177                 : 
    1178                 :     /*
    1179                 :      * Establish input sockets.
    1180 ECB             :      *
    1181                 :      * First, mark them all closed, and set up an on_proc_exit function that's
    1182                 :      * charged with closing the sockets again at postmaster shutdown.
    1183                 :      */
    1184 GIC       38545 :     for (i = 0; i < MAXLISTEN; i++)
    1185           37952 :         ListenSocket[i] = PGINVALID_SOCKET;
    1186 ECB             : 
    1187 GIC         593 :     on_proc_exit(CloseServerPorts, 0);
    1188                 : 
    1189 GBC         593 :     if (ListenAddresses)
    1190                 :     {
    1191                 :         char       *rawstring;
    1192                 :         List       *elemlist;
    1193                 :         ListCell   *l;
    1194 GIC         593 :         int         success = 0;
    1195 ECB             : 
    1196                 :         /* Need a modifiable copy of ListenAddresses */
    1197 CBC         593 :         rawstring = pstrdup(ListenAddresses);
    1198                 : 
    1199 ECB             :         /* Parse string into list of hostnames */
    1200 GBC         593 :         if (!SplitGUCList(rawstring, ',', &elemlist))
    1201 EUB             :         {
    1202                 :             /* syntax error in list */
    1203 UIC           0 :             ereport(FATAL,
    1204                 :                     (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE),
    1205 ECB             :                      errmsg("invalid list syntax in parameter \"%s\"",
    1206                 :                             "listen_addresses")));
    1207                 :         }
    1208                 : 
    1209 GIC         627 :         foreach(l, elemlist)
    1210 ECB             :         {
    1211 GIC          34 :             char       *curhost = (char *) lfirst(l);
    1212 ECB             : 
    1213 GIC          34 :             if (strcmp(curhost, "*") == 0)
    1214 LBC           0 :                 status = StreamServerPort(AF_UNSPEC, NULL,
    1215 UIC           0 :                                           (unsigned short) PostPortNumber,
    1216 ECB             :                                           NULL,
    1217                 :                                           ListenSocket, MAXLISTEN);
    1218                 :             else
    1219 GIC          34 :                 status = StreamServerPort(AF_UNSPEC, curhost,
    1220              34 :                                           (unsigned short) PostPortNumber,
    1221 EUB             :                                           NULL,
    1222                 :                                           ListenSocket, MAXLISTEN);
    1223                 : 
    1224 GIC          34 :             if (status == STATUS_OK)
    1225                 :             {
    1226 CBC          34 :                 success++;
    1227 EUB             :                 /* record the first successful host addr in lockfile */
    1228 GIC          34 :                 if (!listen_addr_saved)
    1229                 :                 {
    1230 CBC          34 :                     AddToDataDirLockFile(LOCK_FILE_LINE_LISTEN_ADDR, curhost);
    1231              34 :                     listen_addr_saved = true;
    1232                 :                 }
    1233                 :             }
    1234                 :             else
    1235 UIC           0 :                 ereport(WARNING,
    1236                 :                         (errmsg("could not create listen socket for \"%s\"",
    1237                 :                                 curhost)));
    1238                 :         }
    1239                 : 
    1240 GIC         593 :         if (!success && elemlist != NIL)
    1241 UIC           0 :             ereport(FATAL,
    1242                 :                     (errmsg("could not create any TCP/IP sockets")));
    1243                 : 
    1244 GIC         593 :         list_free(elemlist);
    1245             593 :         pfree(rawstring);
    1246                 :     }
    1247                 : 
    1248                 : #ifdef USE_BONJOUR
    1249                 :     /* Register for Bonjour only if we opened TCP socket(s) */
    1250                 :     if (enable_bonjour && ListenSocket[0] != PGINVALID_SOCKET)
    1251                 :     {
    1252                 :         DNSServiceErrorType err;
    1253                 : 
    1254                 :         /*
    1255                 :          * We pass 0 for interface_index, which will result in registering on
    1256                 :          * all "applicable" interfaces.  It's not entirely clear from the
    1257                 :          * DNS-SD docs whether this would be appropriate if we have bound to
    1258                 :          * just a subset of the available network interfaces.
    1259                 :          */
    1260                 :         err = DNSServiceRegister(&bonjour_sdref,
    1261                 :                                  0,
    1262                 :                                  0,
    1263                 :                                  bonjour_name,
    1264                 :                                  "_postgresql._tcp.",
    1265                 :                                  NULL,
    1266                 :                                  NULL,
    1267                 :                                  pg_hton16(PostPortNumber),
    1268                 :                                  0,
    1269                 :                                  NULL,
    1270                 :                                  NULL,
    1271                 :                                  NULL);
    1272                 :         if (err != kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
    1273 ECB             :             ereport(LOG,
    1274                 :                     (errmsg("DNSServiceRegister() failed: error code %ld",
    1275                 :                             (long) err)));
    1276                 : 
    1277                 :         /*
    1278                 :          * We don't bother to read the mDNS daemon's reply, and we expect that
    1279                 :          * it will automatically terminate our registration when the socket is
    1280                 :          * closed at postmaster termination.  So there's nothing more to be
    1281                 :          * done here.  However, the bonjour_sdref is kept around so that
    1282                 :          * forked children can close their copies of the socket.
    1283                 :          */
    1284                 :     }
    1285                 : #endif
    1286                 : 
    1287 GIC         593 :     if (Unix_socket_directories)
    1288                 :     {
    1289                 :         char       *rawstring;
    1290                 :         List       *elemlist;
    1291                 :         ListCell   *l;
    1292 CBC         593 :         int         success = 0;
    1293                 : 
    1294 ECB             :         /* Need a modifiable copy of Unix_socket_directories */
    1295 GIC         593 :         rawstring = pstrdup(Unix_socket_directories);
    1296 ECB             : 
    1297                 :         /* Parse string into list of directories */
    1298 GIC         593 :         if (!SplitDirectoriesString(rawstring, ',', &elemlist))
    1299                 :         {
    1300                 :             /* syntax error in list */
    1301 LBC           0 :             ereport(FATAL,
    1302                 :                     (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE),
    1303 ECB             :                      errmsg("invalid list syntax in parameter \"%s\"",
    1304                 :                             "unix_socket_directories")));
    1305                 :         }
    1306                 : 
    1307 GIC        1183 :         foreach(l, elemlist)
    1308                 :         {
    1309 GBC         590 :             char       *socketdir = (char *) lfirst(l);
    1310                 : 
    1311 GIC         590 :             status = StreamServerPort(AF_UNIX, NULL,
    1312             590 :                                       (unsigned short) PostPortNumber,
    1313                 :                                       socketdir,
    1314 ECB             :                                       ListenSocket, MAXLISTEN);
    1315 EUB             : 
    1316 GIC         590 :             if (status == STATUS_OK)
    1317                 :             {
    1318 CBC         590 :                 success++;
    1319 ECB             :                 /* record the first successful Unix socket in lockfile */
    1320 GIC         590 :                 if (success == 1)
    1321             590 :                     AddToDataDirLockFile(LOCK_FILE_LINE_SOCKET_DIR, socketdir);
    1322                 :             }
    1323                 :             else
    1324 UIC           0 :                 ereport(WARNING,
    1325 ECB             :                         (errmsg("could not create Unix-domain socket in directory \"%s\"",
    1326 EUB             :                                 socketdir)));
    1327                 :         }
    1328                 : 
    1329 GIC         593 :         if (!success && elemlist != NIL)
    1330 UIC           0 :             ereport(FATAL,
    1331                 :                     (errmsg("could not create any Unix-domain sockets")));
    1332                 : 
    1333 GIC         593 :         list_free_deep(elemlist);
    1334 CBC         593 :         pfree(rawstring);
    1335 ECB             :     }
    1336                 : 
    1337                 :     /*
    1338                 :      * check that we have some socket to listen on
    1339                 :      */
    1340 CBC         593 :     if (ListenSocket[0] == PGINVALID_SOCKET)
    1341 UBC           0 :         ereport(FATAL,
    1342                 :                 (errmsg("no socket created for listening")));
    1343                 : 
    1344                 :     /*
    1345                 :      * If no valid TCP ports, write an empty line for listen address,
    1346 ECB             :      * indicating the Unix socket must be used.  Note that this line is not
    1347                 :      * added to the lock file until there is a socket backing it.
    1348 EUB             :      */
    1349 GIC         593 :     if (!listen_addr_saved)
    1350 GBC         559 :         AddToDataDirLockFile(LOCK_FILE_LINE_LISTEN_ADDR, "");
    1351                 : 
    1352 EUB             :     /*
    1353                 :      * Record postmaster options.  We delay this till now to avoid recording
    1354                 :      * bogus options (eg, unusable port number).
    1355                 :      */
    1356 GBC         593 :     if (!CreateOptsFile(argc, argv, my_exec_path))
    1357 UBC           0 :         ExitPostmaster(1);
    1358 EUB             : 
    1359                 :     /*
    1360                 :      * Write the external PID file if requested
    1361                 :      */
    1362 GBC         593 :     if (external_pid_file)
    1363                 :     {
    1364 UBC           0 :         FILE       *fpidfile = fopen(external_pid_file, "w");
    1365                 : 
    1366 UIC           0 :         if (fpidfile)
    1367                 :         {
    1368               0 :             fprintf(fpidfile, "%d\n", MyProcPid);
    1369               0 :             fclose(fpidfile);
    1370                 : 
    1371 ECB             :             /* Make PID file world readable */
    1372 UIC           0 :             if (chmod(external_pid_file, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH) != 0)
    1373               0 :                 write_stderr("%s: could not change permissions of external PID file \"%s\": %s\n",
    1374               0 :                              progname, external_pid_file, strerror(errno));
    1375                 :         }
    1376 ECB             :         else
    1377 UIC           0 :             write_stderr("%s: could not write external PID file \"%s\": %s\n",
    1378               0 :                          progname, external_pid_file, strerror(errno));
    1379                 : 
    1380               0 :         on_proc_exit(unlink_external_pid_file, 0);
    1381 ECB             :     }
    1382                 : 
    1383                 :     /*
    1384                 :      * Remove old temporary files.  At this point there can be no other
    1385                 :      * Postgres processes running in this directory, so this should be safe.
    1386                 :      */
    1387 GBC         593 :     RemovePgTempFiles();
    1388                 : 
    1389                 :     /*
    1390                 :      * Initialize the autovacuum subsystem (again, no process start yet)
    1391 ECB             :      */
    1392 GIC         593 :     autovac_init();
    1393                 : 
    1394                 :     /*
    1395                 :      * Load configuration files for client authentication.
    1396                 :      */
    1397             593 :     if (!load_hba())
    1398                 :     {
    1399                 :         /*
    1400                 :          * It makes no sense to continue if we fail to load the HBA file,
    1401                 :          * since there is no way to connect to the database in this case.
    1402                 :          */
    1403 UIC           0 :         ereport(FATAL,
    1404                 :         /* translator: %s is a configuration file */
    1405                 :                 (errmsg("could not load %s", HbaFileName)));
    1406                 :     }
    1407 GIC         593 :     if (!load_ident())
    1408                 :     {
    1409                 :         /*
    1410                 :          * We can start up without the IDENT file, although it means that you
    1411                 :          * cannot log in using any of the authentication methods that need a
    1412                 :          * user name mapping. load_ident() already logged the details of error
    1413                 :          * to the log.
    1414                 :          */
    1415                 :     }
    1416                 : 
    1417                 : #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_IS_THREADED_NP
    1418                 : 
    1419                 :     /*
    1420                 :      * On macOS, libintl replaces setlocale() with a version that calls
    1421                 :      * CFLocaleCopyCurrent() when its second argument is "" and every relevant
    1422                 :      * environment variable is unset or empty.  CFLocaleCopyCurrent() makes
    1423 ECB             :      * the process multithreaded.  The postmaster calls sigprocmask() and
    1424                 :      * calls fork() without an immediate exec(), both of which have undefined
    1425                 :      * behavior in a multithreaded program.  A multithreaded postmaster is the
    1426                 :      * normal case on Windows, which offers neither fork() nor sigprocmask().
    1427                 :      */
    1428                 :     if (pthread_is_threaded_np() != 0)
    1429                 :         ereport(FATAL,
    1430                 :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE),
    1431                 :                  errmsg("postmaster became multithreaded during startup"),
    1432                 :                  errhint("Set the LC_ALL environment variable to a valid locale.")));
    1433                 : #endif
    1434                 : 
    1435                 :     /*
    1436                 :      * Remember postmaster startup time
    1437                 :      */
    1438 GIC         593 :     PgStartTime = GetCurrentTimestamp();
    1439                 : 
    1440 ECB             :     /*
    1441                 :      * Report postmaster status in the file, to allow pg_ctl to
    1442                 :      * see what's happening.
    1443                 :      */
    1444 GIC         593 :     AddToDataDirLockFile(LOCK_FILE_LINE_PM_STATUS, PM_STATUS_STARTING);
    1445                 : 
    1446 ECB             :     /* Start bgwriter and checkpointer so they can help with recovery */
    1447 GIC         593 :     if (CheckpointerPID == 0)
    1448 CBC         593 :         CheckpointerPID = StartCheckpointer();
    1449 GIC         593 :     if (BgWriterPID == 0)
    1450             593 :         BgWriterPID = StartBackgroundWriter();
    1451                 : 
    1452                 :     /*
    1453 EUB             :      * We're ready to rock and roll...
    1454                 :      */
    1455 GIC         593 :     StartupPID = StartupDataBase();
    1456             593 :     Assert(StartupPID != 0);
    1457             593 :     StartupStatus = STARTUP_RUNNING;
    1458             593 :     pmState = PM_STARTUP;
    1459                 : 
    1460                 :     /* Some workers may be scheduled to start now */
    1461             593 :     maybe_start_bgworkers();
    1462                 : 
    1463 CBC         593 :     status = ServerLoop();
    1464                 : 
    1465                 :     /*
    1466                 :      * ServerLoop probably shouldn't ever return, but if it does, close down.
    1467                 :      */
    1468 UIC           0 :     ExitPostmaster(status != STATUS_OK);
    1469                 : 
    1470                 :     abort();                    /* not reached */
    1471                 : }
    1472                 : 
    1473 ECB             : 
    1474                 : /*
    1475                 :  * on_proc_exit callback to close server's listen sockets
    1476                 :  */
    1477                 : static void
    1478 CBC         593 : CloseServerPorts(int status, Datum arg)
    1479                 : {
    1480                 :     int         i;
    1481                 : 
    1482                 :     /*
    1483                 :      * First, explicitly close all the socket FDs.  We used to just let this
    1484                 :      * happen implicitly at postmaster exit, but it's better to close them
    1485                 :      * before we remove the lockfile; otherwise there's a race
    1486                 :      * condition if a new postmaster wants to re-use the TCP port number.
    1487 ECB             :      */
    1488 GIC       38545 :     for (i = 0; i < MAXLISTEN; i++)
    1489                 :     {
    1490           37952 :         if (ListenSocket[i] != PGINVALID_SOCKET)
    1491                 :         {
    1492             624 :             StreamClose(ListenSocket[i]);
    1493 CBC         624 :             ListenSocket[i] = PGINVALID_SOCKET;
    1494                 :         }
    1495                 :     }
    1496                 : 
    1497                 :     /*
    1498                 :      * Next, remove any filesystem entries for Unix sockets.  To avoid race
    1499 EUB             :      * conditions against incoming postmasters, this must happen after closing
    1500                 :      * the sockets and before removing lock files.
    1501                 :      */
    1502 GBC         593 :     RemoveSocketFiles();
    1503 EUB             : 
    1504                 :     /*
    1505                 :      * We don't do anything about socket lock files here; those will be
    1506                 :      * removed in a later on_proc_exit callback.
    1507                 :      */
    1508 GIC         593 : }
    1509                 : 
    1510                 : /*
    1511 ECB             :  * on_proc_exit callback to delete external_pid_file
    1512                 :  */
    1513                 : static void
    1514 UIC           0 : unlink_external_pid_file(int status, Datum arg)
    1515                 : {
    1516 LBC           0 :     if (external_pid_file)
    1517 UBC           0 :         unlink(external_pid_file);
    1518 UIC           0 : }
    1519                 : 
    1520                 : 
    1521                 : /*
    1522                 :  * Compute and check the directory paths to files that are part of the
    1523                 :  * installation (as deduced from the postgres executable's own location)
    1524                 :  */
    1525                 : static void
    1526 GIC         601 : getInstallationPaths(const char *argv0)
    1527                 : {
    1528                 :     DIR        *pdir;
    1529                 : 
    1530                 :     /* Locate the postgres executable itself */
    1531             601 :     if (find_my_exec(argv0, my_exec_path) < 0)
    1532 UIC           0 :         ereport(FATAL,
    1533 ECB             :                 (errmsg("%s: could not locate my own executable path", argv0)));
    1534                 : 
    1535                 : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
    1536                 :     /* Locate executable backend before we change working directory */
    1537                 :     if (find_other_exec(argv0, "postgres", PG_BACKEND_VERSIONSTR,
    1538                 :                         postgres_exec_path) < 0)
    1539                 :         ereport(FATAL,
    1540                 :                 (errmsg("%s: could not locate matching postgres executable",
    1541                 :                         argv0)));
    1542                 : #endif
    1543                 : 
    1544 EUB             :     /*
    1545                 :      * Locate the pkglib directory --- this has to be set early in case we try
    1546                 :      * to load any modules from it in response to postgresql.conf entries.
    1547                 :      */
    1548 GIC         601 :     get_pkglib_path(my_exec_path, pkglib_path);
    1549                 : 
    1550 ECB             :     /*
    1551                 :      * Verify that there's a readable directory there; otherwise the Postgres
    1552                 :      * installation is incomplete or corrupt.  (A typical cause of this
    1553                 :      * failure is that the postgres executable has been moved or hardlinked to
    1554                 :      * some directory that's not a sibling of the installation lib/
    1555                 :      * directory.)
    1556                 :      */
    1557 GIC         601 :     pdir = AllocateDir(pkglib_path);
    1558             601 :     if (pdir == NULL)
    1559 UIC           0 :         ereport(ERROR,
    1560                 :                 (errcode_for_file_access(),
    1561                 :                  errmsg("could not open directory \"%s\": %m",
    1562                 :                         pkglib_path),
    1563                 :                  errhint("This may indicate an incomplete PostgreSQL installation, or that the file \"%s\" has been moved away from its proper location.",
    1564                 :                          my_exec_path)));
    1565 CBC         601 :     FreeDir(pdir);
    1566                 : 
    1567                 :     /*
    1568                 :      * XXX is it worth similarly checking the share/ directory?  If the lib/
    1569                 :      * directory is there, then share/ probably is too.
    1570 ECB             :      */
    1571 GIC         601 : }
    1572 ECB             : 
    1573                 : /*
    1574                 :  * Check that pg_control exists in the correct location in the data directory.
    1575 EUB             :  *
    1576                 :  * No attempt is made to validate the contents of pg_control here.  This is
    1577                 :  * just a sanity check to see if we are looking at a real data directory.
    1578                 :  */
    1579                 : static void
    1580 GIC         599 : checkControlFile(void)
    1581 ECB             : {
    1582                 :     char        path[MAXPGPATH];
    1583                 :     FILE       *fp;
    1584                 : 
    1585 GIC         599 :     snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/global/pg_control", DataDir);
    1586                 : 
    1587             599 :     fp = AllocateFile(path, PG_BINARY_R);
    1588             599 :     if (fp == NULL)
    1589                 :     {
    1590 UIC           0 :         write_stderr("%s: could not find the database system\n"
    1591                 :                      "Expected to find it in the directory \"%s\",\n"
    1592                 :                      "but could not open file \"%s\": %s\n",
    1593               0 :                      progname, DataDir, path, strerror(errno));
    1594 LBC           0 :         ExitPostmaster(2);
    1595                 :     }
    1596 CBC         599 :     FreeFile(fp);
    1597 GIC         599 : }
    1598                 : 
    1599                 : /*
    1600                 :  * Determine how long should we let ServerLoop sleep, in milliseconds.
    1601                 :  *
    1602 ECB             :  * In normal conditions we wait at most one minute, to ensure that the other
    1603                 :  * background tasks handled by ServerLoop get done even when no requests are
    1604                 :  * arriving.  However, if there are background workers waiting to be started,
    1605                 :  * we don't actually sleep so that they are quickly serviced.  Other exception
    1606                 :  * cases are as shown in the code.
    1607                 :  */
    1608                 : static int
    1609 GNC       25393 : DetermineSleepTime(void)
    1610 ECB             : {
    1611 CBC       25393 :     TimestampTz next_wakeup = 0;
    1612                 : 
    1613 ECB             :     /*
    1614                 :      * Normal case: either there are no background workers at all, or we're in
    1615                 :      * a shutdown sequence (during which we ignore bgworkers altogether).
    1616                 :      */
    1617 GIC       25393 :     if (Shutdown > NoShutdown ||
    1618           22349 :         (!StartWorkerNeeded && !HaveCrashedWorker))
    1619 EUB             :     {
    1620 GBC       25393 :         if (AbortStartTime != 0)
    1621                 :         {
    1622                 :             int         seconds;
    1623                 : 
    1624 EUB             :             /* time left to abort; clamp to 0 in case it already expired */
    1625 GNC         932 :             seconds = SIGKILL_CHILDREN_AFTER_SECS -
    1626 GIC         932 :                 (time(NULL) - AbortStartTime);
    1627                 : 
    1628 GNC         932 :             return Max(seconds * 1000, 0);
    1629                 :         }
    1630                 :         else
    1631           24461 :             return 60 * 1000;
    1632                 :     }
    1633                 : 
    1634 UIC           0 :     if (StartWorkerNeeded)
    1635 UNC           0 :         return 0;
    1636 EUB             : 
    1637 UBC           0 :     if (HaveCrashedWorker)
    1638                 :     {
    1639 EUB             :         slist_mutable_iter siter;
    1640                 : 
    1641                 :         /*
    1642                 :          * When there are crashed bgworkers, we sleep just long enough that
    1643                 :          * they are restarted when they request to be.  Scan the list to
    1644                 :          * determine the minimum of all wakeup times according to most recent
    1645                 :          * crash time and requested restart interval.
    1646                 :          */
    1647 UIC           0 :         slist_foreach_modify(siter, &BackgroundWorkerList)
    1648                 :         {
    1649                 :             RegisteredBgWorker *rw;
    1650 EUB             :             TimestampTz this_wakeup;
    1651                 : 
    1652 UIC           0 :             rw = slist_container(RegisteredBgWorker, rw_lnode, siter.cur);
    1653                 : 
    1654               0 :             if (rw->rw_crashed_at == 0)
    1655 UBC           0 :                 continue;
    1656                 : 
    1657               0 :             if (rw->rw_worker.bgw_restart_time == BGW_NEVER_RESTART
    1658 UIC           0 :                 || rw->rw_terminate)
    1659                 :             {
    1660 UBC           0 :                 ForgetBackgroundWorker(&siter);
    1661 UIC           0 :                 continue;
    1662                 :             }
    1663                 : 
    1664               0 :             this_wakeup = TimestampTzPlusMilliseconds(rw->rw_crashed_at,
    1665                 :                                                       1000L * rw->rw_worker.bgw_restart_time);
    1666               0 :             if (next_wakeup == 0 || this_wakeup < next_wakeup)
    1667               0 :                 next_wakeup = this_wakeup;
    1668                 :         }
    1669                 :     }
    1670                 : 
    1671               0 :     if (next_wakeup != 0)
    1672                 :     {
    1673                 :         int         ms;
    1674                 : 
    1675                 :         /* result of TimestampDifferenceMilliseconds is in [0, INT_MAX] */
    1676 UNC           0 :         ms = (int) TimestampDifferenceMilliseconds(GetCurrentTimestamp(),
    1677                 :                                                    next_wakeup);
    1678               0 :         return Min(60 * 1000, ms);
    1679 ECB             :     }
    1680                 : 
    1681 UNC           0 :     return 60 * 1000;
    1682                 : }
    1683                 : 
    1684                 : /*
    1685                 :  * Activate or deactivate notifications of server socket events.  Since we
    1686                 :  * don't currently have a way to remove events from an existing WaitEventSet,
    1687                 :  * we'll just destroy and recreate the whole thing.  This is called during
    1688                 :  * shutdown so we can wait for backends to exit without accepting new
    1689                 :  * connections, and during crash reinitialization when we need to start
    1690                 :  * listening for new connections again.  The WaitEventSet will be freed in fork
    1691                 :  * children by ClosePostmasterPorts().
    1692                 :  */
    1693                 : static void
    1694 GNC        1203 : ConfigurePostmasterWaitSet(bool accept_connections)
    1695                 : {
    1696                 :     int         nsockets;
    1697                 : 
    1698            1203 :     if (pm_wait_set)
    1699             610 :         FreeWaitEventSet(pm_wait_set);
    1700            1203 :     pm_wait_set = NULL;
    1701                 : 
    1702                 :     /* How many server sockets do we need to wait for? */
    1703            1203 :     nsockets = 0;
    1704            1203 :     if (accept_connections)
    1705                 :     {
    1706            1225 :         while (nsockets < MAXLISTEN &&
    1707            1225 :                ListenSocket[nsockets] != PGINVALID_SOCKET)
    1708             628 :             ++nsockets;
    1709                 :     }
    1710                 : 
    1711            1203 :     pm_wait_set = CreateWaitEventSet(CurrentMemoryContext, 1 + nsockets);
    1712            1203 :     AddWaitEventToSet(pm_wait_set, WL_LATCH_SET, PGINVALID_SOCKET, MyLatch,
    1713                 :                       NULL);
    1714                 : 
    1715            1203 :     if (accept_connections)
    1716                 :     {
    1717            1225 :         for (int i = 0; i < nsockets; i++)
    1718             628 :             AddWaitEventToSet(pm_wait_set, WL_SOCKET_ACCEPT, ListenSocket[i],
    1719                 :                               NULL, NULL);
    1720                 :     }
    1721 GIC        1203 : }
    1722 ECB             : 
    1723                 : /*
    1724                 :  * Main idle loop of postmaster
    1725                 :  */
    1726                 : static int
    1727 GIC         593 : ServerLoop(void)
    1728                 : {
    1729                 :     time_t      last_lockfile_recheck_time,
    1730 ECB             :                 last_touch_time;
    1731                 :     WaitEvent   events[MAXLISTEN];
    1732                 :     int         nevents;
    1733                 : 
    1734 GNC         593 :     ConfigurePostmasterWaitSet(true);
    1735 GIC         593 :     last_lockfile_recheck_time = last_touch_time = time(NULL);
    1736                 : 
    1737                 :     for (;;)
    1738 CBC       24800 :     {
    1739                 :         time_t      now;
    1740 ECB             : 
    1741 GNC       25393 :         nevents = WaitEventSetWait(pm_wait_set,
    1742           25393 :                                    DetermineSleepTime(),
    1743                 :                                    events,
    1744                 :                                    lengthof(events),
    1745                 :                                    0 /* postmaster posts no wait_events */ );
    1746 ECB             : 
    1747                 :         /*
    1748                 :          * Latch set by signal handler, or new connection pending on any of
    1749                 :          * our sockets? If the latter, fork a child process to deal with it.
    1750                 :          */
    1751 GNC       50192 :         for (int i = 0; i < nevents; i++)
    1752 ECB             :         {
    1753 GNC       25392 :             if (events[i].events & WL_LATCH_SET)
    1754           16557 :                 ResetLatch(MyLatch);
    1755                 : 
    1756                 :             /*
    1757                 :              * The following requests are handled unconditionally, even if we
    1758                 :              * didn't see WL_LATCH_SET.  This gives high priority to shutdown
    1759                 :              * and reload requests where the latch happens to appear later in
    1760                 :              * events[] or will be reported by a later call to
    1761                 :              * WaitEventSetWait().
    1762                 :              */
    1763           25392 :             if (pending_pm_shutdown_request)
    1764             590 :                 process_pm_shutdown_request();
    1765           25392 :             if (pending_pm_reload_request)
    1766             103 :                 process_pm_reload_request();
    1767           25392 :             if (pending_pm_child_exit)
    1768           13502 :                 process_pm_child_exit();
    1769           24799 :             if (pending_pm_pmsignal)
    1770            2363 :                 process_pm_pmsignal();
    1771                 : 
    1772           24799 :             if (events[i].events & WL_SOCKET_ACCEPT)
    1773                 :             {
    1774                 :                 Port       *port;
    1775                 : 
    1776            8835 :                 port = ConnCreate(events[i].fd);
    1777            8835 :                 if (port)
    1778 ECB             :                 {
    1779 GNC        8835 :                     BackendStartup(port);
    1780                 : 
    1781                 :                     /*
    1782                 :                      * We no longer need the open socket or port structure in
    1783                 :                      * this process
    1784                 :                      */
    1785            8835 :                     StreamClose(port->sock);
    1786            8835 :                     ConnFree(port);
    1787 EUB             :                 }
    1788                 :             }
    1789                 :         }
    1790                 : 
    1791                 :         /* If we have lost the log collector, try to start a new one */
    1792 GIC       24800 :         if (SysLoggerPID == 0 && Logging_collector)
    1793 UIC           0 :             SysLoggerPID = SysLogger_Start();
    1794                 : 
    1795 ECB             :         /*
    1796                 :          * If no background writer process is running, and we are not in a
    1797                 :          * state that prevents it, start one.  It doesn't matter if this
    1798                 :          * fails, we'll just try again later.  Likewise for the checkpointer.
    1799 EUB             :          */
    1800 GBC       24800 :         if (pmState == PM_RUN || pmState == PM_RECOVERY ||
    1801            4445 :             pmState == PM_HOT_STANDBY || pmState == PM_STARTUP)
    1802                 :         {
    1803 GIC       21749 :             if (CheckpointerPID == 0)
    1804               4 :                 CheckpointerPID = StartCheckpointer();
    1805 CBC       21749 :             if (BgWriterPID == 0)
    1806 GBC           4 :                 BgWriterPID = StartBackgroundWriter();
    1807                 :         }
    1808                 : 
    1809 ECB             :         /*
    1810                 :          * Likewise, if we have lost the walwriter process, try to start a new
    1811 EUB             :          * one.  But this is needed only in normal operation (else we cannot
    1812                 :          * be writing any new WAL).
    1813                 :          */
    1814 GIC       24800 :         if (WalWriterPID == 0 && pmState == PM_RUN)
    1815 UIC           0 :             WalWriterPID = StartWalWriter();
    1816                 : 
    1817 ECB             :         /*
    1818                 :          * If we have lost the autovacuum launcher, try to start a new one. We
    1819                 :          * don't want autovacuum to run in binary upgrade mode because
    1820                 :          * autovacuum might update relfrozenxid for empty tables before the
    1821                 :          * physical files are put in place.
    1822                 :          */
    1823 GIC       28864 :         if (!IsBinaryUpgrade && AutoVacPID == 0 &&
    1824            5152 :             (AutoVacuumingActive() || start_autovac_launcher) &&
    1825            2976 :             pmState == PM_RUN)
    1826                 :         {
    1827 UIC           0 :             AutoVacPID = StartAutoVacLauncher();
    1828               0 :             if (AutoVacPID != 0)
    1829               0 :                 start_autovac_launcher = false; /* signal processed */
    1830                 :         }
    1831                 : 
    1832                 :         /* If we have lost the archiver, try to start a new one. */
    1833 GIC       24800 :         if (PgArchPID == 0 && PgArchStartupAllowed())
    1834 UIC           0 :             PgArchPID = StartArchiver();
    1835                 : 
    1836                 :         /* If we need to signal the autovacuum launcher, do so now */
    1837 GIC       24800 :         if (avlauncher_needs_signal)
    1838                 :         {
    1839 UIC           0 :             avlauncher_needs_signal = false;
    1840               0 :             if (AutoVacPID != 0)
    1841 LBC           0 :                 kill(AutoVacPID, SIGUSR2);
    1842                 :         }
    1843                 : 
    1844                 :         /* If we need to start a WAL receiver, try to do that now */
    1845 GIC       24800 :         if (WalReceiverRequested)
    1846             241 :             MaybeStartWalReceiver();
    1847                 : 
    1848                 :         /* Get other worker processes running, if needed */
    1849           24800 :         if (StartWorkerNeeded || HaveCrashedWorker)
    1850            2885 :             maybe_start_bgworkers();
    1851                 : 
    1852 ECB             : #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_IS_THREADED_NP
    1853                 : 
    1854                 :         /*
    1855                 :          * With assertions enabled, check regularly for appearance of
    1856                 :          * additional threads.  All builds check at start and exit.
    1857 EUB             :          */
    1858                 :         Assert(pthread_is_threaded_np() == 0);
    1859                 : #endif
    1860                 : 
    1861                 :         /*
    1862                 :          * Lastly, check to see if it's time to do some things that we don't
    1863                 :          * want to do every single time through the loop, because they're a
    1864                 :          * bit expensive.  Note that there's up to a minute of slop in when
    1865                 :          * these tasks will be performed, since DetermineSleepTime() will let
    1866                 :          * us sleep at most that long; except for SIGKILL timeout which has
    1867                 :          * special-case logic there.
    1868                 :          */
    1869 GIC       24800 :         now = time(NULL);
    1870                 : 
    1871                 :         /*
    1872                 :          * If we already sent SIGQUIT to children and they are slow to shut
    1873                 :          * down, it's time to send them SIGKILL (or SIGABRT if requested).
    1874                 :          * This doesn't happen normally, but under certain conditions backends
    1875                 :          * can get stuck while shutting down.  This is a last measure to get
    1876                 :          * them unwedged.
    1877 ECB             :          *
    1878                 :          * Note we also do this during recovery from a process crash.
    1879                 :          */
    1880 GNC       24800 :         if ((Shutdown >= ImmediateShutdown || FatalError) &&
    1881 GBC         937 :             AbortStartTime != 0 &&
    1882 GIC         932 :             (now - AbortStartTime) >= SIGKILL_CHILDREN_AFTER_SECS)
    1883 EUB             :         {
    1884                 :             /* We were gentle with them before. Not anymore */
    1885 LBC           0 :             ereport(LOG,
    1886                 :             /* translator: %s is SIGKILL or SIGABRT */
    1887                 :                     (errmsg("issuing %s to recalcitrant children",
    1888                 :                             send_abort_for_kill ? "SIGABRT" : "SIGKILL")));
    1889 UNC           0 :             TerminateChildren(send_abort_for_kill ? SIGABRT : SIGKILL);
    1890                 :             /* reset flag so we don't SIGKILL again */
    1891 UIC           0 :             AbortStartTime = 0;
    1892                 :         }
    1893                 : 
    1894                 :         /*
    1895 ECB             :          * Once a minute, verify that hasn't been removed or
    1896                 :          * overwritten.  If it has, we force a shutdown.  This avoids having
    1897 EUB             :          * postmasters and child processes hanging around after their database
    1898                 :          * is gone, and maybe causing problems if a new database cluster is
    1899                 :          * created in the same place.  It also provides some protection
    1900                 :          * against a DBA foolishly removing and manually
    1901                 :          * starting a new postmaster.  Data corruption is likely to ensue from
    1902                 :          * that anyway, but we can minimize the damage by aborting ASAP.
    1903                 :          */
    1904 GIC       24800 :         if (now - last_lockfile_recheck_time >= 1 * SECS_PER_MINUTE)
    1905                 :         {
    1906              11 :             if (!RecheckDataDirLockFile())
    1907                 :             {
    1908 UIC           0 :                 ereport(LOG,
    1909                 :                         (errmsg("performing immediate shutdown because data directory lock file is invalid")));
    1910               0 :                 kill(MyProcPid, SIGQUIT);
    1911                 :             }
    1912 GIC          11 :             last_lockfile_recheck_time = now;
    1913                 :         }
    1914                 : 
    1915                 :         /*
    1916                 :          * Touch Unix socket and lock files every 58 minutes, to ensure that
    1917                 :          * they are not removed by overzealous /tmp-cleaning tasks.  We assume
    1918                 :          * no one runs cleaners with cutoff times of less than an hour ...
    1919                 :          */
    1920           24800 :         if (now - last_touch_time >= 58 * SECS_PER_MINUTE)
    1921                 :         {
    1922 UIC           0 :             TouchSocketFiles();
    1923 LBC           0 :             TouchSocketLockFiles();
    1924 UIC           0 :             last_touch_time = now;
    1925                 :         }
    1926                 :     }
    1927                 : }
    1928                 : 
    1929 EUB             : /*
    1930                 :  * Read a client's startup packet and do something according to it.
    1931                 :  *
    1932                 :  * Returns STATUS_OK or STATUS_ERROR, or might call ereport(FATAL) and
    1933                 :  * not return at all.
    1934                 :  *
    1935 ECB             :  * (Note that ereport(FATAL) stuff is sent to the client, so only use it
    1936                 :  * if that's what you want.  Return STATUS_ERROR if you don't want to
    1937                 :  * send anything to the client, which would typically be appropriate
    1938                 :  * if we detect a communications failure.)
    1939                 :  *
    1940                 :  * Set ssl_done and/or gss_done when negotiation of an encrypted layer
    1941 EUB             :  * (currently, TLS or GSSAPI) is completed. A successful negotiation of either
    1942                 :  * encryption layer sets both flags, but a rejected negotiation sets only the
    1943                 :  * flag for that layer, since the client may wish to try the other one. We
    1944                 :  * should make no assumption here about the order in which the client may make
    1945                 :  * requests.
    1946                 :  */
    1947                 : static int
    1948 GIC        8852 : ProcessStartupPacket(Port *port, bool ssl_done, bool gss_done)
    1949                 : {
    1950                 :     int32       len;
    1951                 :     char       *buf;
    1952 ECB             :     ProtocolVersion proto;
    1953                 :     MemoryContext oldcontext;
    1954                 : 
    1955 CBC        8852 :     pq_startmsgread();
    1956                 : 
    1957 EUB             :     /*
    1958                 :      * Grab the first byte of the length word separately, so that we can tell
    1959                 :      * whether we have no data at all or an incomplete packet.  (This might
    1960                 :      * sound inefficient, but it's not really, because of buffering in
    1961                 :      * pqcomm.c.)
    1962 ECB             :      */
    1963 GIC        8852 :     if (pq_getbytes((char *) &len, 1) == EOF)
    1964                 :     {
    1965                 :         /*
    1966                 :          * If we get no data at all, don't clutter the log with a complaint;
    1967                 :          * such cases often occur for legitimate reasons.  An example is that
    1968 ECB             :          * we might be here after responding to NEGOTIATE_SSL_CODE, and if the
    1969                 :          * client didn't like our response, it'll probably just drop the
    1970                 :          * connection.  Service-monitoring software also often just opens and
    1971                 :          * closes a connection without sending anything.  (So do port
    1972                 :          * scanners, which may be less benign, but it's not really our job to
    1973                 :          * notice those.)
    1974 EUB             :          */
    1975 GIC          13 :         return STATUS_ERROR;
    1976                 :     }
    1977 EUB             : 
    1978 GIC        8839 :     if (pq_getbytes(((char *) &len) + 1, 3) == EOF)
    1979 ECB             :     {
    1980                 :         /* Got a partial length word, so bleat about that */
    1981 LBC           0 :         if (!ssl_done && !gss_done)
    1982 UIC           0 :             ereport(COMMERROR,
    1983                 :                     (errcode(ERRCODE_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION),
    1984 ECB             :                      errmsg("incomplete startup packet")));
    1985 UIC           0 :         return STATUS_ERROR;
    1986                 :     }
    1987                 : 
    1988 GIC        8839 :     len = pg_ntoh32(len);
    1989            8839 :     len -= 4;
    1990 ECB             : 
    1991 CBC        8839 :     if (len < (int32) sizeof(ProtocolVersion) ||
    1992 GIC        8839 :         len > MAX_STARTUP_PACKET_LENGTH)
    1993 ECB             :     {
    1994 UIC           0 :         ereport(COMMERROR,
    1995                 :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION),
    1996                 :                  errmsg("invalid length of startup packet")));
    1997               0 :         return STATUS_ERROR;
    1998 ECB             :     }
    1999                 : 
    2000                 :     /*
    2001 EUB             :      * Allocate space to hold the startup packet, plus one extra byte that's
    2002                 :      * initialized to be zero.  This ensures we will have null termination of
    2003                 :      * all strings inside the packet.
    2004                 :      */
    2005 GIC        8839 :     buf = palloc(len + 1);
    2006 GBC        8839 :     buf[len] = '\0';
    2007                 : 
    2008 GIC        8839 :     if (pq_getbytes(buf, len) == EOF)
    2009                 :     {
    2010 LBC           0 :         ereport(COMMERROR,
    2011 ECB             :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION),
    2012                 :                  errmsg("incomplete startup packet")));
    2013 UIC           0 :         return STATUS_ERROR;
    2014                 :     }
    2015 GIC        8839 :     pq_endmsgread();
    2016                 : 
    2017                 :     /*
    2018                 :      * The first field is either a protocol version number or a special
    2019                 :      * request code.
    2020 ECB             :      */
    2021 GBC        8839 :     port->proto = proto = pg_ntoh32(*((ProtocolVersion *) buf));
    2022                 : 
    2023 GIC        8839 :     if (proto == CANCEL_REQUEST_CODE)
    2024                 :     {
    2025               2 :         if (len != sizeof(CancelRequestPacket))
    2026                 :         {
    2027 UIC           0 :             ereport(COMMERROR,
    2028                 :                     (errcode(ERRCODE_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION),
    2029                 :                      errmsg("invalid length of startup packet")));
    2030               0 :             return STATUS_ERROR;
    2031 ECB             :         }
    2032 GIC           2 :         processCancelRequest(port, buf);
    2033 ECB             :         /* Not really an error, but we don't want to proceed further */
    2034 GIC           2 :         return STATUS_ERROR;
    2035 ECB             :     }
    2036                 : 
    2037 GIC        8837 :     if (proto == NEGOTIATE_SSL_CODE && !ssl_done)
    2038                 :     {
    2039 ECB             :         char        SSLok;
    2040                 : 
    2041                 : #ifdef USE_SSL
    2042                 :         /* No SSL when disabled or on Unix sockets */
    2043 CBC         177 :         if (!LoadedSSL || port->laddr.addr.ss_family == AF_UNIX)
    2044 GIC          64 :             SSLok = 'N';
    2045 EUB             :         else
    2046 GBC         113 :             SSLok = 'S';        /* Support for SSL */
    2047 EUB             : #else
    2048                 :         SSLok = 'N';            /* No support for SSL */
    2049                 : #endif
    2050                 : 
    2051 GIC         177 : retry1:
    2052             177 :         if (send(port->sock, &SSLok, 1, 0) != 1)
    2053                 :         {
    2054 LBC           0 :             if (errno == EINTR)
    2055 UBC           0 :                 goto retry1;    /* if interrupted, just retry */
    2056 UIC           0 :             ereport(COMMERROR,
    2057                 :                     (errcode_for_socket_access(),
    2058                 :                      errmsg("failed to send SSL negotiation response: %m")));
    2059               0 :             return STATUS_ERROR;    /* close the connection */
    2060                 :         }
    2061                 : 
    2062                 : #ifdef USE_SSL
    2063 GIC         177 :         if (SSLok == 'S' && secure_open_server(port) == -1)
    2064 CBC          18 :             return STATUS_ERROR;
    2065 EUB             : #endif
    2066                 : 
    2067                 :         /*
    2068                 :          * At this point we should have no data already buffered.  If we do,
    2069                 :          * it was received before we performed the SSL handshake, so it wasn't
    2070                 :          * encrypted and indeed may have been injected by a man-in-the-middle.
    2071                 :          * We report this case to the client.
    2072                 :          */
    2073 GIC         159 :         if (pq_buffer_has_data())
    2074 UIC           0 :             ereport(FATAL,
    2075 ECB             :                     (errcode(ERRCODE_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION),
    2076                 :                      errmsg("received unencrypted data after SSL request"),
    2077                 :                      errdetail("This could be either a client-software bug or evidence of an attempted man-in-the-middle attack.")));
    2078                 : 
    2079                 :         /*
    2080                 :          * regular startup packet, cancel, etc packet should follow, but not
    2081                 :          * another SSL negotiation request, and a GSS request should only
    2082                 :          * follow if SSL was rejected (client may negotiate in either order)
    2083                 :          */
    2084 CBC         159 :         return ProcessStartupPacket(port, true, SSLok == 'S');
    2085                 :     }
    2086 GIC        8660 :     else if (proto == NEGOTIATE_GSS_CODE && !gss_done)
    2087 ECB             :     {
    2088 CBC          17 :         char        GSSok = 'N';
    2089 EUB             : 
    2090                 : #ifdef ENABLE_GSS
    2091                 :         /* No GSSAPI encryption when on Unix socket */
    2092 GIC          17 :         if (port->laddr.addr.ss_family != AF_UNIX)
    2093              17 :             GSSok = 'G';
    2094                 : #endif
    2095                 : 
    2096              17 :         while (send(port->sock, &GSSok, 1, 0) != 1)
    2097                 :         {
    2098 UIC           0 :             if (errno == EINTR)
    2099               0 :                 continue;
    2100               0 :             ereport(COMMERROR,
    2101                 :                     (errcode_for_socket_access(),
    2102                 :                      errmsg("failed to send GSSAPI negotiation response: %m")));
    2103               0 :             return STATUS_ERROR;    /* close the connection */
    2104                 :         }
    2105 ECB             : 
    2106                 : #ifdef ENABLE_GSS
    2107 GIC          17 :         if (GSSok == 'G' && secure_open_gssapi(port) == -1)
    2108 UIC           0 :             return STATUS_ERROR;
    2109 ECB             : #endif
    2110                 : 
    2111                 :         /*
    2112                 :          * At this point we should have no data already buffered.  If we do,
    2113                 :          * it was received before we performed the GSS handshake, so it wasn't
    2114                 :          * encrypted and indeed may have been injected by a man-in-the-middle.
    2115                 :          * We report this case to the client.
    2116                 :          */
    2117 CBC          17 :         if (pq_buffer_has_data())
    2118 UIC           0 :             ereport(FATAL,
    2119 ECB             :                     (errcode(ERRCODE_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION),
    2120                 :                      errmsg("received unencrypted data after GSSAPI encryption request"),
    2121                 :                      errdetail("This could be either a client-software bug or evidence of an attempted man-in-the-middle attack.")));
    2122                 : 
    2123                 :         /*
    2124                 :          * regular startup packet, cancel, etc packet should follow, but not
    2125                 :          * another GSS negotiation request, and an SSL request should only
    2126                 :          * follow if GSS was rejected (client may negotiate in either order)
    2127                 :          */
    2128 CBC          17 :         return ProcessStartupPacket(port, GSSok == 'G', true);
    2129 EUB             :     }
    2130 ECB             : 
    2131                 :     /* Could add additional special packet types here */
    2132                 : 
    2133                 :     /*
    2134                 :      * Set FrontendProtocol now so that ereport() knows what format to send if
    2135                 :      * we fail during startup.
    2136                 :      */
    2137 CBC        8643 :     FrontendProtocol = proto;
    2138 ECB             : 
    2139                 :     /* Check that the major protocol version is in range. */
    2140 GIC        8643 :     if (PG_PROTOCOL_MAJOR(proto) < PG_PROTOCOL_MAJOR(PG_PROTOCOL_EARLIEST) ||
    2141            8643 :         PG_PROTOCOL_MAJOR(proto) > PG_PROTOCOL_MAJOR(PG_PROTOCOL_LATEST))
    2142 UIC           0 :         ereport(FATAL,
    2143                 :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED),
    2144                 :                  errmsg("unsupported frontend protocol %u.%u: server supports %u.0 to %u.%u",
    2145                 :                         PG_PROTOCOL_MAJOR(proto), PG_PROTOCOL_MINOR(proto),
    2146                 :                         PG_PROTOCOL_MAJOR(PG_PROTOCOL_EARLIEST),
    2147 ECB             :                         PG_PROTOCOL_MAJOR(PG_PROTOCOL_LATEST),
    2148                 :                         PG_PROTOCOL_MINOR(PG_PROTOCOL_LATEST))));
    2149                 : 
    2150                 :     /*
    2151                 :      * Now fetch parameters out of startup packet and save them into the Port
    2152                 :      * structure.  All data structures attached to the Port struct must be
    2153 EUB             :      * allocated in TopMemoryContext so that they will remain available in a
    2154                 :      * running backend (even after PostmasterContext is destroyed).  We need
    2155                 :      * not worry about leaking this storage on failure, since we aren't in the
    2156                 :      * postmaster process anymore.
    2157                 :      */
    2158 GIC        8643 :     oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext);
    2159                 : 
    2160 ECB             :     /* Handle protocol version 3 startup packet */
    2161                 :     {
    2162 GIC        8643 :         int32       offset = sizeof(ProtocolVersion);
    2163            8643 :         List       *unrecognized_protocol_options = NIL;
    2164                 : 
    2165                 :         /*
    2166                 :          * Scan packet body for name/option pairs.  We can assume any string
    2167                 :          * beginning within the packet body is null-terminated, thanks to
    2168 EUB             :          * zeroing extra byte above.
    2169                 :          */
    2170 GIC        8643 :         port->guc_options = NIL;
    2171                 : 
    2172           42273 :         while (offset < len)
    2173 ECB             :         {
    2174 CBC       42273 :             char       *nameptr = buf + offset;
    2175 ECB             :             int32       valoffset;
    2176                 :             char       *valptr;
    2177                 : 
    2178 GIC       42273 :             if (*nameptr == '\0')
    2179            8643 :                 break;          /* found packet terminator */
    2180           33630 :             valoffset = offset + strlen(nameptr) + 1;
    2181           33630 :             if (valoffset >= len)
    2182 UIC           0 :                 break;          /* missing value, will complain below */
    2183 GIC       33630 :             valptr = buf + valoffset;
    2184 ECB             : 
    2185 GIC       33630 :             if (strcmp(nameptr, "database") == 0)
    2186 CBC        8643 :                 port->database_name = pstrdup(valptr);
    2187 GIC       24987 :             else if (strcmp(nameptr, "user") == 0)
    2188            8643 :                 port->user_name = pstrdup(valptr);
    2189 CBC       16344 :             else if (strcmp(nameptr, "options") == 0)
    2190 GIC        2503 :                 port->cmdline_options = pstrdup(valptr);
    2191           13841 :             else if (strcmp(nameptr, "replication") == 0)
    2192                 :             {
    2193                 :                 /*
    2194                 :                  * Due to backward compatibility concerns the replication
    2195                 :                  * parameter is a hybrid beast which allows the value to be
    2196 ECB             :                  * either boolean or the string 'database'. The latter
    2197 EUB             :                  * connects to a specific database which is e.g. required for
    2198                 :                  * logical decoding while.
    2199                 :                  */
    2200 GIC         847 :                 if (strcmp(valptr, "database") == 0)
    2201                 :                 {
    2202             483 :                     am_walsender = true;
    2203             483 :                     am_db_walsender = true;
    2204                 :                 }
    2205             364 :                 else if (!parse_bool(valptr, &am_walsender))
    2206 UIC           0 :                     ereport(FATAL,
    2207 ECB             :                             (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE),
    2208                 :                              errmsg("invalid value for parameter \"%s\": \"%s\"",
    2209 EUB             :                                     "replication",
    2210                 :                                     valptr),
    2211                 :                              errhint("Valid values are: \"false\", 0, \"true\", 1, \"database\".")));
    2212                 :             }
    2213 CBC       12994 :             else if (strncmp(nameptr, "_pq_.", 5) == 0)
    2214 EUB             :             {
    2215                 :                 /*
    2216                 :                  * Any option beginning with _pq_. is reserved for use as a
    2217                 :                  * protocol-level option, but at present no such options are
    2218                 :                  * defined.
    2219 ECB             :                  */
    2220 EUB             :                 unrecognized_protocol_options =
    2221 UIC           0 :                     lappend(unrecognized_protocol_options, pstrdup(nameptr));
    2222 ECB             :             }
    2223                 :             else
    2224                 :             {
    2225                 :                 /* Assume it's a generic GUC option */
    2226 GIC       12994 :                 port->guc_options = lappend(port->guc_options,
    2227           12994 :                                             pstrdup(nameptr));
    2228           12994 :                 port->guc_options = lappend(port->guc_options,
    2229           12994 :                                             pstrdup(valptr));
    2230 EUB             : 
    2231                 :                 /*
    2232                 :                  * Copy application_name to port if we come across it.  This
    2233                 :                  * is done so we can log the application_name in the
    2234                 :                  * connection authorization message.  Note that the GUC would
    2235                 :                  * be used but we haven't gone through GUC setup yet.
    2236                 :                  */
    2237 GIC       12994 :                 if (strcmp(nameptr, "application_name") == 0)
    2238                 :                 {
    2239 GNC        8642 :                     port->application_name = pg_clean_ascii(valptr, 0);
    2240 ECB             :                 }
    2241 EUB             :             }
    2242 CBC       33630 :             offset = valoffset + strlen(valptr) + 1;
    2243 EUB             :         }
    2244                 : 
    2245 ECB             :         /*
    2246                 :          * If we didn't find a packet terminator exactly at the end of the
    2247                 :          * given packet length, complain.
    2248                 :          */
    2249 GIC        8643 :         if (offset != len - 1)
    2250 UIC           0 :             ereport(FATAL,
    2251                 :                     (errcode(ERRCODE_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION),
    2252                 :                      errmsg("invalid startup packet layout: expected terminator as last byte")));
    2253                 : 
    2254                 :         /*
    2255                 :          * If the client requested a newer protocol version or if the client
    2256                 :          * requested any protocol options we didn't recognize, let them know
    2257                 :          * the newest minor protocol version we do support and the names of
    2258 ECB             :          * any unrecognized options.
    2259                 :          */
    2260 GIC        8643 :         if (PG_PROTOCOL_MINOR(proto) > PG_PROTOCOL_MINOR(PG_PROTOCOL_LATEST) ||
    2261                 :             unrecognized_protocol_options != NIL)
    2262 UIC           0 :             SendNegotiateProtocolVersion(unrecognized_protocol_options);
    2263                 :     }
    2264 ECB             : 
    2265                 :     /* Check a user name was given. */
    2266 GIC        8643 :     if (port->user_name == NULL || port->user_name[0] == '\0')
    2267 UIC           0 :         ereport(FATAL,
    2268                 :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_AUTHORIZATION_SPECIFICATION),
    2269                 :                  errmsg("no PostgreSQL user name specified in startup packet")));
    2270                 : 
    2271 ECB             :     /* The database defaults to the user name. */
    2272 GIC        8643 :     if (port->database_name == NULL || port->database_name[0] == '\0')
    2273 LBC           0 :         port->database_name = pstrdup(port->user_name);
    2274 ECB             : 
    2275 GIC        8643 :     if (Db_user_namespace)
    2276                 :     {
    2277                 :         /*
    2278 ECB             :          * If user@, it is a global user, remove '@'. We only want to do this
    2279                 :          * if there is an '@' at the end and no earlier in the user string or
    2280                 :          * they may fake as a local user of another database attaching to this
    2281                 :          * database.
    2282                 :          */
    2283 UIC           0 :         if (strchr(port->user_name, '@') ==
    2284               0 :             port->user_name + strlen(port->user_name) - 1)
    2285 UBC           0 :             *strchr(port->user_name, '@') = '\0';
    2286                 :         else
    2287                 :         {
    2288                 :             /* Append '@' and dbname */
    2289 UIC           0 :             port->user_name = psprintf("%s@%s", port->user_name, port->database_name);
    2290 ECB             :         }
    2291                 :     }
    2292                 : 
    2293                 :     /*
    2294                 :      * Truncate given database and user names to length of a Postgres name.
    2295                 :      * This avoids lookup failures when overlength names are given.
    2296                 :      */
    2297 GIC        8643 :     if (strlen(port->database_name) >= NAMEDATALEN)
    2298 UIC           0 :         port->database_name[NAMEDATALEN - 1] = '\0';
    2299 GIC        8643 :     if (strlen(port->user_name) >= NAMEDATALEN)
    2300 UBC           0 :         port->user_name[NAMEDATALEN - 1] = '\0';
    2301 EUB             : 
    2302 GIC        8643 :     if (am_walsender)
    2303             847 :         MyBackendType = B_WAL_SENDER;
    2304                 :     else
    2305 CBC        7796 :         MyBackendType = B_BACKEND;
    2306 ECB             : 
    2307                 :     /*
    2308                 :      * Normal walsender backends, e.g. for streaming replication, are not
    2309                 :      * connected to a particular database. But walsenders used for logical
    2310                 :      * replication need to connect to a specific database. We allow streaming
    2311                 :      * replication commands to be issued even if connected to a database as it
    2312                 :      * can make sense to first make a basebackup and then stream changes
    2313                 :      * starting from that.
    2314                 :      */
    2315 GIC        8643 :     if (am_walsender && !am_db_walsender)
    2316             364 :         port->database_name[0] = '\0';
    2317                 : 
    2318                 :     /*
    2319                 :      * Done putting stuff in TopMemoryContext.
    2320                 :      */
    2321            8643 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
    2322                 : 
    2323                 :     /*
    2324                 :      * If we're going to reject the connection due to database state, say so
    2325                 :      * now instead of wasting cycles on an authentication exchange. (This also
    2326 EUB             :      * allows a pg_ping utility to be written.)
    2327                 :      */
    2328 GIC        8643 :     switch (port->canAcceptConnections)
    2329                 :     {
    2330              13 :         case CAC_STARTUP:
    2331 GBC          13 :             ereport(FATAL,
    2332 EUB             :                     (errcode(ERRCODE_CANNOT_CONNECT_NOW),
    2333                 :                      errmsg("the database system is starting up")));
    2334                 :             break;
    2335 GBC           6 :         case CAC_NOTCONSISTENT:
    2336               6 :             if (EnableHotStandby)
    2337 GIC           6 :                 ereport(FATAL,
    2338                 :                         (errcode(ERRCODE_CANNOT_CONNECT_NOW),
    2339 EUB             :                          errmsg("the database system is not yet accepting connections"),
    2340                 :                          errdetail("Consistent recovery state has not been yet reached.")));
    2341                 :             else
    2342 UIC           0 :                 ereport(FATAL,
    2343                 :                         (errcode(ERRCODE_CANNOT_CONNECT_NOW),
    2344                 :                          errmsg("the database system is not accepting connections"),
    2345                 :                          errdetail("Hot standby mode is disabled.")));
    2346                 :             break;
    2347 CBC           4 :         case CAC_SHUTDOWN:
    2348 GIC           4 :             ereport(FATAL,
    2349 ECB             :                     (errcode(ERRCODE_CANNOT_CONNECT_NOW),
    2350                 :                      errmsg("the database system is shutting down")));
    2351                 :             break;
    2352 GIC           1 :         case CAC_RECOVERY:
    2353               1 :             ereport(FATAL,
    2354                 :                     (errcode(ERRCODE_CANNOT_CONNECT_NOW),
    2355                 :                      errmsg("the database system is in recovery mode")));
    2356                 :             break;
    2357 UIC           0 :         case CAC_TOOMANY:
    2358               0 :             ereport(FATAL,
    2359                 :                     (errcode(ERRCODE_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS),
    2360 ECB             :                      errmsg("sorry, too many clients already")));
    2361                 :             break;
    2362 GIC        8619 :         case CAC_OK:
    2363            8619 :             break;
    2364                 :     }
    2365                 : 
    2366            8619 :     return STATUS_OK;
    2367                 : }
    2368                 : 
    2369 ECB             : /*
    2370                 :  * Send a NegotiateProtocolVersion to the client.  This lets the client know
    2371                 :  * that they have requested a newer minor protocol version than we are able
    2372                 :  * to speak.  We'll speak the highest version we know about; the client can,
    2373                 :  * of course, abandon the connection if that's a problem.
    2374                 :  *
    2375                 :  * We also include in the response a list of protocol options we didn't
    2376                 :  * understand.  This allows clients to include optional parameters that might
    2377                 :  * be present either in newer protocol versions or third-party protocol
    2378                 :  * extensions without fear of having to reconnect if those options are not
    2379                 :  * understood, while at the same time making certain that the client is aware
    2380                 :  * of which options were actually accepted.
    2381                 :  */
    2382                 : static void
    2383 UIC           0 : SendNegotiateProtocolVersion(List *unrecognized_protocol_options)
    2384                 : {
    2385 ECB             :     StringInfoData buf;
    2386                 :     ListCell   *lc;
    2387                 : 
    2388 UIC           0 :     pq_beginmessage(&buf, 'v'); /* NegotiateProtocolVersion */
    2389 UBC           0 :     pq_sendint32(&buf, PG_PROTOCOL_LATEST);
    2390 UIC           0 :     pq_sendint32(&buf, list_length(unrecognized_protocol_options));
    2391               0 :     foreach(lc, unrecognized_protocol_options)
    2392 LBC           0 :         pq_sendstring(&buf, lfirst(lc));
    2393 UIC           0 :     pq_endmessage(&buf);
    2394                 : 
    2395                 :     /* no need to flush, some other message will follow */
    2396               0 : }
    2397                 : 
    2398                 : /*
    2399                 :  * The client has sent a cancel request packet, not a normal
    2400                 :  * start-a-new-connection packet.  Perform the necessary processing.
    2401 EUB             :  * Nothing is sent back to the client.
    2402                 :  */
    2403                 : static void
    2404 GIC           2 : processCancelRequest(Port *port, void *pkt)
    2405                 : {
    2406               2 :     CancelRequestPacket *canc = (CancelRequestPacket *) pkt;
    2407                 :     int         backendPID;
    2408                 :     int32       cancelAuthCode;
    2409                 :     Backend    *bp;
    2410                 : 
    2411                 : #ifndef EXEC_BACKEND
    2412                 :     dlist_iter  iter;
    2413 ECB             : #else
    2414                 :     int         i;
    2415                 : #endif
    2416                 : 
    2417 GIC           2 :     backendPID = (int) pg_ntoh32(canc->backendPID);
    2418               2 :     cancelAuthCode = (int32) pg_ntoh32(canc->cancelAuthCode);
    2419                 : 
    2420                 :     /*
    2421                 :      * See if we have a matching backend.  In the EXEC_BACKEND case, we can no
    2422                 :      * longer access the postmaster's own backend list, and must rely on the
    2423 ECB             :      * duplicate array in shared memory.
    2424                 :      */
    2425                 : #ifndef EXEC_BACKEND
    2426 CBC           3 :     dlist_foreach(iter, &BackendList)
    2427 ECB             :     {
    2428 CBC           3 :         bp = dlist_container(Backend, elem, iter.cur);
    2429 ECB             : #else
    2430                 :     for (i = MaxLivePostmasterChildren() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    2431                 :     {
    2432                 :         bp = (Backend *) &ShmemBackendArray[i];
    2433                 : #endif
    2434 CBC           3 :         if (bp->pid == backendPID)
    2435                 :         {
    2436 GIC           2 :             if (bp->cancel_key == cancelAuthCode)
    2437                 :             {
    2438                 :                 /* Found a match; signal that backend to cancel current op */
    2439               2 :                 ereport(DEBUG2,
    2440                 :                         (errmsg_internal("processing cancel request: sending SIGINT to process %d",
    2441 ECB             :                                          backendPID)));
    2442 GBC           2 :                 signal_child(bp->pid, SIGINT);
    2443                 :             }
    2444                 :             else
    2445                 :                 /* Right PID, wrong key: no way, Jose */
    2446 UIC           0 :                 ereport(LOG,
    2447                 :                         (errmsg("wrong key in cancel request for process %d",
    2448                 :                                 backendPID)));
    2449 GIC           2 :             return;
    2450                 :         }
    2451                 : #ifndef EXEC_BACKEND            /* make GNU Emacs 26.1 see brace balance */
    2452                 :     }
    2453                 : #else
    2454                 :     }
    2455                 : #endif
    2456 ECB             : 
    2457 EUB             :     /* No matching backend */
    2458 UIC           0 :     ereport(LOG,
    2459 ECB             :             (errmsg("PID %d in cancel request did not match any process",
    2460                 :                     backendPID)));
    2461                 : }
    2462                 : 
    2463                 : /*
    2464                 :  * canAcceptConnections --- check to see if database state allows connections
    2465                 :  * of the specified type.  backend_type can be BACKEND_TYPE_NORMAL,
    2466                 :  * BACKEND_TYPE_AUTOVAC, or BACKEND_TYPE_BGWORKER.  (Note that we don't yet
    2467                 :  * know whether a NORMAL connection might turn into a walsender.)
    2468                 :  */
    2469                 : static CAC_state
    2470 GIC       11004 : canAcceptConnections(int backend_type)
    2471                 : {
    2472           11004 :     CAC_state   result = CAC_OK;
    2473 ECB             : 
    2474                 :     /*
    2475 EUB             :      * Can't start backends when in startup/shutdown/inconsistent recovery
    2476                 :      * state.  We treat autovac workers the same as user backends for this
    2477                 :      * purpose.  However, bgworkers are excluded from this test; we expect
    2478                 :      * bgworker_should_start_now() decided whether the DB state allows them.
    2479                 :      */
    2480 GIC       11004 :     if (pmState != PM_RUN && pmState != PM_HOT_STANDBY &&
    2481 ECB             :         backend_type != BACKEND_TYPE_BGWORKER)
    2482                 :     {
    2483 GBC          24 :         if (Shutdown > NoShutdown)
    2484               4 :             return CAC_SHUTDOWN;    /* shutdown is pending */
    2485              20 :         else if (!FatalError && pmState == PM_STARTUP)
    2486              13 :             return CAC_STARTUP; /* normal startup */
    2487 GIC           7 :         else if (!FatalError && pmState == PM_RECOVERY)
    2488               6 :             return CAC_NOTCONSISTENT;   /* not yet at consistent recovery
    2489 ECB             :                                          * state */
    2490                 :         else
    2491 GIC           1 :             return CAC_RECOVERY;    /* else must be crash recovery */
    2492                 :     }
    2493                 : 
    2494                 :     /*
    2495                 :      * "Smart shutdown" restrictions are applied only to normal connections,
    2496                 :      * not to autovac workers or bgworkers.
    2497                 :      */
    2498           10980 :     if (!connsAllowed && backend_type == BACKEND_TYPE_NORMAL)
    2499 UIC           0 :         return CAC_SHUTDOWN;    /* shutdown is pending */
    2500 ECB             : 
    2501                 :     /*
    2502                 :      * Don't start too many children.
    2503                 :      *
    2504                 :      * We allow more connections here than we can have backends because some
    2505                 :      * might still be authenticating; they might fail auth, or some existing
    2506                 :      * backend might exit before the auth cycle is completed.  The exact
    2507                 :      * MaxBackends limit is enforced when a new backend tries to join the
    2508                 :      * shared-inval backend array.
    2509                 :      *
    2510                 :      * The limit here must match the sizes of the per-child-process arrays;
    2511                 :      * see comments for MaxLivePostmasterChildren().
    2512                 :      */
    2513 GIC       10980 :     if (CountChildren(BACKEND_TYPE_ALL) >= MaxLivePostmasterChildren())
    2514 UIC           0 :         result = CAC_TOOMANY;
    2515                 : 
    2516 GIC       10980 :     return result;
    2517 ECB             : }
    2518                 : 
    2519                 : 
    2520                 : /*
    2521                 :  * ConnCreate -- create a local connection data structure
    2522                 :  *
    2523                 :  * Returns NULL on failure, other than out-of-memory which is fatal.
    2524                 :  */
    2525                 : static Port *
    2526 GIC        8835 : ConnCreate(int serverFd)
    2527                 : {
    2528                 :     Port       *port;
    2529                 : 
    2530            8835 :     if (!(port = (Port *) calloc(1, sizeof(Port))))
    2531                 :     {
    2532 UIC           0 :         ereport(LOG,
    2533                 :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY),
    2534                 :                  errmsg("out of memory")));
    2535 LBC           0 :         ExitPostmaster(1);
    2536 EUB             :     }
    2537                 : 
    2538 GIC        8835 :     if (StreamConnection(serverFd, port) != STATUS_OK)
    2539 ECB             :     {
    2540 UIC           0 :         if (port->sock != PGINVALID_SOCKET)
    2541 LBC           0 :             StreamClose(port->sock);
    2542 UIC           0 :         ConnFree(port);
    2543               0 :         return NULL;
    2544                 :     }
    2545                 : 
    2546 GIC        8835 :     return port;
    2547                 : }
    2548 ECB             : 
    2549                 : 
    2550                 : /*
    2551                 :  * ConnFree -- free a local connection data structure
    2552                 :  *
    2553                 :  * Caller has already closed the socket if any, so there's not much
    2554                 :  * to do here.
    2555                 :  */
    2556                 : static void
    2557 GNC        8835 : ConnFree(Port *port)
    2558                 : {
    2559            8835 :     free(port);
    2560 GIC        8835 : }
    2561 ECB             : 
    2562                 : 
    2563                 : /*
    2564                 :  * ClosePostmasterPorts -- close all the postmaster's open sockets
    2565                 :  *
    2566                 :  * This is called during child process startup to release file descriptors
    2567                 :  * that are not needed by that child process.  The postmaster still has
    2568                 :  * them open, of course.
    2569                 :  *
    2570                 :  * Note: we pass am_syslogger as a boolean because we don't want to set
    2571                 :  * the global variable yet when this is called.
    2572                 :  */
    2573                 : void
    2574 GIC       12729 : ClosePostmasterPorts(bool am_syslogger)
    2575                 : {
    2576                 :     int         i;
    2577                 : 
    2578                 :     /* Release resources held by the postmaster's WaitEventSet. */
    2579 GNC       12729 :     if (pm_wait_set)
    2580                 :     {
    2581           11469 :         FreeWaitEventSetAfterFork(pm_wait_set);
    2582           11469 :         pm_wait_set = NULL;
    2583                 :     }
    2584                 : 
    2585                 : #ifndef WIN32
    2586 ECB             : 
    2587                 :     /*
    2588                 :      * Close the write end of postmaster death watch pipe. It's important to
    2589                 :      * do this as early as possible, so that if postmaster dies, others won't
    2590                 :      * think that it's still running because we're holding the pipe open.
    2591                 :      */
    2592 GIC       12729 :     if (close(postmaster_alive_fds[POSTMASTER_FD_OWN]) != 0)
    2593 UIC           0 :         ereport(FATAL,
    2594                 :                 (errcode_for_file_access(),
    2595 ECB             :                  errmsg_internal("could not close postmaster death monitoring pipe in child process: %m")));
    2596 GIC       12729 :     postmaster_alive_fds[POSTMASTER_FD_OWN] = -1;
    2597 ECB             :     /* Notify fd.c that we released one pipe FD. */
    2598 CBC       12729 :     ReleaseExternalFD();
    2599 ECB             : #endif
    2600                 : 
    2601                 :     /*
    2602                 :      * Close the postmaster's listen sockets.  These aren't tracked by fd.c,
    2603                 :      * so we don't call ReleaseExternalFD() here.
    2604                 :      */
    2605 GIC      827385 :     for (i = 0; i < MAXLISTEN; i++)
    2606 ECB             :     {
    2607 GIC      814656 :         if (ListenSocket[i] != PGINVALID_SOCKET)
    2608                 :         {
    2609           13101 :             StreamClose(ListenSocket[i]);
    2610           13101 :             ListenSocket[i] = PGINVALID_SOCKET;
    2611                 :         }
    2612                 :     }
    2613                 : 
    2614                 :     /*
    2615                 :      * If using syslogger, close the read side of the pipe.  We don't bother
    2616                 :      * tracking this in fd.c, either.
    2617 EUB             :      */
    2618 GBC       12729 :     if (!am_syslogger)
    2619 EUB             :     {
    2620                 : #ifndef WIN32
    2621 GBC       12728 :         if (syslogPipe[0] >= 0)
    2622 GIC          14 :             close(syslogPipe[0]);
    2623           12728 :         syslogPipe[0] = -1;
    2624                 : #else
    2625                 :         if (syslogPipe[0])
    2626                 :             CloseHandle(syslogPipe[0]);
    2627                 :         syslogPipe[0] = 0;
    2628                 : #endif
    2629 ECB             :     }
    2630                 : 
    2631                 : #ifdef USE_BONJOUR
    2632                 :     /* If using Bonjour, close the connection to the mDNS daemon */
    2633                 :     if (bonjour_sdref)
    2634                 :         close(DNSServiceRefSockFD(bonjour_sdref));
    2635                 : #endif
    2636 GIC       12729 : }
    2637                 : 
    2638 ECB             : 
    2639                 : /*
    2640                 :  * InitProcessGlobals -- set MyProcPid, MyStartTime[stamp], random seeds
    2641                 :  *
    2642                 :  * Called early in the postmaster and every backend.
    2643                 :  */
    2644                 : void
    2645 CBC       14586 : InitProcessGlobals(void)
    2646 ECB             : {
    2647 GIC       14586 :     MyProcPid = getpid();
    2648           14586 :     MyStartTimestamp = GetCurrentTimestamp();
    2649           14586 :     MyStartTime = timestamptz_to_time_t(MyStartTimestamp);
    2650                 : 
    2651                 :     /*
    2652 ECB             :      * Set a different global seed in every process.  We want something
    2653                 :      * unpredictable, so if possible, use high-quality random bits for the
    2654                 :      * seed.  Otherwise, fall back to a seed based on timestamp and PID.
    2655                 :      */
    2656 CBC       14586 :     if (unlikely(!pg_prng_strong_seed(&pg_global_prng_state)))
    2657 ECB             :     {
    2658                 :         uint64      rseed;
    2659                 : 
    2660                 :         /*
    2661                 :          * Since PIDs and timestamps tend to change more frequently in their
    2662                 :          * least significant bits, shift the timestamp left to allow a larger
    2663                 :          * total number of seeds in a given time period.  Since that would
    2664                 :          * leave only 20 bits of the timestamp that cycle every ~1 second,
    2665                 :          * also mix in some higher bits.
    2666                 :          */
    2667 UIC           0 :         rseed = ((uint64) MyProcPid) ^
    2668 LBC           0 :             ((uint64) MyStartTimestamp << 12) ^
    2669 UIC           0 :             ((uint64) MyStartTimestamp >> 20);
    2670 ECB             : 
    2671 UIC           0 :         pg_prng_seed(&pg_global_prng_state, rseed);
    2672                 :     }
    2673 ECB             : 
    2674                 :     /*
    2675                 :      * Also make sure that we've set a good seed for random(3).  Use of that
    2676                 :      * is deprecated in core Postgres, but extensions might use it.
    2677                 :      */
    2678                 : #ifndef WIN32
    2679 CBC       14586 :     srandom(pg_prng_uint32(&pg_global_prng_state));
    2680 ECB             : #endif
    2681 CBC       14586 : }
    2682 ECB             : 
    2683                 : /*
    2684                 :  * Child processes use SIGUSR1 to notify us of 'pmsignals'.  pg_ctl uses
    2685                 :  * SIGUSR1 to ask postmaster to check for logrotate and promote files.
    2686                 :  */
    2687                 : static void
    2688 GNC        2383 : handle_pm_pmsignal_signal(SIGNAL_ARGS)
    2689                 : {
    2690 GIC        2383 :     int         save_errno = errno;
    2691 ECB             : 
    2692 GNC        2383 :     pending_pm_pmsignal = true;
    2693            2383 :     SetLatch(MyLatch);
    2694                 : 
    2695            2383 :     errno = save_errno;
    2696            2383 : }
    2697                 : 
    2698                 : /*
    2699                 :  * pg_ctl uses SIGHUP to request a reload of the configuration files.
    2700                 :  */
    2701                 : static void
    2702             103 : handle_pm_reload_request_signal(SIGNAL_ARGS)
    2703                 : {
    2704             103 :     int         save_errno = errno;
    2705                 : 
    2706             103 :     pending_pm_reload_request = true;
    2707             103 :     SetLatch(MyLatch);
    2708                 : 
    2709             103 :     errno = save_errno;
    2710             103 : }
    2711                 : 
    2712                 : /*
    2713                 :  * Re-read config files, and tell children to do same.
    2714                 :  */
    2715                 : static void
    2716             103 : process_pm_reload_request(void)
    2717                 : {
    2718             103 :     pending_pm_reload_request = false;
    2719                 : 
    2720             103 :     ereport(DEBUG2,
    2721                 :             (errmsg_internal("postmaster received reload request signal")));
    2722                 : 
    2723 GIC         103 :     if (Shutdown <= SmartShutdown)
    2724 ECB             :     {
    2725 CBC         103 :         ereport(LOG,
    2726                 :                 (errmsg("received SIGHUP, reloading configuration files")));
    2727 GIC         103 :         ProcessConfigFile(PGC_SIGHUP);
    2728             103 :         SignalChildren(SIGHUP);
    2729             103 :         if (StartupPID != 0)
    2730              18 :             signal_child(StartupPID, SIGHUP);
    2731             103 :         if (BgWriterPID != 0)
    2732             103 :             signal_child(BgWriterPID, SIGHUP);
    2733             103 :         if (CheckpointerPID != 0)
    2734 CBC         103 :             signal_child(CheckpointerPID, SIGHUP);
    2735 GIC         103 :         if (WalWriterPID != 0)
    2736              85 :             signal_child(WalWriterPID, SIGHUP);
    2737             103 :         if (WalReceiverPID != 0)
    2738              16 :             signal_child(WalReceiverPID, SIGHUP);
    2739             103 :         if (AutoVacPID != 0)
    2740              83 :             signal_child(AutoVacPID, SIGHUP);
    2741 CBC         103 :         if (PgArchPID != 0)
    2742 GIC           4 :             signal_child(PgArchPID, SIGHUP);
    2743 CBC         103 :         if (SysLoggerPID != 0)
    2744 UIC           0 :             signal_child(SysLoggerPID, SIGHUP);
    2745 ECB             : 
    2746                 :         /* Reload authentication config files too */
    2747 CBC         103 :         if (!load_hba())
    2748 UIC           0 :             ereport(LOG,
    2749 ECB             :             /* translator: %s is a configuration file */
    2750                 :                     (errmsg("%s was not reloaded", HbaFileName)));
    2751                 : 
    2752 CBC         103 :         if (!load_ident())
    2753 LBC           0 :             ereport(LOG,
    2754                 :                     (errmsg("%s was not reloaded", IdentFileName)));
    2755 ECB             : 
    2756                 : #ifdef USE_SSL
    2757                 :         /* Reload SSL configuration as well */
    2758 CBC         103 :         if (EnableSSL)
    2759                 :         {
    2760 LBC           0 :             if (secure_initialize(false) == 0)
    2761 UIC           0 :                 LoadedSSL = true;
    2762 ECB             :             else
    2763 LBC           0 :                 ereport(LOG,
    2764                 :                         (errmsg("SSL configuration was not reloaded")));
    2765                 :         }
    2766                 :         else
    2767                 :         {
    2768 GIC         103 :             secure_destroy();
    2769 CBC         103 :             LoadedSSL = false;
    2770                 :         }
    2771                 : #endif
    2772                 : 
    2773 ECB             : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
    2774                 :         /* Update the starting-point file for future children */
    2775                 :         write_nondefault_variables(PGC_SIGHUP);
    2776                 : #endif
    2777                 :     }
    2778 GIC         103 : }
    2779 ECB             : 
    2780                 : /*
    2781                 :  * pg_ctl uses SIGTERM, SIGINT and SIGQUIT to request different types of
    2782                 :  * shutdown.
    2783                 :  */
    2784                 : static void
    2785 GNC         590 : handle_pm_shutdown_request_signal(SIGNAL_ARGS)
    2786 ECB             : {
    2787 GIC         590 :     int         save_errno = errno;
    2788                 : 
    2789 GBC         590 :     switch (postgres_signal_arg)
    2790 ECB             :     {
    2791 CBC           6 :         case SIGTERM:
    2792                 :             /* smart is implied if the other two flags aren't set */
    2793 GNC           6 :             pending_pm_shutdown_request = true;
    2794               6 :             break;
    2795             346 :         case SIGINT:
    2796             346 :             pending_pm_fast_shutdown_request = true;
    2797             346 :             pending_pm_shutdown_request = true;
    2798             346 :             break;
    2799             238 :         case SIGQUIT:
    2800             238 :             pending_pm_immediate_shutdown_request = true;
    2801             238 :             pending_pm_shutdown_request = true;
    2802             238 :             break;
    2803                 :     }
    2804             590 :     SetLatch(MyLatch);
    2805                 : 
    2806             590 :     errno = save_errno;
    2807             590 : }
    2808                 : 
    2809                 : /*
    2810                 :  * Process shutdown request.
    2811                 :  */
    2812                 : static void
    2813             590 : process_pm_shutdown_request(void)
    2814                 : {
    2815                 :     int         mode;
    2816                 : 
    2817             590 :     ereport(DEBUG2,
    2818                 :             (errmsg_internal("postmaster received shutdown request signal")));
    2819                 : 
    2820             590 :     pending_pm_shutdown_request = false;
    2821                 : 
    2822                 :     /*
    2823                 :      * If more than one shutdown request signal arrived since the last server
    2824                 :      * loop, take the one that is the most immediate.  That matches the
    2825                 :      * priority that would apply if we processed them one by one in any order.
    2826                 :      */
    2827             590 :     if (pending_pm_immediate_shutdown_request)
    2828                 :     {
    2829             238 :         pending_pm_immediate_shutdown_request = false;
    2830             238 :         pending_pm_fast_shutdown_request = false;
    2831             238 :         mode = ImmediateShutdown;
    2832                 :     }
    2833             352 :     else if (pending_pm_fast_shutdown_request)
    2834                 :     {
    2835             346 :         pending_pm_fast_shutdown_request = false;
    2836             346 :         mode = FastShutdown;
    2837                 :     }
    2838                 :     else
    2839               6 :         mode = SmartShutdown;
    2840                 : 
    2841             590 :     switch (mode)
    2842                 :     {
    2843               6 :         case SmartShutdown:
    2844                 : 
    2845                 :             /*
    2846                 :              * Smart Shutdown:
    2847 ECB             :              *
    2848                 :              * Wait for children to end their work, then shut down.
    2849                 :              */
    2850 GIC           6 :             if (Shutdown >= SmartShutdown)
    2851 UIC           0 :                 break;
    2852 GIC           6 :             Shutdown = SmartShutdown;
    2853               6 :             ereport(LOG,
    2854                 :                     (errmsg("received smart shutdown request")));
    2855                 : 
    2856                 :             /* Report status */
    2857 CBC           6 :             AddToDataDirLockFile(LOCK_FILE_LINE_PM_STATUS, PM_STATUS_STOPPING);
    2858 ECB             : #ifdef USE_SYSTEMD
    2859 GBC           6 :             sd_notify(0, "STOPPING=1");
    2860                 : #endif
    2861                 : 
    2862 EUB             :             /*
    2863                 :              * If we reached normal running, we go straight to waiting for
    2864                 :              * client backends to exit.  If already in PM_STOP_BACKENDS or a
    2865                 :              * later state, do not change it.
    2866                 :              */
    2867 GIC           6 :             if (pmState == PM_RUN || pmState == PM_HOT_STANDBY)
    2868               6 :                 connsAllowed = false;
    2869 UIC           0 :             else if (pmState == PM_STARTUP || pmState == PM_RECOVERY)
    2870 ECB             :             {
    2871                 :                 /* There should be no clients, so proceed to stop children */
    2872 UIC           0 :                 pmState = PM_STOP_BACKENDS;
    2873 ECB             :             }
    2874                 : 
    2875                 :             /*
    2876                 :              * Now wait for online backup mode to end and backends to exit. If
    2877                 :              * that is already the case, PostmasterStateMachine will take the
    2878                 :              * next step.
    2879                 :              */
    2880 GIC           6 :             PostmasterStateMachine();
    2881 CBC           6 :             break;
    2882 EUB             : 
    2883 GNC         346 :         case FastShutdown:
    2884 ECB             : 
    2885                 :             /*
    2886                 :              * Fast Shutdown:
    2887                 :              *
    2888                 :              * Abort all children with SIGTERM (rollback active transactions
    2889                 :              * and exit) and shut down when they are gone.
    2890                 :              */
    2891 GIC         346 :             if (Shutdown >= FastShutdown)
    2892 UIC           0 :                 break;
    2893 CBC         346 :             Shutdown = FastShutdown;
    2894 GIC         346 :             ereport(LOG,
    2895                 :                     (errmsg("received fast shutdown request")));
    2896 EUB             : 
    2897                 :             /* Report status */
    2898 CBC         346 :             AddToDataDirLockFile(LOCK_FILE_LINE_PM_STATUS, PM_STATUS_STOPPING);
    2899 ECB             : #ifdef USE_SYSTEMD
    2900 GIC         346 :             sd_notify(0, "STOPPING=1");
    2901                 : #endif
    2902 ECB             : 
    2903 GIC         346 :             if (pmState == PM_STARTUP || pmState == PM_RECOVERY)
    2904 ECB             :             {
    2905                 :                 /* Just shut down background processes silently */
    2906 UIC           0 :                 pmState = PM_STOP_BACKENDS;
    2907                 :             }
    2908 GIC         346 :             else if (pmState == PM_RUN ||
    2909              33 :                      pmState == PM_HOT_STANDBY)
    2910                 :             {
    2911 ECB             :                 /* Report that we're about to zap live client sessions */
    2912 CBC         346 :                 ereport(LOG,
    2913                 :                         (errmsg("aborting any active transactions")));
    2914             346 :                 pmState = PM_STOP_BACKENDS;
    2915                 :             }
    2916                 : 
    2917                 :             /*
    2918                 :              * PostmasterStateMachine will issue any necessary signals, or
    2919                 :              * take the next step if no child processes need to be killed.
    2920                 :              */
    2921 GIC         346 :             PostmasterStateMachine();
    2922             346 :             break;
    2923 ECB             : 
    2924 GNC         238 :         case ImmediateShutdown:
    2925 ECB             : 
    2926                 :             /*
    2927                 :              * Immediate Shutdown:
    2928                 :              *
    2929                 :              * abort all children with SIGQUIT, wait for them to exit,
    2930                 :              * terminate remaining ones with SIGKILL, then exit without
    2931                 :              * attempt to properly shut down the data base system.
    2932                 :              */
    2933 GIC         238 :             if (Shutdown >= ImmediateShutdown)
    2934 UIC           0 :                 break;
    2935 GIC         238 :             Shutdown = ImmediateShutdown;
    2936             238 :             ereport(LOG,
    2937 ECB             :                     (errmsg("received immediate shutdown request")));
    2938                 : 
    2939                 :             /* Report status */
    2940 GIC         238 :             AddToDataDirLockFile(LOCK_FILE_LINE_PM_STATUS, PM_STATUS_STOPPING);
    2941                 : #ifdef USE_SYSTEMD
    2942 CBC         238 :             sd_notify(0, "STOPPING=1");
    2943                 : #endif
    2944                 : 
    2945                 :             /* tell children to shut down ASAP */
    2946                 :             /* (note we don't apply send_abort_for_crash here) */
    2947 GIC         238 :             SetQuitSignalReason(PMQUIT_FOR_STOP);
    2948             238 :             TerminateChildren(SIGQUIT);
    2949 CBC         238 :             pmState = PM_WAIT_BACKENDS;
    2950 ECB             : 
    2951                 :             /* set stopwatch for them to die */
    2952 CBC         238 :             AbortStartTime = time(NULL);
    2953                 : 
    2954                 :             /*
    2955 ECB             :              * Now wait for backends to exit.  If there are none,
    2956                 :              * PostmasterStateMachine will take the next step.
    2957                 :              */
    2958 GIC         238 :             PostmasterStateMachine();
    2959 CBC         238 :             break;
    2960 ECB             :     }
    2961 GNC         590 : }
    2962                 : 
    2963                 : static void
    2964           13536 : handle_pm_child_exit_signal(SIGNAL_ARGS)
    2965                 : {
    2966           13536 :     int         save_errno = errno;
    2967                 : 
    2968           13536 :     pending_pm_child_exit = true;
    2969           13536 :     SetLatch(MyLatch);
    2970                 : 
    2971 GIC       13536 :     errno = save_errno;
    2972           13536 : }
    2973                 : 
    2974 ECB             : /*
    2975                 :  * Cleanup after a child process dies.
    2976                 :  */
    2977                 : static void
    2978 GNC       13502 : process_pm_child_exit(void)
    2979 ECB             : {
    2980                 :     int         pid;            /* process id of dead child process */
    2981                 :     int         exitstatus;     /* its exit status */
    2982                 : 
    2983 GNC       13502 :     pending_pm_child_exit = false;
    2984 ECB             : 
    2985 GIC       13502 :     ereport(DEBUG4,
    2986                 :             (errmsg_internal("reaping dead processes")));
    2987                 : 
    2988           27539 :     while ((pid = waitpid(-1, &exitstatus, WNOHANG)) > 0)
    2989                 :     {
    2990 ECB             :         /*
    2991                 :          * Check if this child was a startup process.
    2992                 :          */
    2993 CBC       14037 :         if (pid == StartupPID)
    2994 ECB             :         {
    2995 GIC         597 :             StartupPID = 0;
    2996 ECB             : 
    2997                 :             /*
    2998                 :              * Startup process exited in response to a shutdown request (or it
    2999                 :              * completed normally regardless of the shutdown request).
    3000                 :              */
    3001 GBC         597 :             if (Shutdown > NoShutdown &&
    3002 GIC          76 :                 (EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus) || EXIT_STATUS_1(exitstatus)))
    3003 EUB             :             {
    3004 GBC          33 :                 StartupStatus = STARTUP_NOT_RUNNING;
    3005              33 :                 pmState = PM_WAIT_BACKENDS;
    3006 EUB             :                 /* PostmasterStateMachine logic does the rest */
    3007 GIC          33 :                 continue;
    3008 EUB             :             }
    3009                 : 
    3010 GIC         564 :             if (EXIT_STATUS_3(exitstatus))
    3011                 :             {
    3012 UIC           0 :                 ereport(LOG,
    3013                 :                         (errmsg("shutdown at recovery target")));
    3014               0 :                 StartupStatus = STARTUP_NOT_RUNNING;
    3015               0 :                 Shutdown = Max(Shutdown, SmartShutdown);
    3016 LBC           0 :                 TerminateChildren(SIGTERM);
    3017               0 :                 pmState = PM_WAIT_BACKENDS;
    3018 ECB             :                 /* PostmasterStateMachine logic does the rest */
    3019 UIC           0 :                 continue;
    3020 EUB             :             }
    3021                 : 
    3022                 :             /*
    3023                 :              * Unexpected exit of startup process (including FATAL exit)
    3024                 :              * during PM_STARTUP is treated as catastrophic. There are no
    3025                 :              * other processes running yet, so we can just exit.
    3026                 :              */
    3027 GIC         564 :             if (pmState == PM_STARTUP &&
    3028             413 :                 StartupStatus != STARTUP_SIGNALED &&
    3029             413 :                 !EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus))
    3030                 :             {
    3031 UIC           0 :                 LogChildExit(LOG, _("startup process"),
    3032                 :                              pid, exitstatus);
    3033               0 :                 ereport(LOG,
    3034                 :                         (errmsg("aborting startup due to startup process failure")));
    3035               0 :                 ExitPostmaster(1);
    3036                 :             }
    3037                 : 
    3038                 :             /*
    3039                 :              * After PM_STARTUP, any unexpected exit (including FATAL exit) of
    3040                 :              * the startup process is catastrophic, so kill other children,
    3041                 :              * and set StartupStatus so we don't try to reinitialize after
    3042                 :              * they're gone.  Exception: if StartupStatus is STARTUP_SIGNALED,
    3043                 :              * then we previously sent the startup process a SIGQUIT; so
    3044                 :              * that's probably the reason it died, and we do want to try to
    3045 ECB             :              * restart in that case.
    3046                 :              *
    3047                 :              * This stanza also handles the case where we sent a SIGQUIT
    3048                 :              * during PM_STARTUP due to some dead_end child crashing: in that
    3049                 :              * situation, if the startup process dies on the SIGQUIT, we need
    3050                 :              * to transition to PM_WAIT_BACKENDS state which will allow
    3051 EUB             :              * PostmasterStateMachine to restart the startup process.  (On the
    3052                 :              * other hand, the startup process might complete normally, if we
    3053                 :              * were too late with the SIGQUIT.  In that case we'll fall
    3054 ECB             :              * through and commence normal operations.)
    3055                 :              */
    3056 CBC         564 :             if (!EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus))
    3057 ECB             :             {
    3058 GIC          46 :                 if (StartupStatus == STARTUP_SIGNALED)
    3059                 :                 {
    3060              43 :                     StartupStatus = STARTUP_NOT_RUNNING;
    3061              43 :                     if (pmState == PM_STARTUP)
    3062 UIC           0 :                         pmState = PM_WAIT_BACKENDS;
    3063 ECB             :                 }
    3064                 :                 else
    3065 CBC           3 :                     StartupStatus = STARTUP_CRASHED;
    3066              46 :                 HandleChildCrash(pid, exitstatus,
    3067              46 :                                  _("startup process"));
    3068              46 :                 continue;
    3069                 :             }
    3070                 : 
    3071                 :             /*
    3072                 :              * Startup succeeded, commence normal operations
    3073                 :              */
    3074 GIC         518 :             StartupStatus = STARTUP_NOT_RUNNING;
    3075 CBC         518 :             FatalError = false;
    3076 GBC         518 :             AbortStartTime = 0;
    3077 CBC         518 :             ReachedNormalRunning = true;
    3078 GBC         518 :             pmState = PM_RUN;
    3079 CBC         518 :             connsAllowed = true;
    3080 ECB             : 
    3081                 :             /*
    3082                 :              * Crank up the background tasks, if we didn't do that already
    3083                 :              * when we entered consistent recovery state.  It doesn't matter
    3084                 :              * if this fails, we'll just try again later.
    3085                 :              */
    3086 CBC         518 :             if (CheckpointerPID == 0)
    3087 LBC           0 :                 CheckpointerPID = StartCheckpointer();
    3088 CBC         518 :             if (BgWriterPID == 0)
    3089 LBC           0 :                 BgWriterPID = StartBackgroundWriter();
    3090 GIC         518 :             if (WalWriterPID == 0)
    3091             518 :                 WalWriterPID = StartWalWriter();
    3092 ECB             : 
    3093                 :             /*
    3094                 :              * Likewise, start other special children as needed.  In a restart
    3095                 :              * situation, some of them may be alive already.
    3096                 :              */
    3097 GIC         518 :             if (!IsBinaryUpgrade && AutoVacuumingActive() && AutoVacPID == 0)
    3098             493 :                 AutoVacPID = StartAutoVacLauncher();
    3099 CBC         518 :             if (PgArchStartupAllowed() && PgArchPID == 0)
    3100 GIC          27 :                 PgArchPID = StartArchiver();
    3101 ECB             : 
    3102                 :             /* workers may be scheduled to start now */
    3103 GIC         518 :             maybe_start_bgworkers();
    3104 ECB             : 
    3105                 :             /* at this point we are really open for business */
    3106 GIC         518 :             ereport(LOG,
    3107                 :                     (errmsg("database system is ready to accept connections")));
    3108                 : 
    3109                 :             /* Report status */
    3110             518 :             AddToDataDirLockFile(LOCK_FILE_LINE_PM_STATUS, PM_STATUS_READY);
    3111                 : #ifdef USE_SYSTEMD
    3112 CBC         518 :             sd_notify(0, "READY=1");
    3113                 : #endif
    3114 ECB             : 
    3115 CBC         518 :             continue;
    3116 ECB             :         }
    3117                 : 
    3118                 :         /*
    3119                 :          * Was it the bgwriter?  Normal exit can be ignored; we'll start a new
    3120                 :          * one at the next iteration of the postmaster's main loop, if
    3121                 :          * necessary.  Any other exit condition is treated as a crash.
    3122                 :          */
    3123 GIC       13440 :         if (pid == BgWriterPID)
    3124 ECB             :         {
    3125 GIC         597 :             BgWriterPID = 0;
    3126 CBC         597 :             if (!EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus))
    3127             245 :                 HandleChildCrash(pid, exitstatus,
    3128 GIC         245 :                                  _("background writer process"));
    3129             597 :             continue;
    3130                 :         }
    3131                 : 
    3132                 :         /*
    3133                 :          * Was it the checkpointer?
    3134                 :          */
    3135           12843 :         if (pid == CheckpointerPID)
    3136                 :         {
    3137             597 :             CheckpointerPID = 0;
    3138             597 :             if (EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus) && pmState == PM_SHUTDOWN)
    3139                 :             {
    3140                 :                 /*
    3141                 :                  * OK, we saw normal exit of the checkpointer after it's been
    3142                 :                  * told to shut down.  We expect that it wrote a shutdown
    3143 ECB             :                  * checkpoint.  (If for some reason it didn't, recovery will
    3144                 :                  * occur on next postmaster start.)
    3145                 :                  *
    3146                 :                  * At this point we should have no normal backend children
    3147                 :                  * left (else we'd not be in PM_SHUTDOWN state) but we might
    3148                 :                  * have dead_end children to wait for.
    3149                 :                  *
    3150                 :                  * If we have an archiver subprocess, tell it to do a last
    3151                 :                  * archive cycle and quit. Likewise, if we have walsender
    3152                 :                  * processes, tell them to send any remaining WAL and quit.
    3153                 :                  */
    3154 GIC         352 :                 Assert(Shutdown > NoShutdown);
    3155 ECB             : 
    3156                 :                 /* Waken archiver for the last time */
    3157 GIC         352 :                 if (PgArchPID != 0)
    3158              10 :                     signal_child(PgArchPID, SIGUSR2);
    3159                 : 
    3160                 :                 /*
    3161                 :                  * Waken walsenders for the last time. No regular backends
    3162                 :                  * should be around anymore.
    3163 ECB             :                  */
    3164 CBC         352 :                 SignalChildren(SIGUSR2);
    3165                 : 
    3166 GIC         352 :                 pmState = PM_SHUTDOWN_2;
    3167 ECB             :             }
    3168                 :             else
    3169                 :             {
    3170                 :                 /*
    3171                 :                  * Any unexpected exit of the checkpointer (including FATAL
    3172                 :                  * exit) is treated as a crash.
    3173                 :                  */
    3174 GIC         245 :                 HandleChildCrash(pid, exitstatus,
    3175 CBC         245 :                                  _("checkpointer process"));
    3176                 :             }
    3177 ECB             : 
    3178 CBC         597 :             continue;
    3179 ECB             :         }
    3180                 : 
    3181                 :         /*
    3182                 :          * Was it the wal writer?  Normal exit can be ignored; we'll start a
    3183                 :          * new one at the next iteration of the postmaster's main loop, if
    3184                 :          * necessary.  Any other exit condition is treated as a crash.
    3185                 :          */
    3186 GIC       12246 :         if (pid == WalWriterPID)
    3187                 :         {
    3188             518 :             WalWriterPID = 0;
    3189             518 :             if (!EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus))
    3190 CBC         199 :                 HandleChildCrash(pid, exitstatus,
    3191 GIC         199 :                                  _("WAL writer process"));
    3192 CBC         518 :             continue;
    3193 ECB             :         }
    3194                 : 
    3195                 :         /*
    3196                 :          * Was it the wal receiver?  If exit status is zero (normal) or one
    3197                 :          * (FATAL exit), we assume everything is all right just like normal
    3198                 :          * backends.  (If we need a new wal receiver, we'll start one at the
    3199                 :          * next iteration of the postmaster's main loop.)
    3200                 :          */
    3201 GIC       11728 :         if (pid == WalReceiverPID)
    3202                 :         {
    3203             201 :             WalReceiverPID = 0;
    3204             201 :             if (!EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus) && !EXIT_STATUS_1(exitstatus))
    3205 CBC          29 :                 HandleChildCrash(pid, exitstatus,
    3206 GIC          29 :                                  _("WAL receiver process"));
    3207 CBC         201 :             continue;
    3208 ECB             :         }
    3209                 : 
    3210                 :         /*
    3211                 :          * Was it the autovacuum launcher?  Normal exit can be ignored; we'll
    3212                 :          * start a new one at the next iteration of the postmaster's main
    3213                 :          * loop, if necessary.  Any other exit condition is treated as a
    3214                 :          * crash.
    3215                 :          */
    3216 GIC       11527 :         if (pid == AutoVacPID)
    3217                 :         {
    3218             493 :             AutoVacPID = 0;
    3219             493 :             if (!EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus))
    3220             190 :                 HandleChildCrash(pid, exitstatus,
    3221             190 :                                  _("autovacuum launcher process"));
    3222             493 :             continue;
    3223 ECB             :         }
    3224                 : 
    3225                 :         /*
    3226                 :          * Was it the archiver?  If exit status is zero (normal) or one (FATAL
    3227                 :          * exit), we assume everything is all right just like normal backends
    3228                 :          * and just try to restart a new one so that we immediately retry
    3229                 :          * archiving remaining files. (If fail, we'll try again in future
    3230 EUB             :          * cycles of the postmaster's main loop.) Unless we were waiting for
    3231 ECB             :          * it to shut down; don't restart it in that case, and
    3232                 :          * PostmasterStateMachine() will advance to the next shutdown step.
    3233                 :          */
    3234 GIC       11034 :         if (pid == PgArchPID)
    3235 ECB             :         {
    3236 GIC          30 :             PgArchPID = 0;
    3237 GBC          30 :             if (!EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus) && !EXIT_STATUS_1(exitstatus))
    3238 GIC          20 :                 HandleChildCrash(pid, exitstatus,
    3239 GBC          20 :                                  _("archiver process"));
    3240              30 :             if (PgArchStartupAllowed())
    3241 UBC           0 :                 PgArchPID = StartArchiver();
    3242 GIC          30 :             continue;
    3243 EUB             :         }
    3244                 : 
    3245                 :         /* Was it the system logger?  If so, try to start a new one */
    3246 GIC       11004 :         if (pid == SysLoggerPID)
    3247 ECB             :         {
    3248 UIC           0 :             SysLoggerPID = 0;
    3249                 :             /* for safety's sake, launch new logger *first* */
    3250 LBC           0 :             SysLoggerPID = SysLogger_Start();
    3251               0 :             if (!EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus))
    3252 UIC           0 :                 LogChildExit(LOG, _("system logger process"),
    3253                 :                              pid, exitstatus);
    3254               0 :             continue;
    3255                 :         }
    3256                 : 
    3257 ECB             :         /* Was it one of our background workers? */
    3258 GIC       11004 :         if (CleanupBackgroundWorker(pid, exitstatus))
    3259                 :         {
    3260                 :             /* have it be restarted */
    3261            2153 :             HaveCrashedWorker = true;
    3262            2153 :             continue;
    3263                 :         }
    3264 ECB             : 
    3265                 :         /*
    3266                 :          * Else do standard backend child cleanup.
    3267                 :          */
    3268 GIC        8851 :         CleanupBackend(pid, exitstatus);
    3269                 :     }                           /* loop over pending child-death reports */
    3270                 : 
    3271                 :     /*
    3272                 :      * After cleaning out the SIGCHLD queue, see if we have any state changes
    3273                 :      * or actions to make.
    3274                 :      */
    3275           13502 :     PostmasterStateMachine();
    3276 CBC       12909 : }
    3277                 : 
    3278                 : /*
    3279                 :  * Scan the bgworkers list and see if the given PID (which has just stopped
    3280 ECB             :  * or crashed) is in it.  Handle its shutdown if so, and return true.  If not a
    3281                 :  * bgworker, return false.
    3282                 :  *
    3283                 :  * This is heavily based on CleanupBackend.  One important difference is that
    3284                 :  * we don't know yet that the dying process is a bgworker, so we must be silent
    3285                 :  * until we're sure it is.
    3286                 :  */
    3287                 : static bool
    3288 GIC       11004 : CleanupBackgroundWorker(int pid,
    3289                 :                         int exitstatus) /* child's exit status */
    3290                 : {
    3291 ECB             :     char        namebuf[MAXPGPATH];
    3292                 :     slist_mutable_iter iter;
    3293                 : 
    3294 GIC       22535 :     slist_foreach_modify(iter, &BackgroundWorkerList)
    3295 ECB             :     {
    3296                 :         RegisteredBgWorker *rw;
    3297                 : 
    3298 CBC       13684 :         rw = slist_container(RegisteredBgWorker, rw_lnode, iter.cur);
    3299                 : 
    3300 GIC       13684 :         if (rw->rw_pid != pid)
    3301           11531 :             continue;
    3302                 : 
    3303 ECB             : #ifdef WIN32
    3304                 :         /* see CleanupBackend */
    3305                 :         if (exitstatus == ERROR_WAIT_NO_CHILDREN)
    3306                 :             exitstatus = 0;
    3307                 : #endif
    3308                 : 
    3309 GIC        2153 :         snprintf(namebuf, MAXPGPATH, _("background worker \"%s\""),
    3310            2153 :                  rw->rw_worker.bgw_type);
    3311 ECB             : 
    3312                 : 
    3313 CBC        2153 :         if (!EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus))
    3314 ECB             :         {
    3315                 :             /* Record timestamp, so we know when to restart the worker. */
    3316 GIC         662 :             rw->rw_crashed_at = GetCurrentTimestamp();
    3317                 :         }
    3318                 :         else
    3319                 :         {
    3320                 :             /* Zero exit status means terminate */
    3321            1491 :             rw->rw_crashed_at = 0;
    3322 CBC        1491 :             rw->rw_terminate = true;
    3323                 :         }
    3324 EUB             : 
    3325                 :         /*
    3326                 :          * Additionally, just like a backend, any exit status other than 0 or
    3327                 :          * 1 is considered a crash and causes a system-wide restart.
    3328                 :          */
    3329 CBC        2153 :         if (!EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus) && !EXIT_STATUS_1(exitstatus))
    3330                 :         {
    3331 GIC         210 :             HandleChildCrash(pid, exitstatus, namebuf);
    3332             210 :             return true;
    3333                 :         }
    3334                 : 
    3335                 :         /*
    3336                 :          * We must release the postmaster child slot. If the worker failed to
    3337                 :          * do so, it did not clean up after itself, requiring a crash-restart
    3338                 :          * cycle.
    3339                 :          */
    3340 CBC        1943 :         if (!ReleasePostmasterChildSlot(rw->rw_child_slot))
    3341 ECB             :         {
    3342 LBC           0 :             HandleChildCrash(pid, exitstatus, namebuf);
    3343               0 :             return true;
    3344 ECB             :         }
    3345                 : 
    3346                 :         /* Get it out of the BackendList and clear out remaining data */
    3347 GIC        1943 :         dlist_delete(&rw->rw_backend->elem);
    3348 ECB             : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
    3349                 :         ShmemBackendArrayRemove(rw->rw_backend);
    3350                 : #endif
    3351                 : 
    3352                 :         /*
    3353                 :          * It's possible that this background worker started some OTHER
    3354                 :          * background worker and asked to be notified when that worker started
    3355                 :          * or stopped.  If so, cancel any notifications destined for the
    3356                 :          * now-dead backend.
    3357                 :          */
    3358 GIC        1943 :         if (rw->rw_backend->bgworker_notify)
    3359             125 :             BackgroundWorkerStopNotifications(rw->rw_pid);
    3360            1943 :         free(rw->rw_backend);
    3361            1943 :         rw->rw_backend = NULL;
    3362            1943 :         rw->rw_pid = 0;
    3363            1943 :         rw->rw_child_slot = 0;
    3364            1943 :         ReportBackgroundWorkerExit(&iter);  /* report child death */
    3365 ECB             : 
    3366 GIC        1943 :         LogChildExit(EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus) ? DEBUG1 : LOG,
    3367                 :                      namebuf, pid, exitstatus);
    3368                 : 
    3369            1943 :         return true;
    3370 ECB             :     }
    3371                 : 
    3372 GIC        8851 :     return false;
    3373                 : }
    3374                 : 
    3375                 : /*
    3376                 :  * CleanupBackend -- cleanup after terminated backend.
    3377                 :  *
    3378                 :  * Remove all local state associated with backend.
    3379                 :  *
    3380                 :  * If you change this, see also CleanupBackgroundWorker.
    3381                 :  */
    3382                 : static void
    3383            8851 : CleanupBackend(int pid,
    3384                 :                int exitstatus)  /* child's exit status. */
    3385                 : {
    3386                 :     dlist_mutable_iter iter;
    3387                 : 
    3388            8851 :     LogChildExit(DEBUG2, _("server process"), pid, exitstatus);
    3389                 : 
    3390                 :     /*
    3391                 :      * If a backend dies in an ugly way then we must signal all other backends
    3392                 :      * to quickdie.  If exit status is zero (normal) or one (FATAL exit), we
    3393                 :      * assume everything is all right and proceed to remove the backend from
    3394                 :      * the active backend list.
    3395 ECB             :      */
    3396                 : 
    3397                 : #ifdef WIN32
    3398                 : 
    3399                 :     /*
    3400                 :      * On win32, also treat ERROR_WAIT_NO_CHILDREN (128) as nonfatal case,
    3401                 :      * since that sometimes happens under load when the process fails to start
    3402                 :      * properly (long before it starts using shared memory). Microsoft reports
    3403                 :      * it is related to mutex failure:
    3404                 :      *
    3405                 :      */
    3406                 :     if (exitstatus == ERROR_WAIT_NO_CHILDREN)
    3407                 :     {
    3408                 :         LogChildExit(LOG, _("server process"), pid, exitstatus);
    3409                 :         exitstatus = 0;
    3410                 :     }
    3411                 : #endif
    3412                 : 
    3413 GIC        8851 :     if (!EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus) && !EXIT_STATUS_1(exitstatus))
    3414                 :     {
    3415 GBC         254 :         HandleChildCrash(pid, exitstatus, _("server process"));
    3416             254 :         return;
    3417                 :     }
    3418                 : 
    3419 GIC       22317 :     dlist_foreach_modify(iter, &BackendList)
    3420                 :     {
    3421           22317 :         Backend    *bp = dlist_container(Backend, elem, iter.cur);
    3422 ECB             : 
    3423 GIC       22317 :         if (bp->pid == pid)
    3424                 :         {
    3425            8597 :             if (!bp->dead_end)
    3426                 :             {
    3427            8573 :                 if (!ReleasePostmasterChildSlot(bp->child_slot))
    3428                 :                 {
    3429                 :                     /*
    3430                 :                      * Uh-oh, the child failed to clean itself up.  Treat as a
    3431                 :                      * crash after all.
    3432 ECB             :                      */
    3433 UIC           0 :                     HandleChildCrash(pid, exitstatus, _("server process"));
    3434 LBC           0 :                     return;
    3435 ECB             :                 }
    3436                 : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
    3437                 :                 ShmemBackendArrayRemove(bp);
    3438                 : #endif
    3439                 :             }
    3440 GIC        8597 :             if (bp->bgworker_notify)
    3441                 :             {
    3442                 :                 /*
    3443                 :                  * This backend may have been slated to receive SIGUSR1 when
    3444                 :                  * some background worker started or stopped.  Cancel those
    3445                 :                  * notifications, as we don't want to signal PIDs that are not
    3446                 :                  * PostgreSQL backends.  This gets skipped in the (probably
    3447                 :                  * very common) case where the backend has never requested any
    3448                 :                  * such notifications.
    3449 ECB             :                  */
    3450 GIC          57 :                 BackgroundWorkerStopNotifications(bp->pid);
    3451                 :             }
    3452            8597 :             dlist_delete(iter.cur);
    3453            8597 :             free(bp);
    3454            8597 :             break;
    3455                 :         }
    3456                 :     }
    3457                 : }
    3458                 : 
    3459                 : /*
    3460                 :  * HandleChildCrash -- cleanup after failed backend, bgwriter, checkpointer,
    3461                 :  * walwriter, autovacuum, archiver or background worker.
    3462                 :  *
    3463 ECB             :  * The objectives here are to clean up our local state about the child
    3464                 :  * process, and to signal all other remaining children to quickdie.
    3465                 :  */
    3466                 : static void
    3467 CBC        1438 : HandleChildCrash(int pid, int exitstatus, const char *procname)
    3468 ECB             : {
    3469                 :     dlist_mutable_iter iter;
    3470                 :     slist_iter  siter;
    3471                 :     Backend    *bp;
    3472                 :     bool        take_action;
    3473                 : 
    3474                 :     /*
    3475                 :      * We only log messages and send signals if this is the first process
    3476                 :      * crash and we're not doing an immediate shutdown; otherwise, we're only
    3477                 :      * here to update postmaster's idea of live processes.  If we have already
    3478                 :      * signaled children, nonzero exit status is to be expected, so don't
    3479                 :      * clutter log.
    3480                 :      */
    3481 CBC        1438 :     take_action = !FatalError && Shutdown != ImmediateShutdown;
    3482                 : 
    3483 GIC        1438 :     if (take_action)
    3484                 :     {
    3485               7 :         LogChildExit(LOG, procname, pid, exitstatus);
    3486 CBC           7 :         ereport(LOG,
    3487 ECB             :                 (errmsg("terminating any other active server processes")));
    3488 GIC           7 :         SetQuitSignalReason(PMQUIT_FOR_CRASH);
    3489                 :     }
    3490                 : 
    3491 ECB             :     /* Process background workers. */
    3492 CBC        2942 :     slist_foreach(siter, &BackgroundWorkerList)
    3493 ECB             :     {
    3494                 :         RegisteredBgWorker *rw;
    3495                 : 
    3496 GIC        1504 :         rw = slist_container(RegisteredBgWorker, rw_lnode, siter.cur);
    3497            1504 :         if (rw->rw_pid == 0)
    3498             695 :             continue;           /* not running */
    3499             809 :         if (rw->rw_pid == pid)
    3500                 :         {
    3501                 :             /*
    3502                 :              * Found entry for freshly-dead worker, so remove it.
    3503                 :              */
    3504             210 :             (void) ReleasePostmasterChildSlot(rw->rw_child_slot);
    3505 CBC         210 :             dlist_delete(&rw->rw_backend->elem);
    3506 ECB             : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
    3507                 :             ShmemBackendArrayRemove(rw->rw_backend);
    3508                 : #endif
    3509 GIC         210 :             free(rw->rw_backend);
    3510             210 :             rw->rw_backend = NULL;
    3511 CBC         210 :             rw->rw_pid = 0;
    3512 GIC         210 :             rw->rw_child_slot = 0;
    3513 ECB             :             /* don't reset crashed_at */
    3514                 :             /* don't report child stop, either */
    3515                 :             /* Keep looping so we can signal remaining workers */
    3516                 :         }
    3517                 :         else
    3518                 :         {
    3519                 :             /*
    3520                 :              * This worker is still alive.  Unless we did so already, tell it
    3521                 :              * to commit hara-kiri.
    3522                 :              */
    3523 CBC         599 :             if (take_action)
    3524 GNC           4 :                 sigquit_child(rw->rw_pid);
    3525                 :         }
    3526                 :     }
    3527                 : 
    3528                 :     /* Process regular backends */
    3529 GIC        3455 :     dlist_foreach_modify(iter, &BackendList)
    3530                 :     {
    3531            2017 :         bp = dlist_container(Backend, elem, iter.cur);
    3532 ECB             : 
    3533 CBC        2017 :         if (bp->pid == pid)
    3534                 :         {
    3535 ECB             :             /*
    3536                 :              * Found entry for freshly-dead backend, so remove it.
    3537                 :              */
    3538 GIC         254 :             if (!bp->dead_end)
    3539                 :             {
    3540             254 :                 (void) ReleasePostmasterChildSlot(bp->child_slot);
    3541 ECB             : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
    3542                 :                 ShmemBackendArrayRemove(bp);
    3543 EUB             : #endif
    3544                 :             }
    3545 GIC         254 :             dlist_delete(iter.cur);
    3546 CBC         254 :             free(bp);
    3547                 :             /* Keep looping so we can signal remaining backends */
    3548 EUB             :         }
    3549                 :         else
    3550                 :         {
    3551                 :             /*
    3552                 :              * This backend is still alive.  Unless we did so already, tell it
    3553 ECB             :              * to commit hara-kiri.
    3554 EUB             :              *
    3555                 :              * We could exclude dead_end children here, but at least when
    3556                 :              * sending SIGABRT it seems better to include them.
    3557 ECB             :              *
    3558                 :              * Background workers were already processed above; ignore them
    3559                 :              * here.
    3560                 :              */
    3561 GBC        1763 :             if (bp->bkend_type == BACKEND_TYPE_BGWORKER)
    3562 CBC         599 :                 continue;
    3563 ECB             : 
    3564 GIC        1164 :             if (take_action)
    3565 GNC           6 :                 sigquit_child(bp->pid);
    3566 ECB             :         }
    3567 EUB             :     }
    3568 ECB             : 
    3569                 :     /* Take care of the startup process too */
    3570 GIC        1438 :     if (pid == StartupPID)
    3571                 :     {
    3572 LBC           0 :         StartupPID = 0;
    3573 EUB             :         /* Caller adjusts StartupStatus, so don't touch it here */
    3574 ECB             :     }
    3575 GBC        1438 :     else if (StartupPID != 0 && take_action)
    3576                 :     {
    3577 UNC           0 :         sigquit_child(StartupPID);
    3578 UIC           0 :         StartupStatus = STARTUP_SIGNALED;
    3579 ECB             :     }
    3580                 : 
    3581                 :     /* Take care of the bgwriter too */
    3582 CBC        1438 :     if (pid == BgWriterPID)
    3583 LBC           0 :         BgWriterPID = 0;
    3584 CBC        1438 :     else if (BgWriterPID != 0 && take_action)
    3585 GNC           7 :         sigquit_child(BgWriterPID);
    3586 ECB             : 
    3587                 :     /* Take care of the checkpointer too */
    3588 GIC        1438 :     if (pid == CheckpointerPID)
    3589 UIC           0 :         CheckpointerPID = 0;
    3590 GIC        1438 :     else if (CheckpointerPID != 0 && take_action)
    3591 GNC           7 :         sigquit_child(CheckpointerPID);
    3592                 : 
    3593 ECB             :     /* Take care of the walwriter too */
    3594 GIC        1438 :     if (pid == WalWriterPID)
    3595 LBC           0 :         WalWriterPID = 0;
    3596 CBC        1438 :     else if (WalWriterPID != 0 && take_action)
    3597 GNC           4 :         sigquit_child(WalWriterPID);
    3598                 : 
    3599                 :     /* Take care of the walreceiver too */
    3600 GIC        1438 :     if (pid == WalReceiverPID)
    3601 UIC           0 :         WalReceiverPID = 0;
    3602 GIC        1438 :     else if (WalReceiverPID != 0 && take_action)
    3603 UNC           0 :         sigquit_child(WalReceiverPID);
    3604                 : 
    3605                 :     /* Take care of the autovacuum launcher too */
    3606 GIC        1438 :     if (pid == AutoVacPID)
    3607 UIC           0 :         AutoVacPID = 0;
    3608 GIC        1438 :     else if (AutoVacPID != 0 && take_action)
    3609 GNC           4 :         sigquit_child(AutoVacPID);
    3610                 : 
    3611                 :     /* Take care of the archiver too */
    3612 GIC        1438 :     if (pid == PgArchPID)
    3613 UIC           0 :         PgArchPID = 0;
    3614 GIC        1438 :     else if (PgArchPID != 0 && take_action)
    3615 UNC           0 :         sigquit_child(PgArchPID);
    3616                 : 
    3617                 :     /* We do NOT restart the syslogger */
    3618 ECB             : 
    3619 GIC        1438 :     if (Shutdown != ImmediateShutdown)
    3620              39 :         FatalError = true;
    3621                 : 
    3622                 :     /* We now transit into a state of waiting for children to die */
    3623            1438 :     if (pmState == PM_RECOVERY ||
    3624            1436 :         pmState == PM_HOT_STANDBY ||
    3625            1435 :         pmState == PM_RUN ||
    3626            1431 :         pmState == PM_STOP_BACKENDS ||
    3627            1431 :         pmState == PM_SHUTDOWN)
    3628 CBC           7 :         pmState = PM_WAIT_BACKENDS;
    3629                 : 
    3630                 :     /*
    3631 ECB             :      * .. and if this doesn't happen quickly enough, now the clock is ticking
    3632                 :      * for us to kill them without mercy.
    3633                 :      */
    3634 GIC        1438 :     if (AbortStartTime == 0)
    3635               7 :         AbortStartTime = time(NULL);
    3636            1438 : }
    3637                 : 
    3638                 : /*
    3639 ECB             :  * Log the death of a child process.
    3640                 :  */
    3641                 : static void
    3642 GIC       10801 : LogChildExit(int lev, const char *procname, int pid, int exitstatus)
    3643                 : {
    3644                 :     /*
    3645                 :      * size of activity_buffer is arbitrary, but set equal to default
    3646                 :      * track_activity_query_size
    3647                 :      */
    3648                 :     char        activity_buffer[1024];
    3649 CBC       10801 :     const char *activity = NULL;
    3650                 : 
    3651 GIC       10801 :     if (!EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus))
    3652             838 :         activity = pgstat_get_crashed_backend_activity(pid,
    3653                 :                                                        activity_buffer,
    3654                 :                                                        sizeof(activity_buffer));
    3655                 : 
    3656 CBC       10801 :     if (WIFEXITED(exitstatus))
    3657 GIC       10795 :         ereport(lev,
    3658                 : 
    3659 ECB             :         /*------
    3660                 :           translator: %s is a noun phrase describing a child process, such as
    3661                 :           "server process" */
    3662                 :                 (errmsg("%s (PID %d) exited with exit code %d",
    3663                 :                         procname, pid, WEXITSTATUS(exitstatus)),
    3664                 :                  activity ? errdetail("Failed process was running: %s", activity) : 0));
    3665 CBC           6 :     else if (WIFSIGNALED(exitstatus))
    3666 ECB             :     {
    3667                 : #if defined(WIN32)
    3668                 :         ereport(lev,
    3669                 : 
    3670                 :         /*------
    3671                 :           translator: %s is a noun phrase describing a child process, such as
    3672                 :           "server process" */
    3673                 :                 (errmsg("%s (PID %d) was terminated by exception 0x%X",
    3674                 :                         procname, pid, WTERMSIG(exitstatus)),
    3675                 :                  errhint("See C include file \"ntstatus.h\" for a description of the hexadecimal value."),
    3676                 :                  activity ? errdetail("Failed process was running: %s", activity) : 0));
    3677                 : #else
    3678 CBC           6 :         ereport(lev,
    3679                 : 
    3680                 :         /*------
    3681                 :           translator: %s is a noun phrase describing a child process, such as
    3682                 :           "server process" */
    3683                 :                 (errmsg("%s (PID %d) was terminated by signal %d: %s",
    3684                 :                         procname, pid, WTERMSIG(exitstatus),
    3685 ECB             :                         pg_strsignal(WTERMSIG(exitstatus))),
    3686                 :                  activity ? errdetail("Failed process was running: %s", activity) : 0));
    3687                 : #endif
    3688                 :     }
    3689                 :     else
    3690 UIC           0 :         ereport(lev,
    3691                 : 
    3692                 :         /*------
    3693                 :           translator: %s is a noun phrase describing a child process, such as
    3694                 :           "server process" */
    3695                 :                 (errmsg("%s (PID %d) exited with unrecognized status %d",
    3696                 :                         procname, pid, exitstatus),
    3697                 :                  activity ? errdetail("Failed process was running: %s", activity) : 0));
    3698 CBC       10801 : }
    3699 ECB             : 
    3700                 : /*
    3701                 :  * Advance the postmaster's state machine and take actions as appropriate
    3702                 :  *
    3703                 :  * This is common code for process_pm_shutdown_request(),
    3704                 :  * process_pm_child_exit() and process_pm_pmsignal(), which process the signals
    3705                 :  * that might mean we need to change state.
    3706                 :  */
    3707                 : static void
    3708 CBC       14971 : PostmasterStateMachine(void)
    3709                 : {
    3710                 :     /* If we're doing a smart shutdown, try to advance that state. */
    3711 GIC       14971 :     if (pmState == PM_RUN || pmState == PM_HOT_STANDBY)
    3712                 :     {
    3713           11326 :         if (!connsAllowed)
    3714 ECB             :         {
    3715                 :             /*
    3716                 :              * This state ends when we have no normal client backends running.
    3717                 :              * Then we're ready to stop other children.
    3718                 :              */
    3719 GIC          18 :             if (CountChildren(BACKEND_TYPE_NORMAL) == 0)
    3720               6 :                 pmState = PM_STOP_BACKENDS;
    3721                 :         }
    3722                 :     }
    3723                 : 
    3724                 :     /*
    3725                 :      * If we're ready to do so, signal child processes to shut down.  (This
    3726                 :      * isn't a persistent state, but treating it as a distinct pmState allows
    3727                 :      * us to share this code across multiple shutdown code paths.)
    3728                 :      */
    3729 CBC       14971 :     if (pmState == PM_STOP_BACKENDS)
    3730                 :     {
    3731 ECB             :         /*
    3732 EUB             :          * Forget any pending requests for background workers, since we're no
    3733                 :          * longer willing to launch any new workers.  (If additional requests
    3734 ECB             :          * arrive, BackgroundWorkerStateChange will reject them.)
    3735                 :          */
    3736 CBC         352 :         ForgetUnstartedBackgroundWorkers();
    3737 ECB             : 
    3738                 :         /* Signal all backend children except walsenders */
    3739 GIC         352 :         SignalSomeChildren(SIGTERM,
    3740                 :                            BACKEND_TYPE_ALL - BACKEND_TYPE_WALSND);
    3741                 :         /* and the autovac launcher too */
    3742             352 :         if (AutoVacPID != 0)
    3743             303 :             signal_child(AutoVacPID, SIGTERM);
    3744                 :         /* and the bgwriter too */
    3745             352 :         if (BgWriterPID != 0)
    3746             352 :             signal_child(BgWriterPID, SIGTERM);
    3747                 :         /* and the walwriter too */
    3748             352 :         if (WalWriterPID != 0)
    3749             319 :             signal_child(WalWriterPID, SIGTERM);
    3750                 :         /* If we're in recovery, also stop startup and walreceiver procs */
    3751 GBC         352 :         if (StartupPID != 0)
    3752              33 :             signal_child(StartupPID, SIGTERM);
    3753 GIC         352 :         if (WalReceiverPID != 0)
    3754              28 :             signal_child(WalReceiverPID, SIGTERM);
    3755 EUB             :         /* checkpointer, archiver, stats, and syslogger may continue for now */
    3756                 : 
    3757                 :         /* Now transition to PM_WAIT_BACKENDS state to wait for them to die */
    3758 GIC         352 :         pmState = PM_WAIT_BACKENDS;
    3759                 :     }
    3760                 : 
    3761                 :     /*
    3762                 :      * If we are in a state-machine state that implies waiting for backends to
    3763 ECB             :      * exit, see if they're all gone, and change state if so.
    3764                 :      */
    3765 GIC       14971 :     if (pmState == PM_WAIT_BACKENDS)
    3766                 :     {
    3767                 :         /*
    3768                 :          * PM_WAIT_BACKENDS state ends when we have no regular backends
    3769                 :          * (including autovac workers), no bgworkers (including unconnected
    3770                 :          * ones), and no walwriter, autovac launcher or bgwriter.  If we are
    3771 ECB             :          * doing crash recovery or an immediate shutdown then we expect the
    3772                 :          * checkpointer to exit as well, otherwise not. The stats and
    3773                 :          * syslogger processes are disregarded since they are not connected to
    3774                 :          * shared memory; we also disregard dead_end children here. Walsenders
    3775                 :          * and archiver are also disregarded, they will be terminated later
    3776                 :          * after writing the checkpoint record.
    3777                 :          */
    3778 GIC        3241 :         if (CountChildren(BACKEND_TYPE_ALL - BACKEND_TYPE_WALSND) == 0 &&
    3779            1285 :             StartupPID == 0 &&
    3780 CBC        1182 :             WalReceiverPID == 0 &&
    3781 GIC        1148 :             BgWriterPID == 0 &&
    3782             877 :             (CheckpointerPID == 0 ||
    3783             574 :              (!FatalError && Shutdown < ImmediateShutdown)) &&
    3784             837 :             WalWriterPID == 0 &&
    3785             691 :             AutoVacPID == 0)
    3786                 :         {
    3787             597 :             if (Shutdown >= ImmediateShutdown || FatalError)
    3788                 :             {
    3789                 :                 /*
    3790                 :                  * Start waiting for dead_end children to die.  This state
    3791                 :                  * change causes ServerLoop to stop creating new ones.
    3792                 :                  */
    3793             245 :                 pmState = PM_WAIT_DEAD_END;
    3794 ECB             : 
    3795                 :                 /*
    3796                 :                  * We already SIGQUIT'd the archiver and stats processes, if
    3797                 :                  * any, when we started immediate shutdown or entered
    3798                 :                  * FatalError state.
    3799                 :                  */
    3800                 :             }
    3801                 :             else
    3802                 :             {
    3803                 :                 /*
    3804                 :                  * If we get here, we are proceeding with normal shutdown. All
    3805                 :                  * the regular children are gone, and it's time to tell the
    3806                 :                  * checkpointer to do a shutdown checkpoint.
    3807                 :                  */
    3808 GIC         352 :                 Assert(Shutdown > NoShutdown);
    3809                 :                 /* Start the checkpointer if not running */
    3810             352 :                 if (CheckpointerPID == 0)
    3811 UIC           0 :                     CheckpointerPID = StartCheckpointer();
    3812                 :                 /* And tell it to shut down */
    3813 GIC         352 :                 if (CheckpointerPID != 0)
    3814                 :                 {
    3815             352 :                     signal_child(CheckpointerPID, SIGUSR2);
    3816             352 :                     pmState = PM_SHUTDOWN;
    3817                 :                 }
    3818                 :                 else
    3819                 :                 {
    3820 ECB             :                     /*
    3821                 :                      * If we failed to fork a checkpointer, just shut down.
    3822                 :                      * Any required cleanup will happen at next restart. We
    3823                 :                      * set FatalError so that an "abnormal shutdown" message
    3824 EUB             :                      * gets logged when we exit.
    3825                 :                      *
    3826                 :                      * We don't consult send_abort_for_crash here, as it's
    3827                 :                      * unlikely that dumping cores would illuminate the reason
    3828                 :                      * for checkpointer fork failure.
    3829                 :                      */
    3830 UIC           0 :                     FatalError = true;
    3831               0 :                     pmState = PM_WAIT_DEAD_END;
    3832                 : 
    3833                 :                     /* Kill the walsenders and archiver too */
    3834               0 :                     SignalChildren(SIGQUIT);
    3835               0 :                     if (PgArchPID != 0)
    3836               0 :                         signal_child(PgArchPID, SIGQUIT);
    3837                 :                 }
    3838 ECB             :             }
    3839                 :         }
    3840                 :     }
    3841                 : 
    3842 GIC       14971 :     if (pmState == PM_SHUTDOWN_2)
    3843                 :     {
    3844                 :         /*
    3845                 :          * PM_SHUTDOWN_2 state ends when there's no other children than
    3846                 :          * dead_end children left. There shouldn't be any regular backends
    3847                 :          * left by now anyway; what we're really waiting for is walsenders and
    3848                 :          * archiver.
    3849 ECB             :          */
    3850 GIC         386 :         if (PgArchPID == 0 && CountChildren(BACKEND_TYPE_ALL) == 0)
    3851 ECB             :         {
    3852 GIC         352 :             pmState = PM_WAIT_DEAD_END;
    3853 ECB             :         }
    3854                 :     }
    3855                 : 
    3856 GIC       14971 :     if (pmState == PM_WAIT_DEAD_END)
    3857 ECB             :     {
    3858                 :         /* Don't allow any new socket connection events. */
    3859 GNC         606 :         ConfigurePostmasterWaitSet(false);
    3860                 : 
    3861                 :         /*
    3862 EUB             :          * PM_WAIT_DEAD_END state ends when the BackendList is entirely empty
    3863                 :          * (ie, no dead_end children remain), and the archiver is gone too.
    3864                 :          *
    3865                 :          * The reason we wait for those two is to protect them against a new
    3866                 :          * postmaster starting conflicting subprocesses; this isn't an
    3867                 :          * ironclad protection, but it at least helps in the
    3868                 :          * shutdown-and-immediately-restart scenario.  Note that they have
    3869                 :          * already been sent appropriate shutdown signals, either during a
    3870                 :          * normal state transition leading up to PM_WAIT_DEAD_END, or during
    3871                 :          * FatalError processing.
    3872 ECB             :          */
    3873 GIC         606 :         if (dlist_is_empty(&BackendList) && PgArchPID == 0)
    3874 ECB             :         {
    3875                 :             /* These other guys should be dead already */
    3876 GIC         597 :             Assert(StartupPID == 0);
    3877             597 :             Assert(WalReceiverPID == 0);
    3878 CBC         597 :             Assert(BgWriterPID == 0);
    3879             597 :             Assert(CheckpointerPID == 0);
    3880 GIC         597 :             Assert(WalWriterPID == 0);
    3881             597 :             Assert(AutoVacPID == 0);
    3882 ECB             :             /* syslogger is not considered here */
    3883 GIC         597 :             pmState = PM_NO_CHILDREN;
    3884 ECB             :         }
    3885                 :     }
    3886                 : 
    3887                 :     /*
    3888                 :      * If we've been told to shut down, we exit as soon as there are no
    3889                 :      * remaining children.  If there was a crash, cleanup will occur at the
    3890                 :      * next startup.  (Before PostgreSQL 8.3, we tried to recover from the
    3891                 :      * crash before exiting, but that seems unwise if we are quitting because
    3892                 :      * we got SIGTERM from init --- there may well not be time for recovery
    3893                 :      * before init decides to SIGKILL us.)
    3894                 :      *
    3895                 :      * Note that the syslogger continues to run.  It will exit when it sees
    3896                 :      * EOF on its input pipe, which happens when there are no more upstream
    3897                 :      * processes.
    3898                 :      */
    3899 GIC       14971 :     if (Shutdown > NoShutdown && pmState == PM_NO_CHILDREN)
    3900 ECB             :     {
    3901 GIC         590 :         if (FatalError)
    3902 ECB             :         {
    3903 UIC           0 :             ereport(LOG, (errmsg("abnormal database system shutdown")));
    3904               0 :             ExitPostmaster(1);
    3905                 :         }
    3906                 :         else
    3907                 :         {
    3908                 :             /*
    3909                 :              * Normal exit from the postmaster is here.  We don't need to log
    3910                 :              * anything here, since the UnlinkLockFiles proc_exit callback
    3911                 :              * will do so, and that should be the last user-visible action.
    3912                 :              */
    3913 GIC         590 :             ExitPostmaster(0);
    3914                 :         }
    3915                 :     }
    3916                 : 
    3917                 :     /*
    3918                 :      * If the startup process failed, or the user does not want an automatic
    3919                 :      * restart after backend crashes, wait for all non-syslogger children to
    3920                 :      * exit, and then exit postmaster.  We don't try to reinitialize when the
    3921                 :      * startup process fails, because more than likely it will just fail again
    3922 ECB             :      * and we will keep trying forever.
    3923                 :      */
    3924 CBC       14381 :     if (pmState == PM_NO_CHILDREN)
    3925 EUB             :     {
    3926 GIC           7 :         if (StartupStatus == STARTUP_CRASHED)
    3927 ECB             :         {
    3928 GIC           3 :             ereport(LOG,
    3929 ECB             :                     (errmsg("shutting down due to startup process failure")));
    3930 GIC           3 :             ExitPostmaster(1);
    3931                 :         }
    3932               4 :         if (!restart_after_crash)
    3933                 :         {
    3934 LBC           0 :             ereport(LOG,
    3935 ECB             :                     (errmsg("shutting down because restart_after_crash is off")));
    3936 LBC           0 :             ExitPostmaster(1);
    3937 ECB             :         }
    3938                 :     }
    3939                 : 
    3940                 :     /*
    3941                 :      * If we need to recover from a crash, wait for all non-syslogger children
    3942                 :      * to exit, then reset shmem and StartupDataBase.
    3943                 :      */
    3944 GIC       14378 :     if (FatalError && pmState == PM_NO_CHILDREN)
    3945                 :     {
    3946               4 :         ereport(LOG,
    3947                 :                 (errmsg("all server processes terminated; reinitializing")));
    3948                 : 
    3949                 :         /* remove leftover temporary files after a crash */
    3950               4 :         if (remove_temp_files_after_crash)
    3951               3 :             RemovePgTempFiles();
    3952 ECB             : 
    3953                 :         /* allow background workers to immediately restart */
    3954 CBC           4 :         ResetBackgroundWorkerCrashTimes();
    3955                 : 
    3956 GIC           4 :         shmem_exit(1);
    3957                 : 
    3958 ECB             :         /* re-read control file into local memory */
    3959 CBC           4 :         LocalProcessControlFile(true);
    3960                 : 
    3961                 :         /* re-create shared memory and semaphores */
    3962 GNC           4 :         CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores();
    3963                 : 
    3964 GIC           4 :         StartupPID = StartupDataBase();
    3965               4 :         Assert(StartupPID != 0);
    3966               4 :         StartupStatus = STARTUP_RUNNING;
    3967 CBC           4 :         pmState = PM_STARTUP;
    3968                 :         /* crash recovery started, reset SIGKILL flag */
    3969 GIC           4 :         AbortStartTime = 0;
    3970                 : 
    3971                 :         /* start accepting server socket connection events again */
    3972 GNC           4 :         ConfigurePostmasterWaitSet(true);
    3973 ECB             :     }
    3974 GIC       14378 : }
    3975 ECB             : 
    3976                 : 
    3977                 : /*
    3978                 :  * Send a signal to a postmaster child process
    3979                 :  *
    3980                 :  * On systems that have setsid(), each child process sets itself up as a
    3981                 :  * process group leader.  For signals that are generally interpreted in the
    3982                 :  * appropriate fashion, we signal the entire process group not just the
    3983                 :  * direct child process.  This allows us to, for example, SIGQUIT a blocked
    3984                 :  * archive_recovery script, or SIGINT a script being run by a backend via
    3985                 :  * system().
    3986                 :  *
    3987                 :  * There is a race condition for recently-forked children: they might not
    3988                 :  * have executed setsid() yet.  So we signal the child directly as well as
    3989                 :  * the group.  We assume such a child will handle the signal before trying
    3990                 :  * to spawn any grandchild processes.  We also assume that signaling the
    3991                 :  * child twice will not cause any problems.
    3992                 :  */
    3993                 : static void
    3994 CBC        4325 : signal_child(pid_t pid, int signal)
    3995                 : {
    3996            4325 :     if (kill(pid, signal) < 0)
    3997 LBC           0 :         elog(DEBUG3, "kill(%ld,%d) failed: %m", (long) pid, signal);
    3998                 : #ifdef HAVE_SETSID
    3999 GIC        4325 :     switch (signal)
    4000 ECB             :     {
    4001 GIC        3173 :         case SIGINT:
    4002                 :         case SIGTERM:
    4003 ECB             :         case SIGQUIT:
    4004                 :         case SIGKILL:
    4005                 :         case SIGABRT:
    4006 CBC        3173 :             if (kill(-pid, signal) < 0)
    4007 GIC           4 :                 elog(DEBUG3, "kill(%ld,%d) failed: %m", (long) (-pid), signal);
    4008            3173 :             break;
    4009            1152 :         default:
    4010            1152 :             break;
    4011                 :     }
    4012                 : #endif
    4013            4325 : }
    4014 ECB             : 
    4015                 : /*
    4016                 :  * Convenience function for killing a child process after a crash of some
    4017                 :  * other child process.  We log the action at a higher level than we would
    4018                 :  * otherwise do, and we apply send_abort_for_crash to decide which signal
    4019                 :  * to send.  Normally it's SIGQUIT -- and most other comments in this file
    4020                 :  * are written on the assumption that it is -- but developers might prefer
    4021                 :  * to use SIGABRT to collect per-child core dumps.
    4022                 :  */
    4023                 : static void
    4024 GNC          32 : sigquit_child(pid_t pid)
    4025                 : {
    4026              32 :     ereport(DEBUG2,
    4027                 :             (errmsg_internal("sending %s to process %d",
    4028                 :                              (send_abort_for_crash ? "SIGABRT" : "SIGQUIT"),
    4029                 :                              (int) pid)));
    4030              32 :     signal_child(pid, (send_abort_for_crash ? SIGABRT : SIGQUIT));
    4031              32 : }
    4032                 : 
    4033                 : /*
    4034 ECB             :  * Send a signal to the targeted children (but NOT special children;
    4035                 :  * dead_end children are never signaled, either).
    4036                 :  */
    4037                 : static bool
    4038 CBC        1045 : SignalSomeChildren(int signal, int target)
    4039 ECB             : {
    4040                 :     dlist_iter  iter;
    4041 CBC        1045 :     bool        signaled = false;
    4042 ECB             : 
    4043 CBC        2569 :     dlist_foreach(iter, &BackendList)
    4044 ECB             :     {
    4045 CBC        1524 :         Backend    *bp = dlist_container(Backend, elem, iter.cur);
    4046 ECB             : 
    4047 CBC        1524 :         if (bp->dead_end)
    4048               2 :             continue;
    4049 ECB             : 
    4050                 :         /*
    4051                 :          * Since target == BACKEND_TYPE_ALL is the most common case, we test
    4052                 :          * it first and avoid touching shared memory for every child.
    4053                 :          */
    4054 GIC        1522 :         if (target != BACKEND_TYPE_ALL)
    4055                 :         {
    4056                 :             /*
    4057                 :              * Assign bkend_type for any recently announced WAL Sender
    4058                 :              * processes.
    4059                 :              */
    4060            1108 :             if (bp->bkend_type == BACKEND_TYPE_NORMAL &&
    4061             378 :                 IsPostmasterChildWalSender(bp->child_slot))
    4062              27 :                 bp->bkend_type = BACKEND_TYPE_WALSND;
    4063 ECB             : 
    4064 GIC         730 :             if (!(target & bp->bkend_type))
    4065              27 :                 continue;
    4066                 :         }
    4067                 : 
    4068            1495 :         ereport(DEBUG4,
    4069                 :                 (errmsg_internal("sending signal %d to process %d",
    4070                 :                                  signal, (int) bp->pid)));
    4071            1495 :         signal_child(bp->pid, signal);
    4072 CBC        1495 :         signaled = true;
    4073 ECB             :     }
    4074 GIC        1045 :     return signaled;
    4075 EUB             : }
    4076                 : 
    4077                 : /*
    4078                 :  * Send a termination signal to children.  This considers all of our children
    4079                 :  * processes, except syslogger and dead_end backends.
    4080                 :  */
    4081                 : static void
    4082 GIC         238 : TerminateChildren(int signal)
    4083                 : {
    4084             238 :     SignalChildren(signal);
    4085             238 :     if (StartupPID != 0)
    4086 ECB             :     {
    4087 GIC          43 :         signal_child(StartupPID, signal);
    4088 GNC          43 :         if (signal == SIGQUIT || signal == SIGKILL || signal == SIGABRT)
    4089 GBC          43 :             StartupStatus = STARTUP_SIGNALED;
    4090                 :     }
    4091 GIC         238 :     if (BgWriterPID != 0)
    4092 GBC         238 :         signal_child(BgWriterPID, signal);
    4093 GIC         238 :     if (CheckpointerPID != 0)
    4094             238 :         signal_child(CheckpointerPID, signal);
    4095 CBC         238 :     if (WalWriterPID != 0)
    4096 GIC         195 :         signal_child(WalWriterPID, signal);
    4097             238 :     if (WalReceiverPID != 0)
    4098 CBC          30 :         signal_child(WalReceiverPID, signal);
    4099             238 :     if (AutoVacPID != 0)
    4100 GIC         186 :         signal_child(AutoVacPID, signal);
    4101             238 :     if (PgArchPID != 0)
    4102              20 :         signal_child(PgArchPID, signal);
    4103             238 : }
    4104 ECB             : 
    4105                 : /*
    4106                 :  * BackendStartup -- start backend process
    4107                 :  *
    4108                 :  * returns: STATUS_ERROR if the fork failed, STATUS_OK otherwise.
    4109                 :  *
    4110                 :  * Note: if you change this code, also consider StartAutovacuumWorker.
    4111                 :  */
    4112                 : static int
    4113 GIC        8835 : BackendStartup(Port *port)
    4114                 : {
    4115 ECB             :     Backend    *bn;             /* for backend cleanup */
    4116                 :     pid_t       pid;
    4117                 : 
    4118                 :     /*
    4119                 :      * Create backend data structure.  Better before the fork() so we can
    4120                 :      * handle failure cleanly.
    4121                 :      */
    4122 GIC        8835 :     bn = (Backend *) malloc(sizeof(Backend));
    4123            8835 :     if (!bn)
    4124 ECB             :     {
    4125 UIC           0 :         ereport(LOG,
    4126                 :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY),
    4127 ECB             :                  errmsg("out of memory")));
    4128 UIC           0 :         return STATUS_ERROR;
    4129                 :     }
    4130                 : 
    4131                 :     /*
    4132                 :      * Compute the cancel key that will be assigned to this backend. The
    4133                 :      * backend will have its own copy in the forked-off process' value of
    4134                 :      * MyCancelKey, so that it can transmit the key to the frontend.
    4135                 :      */
    4136 CBC        8835 :     if (!RandomCancelKey(&MyCancelKey))
    4137                 :     {
    4138 UIC           0 :         free(bn);
    4139 LBC           0 :         ereport(LOG,
    4140                 :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_INTERNAL_ERROR),
    4141                 :                  errmsg("could not generate random cancel key")));
    4142 UIC           0 :         return STATUS_ERROR;
    4143 ECB             :     }
    4144                 : 
    4145 GIC        8835 :     bn->cancel_key = MyCancelKey;
    4146 EUB             : 
    4147                 :     /* Pass down canAcceptConnections state */
    4148 GBC        8835 :     port->canAcceptConnections = canAcceptConnections(BACKEND_TYPE_NORMAL);
    4149            8835 :     bn->dead_end = (port->canAcceptConnections != CAC_OK);
    4150 EUB             : 
    4151                 :     /*
    4152                 :      * Unless it's a dead_end child, assign it a child slot number
    4153                 :      */
    4154 GBC        8835 :     if (!bn->dead_end)
    4155            8811 :         bn->child_slot = MyPMChildSlot = AssignPostmasterChildSlot();
    4156                 :     else
    4157 GIC          24 :         bn->child_slot = 0;
    4158                 : 
    4159 ECB             :     /* Hasn't asked to be notified about any bgworkers yet */
    4160 GIC        8835 :     bn->bgworker_notify = false;
    4161                 : 
    4162                 : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
    4163                 :     pid = backend_forkexec(port);
    4164                 : #else                           /* !EXEC_BACKEND */
    4165            8835 :     pid = fork_process();
    4166           17511 :     if (pid == 0)               /* child */
    4167 ECB             :     {
    4168 CBC        8676 :         free(bn);
    4169 ECB             : 
    4170                 :         /* Detangle from postmaster */
    4171 GIC        8676 :         InitPostmasterChild();
    4172                 : 
    4173                 :         /* Close the postmaster's sockets */
    4174            8676 :         ClosePostmasterPorts(false);
    4175                 : 
    4176 ECB             :         /* Perform additional initialization and collect startup packet */
    4177 GIC        8676 :         BackendInitialize(port);
    4178                 : 
    4179                 :         /*
    4180                 :          * Create a per-backend PGPROC struct in shared memory. We must do
    4181                 :          * this before we can use LWLocks. In the !EXEC_BACKEND case (here)
    4182                 :          * this could be delayed a bit further, but EXEC_BACKEND needs to do
    4183                 :          * stuff with LWLocks before PostgresMain(), so we do it here as well
    4184                 :          * for symmetry.
    4185                 :          */
    4186            8619 :         InitProcess();
    4187                 : 
    4188 EUB             :         /* And run the backend */
    4189 GIC        8617 :         BackendRun(port);
    4190                 :     }
    4191                 : #endif                          /* EXEC_BACKEND */
    4192                 : 
    4193            8835 :     if (pid < 0)
    4194 EUB             :     {
    4195                 :         /* in parent, fork failed */
    4196 UIC           0 :         int         save_errno = errno;
    4197                 : 
    4198               0 :         if (!bn->dead_end)
    4199 UBC           0 :             (void) ReleasePostmasterChildSlot(bn->child_slot);
    4200               0 :         free(bn);
    4201 UIC           0 :         errno = save_errno;
    4202               0 :         ereport(LOG,
    4203                 :                 (errmsg("could not fork new process for connection: %m")));
    4204               0 :         report_fork_failure_to_client(port, save_errno);
    4205 UBC           0 :         return STATUS_ERROR;
    4206 EUB             :     }
    4207                 : 
    4208                 :     /* in parent, successful fork */
    4209 GIC        8835 :     ereport(DEBUG2,
    4210                 :             (errmsg_internal("forked new backend, pid=%d socket=%d",
    4211                 :                              (int) pid, (int) port->sock)));
    4212                 : 
    4213                 :     /*
    4214                 :      * Everything's been successful, it's safe to add this backend to our list
    4215                 :      * of backends.
    4216                 :      */
    4217            8835 :     bn->pid = pid;
    4218            8835 :     bn->bkend_type = BACKEND_TYPE_NORMAL;    /* Can change later to WALSND */
    4219            8835 :     dlist_push_head(&BackendList, &bn->elem);
    4220                 : 
    4221                 : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
    4222                 :     if (!bn->dead_end)
    4223 ECB             :         ShmemBackendArrayAdd(bn);
    4224                 : #endif
    4225                 : 
    4226 GIC        8835 :     return STATUS_OK;
    4227                 : }
    4228                 : 
    4229                 : /*
    4230                 :  * Try to report backend fork() failure to client before we close the
    4231                 :  * connection.  Since we do not care to risk blocking the postmaster on
    4232 ECB             :  * this connection, we set the connection to non-blocking and try only once.
    4233                 :  *
    4234                 :  * This is grungy special-purpose code; we cannot use backend libpq since
    4235                 :  * it's not up and running.
    4236                 :  */
    4237                 : static void
    4238 UIC           0 : report_fork_failure_to_client(Port *port, int errnum)
    4239                 : {
    4240                 :     char        buffer[1000];
    4241                 :     int         rc;
    4242                 : 
    4243                 :     /* Format the error message packet (always V2 protocol) */
    4244 LBC           0 :     snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "E%s%s\n",
    4245 EUB             :              _("could not fork new process for connection: "),
    4246                 :              strerror(errnum));
    4247                 : 
    4248 ECB             :     /* Set port to non-blocking.  Don't do send() if this fails */
    4249 UIC           0 :     if (!pg_set_noblock(port->sock))
    4250               0 :         return;
    4251 ECB             : 
    4252                 :     /* We'll retry after EINTR, but ignore all other failures */
    4253                 :     do
    4254                 :     {
    4255 UIC           0 :         rc = send(port->sock, buffer, strlen(buffer) + 1, 0);
    4256               0 :     } while (rc < 0 && errno == EINTR);
    4257                 : }
    4258 ECB             : 
    4259                 : 
    4260                 : /*
    4261                 :  * BackendInitialize -- initialize an interactive (postmaster-child)
    4262                 :  *              backend process, and collect the client's startup packet.
    4263                 :  *
    4264                 :  * returns: nothing.  Will not return at all if there's any failure.
    4265                 :  *
    4266                 :  * Note: this code does not depend on having any access to shared memory.
    4267                 :  * Indeed, our approach to SIGTERM/timeout handling *requires* that
    4268                 :  * shared memory not have been touched yet; see comments within.
    4269                 :  * In the EXEC_BACKEND case, we are physically attached to shared memory
    4270                 :  * but have not yet set up most of our local pointers to shmem structures.
    4271                 :  */
    4272                 : static void
    4273 CBC        8676 : BackendInitialize(Port *port)
    4274 ECB             : {
    4275                 :     int         status;
    4276                 :     int         ret;
    4277                 :     char        remote_host[NI_MAXHOST];
    4278                 :     char        remote_port[NI_MAXSERV];
    4279                 :     StringInfoData ps_data;
    4280                 : 
    4281                 :     /* Save port etc. for ps status */
    4282 GIC        8676 :     MyProcPort = port;
    4283                 : 
    4284                 :     /* Tell fd.c about the long-lived FD associated with the port */
    4285 GBC        8676 :     ReserveExternalFD();
    4286                 : 
    4287                 :     /*
    4288                 :      * PreAuthDelay is a debugging aid for investigating problems in the
    4289                 :      * authentication cycle: it can be set in postgresql.conf to allow time to
    4290                 :      * attach to the newly-forked backend with a debugger.  (See also
    4291                 :      * PostAuthDelay, which we allow clients to pass through PGOPTIONS, but it
    4292                 :      * is not honored until after authentication.)
    4293 ECB             :      */
    4294 CBC        8676 :     if (PreAuthDelay > 0)
    4295 UIC           0 :         pg_usleep(PreAuthDelay * 1000000L);
    4296                 : 
    4297 ECB             :     /* This flag will remain set until InitPostgres finishes authentication */
    4298 GIC        8676 :     ClientAuthInProgress = true;    /* limit visibility of log messages */
    4299 ECB             : 
    4300                 :     /* set these to empty in case they are needed before we set them up */
    4301 GIC        8676 :     port->remote_host = "";
    4302            8676 :     port->remote_port = "";
    4303                 : 
    4304                 :     /*
    4305 ECB             :      * Initialize libpq and enable reporting of ereport errors to the client.
    4306                 :      * Must do this now because authentication uses libpq to send messages.
    4307                 :      */
    4308 GIC        8676 :     pq_init();                  /* initialize libpq to talk to client */
    4309            8676 :     whereToSendOutput = DestRemote; /* now safe to ereport to client */
    4310                 : 
    4311                 :     /*
    4312                 :      * We arrange to do _exit(1) if we receive SIGTERM or timeout while trying
    4313                 :      * to collect the startup packet; while SIGQUIT results in _exit(2).
    4314                 :      * Otherwise the postmaster cannot shutdown the database FAST or IMMED
    4315                 :      * cleanly if a buggy client fails to send the packet promptly.
    4316                 :      *
    4317                 :      * Exiting with _exit(1) is only possible because we have not yet touched
    4318                 :      * shared memory; therefore no outside-the-process state needs to get
    4319                 :      * cleaned up.
    4320                 :      */
    4321 CBC        8676 :     pqsignal(SIGTERM, process_startup_packet_die);
    4322 ECB             :     /* SIGQUIT handler was already set up by InitPostmasterChild */
    4323 CBC        8676 :     InitializeTimeouts();       /* establishes SIGALRM handler */
    4324 GNC        8676 :     sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &StartupBlockSig, NULL);
    4325 ECB             : 
    4326                 :     /*
    4327                 :      * Get the remote host name and port for logging and status display.
    4328                 :      */
    4329 GIC        8676 :     remote_host[0] = '\0';
    4330            8676 :     remote_port[0] = '\0';
    4331            8676 :     if ((ret = pg_getnameinfo_all(&port->raddr.addr, port->raddr.salen,
    4332                 :                                   remote_host, sizeof(remote_host),
    4333                 :                                   remote_port, sizeof(remote_port),
    4334                 :                                   (log_hostname ? 0 : NI_NUMERICHOST) | NI_NUMERICSERV)) != 0)
    4335 UIC           0 :         ereport(WARNING,
    4336                 :                 (errmsg_internal("pg_getnameinfo_all() failed: %s",
    4337                 :                                  gai_strerror(ret))));
    4338                 : 
    4339                 :     /*
    4340                 :      * Save remote_host and remote_port in port structure (after this, they
    4341                 :      * will appear in log_line_prefix data for log messages).
    4342 ECB             :      */
    4343 CBC        8676 :     port->remote_host = strdup(remote_host);
    4344 GIC        8676 :     port->remote_port = strdup(remote_port);
    4345                 : 
    4346                 :     /* And now we can issue the Log_connections message, if wanted */
    4347            8676 :     if (Log_connections)
    4348                 :     {
    4349 CBC         351 :         if (remote_port[0])
    4350 GIC         138 :             ereport(LOG,
    4351                 :                     (errmsg("connection received: host=%s port=%s",
    4352                 :                             remote_host,
    4353                 :                             remote_port)));
    4354 ECB             :         else
    4355 CBC         213 :             ereport(LOG,
    4356                 :                     (errmsg("connection received: host=%s",
    4357                 :                             remote_host)));
    4358                 :     }
    4359                 : 
    4360                 :     /*
    4361                 :      * If we did a reverse lookup to name, we might as well save the results
    4362                 :      * rather than possibly repeating the lookup during authentication.
    4363                 :      *
    4364                 :      * Note that we don't want to specify NI_NAMEREQD above, because then we'd
    4365                 :      * get nothing useful for a client without an rDNS entry.  Therefore, we
    4366 ECB             :      * must check whether we got a numeric IPv4 or IPv6 address, and not save
    4367                 :      * it into remote_hostname if so.  (This test is conservative and might
    4368                 :      * sometimes classify a hostname as numeric, but an error in that
    4369                 :      * direction is safe; it only results in a possible extra lookup.)
    4370                 :      */
    4371 GIC        8676 :     if (log_hostname &&
    4372 CBC         114 :         ret == 0 &&
    4373             114 :         strspn(remote_host, "0123456789.") < strlen(remote_host) &&
    4374 GIC         114 :         strspn(remote_host, "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef:") < strlen(remote_host))
    4375             114 :         port->remote_hostname = strdup(remote_host);
    4376                 : 
    4377                 :     /*
    4378                 :      * Ready to begin client interaction.  We will give up and _exit(1) after
    4379 ECB             :      * a time delay, so that a broken client can't hog a connection
    4380                 :      * indefinitely.  PreAuthDelay and any DNS interactions above don't count
    4381                 :      * against the time limit.
    4382                 :      *
    4383                 :      * Note: AuthenticationTimeout is applied here while waiting for the
    4384                 :      * startup packet, and then again in InitPostgres for the duration of any
    4385                 :      * authentication operations.  So a hostile client could tie up the
    4386                 :      * process for nearly twice AuthenticationTimeout before we kick him off.
    4387                 :      *
    4388                 :      * Note: because PostgresMain will call InitializeTimeouts again, the
    4389                 :      * registration of STARTUP_PACKET_TIMEOUT will be lost.  This is okay
    4390                 :      * since we never use it again after this function.
    4391                 :      */
    4392 CBC        8676 :     RegisterTimeout(STARTUP_PACKET_TIMEOUT, StartupPacketTimeoutHandler);
    4393            8676 :     enable_timeout_after(STARTUP_PACKET_TIMEOUT, AuthenticationTimeout * 1000);
    4394                 : 
    4395                 :     /*
    4396                 :      * Receive the startup packet (which might turn out to be a cancel request
    4397                 :      * packet).
    4398                 :      */
    4399 GIC        8676 :     status = ProcessStartupPacket(port, false, false);
    4400                 : 
    4401                 :     /*
    4402                 :      * Disable the timeout, and prevent SIGTERM again.
    4403 ECB             :      */
    4404 GIC        8652 :     disable_timeout(STARTUP_PACKET_TIMEOUT, false);
    4405 GNC        8652 :     sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &BlockSig, NULL);
    4406                 : 
    4407                 :     /*
    4408                 :      * As a safety check that nothing in startup has yet performed
    4409 ECB             :      * shared-memory modifications that would need to be undone if we had
    4410                 :      * exited through SIGTERM or timeout above, check that no on_shmem_exit
    4411                 :      * handlers have been registered yet.  (This isn't terribly bulletproof,
    4412                 :      * since someone might misuse an on_proc_exit handler for shmem cleanup,
    4413                 :      * but it's a cheap and helpful check.  We cannot disallow on_proc_exit
    4414                 :      * handlers unfortunately, since pq_init() already registered one.)
    4415                 :      */
    4416 GIC        8652 :     check_on_shmem_exit_lists_are_empty();
    4417                 : 
    4418                 :     /*
    4419                 :      * Stop here if it was bad or a cancel packet.  ProcessStartupPacket
    4420                 :      * already did any appropriate error reporting.
    4421                 :      */
    4422            8652 :     if (status != STATUS_OK)
    4423              33 :         proc_exit(0);
    4424                 : 
    4425                 :     /*
    4426                 :      * Now that we have the user and database name, we can set the process
    4427                 :      * title for ps.  It's good to do this as early as possible in startup.
    4428                 :      */
    4429            8619 :     initStringInfo(&ps_data);
    4430            8619 :     if (am_walsender)
    4431             832 :         appendStringInfo(&ps_data, "%s ", GetBackendTypeDesc(B_WAL_SENDER));
    4432            8619 :     appendStringInfo(&ps_data, "%s ", port->user_name);
    4433 GNC        8619 :     if (port->database_name[0] != '\0')
    4434 GIC        8269 :         appendStringInfo(&ps_data, "%s ", port->database_name);
    4435 GNC        8619 :     appendStringInfoString(&ps_data, port->remote_host);
    4436 GIC        8619 :     if (port->remote_port[0] != '\0')
    4437             164 :         appendStringInfo(&ps_data, "(%s)", port->remote_port);
    4438                 : 
    4439            8619 :     init_ps_display(;
    4440            8619 :     pfree(;
    4441                 : 
    4442            8619 :     set_ps_display("initializing");
    4443            8619 : }
    4444                 : 
    4445                 : 
    4446                 : /*
    4447                 :  * BackendRun -- set up the backend's argument list and invoke PostgresMain()
    4448                 :  *
    4449                 :  * returns:
    4450                 :  *      Doesn't return at all.
    4451                 :  */
    4452                 : static void
    4453            8617 : BackendRun(Port *port)
    4454                 : {
    4455                 :     /*
    4456                 :      * Make sure we aren't in PostmasterContext anymore.  (We can't delete it
    4457                 :      * just yet, though, because InitPostgres will need the HBA data.)
    4458                 :      */
    4459            8617 :     MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext);
    4460                 : 
    4461            8617 :     PostgresMain(port->database_name, port->user_name);
    4462                 : }
    4463                 : 
    4464                 : 
    4465                 : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
    4466                 : 
    4467                 : /*
    4468                 :  * postmaster_forkexec -- fork and exec a postmaster subprocess
    4469                 :  *
    4470                 :  * The caller must have set up the argv array already, except for argv[2]
    4471                 :  * which will be filled with the name of the temp variable file.
    4472                 :  *
    4473                 :  * Returns the child process PID, or -1 on fork failure (a suitable error
    4474                 :  * message has been logged on failure).
    4475                 :  *
    4476                 :  * All uses of this routine will dispatch to SubPostmasterMain in the
    4477                 :  * child process.
    4478                 :  */
    4479                 : pid_t
    4480                 : postmaster_forkexec(int argc, char *argv[])
    4481                 : {
    4482                 :     Port        port;
    4483                 : 
    4484                 :     /* This entry point passes dummy values for the Port variables */
    4485                 :     memset(&port, 0, sizeof(port));
    4486                 :     return internal_forkexec(argc, argv, &port);
    4487                 : }
    4488                 : 
    4489                 : /*
    4490                 :  * backend_forkexec -- fork/exec off a backend process
    4491                 :  *
    4492                 :  * Some operating systems (WIN32) don't have fork() so we have to simulate
    4493                 :  * it by storing parameters that need to be passed to the child and
    4494                 :  * then create a new child process.
    4495                 :  *
    4496                 :  * returns the pid of the fork/exec'd process, or -1 on failure
    4497                 :  */
    4498                 : static pid_t
    4499                 : backend_forkexec(Port *port)
    4500                 : {
    4501                 :     char       *av[4];
    4502                 :     int         ac = 0;
    4503                 : 
    4504                 :     av[ac++] = "postgres";
    4505                 :     av[ac++] = "--forkbackend";
    4506                 :     av[ac++] = NULL;            /* filled in by internal_forkexec */
    4507                 : 
    4508                 :     av[ac] = NULL;
    4509                 :     Assert(ac < lengthof(av));
    4510                 : 
    4511                 :     return internal_forkexec(ac, av, port);
    4512                 : }
    4513                 : 
    4514                 : #ifndef WIN32
    4515                 : 
    4516                 : /*
    4517                 :  * internal_forkexec non-win32 implementation
    4518                 :  *
    4519                 :  * - writes out backend variables to the parameter file
    4520                 :  * - fork():s, and then exec():s the child process
    4521                 :  */
    4522                 : static pid_t
    4523                 : internal_forkexec(int argc, char *argv[], Port *port)
    4524                 : {
    4525                 :     static unsigned long tmpBackendFileNum = 0;
    4526                 :     pid_t       pid;
    4527                 :     char        tmpfilename[MAXPGPATH];
    4528                 :     BackendParameters param;
    4529                 :     FILE       *fp;
    4530                 : 
    4531                 :     if (!save_backend_variables(&param, port))
    4532                 :         return -1;              /* log made by save_backend_variables */
    4533                 : 
    4534                 :     /* Calculate name for temp file */
    4535                 :     snprintf(tmpfilename, MAXPGPATH, "%s/%s.backend_var.%d.%lu",
    4536                 :              PG_TEMP_FILES_DIR, PG_TEMP_FILE_PREFIX,
    4537                 :              MyProcPid, ++tmpBackendFileNum);
    4538                 : 
    4539                 :     /* Open file */
    4540                 :     fp = AllocateFile(tmpfilename, PG_BINARY_W);
    4541                 :     if (!fp)
    4542                 :     {
    4543                 :         /*
    4544                 :          * As in OpenTemporaryFileInTablespace, try to make the temp-file
    4545                 :          * directory, ignoring errors.
    4546                 :          */
    4547                 :         (void) MakePGDirectory(PG_TEMP_FILES_DIR);
    4548                 : 
    4549                 :         fp = AllocateFile(tmpfilename, PG_BINARY_W);
    4550                 :         if (!fp)
    4551                 :         {
    4552                 :             ereport(LOG,
    4553                 :                     (errcode_for_file_access(),
    4554                 :                      errmsg("could not create file \"%s\": %m",
    4555                 :                             tmpfilename)));
    4556                 :             return -1;
    4557                 :         }
    4558                 :     }
    4559                 : 
    4560                 :     if (fwrite(&param, sizeof(param), 1, fp) != 1)
    4561                 :     {
    4562                 :         ereport(LOG,
    4563                 :                 (errcode_for_file_access(),
    4564                 :                  errmsg("could not write to file \"%s\": %m", tmpfilename)));
    4565                 :         FreeFile(fp);
    4566                 :         return -1;
    4567                 :     }
    4568                 : 
    4569                 :     /* Release file */
    4570                 :     if (FreeFile(fp))
    4571                 :     {
    4572                 :         ereport(LOG,
    4573                 :                 (errcode_for_file_access(),
    4574                 :                  errmsg("could not write to file \"%s\": %m", tmpfilename)));
    4575                 :         return -1;
    4576                 :     }
    4577                 : 
    4578                 :     /* Make sure caller set up argv properly */
    4579                 :     Assert(argc >= 3);
    4580                 :     Assert(argv[argc] == NULL);
    4581                 :     Assert(strncmp(argv[1], "--fork", 6) == 0);
    4582                 :     Assert(argv[2] == NULL);
    4583                 : 
    4584                 :     /* Insert temp file name after --fork argument */
    4585                 :     argv[2] = tmpfilename;
    4586                 : 
    4587                 :     /* Fire off execv in child */
    4588                 :     if ((pid = fork_process()) == 0)
    4589                 :     {
    4590                 :         if (execv(postgres_exec_path, argv) < 0)
    4591                 :         {
    4592                 :             ereport(LOG,
    4593                 :                     (errmsg("could not execute server process \"%s\": %m",
    4594                 :                             postgres_exec_path)));
    4595                 :             /* We're already in the child process here, can't return */
    4596                 :             exit(1);
    4597                 :         }
    4598                 :     }
    4599                 : 
    4600                 :     return pid;                 /* Parent returns pid, or -1 on fork failure */
    4601                 : }
    4602                 : #else                           /* WIN32 */
    4603                 : 
    4604                 : /*
    4605                 :  * internal_forkexec win32 implementation
    4606                 :  *
    4607                 :  * - starts backend using CreateProcess(), in suspended state
    4608                 :  * - writes out backend variables to the parameter file
    4609                 :  *  - during this, duplicates handles and sockets required for
    4610                 :  *    inheritance into the new process
    4611                 :  * - resumes execution of the new process once the backend parameter
    4612                 :  *   file is complete.
    4613                 :  */
    4614                 : static pid_t
    4615                 : internal_forkexec(int argc, char *argv[], Port *port)
    4616                 : {
    4617                 :     int         retry_count = 0;
    4618                 :     STARTUPINFO si;
    4619                 :     PROCESS_INFORMATION pi;
    4620                 :     int         i;
    4621                 :     int         j;
    4622                 :     char        cmdLine[MAXPGPATH * 2];
    4623                 :     HANDLE      paramHandle;
    4624                 :     BackendParameters *param;
    4625                 :     SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa;
    4626                 :     char        paramHandleStr[32];
    4627                 :     win32_deadchild_waitinfo *childinfo;
    4628                 : 
    4629                 :     /* Make sure caller set up argv properly */
    4630                 :     Assert(argc >= 3);
    4631                 :     Assert(argv[argc] == NULL);
    4632                 :     Assert(strncmp(argv[1], "--fork", 6) == 0);
    4633                 :     Assert(argv[2] == NULL);
    4634                 : 
    4635                 :     /* Resume here if we need to retry */
    4636                 : retry:
    4637                 : 
    4638                 :     /* Set up shared memory for parameter passing */
    4639                 :     ZeroMemory(&sa, sizeof(sa));
    4640                 :     sa.nLength = sizeof(sa);
    4641                 :     sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
    4642                 :     paramHandle = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,
    4643                 :                                     &sa,
    4644                 :                                     PAGE_READWRITE,
    4645                 :                                     0,
    4646                 :                                     sizeof(BackendParameters),
    4647                 :                                     NULL);
    4648                 :     if (paramHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    4649                 :     {
    4650                 :         ereport(LOG,
    4651                 :                 (errmsg("could not create backend parameter file mapping: error code %lu",
    4652                 :                         GetLastError())));
    4653                 :         return -1;
    4654                 :     }
    4655                 : 
    4656                 :     param = MapViewOfFile(paramHandle, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, sizeof(BackendParameters));
    4657                 :     if (!param)
    4658                 :     {
    4659                 :         ereport(LOG,
    4660                 :                 (errmsg("could not map backend parameter memory: error code %lu",
    4661                 :                         GetLastError())));
    4662                 :         CloseHandle(paramHandle);
    4663                 :         return -1;
    4664                 :     }
    4665                 : 
    4666                 :     /* Insert temp file name after --fork argument */
    4667                 : #ifdef _WIN64
    4668                 :     sprintf(paramHandleStr, "%llu", (LONG_PTR) paramHandle);
    4669                 : #else
    4670                 :     sprintf(paramHandleStr, "%lu", (DWORD) paramHandle);
    4671                 : #endif
    4672                 :     argv[2] = paramHandleStr;
    4673                 : 
    4674                 :     /* Format the cmd line */
    4675                 :     cmdLine[sizeof(cmdLine) - 1] = '\0';
    4676                 :     cmdLine[sizeof(cmdLine) - 2] = '\0';
    4677                 :     snprintf(cmdLine, sizeof(cmdLine) - 1, "\"%s\"", postgres_exec_path);
    4678                 :     i = 0;
    4679                 :     while (argv[++i] != NULL)
    4680                 :     {
    4681                 :         j = strlen(cmdLine);
    4682                 :         snprintf(cmdLine + j, sizeof(cmdLine) - 1 - j, " \"%s\"", argv[i]);
    4683                 :     }
    4684                 :     if (cmdLine[sizeof(cmdLine) - 2] != '\0')
    4685                 :     {
    4686                 :         ereport(LOG,
    4687                 :                 (errmsg("subprocess command line too long")));
    4688                 :         UnmapViewOfFile(param);
    4689                 :         CloseHandle(paramHandle);
    4690                 :         return -1;
    4691                 :     }
    4692                 : 
    4693                 :     memset(&pi, 0, sizeof(pi));
    4694                 :     memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si));
    4695                 :     si.cb = sizeof(si);
    4696                 : 
    4697                 :     /*
    4698                 :      * Create the subprocess in a suspended state. This will be resumed later,
    4699                 :      * once we have written out the parameter file.
    4700                 :      */
    4701                 :     if (!CreateProcess(NULL, cmdLine, NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_SUSPENDED,
    4702                 :                        NULL, NULL, &si, &pi))
    4703                 :     {
    4704                 :         ereport(LOG,
    4705                 :                 (errmsg("CreateProcess() call failed: %m (error code %lu)",
    4706                 :                         GetLastError())));
    4707                 :         UnmapViewOfFile(param);
    4708                 :         CloseHandle(paramHandle);
    4709                 :         return -1;
    4710                 :     }
    4711                 : 
    4712                 :     if (!save_backend_variables(param, port, pi.hProcess, pi.dwProcessId))
    4713                 :     {
    4714                 :         /*
    4715                 :          * log made by save_backend_variables, but we have to clean up the
    4716                 :          * mess with the half-started process
    4717                 :          */
    4718                 :         if (!TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 255))
    4719                 :             ereport(LOG,
    4720                 :                     (errmsg_internal("could not terminate unstarted process: error code %lu",
    4721                 :                                      GetLastError())));
    4722                 :         CloseHandle(pi.hProcess);
    4723                 :         CloseHandle(pi.hThread);
    4724                 :         UnmapViewOfFile(param);
    4725                 :         CloseHandle(paramHandle);
    4726                 :         return -1;              /* log made by save_backend_variables */
    4727                 :     }
    4728                 : 
    4729                 :     /* Drop the parameter shared memory that is now inherited to the backend */
    4730                 :     if (!UnmapViewOfFile(param))
    4731                 :         ereport(LOG,
    4732                 :                 (errmsg("could not unmap view of backend parameter file: error code %lu",
    4733                 :                         GetLastError())));
    4734                 :     if (!CloseHandle(paramHandle))
    4735                 :         ereport(LOG,
    4736                 :                 (errmsg("could not close handle to backend parameter file: error code %lu",
    4737                 :                         GetLastError())));
    4738                 : 
    4739                 :     /*
    4740                 :      * Reserve the memory region used by our main shared memory segment before
    4741                 :      * we resume the child process.  Normally this should succeed, but if ASLR
    4742                 :      * is active then it might sometimes fail due to the stack or heap having
    4743                 :      * gotten mapped into that range.  In that case, just terminate the
    4744                 :      * process and retry.
    4745                 :      */
    4746                 :     if (!pgwin32_ReserveSharedMemoryRegion(pi.hProcess))
    4747                 :     {
    4748                 :         /* pgwin32_ReserveSharedMemoryRegion already made a log entry */
    4749                 :         if (!TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 255))
    4750                 :             ereport(LOG,
    4751                 :                     (errmsg_internal("could not terminate process that failed to reserve memory: error code %lu",
    4752                 :                                      GetLastError())));
    4753                 :         CloseHandle(pi.hProcess);
    4754                 :         CloseHandle(pi.hThread);
    4755                 :         if (++retry_count < 100)
    4756                 :             goto retry;
    4757                 :         ereport(LOG,
    4758                 :                 (errmsg("giving up after too many tries to reserve shared memory"),
    4759                 :                  errhint("This might be caused by ASLR or antivirus software.")));
    4760                 :         return -1;
    4761                 :     }
    4762                 : 
    4763                 :     /*
    4764                 :      * Now that the backend variables are written out, we start the child
    4765                 :      * thread so it can start initializing while we set up the rest of the
    4766                 :      * parent state.
    4767                 :      */
    4768                 :     if (ResumeThread(pi.hThread) == -1)
    4769                 :     {
    4770                 :         if (!TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 255))
    4771                 :         {
    4772                 :             ereport(LOG,
    4773                 :                     (errmsg_internal("could not terminate unstartable process: error code %lu",
    4774                 :                                      GetLastError())));
    4775                 :             CloseHandle(pi.hProcess);
    4776                 :             CloseHandle(pi.hThread);
    4777                 :             return -1;
    4778                 :         }
    4779                 :         CloseHandle(pi.hProcess);
    4780                 :         CloseHandle(pi.hThread);
    4781                 :         ereport(LOG,
    4782                 :                 (errmsg_internal("could not resume thread of unstarted process: error code %lu",
    4783                 :                                  GetLastError())));
    4784                 :         return -1;
    4785                 :     }
    4786                 : 
    4787                 :     /*
    4788                 :      * Queue a waiter to signal when this child dies. The wait will be handled
    4789                 :      * automatically by an operating system thread pool.  The memory will be
    4790                 :      * freed by a later call to waitpid().
    4791                 :      */
    4792                 :     childinfo = palloc(sizeof(win32_deadchild_waitinfo));
    4793                 :     childinfo->procHandle = pi.hProcess;
    4794                 :     childinfo->procId = pi.dwProcessId;
    4795                 : 
    4796                 :     if (!RegisterWaitForSingleObject(&childinfo->waitHandle,
    4797                 :                                      pi.hProcess,
    4798                 :                                      pgwin32_deadchild_callback,
    4799                 :                                      childinfo,
    4800                 :                                      INFINITE,
    4801                 :                                      WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE | WT_EXECUTEINWAITTHREAD))
    4802                 :         ereport(FATAL,
    4803                 :                 (errmsg_internal("could not register process for wait: error code %lu",
    4804                 :                                  GetLastError())));
    4805                 : 
    4806                 :     /* Don't close pi.hProcess here - waitpid() needs access to it */
    4807                 : 
    4808                 :     CloseHandle(pi.hThread);
    4809                 : 
    4810                 :     return pi.dwProcessId;
    4811                 : }
    4812                 : #endif                          /* WIN32 */
    4813                 : 
    4814                 : 
    4815                 : /*
    4816                 :  * SubPostmasterMain -- Get the fork/exec'd process into a state equivalent
    4817                 :  *          to what it would be if we'd simply forked on Unix, and then
    4818                 :  *          dispatch to the appropriate place.
    4819                 :  *
    4820                 :  * The first two command line arguments are expected to be "--forkFOO"
    4821                 :  * (where FOO indicates which postmaster child we are to become), and
    4822                 :  * the name of a variables file that we can read to load data that would
    4823                 :  * have been inherited by fork() on Unix.  Remaining arguments go to the
    4824                 :  * subprocess FooMain() routine.
    4825                 :  */
    4826                 : void
    4827                 : SubPostmasterMain(int argc, char *argv[])
    4828                 : {
    4829                 :     Port        port;
    4830                 : 
    4831                 :     /* In EXEC_BACKEND case we will not have inherited these settings */
    4832                 :     IsPostmasterEnvironment = true;
    4833                 :     whereToSendOutput = DestNone;
    4834                 : 
    4835                 :     /* Setup essential subsystems (to ensure elog() behaves sanely) */
    4836                 :     InitializeGUCOptions();
    4837                 : 
    4838                 :     /* Check we got appropriate args */
    4839                 :     if (argc < 3)
    4840                 :         elog(FATAL, "invalid subpostmaster invocation");
    4841                 : 
    4842                 :     /* Read in the variables file */
    4843                 :     memset(&port, 0, sizeof(Port));
    4844                 :     read_backend_variables(argv[2], &port);
    4845                 : 
    4846                 :     /* Close the postmaster's sockets (as soon as we know them) */
    4847                 :     ClosePostmasterPorts(strcmp(argv[1], "--forklog") == 0);
    4848                 : 
    4849                 :     /* Setup as postmaster child */
    4850                 :     InitPostmasterChild();
    4851                 : 
    4852                 :     /*
    4853                 :      * If appropriate, physically re-attach to shared memory segment. We want
    4854                 :      * to do this before going any further to ensure that we can attach at the
    4855                 :      * same address the postmaster used.  On the other hand, if we choose not
    4856                 :      * to re-attach, we may have other cleanup to do.
    4857                 :      *
    4858                 :      * If testing EXEC_BACKEND on Linux, you should run this as root before
    4859                 :      * starting the postmaster:
    4860                 :      *
    4861                 :      * sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=0
    4862                 :      *
    4863                 :      * This prevents using randomized stack and code addresses that cause the
    4864                 :      * child process's memory map to be different from the parent's, making it
    4865                 :      * sometimes impossible to attach to shared memory at the desired address.
    4866                 :      * Return the setting to its old value (usually '1' or '2') when finished.
    4867                 :      */
    4868                 :     if (strcmp(argv[1], "--forkbackend") == 0 ||
    4869                 :         strcmp(argv[1], "--forkavlauncher") == 0 ||
    4870                 :         strcmp(argv[1], "--forkavworker") == 0 ||
    4871                 :         strcmp(argv[1], "--forkaux") == 0 ||
    4872                 :         strncmp(argv[1], "--forkbgworker=", 15) == 0)
    4873                 :         PGSharedMemoryReAttach();
    4874                 :     else
    4875                 :         PGSharedMemoryNoReAttach();
    4876                 : 
    4877                 :     /* autovacuum needs this set before calling InitProcess */
    4878                 :     if (strcmp(argv[1], "--forkavlauncher") == 0)
    4879                 :         AutovacuumLauncherIAm();
    4880                 :     if (strcmp(argv[1], "--forkavworker") == 0)
    4881                 :         AutovacuumWorkerIAm();
    4882                 : 
    4883                 :     /* Read in remaining GUC variables */
    4884                 :     read_nondefault_variables();
    4885                 : 
    4886                 :     /*
    4887                 :      * Check that the data directory looks valid, which will also check the
    4888                 :      * privileges on the data directory and update our umask and file/group
    4889                 :      * variables for creating files later.  Note: this should really be done
    4890                 :      * before we create any files or directories.
    4891                 :      */
    4892                 :     checkDataDir();
    4893                 : 
    4894                 :     /*
    4895                 :      * (re-)read control file, as it contains config. The postmaster will
    4896                 :      * already have read this, but this process doesn't know about that.
    4897                 :      */
    4898                 :     LocalProcessControlFile(false);
    4899                 : 
    4900                 :     /*
    4901                 :      * Reload any libraries that were preloaded by the postmaster.  Since we
    4902                 :      * exec'd this process, those libraries didn't come along with us; but we
    4903                 :      * should load them into all child processes to be consistent with the
    4904                 :      * non-EXEC_BACKEND behavior.
    4905                 :      */
    4906                 :     process_shared_preload_libraries();
    4907                 : 
    4908                 :     /* Run backend or appropriate child */
    4909                 :     if (strcmp(argv[1], "--forkbackend") == 0)
    4910                 :     {
    4911                 :         Assert(argc == 3);      /* shouldn't be any more args */
    4912                 : 
    4913                 :         /*
    4914                 :          * Need to reinitialize the SSL library in the backend, since the
    4915                 :          * context structures contain function pointers and cannot be passed
    4916                 :          * through the parameter file.
    4917                 :          *
    4918                 :          * If for some reason reload fails (maybe the user installed broken
    4919                 :          * key files), soldier on without SSL; that's better than all
    4920                 :          * connections becoming impossible.
    4921                 :          *
    4922                 :          * XXX should we do this in all child processes?  For the moment it's
    4923                 :          * enough to do it in backend children.
    4924                 :          */
    4925                 : #ifdef USE_SSL
    4926                 :         if (EnableSSL)
    4927                 :         {
    4928                 :             if (secure_initialize(false) == 0)
    4929                 :                 LoadedSSL = true;
    4930                 :             else
    4931                 :                 ereport(LOG,
    4932                 :                         (errmsg("SSL configuration could not be loaded in child process")));
    4933                 :         }
    4934                 : #endif
    4935                 : 
    4936                 :         /*
    4937                 :          * Perform additional initialization and collect startup packet.
    4938                 :          *
    4939                 :          * We want to do this before InitProcess() for a couple of reasons: 1.
    4940                 :          * so that we aren't eating up a PGPROC slot while waiting on the
    4941                 :          * client. 2. so that if InitProcess() fails due to being out of
    4942                 :          * PGPROC slots, we have already initialized libpq and are able to
    4943                 :          * report the error to the client.
    4944                 :          */
    4945                 :         BackendInitialize(&port);
    4946                 : 
    4947                 :         /* Restore basic shared memory pointers */
    4948                 :         InitShmemAccess(UsedShmemSegAddr);
    4949                 : 
    4950                 :         /* Need a PGPROC to run CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores */
    4951                 :         InitProcess();
    4952                 : 
    4953                 :         /* Attach process to shared data structures */
    4954                 :         CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores();
    4955                 : 
    4956                 :         /* And run the backend */
    4957                 :         BackendRun(&port);      /* does not return */
    4958                 :     }
    4959                 :     if (strcmp(argv[1], "--forkaux") == 0)
    4960                 :     {
    4961                 :         AuxProcType auxtype;
    4962                 : 
    4963                 :         Assert(argc == 4);
    4964                 : 
    4965                 :         /* Restore basic shared memory pointers */
    4966                 :         InitShmemAccess(UsedShmemSegAddr);
    4967                 : 
    4968                 :         /* Need a PGPROC to run CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores */
    4969                 :         InitAuxiliaryProcess();
    4970                 : 
    4971                 :         /* Attach process to shared data structures */
    4972                 :         CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores();
    4973                 : 
    4974                 :         auxtype = atoi(argv[3]);
    4975                 :         AuxiliaryProcessMain(auxtype);  /* does not return */
    4976                 :     }
    4977                 :     if (strcmp(argv[1], "--forkavlauncher") == 0)
    4978                 :     {
    4979                 :         /* Restore basic shared memory pointers */
    4980                 :         InitShmemAccess(UsedShmemSegAddr);
    4981                 : 
    4982                 :         /* Need a PGPROC to run CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores */
    4983                 :         InitProcess();
    4984                 : 
    4985                 :         /* Attach process to shared data structures */
    4986                 :         CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores();
    4987                 : 
    4988                 :         AutoVacLauncherMain(argc - 2, argv + 2);    /* does not return */
    4989                 :     }
    4990                 :     if (strcmp(argv[1], "--forkavworker") == 0)
    4991                 :     {
    4992                 :         /* Restore basic shared memory pointers */
    4993 ECB             :         InitShmemAccess(UsedShmemSegAddr);
    4994                 : 
    4995                 :         /* Need a PGPROC to run CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores */
    4996                 :         InitProcess();
    4997                 : 
    4998                 :         /* Attach process to shared data structures */
    4999                 :         CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores();
    5000                 : 
    5001                 :         AutoVacWorkerMain(argc - 2, argv + 2);  /* does not return */
    5002                 :     }
    5003                 :     if (strncmp(argv[1], "--forkbgworker=", 15) == 0)
    5004                 :     {
    5005                 :         int         shmem_slot;
    5006                 : 
    5007                 :         /* do this as early as possible; in particular, before InitProcess() */
    5008                 :         IsBackgroundWorker = true;
    5009                 : 
    5010                 :         /* Restore basic shared memory pointers */
    5011                 :         InitShmemAccess(UsedShmemSegAddr);
    5012                 : 
    5013                 :         /* Need a PGPROC to run CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores */
    5014                 :         InitProcess();
    5015                 : 
    5016                 :         /* Attach process to shared data structures */
    5017                 :         CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores();
    5018                 : 
    5019                 :         /* Fetch MyBgworkerEntry from shared memory */
    5020                 :         shmem_slot = atoi(argv[1] + 15);
    5021                 :         MyBgworkerEntry = BackgroundWorkerEntry(shmem_slot);
    5022                 : 
    5023                 :         StartBackgroundWorker();
    5024                 :     }
    5025                 :     if (strcmp(argv[1], "--forklog") == 0)
    5026                 :     {
    5027                 :         /* Do not want to attach to shared memory */
    5028                 : 
    5029                 :         SysLoggerMain(argc, argv);  /* does not return */
    5030                 :     }
    5031                 : 
    5032                 :     abort();                    /* shouldn't get here */
    5033                 : }
    5034                 : #endif                          /* EXEC_BACKEND */
    5035                 : 
    5036                 : 
    5037                 : /*
    5038                 :  * ExitPostmaster -- cleanup
    5039                 :  *
    5040                 :  * Do NOT call exit() directly --- always go through here!
    5041                 :  */
    5042                 : static void
    5043 GIC         595 : ExitPostmaster(int status)
    5044 ECB             : {
    5045                 : #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_IS_THREADED_NP
    5046                 : 
    5047                 :     /*
    5048                 :      * There is no known cause for a postmaster to become multithreaded after
    5049                 :      * startup.  Recheck to account for the possibility of unknown causes.
    5050                 :      * This message uses LOG level, because an unclean shutdown at this point
    5051                 :      * would usually not look much different from a clean shutdown.
    5052                 :      */
    5053                 :     if (pthread_is_threaded_np() != 0)
    5054                 :         ereport(LOG,
    5055                 :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_INTERNAL_ERROR),
    5056                 :                  errmsg_internal("postmaster became multithreaded"),
    5057                 :                  errdetail("Please report this to <%s>.", PACKAGE_BUGREPORT)));
    5058                 : #endif
    5059                 : 
    5060                 :     /* should cleanup shared memory and kill all backends */
    5061                 : 
    5062                 :     /*
    5063                 :      * Not sure of the semantics here.  When the Postmaster dies, should the
    5064                 :      * backends all be killed? probably not.
    5065                 :      *
    5066                 :      * MUST     -- vadim 05-10-1999
    5067                 :      */
    5068                 : 
    5069 GIC         595 :     proc_exit(status);
    5070                 : }
    5071 ECB             : 
    5072                 : /*
    5073                 :  * Handle pmsignal conditions representing requests from backends,
    5074                 :  * and check for promote and logrotate requests from pg_ctl.
    5075                 :  */
    5076                 : static void
    5077 GNC        2363 : process_pm_pmsignal(void)
    5078                 : {
    5079            2363 :     pending_pm_pmsignal = false;
    5080                 : 
    5081            2363 :     ereport(DEBUG2,
    5082                 :             (errmsg_internal("postmaster received pmsignal signal")));
    5083 ECB             : 
    5084                 :     /*
    5085                 :      * RECOVERY_STARTED and BEGIN_HOT_STANDBY signals are ignored in
    5086                 :      * unexpected states. If the startup process quickly starts up, completes
    5087                 :      * recovery, exits, we might process the death of the startup process
    5088                 :      * first. We don't want to go back to recovery in that case.
    5089                 :      */
    5090 CBC        2363 :     if (CheckPostmasterSignal(PMSIGNAL_RECOVERY_STARTED) &&
    5091             184 :         pmState == PM_STARTUP && Shutdown == NoShutdown)
    5092                 :     {
    5093                 :         /* WAL redo has started. We're out of reinitialization. */
    5094             184 :         FatalError = false;
    5095             184 :         AbortStartTime = 0;
    5096                 : 
    5097                 :         /*
    5098 ECB             :          * Start the archiver if we're responsible for (re-)archiving received
    5099                 :          * files.
    5100                 :          */
    5101 GIC         184 :         Assert(PgArchPID == 0);
    5102 CBC         184 :         if (XLogArchivingAlways())
    5103               3 :             PgArchPID = StartArchiver();
    5104                 : 
    5105 EUB             :         /*
    5106                 :          * If we aren't planning to enter hot standby mode later, treat
    5107                 :          * RECOVERY_STARTED as meaning we're out of startup, and report status
    5108                 :          * accordingly.
    5109                 :          */
    5110 GIC         184 :         if (!EnableHotStandby)
    5111 ECB             :         {
    5112 GBC           2 :             AddToDataDirLockFile(LOCK_FILE_LINE_PM_STATUS, PM_STATUS_STANDBY);
    5113                 : #ifdef USE_SYSTEMD
    5114 GIC           2 :             sd_notify(0, "READY=1");
    5115                 : #endif
    5116                 :         }
    5117                 : 
    5118             184 :         pmState = PM_RECOVERY;
    5119                 :     }
    5120                 : 
    5121            2363 :     if (CheckPostmasterSignal(PMSIGNAL_BEGIN_HOT_STANDBY) &&
    5122             114 :         pmState == PM_RECOVERY && Shutdown == NoShutdown)
    5123 EUB             :     {
    5124 GIC         114 :         ereport(LOG,
    5125                 :                 (errmsg("database system is ready to accept read-only connections")));
    5126 ECB             : 
    5127                 :         /* Report status */
    5128 GIC         114 :         AddToDataDirLockFile(LOCK_FILE_LINE_PM_STATUS, PM_STATUS_READY);
    5129                 : #ifdef USE_SYSTEMD
    5130 CBC         114 :         sd_notify(0, "READY=1");
    5131                 : #endif
    5132                 : 
    5133             114 :         pmState = PM_HOT_STANDBY;
    5134 GIC         114 :         connsAllowed = true;
    5135                 : 
    5136                 :         /* Some workers may be scheduled to start now */
    5137 CBC         114 :         StartWorkerNeeded = true;
    5138 ECB             :     }
    5139                 : 
    5140                 :     /* Process background worker state changes. */
    5141 GIC        2363 :     if (CheckPostmasterSignal(PMSIGNAL_BACKGROUND_WORKER_CHANGE))
    5142                 :     {
    5143                 :         /* Accept new worker requests only if not stopping. */
    5144             953 :         BackgroundWorkerStateChange(pmState < PM_STOP_BACKENDS);
    5145             953 :         StartWorkerNeeded = true;
    5146                 :     }
    5147                 : 
    5148            2363 :     if (StartWorkerNeeded || HaveCrashedWorker)
    5149            1067 :         maybe_start_bgworkers();
    5150                 : 
    5151 ECB             :     /* Tell syslogger to rotate logfile if requested */
    5152 GIC        2363 :     if (SysLoggerPID != 0)
    5153 ECB             :     {
    5154 GIC           1 :         if (CheckLogrotateSignal())
    5155                 :         {
    5156 CBC           1 :             signal_child(SysLoggerPID, SIGUSR1);
    5157               1 :             RemoveLogrotateSignalFiles();
    5158 ECB             :         }
    5159 LBC           0 :         else if (CheckPostmasterSignal(PMSIGNAL_ROTATE_LOGFILE))
    5160                 :         {
    5161 UIC           0 :             signal_child(SysLoggerPID, SIGUSR1);
    5162                 :         }
    5163                 :     }
    5164                 : 
    5165 GIC        2363 :     if (CheckPostmasterSignal(PMSIGNAL_START_AUTOVAC_LAUNCHER) &&
    5166 UIC           0 :         Shutdown <= SmartShutdown && pmState < PM_STOP_BACKENDS)
    5167 ECB             :     {
    5168                 :         /*
    5169                 :          * Start one iteration of the autovacuum daemon, even if autovacuuming
    5170                 :          * is nominally not enabled.  This is so we can have an active defense
    5171                 :          * against transaction ID wraparound.  We set a flag for the main loop
    5172                 :          * to do it rather than trying to do it here --- this is because the
    5173                 :          * autovac process itself may send the signal, and we want to handle
    5174                 :          * that by launching another iteration as soon as the current one
    5175                 :          * completes.
    5176                 :          */
    5177 UIC           0 :         start_autovac_launcher = true;
    5178                 :     }
    5179                 : 
    5180 GIC        2363 :     if (CheckPostmasterSignal(PMSIGNAL_START_AUTOVAC_WORKER) &&
    5181              16 :         Shutdown <= SmartShutdown && pmState < PM_STOP_BACKENDS)
    5182                 :     {
    5183                 :         /* The autovacuum launcher wants us to start a worker process. */
    5184              16 :         StartAutovacuumWorker();
    5185 EUB             :     }
    5186                 : 
    5187 GBC        2363 :     if (CheckPostmasterSignal(PMSIGNAL_START_WALRECEIVER))
    5188                 :     {
    5189                 :         /* Startup Process wants us to start the walreceiver process. */
    5190                 :         /* Start immediately if possible, else remember request for later. */
    5191 GIC         213 :         WalReceiverRequested = true;
    5192             213 :         MaybeStartWalReceiver();
    5193                 :     }
    5194                 : 
    5195                 :     /*
    5196                 :      * Try to advance postmaster's state machine, if a child requests it.
    5197                 :      *
    5198                 :      * Be careful about the order of this action relative to this function's
    5199                 :      * other actions.  Generally, this should be after other actions, in case
    5200 EUB             :      * they have effects PostmasterStateMachine would need to know about.
    5201                 :      * However, we should do it before the CheckPromoteSignal step, which
    5202                 :      * cannot have any (immediate) effect on the state machine, but does
    5203                 :      * depend on what state we're in now.
    5204                 :      */
    5205 GIC        2363 :     if (CheckPostmasterSignal(PMSIGNAL_ADVANCE_STATE_MACHINE))
    5206                 :     {
    5207             879 :         PostmasterStateMachine();
    5208                 :     }
    5209 EUB             : 
    5210 GIC        2363 :     if (StartupPID != 0 &&
    5211 GBC         571 :         (pmState == PM_STARTUP || pmState == PM_RECOVERY ||
    5212 GIC         975 :          pmState == PM_HOT_STANDBY) &&
    5213             571 :         CheckPromoteSignal())
    5214                 :     {
    5215                 :         /*
    5216                 :          * Tell startup process to finish recovery.
    5217                 :          *
    5218                 :          * Leave the promote signal file in place and let the Startup process
    5219 ECB             :          * do the unlink.
    5220                 :          */
    5221 CBC          36 :         signal_child(StartupPID, SIGUSR2);
    5222                 :     }
    5223            2363 : }
    5224                 : 
    5225                 : /*
    5226 ECB             :  * SIGTERM while processing startup packet.
    5227                 :  *
    5228                 :  * Running proc_exit() from a signal handler would be quite unsafe.
    5229                 :  * However, since we have not yet touched shared memory, we can just
    5230                 :  * pull the plug and exit without running any atexit handlers.
    5231                 :  *
    5232                 :  * One might be tempted to try to send a message, or log one, indicating
    5233                 :  * why we are disconnecting.  However, that would be quite unsafe in itself.
    5234                 :  * Also, it seems undesirable to provide clues about the database's state
    5235                 :  * to a client that has not yet completed authentication, or even sent us
    5236                 :  * a startup packet.
    5237                 :  */
    5238                 : static void
    5239 LBC           0 : process_startup_packet_die(SIGNAL_ARGS)
    5240                 : {
    5241 UIC           0 :     _exit(1);
    5242                 : }
    5243                 : 
    5244                 : /*
    5245 ECB             :  * Dummy signal handler
    5246                 :  *
    5247                 :  * We use this for signals that we don't actually use in the postmaster,
    5248                 :  * but we do use in backends.  If we were to SIG_IGN such signals in the
    5249                 :  * postmaster, then a newly started backend might drop a signal that arrives
    5250                 :  * before it's able to reconfigure its signal processing.  (See notes in
    5251                 :  * tcop/postgres.c.)
    5252                 :  */
    5253                 : static void
    5254 UIC           0 : dummy_handler(SIGNAL_ARGS)
    5255 ECB             : {
    5256 UIC           0 : }
    5257                 : 
    5258                 : /*
    5259                 :  * Timeout while processing startup packet.
    5260                 :  * As for process_startup_packet_die(), we exit via _exit(1).
    5261                 :  */
    5262                 : static void
    5263               0 : StartupPacketTimeoutHandler(void)
    5264                 : {
    5265               0 :     _exit(1);
    5266                 : }
    5267                 : 
    5268                 : 
    5269 ECB             : /*
    5270                 :  * Generate a random cancel key.
    5271                 :  */
    5272                 : static bool
    5273 GIC       11004 : RandomCancelKey(int32 *cancel_key)
    5274                 : {
    5275           11004 :     return pg_strong_random(cancel_key, sizeof(int32));
    5276                 : }
    5277                 : 
    5278                 : /*
    5279                 :  * Count up number of child processes of specified types (dead_end children
    5280                 :  * are always excluded).
    5281                 :  */
    5282                 : static int
    5283           14615 : CountChildren(int target)
    5284                 : {
    5285                 :     dlist_iter  iter;
    5286           14615 :     int         cnt = 0;
    5287                 : 
    5288           55262 :     dlist_foreach(iter, &BackendList)
    5289                 :     {
    5290           40647 :         Backend    *bp = dlist_container(Backend, elem, iter.cur);
    5291                 : 
    5292           40647 :         if (bp->dead_end)
    5293              38 :             continue;
    5294                 : 
    5295 ECB             :         /*
    5296                 :          * Since target == BACKEND_TYPE_ALL is the most common case, we test
    5297                 :          * it first and avoid touching shared memory for every child.
    5298                 :          */
    5299 CBC       40609 :         if (target != BACKEND_TYPE_ALL)
    5300                 :         {
    5301                 :             /*
    5302 ECB             :              * Assign bkend_type for any recently announced WAL Sender
    5303                 :              * processes.
    5304                 :              */
    5305 CBC        4948 :             if (bp->bkend_type == BACKEND_TYPE_NORMAL &&
    5306            1548 :                 IsPostmasterChildWalSender(bp->child_slot))
    5307              42 :                 bp->bkend_type = BACKEND_TYPE_WALSND;
    5308                 : 
    5309            3400 :             if (!(target & bp->bkend_type))
    5310 GIC         280 :                 continue;
    5311                 :         }
    5312                 : 
    5313 CBC       40329 :         cnt++;
    5314                 :     }
    5315 GIC       14615 :     return cnt;
    5316 EUB             : }
    5317                 : 
    5318                 : 
    5319                 : /*
    5320                 :  * StartChildProcess -- start an auxiliary process for the postmaster
    5321                 :  *
    5322                 :  * "type" determines what kind of child will be started.  All child types
    5323                 :  * initially go to AuxiliaryProcessMain, which will handle common setup.
    5324                 :  *
    5325                 :  * Return value of StartChildProcess is subprocess' PID, or 0 if failed
    5326                 :  * to start subprocess.
    5327                 :  */
    5328                 : static pid_t
    5329 GBC        2540 : StartChildProcess(AuxProcType type)
    5330 EUB             : {
    5331                 :     pid_t       pid;
    5332                 : 
    5333                 : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
    5334                 :     {
    5335                 :         char       *av[10];
    5336                 :         int         ac = 0;
    5337                 :         char        typebuf[32];
    5338                 : 
    5339                 :         /*
    5340                 :          * Set up command-line arguments for subprocess
    5341                 :          */
    5342                 :         av[ac++] = "postgres";
    5343                 :         av[ac++] = "--forkaux";
    5344                 :         av[ac++] = NULL;        /* filled in by postmaster_forkexec */
    5345                 : 
    5346                 :         snprintf(typebuf, sizeof(typebuf), "%d", type);
    5347                 :         av[ac++] = typebuf;
    5348                 : 
    5349                 :         av[ac] = NULL;
    5350                 :         Assert(ac < lengthof(av));
    5351                 : 
    5352                 :         pid = postmaster_forkexec(ac, av);
    5353                 :     }
    5354                 : #else                           /* !EXEC_BACKEND */
    5355 GBC        2540 :     pid = fork_process();
    5356 EUB             : 
    5357 GBC        4322 :     if (pid == 0)               /* child */
    5358                 :     {
    5359 GIC        1782 :         InitPostmasterChild();
    5360                 : 
    5361                 :         /* Close the postmaster's sockets */
    5362            1782 :         ClosePostmasterPorts(false);
    5363 ECB             : 
    5364                 :         /* Release postmaster's working memory context */
    5365 GIC        1782 :         MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext);
    5366            1782 :         MemoryContextDelete(PostmasterContext);
    5367            1782 :         PostmasterContext = NULL;
    5368                 : 
    5369            1782 :         AuxiliaryProcessMain(type); /* does not return */
    5370                 :     }
    5371                 : #endif                          /* EXEC_BACKEND */
    5372                 : 
    5373            2540 :     if (pid < 0)
    5374                 :     {
    5375                 :         /* in parent, fork failed */
    5376 LBC           0 :         int         save_errno = errno;
    5377                 : 
    5378 UIC           0 :         errno = save_errno;
    5379               0 :         switch (type)
    5380                 :         {
    5381               0 :             case StartupProcess:
    5382               0 :                 ereport(LOG,
    5383                 :                         (errmsg("could not fork startup process: %m")));
    5384               0 :                 break;
    5385               0 :             case ArchiverProcess:
    5386               0 :                 ereport(LOG,
    5387 ECB             :                         (errmsg("could not fork archiver process: %m")));
    5388 UIC           0 :                 break;
    5389               0 :             case BgWriterProcess:
    5390               0 :                 ereport(LOG,
    5391                 :                         (errmsg("could not fork background writer process: %m")));
    5392               0 :                 break;
    5393               0 :             case CheckpointerProcess:
    5394               0 :                 ereport(LOG,
    5395 ECB             :                         (errmsg("could not fork checkpointer process: %m")));
    5396 UIC           0 :                 break;
    5397 UBC           0 :             case WalWriterProcess:
    5398 UIC           0 :                 ereport(LOG,
    5399                 :                         (errmsg("could not fork WAL writer process: %m")));
    5400 UBC           0 :                 break;
    5401 UIC           0 :             case WalReceiverProcess:
    5402               0 :                 ereport(LOG,
    5403 ECB             :                         (errmsg("could not fork WAL receiver process: %m")));
    5404 LBC           0 :                 break;
    5405 UIC           0 :             default:
    5406 LBC           0 :                 ereport(LOG,
    5407                 :                         (errmsg("could not fork process: %m")));
    5408 UIC           0 :                 break;
    5409 ECB             :         }
    5410                 : 
    5411                 :         /*
    5412                 :          * fork failure is fatal during startup, but there's no need to choke
    5413                 :          * immediately if starting other child types fails.
    5414                 :          */
    5415 UIC           0 :         if (type == StartupProcess)
    5416 LBC           0 :             ExitPostmaster(1);
    5417               0 :         return 0;
    5418                 :     }
    5419                 : 
    5420                 :     /*
    5421                 :      * in parent, successful fork
    5422 ECB             :      */
    5423 GIC        2540 :     return pid;
    5424                 : }
    5425                 : 
    5426                 : /*
    5427                 :  * StartAutovacuumWorker
    5428                 :  *      Start an autovac worker process.
    5429 EUB             :  *
    5430                 :  * This function is here because it enters the resulting PID into the
    5431                 :  * postmaster's private backends list.
    5432                 :  *
    5433                 :  * NB -- this code very roughly matches BackendStartup.
    5434                 :  */
    5435                 : static void
    5436 GIC          16 : StartAutovacuumWorker(void)
    5437                 : {
    5438                 :     Backend    *bn;
    5439                 : 
    5440                 :     /*
    5441                 :      * If not in condition to run a process, don't try, but handle it like a
    5442                 :      * fork failure.  This does not normally happen, since the signal is only
    5443                 :      * supposed to be sent by autovacuum launcher when it's OK to do it, but
    5444                 :      * we have to check to avoid race-condition problems during DB state
    5445                 :      * changes.
    5446                 :      */
    5447 GBC          16 :     if (canAcceptConnections(BACKEND_TYPE_AUTOVAC) == CAC_OK)
    5448                 :     {
    5449 EUB             :         /*
    5450                 :          * Compute the cancel key that will be assigned to this session. We
    5451                 :          * probably don't need cancel keys for autovac workers, but we'd
    5452                 :          * better have something random in the field to prevent unfriendly
    5453                 :          * people from sending cancels to them.
    5454                 :          */
    5455 GIC          16 :         if (!RandomCancelKey(&MyCancelKey))
    5456                 :         {
    5457 UIC           0 :             ereport(LOG,
    5458                 :                     (errcode(ERRCODE_INTERNAL_ERROR),
    5459                 :                      errmsg("could not generate random cancel key")));
    5460               0 :             return;
    5461                 :         }
    5462                 : 
    5463 GIC          16 :         bn = (Backend *) malloc(sizeof(Backend));
    5464              16 :         if (bn)
    5465                 :         {
    5466              16 :             bn->cancel_key = MyCancelKey;
    5467 ECB             : 
    5468                 :             /* Autovac workers are not dead_end and need a child slot */
    5469 CBC          16 :             bn->dead_end = false;
    5470              16 :             bn->child_slot = MyPMChildSlot = AssignPostmasterChildSlot();
    5471              16 :             bn->bgworker_notify = false;
    5472 ECB             : 
    5473 GIC          16 :             bn->pid = StartAutoVacWorker();
    5474 CBC          16 :             if (bn->pid > 0)
    5475 ECB             :             {
    5476 CBC          16 :                 bn->bkend_type = BACKEND_TYPE_AUTOVAC;
    5477 GIC          16 :                 dlist_push_head(&BackendList, &bn->elem);
    5478                 : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
    5479 ECB             :                 ShmemBackendArrayAdd(bn);
    5480                 : #endif
    5481                 :                 /* all OK */
    5482 GIC          16 :                 return;
    5483                 :             }
    5484                 : 
    5485                 :             /*
    5486 ECB             :              * fork failed, fall through to report -- actual error message was
    5487                 :              * logged by StartAutoVacWorker
    5488                 :              */
    5489 UIC           0 :             (void) ReleasePostmasterChildSlot(bn->child_slot);
    5490               0 :             free(bn);
    5491                 :         }
    5492                 :         else
    5493 LBC           0 :             ereport(LOG,
    5494                 :                     (errcode(ERRCODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY),
    5495 EUB             :                      errmsg("out of memory")));
    5496                 :     }
    5497                 : 
    5498                 :     /*
    5499                 :      * Report the failure to the launcher, if it's running.  (If it's not, we
    5500                 :      * might not even be connected to shared memory, so don't try to call
    5501 ECB             :      * AutoVacWorkerFailed.)  Note that we also need to signal it so that it
    5502                 :      * responds to the condition, but we don't do that here, instead waiting
    5503                 :      * for ServerLoop to do it.  This way we avoid a ping-pong signaling in
    5504                 :      * quick succession between the autovac launcher and postmaster in case
    5505                 :      * things get ugly.
    5506                 :      */
    5507 UIC           0 :     if (AutoVacPID != 0)
    5508 EUB             :     {
    5509 UIC           0 :         AutoVacWorkerFailed();
    5510               0 :         avlauncher_needs_signal = true;
    5511 EUB             :     }
    5512                 : }
    5513                 : 
    5514 ECB             : /*
    5515                 :  * MaybeStartWalReceiver
    5516                 :  *      Start the WAL receiver process, if not running and our state allows.
    5517                 :  *
    5518                 :  * Note: if WalReceiverPID is already nonzero, it might seem that we should
    5519                 :  * clear WalReceiverRequested.  However, there's a race condition if the
    5520                 :  * walreceiver terminates and the startup process immediately requests a new
    5521                 :  * one: it's quite possible to get the signal for the request before reaping
    5522                 :  * the dead walreceiver process.  Better to risk launching an extra
    5523                 :  * walreceiver than to miss launching one we need.  (The walreceiver code
    5524                 :  * has logic to recognize that it should go away if not needed.)
    5525                 :  */
    5526                 : static void
    5527 GIC         454 : MaybeStartWalReceiver(void)
    5528                 : {
    5529             454 :     if (WalReceiverPID == 0 &&
    5530 CBC         212 :         (pmState == PM_STARTUP || pmState == PM_RECOVERY ||
    5531 GIC         211 :          pmState == PM_HOT_STANDBY) &&
    5532 CBC         201 :         Shutdown <= SmartShutdown)
    5533 ECB             :     {
    5534 GIC         201 :         WalReceiverPID = StartWalReceiver();
    5535             201 :         if (WalReceiverPID != 0)
    5536             201 :             WalReceiverRequested = false;
    5537                 :         /* else leave the flag set, so we'll try again later */
    5538                 :     }
    5539             454 : }
    5540 ECB             : 
    5541                 : 
    5542                 : /*
    5543                 :  * Create the opts file
    5544                 :  */
    5545                 : static bool
    5546 GBC         593 : CreateOptsFile(int argc, char *argv[], char *fullprogname)
    5547                 : {
    5548                 :     FILE       *fp;
    5549                 :     int         i;
    5550 ECB             : 
    5551                 : #define OPTS_FILE   "postmaster.opts"
    5552                 : 
    5553 CBC         593 :     if ((fp = fopen(OPTS_FILE, "w")) == NULL)
    5554                 :     {
    5555 UIC           0 :         ereport(LOG,
    5556                 :                 (errcode_for_file_access(),
    5557 ECB             :                  errmsg("could not create file \"%s\": %m", OPTS_FILE)));
    5558 UBC           0 :         return false;
    5559                 :     }
    5560 ECB             : 
    5561 CBC         593 :     fprintf(fp, "%s", fullprogname);
    5562 GIC        2772 :     for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
    5563            2179 :         fprintf(fp, " \"%s\"", argv[i]);
    5564             593 :     fputs("\n", fp);
    5565                 : 
    5566             593 :     if (fclose(fp))
    5567 ECB             :     {
    5568 UIC           0 :         ereport(LOG,
    5569 ECB             :                 (errcode_for_file_access(),
    5570                 :                  errmsg("could not write file \"%s\": %m", OPTS_FILE)));
    5571 UIC           0 :         return false;
    5572 ECB             :     }
    5573 EUB             : 
    5574 GIC         593 :     return true;
    5575                 : }
    5576                 : 
    5577 ECB             : 
    5578                 : /*
    5579                 :  * MaxLivePostmasterChildren
    5580                 :  *
    5581                 :  * This reports the number of entries needed in per-child-process arrays
    5582                 :  * (the PMChildFlags array, and if EXEC_BACKEND the ShmemBackendArray).
    5583                 :  * These arrays include regular backends, autovac workers, walsenders
    5584                 :  * and background workers, but not special children nor dead_end children.
    5585 EUB             :  * This allows the arrays to have a fixed maximum size, to wit the same
    5586                 :  * too-many-children limit enforced by canAcceptConnections().  The exact value
    5587 ECB             :  * isn't too critical as long as it's more than MaxBackends.
    5588                 :  */
    5589                 : int
    5590 GIC       19196 : MaxLivePostmasterChildren(void)
    5591                 : {
    5592           38392 :     return 2 * (MaxConnections + autovacuum_max_workers + 1 +
    5593           19196 :                 max_wal_senders + max_worker_processes);
    5594 EUB             : }
    5595                 : 
    5596                 : /*
    5597                 :  * Connect background worker to a database.
    5598                 :  */
    5599                 : void
    5600 CBC         325 : BackgroundWorkerInitializeConnection(const char *dbname, const char *username, uint32 flags)
    5601                 : {
    5602             325 :     BackgroundWorker *worker = MyBgworkerEntry;
    5603 ECB             : 
    5604                 :     /* XXX is this the right errcode? */
    5605 GIC         325 :     if (!(worker->bgw_flags & BGWORKER_BACKEND_DATABASE_CONNECTION))
    5606 UIC           0 :         ereport(FATAL,
    5607                 :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED),
    5608                 :                  errmsg("database connection requirement not indicated during registration")));
    5609                 : 
    5610 GIC         325 :     InitPostgres(dbname, InvalidOid,    /* database to connect to */
    5611                 :                  username, InvalidOid,  /* role to connect as */
    5612                 :                  false,         /* never honor session_preload_libraries */
    5613             325 :                  (flags & BGWORKER_BYPASS_ALLOWCONN) != 0,  /* ignore datallowconn? */
    5614                 :                  NULL);         /* no out_dbname */
    5615                 : 
    5616                 :     /* it had better not gotten out of "init" mode yet */
    5617             323 :     if (!IsInitProcessingMode())
    5618 UIC           0 :         ereport(ERROR,
    5619                 :                 (errmsg("invalid processing mode in background worker")));
    5620 GIC         323 :     SetProcessingMode(NormalProcessing);
    5621             323 : }
    5622                 : 
    5623                 : /*
    5624                 :  * Connect background worker to a database using OIDs.
    5625                 :  */
    5626                 : void
    5627            1614 : BackgroundWorkerInitializeConnectionByOid(Oid dboid, Oid useroid, uint32 flags)
    5628                 : {
    5629            1614 :     BackgroundWorker *worker = MyBgworkerEntry;
    5630                 : 
    5631                 :     /* XXX is this the right errcode? */
    5632            1614 :     if (!(worker->bgw_flags & BGWORKER_BACKEND_DATABASE_CONNECTION))
    5633 UIC           0 :         ereport(FATAL,
    5634                 :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED),
    5635                 :                  errmsg("database connection requirement not indicated during registration")));
    5636 ECB             : 
    5637 GIC        1614 :     InitPostgres(NULL, dboid,   /* database to connect to */
    5638                 :                  NULL, useroid, /* role to connect as */
    5639                 :                  false,         /* never honor session_preload_libraries */
    5640 CBC        1614 :                  (flags & BGWORKER_BYPASS_ALLOWCONN) != 0,  /* ignore datallowconn? */
    5641                 :                  NULL);         /* no out_dbname */
    5642                 : 
    5643                 :     /* it had better not gotten out of "init" mode yet */
    5644 GIC        1611 :     if (!IsInitProcessingMode())
    5645 UIC           0 :         ereport(ERROR,
    5646                 :                 (errmsg("invalid processing mode in background worker")));
    5647 GIC        1611 :     SetProcessingMode(NormalProcessing);
    5648            1611 : }
    5649                 : 
    5650                 : /*
    5651                 :  * Block/unblock signals in a background worker
    5652 ECB             :  */
    5653                 : void
    5654 UBC           0 : BackgroundWorkerBlockSignals(void)
    5655 EUB             : {
    5656 UNC           0 :     sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &BlockSig, NULL);
    5657 UIC           0 : }
    5658 ECB             : 
    5659                 : void
    5660 GIC        2012 : BackgroundWorkerUnblockSignals(void)
    5661                 : {
    5662 GNC        2012 :     sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &UnBlockSig, NULL);
    5663 GIC        2012 : }
    5664                 : 
    5665 ECB             : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
    5666                 : static pid_t
    5667                 : bgworker_forkexec(int shmem_slot)
    5668 EUB             : {
    5669                 :     char       *av[10];
    5670                 :     int         ac = 0;
    5671                 :     char        forkav[MAXPGPATH];
    5672                 : 
    5673                 :     snprintf(forkav, MAXPGPATH, "--forkbgworker=%d", shmem_slot);
    5674                 : 
    5675                 :     av[ac++] = "postgres";
    5676                 :     av[ac++] = forkav;
    5677                 :     av[ac++] = NULL;            /* filled in by postmaster_forkexec */
    5678                 :     av[ac] = NULL;
    5679                 : 
    5680                 :     Assert(ac < lengthof(av));
    5681                 : 
    5682 ECB             :     return postmaster_forkexec(ac, av);
    5683                 : }
    5684                 : #endif
    5685                 : 
    5686                 : /*
    5687                 :  * Start a new bgworker.
    5688                 :  * Starting time conditions must have been checked already.
    5689                 :  *
    5690                 :  * Returns true on success, false on failure.
    5691                 :  * In either case, update the RegisteredBgWorker's state appropriately.
    5692                 :  *
    5693                 :  * This code is heavily based on autovacuum.c, q.v.
    5694                 :  */
    5695                 : static bool
    5696 GIC        2153 : do_start_bgworker(RegisteredBgWorker *rw)
    5697                 : {
    5698 ECB             :     pid_t       worker_pid;
    5699                 : 
    5700 CBC        2153 :     Assert(rw->rw_pid == 0);
    5701                 : 
    5702 ECB             :     /*
    5703                 :      * Allocate and assign the Backend element.  Note we must do this before
    5704                 :      * forking, so that we can handle failures (out of memory or child-process
    5705                 :      * slots) cleanly.
    5706                 :      *
    5707                 :      * Treat failure as though the worker had crashed.  That way, the
    5708                 :      * postmaster will wait a bit before attempting to start it again; if we
    5709                 :      * tried again right away, most likely we'd find ourselves hitting the
    5710                 :      * same resource-exhaustion condition.
    5711                 :      */
    5712 GIC        2153 :     if (!assign_backendlist_entry(rw))
    5713 ECB             :     {
    5714 UIC           0 :         rw->rw_crashed_at = GetCurrentTimestamp();
    5715               0 :         return false;
    5716                 :     }
    5717 ECB             : 
    5718 GIC        2153 :     ereport(DEBUG1,
    5719                 :             (errmsg_internal("starting background worker process \"%s\"",
    5720 EUB             :                              rw->rw_worker.bgw_name)));
    5721                 : 
    5722                 : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
    5723                 :     switch ((worker_pid = bgworker_forkexec(rw->rw_shmem_slot)))
    5724                 : #else
    5725 GIC        2153 :     switch ((worker_pid = fork_process()))
    5726                 : #endif
    5727                 :     {
    5728 LBC           0 :         case -1:
    5729                 :             /* in postmaster, fork failed ... */
    5730               0 :             ereport(LOG,
    5731                 :                     (errmsg("could not fork worker process: %m")));
    5732 EUB             :             /* undo what assign_backendlist_entry did */
    5733 UIC           0 :             ReleasePostmasterChildSlot(rw->rw_child_slot);
    5734               0 :             rw->rw_child_slot = 0;
    5735               0 :             free(rw->rw_backend);
    5736               0 :             rw->rw_backend = NULL;
    5737                 :             /* mark entry as crashed, so we'll try again later */
    5738 UBC           0 :             rw->rw_crashed_at = GetCurrentTimestamp();
    5739 UIC           0 :             break;
    5740 ECB             : 
    5741                 : #ifndef EXEC_BACKEND
    5742 CBC        1948 :         case 0:
    5743                 :             /* in postmaster child ... */
    5744 GIC        1948 :             InitPostmasterChild();
    5745                 : 
    5746 ECB             :             /* Close the postmaster's sockets */
    5747 CBC        1948 :             ClosePostmasterPorts(false);
    5748                 : 
    5749                 :             /*
    5750                 :              * Before blowing away PostmasterContext, save this bgworker's
    5751                 :              * data where it can find it.
    5752                 :              */
    5753            1948 :             MyBgworkerEntry = (BackgroundWorker *)
    5754 GBC        1948 :                 MemoryContextAlloc(TopMemoryContext, sizeof(BackgroundWorker));
    5755 GIC        1948 :             memcpy(MyBgworkerEntry, &rw->rw_worker, sizeof(BackgroundWorker));
    5756                 : 
    5757                 :             /* Release postmaster's working memory context */
    5758 CBC        1948 :             MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext);
    5759 GIC        1948 :             MemoryContextDelete(PostmasterContext);
    5760            1948 :             PostmasterContext = NULL;
    5761                 : 
    5762            1948 :             StartBackgroundWorker();
    5763                 : 
    5764                 :             exit(1);            /* should not get here */
    5765                 :             break;
    5766                 : #endif
    5767            2153 :         default:
    5768                 :             /* in postmaster, fork successful ... */
    5769            2153 :             rw->rw_pid = worker_pid;
    5770 CBC        2153 :             rw->rw_backend->pid = rw->rw_pid;
    5771 GIC        2153 :             ReportBackgroundWorkerPID(rw);
    5772                 :             /* add new worker to lists of backends */
    5773            2153 :             dlist_push_head(&BackendList, &rw->rw_backend->elem);
    5774                 : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
    5775                 :             ShmemBackendArrayAdd(rw->rw_backend);
    5776                 : #endif
    5777            2153 :             return true;
    5778                 :     }
    5779 ECB             : 
    5780 UIC           0 :     return false;
    5781 EUB             : }
    5782                 : 
    5783                 : /*
    5784                 :  * Does the current postmaster state require starting a worker with the
    5785                 :  * specified start_time?
    5786                 :  */
    5787                 : static bool
    5788 GIC        2864 : bgworker_should_start_now(BgWorkerStartTime start_time)
    5789                 : {
    5790            2864 :     switch (pmState)
    5791                 :     {
    5792 UIC           0 :         case PM_NO_CHILDREN:
    5793 ECB             :         case PM_WAIT_DEAD_END:
    5794                 :         case PM_SHUTDOWN_2:
    5795 EUB             :         case PM_SHUTDOWN:
    5796                 :         case PM_WAIT_BACKENDS:
    5797                 :         case PM_STOP_BACKENDS:
    5798 UBC           0 :             break;
    5799                 : 
    5800 GIC        2153 :         case PM_RUN:
    5801 CBC        2153 :             if (start_time == BgWorkerStart_RecoveryFinished)
    5802             845 :                 return true;
    5803                 :             /* fall through */
    5804 EUB             : 
    5805                 :         case PM_HOT_STANDBY:
    5806 GIC        1422 :             if (start_time == BgWorkerStart_ConsistentState)
    5807 GBC        1308 :                 return true;
    5808                 :             /* fall through */
    5809                 : 
    5810 ECB             :         case PM_RECOVERY:
    5811                 :         case PM_STARTUP:
    5812                 :         case PM_INIT:
    5813 CBC         711 :             if (start_time == BgWorkerStart_PostmasterStart)
    5814 LBC           0 :                 return true;
    5815                 :             /* fall through */
    5816 ECB             :     }
    5817                 : 
    5818 GIC         711 :     return false;
    5819 ECB             : }
    5820                 : 
    5821                 : /*
    5822                 :  * Allocate the Backend struct for a connected background worker, but don't
    5823                 :  * add it to the list of backends just yet.
    5824                 :  *
    5825                 :  * On failure, return false without changing any worker state.
    5826                 :  *
    5827                 :  * Some info from the Backend is copied into the passed rw.
    5828                 :  */
    5829                 : static bool
    5830 GIC        2153 : assign_backendlist_entry(RegisteredBgWorker *rw)
    5831                 : {
    5832                 :     Backend    *bn;
    5833                 : 
    5834 ECB             :     /*
    5835                 :      * Check that database state allows another connection.  Currently the
    5836                 :      * only possible failure is CAC_TOOMANY, so we just log an error message
    5837                 :      * based on that rather than checking the error code precisely.
    5838                 :      */
    5839 GIC        2153 :     if (canAcceptConnections(BACKEND_TYPE_BGWORKER) != CAC_OK)
    5840                 :     {
    5841 UIC           0 :         ereport(LOG,
    5842                 :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_CONFIGURATION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED),
    5843                 :                  errmsg("no slot available for new worker process")));
    5844               0 :         return false;
    5845 ECB             :     }
    5846                 : 
    5847                 :     /*
    5848                 :      * Compute the cancel key that will be assigned to this session. We
    5849                 :      * probably don't need cancel keys for background workers, but we'd better
    5850                 :      * have something random in the field to prevent unfriendly people from
    5851                 :      * sending cancels to them.
    5852                 :      */
    5853 CBC        2153 :     if (!RandomCancelKey(&MyCancelKey))
    5854 ECB             :     {
    5855 UIC           0 :         ereport(LOG,
    5856 ECB             :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_INTERNAL_ERROR),
    5857                 :                  errmsg("could not generate random cancel key")));
    5858 UIC           0 :         return false;
    5859                 :     }
    5860 ECB             : 
    5861 GIC        2153 :     bn = malloc(sizeof(Backend));
    5862            2153 :     if (bn == NULL)
    5863 ECB             :     {
    5864 LBC           0 :         ereport(LOG,
    5865                 :                 (errcode(ERRCODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY),
    5866                 :                  errmsg("out of memory")));
    5867               0 :         return false;
    5868                 :     }
    5869 EUB             : 
    5870 GBC        2153 :     bn->cancel_key = MyCancelKey;
    5871 GIC        2153 :     bn->child_slot = MyPMChildSlot = AssignPostmasterChildSlot();
    5872            2153 :     bn->bkend_type = BACKEND_TYPE_BGWORKER;
    5873            2153 :     bn->dead_end = false;
    5874            2153 :     bn->bgworker_notify = false;
    5875                 : 
    5876            2153 :     rw->rw_backend = bn;
    5877            2153 :     rw->rw_child_slot = bn->child_slot;
    5878                 : 
    5879            2153 :     return true;
    5880 ECB             : }
    5881                 : 
    5882                 : /*
    5883                 :  * If the time is right, start background worker(s).
    5884                 :  *
    5885                 :  * As a side effect, the bgworker control variables are set or reset
    5886                 :  * depending on whether more workers may need to be started.
    5887                 :  *
    5888                 :  * We limit the number of workers started per call, to avoid consuming the
    5889                 :  * postmaster's attention for too long when many such requests are pending.
    5890                 :  * As long as StartWorkerNeeded is true, ServerLoop will not block and will
    5891                 :  * call this function again after dealing with any other issues.
    5892                 :  */
    5893                 : static void
    5894 CBC        5063 : maybe_start_bgworkers(void)
    5895                 : {
    5896                 : #define MAX_BGWORKERS_TO_LAUNCH 100
    5897 GIC        5063 :     int         num_launched = 0;
    5898 CBC        5063 :     TimestampTz now = 0;
    5899 ECB             :     slist_mutable_iter iter;
    5900                 : 
    5901                 :     /*
    5902                 :      * During crash recovery, we have no need to be called until the state
    5903                 :      * transition out of recovery.
    5904                 :      */
    5905 CBC        5063 :     if (FatalError)
    5906 ECB             :     {
    5907 GIC           4 :         StartWorkerNeeded = false;
    5908               4 :         HaveCrashedWorker = false;
    5909               4 :         return;
    5910 ECB             :     }
    5911                 : 
    5912                 :     /* Don't need to be called again unless we find a reason for it below */
    5913 CBC        5059 :     StartWorkerNeeded = false;
    5914 GIC        5059 :     HaveCrashedWorker = false;
    5915                 : 
    5916           14440 :     slist_foreach_modify(iter, &BackgroundWorkerList)
    5917                 :     {
    5918                 :         RegisteredBgWorker *rw;
    5919                 : 
    5920            9381 :         rw = slist_container(RegisteredBgWorker, rw_lnode, iter.cur);
    5921                 : 
    5922                 :         /* ignore if already running */
    5923            9381 :         if (rw->rw_pid != 0)
    5924            5230 :             continue;
    5925                 : 
    5926 ECB             :         /* if marked for death, clean up and remove from list */
    5927 GIC        4151 :         if (rw->rw_terminate)
    5928 EUB             :         {
    5929 UBC           0 :             ForgetBackgroundWorker(&iter);
    5930 UIC           0 :             continue;
    5931                 :         }
    5932                 : 
    5933                 :         /*
    5934                 :          * If this worker has crashed previously, maybe it needs to be
    5935                 :          * restarted (unless on registration it specified it doesn't want to
    5936                 :          * be restarted at all).  Check how long ago did a crash last happen.
    5937                 :          * If the last crash is too recent, don't start it right away; let it
    5938 ECB             :          * be restarted once enough time has passed.
    5939                 :          */
    5940 GBC        4151 :         if (rw->rw_crashed_at != 0)
    5941 EUB             :         {
    5942 GIC        1287 :             if (rw->rw_worker.bgw_restart_time == BGW_NEVER_RESTART)
    5943               6 :             {
    5944                 :                 int         notify_pid;
    5945                 : 
    5946               6 :                 notify_pid = rw->rw_worker.bgw_notify_pid;
    5947                 : 
    5948               6 :                 ForgetBackgroundWorker(&iter);
    5949                 : 
    5950                 :                 /* Report worker is gone now. */
    5951               6 :                 if (notify_pid != 0)
    5952               6 :                     kill(notify_pid, SIGUSR1);
    5953 ECB             : 
    5954 GIC           6 :                 continue;
    5955                 :             }
    5956                 : 
    5957                 :             /* read system time only when needed */
    5958 CBC        1281 :             if (now == 0)
    5959 GIC        1281 :                 now = GetCurrentTimestamp();
    5960 ECB             : 
    5961 CBC        1281 :             if (!TimestampDifferenceExceeds(rw->rw_crashed_at, now,
    5962 GIC        1281 :                                             rw->rw_worker.bgw_restart_time * 1000))
    5963 ECB             :             {
    5964                 :                 /* Set flag to remember that we have workers to start later */
    5965 GIC        1281 :                 HaveCrashedWorker = true;
    5966            1281 :                 continue;
    5967 EUB             :             }
    5968                 :         }
    5969                 : 
    5970 GIC        2864 :         if (bgworker_should_start_now(rw->rw_worker.bgw_start_time))
    5971                 :         {
    5972                 :             /* reset crash time before trying to start worker */
    5973            2153 :             rw->rw_crashed_at = 0;
    5974                 : 
    5975                 :             /*
    5976                 :              * Try to start the worker.
    5977                 :              *
    5978                 :              * On failure, give up processing workers for now, but set
    5979                 :              * StartWorkerNeeded so we'll come back here on the next iteration
    5980                 :              * of ServerLoop to try again.  (We don't want to wait, because
    5981                 :              * there might be additional ready-to-run workers.)  We could set
    5982                 :              * HaveCrashedWorker as well, since this worker is now marked
    5983                 :              * crashed, but there's no need because the next run of this
    5984                 :              * function will do that.
    5985                 :              */
    5986            2153 :             if (!do_start_bgworker(rw))
    5987                 :             {
    5988 UIC           0 :                 StartWorkerNeeded = true;
    5989               0 :                 return;
    5990                 :             }
    5991                 : 
    5992                 :             /*
    5993                 :              * If we've launched as many workers as allowed, quit, but have
    5994                 :              * ServerLoop call us again to look for additional ready-to-run
    5995                 :              * workers.  There might not be any, but we'll find out the next
    5996                 :              * time we run.
    5997                 :              */
    5998 GIC        2153 :             if (++num_launched >= MAX_BGWORKERS_TO_LAUNCH)
    5999                 :             {
    6000 UIC           0 :                 StartWorkerNeeded = true;
    6001               0 :                 return;
    6002                 :             }
    6003                 :         }
    6004                 :     }
    6005                 : }
    6006                 : 
    6007                 : /*
    6008                 :  * When a backend asks to be notified about worker state changes, we
    6009                 :  * set a flag in its backend entry.  The background worker machinery needs
    6010                 :  * to know when such backends exit.
    6011                 :  */
    6012                 : bool
    6013 GIC        1631 : PostmasterMarkPIDForWorkerNotify(int pid)
    6014                 : {
    6015                 :     dlist_iter  iter;
    6016                 :     Backend    *bp;
    6017                 : 
    6018            3838 :     dlist_foreach(iter, &BackendList)
    6019                 :     {
    6020            3838 :         bp = dlist_container(Backend, elem, iter.cur);
    6021            3838 :         if (bp->pid == pid)
    6022                 :         {
    6023            1631 :             bp->bgworker_notify = true;
    6024            1631 :             return true;
    6025                 :         }
    6026                 :     }
    6027 UIC           0 :     return false;
    6028                 : }
    6029                 : 
    6030                 : #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
    6031                 : 
    6032                 : /*
    6033                 :  * The following need to be available to the save/restore_backend_variables
    6034                 :  * functions.  They are marked NON_EXEC_STATIC in their home modules.
    6035                 :  */
    6036                 : extern slock_t *ShmemLock;
    6037                 : extern slock_t *ProcStructLock;
    6038                 : extern PGPROC *AuxiliaryProcs;
    6039                 : extern PMSignalData *PMSignalState;
    6040                 : extern pg_time_t first_syslogger_file_time;
    6041                 : 
    6042                 : #ifndef WIN32
    6043                 : #define write_inheritable_socket(dest, src, childpid) ((*(dest) = (src)), true)
    6044                 : #define read_inheritable_socket(dest, src) (*(dest) = *(src))
    6045                 : #else
    6046                 : static bool write_duplicated_handle(HANDLE *dest, HANDLE src, HANDLE child);
    6047                 : static bool write_inheritable_socket(InheritableSocket *dest, SOCKET src,
    6048                 :                                      pid_t childPid);
    6049                 : static void read_inheritable_socket(SOCKET *dest, InheritableSocket *src);
    6050                 : #endif
    6051                 : 
    6052                 : 
    6053                 : /* Save critical backend variables into the BackendParameters struct */
    6054                 : #ifndef WIN32
    6055                 : static bool
    6056                 : save_backend_variables(BackendParameters *param, Port *port)
    6057                 : #else
    6058                 : static bool
    6059                 : save_backend_variables(BackendParameters *param, Port *port,
    6060                 :                        HANDLE childProcess, pid_t childPid)
    6061                 : #endif
    6062                 : {
    6063                 :     memcpy(&param->port, port, sizeof(Port));
    6064                 :     if (!write_inheritable_socket(&param->portsocket, port->sock, childPid))
    6065                 :         return false;
    6066                 : 
    6067                 :     strlcpy(param->DataDir, DataDir, MAXPGPATH);
    6068                 : 
    6069                 :     memcpy(&param->ListenSocket, &ListenSocket, sizeof(ListenSocket));
    6070                 : 
    6071                 :     param->MyCancelKey = MyCancelKey;
    6072                 :     param->MyPMChildSlot = MyPMChildSlot;
    6073                 : 
    6074                 : #ifdef WIN32
    6075                 :     param->ShmemProtectiveRegion = ShmemProtectiveRegion;
    6076                 : #endif
    6077                 :     param->UsedShmemSegID = UsedShmemSegID;
    6078                 :     param->UsedShmemSegAddr = UsedShmemSegAddr;
    6079                 : 
    6080                 :     param->ShmemLock = ShmemLock;
    6081                 :     param->ShmemVariableCache = ShmemVariableCache;
    6082                 :     param->ShmemBackendArray = ShmemBackendArray;
    6083                 : 
    6084                 : #ifndef HAVE_SPINLOCKS
    6085                 :     param->SpinlockSemaArray = SpinlockSemaArray;
    6086                 : #endif
    6087                 :     param->NamedLWLockTrancheRequests = NamedLWLockTrancheRequests;
    6088                 :     param->NamedLWLockTrancheArray = NamedLWLockTrancheArray;
    6089                 :     param->MainLWLockArray = MainLWLockArray;
    6090                 :     param->ProcStructLock = ProcStructLock;
    6091                 :     param->ProcGlobal = ProcGlobal;
    6092                 :     param->AuxiliaryProcs = AuxiliaryProcs;
    6093                 :     param->PreparedXactProcs = PreparedXactProcs;
    6094                 :     param->PMSignalState = PMSignalState;
    6095                 : 
    6096                 :     param->PostmasterPid = PostmasterPid;
    6097                 :     param->PgStartTime = PgStartTime;
    6098                 :     param->PgReloadTime = PgReloadTime;
    6099                 :     param->first_syslogger_file_time = first_syslogger_file_time;
    6100                 : 
    6101                 :     param->redirection_done = redirection_done;
    6102                 :     param->IsBinaryUpgrade = IsBinaryUpgrade;
    6103                 :     param->query_id_enabled = query_id_enabled;
    6104                 :     param->max_safe_fds = max_safe_fds;
    6105                 : 
    6106                 :     param->MaxBackends = MaxBackends;
    6107                 : 
    6108                 : #ifdef WIN32
    6109                 :     param->PostmasterHandle = PostmasterHandle;
    6110                 :     if (!write_duplicated_handle(&param->initial_signal_pipe,
    6111                 :                                  pgwin32_create_signal_listener(childPid),
    6112                 :                                  childProcess))
    6113                 :         return false;
    6114                 : #else
    6115                 :     memcpy(&param->postmaster_alive_fds, &postmaster_alive_fds,
    6116                 :            sizeof(postmaster_alive_fds));
    6117                 : #endif
    6118                 : 
    6119                 :     memcpy(&param->syslogPipe, &syslogPipe, sizeof(syslogPipe));
    6120                 : 
    6121                 :     strlcpy(param->my_exec_path, my_exec_path, MAXPGPATH);
    6122                 : 
    6123                 :     strlcpy(param->pkglib_path, pkglib_path, MAXPGPATH);
    6124                 : 
    6125                 :     return true;
    6126                 : }
    6127                 : 
    6128                 : 
    6129                 : #ifdef WIN32
    6130                 : /*
    6131                 :  * Duplicate a handle for usage in a child process, and write the child
    6132                 :  * process instance of the handle to the parameter file.
    6133                 :  */
    6134                 : static bool
    6135                 : write_duplicated_handle(HANDLE *dest, HANDLE src, HANDLE childProcess)
    6136                 : {
    6137                 :     HANDLE      hChild = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
    6138                 : 
    6139                 :     if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(),
    6140                 :                          src,
    6141                 :                          childProcess,
    6142                 :                          &hChild,
    6143                 :                          0,
    6144                 :                          TRUE,
    6145                 :                          DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE | DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS))
    6146                 :     {
    6147                 :         ereport(LOG,
    6148                 :                 (errmsg_internal("could not duplicate handle to be written to backend parameter file: error code %lu",
    6149                 :                                  GetLastError())));
    6150                 :         return false;
    6151                 :     }
    6152                 : 
    6153                 :     *dest = hChild;
    6154                 :     return true;
    6155                 : }
    6156                 : 
    6157                 : /*
    6158                 :  * Duplicate a socket for usage in a child process, and write the resulting
    6159                 :  * structure to the parameter file.
    6160                 :  * This is required because a number of LSPs (Layered Service Providers) very
    6161                 :  * common on Windows (antivirus, firewalls, download managers etc) break
    6162                 :  * straight socket inheritance.
    6163                 :  */
    6164                 : static bool
    6165                 : write_inheritable_socket(InheritableSocket *dest, SOCKET src, pid_t childpid)
    6166                 : {
    6167                 :     dest->origsocket = src;
    6168                 :     if (src != 0 && src != PGINVALID_SOCKET)
    6169                 :     {
    6170                 :         /* Actual socket */
    6171                 :         if (WSADuplicateSocket(src, childpid, &dest->wsainfo) != 0)
    6172                 :         {
    6173                 :             ereport(LOG,
    6174                 :                     (errmsg("could not duplicate socket %d for use in backend: error code %d",
    6175                 :                             (int) src, WSAGetLastError())));
    6176                 :             return false;
    6177                 :         }
    6178                 :     }
    6179                 :     return true;
    6180                 : }
    6181                 : 
    6182                 : /*
    6183                 :  * Read a duplicate socket structure back, and get the socket descriptor.
    6184                 :  */
    6185                 : static void
    6186                 : read_inheritable_socket(SOCKET *dest, InheritableSocket *src)
    6187                 : {
    6188                 :     SOCKET      s;
    6189                 : 
    6190                 :     if (src->origsocket == PGINVALID_SOCKET || src->origsocket == 0)
    6191                 :     {
    6192                 :         /* Not a real socket! */
    6193                 :         *dest = src->origsocket;
    6194                 :     }
    6195                 :     else
    6196                 :     {
    6197                 :         /* Actual socket, so create from structure */
    6198                 :         s = WSASocket(FROM_PROTOCOL_INFO,
    6199                 :                       FROM_PROTOCOL_INFO,
    6200                 :                       FROM_PROTOCOL_INFO,
    6201                 :                       &src->wsainfo,
    6202                 :                       0,
    6203                 :                       0);
    6204                 :         if (s == INVALID_SOCKET)
    6205                 :         {
    6206                 :             write_stderr("could not create inherited socket: error code %d\n",
    6207                 :                          WSAGetLastError());
    6208                 :             exit(1);
    6209                 :         }
    6210                 :         *dest = s;
    6211                 : 
    6212                 :         /*
    6213                 :          * To make sure we don't get two references to the same socket, close
    6214                 :          * the original one. (This would happen when inheritance actually
    6215                 :          * works..
    6216                 :          */
    6217                 :         closesocket(src->origsocket);
    6218                 :     }
    6219                 : }
    6220                 : #endif
    6221                 : 
    6222                 : static void
    6223                 : read_backend_variables(char *id, Port *port)
    6224                 : {
    6225                 :     BackendParameters param;
    6226                 : 
    6227                 : #ifndef WIN32
    6228                 :     /* Non-win32 implementation reads from file */
    6229                 :     FILE       *fp;
    6230                 : 
    6231                 :     /* Open file */
    6232                 :     fp = AllocateFile(id, PG_BINARY_R);
    6233                 :     if (!fp)
    6234                 :     {
    6235                 :         write_stderr("could not open backend variables file \"%s\": %s\n",
    6236                 :                      id, strerror(errno));
    6237                 :         exit(1);
    6238                 :     }
    6239                 : 
    6240                 :     if (fread(&param, sizeof(param), 1, fp) != 1)
    6241                 :     {
    6242                 :         write_stderr("could not read from backend variables file \"%s\": %s\n",
    6243                 :                      id, strerror(errno));
    6244                 :         exit(1);
    6245                 :     }
    6246                 : 
    6247                 :     /* Release file */
    6248                 :     FreeFile(fp);
    6249                 :     if (unlink(id) != 0)
    6250                 :     {
    6251                 :         write_stderr("could not remove file \"%s\": %s\n",
    6252                 :                      id, strerror(errno));
    6253                 :         exit(1);
    6254                 :     }
    6255                 : #else
    6256                 :     /* Win32 version uses mapped file */
    6257                 :     HANDLE      paramHandle;
    6258                 :     BackendParameters *paramp;
    6259                 : 
    6260                 : #ifdef _WIN64
    6261                 :     paramHandle = (HANDLE) _atoi64(id);
    6262                 : #else
    6263                 :     paramHandle = (HANDLE) atol(id);
    6264                 : #endif
    6265                 :     paramp = MapViewOfFile(paramHandle, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
    6266                 :     if (!paramp)
    6267                 :     {
    6268                 :         write_stderr("could not map view of backend variables: error code %lu\n",
    6269                 :                      GetLastError());
    6270                 :         exit(1);
    6271                 :     }
    6272                 : 
    6273                 :     memcpy(&param, paramp, sizeof(BackendParameters));
    6274                 : 
    6275                 :     if (!UnmapViewOfFile(paramp))
    6276                 :     {
    6277                 :         write_stderr("could not unmap view of backend variables: error code %lu\n",
    6278                 :                      GetLastError());
    6279                 :         exit(1);
    6280                 :     }
    6281                 : 
    6282                 :     if (!CloseHandle(paramHandle))
    6283                 :     {
    6284                 :         write_stderr("could not close handle to backend parameter variables: error code %lu\n",
    6285                 :                      GetLastError());
    6286                 :         exit(1);
    6287                 :     }
    6288                 : #endif
    6289                 : 
    6290                 :     restore_backend_variables(&param, port);
    6291                 : }
    6292                 : 
    6293                 : /* Restore critical backend variables from the BackendParameters struct */
    6294                 : static void
    6295                 : restore_backend_variables(BackendParameters *param, Port *port)
    6296                 : {
    6297                 :     memcpy(port, &param->port, sizeof(Port));
    6298                 :     read_inheritable_socket(&port->sock, &param->portsocket);
    6299                 : 
    6300                 :     SetDataDir(param->DataDir);
    6301                 : 
    6302                 :     memcpy(&ListenSocket, &param->ListenSocket, sizeof(ListenSocket));
    6303                 : 
    6304                 :     MyCancelKey = param->MyCancelKey;
    6305                 :     MyPMChildSlot = param->MyPMChildSlot;
    6306                 : 
    6307                 : #ifdef WIN32
    6308                 :     ShmemProtectiveRegion = param->ShmemProtectiveRegion;
    6309                 : #endif
    6310                 :     UsedShmemSegID = param->UsedShmemSegID;
    6311                 :     UsedShmemSegAddr = param->UsedShmemSegAddr;
    6312                 : 
    6313                 :     ShmemLock = param->ShmemLock;
    6314                 :     ShmemVariableCache = param->ShmemVariableCache;
    6315                 :     ShmemBackendArray = param->ShmemBackendArray;
    6316                 : 
    6317                 : #ifndef HAVE_SPINLOCKS
    6318                 :     SpinlockSemaArray = param->SpinlockSemaArray;
    6319                 : #endif
    6320                 :     NamedLWLockTrancheRequests = param->NamedLWLockTrancheRequests;
    6321                 :     NamedLWLockTrancheArray = param->NamedLWLockTrancheArray;
    6322                 :     MainLWLockArray = param->MainLWLockArray;
    6323                 :     ProcStructLock = param->ProcStructLock;
    6324                 :     ProcGlobal = param->ProcGlobal;
    6325                 :     AuxiliaryProcs = param->AuxiliaryProcs;
    6326                 :     PreparedXactProcs = param->PreparedXactProcs;
    6327                 :     PMSignalState = param->PMSignalState;
    6328                 : 
    6329                 :     PostmasterPid = param->PostmasterPid;
    6330                 :     PgStartTime = param->PgStartTime;
    6331                 :     PgReloadTime = param->PgReloadTime;
    6332                 :     first_syslogger_file_time = param->first_syslogger_file_time;
    6333                 : 
    6334                 :     redirection_done = param->redirection_done;
    6335                 :     IsBinaryUpgrade = param->IsBinaryUpgrade;
    6336                 :     query_id_enabled = param->query_id_enabled;
    6337                 :     max_safe_fds = param->max_safe_fds;
    6338                 : 
    6339                 :     MaxBackends = param->MaxBackends;
    6340                 : 
    6341                 : #ifdef WIN32
    6342                 :     PostmasterHandle = param->PostmasterHandle;
    6343                 :     pgwin32_initial_signal_pipe = param->initial_signal_pipe;
    6344                 : #else
    6345                 :     memcpy(&postmaster_alive_fds, &param->postmaster_alive_fds,
    6346                 :            sizeof(postmaster_alive_fds));
    6347                 : #endif
    6348                 : 
    6349                 :     memcpy(&syslogPipe, &param->syslogPipe, sizeof(syslogPipe));
    6350                 : 
    6351                 :     strlcpy(my_exec_path, param->my_exec_path, MAXPGPATH);
    6352                 : 
    6353                 :     strlcpy(pkglib_path, param->pkglib_path, MAXPGPATH);
    6354                 : 
    6355                 :     /*
    6356                 :      * We need to restore fd.c's counts of externally-opened FDs; to avoid
    6357                 :      * confusion, be sure to do this after restoring max_safe_fds.  (Note:
    6358                 :      * BackendInitialize will handle this for port->sock.)
    6359                 :      */
    6360                 : #ifndef WIN32
    6361                 :     if (postmaster_alive_fds[0] >= 0)
    6362                 :         ReserveExternalFD();
    6363                 :     if (postmaster_alive_fds[1] >= 0)
    6364                 :         ReserveExternalFD();
    6365                 : #endif
    6366                 : }
    6367                 : 
    6368                 : 
    6369                 : Size
    6370                 : ShmemBackendArraySize(void)
    6371                 : {
    6372                 :     return mul_size(MaxLivePostmasterChildren(), sizeof(Backend));
    6373                 : }
    6374                 : 
    6375                 : void
    6376                 : ShmemBackendArrayAllocation(void)
    6377                 : {
    6378                 :     Size        size = ShmemBackendArraySize();
    6379                 : 
    6380                 :     ShmemBackendArray = (Backend *) ShmemAlloc(size);
    6381                 :     /* Mark all slots as empty */
    6382                 :     memset(ShmemBackendArray, 0, size);
    6383                 : }
    6384                 : 
    6385                 : static void
    6386                 : ShmemBackendArrayAdd(Backend *bn)
    6387                 : {
    6388                 :     /* The array slot corresponding to my PMChildSlot should be free */
    6389                 :     int         i = bn->child_slot - 1;
    6390                 : 
    6391                 :     Assert(ShmemBackendArray[i].pid == 0);
    6392                 :     ShmemBackendArray[i] = *bn;
    6393                 : }
    6394                 : 
    6395                 : static void
    6396                 : ShmemBackendArrayRemove(Backend *bn)
    6397                 : {
    6398                 :     int         i = bn->child_slot - 1;
    6399                 : 
    6400                 :     Assert(ShmemBackendArray[i].pid == bn->pid);
    6401                 :     /* Mark the slot as empty */
    6402                 :     ShmemBackendArray[i].pid = 0;
    6403                 : }
    6404                 : #endif                          /* EXEC_BACKEND */
    6405                 : 
    6406                 : 
    6407                 : #ifdef WIN32
    6408                 : 
    6409                 : /*
    6410                 :  * Subset implementation of waitpid() for Windows.  We assume pid is -1
    6411                 :  * (that is, check all child processes) and options is WNOHANG (don't wait).
    6412                 :  */
    6413                 : static pid_t
    6414                 : waitpid(pid_t pid, int *exitstatus, int options)
    6415                 : {
    6416                 :     win32_deadchild_waitinfo *childinfo;
    6417                 :     DWORD       exitcode;
    6418                 :     DWORD       dwd;
    6419                 :     ULONG_PTR   key;
    6420                 :     OVERLAPPED *ovl;
    6421                 : 
    6422                 :     /* Try to consume one win32_deadchild_waitinfo from the queue. */
    6423                 :     if (!GetQueuedCompletionStatus(win32ChildQueue, &dwd, &key, &ovl, 0))
    6424                 :     {
    6425                 :         errno = EAGAIN;
    6426                 :         return -1;
    6427                 :     }
    6428                 : 
    6429                 :     childinfo = (win32_deadchild_waitinfo *) key;
    6430                 :     pid = childinfo->procId;
    6431                 : 
    6432                 :     /*
    6433                 :      * Remove handle from wait - required even though it's set to wait only
    6434                 :      * once
    6435                 :      */
    6436                 :     UnregisterWaitEx(childinfo->waitHandle, NULL);
    6437                 : 
    6438                 :     if (!GetExitCodeProcess(childinfo->procHandle, &exitcode))
    6439 ECB             :     {
    6440                 :         /*
    6441                 :          * Should never happen. Inform user and set a fixed exitcode.
    6442                 :          */
    6443                 :         write_stderr("could not read exit code for process\n");
    6444                 :         exitcode = 255;
    6445                 :     }
    6446                 :     *exitstatus = exitcode;
    6447                 : 
    6448                 :     /*
    6449                 :      * Close the process handle.  Only after this point can the PID can be
    6450                 :      * recycled by the kernel.
    6451                 :      */
    6452                 :     CloseHandle(childinfo->procHandle);
    6453                 : 
    6454 EUB             :     /*
    6455                 :      * Free struct that was allocated before the call to
    6456                 :      * RegisterWaitForSingleObject()
    6457                 :      */
    6458                 :     pfree(childinfo);
    6459 ECB             : 
    6460                 :     return pid;
    6461                 : }
    6462                 : 
    6463                 : /*
    6464                 :  * Note! Code below executes on a thread pool! All operations must
    6465                 :  * be thread safe! Note that elog() and friends must *not* be used.
    6466                 :  */
    6467 EUB             : static void WINAPI
    6468                 : pgwin32_deadchild_callback(PVOID lpParameter, BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired)
    6469                 : {
    6470                 :     /* Should never happen, since we use INFINITE as timeout value. */
    6471                 :     if (TimerOrWaitFired)
    6472                 :         return;
    6473                 : 
    6474                 :     /*
    6475                 :      * Post the win32_deadchild_waitinfo object for waitpid() to deal with. If
    6476                 :      * that fails, we leak the object, but we also leak a whole process and
    6477                 :      * get into an unrecoverable state, so there's not much point in worrying
    6478                 :      * about that.  We'd like to panic, but we can't use that infrastructure
    6479                 :      * from this thread.
    6480                 :      */
    6481                 :     if (!PostQueuedCompletionStatus(win32ChildQueue,
    6482                 :                                     0,
    6483                 :                                     (ULONG_PTR) lpParameter,
    6484                 :                                     NULL))
    6485                 :         write_stderr("could not post child completion status\n");
    6486 ECB             : 
    6487                 :     /* Queue SIGCHLD signal. */
    6488                 :     pg_queue_signal(SIGCHLD);
    6489                 : }
    6490                 : #endif                          /* WIN32 */
    6491                 : 
    6492                 : /*
    6493                 :  * Initialize one and only handle for monitoring postmaster death.
    6494                 :  *
    6495                 :  * Called once in the postmaster, so that child processes can subsequently
    6496                 :  * monitor if their parent is dead.
    6497                 :  */
    6498                 : static void
    6499 GIC         593 : InitPostmasterDeathWatchHandle(void)
    6500                 : {
    6501                 : #ifndef WIN32
    6502                 : 
    6503                 :     /*
    6504                 :      * Create a pipe. Postmaster holds the write end of the pipe open
    6505                 :      * (POSTMASTER_FD_OWN), and children hold the read end. Children can pass
    6506                 :      * the read file descriptor to select() to wake up in case postmaster
    6507                 :      * dies, or check for postmaster death with a (read() == 0). Children must
    6508                 :      * close the write end as soon as possible after forking, because EOF
    6509                 :      * won't be signaled in the read end until all processes have closed the
    6510                 :      * write fd. That is taken care of in ClosePostmasterPorts().
    6511                 :      */
    6512             593 :     Assert(MyProcPid == PostmasterPid);
    6513             593 :     if (pipe(postmaster_alive_fds) < 0)
    6514 UIC           0 :         ereport(FATAL,
    6515                 :                 (errcode_for_file_access(),
    6516                 :                  errmsg_internal("could not create pipe to monitor postmaster death: %m")));
    6517                 : 
    6518                 :     /* Notify fd.c that we've eaten two FDs for the pipe. */
    6519 GIC         593 :     ReserveExternalFD();
    6520             593 :     ReserveExternalFD();
    6521                 : 
    6522                 :     /*
    6523                 :      * Set O_NONBLOCK to allow testing for the fd's presence with a read()
    6524                 :      * call.
    6525                 :      */
    6526             593 :     if (fcntl(postmaster_alive_fds[POSTMASTER_FD_WATCH], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == -1)
    6527 UIC           0 :         ereport(FATAL,
    6528                 :                 (errcode_for_socket_access(),
    6529                 :                  errmsg_internal("could not set postmaster death monitoring pipe to nonblocking mode: %m")));
    6530                 : #else
    6531                 : 
    6532                 :     /*
    6533                 :      * On Windows, we use a process handle for the same purpose.
    6534                 :      */
    6535                 :     if (DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(),
    6536                 :                         GetCurrentProcess(),
    6537                 :                         GetCurrentProcess(),
    6538                 :                         &PostmasterHandle,
    6539                 :                         0,
    6540                 :                         TRUE,
    6541                 :                         DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) == 0)
    6542                 :         ereport(FATAL,
    6543                 :                 (errmsg_internal("could not duplicate postmaster handle: error code %lu",
    6544                 :                                  GetLastError())));
    6545                 : #endif                          /* WIN32 */
    6546 GIC         593 : }

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